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Ol'    TIIK 

V   '    .   '-7 








A.D.  1330—1334. 





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Phepack    -  .  ^"K*" 



Calendar  - 


-    080 

U     65658.     Wt.  20000. 

n   2 


Thb  present  volume  forms  part  of  a  series  of  Calendars  of 
the  Patent  Rolls  from  the  reigil  of  Edward  I.  to  that  of 
Henry  VII.,  the  object  and  character  of  which  are  ex- 
plained in  the  Preface  to  the  first  volume  for  the  reign  of 
Edward  III.  (a.d.  1327—1330).  The  text  has  been  pre- 
pared under  my  immediate  supervision  by  Mr.  R.  F. 
Isaacson,  of  the  Public  Record  OflBce.  Mr.  Isaacson  has 
also  compiled  the  Index. 


Bolls  Uousey 

November  1893. 


Page    6,  line 

46,  for  Muuiinesfeld 

read  ManniieHfeld. 

M     5-2, 



„   iteynonchiis  Keynonchi 


Ilcynouchus  Reynoiichi 

„     77, 



„    Ivy  bridge 


Ivy  church. 

„     83, 



„   CliNtoii 



,.  142, 



„   Dendor 



,.  154, 



„   GaiiRclinas 



„   160, 



„    Marein 



M  162. 



„  Tr(«deuclieg 



„  164, 



„   GiinjieUnus 



„  169, 



»»          »* 



.,  183, 



„    Stancleye 



„  198, 



„   Liston 



»  225. 



„    Ilouton 



„  229, 



„   Senior 



„  290, 



„   Skynnaud 



„  801, 



„  Staucloyo 



.,  311. 



„   Glauomrgan 



„  325, 



„   Richard 



„  390, 



.,   Chantoii 



..  458, 



„  Trymuel 



„  467, 



„   Picro 



»  553, 



„  Bouchill 



„  559 



„   Somerford 




1330.  Membrane  A2r^conL 

diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of 
the  land  and  heir  of  Reginald  son  of  Reginald  ;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 
with  William  de  Lutulton.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  for  the  household  of  Edward,  the  king's  son,  of  a  yearly  sum  of 

Nottingham.    500  marks  out  of  the  1,000  marks  paid  by  Oliver  do  Ingham,  justice  of 

Chester,  for  the  farm  of  that  county.  [Fcedera.]     By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  said  Oliver  to  pay  the  same  to  the  keeper  of  the  prince's 


Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  staying  in  England,  has  letters 
nominat'mg  John  de  Frisyngfeld  and  Rc^ur  de  Erdesleye  his  attorneys  in 
Ireland  for  two  years. 

The  said  Roger  has  the  like  nominating  Robert  Poer  and  Roger  de 

The  said  Roger  and  Joan  his  wife  have  the  like  nominating  John  de 
Frisyngfeld  and  Roger  de  Erdesleye. 

The  said  Roger  and  Joan  have  the  like  nominating  Robert  Poer  and 
Roger  de  Erdesleye. 

Protection  with  clause  nohtmus,  for  one  year,  for  Master  John  Waweyn, 

The  like  for  the  following  :— 
WiUiam  de  Wode. 

William  de  Pynkeueye  of  Consynton. 
Eatherine  late  the  wife  of  Walter  de  Harum. 

Thomas  de  Cresacre,  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Edmund  the  king  at 
the  foot  of  Doncaster  Bridge. 

Sept.  13.  Declaration  that,  in  the  late  grant  to  B<^er  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of 
Nottingham.  March,  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  late  of  Edmund  earl  of  Aiundel, 
in  the  county  of  Salop  and  the  march  of  Wales,  with  the  manor  of  Chepyng 
Norton,  co.  Oxford, — the  manors  of  Trouford  and  Dunham  excepted — it  was 
the  king's  intention  that  the  said  Roger  should  hold  the  same  as  fully  as 
the  said  Edmund  held  them,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons^  free  customs 
and  reversions,  as  well  as  with  hundreds,  fairs,  markets,  chases,  parks, 
woods,  forests,  warrens,  purprestures,  royalties  and  other  appurtenances. 

By  p.  s. 

Mmmbbanm  41. 

Aug.  24.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Giles,  son  and  heir  of  Bartholomew 
Lincoln.       de  Badclesmere,  of  letters  patent,  dated  12  August,  9  Edward  II.,  being  a 

grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew  of  free  warren  in  his  demesne  lands  specified 

in  the  patent. 

Sept.  12.         Pardon  to  Alexander  le  Walays  for  the  death  of  Patrick  del  Tunge  ;  as  it 
l^ottingham.   appears  by  the  record  of  Edmund  de  Nevill  and  other  justices  appointed  to 
deliver  Lancaster  gaol  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Aug.  24.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Giles^  son  tokd  heii*  of  Bartholomew  do 
Lincoln.      Badelesmere,  of  letters  patent,  dated  2  July,  7  Edward  II.,  being  a  pardon 

to  the  said  Bartholomew  for  acquiring  in  fee,  without  licence,  the  manors  of 

Sonynden,  Hamelden  and  Thakstede,  held  in  chief. 
The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  I  December,  12  Edward  II.,  being  a 

grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  in  fee,  of  the  manor  of  Ulnedale. 

Au^.  20.         The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  16  February,  6  Edward  IL,  being  a 
Heckington.    licence  for  Thomas  le  FitzBernard  to  grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  in 
fee,  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Thunderle,  co.  Essex,  held  in  chief,  and 
for  him  to  regrant  the  same  to  Thomas  for  life. 




4  EDWARD  III.— Paht  II. 

1330.  Mbmbranb  42. 

Aug.  25.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Margaret  late  the  wife,  and  Giles  the 
Lincoln.       son  and  heir,  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  of  letters  patent,  dated  6 
October,  8  Edward  II.,  being  a  grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  Margaret 
and  the  heirs  of  Bartholomew,  of  the  manor  of  Ljsnes,  co.  Kent. 

Sept.  15.         Safe  conduct,  for  one  year,  for  Roger  de  Medfeld,  butler  of  Elizabeth 
Kottingham.   de  Burgo,  sent  by  her  to  the  duchy  [or  Aquitaine]  to  buy  wine. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  until  the  work  is  finished  for  Adam  de 
Quenby,  hermit  of  the  chapel  of  St.  Helen,  Shupton,  while  seeking  means 
of  carriage  and  alms  to  enable  him  to  make  a  safe  way  in  the  forest  of 
Galtres  at  a  place  called  les  Polles  where  many  accidents  have  occurred  by 
reason  of  the  depth  of  the  ways. 

Sept.  13.         Licence  for  Richard  Cogan,  knight,  to  enfeoff  William   de  Langeleye, 

Nottingham,   clerk,  and  William  Sender  of  the  manor  of  Hunspille,  co.  Somerset,  with 

the  advowson  of  the  church  and  the  knights'  fees  belonging  to  the  same, 

held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  re-grant  the  same  to  the  said  Richard,  Mary 

his  wife  and  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Sept  II.  Grant  to  Hugh  de  Atterton  and  Roger  de  Tynneslewe  of  the  custody  of 

Kottingham.   the  hays  of  Billehagh  and  Berkeland   in  Shirewode  Forest,  during  their 

lives.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  20.         Exemplification   of  letters  patent,  dated  20  March,  4  Edward  II.,  being 
Heckington.    a  pardon  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  son  and  heir  of  Guncelin  de 
Badelesmere,  of  1,000  marks  due  to  the  king. 

Aug.  24.         The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  15th  November,  14  Edward  II.,  being 
Lincoln.       a  grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew  of  what  was  due  to  the  king  by  reason 

of  wastes  committed  by  John  de  Wendale  in  the  manor  of  Laghton,  co. 


Aug.  25.         The  like,  at  the  request  of  Margaret  late  the  wife,  and  Giles  the  son  and 

Lincoln.       heir,  of  the  said   Bartholomew,   of    letters    patent   dated  8  August,    14 

Edward  II.,  being  an  inspeaimus  of  a  release  by  Matthew  de  Monte  Martini, 

knight,  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  Margaret  his  wife  and  his  heirs  and  assigns, 

of  all  right  in  the  manor  of  Bourne,  co.  Sussex. 

Aug.  24.         Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  3  August,  1 1  Edward  U.,  being  a 
lincobi.      grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew  of  4,000  marks  in  four  years  out  of  the  first 
fruits  of  void  benefices,  or  from  other  issues  if  these  fall  short  of  that  sum. 

Sept.  12.         Simple  protection  until  Christnuus  for  Master  Robert  de  Wambergge. 

Sept.  12.         Presentation  of  William  de  Clopcote,  or  Clopton,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Vtfttmgliam.   Ofculm,  in  the  diocese  of  Exeter,  to  the  church  of  Shipton  Malet,  in  the 


U     65658.         400.— 7/91.     Wt.  S0090. 


1330.  Membratie  42 — cont. 

diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of 
the  land  and  heir  of  Reginald  son  of  Reginald  ;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 
with  William  de  Lutulton.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.         Grant  for  the  household  of  Edward,  the  king's  son,  of  a  yearly  sum  of 

NottiDgbam.    500  marks  out  of  the  1,000  marks  paid  by  Oliver  de  Ingham,  justice  of 

Chester,  for  the  farm  of  that  county.  [Fcedera.]     By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  said  Oliver  to  pay  the  same  to  the  keeper  of  the  prince's 


Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  staying  in  England,  has  letters 
nominatuig  John  de  Frisyngfeld  and  Rc^er  die  Erdesleye  his  attorneys  in 
Ireland  for  two  years. 

The  said  Roger  has  the  like  nominating  Robert  Poer  and  lioger  de 

The  said  Roger  and  Joan  his  wife  have  the  like  nominating  John  de 
Frisyngfeld  and  Roger  de  Erdesleye. 

The  said  Roger  and  Joan  have  the  like  nominating  Robert  Poer  and 
Roger  de  Erdesleye. 

Protection  with  clause  nohtmits,  for  one  year,  for  Master  John  Waweyn, 

The  like  for  the  following  :— 
WiUiam  de  Wode. 

William  de  Pynkeneye  of  Consynton. 
Eatherine  late  the  wife  of  Walter  de  Harum. 

Thomas  de  Cresacre,  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Edmund  the  king  at 
the  foot  of  Doncaster  Bridge. 

Sept.  13.  Declaration  that,  in  the  late  grant  to  B<^er  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of 
Nottmgham.  March,  of  the  castles,  manors  and  lands  late  of  Edmund  earl  of  Arundel, 
in  the  county  of  Salop  and  the  march  of  Wales,  with  the  manor  of  Chepjng 
Norton,  co.  Oxford, — the  manors  of  Trouford  and  Dunham  excepted — it  was 
the  king's  intention  that  the  said  Roger  should  hold  the  same  as  fully  as 
the  said  Edmund  held  them,  with  knights'  fees,  advowsons^  free  customs 
and  reversions,  as  well  as  with  hundreds,  fairs,  markets,  chases,  parks, 
woods,  forests,  waiTens,  purprestures,  royalties  and  other  appurtenances. 

By  p.  s. 

Mmmbbanm  41. 

Aug.  24.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Giles,  son  and  heir  of  Bartholomew  J 

Lincoln.       de  Badclesinere,  of  letters  patent,  dated  12  August,  9  Edward  IL,  being  a  ' 

grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew  of  free  warren  in  his  demesne  lands  specified 
in  the  patent. 

Sept.  12.         Pardon  to  Alexander  le  Walays  for  the  death  of  Patrick  del  Tunge ;  as  it  J 

Nottingham,  appears  by  the  record  of  Edmund  de  Nevill  and  other  justices  appointed  to 
deliver  Lancaster  gaol  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Aug.  24.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Giles^  son  and  heir  of  Bartholomew  de 
Lincoln.       Badelesmere,  of  letters  patent,  dated  2  July,  7  Edward  II.,  being  a  pardon 

to  the  said  Bartholomew  for  acquiring  in  fee,  without  licence,  the  manors  of 

Sonynden,  Hamelden  and  Thakstede,  held  in  chief. 
The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  1  December,  12  Edward  II.,  being  a 

grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  in  fee,  of  the  manor  of  Ulnedale. 

Aug.  20.         The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  16  February,  6  Edward  IL,  being  a 
HeckjDgton.    licence  for  Thomas  le  FitzBernard  to  grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew,  in 
foe,  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Thunderle,  co.  Essex,  held  in  chief,  and 
for  him  to  regrant  the  same  to  Thomas  for  life. 

4  EDWARD  III.—Part  II. 

Aug.  24. 


Membrane  41 — conU 

Aug.  20.         Exerapliflcation  of  letters  patent,  dated  18  May,  13  Edward  IL,  lx»ing  a 
Heckmgton.    licence  for  the  said  Bartholomew  to  found  a  religious  house  in  his  manor  of 
Badelesmere,  co.  Kent. 

The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  3  July,  8  Edward  II.,  being  a  grant  to 
the  said  Bartholomew  that  after  his  death  his  executors  should  have  free 
administration  of  his  goods  subject  to  at  yearly  payment  of  20  marks  at  the 
Exchequer  now  made  in  discharge  of  his  debts  being  continue<l. 

Sept.  16.         Remission   in  frank  almoin  to  the  prior  and  co&vent  of  Newstcad  in 

Nottingham.   Shirewode,  in  consideration   of  their  poverty,  of  the  rent  of  4/.  payable 

for  180  acres  of  waste  land  within   the  hay  of   Lyndeby  in  Shirewode 

Forest  granted  to  them  by  Edward  I.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  Hugh  de  Cokeseye  for  acquiring  in  fee  from  John  Biset  a 
messuage,  10  acres  of  meadow,  a  moiety  of  a  virgate  of  land  and  of  a  rent, 
and  the  services  of  John  Smalbrok,  a  bondman,  within  the  manor  of 
Kyderminstre,  held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and 
licence  for  him  to  retain  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  19. 

Sept.  16. 

Sept.  25. 

Sept.  23. 

Sept  22. 

Sept.  25. 

Sept  24. 

Exemption  for  life  of  John  de  Wlieluethan  from  being  put  on  assizes, 
juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or 
other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  wilL  By  p.s. 

William  Trussell  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service  has  letters 
nominating  Thomas  Tmssell  and  Edmund  Trussell  his  attorneys  in  England 
until  Easter. 

Protection  with  clause  volumu9,  for  the  same  time,  for  the  said  William. 


Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain 
by  Adam  de  Colewell,  chaplain,  to  the  prior  and  Austin  Friars  at  New- 
castle-upon-Tyne of  3^  roods  of  land  a^jbining  their  dwelling  place,  for  the 
enlai'gement  of  the  same ;  on  condition  that  in  such  enlargement  sufficient 
spac49  be  left  between  the  dwelling  place  and  the  wall  of  the  town  for  the 
mayor  and  commonalty  to  ride  for  custody  and  defence  of  the  town  as 
elsewhere  within  the  wait  It  appears  by  the  inquisition  that  the  land  is 
held  in  chief  by  the  yearly  service  of  3i/.  By  p.s. 

€^nt  to  Hugh  de  TurpliUm,  for  life,  of  the  manor  of  Caldecote  under 
Brouneswold,  co.  Huntingdon,  of  the  yearly  value  of  11/.,  an  escheat  by  the 
forfeiture  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent ;  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  late 
promise  of  the  king  to  provide  him  with  500  marks  in  land  and  rent 

Roger  Rowand  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago  has  letters  nominating 
Alan  de  Leamnes  and  Wdter  de  Pynho  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one 

Hugh  prior  of  Little  Malvern  staying  in  England  has  letters  nominating 
Williun  de  Ettyngton,  one  of  the  monks,  and  John  de  Dymok  his 
aMomeys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Membranb  40. 

Sejpt.  9.  Mandate  to  John  de  Roches,  late  keeper  of  Gemereie,  Jereseye,  Serk, 

Nottwgham.  Aureneye  and  he  adjacent  islands  to  deliver  by  indenture  to  Peter  Bernanl 
de  Pynsole  and  Laurence  du  Ghilars  of  Bayonne  the  said  islands  and  the 
armonr,  victuals  and  other  things  in  the  castles  there,  with  the  issues 
thereof  firom  29  August  last,  the  date  on  which  the  king  appointed  the 
latter  to  the  custody  of  the  same.  By  K.  &  C4 

A  2 


1330.  Membrane  40 — cont. 

Protection   with    clause     nolumussy  for  one   year,   tor   the   keeper  aud 
chaplains  of  the  chapel  of  St.  Peter,  Kirkeby  on  the  Wrethek. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Hugh  son  of  Nicholas  de  Rohliston  and  William  his  brother,  for  one 

Robert  de  Wodehous,  the  Treasurer,  for  one  year. 
John  de  Beaufoi,  for  one  year. 

William  de  Borden,  parson  of  the  church  of  Claxton. 
Ralph  de  Cruml)ewell. 
Alvred  vicar  of  the  church  of  Okhain. 
Robert  de  Wamberge. 
Arnold  Aleman,  merchant,  for  one  year. 
Scolastica  late  the  wife  of  Godfrey  de  Melsa. 

Sept.  1).  John  de  Graunt^^ete  going  to  Ireland  has  letters  nominating  Thomas  de 

Nottingham.   Cotenham  and  Edmund  de  Cantebrigge  his  attorneys  in  England. 

Elizabeth  de  Burgo  &ta\  ing  in  England  has  letters  nominating  Robert  de 
Knaresburgh  and  Henry  de  Cestre  her  attorneys  in  Ireland. 

Sept.  10.         Exemption  for  life  of  Ralph  Beler  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries  or 

Nottingham,   recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or  other 

bailiflT  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  10.         Pardon,  at  the  request  of  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  kinsman, 
Nottingham,   to  John  Bullok  for  the  death  of  Peter  de  Greseleye.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 
William  de  Bronicote. 
John  Chopcok. 
Henry  le  Gaitherd. 
Ralph  de  Leising". 
William  le  Parker. 

Sept.  12.         Writ  of  aid  in  the  counties  of  Lincoln,  York,  Lancaster,  Westmoreland, 

Nottin«rl  urn.    Cumberland  and  Northumberland,  and  in  the  bishopric  of  Durham,  for 

Richard  de   Grymesby    and  Roger    de    Monketon,  goldsmiths  of  York, 

appointed  by  the  mistery  of  Goldsmiths  to  see  that  the  ordinances  made  in 

the  first  year  of  the  reign  are  duly  executed  there.     French, 

[Patent  Roll,  1  Edward  III.,  Part  /.,  Membrane  13.] 

Sept.  9.  Grant  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Lancaster  of  pontage  for  three 

Nottingham,   years  on  wares  passing  over  the  bridge  across  the  river  Lune,  for  the  repair 

of  the  said  bridge.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  12.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Hathelseye,  citizen  of 
Nottingham.  York,  of  two  messuages,  38  acres  of  land,  3  acres  of  meadow,  2$.  in  rent 
and  pasture  for  15  animals,  in  Westhathelseye,  to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate 
divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  Esthathelseye,  or 
in  the  parish  church  of  Birkyn,  should  the  chapel  be  interdicted  or  other- 
wise annulled,  for  the  good  estate  of  the  said  John  and  Emma  his  wife, 
and  of  Nicholas  de  Stapelton,  knight,  in  life,  for  their  souls,  after  death, 
and  for  the  souls  of  their  fathers,  mothers,  ancestors  and  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  1 1.         Coufirniatioji  of  a  grant  by  queen  Isabella  to  Almaricus  la  Zousche,  for 

Nottingham,    service  to  the  king,  to  queen  Philippa  and  to  herself,  of  the  custody  of 

Whitelwode  Forest,  which  she  holds  by  grant  from  the  king,  to  hold,  for 

life,  in  like  manner  as  Richard  Dammary,  deceased,  held  the  same.     By  p.8. 

April  30.        Licence  for  the  abbot  and   convent  of  Eynesham   to  appropriate  the 

Woodstock,    church  of  Tettebury,   in   the  diocese  of  Worcester,  which   is    of  their 

ndvowson.  By  p,8. 

4  EDWARD  111.— Part  II. 

1330*  Membrane  40 — conl, 

Sept.  16.         Writ  of  aid  during  pleasure  for  Muster  William  la  Zousche,  king's  clerk, 
KottiDg^iam.   appointed  clerk  and  purveyor  of  the  Great  Wardrobe.  By  K.  &  C. 

Sept.  16.         Protection   with  clause  rogamus,  for  two  years,  for  the   master  and 
Nottingham,    brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Anthony,  belonging  to  the  priory  of  Lenton 
by  Nottingham,  and  their  attorneys,  collecting  alms. 

Sept.  15.         Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  Hugh  Layner  of  Moungomery, 
NotdD^am.    merchant. 

Sept.  20.         Grant  to   Roger  de  Mortuo  Man,  earl  of  March,  in  fee  simple,  of  the 

Nottingham,    manor  of  Stretton  in  Strettonesdale,  in  enlargement  of  the  grant  to  him 

by  the  late  king  of  the  same  for  life.     On  his  death,  his  heirs  are  to  pay  the 

same  farm  for  the  manor  as  was  paid  in  the  time  of  Edward  1.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  on  the  Fine  Boll. 

Membrane  39. 

Aug.  20.        Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Giles  son  and  heir  of  Bartholomew  de 
Heckington.    Badelesmere,  of  letters  patent,  dated  20  March^  1 1   Edward  11.,  being  a 
grant  to  the  said  Bartholomew  in  fee  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Lodes  with 
the  advowson  of  Ledes  priory. 

Sept.  1 1.         Safe  conduct  until  Easter  for  John  de  Portinariis  of  Florence,  king's 
Nottingham,    merchant,  and  his  household,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  business. 

Sept.  13.         Grant  to  John  de  Ros  that  neither  he  nor  his  heirs  shall  be  held  liable 

Nottingham,    to  repair  the  castle  of  Somerton,  whereof  he  is  tenant  for  life  by  a  late 

grant  from  the  king ;  he  having  represented  that  the  same  is  very  greatly 

in  need  of  repairs  at  the  present  time.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  12.  Pardon  to  Nicholas  de  Stai>elford  for  acquiring  in  Sandiacre,  without 
Nottingham,  licence,  from  Adam  de  Stoke  a  messuage  and  G  acres  of  land  ;  from 
Geoffrey  de  Sandiacre,  2  acres  of  land ;  from  Felicia  daughter  of  Henry, 
2  acres  of  land ;  from  Thomas  atto  Tounesende,  an  acre  and  a  half  of 
land ;  from  Thomas  Pouger,  an  acre  and  a  half  of  land ;  from  Walter  de 
Cortelyngstok,  an  acre  of  land,  and  from  Matilda,  daughter  of  John  Car- 
penter, 8  acres  of  land  and  a  moiety  of  a  messuage,  an  acre  of  meadow  and 
an  acre  of  pasture,  all  held  in  chief;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain  the 
same,  in  fee  simple.  By  fine  of  ^  mark.     Nottingham. 

Aug.  20.  Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  30  March,  12  Edward  11.,  being 

Heckington.    a  grant  to  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere  of  the  advowson  of  the  church 

of  the   manor  of  Benteley,  co.  York,  during  the  minority  of  the   heir  of 

Payn  de  Tibetot. 

Aug.  20.  The  like  of  letters  patent  dated  18  May,  13  Edward  II.,  being  a  licence 
Ileekington.  foi  the  said  Bartholomew  to  alienate  in  mortmain  to  the  religious  house 
founded  by  him  in  the  manor  of  Badelesmere,  co.  Kent,  the  ativowsons  of 
the  churches  of  Badelesmere,  Withstaple,  Redlingweid,  Old  Humneyheth- 
feld  and  Cherleton,  co.  Kent,  North mimmes,  co.  Hertford,  Hud  Lutyngion, 
CO.  Huntingdon. 

Aug.  25.  The  like,  at  the  request  of  Gile^  son  and  heir  of  the  said  Bartholomew, 
Lincoln,  of  letters  patent  dated  12  November,  11  Edward  11.,  being  a  giant  to  the 
latter,  in  fee  simple,  of  the  reversions  of  the  manor  of  Chatham,  co.  Kent, 
on  the  death  of  Guy  Ferre,  and  of  the  manor  of  Laghton,  co.  Sussex, 
with  the  hundred  of  Shepelake  if  it  belong  thereto,  on  the  death  of  John 
de  Ulnedale. 


1330,  Membrane  39 — coiU, 

Sept.  16.  Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  two  years  for  Firmin  de  Arras  and  John 

NottiDgham.    de  Arras,  his  brother,  merchants  of  Amiens.  By  p.s. 

The  like  for  Firmin  de  Moiuters  and  John  le  Monnier,  merchants  of  the 
flame  town. 

Sept.  17.        The  like  for  Thomas  Alanayne  and  Firmin  Averdraps,  king's  merchants, 
Kottingfaam.    also  of  Amiens.  By  K. 

Sept.  16.         Licence  for  Robert  de  Hillum,  king's  clerk,  prebendary  of  Wyveliscombe 

Nottingham,    in  the  church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells,  to  impai'k  his  wood  of  WyTelisoombe, 

CO.  Somerset.  By  K. 

Sept.  18.         Grant  confirming  to  Ralph  de  Sefoul  during  the  minority  of  John  son 

Nottingham,    and  heir  ot*  Thomas  Bardolfy  tenant  in  chief,  a  grant  to  him  by  the  said 

Thomas  for  his  life  of  10^,  a  coat  and  a  saddle  (celiam),  yearly,  out  of  the 

manor  of  Rungeton,  co.  Norfolk.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  who  has  the 

custody  of  the  manor. 

Sept.  18.  Grant  to  Thomas  de  Bradeston,  for  his  better  maintenance  in  the 
Nottingham,  knightly  rank  lately  conferred  on  him  by  the  king,  that^f  he  survive  queen 
Isabelh^  he  shall  retain  for  his  life  the  custody  of  the  castle  and  barton 
of  Gloucester,  with  the  tyna  and  other  appurtenances,  at  the  rent  of 
110/.,  and  farms  of  65L  and  100  marks  out  of  the  farm  of  the  town  of 
Gloucester,  which  he  now  holds  by  grant  from  the  said  queen  for  her  life. 

By  p.s. 

Sept.  23.        Pardon  to  Gerard  de  Menill,  who  aided  the  king  in  the  late  rebellion,  for 

CHpstonc.      the  death  of  Robert  Godeale,  killed  before  tlie  coronation ;  with  general 

pardon.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  16.        Licence  in  mortmain  for  William,  master  of  the  house  of  St.  Mark 

Nottingham,    without  Bristol,  to  release  to  the  prior  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  the 

Baptist,  Wells,  his  right  in  a  messuage  in  Wells  now  held  by  the  prior, 

and  for  the  latter  to  charge  the  same  with  a  rent  of  15«.  payable  to  the 

master  and  his  successors  In  perpetuity.  By  fine  of  20t.    Somerset. 

Membrane  38. 

Sept.  13.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Hamelin  de  Grodele  to  the  dean 
Nottingham,  and  chapter  of  Wells  of  a  messuage,  a  carucate  of  land  and  60«.  in  rent  in 
Stoke  Gommer,  co.  Somerset,  of  the  yearly  value — without  the  rent — of 
73i.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition,  to  find  two  chaplains  to  celebrate  divine 
service  daily  in  the  church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells,  for  the  souls  of  Edward  I., 
Edward  II.  and  their  heirs,  of  John  de  Drokenesford,  late  bishop  of  Bath 
and  Wells,  Robert  de  Cormayles  and  Richard  de  Aires  ford  ;  in  part  satis- 
faction of  a  licence  from  the  late  king  for  the  said  bishop  to  acquire  land 
and  rent  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  to  found  a  chantry  and  alms  for  the 
souls  of  Edward  I.  and  Edward  II.,  the  bishop  having  died  before  he  had, 
acquireil  any  part  thereof. 

July  17.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in   mortmain  by  the  prior  and  convent  of 

Woodstock.  Wartre  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Lincoln  of  a  rent  of  100*.  from  the 
prel>eud  of  Seamelesby  and  Melton  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  to 
find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  and  an  obit  yearly  for  the 
soul  of  Master  Henry  de  Mannnesfeld,  the  late  dean,  according  to  the  ap- 
pointment of  the  said  dean  and  chapter  and  the  ei^ecutors  of  the  said  Henry. 

By  p.s, 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II. 

1330.  Membrane  38— con^. 

Sept.  30.         Writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  Nicholas  de  Avemere  appointed  a  purveyor 
Pontefract.     for  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln,  the  chancellor. 

The  like  for  Matinus  le  Porter,  another  purveyor. 

Sept.  22.         Pardon  to  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  of  the  issues  received 

Clipstone.      by  him  from  the  hundreds,  fairs,  markets,  chaoes,  parks,  woods,  forests, 

warrens,   purpresture?,   royalties  and  other  appurtenances  of  the  castles, 

manors  and  lands  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Arundel,  lately  granted  to  him, 

from  the  date  of  such  grant.  By  p.s. 

Septu  17.         Power  for  John  Darcy  and  John  de  Haustede,  seneschals  of  Gascony, 
KottiDgfaam.   to  receive  back  Into  the  king's  peace  the  nobles  and  men  of  Agcn  and  others 
yrho  adhered  to  the  French  against  the  late  king.  By  K. 

Vtzcated  because  on  the  Gascon  Roll. 

The  like  for  the  same  to  grant  to  the  citizens  and  burgesses  of  Bayonnc, 
Bordeaux  and  other  places  in  the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine]  such  liberties  as 
they  shall  see  fit.  By  K. 

Sept.  16.         The  like  for  William  Trussel,  the  king's  secretary,  to  treat  with  the  king 
Nottipgham.   of  Arragon  for  a  marriage  between  Peter  his  eldest  son  and  Eleanor  the 
king's  sister. 

Vacated  by  surrender*, 

Oct.  1.  The  like  for  William  Fitz  Waryn,  knight.  Masters  Hugh  Elys,  dean  of 

Pontefract.     Wolverhampton,  and  John  de  Hildesle,  canon  of  Chichester,  to  make  an 
alliance  with  John  duke  of  Brabant. 

The  like  with  the  count  of  Flanders.  [Fadera.l^ 

Sept.  17.         Acknowledgement  of  the  king's  indebtedness  to  the  said  count  for  homage 
KottiDgbam.   and  services  in  the  sum  of  1,000  marks  sterling  payable  half  yearly  at  the 
Exchequer  until  he  be  provided  with  the  equivalent  in  land  and  rent. 

Oct.  11.  Power  for  the  aforesaid  William  Fitz  Waryn,  knight,  and  the  others  to 

Nottingham,   make  alliance  with  the  counts  of  Gelre,  Los  and  Chyny  and  any  other 
nobles.  [Fcedera.'] 

Mbmbrajse  37. 

Sept,  13.  Inspeximus  and  ratification  of  letters  patent  of  queen  Isabella,  dated  the 
Nottingham.  Assumption  1330,  being  a  grant  to  Honoratus  do  Fieifes,  canon  of  the 
church  of  St.  Wolfram,  Abbeville,  in  consideration  of  his  having  founded 
daily  masses  to  be  sung  at  the  altar  of  St.  Mary  in  that  church  for  the  souls 
of  himself,  bis  parents,  and  benefactors  and  for  the  said  queen,  by  endow- 
ment of  the  canons  in  perpetuity  with  rents  of  30  pounds  of  Paris  out  of 
lands  in  the  county  of  Ponthieu  subject  to  quit  rent,  that  he  and  the 
chaplains  of  the  church  for  the  time  being  shall  be  free  of  such  quit  rent 
for  ever  and  shall  not  at  any  time  be  compelled  to  surrender  the  endowment 
against  their  will,  only  they  shall  be  bound  to  intercede  for  the  queen  and 
her  successors  before  the  Saviour.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.         Presentation  of  William  Shoreman  to  the  church  of  Sydenham  in  the 
Nottingham,    diocese  of  Lincoln. 

Sept.  30.         Writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  Master  Andrew  le  Chaundeler  and  Ealph  de 
Ponfcfract.     Brantvngham  appointed  purveyors  of  wax,  sugar  and  other  requisites  for 
the  ofltce  of  the  apothecary  of  the  household. 

By  bill  of  the  keeper  of  the  Wardrobe. 

Oct,  1.  The  Hke  for  Robert  de  Welles  a  purveyor  for  the  office  of  the  baker  of 

Pontefract.    the  household.  By  bill  of  tbe  steward* 


1330.  Membrane  Sl—coni. 

The  like  for  the  following  purveyors : — 
John  de  Bristowe. 
Hugh  de  Alvethele. 
Roger  de  Acton. 
Roger  de  Aston. 
John  de  Brymesgrove. 
John  de  Putenhale. 
John  de  la  Chaundelerie. 
Thomas  Bolfote. 
Hugh  Treganon. 

Oct.  3.  The  like  for  Henry  Coupor  appointe<l  a  purveyor  for  the  household  of 

Cowick.       queen  PhiUppa.  By  bill  of  the  queen's  steward. 

The  like  for  the  following  purveyors  for  the  said  household  : — 

John  de  Melford. 

Henry  de  la  Botellarie. 

William  de  Cornwaill. 

Thomas  de  Tettebure,  clerk. 

Robert  Albyn. 

Richard  de  Pudenhale. 

John  Flemyng. 

John  de  Kenyngton. 

Robert  de  Imworth. 

Alexander  de  Ware. 

William  de  Leygh. 

Oct,  13.  Emeliiio  Ix>ngespe,  8tayin«y  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  Richard 

Nottingham,   de  la  Hide  and  (reoffrey  de  Hanydon  her  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  three 

Aug.  26.  Exemption  for  life,  at  the  request  of  Maurice  de  Berkeleye,  of  Gerald 

Lincoln.       Bossard   from    being  put   on  assizes,   juries  or   recognisances   and  from 

ap|K)iiitment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the 

king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  John  son  of  William  de  la  Felde. 

Oct.  16.  Margaret  lute   the   wife   of    Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere,  staying   in 

Nottingham.   England,  has  letters  nominating  Heury  de  Sitchirche,  clerk,  and  Richard  de 
Hastyng  lier  attonieys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

MEMBRAyE  36. 

Oct.  4.  Protection  with  clause  volumus  until  Easter  for  Thomas  Curzon  going 

Pontefract     beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service  with  William  Trussel. 

By  testimony  of  William  himself. 

Oct.  7.  Pardon,  at  the   request  of  William  Trussel,  to  Nicholas  de  Benteleye, 

Doncaster.     John  de  Bredstrete  and  Simon  le  Barbour  of  London  for  appearing  in  arms 

against  the  king  at  Winchester  with  other  magnates  of  the  realm  and 

holding  that  city  against  him  for  some  time.  By  K. 

Mandate  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  free  chapel  of  Hastings  to  assign 
a  stall  in  the  choir  and  a  place  in  the  chapter  to  Adam  de  Eyton,  king's  clerk, 
who  has  been  admitted  by  J.  bishop  of  Chichester,  on  the  king's  presentation, 
to  the  prebend  of  Wertlyng,  Nymenefeld  and  Hoo,  void  by  the  death  of 
Gerard  de  Seiseriaeo. 

Writ  de  intendendo^  directed  to  the  mayor  and  barons  of  Dover,  for 
Nicholas  Traly  appomted  by  Bartholomew  de  Burgherssh  as  his  deputy 
in  his  bailiwick  of  keeper  of  that  port. 

Oct.  8.  Writ  of  aid  for  William  Lenglys  and  John  de  Hurle  sent  to  bring  the 

Doncaster.     king's  venison  taken  at  Appelby  to  Nottingham,  By  p.s. 

4  EDWARD  111.— Part  II. 

1330.  Membrane  36 — cont. 

The  like  until  Easter  for  Thomas  de  Brenehesle  appointed  a  purveyor 
for  H.  bishop  of  LidcoId,  the  chancellor. 

The  like  for  Edmund  le  Pestour,  another  purveyor  for  the  Chancery. 

Oct.  8.  6.  bishop  of  Albano,  a  cardinal,  staring  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating 

Doucafter.  Bernard  Pelegi'yni  and  Bernard  de  Mairinhaco  his  attorneys  for  three 

Sept.  14.         Grant,  for  life,  to  Robert  de  Baunburgh,  for  service  to  queen  Isabella,  of 
Nottingham,  the  office  of  the  quayage  in  the  town  of  Scardeburgh.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  13.  Protection  with  clause  volumus  until  Eai*tcr  for  Master  John  de  Hildesle 

Nottingham,    going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

The  like  for  Adam  de  Wylughby  also  going. 

Oct.  12.         Pardon  to  William  son  of  Simon  Kyng  of  hi.s  outlawry  in  the  county  of 
Nottingham.    Lincoln  for  non-appcai*ance  in  the  court  of  King's  Bench  to  answer  touching 
a  plea  of  trespass  of  Guy  son  of  Alan  Toller  of  Waynflet. 

Oct.  16.  Protection  for  two  years  for  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of 

Nottingham.  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr  of  Aeon,  London,  and  their  attorneys  collecting 
alms  in  the  churches  in  England^  Ireland  and  Wales.  The  king's  bailiffs  are 
to  arrest  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Aug.  22.         Licence  for  the  alienation  in  frank  almoin  by  John  de  la  Warre  and  Joan 

Calthorpe.     his  wife  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Dore  of  an  acre  of  land  in  Wyketoft, 

CO.  Lincoln,  and  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  that  town.  By  pjsi. 

Oct.  14.         Grant  to  Nicholas  Fastolf ;  in  enlargement  of  a  late  grant  to  him  under 
Nottingham,   the  seal  of  Ireland  of  the  custody  of  the  lands  in  A  lletagh,  co.  Meath,  late 
of  John    de   Ledewiche,  tenant  in   chief  of    the    heir    of  Theobald   de 
Verdon,  the  king's  ward  ;  of  the  marriage  of  the  heir  of  the  said  John. 

By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.         Protection  for  two  years  for  the  leprous  men  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary 
Nottingham.   Magdalene,  Southwell,  collecting  alms. 

Oct.  16.         Exemption  for  life  of  William  de  Gresseby  from  being  put  on  assizes, 

Nottingham,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner, 

escheator  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.      By  p.s. 

Oct.  16.         The  like  of  John  de  Metheley,  omitting  the  word  '  escheator.'        By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.         Protection  with  clause  nolumuty  for  two  years,  for  William  de  Langeley, 
Nottingham,    parson  of  the  church  of  Carleton  in  Lyndrick. 

Oct.  16.         Pardon   to  Thomas   de  Wilford   and    Gervase  his  brother,  who  aided 

Nottingham,   the    king    in    the    late    rebellion,   for    all   trespasses   before    18    March, 

3  Edward  III.  By  p.s, 

Oct.  20.         Licence  for  the  alienation  in  moitmain  by  Robert  do  Cliderhou,  king's 

Nottingham,   clerk,  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Cokersand  of  the  manor  of  Bayleye,  to 

find    two   chaplains  to  celebrate    divine   service  daily   in  the  chapel    of 

St.  John  the  Baptist  within  the  manor  for  the  souls  of  the  said  Eobert, 

his  father,  mother  and  other  ancestors.        By  fine  of  20  marks.     Lancaster. 

Oct.  19.         Grant,  for  life,  to  Hugh  de  Turpliton  of  the  reversion  of  the  escheated 
Nottingham,    lands   of  Edmund,   late  earl    of  Kent,  in    Caldecote,   held    by    liichard 
Waleys   and  Alice  his  wife,  for  the  life   of  Alice  ;    in  enlargement  of  the 
late  grant  to  him  of  land  of  the  said  earl  in  the  county  of  Huntingdon. 

By  p.g. 

Oct.  15.         Grant  to  Master  Thomas  de  Upton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  archdeaconry  of 

Nottingham,  Wells,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the  see  of  Bath  and 

Wells  in  the  time  of  Edward  L  By  p.s. 


J33Q^  Membrane  35. 

March  18.        Impeximus  and   confirmation   of  the   ordinances   and   statutes   of  the 
Winchester,   college  of  St.  Mary,  Oxford  [Oriel  College]  dated  16  December  1329. 

[Printed  in  1853  ^y  desire  of  the  Royal  Commiuiotiers  for  inquiring 
into  the  state  of  the  University  of  Oxford.^ 

Membrane  34. 

Oct.  17.         The  abbot  of  Lire  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters    nominating   Peter 
Nottinffham.    Senescal  and  William  de  Vinea  his  attorneys  in  England  for  five  years. 

By  fine  of  40*.  becaaso  his  predecessor  made  a  fine  of  5  marks  at 
another  time  for  five  years  whereof  four  are  unexpired. 

Oct.  16.         William  abl>ot  of  Grestein  in  Normandy  staying  beyond  seas  has  lettera 
Nottingham,   nominating  Richard  le  Mile  ward  and  Roger  Ilalebourse  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  three  years. 

By  the  chancellor  at  the  instance  of  Adam  dc  Brotn,  clerk. 

Oct.  15.         Appointment  of  Henry  de  Thrapton,  king's  clerk,  archdeacon  of  Cork, 
Nottingham,   to  the  office  of  chancellor  of  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin,  during  good  be- 
haviour and  so  long  as  his  bodily  strength  allows.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.         Protection  for  two  years  for  the  leprous  men  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary 
Nottingham,   atte  Westebarre  of  Nottingham,  collecting  alms. 

Oct.  17.         General  pardon  to  Alexander  do  Vaux  who  aided  the  king  in  the  late 
Nottingham,   rebellion  for  all  trespasses  prior  to  18  March,  3  Edward  III.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  following  :-^ 

Thomas  Kclet.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.  Robert  le  Lamb.  By  p.s. 


Oct.  17.  William  son  of  Robert  de  Freford.  By  p.s. 


Sept.  25.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Wirkesop  to  acquire  in  mortmain 

Worksop.      land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  18.         Licence  for  Thomas  de  Berkele  to  demise  for  term  of  life  or  years  his 
Nottingham,   lands  in  the  manors  of  Berkele,  Hamme,  Camme,*Coneleye,  Slymbrugge, 
Hnrste,  Alkynton,  Hynton,  Aure,  Wotton,  Simondeshale,  Devereston,  Upton 
by  Gloucester,  co.  Gloucester,  and  Portbury  and  Ashton  Lyouns,  co.  Somer- 
set, held  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Aug.  20.  Presentation  of  Roger  Aunsel,  parson  of  the  church  of  Dodington,  in  the 

Nottingham,   diocese  of  Worcester,  to  the  church  of  Penrose,  in  the  diocese  of  Bangor,  on 
an  exchange  of  benefices  with  William  de  Kenegrave. 

Oct.  23.         Presentation  of  Thomas  de  Upton  to  the  church  of  Bradewell  in  the 
Leicester,      diocese  of  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  23,  Appointment  of  John  de  Wysham  to  the  oflBce  of  justice  of  North  Wales, 

Leicester,      during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  deputy  of  the  late  justice. 
Writ  de  intendendo  for  the  said  John  directed  to  the  men  of  the  said 

The  like  appointment  of  Gilbert  Talebot    to   the  ofiice  of  justice  of 
South  Wales.  By  p.H. 

The  like  mandate  in  pursuance  and  writ  de  intendendo, 

Oct.  22.        Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  de  Cantuarift  to  the 
Leicester,      master  and  brethren  of  the   hospital  of  poor  priests,  Canterbury,  of  four 

4  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  II. 



Oct.  24. 


Oct.  25. 


Oct,  24. 


Membrane  34 — cont. 

messuages  in  Canterbury,  to  find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service 
daily  in  the  oratory  of  Holy  Trinity  Chapel  adjoining  the  church  of 
St.  Dunstiui  without  WestgatOi  Canterbury^  for  tbi  peace  of  the  church 
and  realm,  aad  for  the  souls  of  the  said  Henry,  his  parents  and  benefactors. 

By  fine  of  4/.     Kent. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Ralph  de  Neville  to  the  prior 
and  Oarmelitd  Friars  at  Scarborough  of  a  plot  of  land  there,  100  feet 
long  by  00  fe^t  broad,  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling  house.     By  K. 

Notification  to  E.  bishop  of  Salisbury  of  the  revocation  of  the  late 
collation  of  Richard  de  Bury,  king's  clerk,  to  the  archdeaconry  of  Salisbury. 

By  p.s. 

Licence  for  Bobert  de  Sapv  to  enclose  the  manor  of  Westuburyi  co. 
Gloucesteri  wiih  a  fence  {ligno)  and  to  make  a  wooden  peel-houte. 

By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamus,  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and  brethren 
of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  Leicester,  and  their  attorneys,  collecting 
alms  in  the  churches.  The  king's  bailiffs  are  to  arrest  all  unauthorised 
persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Assignment  to  Dinus  Forsetti,  Peter  Reyner,  Bartholomew  de  Bardis  and 
the  other  merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence,  in  considera- 
tion of  their  having  undertaken  to  pay  to  John  of  Hainault  3,406/.  6s,  9d. 
towards  the  sum  due  to  him  from  the  king,  and  in  discharge  of  other  sums 
wherein  the  king  is  bound  to  them  by  bonds  or  bills  of  the  wardrobe,  of  (1) 
10,000  marks  due  at  midsummer  from  the  king  of  Scotland,  under  the 
treaty  with  Robert  de  Brus,  his  father,  and  (2)  the  king's  moiety  of  a 
four  yearly  tenth  imposed  by  the  Pope  on  the  clergy  of  England,  Ireland 
and  Wales.  '  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  the  collector  of 
the  said  tenth. 

Acknowledgement  of  the  king's  indebtedness  to  the  said  merchants 
in  the  sum  of  3,406/.  6«.  9^. ;  with  promise  to  pay  the  same. 


Oct.  16.  Exempliiication,  at  the  request  of  Robert  son  of  Nicholas  de  Stachesden 

Nottiugham.  of  letters  patent,  dated  28  October,  4  Edward  IL,  being  a  pardon  to  him 
for  the  death  of  Nicholas  le  Ken. 

May  4.  Mandate  to  the  abbot   and  convent  of   Ramsey  to   pay  to  Edward  de 

Woodstock.  Bohun,  the  king's  kinsman,  the  yearly  farm  of  50/.  due  from  them  at  the 
Exchequer,  the  same  having  been  granted  to  him,  for  life,  on  the  for- 
feiture thereof  by  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent. 

The  like  to  the  burgesses  of  Grimsby,  co.  Lincoln,  for  the  farm  of  50/. 
due  for  their  town.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Laurence  de  Rustiton  and 

Nottingham.  James  de  Northstoke  to  Master  William  de  Fisshebourn,  prebendary  of 
Fotyngton  in  Holy  Trinity  Church,  Boseham,  of  26  acres  of  land  and  3#. 
in  rent  in  Boseham,  and  of  the  reversion  of  a  messuage,  14  acres  of  land 
and  an  acre  of  meadow  there  held  for  life  by  Andrew  le  Frye  and  Matilda 
his  wife,  to  find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  that  church 
for  the  good  estate  of  Thomas,  eail  of  Norfolk,  marshal  of  England,  in 
}ife,  for  his  soul  after  death,  and  for  the  soul  of  Alice,  sometime  his  wife. 

By  fine  of  20s,    Sussez* 



Oct  16. 


Oct.  17. 


Oct  20. 


April  3. 


Dec.  8. 


Oct.  12. 

Oct  22. 

Oct  20. 

An^.  20. 

Oct.  24. 


Oct.  ^. 


Oct.  23. 

Membrane  33 — cant. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  Edward  de  Balliolo.     By  K. 


Signification,  at  the  request  of  Henry  de  Edenstowe,  that  the  king  has 
commanded  John  de  Crumbwell,  keeper  of  the  forest  on  this  »de  Trent, 
to  allow  Robert  de  Nottingham  and  the  said  Henry,  prebendaries  of 
Oxton  and  Crophill  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Southwell,  and  the  men 
and  tenants  of  the  town  of  Oxton,  common  of  pasture  in  Shirewode  Forest 
at  all  times;  it  having  been  found  by  inquisition  that  such  hath  belonged 
to  the  holders  of  those  prebends  from  time  immemorial. 

Protection  and  writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  Robert  Curzon,  the  bishop 
of  Ely's  yeoman,  taking  pheasants  and  partridges  for  the  bishop  with  a 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the  castle  and  honor 
of  Arundell  in  respect  of  their  fealties  and  services  now  due  to  queen 
Isabella  as  tenant  of  the  castle  and  honor  for  life.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  William  de  Pynkeney  of  Guldenmorton  to  enfeoff  William 
de  Sancto  Johanne  of  the  manor  of  Guldenmorton,  held  in  chiefy  and  for 
him  to  re-grant  the  t-ame,  for  life.  By  fine  made  at  another  time. 

Confirmation  in  mortmain  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Werburg, 
Chester  of  (1)  a  release  by  Richard  de  Morleye  of  a  rent  of  4«.  in  Smalleye ; 

(2)  a  grant  by  Geoffrey  de  Holes  of  his  land  in  Holes  upon  Ruddeheth ; 

(3)  a  release  by  Henry  Launeelyn,  lord  of  Pulton  Launcelyn,  of  a  messuage 
and  fifteen  and  a  half  selions  of  land  in  Brumburgh,  which  he  had  from 
Richard  de  Longelak  ;  (4)  grants  by  Henry  de  Brumburgh,  chaplain,  of 
lands  in  Little  *  Neston  and  Haregrave  in  Wyrhale,  which  he  had  from 
Emma  le  Biroun,  and  of  lands  in  Holes  by  Lostok,  which  he  had  from 
Geoffrey  son  of  Robert  de  Holes ;  (5)  a  grant  of  a  messuage,  3  ac»res 
1  rood  of  land  and  \  acre  of  meadow  in  Weston  and  Aston  on  Trent  ; 
(6)  a  grant  by  Robert  de  Puiton  of  lands  in  Smalleye,  which  he  had  from 
Robert  del  Grove  of  Smalleye.  By  fine  of  5  marks. 

Licence  for  Agnes  late  the  wife  of  Bernard  de  Bruys  of  Exston, 
tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  of  the  king's  allegiance. 

By  p.s. 

Licence  for  John  de  Grey  to  enfeoff  Richard  de  Grey  of  the  manor  of  Hoo, 
and  of  24/.  in  rent  in  Eylesford,  co.  Kent,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  re- 
grant  the  same  to  the  said  John  and  Alice  daughter  of  Alice  late  the  wife 
of  Warin  de  Insula,  in  fee  tail,  with  remainder  to  the  heirs  of  Richard. 

l^y  fine  made  at  another  time. 

Grant,  for  life,  to  Robert  de  Stanford  of  the  office  of  controller  of 
customs  in  the  port  of  Kyngeston- upon- Hull,  with  the  custody  of  the 
*  cocket '  seal.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  de  Bohon,  earl  of  Hereford,  that  his  brother  Edwai*d  may 
discharge  the  duties  of  his  office  of  constable  of  England  while  he  is  unable 
to  do  so  by  reason  of  bodily  infirmity.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Presentation  of  William  de  Cranesle,  parson  of  the  church  of  Stepyngle, 
in  the  diocese  of  London,  to  the  church  of  St.  Dunstan  in  the  West, 
London,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Robert  de  Shutlyngdon. 

Simple  protection  until  Whitsunday  for  John  of  Brittany,  earl  of 
Richmond,  staying  beyond  seas. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Pi.BT  n. 


1330.  Metnbrane  33 — cont. 

The  said  earl  has  letters  nominating  Richard  de  Swafham,  clerk,  and 
Thomas  de  Fencotes  his  attorneys  for  the  same  time. 

Oct.  24.         Grant  to  Adam  de  Overton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  free  chapel  of  St.  Nicholas 
Leicester,      in  Shrewsbury  Castle.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  16. 

Oct.  15. 

Oct.  13. 

Oct  23. 

Oct.  19. 


Oct.  23. 

Oct.  25. 

Oct.  14. 


Oct.  26. 

Oct.  25. 

Oct.  26. 


Mbmbrane  32. 

Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Wenlok  to  acquire  in  mortmain 
land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  20  marks.      By  p.s. 

Licence  in  mortmain  for  the  prior  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  of 
Jerusalem  in  England  to  grant  to  the  prior  of  St.  Bartholomew,  Smithfield, 
London,  6  acres  of  meadow  in  Little  Stanmere,  in  exchange  for  6s.  in  rent 
in  the  parish  of  St.  Sepulchre  without  Newgate,  London,  and  Little  Stan- 
mere,  due  to  the  prior  from  the  hospital,  and  for  a  release  in  perpetuity  of  the 
tithes  of  corn  out  of  the  demesne  lands  of  the  hospital  in  Hermescroft 
by  Wyte  Willesbech  in  the  parish  of  St.  Sepulchre. 

By  fine  of  1  mark.     Middlesex. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumnsy  for  one  year,  for  William  de  Tatham, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Mitton. 
The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Master  Gilbert  de  Bukyngham,  parson  of  the  church  of  Naileiton. 
William  de  la  Hull. 

Licence  for  William  son  of  John  de  Yeland  to  enfeoff  Stephen  de  Bolton 
of  a  fifth  part  of  the  manor  of  Lourbotell,  held  in  chief. 

By  fine  of  20i.     Northumberland. 

Licence  for  John  le  Rous  of  Immere  to  enfeoff  William  de  Hedyngdon, 
clerk,  of  the  manor  of  Immere,  co.  Wilts,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to 
re-grant  the  same  to  the  said  John  and  Alice  his  wife,  in  tail  male,  with 
remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  John.  By  p.s. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  all  in  the  counties  of  Chester  and  Flint 
and  in  the  cantred  of  Euglefeld  for  William  de  Clynton  appointed  to  the 
office  of  justice  of  Chester  and  to  the  custody  of  the  castles  of  Chester, 
Bechestan,  Rothelan  and  Flint  and  the  county  of  Flint,  during  pleasure. 

By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  deputy  of  the  late  justice  to  deliver  the  office. 

Batification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Hugh  de  Camera,  king's  clerk,  as 
archdeacon  of  Lincoln  by  a  papal  bull ;  and  revocation  of  the  grant  thereof 
by  the  late  king  to  John  de  Erdesleye,  pursuant  to  the  statute  passed  in 
the  first  Parliament  of  the  reign  revoking  all  presentations  and  collations  of 
the  said  king  made  after  the  death  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Greorge  de  Solariis  as  prebendary  of 
Bannebury  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Roger  de  Tynneslowe  of  the  bailiwick  of  Bylhaghe  in  Birklonde 
in  Shirewode  Forest,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Robert  de  Luffenham,  king's  clerk, 
as  archdeacon  of  Salisbury,  by  provision  of  the  apostolic  see.  By  p.s. 

Commission  to  John  de  Melbum  to  survey  the  expenses  of  Joan  wife 
of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mali,  earl  of  March,  and  of  the  ladies  and  children 
of  her  conipHuy  in  Lodelowe  Castle,  which  the  king  has  commanded  the 
sheriff  to  defray  out  of  the  goods  of  the  said  Roger.  By  K. 


1330.  Membrane  32 — conL 

Oct.  28.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmaiD  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Norwich 
Daventrj.  in  part  satisfaction  of  a  licence  from  the  late  king  for  them  to  acquire  land 
and  rent  to  the  yearly  vahie  of  20/.,  of  the  following  messuages  and  lands, 
fomkA  by  inquisition  to  be  of  the  yearly  valae  of  20*.  ;  by  Hugh  Broun  of 
Wyneton,  a  messuage  in  Merston  ;  by  Thomae  Rudekyn  of  Aldeby  the 
younger,  1  acre  3  roods  of  land  in  Aldeby;  by  John  de  Dudelyngton, 
parson  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary  in  the  Marsh,  a  messuage,  46  acres 
3  roods  of  land  and  8  acres  of  meadow  in  Secheford,  Neuton  and  Ameryng- 
hale  and  by  William  de  Bynham,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Hemesby,  a  messuage, 
toft  and  3  acres  of  marsh  in  Great  Yarmouth  and  Hadesoothorpe. 

Oct.  27.        Pardon  to  Elizabeth,  now  wife  of  Richard  Talbot,  of  divers  recognisances 

Lutterwortk.   made  to  the  Despensers  in  the  late  retgn  while  she  was  unmarried,  which 

have  escheated  to  the  king ;  on  tmstworthy  evidence  that  she  was  compelled 

to  become  bound  therein  by  force  and  duress.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  3.  Pardon  to  John  son  of  Robert  de  Staunton  for  entering  without  licence, 

Woodstock,    on  the  death  of  his  father,  upon  three  messuages,  two  mills,  a  carucate,  and 

half  a  virgate  of  land  in  Witheford  and  Shawdi>ury,  co.  Salop,  held  in  chief, 

which  his  father  had  acquired  in  fee  from  Henry  de  Erdynton  without  the 

licence  of  the  late  king  ;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain  the  same. 

By  fine  of  40j.     Salop. 

Oct.  31.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Robert  de  Hillum,  king's  clerk,  as  prcben- 

Woodstock,    dary  of  Wiveliscombc  in  the  church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells,  by  provision  of 

the  apostolic  see.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  3.  Confirmation  of  letters  patent  under  the  seal  of  the  Exchequer,  dated  18 

Woodstock.  Fehniary,  2  Edward  II.,  being  a  grant  to  John  de  Ros,  then  steward  of  the 
household,  of  the  marriage  of  the  heir  of  Walter  de  Gloucester,  tenant  in 

Membrane  31. 

Nov.  6.  Presentation  of  Richard,  parson  of  the  chapel  of  Winterbourne  Thomas- 

Abingdon,     tone,  to  the  church  of  Maupoudre,  both  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  in  the 

king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  tleginald  le 

Fitz  Herbert,  tenant  in  chief;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Hilde- 


Nov.  4.  William  Cheigni,  knight,  going  on  pilgrimage  beyond  seas,  has  letters 

Woodftock.    nominating  John  de   Tyngewyk  and  William  Wavere  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Nov.  14,  Writ  de  intendendo  for  Robert  de  Gycnne,  appointed  by  Richard  de  la 

Clarendon.     Pole,  chief  butler,  as  his  deputy,  during  pleasure,  to  collect  2«.  in  the  tun  on 

wines  imported  by  foreign  merchants,  in  the  ports  of  Cliepstow,  Bristol,  and 


The  like  for  the  same  as  deputy  in  the  office  of  chief  butler  in  those 


Nov.  16.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Adam  de  Rouston,  of  letters  patent 

Clarendon,     dated  24  July,  19  Edward  II.,  being  a  pardon  to  him  for  acquiring  land 
without  licence. 

Oct.  26.  Grant  to  John  de  Bohun,  earl    of  Hereford  and  Essex,  constable  of 

Leicetler.      England,  who  is  too  infirm  to  execute  his  office,  that  his  brother  Edward  de 

Bohun  shall  discharge  the  same  for  him.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  17.         Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  de  Leycestre,  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's 
ClttendQu.     hermitage  by  Cripelgate,  London. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II. 



Nov.  16. 

Nov.  19. 

Nov.  0. 

Nov.  16. 

Nov.  18. 


Aug.  14. 

Nov.  I. 


Nov.  22. 

Nov.  27. 


Nov.  26. 

Nov.  28. 

Metnbrane  31 — coni. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  moitmain  hy  Nicholas  de  Kirkoby,  chaplain, 
of  eight  messuagejS,  4  acres  of  land  and  9$.  in  rent  in  Richemuud  to  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  at  the  altar  of  St.  Thomas  the 
Martyr  in  Holy  Trinity  Chapel,  Richemund,  for  the  souls  of  the  said 
Nicholas,  Henry  le  Scrope,  Peter  de  Richemund  and  their  ancestors. 

By  fine  of  6  marks.     York. 

Pardon  to  John  son  of  John  de  Hcrtwell  in  the  county  of  Northampton 
for  acquiring  in  fee  from  John  de  Hertewell  32 1  acres  of  assart  land  in 
the  forest  of  Salcey,  co.  Northampton,  and  entering  thereon  without  the  late 
king's  licence  ;  and  restitutiou  of  the  same  to  him. 

By  fine  o£  20s,    Northampton. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Roger  dc  Luda  of  ten  mes- 
suages, 40  acres  of  land  and  10^.  in  rent,  in  Bishops  Hatfield,  to  a  chaplain 
to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  church  there  for  the  good  estate  of 
the  said  Roger  and  Joan  his  wife,  in  life,  for  their  souls  after  death  and  for 
the  souls  of  Thomas  de  Luda,  late  treasurer  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 
Lincoln,  John  Hayward  and  Katherine  his  wife. 

By  fine  of  4  marks,  at  the  instance  of  the  bishop  of  Ely.     Hertford. 

Confirmation  of  a  demise  by  Thomas  de  Weston  to  John  son  and  heir  of 
Alfonsus  de  Veer,  tenant  in  obief,  of  the  custody  of  the  lands  of  his  said 
father  upon  the  same  terms  as  the  king  lately  granted  such  custody  to  the 
said  Thomas  at  an  extent ;  and  release  to  the  aforesaid  John  of  the  extent. 

By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  John  de  Glouccstre, 
])arson  of  the  church  of  Herdyngton. 

Grant  to  John  de  Feriby,  king's  clerk,  lately  appointed  clerk  of  the 
works  at  Westminster  Palace  and  the  Tower  of  London,  who  is  unable  to 
execute  that  ofRce  in  person  by  reason  of  his  constant  attendance  on  the 
king,  that  he  may  execute  the  same  by  attorneys  so  long  as  shall  be  neces- 
sary, receiving  such  fees  as  were  allowed  to  William  Chaillou,  the  late  clerk. 

By  p.s. 

Signification  to  J.  bishop  of  Winchester  of  the  revocation  of  the  late 
presentation  of  Peter  de  Vernoun  to  the  church  of  Kyngesclere.        By  p.s. 

Presentation  of  Walter  de  Wyville  to  the  said  church.  By  p.s. 

Bartholomew  Rich  us,  merchant  of  Chieri,  going  beyond  seas  has  letters 
nominating  Araiotus  Grymbaldi,  merchant  of  the  society  of  the  Grymbaldi 
of  Chieri,  his  attorney  for  two  years. 

Pardon  to  William  de  Cherleton  and  Edith  Pipard  for  acotuiring  for  them- 
selves and  the  heirs  of  William,  a  messuage,  32  acres  of^  land  and  os,  in 
rent  in  Kynewardeston  from  Alice  le  Parker,  who  held  the  same  from 
Master  Walter  de  Kynfewardeston  and  he  from  the  prior  of  Bermundeseye, 
and  another  messuage  and  33  acres  of  land  from  Thomas  de  Luda,  who 
held  the  same  from  Thomas  de  Kynewardeston,  and  he  from  the  said 
Walter,  and  he  from  the  said  prior,  and  entering  upon  the  premises,  which 
are  held  in  chief,  without  licence  from  the  king  or  any  of  his  predecessors ; 
and  restitution  of  the  same.  By  fine  of  1  mark. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Sandale,  parson  of  the  church  of  Uppingham, 
in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  church  of  Arkesey,  in  tlie  diocese  of  York, 
in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  Payh 
de  Tibetot,  tenant  in  chief ;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Robert  de 


1330.  Membrane  31 — cont. 

Nov.  13.         Acquittance    to    Mastor    Itherius    de    Concoreto,   king's    clerk,     the 
CUrendoD.     Pope's  nuncio  and  collector  of  first  fruits,  for  400  marks  paid  to  Robert 
de  Wodehous,  the  treasurer,  and  the  chamberlains  of  the  Exchequer,  on 
account  of  the  king's  moietj  of  such  first  fruits. 

Not.  3.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  an  indenture  [in  French],  dated  Not- 

Woodstoek.  tingham,  10  September  last,  whereby  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster  and  Leicester, 
steward  of  England,  granted  to  Peter  de  Eketon,  for  life,  for  bringing  him 
news  of  the  birth  of  the  king's  first-born  son,  a  rent  of  10  marks  out  of  the 
manor  of  Kynemeresford,  co.  Gloucester,  with  power  to  distrain  for  the 
same  if  in  arrear. 

Nov.  29.         Pardon  to  Peter  de  Pulford,  king^s  clerk,  for  acquiring  in  fee  from  John 

WeBtminster.  son  of  Nicholas  de  Cardoul  3  acres  of  land  in  Claverle,  co.  Salop,  part  of 

the  king's  assart  lands  in  the  forest  of  Morf,  and  entering  thereon  without 

licence ;  and  restitution  of  the  same  to  him.  By  fine  of  \  mark.     Salop. 

Mbmbranb  30. 

Oct.  18.  General  pardon  to  William  son  of  Robert  de  Freford  who  aided  the  king 

Nottingham,  in  the  lute  rebellion.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  25.  Grant  to  Richard  de  Bm-y,  king's  clerk,  for  his  expenses  in  the  king's 

Leicester,  service,  of  the  goods  which  Ralph  de  Stoke  held  on  the  day  of  his  death  in 
his  prebond  in  the  collegiate  church  of  Ripon,  which  were  seized  for  a  debt 
to  the  king  due  on  the  account  of  the  said  Ralph  as  keeper  of  the  wardrobe 
in  the  late  reign.  If  his  executors  satisfy  the  debt,  the  value  of  the  goods 
shall  be  allowed  to  them.  By  X. 

Oct.  29.  Licence  for  Henry,  bishop  of  Lincoln  to  impark  his  wood  of  Tynge- 

Daventrj.      hirst,  with    300  acres  of  land  adjoining,  co.  Buckingham ;  his  wood  of 

Louth,  with  200  acres  of  land  adjoining,  co.  Lincoln  ;  his  wood  of  Cruche 

at  Banbury,  with  300  acres  of  land  adjoining,  co.  Oxford  ;  and  his  wood  of 

Long  Stowe,  with  100  acres  of  land  adjoining,  co.  Huntingdon.         By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  same  to  add  200  acres  of  land  to  his  park  of  Bokeden, 
CO.  Huntingdon,  and  300  acres  to  his  park  of  Stowe,  co.  Lincoln.       By  p.s. 

Nov.  1.  Licence  for  John  Tybetot  to  impark  his  wood  of  Helpeston,  co.  Notting- 

Woodstock.    ham. 

Oct.  30.  Pardon  to  Richard  de  Ryvers,  parson  of  the  church  of  Brandesby,  for  all 

Woodstock,    trespasses  in  vert  and  venison  in  the   forest  of  Galtres,  in  the  time  of  the 

late  king  and  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  2.  Roger  son  of  Roger  Rogeron  of  Esthenreth,  going  beyond  seas  with 

Woodstock.  Master  John  de  Hildesle,  king's  clerk,  has  letters  nominating  William 
Thomas  of  Genge  and  Roger  son  of  the  said  William  his  attorneys  in  Eng- 
land until  Easter. 

Protection  with  clause  volumtts  until  Easter  for  the  same  Roger. 

Nov.  3.  Revocation   of  the   presentation  of  John  de  Melton,  chaplain,  to  the 

Woodstock,  church  of  Great  Carleton  in  Lyndeseye,  and  ratification  of  the  estate  of 
Master  John  de  Bourne,  king's  clerk,  therein  by  collation  of  Henry  bishop 
of  Lincoln  ;  pursuant  to  the  statute  made  in  the  first  Parliament  of  the 
reign  revoking  presentations  made  by  the  late  king  after  the  death  of 
Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster. 

Nov.  4,  Grant  to  Peter  de  Nevylle  of  Redburu  of  the  marriage  of  Olive  late  the 

Woodstock,    wife  of  John  Suard,  tenant  in  chief,  that  is  of  the  fine  due  to  the  king  if 

she  maiTy  with  licence,  or  of  the  forfeiture   due  if   she  marry  without 

licence.  By  p.s. 

4  EDWARD  111.— Part  II.  17 

1330.  Membrane  ^0—cotit. 

Nov.  5.  Licence  for  the  alienation   in  mortmain  by  Simon  de  Bradeny  of  a  mes- 

Woodstock.  suage,  18  acres  of  land,  2  acres  of  mejulow  and  1  acre  of  reeds  in  Baudrip 
in  Briggewater  lo  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily,  on  Sunday, 
Monday,  Tuesday,  Thursday  and  Saturday  at  the  altar  of  St.  Mary  in  the 
church  of  St.  Michael  the  Archangel,  Baudrip,  and  on  Wednesday  and 
Friday  in  the  chapel  of  All  Saints,  Bradeny,  for  the  souls  of  the  said 
Simon,  Beatrice  his  wife,  Master  Anthony  de  Bradeny,  Joachim  de 
Bradeny,  Joan  his  wife,  their  ancestors  and  heirs. 

By  fine  of  40«.     Somerset. 

Nov.  4.  Grant  to  Agnes  late  the  wife  of  William  son  of  Nicholas  de  Haselwode* 

Woodstock,    who  was  sentenced  to  death  for  felony  by  William  de  Herle  and  other 

justices  in  eyre  in  the  county  of  Derby,  of  the  year  and  waste  due  to  the  king 

out  of  her  said  husband's  lands  and  of  his  forfeited  goods,  for  the  support 

of  her8<ilf  and  her  three  children.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Derby. 

Sept.  16.         Exemption  for  life  of  llalph  de  Broke,  king's  yeoman,  from  being  put  on 

Nottingham,    assizes,  juries  or  recognir-ances  and  from   appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff, 

coroner  or  other  bailifl'or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  G.  Protection  with   clause  nolumtu  for  one  year,  at  Suthalle,  Tykeham  and 

Abingdon.     Chesham,  for  John  de  Cherleton  of  London. 

Oct.  23.  Licence  for  Henry  le  Scrope  to  retain  a  messuage  and  2S  acres  of  land  in 

Leicester.      Kirsandalp,  co.  York,  acquired  in  fee  simple  from  Robert  de  Sandale  who 

was  indebted  to  the  king  in  divers  sums,  and  indemnity  against  the  said 

debts.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  6.  Acquittance   to  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  king's  clerk,  the  Pope's 

Abingdon,     collector  of  first  fruits,  for  500  marks  paid  to  Robert  de  Wodehous,  the 

treasurer,  and  the  king's  chamberlains,  for  another  moiety  due  to  tlie  king 


Nov.  16.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Roger  de  Luda  to  the  prior 
Clarendon,  and  convent  of  Wylmondle  of  two  messuages,  two  mills,  4  acres  of  land 
and  3  acres  of  meadow,  in  the  parish  of  St.  Andrew,  Hertford,  to  find  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  church  of  Tewyng  for  the 
good  estate  of  the  said  Roger  and  Joan  his  wife,  in  life,  for  their  souls  after 
death,  and  for  the  souls  of  Master  Thomas  de  Luda,  late  treasurer  of  the 
church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  and  of  their  ancestors.  Hertford. 

By  tine  of  4  marks  at  the  instance  of  the  bishop  of  Ely. 

Oct.  22.  Licence  for  John  de  Brehous  to  crcnellate  the  manor  of  Lee,  co.  Lincoln. 

Leicester.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  27.         Ratification    of    the   estate    of    Nicholas   Capocie    as    prebendary   of 
Westminster.  Karleton,    in   the   church    of    St.   Mary,   Lincoln,   by   provision   of  the 
apostolic  see. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  John  de  Ifeld. 
The  like  for  the  following  .— 

John  Creye. 

Roger  de  Suthfeld. 

Adam  Frere  of  Norwich. 

Nov.  23.         Protection  for  two  years  for  Gilbert  le  Engloys,  merchant  of  Normandy. 

Nov.  29.         The  abbot  of  Keynsham,  staying  in  England,    has   letters  nominating 
Westminster,  brother  Adam   son    of   Richard  and  John   Fynamour,   his   attorneys   in 
Ireland  for  two  years. 

U    65658.  B 





Oct.  26. 

Oct.  29. 

Oct.  1. 

Oct.  27. 

Oct.  29. 


Nov.  3. 

Nov.  I. 


Nov.  2. 

Nov.  4. 

Nov.  3. 

Nov.  5. 


Nov.  6. 

Mem  BRAS  E  29. 

Grant  for  lift'  to  William  de  Eland,  king's  yeoman,  of  the  cnstody  of 
Nottingham  Castle,  and  also  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  honor  of  Pevorell  in 
the  counties  of  Nottingham  and  Derby.  \^\  p.i^. 

Mandate  to  Richard  de  Grey  of  Codenor  to  <leliver  to  him  by  indenture^ 
the  said  castle  with  the  armour,  victuals  and  other  things  therein. 

Grant  to  John  <le  ^lautravers  during  good  behaviour  of  the  custody 
of  the  manor,  fon«t  and  park  of  Claryngdon,  lately  held  by  Giles  de 
Bello  Campo.  By  p.s. 

General  pardon  to  Hcniy  de  Hurjrhershe,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  for  all 
trespasses  in  the  late  or  present  reign.  l)y  K. 

Pardon  to  him  for  all  trespasses  in  vert  an<l  venison  in  the  kind's 
forests.  By  K. 

Licence,  after  in<iuisition  cul  quod  damnum^  for  the  alienation  in  mort- 
main by  Edmund  de  Lyouns  of  Avsshton  by  Bristol  to  the  abbot  and 
convent  of  St.  Augustine's  Bristol,  of  200  acres  of  waste  land  in  Aysshton 
by  Bristol.  The  same  is  of  the  yearly  value  of  2*.  only,  becausi*  the 
abbot  and  his  tenants  of  the  manor  of  Legh  have  common  therein  for  all 
their  animals  at  all  times  of  the  year,  and  is  parcel  of  the  manor  of 
Aysshton  which  is  hold  in  chief  by  the  service  of  a  sixth  part  of  a  knight's 
fee.  By  tine  of  40^.     Gloucester. 

Grant  to  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  pavage  for  his  town  of  Newark  for 
four  yciirs  from  the  expiration  of  the  grant  of  the  same  for  three  years 
made  on  8  Mjiy,  2  Edward  IIL  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  good  men  of  Banbury  for  three  years  from  the  expiration 
of  the  grant  lor  seven  years  made  on  13  October,  2  Edward  III, 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Richard  de  Gardinis  of  5 
marks  in  rent  in  Somerton  by  Oxford  to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine 
service  daily  in  the  church  of  St.  James,  Somerton,  in  honour  of  the 
Virgin  Mary.  By  fine  of  G  marks.     Oxford. 

Confirmation  to  Robert  son  and  heir  of  Philip  de  Merston  of  a  grant 
in  fee  by  John  Wake  to  the  siiid  Philip  of  a  rent  of  4  marks  ^out  of  his 
mills  in  the  miuior  of  Depyng,  held  in  chief.  By  K« 

Pardon  to  John  Soliz  of  liukenliam  Ferye,  now  imprisoned  at  Norwich, 
for  the  death  of  lioger  Godesman  of  Bukeuham  Ferye,  on  trusitworthy 
evidence  that  he  killed  him  while  under  detention  as  a  lunatic. 

By  K.,  on  the  information  of  Richard  de  Bury. 

Miiht<*r  Waller  de  Istlep,  staying  in  Ireknd,  has  letters  nominating 
William  de  Wyke  and  Peter  Clement  his  attorneys  in  England  for  two 

General  jmrdou  to  Elias  Ic  Reue<le,  in  consideration  of  his  service 
to  the  king  in  Nottingham  Castle  in  the  company  of  William  Latymer. 

By  p.8. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 
John  Maunsell. 
Thomiis  son  of  the  said  Elias. 

Insjjcximus  and  ccnlirmation  to  John  de  Farendon,  brother  and  heir 
of  Thoma.s  do  Farendon,  of  letters  |jat4fnt,  dat^.-d  i>  July,  19  Edwaril  II., 
being  a  licence  for  Kol>ert  de  Farendon  io  grant  to  the  said  Thomas,  in 
fee,  the  chief  bailiwick  of  the  county  of  Dortn.-i  and  the  bedclry  of  Ridelane 
and  other  hundreds  in  that  county.  By  fine  of  20«. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Roger  brother  and  heir  of 
John  sou  of  Rol>ert  de  Bovyngton,  who  had  a  like  licence  from  the 
late  king  but  died  l>eiore  he  could  give  effect  to  it,  of  »  messuage,  three 

4  EDWARD  UI.— Part  II.  19 

1330.  Membrane  29^cont. 

tofts  and  four  bovatcs  of  land,  in  Bovjngton  and  Kuddeatan,  to  a  chaplain 
to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  church  of  St,  Andrew,  Bovyngton, 
for  the  souls  of  the  said  John,  his  parents  and  ancestors. 

By  fine  of  20*.,  because  the  said  John  made  a  fine  of  100*.  at  another 

Nov.  15.  Protection  with  clause  nolumus^  for  one  year,  for  the  abbess  of  Berkyng. 

Nov.  1.  Protection  with  clause  volumusy  until  Easter,  for  Thomas  West,  knight, 

Leicester,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.                                                  By  K. 

Nov.  16.        Protection  for  two  years  for  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of 
Clarendon.    St.  James,  Dunwich,  collecting  alms. 

Membrane  28. 

Deo.  6.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Hugh  de  Couitenay  the  elder,  the  abbot 

We«tminst«r.  of  Ford  and  Hugh  de  Courtenay  the  younger  to  the  custody  of  Bynedon 
Abbey,  which  is  of  the  king*8  advowson,  where  so  grievous  a  dissension 
has  arisen  upon  a  change  of  abbot  that  the  abbey  has  been  attacked  by  a 
great  company  of  persons  and  plundered  of  its  goods.  They  are  to  take 
the  abbey  with  all  its  possessions  into  the  king's  hands  and,  if  possible, 
to  recover  the  stolen  property,  and  the  king  has,  for  their  assistance,  issued 
his  writs  de  intendendo  in  their  favour,  and  of  protection  for  the  abl)ey 
while  in  their  custody.  By  K.  &  C. 

Nov.  29.  Exemplification  at  the  request  of  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  son  and  heir 
Westminster,  of  Edmund  brother  of  Edward  I.,  of  a  charter,  dated  28  December, 
21  Edward  I.,  being  a  grant  to  Hemy  de  Lacy,  earl  of  Lincoln,  constable 
of  Chester,  in  fee  tail  with  remainder  to  the  said  Edmund,  of  the  castle, 
town  and  honor  of  Pontefract,  with  the  appurtenances  except  the  manor 
of  Thoresby,  co.  Lincoln. 

^Charter  Roily  21  Edward  /.,  No.  29.]     By  p.s. 

'   Dec.  2.  Henry  do  Maundevill  of  Ireland    and  Elizabeth  his  wife,  who  lately 

Westminster,  c^me  from  that  country  into  the  realm  and  are  now  returning  thither,  have 

letters  nominating  John  de  Lay  of  Burgh  and  Adam  Croke  of  Wanetyngg 

their  attorneys  in  England  for  two  years. 

Dec.  3.  Roger,  abbot  of  Tyntern,  staying  in  Wales,  has  letters  nominating  brother 

Westminster.  Walter  de  Longeneye  and  Peter  Buckeskyn  his  attorneys  in  England  for 
three  years. 

Deo.  4.  Master  John  de  Pinibus,  prebendary  of  South  Musian   in  the  church 

Westminsttr.  of  St.  Mary,  Southwell,  and  of  Hull  Deverel  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter, 
Hegherbury,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating  Bernard  Viventis 
his  attorney  in  England  for  one  year. 

Dec.  6,  Presentation  of  William  de  Horncastre    to  the  church  of  St.  Mary^ 

Westminster.   Grymesby,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  void  by  the  resignation  of  GreofFrey 

Baulot.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  7.  Letters  of  licence  to  elect  for  the  sub-prioress  and  convent  of  Graoe 

Westminster.  Dieu,  on  receipt  of  letters  from  them  aunotincing  the  death  of  Joan  de 
Hnstynges  their  prioress. 

Dec.  7.  Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  24-  November,  14  Edward  II., 

Westminster,  which  have  accidentally  been  lost,  being  a  restitution  to  Walter  arch^ 
bishop  of  Canterbury  and  his  successors  of  the  advowson  of  the  priory  of 
St.  Miartin,  Dover. 

Dec.  8.  Notification  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury  of  the  revocation  ot  the  late  grant 

Westminster,   to  Peter  de  Berkeleye,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Horton  in  the  church 



]^33Q^  Membrane  28 — cont, 

of  St.  Mnry,  Salisbury,  tbo  same  bein^j  already  held  by  Gilbert  de  Mid- 
<leltoii,  kin«:'8  clerk,  archdeacon  ol*  Northampton,  by  letters  patent  dated 
22  June,  15  Edwaid  IL 

Dec.  8.  Protection  for  one  year  for  Roger  Turtle  of*  Bristol  and  liis  men  while 

\Vc8tmiu8ier.  acting  upon  a  licence  to  export  J, 000  quarters  of  corn  to  Ireland,  notwith- 
standing any  prohibition  of  such  export. 

Membrane  27. 

Nov.  25.         Protection  an<l  safe  conduct  for  Thomas  Wako,  Henry  de  Bello  Monte, 
Kingftton-on-  Richard  de  Arundoll,  Fulk  le  Fitz  Waryn,  Thomas  Rocelyn  and  Rees  ap 
llmme^.       Oriffith  summoned  to  the  king  from  beyond  seas.  By  p.s. 

Afterwards  those  same  persons  had  separate  letters  as  above. 

Nov.  17.         Pardon   to  .John  de  Wellop  of  his  outlawry  In  the  county  of  Gloucester 

Clarendon,     for  non-appearance  before  the  juRtices  of  the  bench  of  the  late  king  to 

answer  touching  a  plea  of  John  de  Burton,  parson  of  the  church  of  New- 

(Miton,  that  be  render  an   account  for  the  time  when  he  was  his  bailiff  in 


Nov.  10.  Pardon  to  Ralph  Wodenot  and  Henry  son  of  Nicholas  atte  Temple  of 

Clarendon,  their  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Stufford  for  non-appearauce  in  the  court 
of  King*H  Bench  to  answer  touching  an  appeal  of  robbery  by  Joan  late  the 
wife  of  .Tohn  de  Hastyngs. 

Nov.  28.         Licence  for  John  Chaumberleyn  of  Wykyngby  to  grant  for  life  to  Roger 
WcstminBter.  de  Wolfthorpe  of  Grantham  and  Emma  his  wife  the  manor  of  Merston  bj 
Hagham,  held  in  chief.  By  fine  of  oO^.     Lincoln. 

Vacated  because  othencise  below, 

Nov.  28.         Writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  John  la  Zousche  appointed  a  purveyor  for 
WcMtminster.   the  household  of  (|ueen  Isabella. 

Nov.  28.         Appointment  of  William  archbishop  of  York  to  the  office  of  the  treasury 
WestmiiiFttT.   of  the  Exchequer,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  to  Robert  de  Wodehous,  archdeacon  of  Richmond,  to  deliver 
the  office  to  the  said  William.  Et  erat  patens. 

Nov.  29.         Grant  to  Walter  de  Monte  Gomery  of  his  goods  and  the  issues  of  his 
WcHtminstor.   lands  forfeited  to  the  king  by  his  withdrawal  when  indicted  for  the  death 
of  Peter  de  Lellyngton  in  the  county  of  Derby.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Northampton. 

Nov.  26.         Pardon  to  John  Abbot  of  Botyngdon  for  the  death  of  John  de  Banne- 
Wostminster.  bury,  the  cobbler,  of  Dorset,  as  it  appears  by  the  record   of  Rol)ert  de 
Malbcrthorpe    and  John    de  Cantebrigge,  justices  appointed   to   deliver 
Warwick  gaol,  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumtiSy  for  one  year,  for  William  de  Swynes- 
heved,  clerk. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 
Robert  Ostagc. 
Nov.  28.  Frankinus  de  Skodland. 


Nov.  27.  William  de  Bevercotes,  clerk. 


Dec.  2.  Master  Henry  de  Clif,  clerk. 


Nov.  29.  Ralph  vicar  of  the  church  of  Horndon,  for  two  years. 


Dec.  3.  The  prior  of  Gold«»clive  in  Wale.**. 

Westminster.  John  do  Abboteston. 

4  EDWARD  III.^Paut  II.  21 

1330.  Meinhrane  27 — conL 

Dec.  6.  Master  Hugh  de  logolisma. 

Westminster.  John  de  Hadle,  almoner  of  St.  Paul's,  Loudon. 

Thomas  vicar  of  the  church  of  Berghested. 
Ranulph  son  of  Ralph,  going  to  the  Holy  Land,  for  three  years. 
Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Edward  de  Mortuo  Mari. 

Dec.  5.  Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quad  damnum,  for  Robert  de  Walkefare  to 

Westminster,  close  a  path  in  Iselham  39  perches  long  and  4  feet  broad,  leading  from  a 
street  called  Estrete  to  the  church,  for  the  enlargement  of  his  house ;  on 
condition  that  he  make  on  his  own  land  a  like  path  for  public  use. 

Dec.  5.  Protection  for  John  Broun  of  Teukesbury  trading  in  corn  and  other 

Westminster,   merchandise  in  various  parts  of  the  realm. 

Nov.  30.  fnspeximus  and  confirmation  to  Nicholas  de  Hugate,  now  provost,  and 
Westminster,  the  canons  of  the  cihurch  of  St.  John,  Beverley,  of  a  charter  dated  7 
September,  4  Edward  II.  confirming  to  the  said  church  letters  patent, 
dated  9  Noveml)er,  5  John,  and  other  letters  patent  of  the  same  king, 
recognismg  the  right  of  the  same  to  thraves  of  corn  from  the  men  of 

Mbmbranb  26. 

Nov.  29.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Haruham  the  elder  to 
Westminster,  the  prior  and  the  brethren  and  sisters  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John  without 
the  gate  of  Wilton  of  a  messuage,  lOacres  of  land  and  iSs.  in  rent  in  Compton 
Chauraberleyn,  to  celebrate  the  obit  of  Robert  le  Chamberieyn  yearly  in  the 
church  of  Coroptou  Chaumberieyn,  and  to  find  two  wax  lights  to  burn  daily 
at  the  great  altar  of  that  church  during  the  celebration  of  high  mass  for  the 
soul  of  the  said  Robert.  By  fine  of  10*.     Wilts. 

May  4.  Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  R.  bishop  of  Bath  upon  the  grant  to 

Woodstock.  Edward  de  Bohoun  for  life  of  the  farm  of  54/.  which  the  bishop  pays  for 
the  manors  of  Congresby,  Cheddre  and  Axebrigge,  co.  Somerset,  and  which 
escheated  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent. 

By  p.s. 

Nov,  19.  Licence  for  John  du  Boys  the  elder  to  enfeoff  Robert  de  Bern  ham  of 
Westminster,  four  messuages,  207  acres  of  land,  13  acres  of  meadow,  12  acres  of  pasture, 
5  acres  of  wood,  4/.  12«.  ^d.  in  rent  and  rents  of  a  pound  of  pepper,  seven 
fussell  eels,  a  clove  of  gilliflower  and  two  capons,  in  Wytham  and  Hattefeld 
Peverell,  held  in  chief  as  of  the  honor  of  Peverell,  and  for  him  to  re-grant 
the  same  to  the  said  John,  Dionisia  his  wife  and  his  heirs. 

Dec.  2.  Pardon  to  William  sou  of  William  Ernald  of  Dunstaple  for  the  death  of 

Westminster.  John  le  Rede  of  Dunstaple;  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  the  justices 
appointed  to  deliver  Dunstaple  gaol  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Dec.  3.  Confirmation  to  Nigel  son  of  Hivo  son  of  Robert  de  Keneton  of  a  quit- 

Westminster,  claim  by  Henry  Engayne  to  the  said  Hivo  and  his  heirs  of  his  right  in 
Bortremyngum  and  view  of  frankpledge  in  Keneton  in  return  for  a  rent  of 
\d.  By  fine  of  ^  mark,     h'uffolk. 

Dec.  3.  Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Evesham,  who  at  the  king'a  request 

Westminster,  have  granted  to  William  Altekar,  his  yeoman,  fiustennnce  for  life  out  of 
their  house,  that  this  shall  not  hereafter  prejudice  the  abbey  as  a  precedent. 


Nov.  9.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Nicholas  de  Tyngewyk,  king's  clerk,  as  pre- 

Bed¥rin.        bendary  of  Bedewynde  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  by  the  colla- 
tion of  S.  late  bishop  of  Salisbury,  confirmed  by  the  late  king.  By  p.s. 


1330.  Membrane  26 — cont. 

Dec.  3.  Licence  for  John    ie  Botiller  to  enfeoff  John  Stake  of  the  manor  of 

Westminstor.  Wymeryngg,  co.  Southampton,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  te-gmnt  the 

name  to  the  said  John,  Joan  his  wife  and  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  3.  Appointment  of  Master  John  de  Hildesle,  canon  of  Chichester,  us  proctor 

Westminster,  for  the  king  and  his  duchy  of  Aquitaine  and  county  of  Pouthiou  and  Mon- 
streuil  at  the  court  of  Philip  king  of  France. 

The  like  with  the  addition  to  t)io  king's  titles  of  ^<  count  of  Ponthieu  and 

Dec.  6.  Grant  to  Nichohis  de  Hugate,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Kynewaston 

Westminster,  in  the  free  chapel  of  Wolverhampton,  in  the  diocese  of  Coventry  and  Lich- 
field, which  is  in  the  king's  gift  by  rejuiOD  of  the  Ute  voidance  of  Uie  deanery 
of  the  said  chapel.  By  p^. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  chapel. 

Dec.  8.  Mandate  to  bailiffs  and  others  of  the  county  of  Cornwall  to  receive  as 

Westmimter.  attorneys  for  the  abbot  of  Beaulieu  Regis,  William  do  Pederton  and  John  de 
Scapelwyk,  monks  of  the  abbey,  and  Nicholas  Duraunt,  appointe<l  for  three 
years  in  respect  of  certain  lands  held  by  the  abbot  near  St.  Michael's 
Mount,  on  account  of  which  he  is  often  impleaded  by  persons  planning  to 
put  him  to  expense  and  trouble  and  where  he  cannot  attend  in  person 
without  very  great  peril  by  reason  of  the  dislanoc  and  the  dangers  of  the 
ways.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Dec.  8.  Pardon  to  Oliver  de  Ingham,  in  consideration  of  service  to  the  late 

Westminster,  king  and  the  king  in  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine,  for  his  adherence  to  Roger  de 

Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  the  king's  enemy  ;  and  restitution  of  his  lands 

and  goods  in  the  county  of  Chester  and  elsewhere,  except  luch  as  he  had  as 

a  gift  from  the  king. 

Dec.  10.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Peter  de  Uvedale  and  Mar- 

Westminster,  garet  his  wife  of  a  messuage,  50  acres  of  land,  12  acres  of  meadow,  12  acres 
of  alder  wood   and  21$.  in  rent,  in  Hemyok,  Come  and  Staunton,  to  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of  St.  Katherine, 
Hemyok,  for  the  souls  of  the  said  Peter  and  Margaret  and  the  parents  of 
Margaret.  By  fine  of  40^.     Somerset. 

Dec.  9.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  John  Giffard,  king's  clerk,  as  steward 

Westminster,  and  surveyor  of  the  castles,  cities,  boroughs,  towns,  honors,  manors^  farms, 
comots,  hundreds,  forests  and  lands,  held  by  queen  Isabella  beyond  the 
Trent,  in  the  county  of  Lincoln  and  in  North  Wales,  whether  by  assign- 
ment in  dower  of  the  late  king  or  by  grant,  for  life,  of  the  king,  which  she 
has  now  surrendered  to  the  king.  By  K. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  him  in  the  same. 

Membrane  25. 

Dec.  10.  Exemplirication  of  a  charter,  dated  8  September,  12  Edward  L,  consti- 

WestminBtcr.   tuting  Khuddlan  a  free  borough. 

[Charter  Roll,  12  Edtmrd  /.,  No.  14.] 

Doc.  13.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Pultoney,  citizen  of 
Westminster.  London,  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Bartholomew, 
Smithfield,  of  a  messuage,  four  shops  and  four  cellars,  in  the  parish  of 
St.  Nichohis  atte  Shameles,  London,  to  find  two  chaplains  to  celebrate 
divine  service  daily ;  namely  a  secular  priest,  in  the  church  of  St.  Thomas 
the  Apostle,  London,  and  one  of  the  brethren,  in  the  hospital ;  for  the 
good  estate  of  the  said  John  and  Margaret  his  wife,  in  life,  for  their  souls 
after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  John  de  Bureford  late  citizen  of  London 
and  Boesia  his  wife.  By  fine  of  5  marks. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  IL  23 

1330.  Membrane  25. — cont. 

Doc.  10.  Confirmation  of  an  indenture  whore])y  Robert  abbot  of  Woubourno  and 

Westminster,  tho  convent  of  lb  at  plaeo  gi*anted  to  Simon  Colo  of  Smewynes,  clerk, 
Isabella  his  wife  and  Robert  their  gon,  for  their  livep,  at  a  rent  of  4  marks, 
tlie  groat  ox  stall  and  dairy  in  Ottecote  grange,  crofts  called  Crouch ecrofts, 
witli  a  small  green  plot  adjoining,  near  Chalvecrofts,  Losecrofts  by  Abbefeld, 
with  other  closes  near  Losewod  both  arable  and  pasture,  with  quick 
hedges  and  dikes,  lo  hold  in  severalty  and  enclose  at  their  pleasure,  and 
the  following  lands,  &c. ;  fields  known  by  the  names  of  Newebrokene  and 
Baggenhull  with  a  meadow  between  them  and  common  of  pasture  in  tho 
pasture  between  le  Newebrokene,  Losewod  and  BIggyngefeld,  and  the 
meadow  lying  by  the  land  of  Nicholas  le  Masson,  with  free  ingress  and 
egress,  fouerbote  and  the  right  to  take  heath,  broom  and  brac^ken  in  Cherlewod 
heath,  and  common  of  pasture  at  all  times  of  tho  year  in  Ottecote. 

By  fine  of  1  mark.     Bedford.     Buckingham. 

Dec.  10.  Confirmation  of  letters  patent  under  the  seal  of  the  Exchequer  appointing 

Westminiter.  Reginald  de  Pavely  to  the  oustody  from  Michaelmas  hist,  of  the  seven 

hundreds  of  Cokham  and  Braye,  co.  Berks,  during  pleasure,  at  the  rent 

of  22  marks,  on  condition  that  ho  keep  them  according  to  the  form  of  the 

statute  lately  passed  at  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14.  Appointment   during    pleasure  of  Robert    de  Aspale  as    steward  and 

WettminKter.  surveyor  of  all  possessions  on  this  side  the  Trent — except  in  the  county 
of  Lincoln — and  in  South  Wales,  lately  surrendered  by  queen  Isabella. 
Vacated  by  surrender.  By  K. 

Dec.  12.  Discharge  to  Roger  de  Lisewy  of  Salisbury,  king's  clerk,  and  Philip  le 

WestmioKter.  Tavemer  of  Salisbury,  king's  yeoman,  of  all  expenses  incurred  in  bringing 
to  Southampton  60  tuns  of  wine  lately  pmchased  for  the  king  by  the  con- 
stable of  Bordeaux  out  of  the  issues  of  the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine],  by  view 
of  the  said  Philip  and  brought  to  that  port  by  the  latter ;  the  king  having, 
at  the  request  of  queen  Isabella,  granted  the  wine  to  the  said  Roger,  for 
the  improvement  of  his  estate,  in  i-eturn  for  120  marks  for  the  wine  and 
the  carriage  thereof,  which  he  has  paid  by  the  hands  of  Richard  de  Bury, 
king's  clerk.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation,  without  prejudice  to  the  king's  rights,  of 

Westminster,  a  grant  [in  French]  dated  Spaldyng,  7  July,  6  Edward  IL,  by  John  de 
Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  to  the  burgesecs  of  Stamford,  his  resident  tenants 
and  tenants  in  chief,  that  they  may  freely  buy  and  sell  in  their  town,  as 
their  ancestors  have  used  to  do,  and  that  they  shall  elect  one  of*  their 
number  as  alderman  to  rule  them,  who  on  election  shall  be  sworn  in  before 
the  eai'l,  or,  in  his  absence,  before  the  steward  of  tho  town. 

By  pet.  of  Parliament  and  fine  of  2  marks. 

Dec.  16.  Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  daf/iuutn,  for  William  de  Clynton  to 

Weitmiuster.  close  a  way  in  Upchirche,  30  perches  long  and  20  feet  broad,  leading  from 

Gillyngham   to  Ne  wen  ton,  for  the  enlargement  of    his  dwelling  house ; 

provided  that  he  make  on  his  own  land  a  like  way  for  public  use.       By  K. 

Dec.  14.  Licence  for  the  warden  and  scholars  of  the  House  of  Scholars  of  Merton, 

Westminster.   Oxford,  to  acquire  in  mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the 

yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  Master  Robert  de  Stretford,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of 

Wettmintter.'  Bere  and  Cherminstre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  in  the  king's 

gift  by  reason  of  the  late  voidance  of  the  see.  By  p.s. 


1330.  Membra  SB  24. 

Dec.  7.  Present8tion  of  Thomas  de  Hareys,  king's  clerk,  iiarson  of  the  church 

Wostmioster.  of  Mesedon,  in  the  diocese  of  Lon(lon,  to  the  church  of  Rye,  in  the  diocese  of 
Chichester,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Walter  de  Useflete,  king's 

Dec.  12.         John  de  Bohun  of  Midhurst,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating 
\V«atmin8tep.  John  de  Kerdif  and  Thomas  de  Berethorp  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two 

Dec.  13.         Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  the  prior  of  St  Swithin*8, 
Westminster.    Winchester. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 
Dec.  6.  Ralph  de  Blound,  prebendary  of  Tl^ndcrdon,  in  the  ftee  chapel  of  Brug- 

Westminster.  genorth. 

Dec.  3.  Margaret  de  Walton. 


Dec.  13.  The  abbot  of  Keynesham,  for  two  years. 

WestminRter.  Master  Nicholas    de  Tyngewyk,  prebendary  of  Bedewynde  in   the 

church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury. 
Deo.  12.  Peter  de  Grauntsoun,  for  two  years. 

Westminster.  William  Polhowe. 

John  de  Handle. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  Master  Robert  de  Stratford,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Bere 

Westminster,  and  Cherministre,  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbur}',  in  the  king's  gift 
by  reason  of  the  lute  voidance  of  the  see.  By  p.R. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury. 

Dec.  9.  Grant  to  Richard  Gent  of  Newcastle,  king's  clerk,  of  the  deaneiy  of  the 

Westminster,   king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Peter  and  St,  Paul,  Wolvernhampton.  By  p.B. 

Dec.  5.  Grant  to  Walter  de  London,  king's  clerk,  of  the  canonry  and  prebend  in 

Westminster,    the  church  of  St.  Wolfram,  Abbeville,  lately  held  by  Honoratus  de  Fiefe«, 

in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  surrender  to  him  by  queen  Isabella  on 

1  De»'',ember  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu  and  Monstreuil.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  said  church. 

Dec.  7.  Mandate  to  Robtrt  Selyman,  escheator  this  side  Trent,  for  restitution  of 

Westminster,  the  temporalities  of  the  priory  of  Holy  Cross,  Wyrmegeye,  to  John  de 
Cauntele,  one  of  the  brethren,  whose  election  as  prior  has  been  confirmed  by 
Adam  de  Ayremynne,  king's  clerk,  archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  as  vicar 
^neral  of  the  see  of  Norwich  in  the  bishop's  absence,  and  whose  fealty 
has  been  taken  by  the  king. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the  priory. 

Dec.  10.  Presentation  of  Edmund  Everard  to  the  church  of  Tichemerssh,  in  the 

Westminster,  diocese  of  Lincoln,  void  by  the  resignation  of  Master  Gilbert  Level  and  in 

the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  land  and  heir  of  John  Level, 

tenant  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  13.         John  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford,  goinc;  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago,  has 
Westminster,  letters  nominating  Walter  de  Finchyngfeld  and  John  de  Stane  his  attorneys 
in  England  for  one  year. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  William  de  Novo  Castro  subtus  Lynam  that  no  marshal  of  the 

Westminster,  household  or  other  minister  shall  make  any  livery  or  lodge  in  his  houses  in 

West  Smethefeld  aganist  the  will  of  him  or  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.  Robert  de  Co  ventre  and  Nicholas  dc  Peverwich,  canons  of  St.  Mary*s 

Westminster.  Derlegh,  brmging  news  of  the  des^th  of  William  de  Alsop,  their  abbot,  have 

letters  of  licence  to  elect.  By  p.s. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Pakt  II.  25: 

133(X  Membrane  24— co«^. 

Dec.  3.  Ifispeximus    and    confirmation   of  letters    patent,   dated  5   August,  7 

Westminster.  Edward  II.,  being  an  appointment  of  David  ap  Houwel  to  the  bailiwick  of 
Ragelon  in  the  commote  of  Turkelin,  co.  Anglesey. 

Dec.  16.         Pardon  to  Nicholas  le  Scryveyn  and  Alice  his  wife  for  acquiring,  in  fee, 

Westminster,  from  John  Blnet  19  acres  of  heath  in  Chippenham  and  Pewesham,  held  in 

chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  the  licence  of  the  late  king ;  and  licence 

for  them  to  retain  the  same.  Bj  fine  of  ^  mark.     Wilts. 

Dec.  3.  Pardon  to  Gilbert  de  Berewyk  and  William  his  brother  for  acquiring,  for 

Westminster,  themselves  and   the  heirs  of  Gilbert,  from  Stephen  Turpyn  the  manor  of 

•Estwynterslewe,  held  in  chief,  and  entering   thereon  without  licence;  and 

licence  for  them  to  retain  the  same.  By  fine  of  o  marks. 

Dec.  13.  Safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  men  and  servants  sent  by  Richard  de 

Westminster.   Emeldon  to  buy  corn  and  other  merchandise  in  France. 

Dec.  10.         Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Richard  de  Haveryng,  king's   clerk, 

Westminster,  as  prebendary  of  Langetoft  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  York,  of  Putteston 

in  the  church  of  St.  Ethelbert,  Hereford,  of  Hisshopeston  in  the  church  of 

St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  and  of  Ferrynges  in  Chichester  Cathedral.  By  K. 

Dec.  15.         Presentation  of  Thomas  de  Clopton  to  the  church  of  Ideshale,  in  the 

Westminster,  diocese  of   Coventry  and   Lichfield,  in  the   king's  gift  by  reason  of  his 

custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  Bartholomew  de  Badelesmere.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Richard  de  Haveryng,  king's  clerk, 

Westminster,  as  precentor  of  the  church  of  St.  Ethelbert,  Hereford ;  and  revocation  of 
the  late  collation  thereto  of  Master  John  do  Oo  of  Oxford,  king's  clerk. 


Dec.  16.  Pardon  to  Richard  le  Tanner  of  Chippenham  for  acquiring  in  fee  in 

Westminster.  Chippenham  an  acre  of  land  from  William  atte  Sartrye  and  3  acres  from 
Thomas  EIrigge,  held  in'  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence  of 
the  late  king ;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain  the  same. 

By  fine  of  J  mai'k.     Wills. 

Dec.  12.  Mandate  to  the  bailiffs  of  Hereford,  on  petition  of  the  citizens  to  the  king 
Westminster,  and  council  in  Parliament,  to  make  proclamation  in  the  king's  name  for- 
bidding the  use  of  carts  bound  with  iron  {carectis  ferratis)  for  carrying 
dune;  without  or  within  the  city  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  such  carts  to  the 
bailiffs,  who  shall  answer  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  value  thereof  as 
assessed  by  a  jury  of  the  citizens.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Dec.  18.  Appointment  of  Roger  atte  Wode  to  the  custody  of  the  king's  pai*ks  of 

Westminster.   Fremantel  and  Crokham,  during    pleasure,  at  the  same  wages   as   John 

Pecche  had  for  tiie  same  in  the  late  king's  reign.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10.  Pardon  to  William  Gretheved  of  Ravenestone  for  the  death  of  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Hole  well  at  Hole  well ;  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  William  de  Herle  and 
other  justices  in  eyre  in  the  county  of  Derby  that  he  killed  him  in  self 

Dec.  10.  Pardon  to  John  de  Daventre,  William  de  Wyndesore,  John  de  Wyndesore, 
Westminster.  Benedict  le  Quareour,  Alice  la  Quareour,  Margery  late  the  wife  of  Robert 
le  Grayne,  Henry  de  Balne,  William  son  of  Robert  le  Grayne,  Isabella  de 
Balne,  John  son  of  Richard  Chapeleyn,  Margery  de  Balne,  Thomas  son  of 
Philip  and  John  de  Hermesbi  of  their  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Nottingham 
for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  in  eyre  in  that  county  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  Robert  de  Saxton. 

Dec.  6.  Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Pateshull  and  John  Fraunceys  for  acquiring  for 

Westminster,   their  lives  from  John  de  Burdeloys  12  acres  of  land  and  25*.  in  rent  in 


1330.  Membrane  23. 

Cumberton,  co.  Cambridge,  held  in  chief,  and   entering  thereon  without 
licence  ;  and  licence  for  them  to  retain  the  same.     By  p.s.  and  fine  of  40.«. 

Dec.  8.  Appointment  of  J.  bishop  of  Winchester,  the  chancellor,  to  the  custody, 

Westminster,  of  WaverJo  Abbey,  a  house  largely  of  royal  foundation,  now  grievously 
oppressed  by  debts.  He  is  to  receive  all  rents  and  issues  of  the  abbey 
and  to  apply  the  same,  after  reserving  reasonable  sustenance  for  the  abbot, 
convent  and  necessary  ministers,  in  discharging  the  debts  and  restoring  the 
estate  of  the  house,  which  is  to  be  in  the  king*8  protection  so  long  as  tho 
custody  lasts.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.         Protection  with  clause  volumns,  for  two  years,  for  Walter  Haumond. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

John  de  Lyston,  knight^  for  one  yeai*. 
Simon  de  Writljrng. 
Nicholas  de  Tunstall,  for  one  year. 
The  prior  of  Ledes,  for  one  year. 

Dec.  IG.  Master  Walter  de  London,  parson  of  tho  church  of  Hcndon,  for  one 

WestmiDster.  year. 

Dec.  15.  Johnde  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago,  for 

Westminster.  one  year.  By  K. 

Thomas  de  Walmesford  going  with  him.  By  testimony  of  the  earl. 

Dec.  10.  Revocation   of  the  late   collation   of   Master   John  do   Ufford,   king's 

Westminster,   clerk,  to    tho  archdeaconry   of  Chester   in  Lichefeld  church,  as    Master 

Richard  de  Haveryng,  king's  clerk,  already  holds  the  same  by  a  sufficient 

title ;  and  ratification  of  the  estate  of  the  latter  as  archdeacon.  By  K. 

Dec.  12.         PresentJition  of  Nicholas  de  Oxenford  to  the  church  of  Mei'sh,  in  the 
Wesiminsier.    diocese  of  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  12.  Pardon,  with  the   assent  of  Parliament,  to  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  of  a 

Westminster,   recognisance  in   30,000/.   wherein  he  became  bound  in  the  Chancery,  by 

order  of  the  council,  on  submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  lato 

rebellion  at  Bedford.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Dec.  13.  Appointment  of   Richard  de   Plumpton  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of 

Westminster,   forester  of  Glyngothy  in  Oautremaur,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  13.         The  like  of  William  de  Langefeld,  king's  yeoman,  to  the  bailiwick  of  the 
Westminster,    chief  forestership  of  Blakeburnshirc.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14         Grant  to  John   de   Palynton,   for   service    to   the   late   king  and   the 
Westminster,  king,  of  the  office  of  rider  in  Salcey  Forest,  during  good  behaviour. 

By  p.s. 

Dec.  14.  Licence  for  the   abl)ot  and  convent    of   Bordesleye  to  demise  to  farm 

Weetminster.  for  term  of  life  or  years  the  lands  belonging  to  the  house.  By  C. 

Dec.  16.  Simon  Moyk,  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Peter,  Suntyngfeld  by  Whit- 

Westminiter.  sand,  has  letters  nominating  William  de  Hare  well  and  William  de 
Clarkes,  brethi^eu  of  the  hospital,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three 

Dec.  12.         Exemption  for  life   of  William  la  Zousche  of    Ilaryngworlh,  afflicted 

Westminster,   with  a  disease  believed  to  be  incurable,  from  attendance  at  Parliaments, 

assemblies  and  councils  of  the  realm ;  and  power  for  him  to  appear  by 

proxy.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  to  Master  Robert  dc  Stratford,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of 

Westminster.    Bero  and  Chermenistre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury.     The  right 

of  the  crown  to  present    in   this    voidance  was  recovered  by  the  late 

4  EDWARD  IlI.--PAiiT  IL  27 

1330.  Membrane  2S—cont. 

king  by  judgement  of  his  court  against  the  bishop  who  had  refused 
to  admit  Master  John  de  Stratford  to  it  on  his  presentation,  and  as  the  said 
John  has  sinco  been  made  bishop  of  Winchester,  without  havin^r  been 
admitted  to  the  prebend,  the  king  still  has  the  right  to  present.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10,         Appointment    of   Luke    de   Burgh   to    prosecute   and   defend  for    the 

Wentminftter.  king  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench,  with  the  yearly  fee  of  10/.,  during 

pleasure.  By  K. 

Dec.  14.         Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  John  Engayne  of  a  recogni« 

WeBtiiiintter.   sance  in  1,200  marks,  Wherein  he  became  bound  in  the  Chancery,  by  order 

of  the  council,  on  submitting  himself  tu  the  king*s  will  after  the  late  rebellion 

at  Bedford.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  16.  Simple  protection  until  Whitsunday  for  R.  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells 

WeMminttef.  going  beyond  seas.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  22. 

Dee.  lOv         Licence  for  Peter  h  Frenshe  of  Northampton  to  grant  to  Henry  Roger 

Westminster,  of  Northampton,  Juliana  his  wife  and  hid  hetrs^  a  messuage  atod  ftve  dhops 

in  Northampton^  held  in  chief.  By  fine  of  1  tnark. 

Dec»  12.         Acknowledgement  of    the  receipt  from   Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto, 

Westminster,  the  Pope's  collector  of  first  fruits  itt  England,  of  997/.  *7s.  3d.  paid  to 

William  de  Colby,  queeb  Philippa's  treasurer,  on  account  of  the  king's 

moiety  of  such  first  fruits.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  beloiv, 

John  de  Mereworth,  going  on  pilgrimage  in  the  company  of  John  de 
Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  the  king's  kinsman,  has  letters  nominate 
ing  James  de  &odelsford^  parson  of  the  church  of  Mereworth,  and  Peter 
Peverel  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Dec.  8.  Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  dated  27  April,  17  Edward 

Westminster.  H.^  being  an  inspeximus  of  a  charter^  daled  3  May,  31  Edward  I.,  whereby 

Edward  II.,  then  prince  of  Wales,  constituted  Neuburgh,  co.  Anglesey,  a 

free  borough.  By  fine  of  20^.     Wales. 

Dec.  10.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  Burry  of  a  messuage 

Westminster,  and  12J  marks  in  rent,  in  Salisbury,  to  two  chaplains  to  calebrate  divine 
service  daily  in  the  church  of  St.  Edmund,  Salisbury,  for  the  souls  ^^  the 
said  Henry,  Edith  his  late  Wife,  their  heirs  and  ancestors. 

By  fine  of  16  marks.     Wilts. 

I>ftc.  13,  Ratification,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  of  a  grant  in  fee  to  Thomas 

Wtstminsten  de  Weston  of  the  reversion  of  the  manor  of  Reynham,  Co.  Essex,  which 

escheated  to  the  king  on  the  death  of  Oliver  Plokenet  and  was  then  granted 

to  William  Melchet  for  his  life.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  14,  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  John  de  Brun,  king's  yeoman,  to  take 

Westminster,  falcons,  ramage  and    from   the  nest,  (ramageos  et  pullos)^  in  North  and 

South  Wales,  to  rear  for  the  king's  use.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  10.  Pardon,  at  the  instance  of  William  de  Leycestre,  king's  clerk,  for  the 

Westminster,  acquisition  in  mortmain  by  Hugh  Tripacy,  sometime  parson  of  the  church 
of  Long  Ditton,  from  Roger,  sometime  prior  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary 
without  Bishopsgate,  London,  of  an  acre  and  a  half  of  land  and  2  acres  of 
wood  in  Long  Ditton,  and  by  John  Aboveton,  now  parson  of  the  same, 
from  Stephen  de  Hadresham  of  a  rood  of  land  there,  made  without  licence 
of  the  king's  grandfather,  father  or  the  kmg  ;  and  licence  for  the  said 
John  to  retain  the  same.  By  K. 

Dec.  10.  Acknowledgement   of    the  receipt  from  Master  Itherius  de   Concoreto, 

Wetttoinater.  king's  clerk,  the  Pope's  collector  of  first  fruits  in  England,  of  100/.  paid  to 


1330.  Membrane  22— ron/. 

W.  archbishop  of  York,  the   treasurer,  and  the  king's  cham1)crlain8  on 
account  of  the  king's  moiety  of  such  collection. 

Dec.  17.  Appointment    of    Robert    de    Wodebous,    king's  clerk,  archdeacon  of 

Westminster.  Richmond,  to   the  office  of  the  chancellorship  of  the   Exchequer,  daring 

pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  to  Adam  de  Herewynton  to  deliver  to  him  the  king's  seal  find 

other  things  pertaining  to  the  office. 

The  like  to  the  ti*e<usurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  admit  him. 

Dec.  12.  Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Thomas  Wake  of  Lidel  of  a 

Westminster,  recognisance  in  10,000/.  wherein  he  became  bound  in  the  Chancery,  by  order 

of  the  council,  on  submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  rebellion  at 

Bedford.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  16.         Notification  to  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln  of  the  revocation  of  the  presentation 

Westminster,  of  Nichohis  de  Oxonia,  king's  clerk,  to  the  church  of  Mersshe,  the  king  having 

previously   presented   Master  Henry  de  London,  king's  clerk,  to  i&ie  said 

church.  By  K. 

Dec.  18.         Grant  to  R.  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  of  pavage  for  his  town  of 
Westminster.  Lichefeld  for  three  years.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Dec.  16.  R.  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.  Master  Walter  de  Burton  and  John  de  Sutton,  chaplain,  his  attorneys  in 
England  until  Whitsuntide. 

The  said  bishop  has  like  letters  until  Michaelmas. 

Membrane  21. 

Dec.  16.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John   de  Heselarton  to  the 

Westminster,  abbot  and  convent  of  Joreval  of  a  messuage  in  York  held  of  the  king  in  free 

burgage.  By  K.,  on  the  information  of  G.  le  Scrope. 

Dec.  14.  Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  William  le  Blount  of  a  recog- 

Westminster.  nisance  in  500/.  wherein  ho  became  bound  in  the  Chancery,  by  order  of  the 

council,  on  submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  rebellion  at  Bedford. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Henry  de  Ferrariis  of  a  recognisance  in  5,000/.  made  under 
similar  circumstances.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  18.  Grant  to  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  of  pontage  for  three  years  on    wares 

Westminster,  passing  over  the  bridges  of  the  town  of  Leicester,  for  repair  of  the   same 

bridges.  By  K. 

Dec.  16.  Grant  for  life  to  Master  John  de  Florencia,  king's  clerk,  of  the  manor  of 

Westminster.  Midelton,  co.  Kent,  with  its  hundred  ami  other  appurtenances,  lately 
surrendered  by  queen  Isabella;  in  lieu  of  500  marks  out  of  the  customs  of 
London  and  Southampton  lately  granted  to  him  until  other  provision  were 
made.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  Boillet  who  now  has  the  custody  of  the 
said  manor,  &c. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  the  said  John  de  Florencia  directed  to  the  tenants 

of  the  manor. 

Dec.  20.  Grant,  on  petition  of  the  mjisters  and  scholars  of  Oxford   University  to 

Westminster,  the  king  and  council,  that  the  assize  of  wine  observed  in  Oxford  since  the 

reign  of  Edward  I.  shall  continue,  namely  that  the  price  shall  not  exceetl 

the  price  paid  in  London  by  more  than  \d.  on  each  gallon  (fagena.) 

By  pet.  of  0. 

Dec.  19.  Grant  to  Roger  de  Aston,  during  good  behaviour,  of  the  office  of  bedel 

Westminster,   of  Wygmoreslounde  previously  granted  to  him  by  the  late  king  and  held 

by  him  until  removed  by  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Wygraore,  the  king's 

enemy.  By  p.s. 

EDWARD  111.— tAKT  II.  29 

1330.  Membrane  21 — cont 

Dec.  17.  Grant  to  Robert  de  Walkefare  of  the  marriage  of  Adam   son  and  heir  of 

Westminster.  Adam  de  Swilynton,  tenant  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  21.  Master  John  de  Florencia,  king's  clerk,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters 

Westminster,  nominating  Bernard  de  Pouche  his  attorney  in  England  for  two  years. 

Dec.  20.  Grant  to  Edward  Chaundos,  at  his  i*equest,  of  40/.  3*oarly  from  the  farm 

Westminster,  of  the  town  of  Derby,  instead  of  the  like  sum  at  the  Exchequer  lately 
granted  to  him.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  bailiffs  of  Derby. 

Dec.  20.         Appointment  of  Thomas  le  Porter,  king's  clerk,  to  the  bailiwick  of  the 
Westminster,  office  of  forester  of  Chirk  Forest,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  20.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Hugh  de  Courteneye  of  a 

Westminster,  messuage,  lOOff.  in  rent  and  half  a  carucate  of  land  in  Merpol,  Grendel, 
Netherstofford  and  Neweton  Popelford,  held  in  chief  as  appears  by  the 
inquisition,  to  n  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of 
St.  Luke  the  Evangelist,  Neweton  Popelford,  for  the  good  estate  of  the 
said  Hugh,  in  life,  for  his  soul,  after  death,  and  for  the  souls  of  Eleanor  de 
Courteneye,  his  mother,  Philip  de  Courteneye,  his  brother,  their  ancestors 
and  heirs.  By  fine  of  100*.     Devon. 

Dec.  20.  Pardon  to  Simon  de  Beltoft,  knight,  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 

Westminster.  Nottingham  for  non-appearance  before  William  de  Herle  and  other 
justices  in  eyre  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  John  de  Oarewell. 

By  K.  A  C. 

Dec.  21.  Grant,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  the  king's  merchants  Dinus 

Westminster.  Forsetti,  Peter  lleyner,  Bartholomew  de  Barde,  and  the  other  merchants  of 
the  society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence,  in  consideration  of  their  losses  by 
not  i*eceiying  at  the  appointed  time  certain  tenths  due  from  the  clergy  of 
England,  and  money  to  be  paid  by  the  king  of  Scotland  under  the  late 
treaty,  heretofore  assigned  to  them  by  the  king  as  security  for  loans,  of 
l,000/.y  as  a  gift,  out  of  the  customs  and  the  aforesaid  tenths.  If  they  do 
not  receive  the  money  due  from  Scotland,  their  debt  shall  be  paid  wholly 
out  of  the  tenths.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  18.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  William  de  Lescapon,  king's  clerk,  as  pre- 

Westminster.  bendary  of  Castelnok,  in  the  church  of  St.  Patrick,  Dublin,  which  is 
of  the  patronage  of  the  archbishop. 

Dec.  21.  Grant  for  life  to  WiUiam  Ganger,  king's  yeoman,  of  the  office  of  ganger 

Westminster,  of  wines  in  England  and  Ireland,  which  he  held  by  grant  from  the  king 
made  before  he  assumed  the  governance  of  the  realm  but  from  which  he 
was  removed,  by  the  procurement  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Man,  in  favom-  of 
Richard  de  la  Pole.  The  appointment  of  the  said  Richard  to  the  office 
has  been  revoked  in  the  present  Parliament.  By  p.8. 


Dee.  19.         Appointment  of  Henry  le  Scrope  as  chief  baron   of  the  Exchequer, 
Westminster,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Dec  16.  Release  for  life  with  the  assent  of  Parliament  to  Thomas  de  Metham  of 

Westmmster.   10/.  due  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  manor  of  Willeye,  co.  Nottingham, 

which  he  holds  at  fee  farm.  By  K. 

Dec.  18.         Protection  with  clause  nolttmusy  for  one  year,  for  the  prior  of  Newstead. 
Westminster.       The  like  for  the  following : — 

Dec.  16.  Thomas  Blanket  of  Bristol. 



1330,  Membrane  20— cant. 

Dec.  2a  Nigel  de  Whetele. 


Dec.  20,         Simple  protection  for  one  year  for  John  de  Legh,  going  lieyond  seat  in 
Westminster,  the  company  of  John  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford. 

By  testimony  of  the  earl. 
The  like  for  the  following,  also  going  : — 
John  Daventrc. 
John  de  Mereworth. 

Dec.  18.  Grant   to  John  de  Lcycestre,  king's  clerk,  lately  appointed  a  chamberlain 

Westmiuster.  of  tlie  Exchequer,  during  pleasure,  that  ho  fihall  hold  the  office  during 
good  behaviour. 

Dec.  18.         Writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  Richard  de  Walton,  appointed  bv  J.  bishop 
We(«tminiter.  of  Winchester,   the   chancellor,    a    purveyor    for   the  office  of  the  Mar* 

Dec.  14.  Grant  to  Thomas  de  Bello  Campo,  son  and  heir  of  Guy  de  Bello  Campo, 
Westminster,  earl  of  Warwick,  in  contiimalion  of  the  king's  grace  shewn  by  previous 
grants,  of  his  castles,  manors  and  lands,  with  their  knights*  fees  and  advow- 
sone,  as  well  those  of  which  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  had  the 
custody,  as  all  others,  with  their  issues  from  20  February,  3  Edward  III., 
the  (lay  on  which  the  king  received  hin  homage  although  he  was  then 
under  age.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  20.         Appointment  of  Master  Robert  de  Aylcston  as  a  baron  of  the  Exchequer, 
Westminster,   during  pleasure.  By  K.  ^  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Dec.  17.         Grant  for  life  to  Robert  de  Walkefare  of  the  custody  of  Beaumaroya 
Westminster.   Castle.  By  p.«. 

Mandate   in   pursuance   to  Gilbert  de  Ellesfeld  in  whose    custody  the 
castle  is. 

Dec.  16.  Grant  to  John  de  Hanyngfeld,  clerki  of  the  office  of  the  serjeanty  of 

Westminster,   the  customs  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells  in  the  port  of  London. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Richard  de  Bury. 

Dec.  12.  Power  for  the  abbot  of  Leicester  to  give  tlu»  royal  assent  to  the  election  of  a 

Westminster,  prioress  of  Grace  Dicu  in  the  place  of  Joan  dc  Hastings,  deceascHl,  and  to 
receive  the  fealty  of  sucli  prioress.  He  is  to  certify  the  king  of  all  pro- 
ceedings herein,  sending  the  letters  of  the  sub- prioress  nud  convent  of  the 
result  of  the  election  and  the  letters  of  confirmation  thereof  by  the  diocesan. 
This  power  is  granted  out  of  pity  for  the  poverty  of  the  sub-prioress  and 
convent.  By  K. 

Dec.  24.  Mandate  to  R.  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  or  his  vicar-general,  to  admit 

Westminster.  Master  Thomas  de  Upton,  king's  clerk,  to  the  archdeaconry  of  Wells,  and 
to  the  stall  and  place  in  the  cliapter  held  in  right  of  the  same,  lately  granted 
to  him  by  the  king. 

Dec.  12.  Grant  to  John  dc  Bedeford  of  the  city  of  London,  pursuant  to  an  agreement 

Westminster,  made  in  the  present  Parliament,  that  the  prohibition  in  his  letters  of  pardon 
dated  15  June  last  against  his  coming  within  12  leagues  of  the  city  be  now 
withdrawn  and  that  iic  shall  have  again  his  forfeited  goods. 

By  K.  and  the  whole  C. 
DeCi  16.  Licence  fbr  John  de  Handlo  to  grant  to  Eustace  do  Eton  and  Geoffrey 
Westminster,  de  Skardeburgh,  chaplains,  and  their  successors,  twenty  messuages  and  two 
carucates  of  land  in  Uedyndon  and  the  bailiwick  of  the  othoo  of  forester  of 
Shottore  and  Stowode,  held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  re-grant  the  same  to 
him  for  life,  with  successive  remainders  to  Richard  his  son,  Isabella  the 
wife  and  the  heirs  of  the  said  Richard,  to  Nicholas  and  Thomas  hia 
brothers,  in  tail,  and  ultimate  lemaindcr  to  the  right  heirs  of  Thomas. 

By  fine  of  10  marks.     Oxford. 

4  EDWARD  IU.^Part  II.  31 

1330.  Membrane  20 — cont. 

Dec.  18.  Grunt  to  Hugh  dc  Frene  of  the  custody  of  Cardigan  Castle  in  South 

Westminster.  Wales,  with  the  stewardship  there,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  the  justice  of  South  Wales,  and  Geoffrey  de 
Stoke  who  now  holds  the  said  custody  and  stewardship. 

Dec.  20.  Grant  to  William  le  Fitz  Waryn  « le  frere '  of  20/.  out  of  the  farm  of 

Westminster.   Montgomery  Castle,  whicli  he  holds  of  the  king  at  a  fixed  yearly  rent, 

during  pleasure,  or  until  other  provision  be  made  for  his  estate.  By  K. 

Dec.  17.  Grant,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  William  lAtymer,  Elizabeth  his 

Westminster,  wife  and  his  heirs,  of  the  manor  of  Iselhamstede,  co.  Buckinghami  which 

escheated  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion  of  Simon  de  Hereford.  By  K. 

Dec.  20.  Simple  protection  for  one  year  for  John  Deen  going  beyond  seas  with 

Wtstminster.  John  ae  Bohun,  eiirl  of  Hereford.  By  testimony  of  the  earl. 

Dec.  17.  Grtmt  to  Nicholas  de  Vordon,  for  service  to  the  late  king  and  the  king  in 

Westminster.   Ireland  and  his  expenses  in  protecting  that  land  against  the  Scots  and  Irish, 

of  the  custody  of  the  manors  of  Uathwer  and  Rathfaith  in  Ireland,  escheats 

from  Roger  ae  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  to  hold  rent  free  so  long  as 

they  are  in  the  king's  hands.  By  K.  6c  C. 

Membrane  19. 

Dec.  12.  Pardon  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Drax  for  acquiring  in  mortmain  from 

Westminster.   Adam  son  of  Robert  le  Ken  of  Berlay  a  toft,  9  acres  of  land  and  qs.  3d,  in 

rent  in  Newehagh  and  Drax  and  entering  thereon  without  licence,  and 

licence  for  them  to  retain  the  same.  By  p.8. 

Dec.  15.  Grant  in  fee,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  in 

Westminster,  consideration  of  the  great  place  which  he  holds  in  the  kingdom  and  in  re- 
oompence  of  the  manors  of  Braken,  Burgliwaleys  and  Neutone  Waleys,  co. 
York,  lately  taken  from  him  under  the  statute  of  Parliament  for  restitution 
of  the  Undi  forfeited  by  reason  of  the  quarrel  of  Thomas,  carl  of  Lancaster, 
and  of  a  yearly  sum  of  100/.  granted  to  him  for  the  life  of  queen  Isabella, 
of  the  manor  of  Whitegift  with  the  lands  and  rents  in  Ouseflete,  Swyne- 
flete,  Rednesse,  Honk,  Ayremynne  and  the  moor  of  Inklesmore,  in  the 
same  county,  lately  held  by  the  said  queen,  together  with  the  knights'  fees, 
advowsons  and  such  other  ni)purte nances  as  she  had.  By  K. 

Dec.  12.  Presentation  of  Roger  de  Frenes,  parson  of  the  church  of  Gillyng,  to  a 

Wettmiaster.  moiety  of  the  church  of  Ekynton,  in  the  diocese  of  Coventry  and  Lich- 
field, in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  ouatody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of 
John  Stoteville,  tenant  in  chief;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  William 
de  Northweld,  By  p.s. 

Dec.  15.  Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  23  January,  5  Edward  II., 
Westminster,  appointing  Robert  de  Holaud  to  the  ofiice  of  justice  of  Chester,  with  other 
ofilcosi  at  the  yearly  rent  of  1,000/.,  and  pardoning  the  first  year's  rent  in 
satisfaction  of  1,000/.  due  to  him  by  the  said  king.  This  grant  is  made 
after  an  oath  taken  in  the  Chancery  by  Matilda,  wife  and  executrix  of  the 
said  Robert,  that  the  original  letters  patent  are  lost  and  that,  when  ooce 
allowance  has  been  made  of  the  above  sum,  she  will  not  claim  the  same  a 
second  time  in  the  event  of  their  being  found  but  will  surrender  them  to  be 

Dec.  10.         Grant  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  to  whom  the  king  lately  granted  the 

Westminster.  Btock  and  goods  in  the  manors  of  Kyngesbury,  Somerion  and  Camel,  co. 

Somerset,  late  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  but  who  has  not  yet  received  the 

letters  patent  of  that  grant,  that  ho  shall  not  be  disturbed  in  the  possession 

of  the  same.  By  p.s. 


133Q.  Membrane  19 — cont, 

Dec.  15.  Mandnto  in  pursuance  to  tht^  treasurer  aud  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 


Dec.  20.  Grant  to  Richard  de  Einoldon,  for  service  to  Edwanl  I.,  Edward   II. 

Westminster.  au<l  the  king  and  in  considenition  of  his  losst^  in  the  war  with  Sirotland 
in  the  late  reign,  that  he  l)e  quit,  for  life,  of  customs  of  wools,  hides  and 
wool-fells  and  other  customs  throughout  the  realm.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  coUccrtors  of  customs  at  Newcastle-upon- 
Tyne  aud  elsewhere. 

Dec.  19.         Appointment  of  Richard  de  Holand  to  the  custody  of  Crukyn  Castle, 
Westminster,   during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuanc^e  to  John  de  Wysbam,  justice  of  North  Wales. 
The  like  to  the  chamberLiin  of  Carnarvon  to  pay  the  usual  fee  to  the  said 

Dec.  20.  Pardon  to  Henry  son  of  Nicholas  de  Tcmplo  for  abducting  Joan  late  the 

Westminster,   wife  of  John  de  llastang  and  carrying  away  goods  of  the  said  John. 

By  p.». 

Dec.  24.  Confirmation  of  a  deed  whereby  J.  bishop  of  Ely  granted  to  William  de 

Westminster.  Colby,  king's  clerk,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  an  acre  of  land  in  Pulham  with 
the  advowson  of  the  church  of  that  town,  after  an  undertaking  given  by  the 
latter  that  so  soon  as  a  parson  has  been  presented  to  the  church,  on  the  next 
voidaii'.re,  by  him,  his  heirs  or  assigns,  the  deed  shall  become  null  and  void 
aud  tLt;  premises  shall  revert  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Ely. 

Dec.  23.  Confirmation  of  the  said  William  in  the  possession  of  the  said  land  and 

Westminster,  church.  By  K. 

Dec.  20.  Grant  for  life  to  Thomas  de  C?opham,  king's  serjeant  and  armourer,  for 

Westminster,  service  to  Edwaixl  I.,  Edward  11.  and   the  king,  of  the   rent  of  10/.  which 

the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  London  pay  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  bailiwick 

of  South wark.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  said  mayor  aud  commonalty. 

Mbmbraxe  18. 

De(.*.  25.  Grant  to  Peter  de  Rythre,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Nassyngton  in  the 
Guildford,  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  the  presentation  to  which  the  king  recovered 
against  Henry  bishop  of  Lincoln;  notwithstanding  the  revocation  of  a 
grant  on  2  December,  1  Edward  IIL,  of  the  same  to  the  said  Peter  procured 
by  certain  of  the  king's  council  in  favour  of  Ursus  de  filiis  Ursi  of  Rome 
{(le  Urbe),  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

Dec.  14.         Acknowledgment  of  the  king's  indebtedness  to  Anthony  Bache,  merchant, 
Westminster,  in  the  sums  of  509/.  8^.   money  advanced  to  the  Wardrobe,  and  18/.  paid 
for  jewels ;  with  promise  to  pay  the  whole  amount  out  of  the  king's  moiety 
of  a  four  yearly  tenth  due  from  the  clergy  of  England  at  midsummer. 

Dec.  28.  Acquittance  to  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  the  Pope's  collector  of  first 

Guildford,      fruits,  for  400/.  paid  to  Dinus  Forsetti  and  the  other  merchants  of  the  society 

of  the  Bardi  of  Florence,  on  account  of  the  king's  moiety  of  such  collectioD. 

Vacated  became  otherwise  below.  By  p.s, 

Nov.  28.  Licence  for  John  Chaumberlayn  of  Wykyngby  to  grant  to  Roger  de  Wolf- 

Westmimtter.  thorpe  of  Grantham  and  Emma  his  wife  the  manor  of  Merston  by  Hagbam, 

held  in  chief,  to  hold  for  their  lives  by  the  rent  of  a  rose  for  the  first  thirteen 

years  and  of  20  marks  for  each  succeeding  year.  By  fine  of  50*. 

Dec.  28.  Appointment  of  Henry  le  Barber  to  the  ofiice  of  serjeant  bailifi*  of  Clider- 

Guildford.     howe  Castle,  during  good  behaviour. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  U. 



Dec.  15. 


Jan.  22. 


Jan.  20. 


Jan.  10. 



Dee.  20. 



Jan.  2. 

Memhraue  18 — cont. 

Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliamrnt,  to  Roger  de  Oiiylly  of  a  recogni- 
sance in  100/.,  wherein  he  hecaine  bound,  by  order  of  the  c'ouncil,  on  sub- 
mitting himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  rebellion  at  Bedford.         l^y  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  following : — 

John  de  Twyford,  of  a  recognisance  in  200/.  By  p.s. 

Gilbert  Pecche,  of  a  recognisance  in  100/. 

Thomas  de  Monte  Hermerii,  of  a  recognisance  in  1,000  marks. 

Philip  de  Folevill,  knight,  of  a  recognisance  in  200/. 
Robert  de  Faruham,  of  a  recognisance  in  20/. 

By  p.s. 

By  p.s. 
By  p.s. 

Jan.  1. 



Dec.  24. 

Dec.  20. 


Dec.  9. 



Jan.  12. 

Jan,  11. 

Grant,  for  life,  to  Roger  Belet,  king's  yeoman,  pantler  (jpanetario)  in  queen 
Philippa's  household,  of  a  messuage,  36^  acres  of  land,  9  acres  cf  meadow 
and  50a.  in  rent,  in  Lalham,  co.  Middlesex,  rent  free  ;  in  enlargement  of 
his  late  appointment  to  the  same  at  a  rent,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  David,  earl  of  Athol,  of  a 
recognisance  in  5,000/.  wherein  he  became  bound,  by  order  of  the  council,  on 
submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  rebellion  at  Bedford. 

By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Pardon  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bilsynton  for  acquiring  in  mortmain 
lands  in  Bilsynton  from  Henry  de  Uammyngherst,  Michael  le  Blunt, 
Gilbeil;  le  Keu  of  Bilsynton  and  Adam  de  Caldham,  '  bastard,'  and  entering 
thereon  without  licence  ;  and  hcence  for  them  to  retain  the  same. 

By  fine  of  40*.     Kent. 

Pardon  to  Albin  de  Hemyngton  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Derby 
for  non-appearance  before  William  do  Herle  and  other  justices  in  eyre  to 
answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  John  de  Beaufoi,  knight. 

Revocation  in  Parliament  of  the  late  appointment  of  John  de  Say  to  the 
office  of  controller  of  the  great  customs  of  London.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  William  de  la  Beche  and!  Euphemia  his  wife  to  enfeoff 
Geoffrey  de  Wauncy  and  John  de  Cavenham,  chaplain,  of  a  moiety  of  the 
manors  of  Fakenham  Aspes,  co.  Suffolk,  and  Sevcaumpe,  co.  Hertford, 
held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  re-giant  the  same  to  William  and  Euphemia, 
in  tail,  with  remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  Euphemia. 

By  fine  of  10  marks. 

Mandate  to  Robert  Selyman,  escheator  on  this  side  Trent,  for  restitution 
of  the  temporalities  of  tlie  convent  of  Grace  Dieu,  of  the  patronage  of  the 
heir  of  Theobald  do  Verdun,  the  king's  ward,  to  Joan  de  Meinwaryng,  one 
of  the  nuns,  duly  elected  prioress  of  that  house. 

Vfviide  mtendendo  ioT  the  said  Joan,  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the  house. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  Master  Guy  de  Calma,  king's  clerk, 
employed  in  the  business  of  P.  cardinal  priest  of  St.  Stephen  in  Celio 
Monte.  By  C. 

Dec.  10.  Confirmation  to  Richard  de  Merklesdeno,  for  lifo,  of  a  grant  to  him  by 

Westminster.    Thomas,  late  earl  of  Lancaster  and  Leicc}*ter>  steward   of  Knglund.  of  tbe 

U    65658.  C 


1331.  Metthbrauc  l^ — cont. 

office  of  forester  of  the  chuoo  of  BlAkcburneshirc,  co.  LancusttT,  hold  in 
chief  as  of  Liiucastcr  honor.  Bv  flue  of  40ir.     Ijancaiitcr. 

Dec.  28.  Accjuittance  to  Master  Itherius  do  Concoicto,  the  Pope's  collector  of 

Guildford,      first  fniit.'j  in  Enp;lan{l,  for  400/.  of  the  kinjrV  moiety  thereof  i«id  ut  his 

request  to  his  merchants  Diniis  Forcetti  and  the  other  merchants  of  the 

w)ciety  of  the  liardi  of  Florence  in  t^at  inflict  ion  of  that  sum  advanced  by 

them  <m  account  of  the  expenses  of  (pieen  Philipiia.  U/  p.B« 

Mkmbrasr  17. 

Dec.  22.         ttispcrimusaud  confirmation  of  a  leauc  [in  French]  made  on  the  proviottB 

Westminster,   day  hy  Thomas,  earl  of  Xorfolk,  toJolm  <le  Sancto  Pliilcberto,  his  exei'utors 

and  asisigns,  of  the  manor  of  LongcWnyton,  co.  Lincohi,  for  five  vear»,  at 

a  rent  of  500/.  whereof  400/.  is  to  Ikj  paid  in  ailvanci?  and  100/.  at  Michael- 

mas  in  the  fifth  year.  By  K. 

Dec.  22.  Cfrant  to  queen  Philippa  of  such  goods  as  were  in  the  castle  and  town 

Westminster,   of  Tikhill,  with  the  members  thereof  Whelrley  and  G rin«r  [elc],  lately  granted 

to  her  as  dower,  on  the  day  on  which  Simon  de   Berelbrd,  who  held  the 

pame,  was  arrested  for  rebellion.  By  K.  fc  C. 

Dec.  25.  Grunt  to  the  siime  for  the  exi)en.**es  of  her  household  of   1,000/.  out  of 

Westmiiiiiter.  the  first  i.s**ues  of  the  old  and  new  customs  in  tht*  ports  of  Kyngeston-on- 
Uull  and  Uavenserodde,  notwithstanding  any  i)rcviuuh  assignmenti^  thereof; 
with  the  custody  of  the  *  cocket  *  seals  there  until  payment  be  made. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Doc.  22.  Appointment  of  Gerard  do  Orons  as  seneschal  and  keeper  of  the  land 

Westminster,  and  county  of  Ponthieu  and  Moustrcuil,  during  pleasure.     [French.] 

By  K. 

Dec.  22.  Grant  to  (lueen  Philippa,  for  the  expeni*cs  of  her  household,  of  1|629/. 

Westminster.  18*.  4r/.  to  Ihj  jMiid  by  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  king's  clerk,  the 
Pope's  collector  of  first  fruits  in  Ent^land,  out  of  the  kini^'s  moiety  thcn-of. 

By  K. 

Dec.  dOt         Appointment  of  John  do  Preston,  for  service  to  th(t  late  king  and  the 

Guildfbrd.     king,  to  the  bailiwick  of  Blakenay  in  the  forest  of  Dene,  during  pleasure 

and  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 


Jan.  1.  Confirmation  to  Ilenfy  Darcy,  Hugh  do  Totehill  his  brother,  and  the 

QuUdfordi  heirs  of  the  body  of  Hugh^  of  a  grant  1)y  William,  the  abbot,  and  the  con- 
vent of  St.  Edward,  Letele,  to  the  stvid  Henry  and  Hugh  of  the  lands  of 
the  abbey  with  the  villeins  and  their  chattels  and  issue,  us  well  as  with 
the  homiigcs,  escheats,  marriages  and  other  services  of  the  free  tenants, 
their  mill  at  Stone  with  the  hind  adjacent  and  all  their  i)os8es8ions, 
in  Laghton  in  Morthing,  Hoton  Kcr,  Turcroft,  Brokehouse  and  Stone^ 
absolutely.  By  fine  of  20*.     York. 

Jan.  1.         Protection  with  clause  nohimm  for  one  year  for  Peter  le  Keu  of  Alde- 
Gulldfbrd.     bury»  By  p.s. 

Jan.  1.  Presentation  of  John  de  Askham  to  the  church  of  Iham,  in  the  dioCtse 

Guildlbrd.  of  Chichester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  temporalities  of  the  abbey 
of  Fecamp  being  in  his  hands. 

Jan.  2.  Grant  to  Richard  de  Bekenesfeld,  for  service  to  the  Inte  king  and  the 

Guildford,     king,  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  reaper  (fnawris)  of  the  manor  of  Bjfloet, 

during  ploaffure.  ^j  p*s« 

4  EDWAKD  III.— Part  II. 



Jan.  2. 

Jnn.  3. 


Jan.  13. 


Dec.  31. 


Jan.  L 



Dec.  30. 

Doc.  30. 
'  Qttildford. 


Jan.  10. 


Dec  18. 


Jan.  10. 


Jan;  8. 

Not.  0. 

Memrane  17 — cont. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Haneworth,  king'H  courier  {cursor)  for 
service  to  the  late  king  and  the  king,  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the 
park  of  Aylesharaburgh,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  llobcrt  de  Aspalc,  steward  of  the  manor  of 

Appointment  of  Philip  do  Preston  *  potager,*  for  service  to  the  late  king 
and  the  king,  as  keeper  of  the  passage  over  the  river  between  Coneweye 
and  Cannok,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Pi*otection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  Robert  son  of  Ralph, 

The  like  for  Walter  de  Shcnefeld  of  London. 

Appointment  of  Warin  do  Piriton,  for  service  to  the  late  king  and  the 
king,  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  ofhco  of  forester  of  Bokholt»  in  the  counties 
of  Southampton  and  Wilts,  durinff  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Guy  do  Bello  Campo,  keeper  of  the  manor  and 
forest  of  Clary ndon. 

Appointment  of  llobcrt  Ic  Parker,  for  service  to  the  late  king  and  the 
king  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the  park  of  tlie  manor  of  Bnistwyk, 
called  Korthpark,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Thweit,  keeper  of  the  manor. 

Appointment  of  Hugh  Tyrol,  king's  yeoman,  as  keeper  of  the  castles 
of  Bulkedynas  and  Blenkleveny  and  of  the  forest  there,  during  pleasure. 
Vacated  because  on  the  Fine  Roll.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  Balph  le  Bemer  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the  park  of 
Watlynton,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  Rol^rt  de  Aspale  for  livery  of  the  same. 

Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Hugh  Daudele  of  a  recogni- 
sance  in  10,000/.  wherein  he  became  bound,  by  order  of  the  council,  on 
submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  rebellion  at  Bedford. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  to  William  de  Wystowe,  knight,  of  a  recognisance  in  500/. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

The  Ufa)  to  Hobert  Breton^  knight^  of  a  recognisance  in  200/.         Sy  pai. 

Appointment  of  Hugh  de  Carleton,  clerk,  as  keeper  of  the  smaller 
part  of  the  seal  used  for  recognisances  of  debts  in  the  city  of  Lincoln, 
pursuant  to  the  statute  of  Merchants;  on  condition  that  he  execute  the  office 
in  person. 

Ratification  oi  the  estate  of  Master  Nicholas  de  Tingewyk,  king^s  clerk, 
iui  prebendary  of  Bedewynde  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  already 
confirmed  by  the  Ute  king.  By  p,s^ 

C  2 


13130.  }fRMnRASK  16. 

Dec.  20.  (irant  for  life  to  MaPt^r  Jolui  (1(»  Shonlirli,  kingV  cleik,  for  service  to  tlie 

Wesiminster.    JMte   king  and   the  kiiiec,  anil  in   recoinpeiK'e  of  .50/.  lately  granted  to  him 

for  his  stay  with  tho  king,  of  the  ofiioe  of  the  cliirographry  in  the  King's 

Bench ;  after  revo<*ation  in  Parliament  of  the  api)ointment  to  that  office 

procured  by  Tloger  dc  Mortiio  Mari  for  Richard  de  Haukeslowe,       By.  pjj, 

Dec.  21.  Appointment  of  William  de  Arderne  of  London  to  the  oflSce  of  controller 

Wcstmins'ter.   of  the  great  customs  of  London,  during  pleasure.  By  p.8. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  collators  of  the  said  euHtoms. 
The  like  to  John  de  Say  for  livery  of  the  oftice. 

Dec.  21.  Writ  of  aid  for  Thonuis  Wake,  Ehulo  Lestraunge,  William  de  Bohun 

Wustminster.    and  Edward  de  Rohun,  sent  to  bring  (jueeo  Isabella  from  Berkhampstode 

to  spend  Christmas  at  Windsor.  By  K.  &  C 

Dec.  28.  Grant  to  John  de  Etton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Westmeryngton 

Guildford,     iu  the  collegiate  church  of  Aukeland,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  late 
voidance  of  the  see  of  Durham.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  L.  bi&hop  of  Durham. 

Dec.  26.  Appointment  of  Adam  de  Ursewyke  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  chief 

Guildford,     forester  of  Boghland  chace,  during  pleasure.  By  p^j. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  19  June,  1  Edward  III., 
being  a  grant  to  Nicholas  Shirlok,  king's  yeomon,  of  the  office  of  alneger  of 
cloths  in  Englan(],  for  life.  By  K,  &  C. 

Dec.  27.         Grant  to  Master  William  de  la  Marche,  king's  cook,  of  the  office  of  crier 
Guildford,     before  the  justices  of  the  King's  Bench,  for  life.  By  p.s. 

Dei*.  18.  Mandate  to  the  mayor  and  sheriff's  of  London  to  suppress  by  means  of 

Westminster,    corporal  punishment  and   other  disgraces   at    their  discretion   disorders 

within  the  city  caused  by  day  and  night  by  members  of  the  bakers,  tavemers, 

millers,  cooks,  ponlteicrs,  fishmongers,  butchers,  brewers,  com  chandlers 

and  other  misteries. 

Dec.  28.  Appointment  of  John  de   Carleton,  king's  clerk,  to  the  bailiwick  of  the 

Guildford,      coroner  in  Holdernesse,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.8, 

Dec  WO,         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  19  July,  2  Edward  IE., 
Guild  lord,     being    an    inspexitnus  of  a  licence  for  William  de  Grafton,  sometime  a 

brother  of  the  Order  of  Knights  Templars  to  leave  the  Order  and  return  to 

the  world. 

Dec.  28.         The  like  of  letters  patent,  dated  10  December,  12  Edward  II.,  bdng  a 

Guildford,     gi-ant  for  life  to  Richard,  then  chafewax  but  now  spigumell  in  the  Chancery, 

of  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Mailorseisnek.  By  K« 

Dec.  IG.  Mandate  to  li.  bishop  of  Salisbury  to  admit  Master  Robert  dc  Stratford, 

Westminster,   king's  clerk,  to  the  prebend  of  Bere  and  Cherminystre  in  the  church  of 

St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  notwithstanding   the  grant  thereof  by  the  late  king 

to  George  dc    Saluciis ;  the  latter  having  been  deprived  of  dl  his  benefices 

by  William,  late  archbishop  of  York  for  a  defect  in  his  person. 

Dec.  20.         Revocation  in  Parliament  of  the  late  appointment  of  Walter  Turke  to  the 
•Westminster,    custody  of  the  Exchanges  at  London  and  Canterbury,  for  life.  By  p.s. 


Jan.  10.  Acknowledgement  of  the  receipt  from  David,  king  of  Scotland,  of  10,000 

Westminster,   marks  due  at  Midsummer  next,  in  full  satisfaction  of  tho  30,000  marks  due 
under  the  treaty  with  Robert,  the  late  king. 


Jan.  12.  Pardon  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Montacute  for  ac*quiring  in  mortmain 

Wistmihstcr.    from  Joan  daughter  of  Edward  Coker  10i\  in  rent  in  Estchynnok,  which 

thejr  had    the   late  king's  licence   to   acquire   from   Edward  Coker;  and 

restitution  of  the  same. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Paut  II.  3T 

1331.  Me^nbrune  IG — cout, 

Jan.  12.  Grant  to  Simon  Symeoii  of  the  office  of  parker  of  Haveryng  park,  durin 

WestmioBter.   good  behaviour.  I^y  ?•»• 



^  Membrane  15. 


Dec.  22.  Grant  to  queen  Philippa  for  life  of  the  king's  houses  in  *  la  Reol  *  in 

Westminster,  the  city  of  London,  for  her  wardrobe.  By  K.  &  C. 

Dec.  21.  Pardon  to  Hugh  de  Wrotham  of  Derteford  of  his  outlawry  in  the  city  of 

Westminster.  London  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  Richard  de  Reynham  of  London,  cornchandler,  that  he 
render  an  account  for  the  time  when  he  was  his  receiver. 

Dec.  26.         Acquittance  to  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  king's  clerk,  the  Pope's 

Guildford,     nuncio  and  collector  of  first  fruits  in  England,  for  1,529/.  18^.  M.  paid  to 

William  de  Colby,  king's  clerk,  the  treasurer  of  queen  Philippa,  on  account 

of  the  king's  moiety  of  such  first  fruits.  By  K. 

Dec.  20.  Appointment  of  Robert  de  Longedon  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  chief  rider  in 

Westmmster.   the  chace  of  Cors,  during  pleasure. 

Dec.  21.  Appointment  of  William  de  Borden,  king's  clerk,  to  the  offices  of  con- 

Westminster,  troller  of  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  and  master  and  surveyor 
of  the  works  in  that  county,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  the  said  county. 

Dec.  22.  Protection  and  safe  conduct,  for  one  year,  for  Thomas  Brice,  the  master, 

Westmraster.  and  the  mariners  of  the  ship  la  Garlaundeoi  Little  Yarmouth,  which  Simon 

de  Beltoflt,  king's  merchant,  is  sending  to  the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine]  for 

wines,  and  to  other  parts  of  the  realm.  By  C. 


Dec.  12.         Appointment  of  John  de  Raylegh  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the 
Westminster,  parks  of  Wheteleyc  and  Gryngeleye,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.8. 


Jan.  7.  Restitution   to  Peter  de   Gay  ton  of    the  custody   of  Crotoy  Castle   in 

Westminster.  Ponthieu,  lately  taken  into  queen  Isabella's  hands  without  any  fault  of 
his,  to  retain  for  life  according  to  the  tenor  of  a  confirmation  by  the  late 
king  of  a  grant  to  him  by  William  de  Bonne  vale,  who  held  the  same  for 
life  from  queen  Isabella,  of  his  interest  therein.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance    to  Gerard  Dorum^  seneschal  of   Ponthieu  and 

Jan.  10.         Protection  for  one  year  for  William  de  Corbrigg,  parson  of  the  church 

Westminster,  of  Burton    Stoveray,  sent  by   Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,   the  Popes 

nuncio  and  collector  in  England  of  money  bequeathed  for  relief  of  the  Holy 

Land  and  other  dues  of  the  church  of  Rome,  to  collect  the  same  in  the 

diocesQ  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield. 

Jan.  10.  Grant  to  John  de  Melton,  on  his  petition,  of  40  marks  yearly  from  the 

Westminster,  farm  of  the  city  of  York,  in  lieu  of  the  like  sum  lately  granted  to  him  at 
the  Exchequer  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  bailiffis  of  York. 

Jan.  10.         Protection  until  a  fortnight  after  the  least  of  the  Purification  for  Henry, 
Westminster,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  staying  in  London  by  the  king's  command  to  attend  the 
Parliament,  and  for  his  men  and  servants  purveying  for  his  household. 

Jan.  10.         Grant  to  the  bailififs  and  good  men  of  Kyngei?ton-on-Hnll  of  pavage  for 
Westminster,  three  years.  By  pet.  of  Parliament. 


1331  •  Membrane  15 — com/. 

Jan.  13.  Grant  to  llobert  de  Uiddclton,  king's  yeoman,  of  the  bailiwick  of  the 

WefltmiDster.  serjeanty  of  the  land  of  Went   in  South   Wales,   durinp^  the  minoiitj  of 

Laurence  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Hastings,  tenant  in  chief  of  the  late 

king.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  12.         Appointment   of  John  de   la  Hide   of  Borne,   king's   yeoman,  to  the 
Westminster,  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Snewedon  Forest  in  North  Wales, 
during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Wysham,  justice  of  North  Wales. 

Jan.  12.         Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  NichoUs  Dcubenoy. 
Westminster.       The  like  for  the  following  :— 

The  abbot  of  Walthnm  Holy  Cross. 

Hugh  FitzSimon. 

Koger  de  Lodne  of  Becles,  clerk. 

Henry  de  Cobeham. 

John  de  Cobeham. 

3IEMBRAXB   14. 


Nov.  7.  Appointment   of  Master   John  de  Hildeslo,  canon   of  Chichester,  and 

Westminster.  Master  John  de  Shordich,  professor  of  civil  law,  king's  clerks,  as  proctors 
for  the  king  in  matters  touching  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine,  the  county  of 
Ponthieu  and  Monstreuil  and  other  territories  in  Prance,  and  especially  for 
all  that  concerns  the  homage  to  be  done  for  the  duchy,  to  appear  before 
Philip  king  of  France  a  fortnight  after  St.  Andrew's  Day  and  afterwards 
as  required, 


Jan.  7  (sic.)      The  like,  with  the  omission  of  the  clause  relating  to  the  homage  and 
Westminster,  otlier  slight  variations. 

Memorandum. —  These  proxies  were  surrendered  by  Master  John  de 

Hildvslc   ill  the   Chancery   at   Southwark    on    the   15   March  to  be 


Jan.  12.         Protection  with  clause  nolumus ^  for  two  years,  for  Guichard  de  Jou,  prior 
Westminster,  of  Montacnte. 

The  like  for  one  year  for  the  following  : — 

John  de  Eyton,  Meister  Johanesman  le  Squyler. 
William  de  Arderne,  pai-son  of  the  church  of  Lee. 
Richard  de  Feriby,  parson  of  the  church  of  Surflet, 
John  de  Bray. 
W.  bishop  of  Norwich,  for  two  years. 

Jan.  12.  John   Bygod,    staying    in    England,  has    letters    nominating    Richard 

Westminster.  Lumbar d  of  Belly gaveran  his  attorney  in  Ireland  for  one  year. 

Jan.  12.  Grant  to  John  son  of  John,  chaplain,  of  a  chantry  in  Montgomery  Castle. 

Westminster.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  13.  Presentation  of  Master  John  de  Badmynton  to  the  church  of  Brenke- 

Westminster.*  worth  in  the  diocese  of  Siilisbury,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the 

voi dance  of  Malinesbury  Abbey  in  the  time  of  Edward  I.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  12.  Inspe.vimus  and  confinnation,  on  testimony  to  the  king  and  council  of 

Westminster,  service  done    by  Thomas  Eaghwer  to  the  king's  father  and  mother,  and 

with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  of  letters  patent,  dated  22  April,  3  Edward 

III.,  confirming  a  grant  by  queen  Isabella  to  the  said  Thomas,  for  life,  of 

the  custody  of  her  pond  at  Lambewath  in  Holdernesse,  co.  Tork. 

By  pet.  of  Cf 

4  EDWAllD  III.— Part  IL  39 

1331.  Membrane  14 — coat, 

Jan.  14.  Enlargement  of  a  s^rant  on  7  January,  1  Edward  III.,  to  Jolm  Honguidy 

WestmiDfiter.  of  Lucca  of  the  custody  of  the  mint  at  Bordeaux  for  five  years,  into  a  grant 
of  the  office  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  on  the  Gascon  RolL 

Jan.  15.  Presentation  of  William  son  of  John  de  Hardeshull,  king's  clerk,  parson 

Westminster,  of  the  church  of  Stylton  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  church  of  Stretton 

in  Strettoneedale  in  the  diocese  of  Hereford,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 

with  William  «on  of  William  de  Hardeshull.  By  K. 

Jan,  14.         Eatification  of  the  estate  of  Arnold,  cardinal  deacon  of  St.  Eustache, 

Westminster,   as  treasurer  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbuiy,  and  prebendary  of  Calne, 

by  provision  of  the  apostolic  see.  By  p.s. 


Jan.  10.  Confirmation  in  mortmain  of  a  surrender  by  Ranulph,  sometime  earl  of 

Westminster.  Chester,  to  rhe  abbot  and  monks  of  St.  Peter's,  Shrewsbury,  of  the  manor 
of  Gerstan  with  its  appurtenances,  the  church  of  Waleton  with  the  land 
and  other  things  pertaining  thereto,  the  tithe  of  Neweton,  the  lordship 
and  towns  of  Ulsiton  and  Pulton;^  a  moiety  of  a  fishery  in  Merse  and  a 
third  part  of  Thelewell.  By  fine  of  1  mark.     Salop. 

Jan.  13.  Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Hamo  de  Chiggewell,  clerk, 

Westminster,  convicted  of  felony  before  Oliver  de  Ingham  and  other  justices  of  oyer  and 

tenniner  in  London ;  he  having  proved  his  innocence  before  S.  bishop  of 

London  when  delivered  to  him  under  the  benefit  of  clergy.  By  p.s. 


Dec.  23.         Licence  for  John  bishop  of  Ely  to  enfeofi*  William  de  Colby,  king's 

Westminster,  clerk,  of  an  acre  of  land  in  Pulham  with  the  advowson  of  the  chui*cb  of 

that  town,  held  in  chief  as  parcel  of  the  bishopric,  and  for  him  to  re-grant 

the  same  to  the  bishop  in  mortmain.  By  K, 

Membrane  ld« 

Jan.  11.  Grant,  at  the  request  of  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  to  the  bailiffs 

Westminster,  and  good  men  of  the  town  of  Wakefield  of  pavago  for  three  years. 

By  pet,  of  C. 

Jan.  15.  Licence  for    the   alienation  in  mortmain  by  Elizabeth    de  Burgo,  the 

Westminster,   king's  kinswoman,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Anglesey,  of  20/.  in  rent 

in  Lakenhide,  co.  Sufiblk,  said  to  be  held  in   chief,  to  find  chaplains  to 

celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  Anglesey  church  for  the  souls  of  the  king's 

f)rogenitor8,  kings  of  England,  for  the  good  estate  of  the  said  Elizabeth  in 
ife,  for  her  soul  after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  her  ancestors. 

By  K.  and  pet.  of  C* 

Jan.  17.  Grant  to  John  de  Thorthorald,  son  of  James  de  Thorthorald  of  Scotland, 

Weibtmmster.  deceased,  on  his  petition  shewing  that  his  father's  lands  are  now  in  the 
hands  of  the  king  of  Scotland  because  the  said  James  voluntarily  came  into 
the  peace  of  the  late  king  and  fell  in  his  service  in  the  war  with  Scotland, 
and  on  trustworthy  testimony  to  the  truth  of  such  petition,  of  100*.  yearly 
to  be  paid  by  the  sheriff  of  Sufiblk  out  of  the  farm  of  the  town  of  Ixning, 
until  other  provision  be  made  for  him.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  good  men  of  the  town  of  Ixning. 

Jan.  lb.         Protection  with  clause  rogamus,  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and  bretlu'en 

Westminster,  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Bernard,  Mont  Joux   (de  Monte   Jovis)^  and  their 

proctors,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches  of  England^  Ireland  and  Wales, 


1331.  Membrane  13 — cant, 

ffjaii.  15.  Knlification  of  a  <;raDt  for  life  hy  Thomns,  carl  of  Norfolk,  the  marshall, 

Westminster,   to  (Icoilrey  Qiiincy  of  the  office  of  the  serjeanty  of  the  Marsbalsea  of  the 

housiihold.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  16.  Licence  for  the  i>rioress  and  nuns  of  St.  Helenas,  Ix)ndoD,  to  acquire  in 

WestmiusUT.  mortuiain  laud  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  iraluc  of  100*. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  15.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  hy  William  le  Say,  pai*8on  of  the 

Westminster,  church  of  Wrastlyngworth,  of  four  messuages,  24^  acres  of  land  and  \  acre 
of  meadow  in  Weregle  to  a  chaplain  tx)  celebrate  divine  serx'icc  dialy  la 
the  church  of  Weregle  for  the  souls  of  the  said  William  and  his  ancestors. 

By  fine  of  2  marks.     Huntingdon. 

Jan.  18.  Appointment  of  John  Snape,  yeoman  of  the  buttery,  to  the  office  of 

Westminster,   crier  in  the  county  of  Kent,  dunng  goo.l  behaviour.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  18.  Notification  to  J.  bishop  of  Exeter  of  the  revocjition  of  the  presentation 

Westminster,  of  John  de  Charnbrok   to  the  church  of  Otery  hJt.  Mary,  on  proof  before 

the  king  and  council  in  Parliament  that  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Rouen 

appropriated  that  church  by  a  grant  of  Edward  the  Confessor    sanctioned 

by  Popes,  archbishops  of  Canterbury  and  bishops  of  Exeter.     By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  10.  Appointment  of  William  de  London,  king's  serjcant,  tailor  of  queen 

Westminster.    Pliilippa,  to  the  bailiwick  of  havener  of  the  ports  in  the  county  of  CormvaU, 

(luring  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  18.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  Thomas  earl  of  Norfolk,  the  marshal,  to 

Westminster.  Peter  de  Greote  of  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  marshal  of  the  household  for 

eight  years  from  Michaelmas  last.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  21.  The  like  of  a  grant   by  the  late  king  to  William  (lerard,  queen  Isabella's 

Westminster,  chandler,  of  the  office  of  keeper  of  the  park  of  Haverynge-atte-Boure,  to 

hold  as  he  held  the  same  in  the  time  of  queen  Margaret.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  to  Gilbert  Talbot,  to  whom  the  king  lately  granted  the  custody 

Westniiuster.   during  minority  of  the  heir  of  the  lands  late  of  Richanl  de  Pleys,  of  the 

mairiagc  of  suiji  heir.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  12. 

Jan.  12.  Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Bradeford  for  aorpiiring  in  fee  from  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Umframvill,  sometime  earl  of  Angus,  a  messtiage,  four  tofts,  two  carucates 
of  land  and  3  acnjs  of  meadow  in  Inghowe,  hehl  in  chief,  and  entering 
thereon  withovt  licence  ;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain  the  same. 

By  fine  of  40?.     Northumberland. 

Jan.  14.  Presentation  of  Simtn  de  Clopton,  king's  clerk,  parson  of  the  church  of 

Westmii.ster.  Waleton,  to  the  church  of   Iddeshale,  both  in  the  (liocese  of  Coventry  and 

Lichfield,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Thomas  de  Clopton,  king's 

clerk.     The  latter  cliurch  is  in  the  king's  gift  through  his  custody  of  the 

lands  and  heir  of  Baitholomew  de  Badelesmere.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  16.  Eatificalion  of  the  estate  of  John  de  Hereford,  king's  clerk,  as  parson  of 

Westminster,  the  church  ol  West  Kasen   in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  notwithstanding  any 

right  of  the  king  thereto  by  reason  of  any  voidance  of  the  priory  of  Holy 

Trinity,  York,  in  the  past.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  lo.  John,  abbot  of  Mont  St.  Michel  in  Normandy,  staying  beyond  seas,  has 

Westminster,  letters  nominating   Isicholas  Daniel  and  W^illiam  Level  his  attorneys  in 

England  for  three  yeai's.  By  fine  of  30*.     Devon. 

The   same   abbot   has  like  letters  nominating  Nicholas  Maupoynt  and 
William  Gilloche  in  the  islands  of  Gernereye  and  Jereseye. 

Py  fine  made  in  another  letter, 

4  EDWARD  111.— Paut  11.  41 

1331-  Membrane  12 — cont 

Jan.  14.  Grant  to  Richard  dc  Arundell,  son  of  Edmund  late  earl  of  Arundell,  to 

Westminster,  whom  the  king  in  Parliament  lately  reatored  all  the  lands  of  the  said  earl 
except  such  as  he  had  of  the  gift  of  the  late  king,  of  such  goods  of  the  earl 
as  have  been  withheld  from  the  late  king  and  the  king  and  have  not  already 
been  granted  to  others,  with  any  debts  still  unpaid  on  recognisances,  bonds 
or  other  securities.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  18.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  friars  of  St.  Cross  by  the  Tower  of  London  to 

Westminster,  acquire  in  mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of 

100*.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  16.  Licence,  at  the  request  of  Thomas  Wake  of  Lidel,  the  king's  kinsman, 

Westminster,  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Brunne  to  appropriate  the  church  of  Hel- 

pringham,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  which  is  of  their  advowson.       By  p.s. 

Jan.  16.  Appointment  of  Adam  bishop  of  Worcester,  William  bishop  of  Norwich, 

Westminster.  Henry  de  Percy  and  Hugh  de  Audeleye,  knights,  and  Master  John  de 
Shordich,  profetrsor  of  civil  law,  as  proctors  and  special  envoys  of  the  king 
to  treat  of  peace  with  Philip  king  of  France. 

The  like  of  the  same  to  treat  of  the  mutual  debts  of  the  two  kings. 

The  like  of  the  same  to  treat  of  all  matters  in  dispute. 

Memorandum. —  These   letters   were  surrendered  in   the    Chancery   at 
Southwark  on  28  March  by  the  two  bis/tops. 


Dec.  12.  Prohibition  to  all  ecclesiastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation 

Westminster,   of  the  king's  presentAtion  of  Master  Robert  de  Stratford,  his  clerk,  to  the 

prebend  of  Bere  and  Chirmeuistre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  the 

right  to  present  to  which  was  recovered  by  the  late  king  against  Roger, 

bishop  of  Salisbuiy. 


Jan.  18.  Grant  for  life  to  John  le  Sturmy,  in  rccompence  of  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,  castle  and  town  of  Orford  which  he  held  by  a  like  grant  of  the  late  king 

as  of  the  yearly  value  of  21/.  2s.  ll\d.  and  which  has  been  resumed  by  the 

king,  of  the  manor  of  Thunderle,  co.  Essex,  of  the  yearly  value  of  17/.  5*., 

lately  surrendered  by  queen  Isabella.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  18.  Grant  to  John  de  Pulteney,  citizen  of  London  ;  to  whom  Edmund,  earl 

Westminster,  of  Kent,  owed  at  his  death  317/:  lis,  lOd.  and  129/.  4«.  2rf.,  the  latter  sum 
being  due  to  the  said  John  as  executor  of  Roesia  de  Bereford ;  for  release 
of  the  earl's  soul  and  in  consideration  of  his  goods  being  in  the  king's  hands 
and  of  the  king  having  received  from  the  said  John  100/.  at  the  Exchequer, 
of  the  farm  of  the  royalty  and  market  of  Derteford,  of  the  value  of  30/., 
together  with  the  custody  of  the  hundreds  of  Weblestan  and  Lethelefeld, 
CO.  Kent,  of  the  yearly  value  of  10  marks,  to  hold  during  the  minority  of 
Edmund  son  and  heir  of  the  said  earl.  If  the  said  Edmund  die  before 
attaining  his  full  age,  leaving  his  heir  under  age,  John  de  Pulteney  is  to 
retain  the  farm  and  hundreds  until  the  day  on  which  Edmund  would  have 
been  of  full  age.  By  K. 

Membrane  IL 

Jan.  13.         Protection   with   clause   voiumus    until  Whitsunday,  for  W.  bishop  of 
Westminster.  Norwich  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

Tlie  like  for  Ivo  de  Clynton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Threkeston  going 
with  the  bishop.  By  testimony  of  the  bishop. 


1331.  Jfemhranc  11 — rout. 

The  like  for  Iho  following  al«o  going  : — 

William  de  Oolyngliain,  pai'son  of  the  church  of  Beylhftm. 
Willinm  do  Beufoii. 
William  do  EtHRex. 
John  do  KcclcH. 

Willinm  de  Spanneby,  ])ar?on  of  the  church  of  Wylughby. 
John  do  Jcrnemuth,  parson  of  the  churches  of  St,  Simon  and  St.  Jade, 
and  Sr.  Swithun,  Norwich,  and  of  Crostwayt. 
The  said  bishop  Inis  lt>ttcrs  nominating  Mast<*r  Adam  de  Ayremynne, 
archdeacon  of  Norfolk,  and  Thomas  do  Kvosham  his  attorneys  in  England 
until  the  same  feast. 

Jan.  13.         Protection  with  clause  volutnuH  until  Whitsunday  for  MaMor  John  de 
Wt>stiniii8ter.    Shordich  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K« 

Jan.  11.  Richard  <le  Hale,  going  beyond  seas  to  transact  business  for  the  king,  has 

Westminster,    letters  nominating  Philip  de  Aston  his  attorney  in  England  for  one  year. 

Ej  p.8. 
protection  with  clause  volumus^  for  the  same  time,  for  the  said  Richard. 

Jan.  17.  The  like  until  Whitsunday  for  Hugh  de  Audele  going  l)eyond  seas  on 

Westminster,   the  king's  service.  By  K. 

Tlie  finid  Hugh  has  letters  nominating  Robert  de  Hagham,  knight,  and 
John  de  Stofurd  his  attorneys  for  the  same  lime. 

The  like  protection  for  John  de  Ifardcshull  going  in  his  company. 

By  testimony  of  Hugh. 
The  like  for  the  following  also  going  :— 
Geoffrey  de  Say. 
Robert  de  Hagham. 
John  Dauney. 
John  de  Goldyngham. 
Henry  de  Leybourn. 
Thomas  le  Blount. 
The    said    John    de    Hardeshull   has    letters     nominating    Philip    de 
Hanleshull  and  William  do  Hai-deshull  his  attorneys  until  the  said  feast, 

Jan.  16.  Protection  with  clause    volnmns    until  Whitsunihiy  for    A.   bishop   of 

WeBtraiuMter.    Worcester  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king\s  service.  By  K. 

The  like  for  Robert  Petyt  going  with  him.      By  testimony  of  the  bishop. 
The  like  for  the  following  also  going : — 

William  de  Culpho,  jwrson  of  the  church  of  Acle. 
Adam  de  Aylmeton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Aca. 
.lohn  Ic  Kous  of  Immcr. 
Thomiis  de  Laugeford. 

Master  Henry  de  London,  parson  of  the  church  of  Mersh. 
The  said  bishop  has  letters  nominating  Roger  de  Braynton  and  William 
de  Masyngton  his  attorneys  in  England  until  the  sami*  feast. 

Jan.  17.  Protection  with  clause  volnmus  until  Wiiitsunday  for  Henry  de  Percy, 

Westminster,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K, 

The  like  for  W^illiam  de  Percy  going  in  his  company. 

By  testimony  of  Heniy, 
The  like  for  the  folloAving  also  going ; — 
John  de  Kyngeston. 
Walter  de  Creyk. 
Thomas  de  Rokesby. 

The  said  John  lias  letters  nominating  John  do  la  Mare  and   Bobert, 
Osebcrne  his  attorneys  until  the  same  feast. 

4  EDWARD  ni.— Part  IL  4S 

1331.  Membrane  11 — cont, 

Jan.  15.  Grant  to  the  citizens  of  Waterford,  on  petition  to  the  king  ami  council, 
Westmiuster.  that  thd  mayor  of  their  city  shall  not  be  corapelled  to  take  the  oath  in 
Dublin,  on  account  of  the  distance  and  the  perils  of  the  way,  but  shall  have 
the  privilege  already  granted  to  Cork  of  taking  the  same  before  the  outgoing 
mayor  unless  the  justiciaiy  or  a  baron  of  the  Exchequer  in  Ireland  be  at 
Waterford  on  the  day  of  election.  By  pet  of  C. 

Jan.  15.         Pardon  to  Avico  wife  of  John  Goldyng  of  her  waiver  in  the  county  of 
Westminister.  Essex   for  non-appeai*ance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  trespass  against  her  and  her  husband  of  John  de  Stanleyo 
and  Juliana  his  wife. 

Jan.  9.  Appointment  of  Richard  Calwar,  king's  yeoman,  serjeant  of  the  buttery, 

WestmiuBter.  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  havener  of  the  ports  of  Cornwall,  during 

pleasure.  By  p.s, 

Jan.  13.         Appointment  of  Walter  de  Castro  Martini  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of 
Westmintter.  forester  oTCoytres,  co.  Pembroke,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Jan .  8.  Appointment  of  Hugh  do  Carleton,  king's  clerk,  to  the  custody  of  the  smaller 

Westminster,  part  of  the  seal  used  for  I'ecognisances  of  debts  in  the  city  of  Lincoln 
pursuant  to  the  stiitute  of  Merchants,  during  pleasure ;  on  surrender  of 
the  office  by  John  de  Lincoln,  who  was  appointed  to  it  by  the  late  king. 

Jan.  11.  Protection  nnd  safe  conduct  for   Master  Guy  de  Calma,  king's   clerk, 

Wegtrainiter.  engaged  on  certain  business  of  P.  cardinal  priest  of  St.  Stephen  in  Celio 

Jan.  16.         Grant  to  Nicholas  de  Aubrlncourt,  for  service  to  the  king  while  he  was 

W^tUsiBster.    beyond  seas  and  in  the  company  of  queen  Isabella  and  the  king  when  they 

came  into  the  realm,  and  for  his  l^etter  maintenance  in  the  knightly  rank 

since  bentowed  on  him  by  the  king,  of  40  marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer 

until  he  receive  the  equivalent  in  land  or  rent.  By  p.s. 

Memorandum, —  These  letters  were  cancelled^  3  April,  6  Edward  III,^ 
on  which  day  John  de  Leycestre^  a  chamberlain  of  the  Exchequer 
declared  in  the  Chancery  that  they  had  been  satisfied, 

Jan.  16.  Writ  de  intendcndo  for  Thomas  de  Bi-adeston,  directed  to  the  good  men 

Weftmipiter.  of  Gloucester  in  respect  (»f  their  farm  of  65/.  which  the  king  granted  to  the 
said  Thomas  for  life  on  18  September  last. 

Jan.  18.  Appointment  of  Eobert  de  Malberthorpe  as  a  justice  of  the  Bench, 

Westminster,  during  pleasure.  By  C 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Stonore  and  the  other  justices. 
The  like  appointment  of  the  following  : —  . 
John  de  Cantebrigge. 
John  Inge. 

Jan.  90.         Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  John  de  Bello  Campo  of 
Westminster.   Somersete,  the  younger,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 
The  abbot  of  Battle. 

The  master  of  the  hospital  of  Ospringe,  for  three  years. 
John  Wyard. 

William  ap  Alien  and  Madoc  ap  Lewelyn  de  Kedewyk. 
Master  Stephen  de  Horsale,  parson  of  the  church  of  Tatenhale. 
The  abbot  of  Strata  Marcolla  by  Pole,  for  two  years, 

Jan.  20.  Mandate  to  Roger  de  Chaundos,  lately  appointed  to  keep  the  land  of 

WcBtmioBter.    Glaumorgan  and  Morgannon  on  the  resumption  of  a  previous  grant  thereof 

to  queen  Philippa,  to  permit  her  attorneys  to  have  her  goods  there,  and  to 

aid  them  in  levying  all  arrears  due  to  her.  By  K, 


1331^  Membrane  11 — cont. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  for  life  to  Walter  do  Weston,  king*s  clerk,  of  the  office  of  clerk  of 

Westmioster.  the  works  in  Westminster  Palace  and  the  Tower  of  London.  By  p.B. 

Jan.  20.  Pardon  to  Nicholas  Cort  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Warwick,  for 

Westminster,  non-appearance  in  the  court  of  King's  Bench  to  answer  touching  diven 
felonies  whereof  he  was  indicted  in  the  time  of  the  late  king. 

By  pec.  of  C. 

Jan.  22.  Presentation  of  Nicholas  de  Wotton,  king's  clerk,  to  the  prebend  of  Wert- 

Westminster,  lyng,  Nymenefeld  and  Hoo,  in  the  free  chapel  of  Hastings,  lately  held  by 
flohn  de  Snoteland.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  10. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  to  Robert  de  Poley,  king*s  yeoman,  for  service  to  queen  Isabella 

Westminster,  and  the  king,  while  beyond  seas,  and  in  their  company  afterwards 
when  they  came  to  England,  and  for  his  expenses  therein,  of  the  custody 
of  two  third  parts  of  the  lands  in  Little  Reynes,  co.  Essex,  late  of  Walter 
de  Welles,  tenant  in  chief,  during  minority  of  the  heir,  with  the  marriage 
of  the  said  heir.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  21.  Licence  fur  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Thomas  Aleyn  of  Wyche  to 

Westminster,  the  provincial  prior  and  Austin  Friars  in  England  of  a  plot  of  land 
300  feet  square  in  Wyche  to  build  thereon  an  oratory  and  habitation. 

By  p.8. 

Jan.  14.         Grant  to  the  abbot  of  Selby  of  pavage  for  his  town  of  Selby  for  three 
Westminster,  years.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  22.  Appointment  of  John  de  Dufford,  for  service  to  Edward  1.,  Edward  II. 

Westminster,  and  the  king,  to  the  custody  of  Randon  Castle  in  Ireland,  during  pleasure. 

By  pet.  of  C.  [13966.] 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  justiciary  of  Ireland. 

Licence  for  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Rouen  to  take  proceedings  in  the 
Court  Christian  to  recover  possession  of  the  church  of  Olery  St.  Mary,  in 
the  diocese  of  Exeter,  whereof  they  were  (lt»prived  by  the  king's  presenta- 
tion of  John  do  Charnebrok  to  the  same,  since  revoked.  \^See  metnbrane 
13.]  By  pet.  of  C. 


Jan.  18.  Prohibition  to  all  ecclesiastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  collation  of  Peter  de  Berkele,  his  clerk,  to  the  prebend  of  Horton, 
in  the  church  of  St.  Mai*y,  Salisbury. 

Jan.  18.  Grant  to  John  Lidegat  of  the  office  of  second  ingrosser  in  the  Exchequer 

Westminster,   in  Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  19.  Appointment  of  Thomas  Tyes  to  the  office  of  bailiff  errant  in  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Oxford,  dunng  good  behaviour.  By  p.a. 

Jan.  16.  Grant  to  John  de  la  Bataille,  king's  clerk,  of  the  office  of  the  chirographry 

Westminster,  and  the  custody    of  the  writs  and  rolls  of  the  Bench  in  Dublin,  during 

good  behaviour.  By  C. 

Jan.  18.         Pardon  to  John  de  Pelham   of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Warwick 
Westminster,   for  non-appearance  to  satisfy  the  king  of  his  ransom  after  conviction  in  the 
couit  of  King's  Bench  on  a  plea  of  trespass  of  the  abbot  of  Coumbe. 

By  pet.  of  ۥ 
Vacated  because  otherwise  on  the  Roll  of  o  Edward  III. 

Jan.  22.  Licence   for  the  keeper   and    brethren    of  the   hospital   of  Sandon  by 

Westminster.  Kyjigeston  to  acquire  in  mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the 

yearly  value  of  10/.  By  K. 

4  EDWARD  HI—Pabt  IL  46 

1331.  Membrane  10 — cont, 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Peter  de  Grandisono  and  Oto  his  brother  of  500/.  each  and, 

Westminster,  until  they  are  satisfied  thereof,  t(»  Peter,  his  executors  or  assigns,  of  100/. 
yearly  out  of  the  farm  of  the  castle  of  St.  Bnavell  and  the  forest  of  Dene, 
CO.  Gloucester,  and  to  Oto,  his  executors  or  assigns,  of  60/.  yearly  out  of  the 
manor  of  Ospringe,  co.  Kent,  and  40/.  yearly  out  of  the  farm  of  the  castle 
and  town  of  K^chester.  This  grant  is  made  to  them  as  kinsmen  and 
legatees  of  Oto  de  Grandisono,  who  held  a  charter  of  Edward  I.  granting  to 
him  and  to  his  executors  for  five  years  after  his  death  Gerneseye,  Jerseye 
and  the  adjacent  islands  and  who  bequeathed  the  same  to  them  for  the  said 
five  years,  upon  their  petition  to  the  king  and  council  in  the  present  Par- 
liament for  the  islands  and  upon  production  of  the  will  of  the  said  Oto,  in 
consideration  of  the  release  by  them  of  their  interest  in  the  premises  and  of 
their  surrender  of  the  said  charter,  and  is  mado  also  with  the  consent  of  the 
council  and  of  John  de  Bono  Villario,  the  executor  of  the  will. 

By  K.  and  pet.  of  C. 

Memorandum. — These  letters  were  made  in  duplicate  to  Peter  and  Oto, 

The  latter  surrendered  his  as  fully  satisfied  on  6  May,  as  appears  on 

the  Fine  Roll  of  5  Edward  III,  and  by  a  writ  of  liberate  ;  and  the 

fiyrmer  surrendered  his  as  fully  satisfied  on  2  February  y  6  Edward  III., 

as  appears  on  the  Patent  Roll  of  that  date. 

Jan.  22.  Grant  to  Guy  Simon,  for  service  to  queen  Isabella  and  the  king,  and  for 

Westminster,  his  better  maintenance  in  the  knightly  rank  which  he  lias  received  from  the 

king,  of  40  marks  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  until  he  be  provided  with  the 

equivalent  in  land,  for  life.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Appointment  of  William  de  Watford  to  the  office  of  warrener  of  Ledes, 

Westminster,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Gawan  Corder,  constable  of  Ledes  Castle. 

Jan.  22.         Laurence  Fastolf  and  Cicely  Fastolf  executors  of  Nicholas  Fastolf ,  stay- 
Westminster.  iQg  in  England,  have  letters   nominating   Thomas  de  Mountpellers  and 
Richard  le  Boteler  their  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Membrane  9. 

Jan.  23.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  oE  Dodenash  to  acquire  in  mortmain 

Wcitminstcr.   land  and  rent,  not  held  m  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Grant  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  John  de  Wysham,  Qawisia  his 

.Westminster,  wife   and  his  heirs,  rent  free,  of  the   town   and   manor  of  Clifton  upon 

Tamede,  co.  Worcester,  which  he  held  for  life  from  Roger   de   Mortuo 

Mari,  late  earl  of  March,  by  a  rent  of  10/.,  and  which  by  reason  of  the  earl's 

rebellion,  would  revert  to  the  king  after  the  said  John's  death.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  20.  Lispeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  6  March,  18  Edward 

Westminster.  II.  being  a  grant  to  Matilda  de  Caxton  of  London  that  her  lands  in  the  city 
of  London  should  be  quit  of  tolls  and  other  like  contributions,  for  her  life. 


Jan.  21.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  queen  Isabella  to  Ralph  de  Wendevere  of  the 

Westminster,  office  of  the  pesage  of  the  town  of  Southampton,  during  pleasurR.       By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Grant  to  Robert  de  Wjrthiford,  king's  clerk,  of  the  office  of  controller  of 

Westminster,  the  king's  silver  mine  in  the  county  of  Devon,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s, 

Jan.  22.         Grant  to  Thomas  de  Apelton    of   the  custody  of    the  wood  called  le 

Westminster.  Broill  of  Barton,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Hastynges,  and 

during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s« 

Jan.  23.         Renewal  of  the  late  grant  in  fee  tail  to  Thomas  carl  of  Norfolk,  the 
Westminster,  marshal,  of  the  town  of  Newenham,  co.  Gloucester,  whereof  he  has  not  yet 
been  able  to  obtain  seisin  by  reason  that  in  the  previous  grant  the  town  is 
incorrectly  described  as  late  of  Hugh  le  Despenser^  earl  of  Winchester. 


1331.  Membrane  d—conf, 

JiiD.  23.  Pardon  to  Thomas  atto  Gate  of  Coggcsliale  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Essex  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  tjohn  <le  Bousscr  that  he  render  an  account  as  his  bailiff 
in  Langeford,  Hailcslc  and  Ketyndon. 

Grant  to  the  abbot  of  St.  Albans ;  on  his  petition  showing  that,  whereas 
the  abbey  is  of  royal  foundation  and  tho  abbot  subject  immediately  to  the 
court  of  Rome  with  jurisdiction  exempt  and  power  to  punish  all  persons, 
ecclesiastic  and  secular,  within  his  jurisdiction,  without  right  of  api>eal  to 
any  bishop,  writs  for  taking  excommunicated  persons  have  been  heretofore 
granted  by  the  king  on  the  slgnilication  of  the  abbot ;  that  the  chancellor 
shall  cause  such  writs  to  be  issued  on  the  signification  of  the  abbot,  in  like 
manner  as  he  does  on  the  signification  of  a  bishop.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Order  to  the  bailiffB  of  Nottingham  to  pay  to  Uobort  de  Xewerk  and 
Westminster.  Mcliora  his  wife,  late  the  wife  of  Gilbert  de  (Jlcnkarny,  the  yearly  sum  of 
20/,  out  of  the  farm  of  their  town,  until  the  said  Meliora  be  provided  for 
life  with  the  equivalent  in  land.  This  sum  has  been  granted  for  the  support 
of  her  and  her  children,  in  consideration  of  losses  ^^ulfercd  by  her  late  hus- 
band in  the  service  of  the  king's  grandfather  and  father  and  in  rccompence 
of  his  lands  in  Scotland,  in  lieu  of  like  grant  lately  made  by  the  king  out  of 
the  escheats  beyond  Trent,  as  she  has  never  received  the  latter.  By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamus^  for  two  years,  in  England,  Ireland  and 
Wales,  for  the  master  and  l)rethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Beniard,  Mont 
Joux,  their  attorneys  and  proctors,  c(»llecting  alms  in  the  churche.-*.  The 
king's  bailiffs  arc  toarre.^^t  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Jan.  22.  Grant  to  jNIaster  Wybert  dc  Littelton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  in 

WeBtminstcr.  Exeter  church  held  by  Bartholomew  the  late  dean.  By  p.s« 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  bishop  of  Exeter. 

Jan.  23.  Licence,  on  petition  to  the  king  and  council  in  Parliament,  for  Rogor  do 
Westminster.  Somcrvill  to  grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Newminster  co.  Northum- 
berland, in  frank  almoin,  the  advow.^on  of  the  church  of  Stanyngton,  in  the 
diocese  of  Durham,  held  in  chief  by  the  service  of  a  sixteenth  part  of  u 
knight's  fee,  in  enlargement  of  a  late  licence  for  him  to  grant  the  same  to  be 
lK?ld  of  the  king  by  the  accustomed  services ;  provided  that  the  said  lloger 
and  his  heirs  be  answerable  for  the  saiil  sixteenth  part  of  a  knight*8  fee  out 
of  their  lands  in  Stanyngton  and  elsewhere  in  the  county  of  Xorthumber* 
land.  \lj  pet.  of  C« 

Mbmhrase  8. 

Jan.  16.  Presentation  of  Master  Thomas  do  Korwode  to  the  church  of  Marten  in 

Westminster,  the  diocese  of  Carlisle,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  of  Thomas 

Wake  of  Lidell  being  lately  in  his  hands.  By  K* 

Jan.  16.  Grant  to  John  de  Ilarnham  of  the  county  of  Wilts  of  the  custody,  during 

Westminster,  minority  of  William  the  son  and  heir,  of  the  lands  late  of  Robert  le  Parkero 
of  Wcstgrymstede,  tenant  in  chief;  with  the  marriairo  of  the  heir. 

By  iino  of  5  marks.     Wilts. 

Jail.  5.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  William   Bacoun  to  the  prior 

Wcitminster.  provincial  and  Austin  friars  at  Clifton  Deriemouth  of  an  acre  of  land,  held 

in  chief,  on  which  to  build  an  oratory  and  dwelling  houses.        By  pet.  of  Ci 

Jan.  18.  Licence  for  William  le  Baud  and  .loan  his  wife  to  enfeoff   Simon  Fiam- 

Wcsimiustcr.  bard,  parson  of  the  church  of  Great  lladham,  and  John  le  Baud,  parson  of 

the  church  of  Coryngham,  of  15/.  of  rent,  of  a  rent  of  20  cocks,  100  hens 

and  260  eggs,  of  a  moiety  of  a  messuage,  two  tofts,  160  acres  of  land  and 

4  EDWAllD  II1,.-Pakt  II.  4 


1331*  Membrane  8 — cont. 

16*.  in  rent,  in  Bocton  Alulphi,  Eastwcll,  Alkham,  Wolvrynton,  Cbilton 
and  Akhangrc,  of  a  moiety  of  the  manors  of  Terlingham  and  Newenton 
and  of  a  fourth  part  of  the  hundred  of  Folkestan,  with  the  advowson  of  the 
church  of  lloveHnden  (Rolvcnden),  held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  regrant 
the  same  to  the  said  William,  Joan  and  the  heirs  of  Joan. 

By  fine  of  100*.     Essex  {sic). 

Jan.  16.         Confirmation  of  letters  patent  under  the  old  seal,  dated  16  August,  1 

Westminster.  Edward  III.,  being  a  gi-ant  to  William  de  Harewedon  of  the  reversion  of 

the  custo<ly  of  Multon  Park,  co.  Northampton.  By  K. 

Jan.  18.         Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  24  April,  11  Edward  II.,  since 

WestmiuBter.  accidentally  lost,  being  a  grant  to  William  do  la  Bcche  and  Euphemia  his 

wife  of  the  lands  late  of  Mary  late  the  wife  of  Edmund  Comyn.  By  K. 

Jan»  20.         Exemption  for  life  of  John  de  Longedon  from  bein^^  put  on  assii^es, 

Wettminster.  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or 

other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  K. 

Jan.  18,  Grant,  on  petition  to  the  king  and  council  in  Parliament,  to  John  do 

Westminster.  Kynardeslye,  king's  clerk,  that  his  prebend  of  Eccleshale  in  the  church  of 
Lichfield  shall  be  divided  into  three  [lortions  according  to  the  direction  of 
the  Pope  made  at  the  request  of  Henry  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  kinsmAki, 
namely  that  one  portion  shall  be  applied  to  increase  the  number  oi' canon  sand 
prebends,  another  portion  shall  be  in  place  of  the  original  prebends  and  the 
third  shall  be  applied  to  increase  the  number  of  services  and  persons  to 
serve  in  the  said  church.  By  K.  &  C. 

Jan.  20.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  do  Lym  of  Southampton 

Westmltistcr.  and  Petit)nilla  his  wife  to  Nicholas  do  Alrcsford,  archpriest,  and  the  chaplains 
of  Holy  Trinity  Chapel,  Burton,  Iide  of  Wight,  of  five  messuages,  an  aero  of 
land  and  2  marks  in  rent,  in  Southampton,  Apelderford  and  Chaledoune,  to 
find  one  of  their  number  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  for 
the  Boul  of  Edwaril  L,  for  the  good  estate  of  the  said  Henry  and  Petrouilla, 
in  life,  for  their  souls  after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  their  children,  and  to 
find  also  two  wax  ligiits  to  burn  daily  at  the  high  altar  at  the  elevation  of  the 
host,  for  the  same  souls.  iiy  fine  of  0  marks.    Southampton. 

Jan,  12,  Protection  and  safe  conduct  until  the  first  Sunday  in  Lent  for  John  de 

Westminster.  Maddeleye,  king's  clerk,  appointed  to  bring  to  the  king  John  Wyard  lately 

Rffestcd  by  his  order.  By  K.  &  C, 

Jan.  2i.         Pardon  to  liobert  de  Esyngton  and  Ermedrewo  his  wife  for  the  death  of 
WestminBtcr,  John  son  of  liichard  Osberne.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  otherwise  below, 

Jatl.  28.         Appointment  of  Almaric  la  Zousch  to  the  custody  of  Bristol  Castle,  during 
Westminster,  pleasure. 

IMandatc  in  pursuance  to  Maurice  de  Berkcle,  the  pi*escnt  keeper* 

Jatt.  13.  Appointment  during  pleasure  of  Kogor  de  Gildcsburgh,  king's  clerk,  as 
Westralnitcn  steward  and  surveyor  of  all  castles,  cities,  boroughs,  towns,  forests  and 
lands  on  this  side  Trent  and  in  South  Wales,  but  not  of  those  in  the 
county  of  Lincoln,  which  queen  Isabella  held  whether  by  assignment  of  the 
late  king  as  dower  or  by  grant  of  the  king  for  life,  and  which  she  has 
surrendered.  By  K«  A  C. 

Jan.  20.  Licence  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rievaulx,  in  consideration  of  their 

Wesimmster.   losses   by  frequent   forays   of  the  Scots,  to  accjuirc  in  mortmain  land  and 

rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/,  By  pet.  of  C. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  cancelled^  after  the  acquisition  on  10  Decern' 

beTy  14  RicJiard  II,  of  land  of  the  yearly  value  of  3s.  8rf.  in  final 

satisfaction  of  the  grants 


1331^  Membrane  8 — cont, 

Jan.  22.         Confiniiation  of   a  previous  grant  by  letters  patent  to  Adam  de  Redeman 
Westminster,  of  the  custody  of  cortain  lands  in  tlio  county  of  Westmoreland, 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 

Jan.  IS.  Writ  to  tlio  sheriff  of  Buckingham  to  pay  to  Roliert  de  Fienles  110  marks 

Westminster,   yearly  out  of  the  issut's  of  his  office  pursuant  to  the  grant  to  the  said  Robert 

by  letters  patent  dated  1  February,  1  Edward  111.  By  p.s. 

Membra  XE  7. 

Jan.  21.         Grant  to  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  llertilpole  of  murage  for  three  years. 
Westminster.  By  pet,  of  C. 

Jan.  21.         Grant  to  Thomas  del  Okc  of  the  office  of  tlio  warrencr  of  the  king's  manor 
Westminster,  of  Glayton,  co.  Huntingdon,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  20.  Liceni'C  at  the  request  of  Richard  dc  Bury,  king's  clerk,  for  the  abbot 

Westminster,  and  convent  of  St.  Albans  to  appropriate  the  church  of  Apelton  in  Rydale, 

CO.  York,  which  is  of  their  advowson.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  20.  Pnrdon  to  Walter   Louecok  of  Netleton  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county 

Westminster,  of  Wilts  for  non-appetirance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  N^icholas  Paulyn  of  Odecombe  that  ho  render  an  account 
as  his  bailiff  in  Westlyngton. 

Jan.  20.  Grant  for  life,  with  the  assent  of  I^irliameut,  to  (jueen  Isabella  of  a  yearly 

Westminster,  sum  of  i3,000/.  at  the  Exchequer  to  provide  for  her  estate  from  1  December 
last,  the  day  on  which  she  surrendered  the  lands  assigned  to  her  as  dower. 

By  p.s. 

Jan.  18.  Pardon  to  Amicabilia  late  the  wife  of  Nicholas  Fermbaud  and  Thomas 

Westminster,  and  John  his  sons,  Gilbert  Passelewe,  Simon  de  Norwico,  Nicholas  de 
Ardene,  William  de  Seybrok,  John  de  Nowers,  Thomas  de  Brerhegg, 
Henry  de  Ilauvil,  Roger  attc  Stoke  and  John  Ilundreder  of  St.  Albans  of 
the  imprisonment,  fine  and  whatever  else  is  due  to  the  king  by  reason  of 
the  judgment  passed  upon'them  in  the  King*8  Bench  on  a  plea  of  trespass 
of  Henry  bishop  of  Lincoln  and  Walt<T  de  Woliourn,  without  prejudice 
to  the  bishop  and  Walter.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  16.         Notification  of  the  appointment  of  Adam,  bishop  of  Worcester,  William, 
Westminster,  bishop  of  Norwich,  William,  count  of   llainault,  Henry  de  Percy,  knight, 
Hugh  Daudele,    knight,  and  Master  John  de  Shordich  as  proctors  and 
special  envoys  to  treat  with  Philip,  king  of  France. 
The  like,  without  the  count  of  Hainault. 

Memorandum,     On  2S  March^  these  last  letters  were  surrendered  in 
the  Chancery  by  the  said  bishops. 

Jan.  20.  Notification  of  the  revocation  of  the  appointment  by  the  late  king,  con- 

Westminster,  firmed  by  the  king,  of  William  de  Hedcrsete  to  the  custody  of  the  smaller 
part  of  the  seal  used  for  recognisances  of  debts  in  the  city  of  London ;  the 
said  William  being  under  arrest  on  the  charge  of  retaining  a  largo  sum 
received  by  him  as  collector  of  customs  in  the  said  city.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Protection  with  clause  nolumusy  for  one  year,  for  Simon  Fraunceys,  citizen 

^  Westminster,   of  London . 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Griffin  ap  Caros  and  Philip  ap  Mared  de  Kedewing. 
Anthony  de  Flisco,  prebendary  of  Lafford  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 

Jan.  24,  The  abbot  of  Bocfasta. 


4  EDWARD  III.— Part  IT.  49 

1331.  Membrane  7 — cont, 

Jan.  22.  Grant  to  Walter  de  Carlotoii  of  tho  office  of  controller  of  the  customs  of 

Westminster,  wools,  hides,  and  wool-fells  and  other  customs,  with   tho  custody  of  tho 

*  cockct '  seal,  in  the  port  of  Boston,  during  good  behaviour,  which  office 

is  now  in  the  custoiiy  of  Robert  do  Stanford,  clerk.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  said  Robert. 


Dec.  12,  Acquittance  to  Master  Ithorius  do  Concoreto,  king's  clerk,  the  Pope's 

Westminster,  nuncio  and  collector  of  first  fruits  in   England,  for  677/.  Is,  Zd,  paid  to 

William  de  Colby,  king's    clerk,  queen  Philippa's  treasurer,  on  account 

of  the  king's  moiety  of  such  collection.  By  p.s. 

Tho  like  for  320/.  paid  on  the  same  account.  By  p.s. 


Jan.  20.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  nioitmain  by  Robert  do  Ilegham  to  the  prior 

AVc'tniinster.  and  friars  of  the  Holy  Cross  in  London  of  15  acres  of  land  and  8</.  in  rent 

in  Shudycampes  and  Nosterfeld,  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Pardon  to  Henry  de  Hokwold  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Suflblk 

Westminster,  for  non-appearance  before  John  de  Stonore  and  other  j  usticcs  of  oyer  and 

terminer  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmunds. 

By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Confirmation  of  letters  patent  dated    II    May,  2  Edward  II.,  being  a 

Westmiiister.  grant  to  John  Mouyn,  king's  yeoman,  of  the  reversion  of  a  messuage  in 

Dover.  By  p.s. 

MBMBRA^'R  6. 


Dec.  ,3.  Tnspeximus  and  confirmation  in  mortmain  of  a  confirmation  by  Stephen, 

Wi-»irainHter.  bishop  of  London,  dated  Orseth,  19  October  last,  of  the  deed  of  foundation 

of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary,  in  tho  parishes  of  St.  Alphege  by  Cripplegate 

and  St.  Mary,  Aldermaubury,  by  William  do  Elsyngg,  citizen  and  mercer 

of  London.  By  K.  for  God  ami  for  his  father's  soul. 

[Cy.  Monasttcoriy  vol.  vi.  part  2,  pp.  70-1-7.] 

Dec.  21.  Grant  to  William  Gauger,  king's  yeoman,  that  he  shall  have  again  for 

Wej»tiiiiii8ter.  life  the  oflBce  of  gauger  of  wines  in  England  and  Ireland  granted  to  him 
for  service  to  the  king  when  earl  of  Chester,  from  which  he  was  removed 
without  the  king's  consent  by  the  procurement  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari, 
earl  of  March,  in  favour  of  Richard  de  la  Polo  and  William  his  brother ; 
the  appointment  of  tho  latter  to  the  office  having  been  revoked  in  tho 
present  Parliament.  hy  p.s. 

Membranb  5. 


Jan.  12.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Hugh  de  Audcleyc  the  younger  and 

Westminiter.  Margaret  his  wife,  of  letters  patent  dated  20  July,  13  Edward  11.,  being 
a  grant  to  them  for  tho  life  of  the  said  Margaret,  niece  of  the  said  king  and 
late  the  wife  of  Peter  earl  of  Cornwall,  of  the  castle  of  Ok  ham,  co.  Rutland, 
and  other  lands  ;  the  original  letters  having  been  stolen  from  them  with 
other  muniments  in  the  (juarrel  of  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Lanca.ster. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  the  bailiflfs  and  good  men  of  Meydenhcthe  of  i)ontage  for  three 

Westminster,    years  on  wares  passing  over  their  bridge,  for  tlie  repair  of  the  wiid  bridge. 

By  pet.  of  C 

Jan.  20.*         Licence  for  John  son  of  Roger  la  Warre  to  enfeoff  John  do  Cleydon, 
Westminster,  parson  of  the  church  of  Maincestre,  of  the  manor  of  Alyngton,  held  in  chief, 

U    65658.  p 


1331.  Membrane  5 — tront. 

and  for  him  to  ro-^rant  tho  saipo  to  John  for  life,  with  remainders  to  John 
son  of  the  latter  and  Mar^^arct  his  wife  in  fee  tail,  and  to  the  right  heirs  of 
John  son  of  Roarer. 

Hy  fino  of  6  marks,  at  the  instance  of  II.  de  Eden.    Lancaster. 

The  like  for  Kichard  son  of  Rieliard  de  IVvenseye  to  grant  to  John  son 
of  Roger  la  Warre  for  life,  with  remainders  as  in  the  foregoing  grant,  a 
ni<»ssna;^,  12(K)  aeres  of  land.  2  ncn's  of  meadow,  pasture  for  8  oxen  and 
300  sheep,  and  HV.  in  rent  with  a  rent  of  a  ]>ound  of  enniin,inBochampton 
and  Ksthurv,  held  in  chief.     Bv  fine  of  20/r.,  at  the  instance  of  H.  dc  Eden. 

Jan.  23.  Assignment  to  Thomas  earl  of  Norfolk,  the  marshal,  in  fee  tail ;  on  his 

Wc'stminuter.  petition  to  the  kinjr  and  council,  sh«»wing  that  he  is  unable  to  obtain  seisin 
of  the  manor  of  Diitchet,  co.  Ihickingham,  of  the  yearly  \'alue  of  32/.,  the 
manor  of  Rarwe,  co.  Chesfer.  of  the  yearly  value  of  60/.  and  of  the  farm 
of  25/  7*.  11</.  of  the  town  of  Dun wich,  lately  granted  to  him  in  part 
satisfaction  of  i(\(KH)  marks  in  land  and  rent  which  the  late  king  intended 
to  assign  to  him,  by  reason  that  the  king  had  made  prior  grants  of  the 
former  manor  to  Edmund  de  Pynkeneye  and  of  the  latter  manor  to  Roger 
de  Swynnerton,  and  that  the  men  of  Ihinwich  ])aid  their  farm  in  advance 
to  the  late  king  for  a  long  time  yet  to  come ;  of  the  manor  of  Wycombe, 
CO.  Ruekiiighani,  of  the  yearly  value  of  5S/.,  and  of  the  farm  of  18/.  8*.  Sd, 
paid  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  by  the  m«»n  of  the  town  of  Wycombe. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  22.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Master  Henry  de  Ombreslegh, 

Westminster,  clerk,  to  the  al)bot  and  convent  of  Evesham,  in  part  satisfaction  of  a  licence 
from  the  late  king  for  them  to  acquire  10/.  yearly  in  land  and  rent,  of  a 
messuage,  two  and  a  half  virgates  of  land,  45.  in  rent  and  a  i*ent  of  a  pound 
of  }>cpper,  in  Derlyn^escote,  held  of  the  abbot  ;  the  messuage,  land  and  rent 
of  i)epper  being  of  the  yearly  vahic  of  16.v.  8r/.,  as  appears  by  an  inquisition 
taken  bv  the  sheriff  of  Worcester. 

Jan.  20.  General  paiilon  to  John  de  Wetenhale. 

Weutminster.  By  K.  &  C.  in  Parliament. 

Grant  to  Robert  <le  Helpeston,  master  of  the  works  at  the  king's  castles 
of  Beaunuiris,  Kaernarvan,  C^onewaye,  CVukyn  and  Herdelawe,  of  12«/. 
daily,  payable  by  the  chamberlain  of  Kaernarvan,  during  good  behaviour. 

By  K. 

Jan.  23.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Watton  to  acquire  in  mortmain 

WestminstcF.  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  100*.     By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Nicholas  de  Westmaucote  of  tht»  bailiwick  of  Blakemore,  co. 

Westminster.   Cornwall,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Robert  de  Bilkemoro,  steward  of  the  county. 

Jan.  23.  Appointment  of  Roger  Trcwelowe,  king's  yeoman,  to  the  custody  of  the 

Westminster,  castle  and  forest  of  Dolvereyn  in  North  Wales,  during  good  beliaviour. 

By  p^. 
Appointment  of  William  de  Crokeslc  to  the  parkership  of  the  king's 
[Mirk  of  Helleston,  co.  Cornwall,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Robert  de  Hilkeniore,  steward  of  the  county. 

Appointment  of  Henry  Chalun  to  the  office  of  one  of  the  foresters  in  Ic 
North  Ward,  called  Ilokeden,  in  Knaresburgh  Forest,  during  good 
behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  21.  Appointment  for  Hfe,  at  the  request  of  William  de  Mont«  Acuto,  of 

Westminster.    Henry  de  Seint  O^hh  to  the  custody  of  the  smaller  part  of  the  seal  used 

for  recognisances  of  debts  in   the  city  of  London,  under  the  statute  of 

Merchants.  By  p.8. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Pakt  II.  61 

1331.  Membrane  5 — cont, 

Jan.  1.  Grant  to  Peter  de  Berkele,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Horton,  in 

Guildford,     the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  tie  late 
voidance  of  the  see.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury. 

Mbmbranb  4. 

Jan.  20.  Restitution  to  William  la  Zousche  of  Mortimer,  Eleanor  bis  wife  and  her 

Westminster,  heirs,  of  the  land  of  Glaumorgan  and  Morgannon  in  the  march  of  Walcj*, 
with  the  castles,  manors,  towns,  honors,  lands,  royalties,  franchises,  liberties, 
fees,  and  advowsons,  and  of  the  manors  of  Tenkesbury,  co.  Gloucester,  and 
Hanle,  co.  Worcester,  with  the  members,  fees,  advowsons,  and  other  appur- 
tenances, as  they  held  the  same  before  they  surrendered  them  by  tine 
madt^  by  the  said  William  and  Eleanor  with  the  king  before  John  de 
Stonore  and  other  justices  of  the  Bench.  This  grant  is  made  to  ease  the 
king's  conscience  and  in  consideration  of  their  having  entered  into  a 
recognisance  in  10,000/.  before  the  chancellor,  the  treasurer  and  the 
Parliament,  notwithstanding  that  the  kin?  is  not  bound  to  make  such 
restitution  until  satisfied  of  50,000/.  wherein  they  became  bound  to  obtain 
pardon  for  a  theft  by  Eleanor  of  a  very  great  quantity  of  jewels  and  other 
goods  at  the  Tower  of  London.  By  K.  &  C. 

Jan.  13.  Licence  for  Richard  Talebot  and  Elizabeth  his  wife  to  enfeoff  Thomas 

Westmiustcr.  Talebot,   clerk,   of    the  manors   of    Castle   Goderich,    co.    Hereford,   and 

Payneswyk,  co.  Gloucester,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  regrant  the  sant 

to  them  in  fee  tail,  with  remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  Richard.        By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Grant,  for  life,  to  Edmund  de  Pynkeney,  king's  yeoman,  of  the  manor  of 

Westminster.  Dachet,  co.  Buckingham,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  thereof,  which 

he  lately  surrendered  to  the  king  with  the  town  of  Fulraere,  a  member  of 

the  manor,  on  a  promise  that  the  king  would  give  back  the  manor  without 

the  town.  By  p.s. 

Jan,  23.  Pardon  to  William  de  Felton,  king's  yeoman,   of  the  rent  of   14/.  17*. 

Westminster,  payable  to  the  king  by  the  hands  of  the  sheriff  for  his  lands  in  Matfen 

West,  CO.  Northumberland^  for  the  next  ten  years,  and  of  the  arrears  now 

due.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Launde  to  acquire  in   mortmain 

Westminster,  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  20  marks.        By  p.s. 

Vacated  by  surrender  on  being  fully  satisfied,  as  appears  in  the  Patent 
Boll  of  24  Edward  TIL 


Dec.  10.  Grant  to  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall,  in  fee  tail,  of  the  advowsons 

Westminster,  of  the  churches  of  Thomdon  and  Melles,  co.  Suffolk,  acquired  by  the  late 
king  from  the  prior  and  convent  of  Eye. 

Dec.  1.  Mandate  to  William  le  Mareschal  to  deliver  up  to  the  said  John  de  Eltham 

Westminster,  the  castle  of  Walyngford,  with  the  members  and  honors  of  Walyiigford 
and  St.  Waleric,  in  Oxford  and  other  counties,  and  the  mills  of  Oxford 
with  the  meadow  of  Kyngesmede  and  its  appurtenances,  which  the  king 
has  granted  to  him.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Walter  Fakonn,  in  respect  of  the  castle  and  manor  of  Eye, 
with  the  hamlets  of  Dalyngho,  Alderton,  Thomdon  and  others,  and  the 
manor  of  Hanlegh,  co.  Suffolk. 

The  like  to  John  de  Shobangre  for  the  castle  and  town  of  Berkhamstede 
with  the  honor,  co.  Hertford. 

D  2 


1330.  Membrane  A — cont. 

Writs  dv  intnulvndn  ior  the  said  oftrl  <liroctc<l  to  the  tenants  of  the 
following  : — 

The  enstle  of  Wal^'ingfonl  and   the   honors  of  Waljrngford  and  St. 

T])e  manor  of  Ere  and  the  hamlets  tliereof. 
The  cHstlc,  town  and  honor  of  Berkhamstede. 
The  manor  of  Risel)orf:h. 
The  manor  of  Riflet. 
The  tOTvn  of  Rokyn<^ham. 
The  manors  of  Uuudon  and  Harehor*jh. 
The  manor  of  Kirketon. 


Jan.  23.  Appointment  of  John  d«i  Paris  to  the  office  of  jwrter  of  Hertford  Castle, 

Westminster,  dnring  pkasnre.  By  pjs. 

Jan.  23.  Lioenrc  for  Thomas  Wake  of  Lydel,  the  king's  kinsman,  to  grant  to 

Westminster.  Stephen,  hishoji  of  London,  in  mortmain,  24  acres  of  land  in  Stibenhithe 

in  exohan«]je  for  the  like  quantity  out  of  lands  there,  held  in  frank   almoin 

as  part  of  the  see,  granted  to  him  in  foe.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  23.  Appointment  of  the  ^aid  Thomas  Wake  to  the  custody  of  the  manor  of 

Westmiuster.  Ekynton,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Stoteville,  tenant   in 

chief  of  the  late  king,  and  pardon  to  him  of  all  arrears  of  the  farm  thereof. 

By  p.8. 

Membrane  3. 

Jan.  26.  Pardon  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Newminster,  co.  Northumberland, 

Waltliam.  in  consideration  of  their  losses  by  the  frequent  forays  of  the  Scots,  of 
143/.  6s,  Sd.  due  for  victuals  bought  from  the  late  king,  the  time  for  pay- 
ment whereof  has  alrea<ly  been  (*xten<led  at  the  Exchequer.     By  pet.  for  C. 

Jan.  23.  Appointment    of    Adam   le   Brahanzon    to   the    eusto<ly   of    the   dies 

WrstminKter.   (nniagiornm)  at  the  Tower  of  London  and  Canterbury,  <luring  pleasure. 

By  p.8. 
The  like  of  (leoffrey  Ilogheles, king's  clerk,  to  the  custody  of  the  smaller 
pait  of  the  seal  used  for  n^'ognisances  of   debts  at  Southampton,  under 
the  statute  of  Merchants. 

Apj)ointment  of  Robert  de  ^liddelton,  king's  yeoman,  to  the  bailiwick  of 
the  office  of  forester  of  Rengylht  in  the  land  of  Kedewynd  in  Wales, 
during  good  behaviour.  By  pj«. 

Jan.  18.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  for  life  by  Thomas  late  earl  of  Lancaster  to 

Westminster.   Midiael  le  Armerer  of  a  rent  of  10/.  out  of  the  manor  of  Rustle.sham,  which 

manor  is  now  in  the  king's  hands.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  21.  Grant  to  the  king's  merchants  Dinus  Forsetti,  Peter  Reyneri,  Bartholo- 

Westminster,  mew  de  Barde,  Reynonchus  Reynoiichi  and  the  other  merchants  of  the 
society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence  of  2,5C)0/.  out  of  the  tirst  receipts  in  the 
Exchequer,  or  by  assignment  from  some  other  source  if  information  be 
received  from  them  before  midsummer  that  such  is  require<l.  This  grant  is 
made  in  consideration  of  their  having  undertaken  before  the  king  and 
council  to  find  20/.  for  the  expenses  of  the  household  daily  until  All  Saints 
day  for  which  they  should  hold  an  assignment  of  all  the  customs  of  the 
realm  until  fully  satisfied  for  loans  made  by  them  to  the  king  in  the  past 
and  for  the  money  now  lo  be  advanced  as  above,  but  before  the  date  of 
these  letters  patent,  the  king  had  assigne<l  to  (}ueen  Philippa  1,000/.  out  of 
the  customs  of  Kyngeston-npon-IIull  and  a  moiety  of  the  old  customs  of 
Southampton  to  pay  a  <lebt  to  some  Gascon  merchants ;  and  in  consideration 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II.  53 

1331.  Membrane  3 — cont, 

also  of  their  having  paid  to  William  la  Zousche,  king's  clerk,  keeper  of  the 
wardrobe,  802/.  19^.,  for  which  they  hold  a  bill  of  the  wardrobe,  and  to 
Arnold  de  Dureford  100/.  for  his  expenses.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  William  Gleykyn  that  the  manors  of  Camston,  co.  Bedford,  and 

Westminster.  Totenham,  co.  Hertford,  now  held  by  John  of  Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond, 
in  fee  tiiil,  shall,  if  the  earl  die  without  heir,  remain  to  him  in  fall  satis- 
faction of  the  40/.  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  lately  granted  to  him  until  he 
should  be  provided  with  the  equivalent  in  land. 

By  p.s.  because  sealed  at  another  time  under  date  of  5  November, 
1  Edward  III. 

Jan.  24.  Appointment  of  Ilenry  de  Glastenbirs  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  king's  parks 

Wesimiuster.   of  I-icskirrit  and  Killebullok,  co.  Cornwall,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Simon  de  Drayton,  for  lilc,  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Brixtoke 

Westminster,  and  Geyiington  in  Rokyngham  Forest,  with  pasture  therein  for  his  cattle 
in  Drayton  manor  and  such  firewood  as  he  recpiires  as  well  as  free  ingress 
:iikI  egress  within  the  said  bailiwick  for  himself  and  his  servants  to  pasture 
the  cattle  ;  in  recoraj)ence  of  his  charges  in  repairing  the  houses  and 
bringing  into  cultivation  land  within  the  castle  and  forest  of  Rokyngham, 
•  the  custody  of  which  has  lately  been  taken  from  him  by  the  king  before  the 

expiration  of  the  term  for  which  he  held  the  same  to  farm.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  22.  Promise   to   pay  to  William   de   Grandissono,  one  of  the  executors  of 

Westminster.  Blanche,  late  queen  of  Navarre,  by  payments  at  Eister  and  Michaelmas,  the 
balance  of  1,000  marks  still  unpaid  out  of  2,000  marks  placed  bv  the 
rxecutors  of  the  said  queen  for  safe  custody  in  the  church  of  the  Friars 
Minors  in  Loudon,  which  with  their  consent  Edward  I.  borrowed,  de- 
positing in  the  same  place,  as  security,  jewels  to  the  value  of  2,163/.  6*.  8</., 
as  appears  by  an  indenture  held  by  the  said  William,  he  having  given  up 
the  jewels  to  the  king  with  a  release  for  half  the  sum  taken.  By  p.s. 

Acquittance  to  the  sa*d  William  and  the  ether  executors  for  the  jewels. 

Jan.  22.  Pardon,  at  the  request  of  Parliament,  to  William  la  Zousche  of  Mortimer 

Westminster,  and  Eleanor  his  wife  of  5,000/.  out  of  the  recognisance  in  10,000/.  wherein 

they  became  bound  as  appears  in  membrane  4.  By  K.  &,  C. 

Jan.  10.  Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  John  Wyard  for  adherence  to 

Westminster.   Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  with  general  pardon  and  restitution 

of  his  lands.  By  p  s. 

Jan.  20.  The  like  to  Edward  de  Bohun,  the  king's  kinsman,  and  others  for  the 

Westminster,  death  of  Hugh  de  Turpliton,  knight,  and  Richard  de  Monemuth  accidentally 

killed  by  them  while  anesting  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  in 

Nottingham  Castle  pursuant  to  the  king's  orders.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  Adsun  Brabazoun,  citizen  of  London,  for  all  offences  as  well 
in  the  time  of  the  late  king  as  of  the  king.  By  K.  in  Parliament. 

Membrane  2. 

Jan.  23.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Robert  de  Stratford,  king's  clerk,  in 

Westminster,  the  church  of  Stratford  in  the  diocese  of  Worcester,  and  in  the  prebefuis  of 
Aylesbury  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  Bere  and  Cherminster  in  the 
church  of  St.  Mnry,  Salisbury,  Wrottesleye  in  Tettenhale  free  chapel,  in 
the  diocese  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield,  and  Middelton  in  the  collegiate  church 
of  Wherewell  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  15.  Griot  to  Edmund  de  Shireford,  king's  yeoman,  to  whom  the  king  lately 

Westminster,  granted  for  life  the  bailiwick  of  the  hundred  of  Knyglitelowe,  co.  Warwick, 

that  he  may  appoint  a  deputy  to  keep  the  office,  or  may  demise  it  to  farm, 

notwithstanding  any  statute  or  inhibition  to  the  contrary.  B)'  p.s. 


1331.  Meinbraiw  2 — cant. 

Jan.  23.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Laurence  de  Dunolmo,  execntor 

Westminster,  of  John  de  Ellerker  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  of  oOt.  in  rent  in  the  latter 
town  to  a  chaplain  celebrating  divine  Bcrvice  daily  in  the  church  of  St. 
Nicholas,  New<*a«tle-upon-Tyne,  for  the  souU  of  the  said  John  and  Matilda 
sometime  his  wife  ;  a  messuagi^  and  20*.  in  rent  alienated  for  the  sustenance 
of  such  chaplain  by  the  siiid  John  with  the  late  king's  licence  having 
proved  insiiificient  for  the  purpose.  Qy  pet.  of  C. 

J  an.  24.  Appointment  of  John  de  la  Launde  of  Gerneaeye  to  the  office  of  reeve 

Westmiuster.  of  Gerneseye,  during  pleasure.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  23.  Appointment  of  John   de   Shobure  to   the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of 

Westminster.  Hanefeld  Park,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p-s. 

Appointment  of  Roger  de  Blaculvesle,  king's  clerk,  to  the  office  of  con- 
troller of  the  coinage  in  the  county  of  Cornwall  and  of  other  profits  per- 
taining to  the  office  of  steward  of  that  county,  during  pleasure. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Appointment  of  Adam  Leonard  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the 
park  of  Wrichewode  by  Baumburgh,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Koger  le  Warenner  of  Pulham  to  the  bailiwick  of 
keeping  the  warren  of  Soham,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Nicholas  son  of  Richard  de  Baligaveran  as  second 
remembrancer  of  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin,  during  pleasure.  By  p.8. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Edmund  do  Ilcrlethorpo,  king's  clerk,  of  the  free  chapel  of 

Westminster.  Halnaked  in  the  kin«i;'s  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir 
of  John  de  Sancto  Johannc  of  Basyiig,  tenant  in  chief. 

Mandate  in  pursuances  to  the  keeper  of  the  manor  of  Halnaked. 

Jan.  22.  Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Thomas  de  Ogaston  for  the 

Westminster,  death  of  William  Hova  of  Alwaston,  killed  in  the  time  of  Edward  I.,  and 
for  his  conse<}uent  abjuration  of  the  realm. 

Jan.  23.  Gift  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  to  enable  him  the  better  to  make  profit 

WcMtminster.  (gaineriam)  of,  and  to  provide  stock  for,  the  castle  of  Dynbegh  and  other 
lands  in  Wales  forfeited  by  Rofjer  de  Mortuo  Mari,  oarl  of  March,  granted 
to  him  by  the  kin*;,  of  all  farms  and  rents  due  from  those  lands  at  Michael- 
mas last,  with  the  issues  and  profits  of  the  lands  from  that  time  which 
should  come  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  said  earl's  forfeiture.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  the  said  William  and  Katherine  his  wife  in  respect  of  the 
manors  of  Sweyuston  and  Fulmere. 

The  like  to  the  same  in  respect  of  the  castle  of  Christchurch  Twynham 
and  the  manors  of  Ryugcwod,  Crokham  and  Catford  in  Leuesham  from 
1  December  last,  the  da)'  on  which  queen  Isabella  surrendered  them. 

By  p.8. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Thomas  West,  keeper  of  the  said  castle  and  of 
the  manor  of  Ryngwod. 

Jan.  10.  Acknowledgement  of  the  receipt  from  David,  king  of  Scotland,  of  5,(XX) 

Westminster,  marks  out  of  the  10,000  marks  due  from  him  at  midsummer  next  under  the 
treaty  made  with  the  late  king.  \^Fced€raJ\ 

The  like  of  a  further  sum  of  3,000  marks. 
The  like  of  the  balance  of  2,000  marks. 


Nov.  20.         Grant  to  Thomas  de  Garton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  a  moiety  of 

Uomsey.      the  manor  of  Killom,  co.  York,  now  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the 

voidance  of  the  see  of  Rouen,  to  hold  from  the  date  of  the  voidance  for 

such  time  as  it  is  in  the  king's  hands.  By  pjs. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II.  55 

1331.  Membrane  2 — cotiL 

Jan.  22.  Coniirination  of  letters  patent  whereby  the  king  lately  granted,  for  lifp, 

Westminster,  to  Adam  de  Bedeman,  his  yeoman,  the  custody  of  lands  in  Tibbaie   and 

Runethwayt,  co.  Westmoreland,  late  of  Robert  de  Sandoford,  and  in  Kirkle- 

vyngton  and  Kirkandres  late  of  Walter  Corry.  By  K.  &  C. 


Dec.  1.  Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  mayor,   bailiffs  and  good  men  of 

Westminster.  Walyngford  in  respect  of  the  farm  of  their  borough  now  payable  to  John  de 

Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall.  By  K. 


Jan.  22.  Pardon  to  Robert  de  Osenyngton  and  Ermentrua  his  wife  for  the  death  of 

Westminster.  John  Osberne.  By  p.s. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Thomas  Wake  of  Lidel,  the  king's  kinsman,  that  he  shall  hold 

Westminster,  the  custody  of  the  lands  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Stotevill  in  Ekyngton  and 
Kirkeby  in  Asshefeld  to  which  he  was  appointed  by  letters  patent  dated 
19  December,  16  Edward  II.,  without  paying  the  farm  reserved  in  the 
said  letters,  and  pardon  of  the  arrears  of  the  same  from  the  date  of  his 
appointment.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  1. 

Jan.  1.  Grant  to  queen  Philippa  as  dower,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament  and  in 

Westminster,  fulfilment  of  the  king's  promise  at  the  time  of  his  marriage  to  provide  her 
with  land  and  rent  to  the  yearly  value  of  3,000/.,  with  a  further  grant  to 
her  of  lands  and  rents  to  the  yearly  value  of  1,000/.,  of  the  following 
manors,  etc.,  with  all  rights  pertaining  to  the  same :  the  manors  of  Estwod 
and  Reylegh  with  the  hundred  of  Rochford,  of  the  value  of  1(X)/.,  of 
Ncylond  of  the  like  value  and  of  Haveryng  with  its  park  and  forest,  uf  the 
value  of  140/.,  co.  Essox ;  the  manor  of  Isleworth,  of  the  value  of  128/., 
CO.  Middlesex  ;  the  manors  of  Langley  Mareys  and  Wirardesbury,  of  the  value 
of  110/,,  CO.  Buckingham ;  of  Bray,  of  the  value  of  84/.,  Cokham  with  its 
purprcstures,  of  the  value  of  95/.,  and  Stratfcld  Mortimer,  of  the  value  of 
52/.,  CO.  Berks ;  the  honor  of  Aquilain  divers  counties,  excepting  the  castle  of 
Pevenseye  and  manor  of  Laghton,  of  the  value  of  230/.;  the  manor  of 
Saham,  of  the  value  of  100/.,  co.  Cambridge ;  the  castle,  town  and  barton  of 
Bristol,  of  the  value  of  210/.,  co.  Gloucester;  the  castle  of  Rokyngham  with 
the  stewardship  of  the  forest  between  Oxford  and  Stamford  bridges,  of  the 
value  of  80/.,  co.  Northampton ;  the  castle,  town  and  honor  of  High  Peak, 
of  the  value  of  291/.  13*.  4</.,  co.  Derby;  the  castle,  town  and  honor  of 
Knaresburgh  with  the  forest  and  members  thereof,  of  the  value  of 
533/.  6*.  8</.,  and  the  manor  of  Couwyk  with  the  town  of  Snayth,  of  the 
value  of  50/,,  co.  York ;  the  castle,  borough  and  honor  of  Pontefract  in 
divers  counties  of  the  value  of  1,000  marks;  the  castle  and  town  of  Tikhill 
with  its  members  Gryngelay  and  Whetelay,  of  the  value  of  333/.  \6s.  5</., 
in  the  counties  of  York  and  Nottingham ;  the  castle  and  town  of  Dyvyses, 
with  the  park  and  forest  of  Melkesham,  Cippeham  and  Peusham  and  the 
manor  of  Roud,  of  the  value  of  80/.,  the  castle  and  town  of  Marlebergh 
with  the  barton,  and  the  hundred  of  Selkele,  of  the  value  of  120/.,  and  the 
manor  of  Senhampton,  with  the  boroughs  and  hundreds  of  Crickclade  and 
Haute  worth,  and  the  manor  of  Stratton,  of  the  value  of  200/.,  co.  Wilts ; 
the  town  of  Fekenham  with  the  forest  and  woods,  of  the  value  of  46/., 
CO.  Worcester;   the  manor  of  Gillyngham,  with  the  barton,  74*.  in  rent  of 

Surprestures  and  the  forest,  of  the  value  of  80/.,  co.  Dorset ;  the  manor  of 
lansted  with  the  park,  of  the  value  of  30/.,  co.  Surrey  ;  and  the  castle  of 
Southampton,  the  manor  of  Lyndhurst  with  the  park,  the  forest,  bailiwick 


J33]^^  Membrane  1 — cont. 

and  hundred  of  Rodbru<rge  and  .  .  *.  of  rent  paid  by  the  abbot  of  Rcdynges 
for  a  tenement  in  the  said  forest,  of  the  value  of  150/.,  co.  Southampton. 

By  K.  A  the  whole  C. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  the  keepers  of  the  foregoing  manors,  etc. 

Writ**  dt'  intendcndo  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the  same. 

]Mandate  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  cause  these 
letters  to  l)e  enrolled  and  the  liberties  comprised  in  the  same  to  be 
delivered  to  the  queen  in  their  presence. 

Jan.  23.  Grant  to  Roprer  de  Swynnerton   of  all  knights'  fees  and  advowwns  of 

Westminster,   churches  belonjring    to    the    lands   late   of   Hugh   le   Despenser  earl    of 

WinchestiT  in  the  counties  of  Stafford  and  Chester  which  the  king  lately 

granted  to  him  for  life.  By  p-s. 


Dec.  27.  Appointment  of  Thomas  <h;  l'pi)enore  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parkership 

Guildford,      of  Guldoford  park,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mkmhranb  41  rf. 

()ct.  16.  Coniinission  to  John  Giffard,  William  de  Denuni,  Adam  de  Hoperton 

Nottinuh!iiii.    and  Thomas  Deyvill  to  make  in(iuisitioTi  an<l  certify  the  king  touching  a 

])etllion   of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Kirkstall  for  the  restitution  of  certain 

lands  and  tenements  within  the  manor  of  Bernolveswik  In   the  forest  of 

Bl.'ik(;burushirc,  and  as  to  whether  it  will  be  to  the  injury  of  any  person  if 

the  king  and  queen  Isabella,  who  liolds  the  forest  for  life,  should  make  such 

restitution.  By  C. 

[^A  commission  in  almost  the  same  tcords  is  printed  in  the  Monastieon^ 

vol.  v.  pp.  544-5.] 

Membrase  40r/. 

Sept.  12.  Api>ointTncnt  of  John  Claver  in  the  place  of  William  de  Hemenhale   in 

Notnnghuiu.  the  late  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Howard,  Simon  de 
Hedersete,  Nicholas  Fastolf  and  William  de  Hemenhale  touching  divers 
pi»tirion8  of  men  of  the  county  of  Xorfolk  com])laining  of  oppressions 
by  William  ^larch  who  was  appointed  by  the  late  king  one  of  the  pur- 
veyors of  corn  and  other  victual  in  that  county  for  the  expedition  against 
Scotland,  and  his  confederates.  By  C. 

Mem  BR  AXE  '69d. 

Se])t.  18.         Commission  of  oyer  and   terminer  to  Richard  Lovel,  John  de  ClyTedon 

Nottingbura.    the  elder,  John   Treiagu  and  John  de  on  complaint  by  Hugh   de 

Laiigelondc,  k?iight,  that  Simon  de  Bradeney,  John  de  Seyntlou,  Thomas 

le  Large  of  Bruggcwater  and  others  assaulted   him   at  Bruggewater,  co. 

Somerset.  By  p.8. 

Oct.  IG.  The  like  to  John  Travers,  Simon  deBaldcrston  and  John  de  Trehampton 

Nottiughaui.  in  the  county  of  York  on  complaint  by  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey, 
that  certain  persons  broke  hid  parks  at  Ilettfeld,  Wakefeld  and  Sand&lo, 
entered  his  free  chaces  at  Wakefeld,  Sourby,  Holmfrithes,  Hattfcid,  Thome 
and  Conesbur^di,  hunted  there,  fished  his  stews  and  free  fisheries  of 
Braythemere,  Thur&tonhowe  and  Conesburgh  and  carried  away  fish,  with 
200  swans  of  his  worth  100  marks  and  deer. 


Sept.  16.         Commission   of  the   i>eace   to   William   Giffard,  John   de   Whelnetham 
Nottingham,    and  Tetor  Gerni^an  in  the  county  of  Suffolk,  pursuant  to  the  statute  of 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II. 



Oct.  18. 


Oct.  22. 

Dec.  12. 

Membrane  SM^^cont. 

The  like  to  the  following : — 
Thomas  de  Metham. 
Thomas  Ughtrith. 
Hugh  de  Bradeford. 
Nicholas  de  Portyngton. 

John  de  Weston.  1 

Thomas  Gobyon.  >  in  the  county  of  Essex 

John  Dyn.  J 

between  the  Ouse  and  Derwent  and  in  the 
wapentake  of  Herthill,  co.  York. 


Richard  deWodeton.  1    .^  ^^^  ^  ^^  Middlesex. 

Henry  de  Frowyk.      J  -^ 

Oct.  18. 

Oct.  23. 

Oct.  22. 


Membrane  33f/. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Walter  de 
Huntyngfeld,  Robert  de  Haghham  and  John  de  Stouford  on  complaint  by 
Nicholas  Colepeper  that  John  de  Moreworth,  James,  parson  of  the  church 
of  Mei-eworth,  James  Dautry,  John  de  Brumleye  and  others  assaulted  him 
at  Mereworth  by  Tunebrugge,  co.  Kent,  carried  away  his  good^  and 
assaulted  his  servants.  By  K. 

The  like  to  William  de  Herle,  Adam  de  Herewynton  and  Robert  de 
Aston  on  complaint  by  Adam,  bishop  of  Worcester,  that  Thomas  Blaun- 
frount  and  others  mowed  and  carried  away  his  corn  at  Alvechurch,  co. 
Worcester,  and  assaulted  his  servants.  By  p.s. 

Writ  of  aid  directed  to  the  sheriffs  of  London,  Middlesex,  Essex,  Hert- 
ford, Kent,  Surrey  and  Sussex,  and  to  keepers  of  castles,  bailiffs  and 
others  in  those  counties,  for  James  de  Kyngeston,  king's  clerk,  sent  by  the 
king  to  survey  the  goods  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  Geoffrey 
de  Mortuo  Mari,  Oliver  de  Ingham  and  Simon  de  Bereford,  which  the  said 
sheriffs  have  been  directed  to  take  into  the  king's  hands,  and  to  be  present 
at  the  making  of  indentures  thereof.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 

Thomas  de   Geregrave,   in   the  counties  of  York,  Northumberland, 

Nottingham,  Derby,  Leicester,  Warwick  and  Northampton. 
Ralph  de  Welyngliam,  in  the  counties  of  Lincoln,  Rutland,  Norfolk, 

Suffolk,  Cambridge,  Huntingdon,  Bedford  and  Buckingham. 
John  de  Staunford,  in  the  counties  of  Oxford,  Berks,  Somerset,  Dorset, 

Wilts,  Southampton,  Devon  and  Cornwall. 
John  de  Percebrigge  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester,  Worcester,  Hereford, 
Stafford  and  Salop. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  de  Hambury,  Hugh  de 
Prestwold  and  Roger  de  Pykerynge  on  complaint  by  John  de  Nousom, 
parson. of  the  church  of  Nayleston,  that  Master  Gilbert  de  Bulyngham, 
Stephen  da  Bouleton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Gamely ngeye,  John  Multrere 
of  Edenburgh,  *  noter','  John  de  Abboteston,  clerk,  William  lo  Reve  of 
Naileston,  William  Godewyn  the  elder,  Ralph  le  Clerk  of  Naileston, 
William  Godewyn,  the  younger,  Adam,  parson  of  the  church  of  Neubold, 
Henry  de  la  Chaumbre  of  Carton  and  others  broke  his  close  at  Naileston, 
CO.  Leicester,  imprisoned  him  there  detaining  him  until  by  coercion  and 
duress  he  resigned  his  church,  and  carried  away  his  goods,  together  with 
writings  and  other  muniments.  By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  1  mark. 

Membrane  Z\d. 

Dec.  8.  Commission  to  Master  Thomas  de  Chaundo.^,  archdeacon  of  Hereford, 

Westminster.   Master  William  de  Fowehep,  abbot  of  St.  Peter's,  Shrewsbury,  and  Master 

Robert  de  Preston  ;  on  frequent  complaints  reaching  the  king's  ears  that 

Dec.  15. 



1330.  Membrane  SI— cont. 

his  free  chapel  at  Shrewsbury  is  very  deficient  in  the  ornaments,  books 
and  other  things  which  should  be  therein,  that  the  dean  and  chapt(»r  and 
the  other  ministers,  although  drawing  ttie  accustomed  stipemis,  nocrlect  to 
officiate  there,  that  there  sre  frequent  <}uarrels  and  scandals  among  them 
from  which  it  is  feared  that  mischief  will  result,  that  very  many  of  them 
lead  grievously  dissolute^  lives  and  that  the  dean,  setting  aside  the  king's 
authority,  is  making  new  statutes  and  intrtxiucing  new  cnstonin,  com- 
pelling some  of  the  ainonn  and  ministers  hy  threats  and  coercion  to  observe 
the  same,  depriving  others  of  their  prel>ends  and  ucnefices  against  all 
right  and  bestowing  these  at  a  price  on  those  who  are  accomplices  in  his 
evil  deeds ;  to  make  a  visitation  of  the  chapel,  to  reform  all  abuses  there, 
to  punish  the  guilty  pi;rsons  as  the  ordinances  and  statutes  of  the  chapel 
direct,  and  to  certify  the  king  of  their  proceedings  herein. 

Membrane  3(kf. 

Dec.  4.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Weston,  Thomas  Gohion, 

Westminster.  John  Dyn  and  Rol>ert  de  Q-ede worth,  lately  appointinl  commissioners  of 
the  peace  in  the  county  of  Essex,  touching  indictments  laid  in  the  King's 
Bench  against  certain  pei*sons  in  that  county  who  when  charged  before 
the.  said  commissioners  with  divers  felonies  have  withdrawn  themselves 
and  having  collected  a  multitude  of  followers  continue  their  evil  courses 
now  in  one  county  now  in  another.  By  C. 

Membra XE  2Sd, 

Dec.  3.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Asshele  and  Robert  de  Kelescye  on  comfdaint  by  Richanl  de  Grey  of 
Codenourc»  that  John  Arnold  of  Estollebury,  John  de  Goldhauek, 
M>ochcr,'  John  Shad,  Thomas  atte  Tye,  Thomas  Goldhauck,  Riclmrd 
Thomelyn,  Ingelram  Waroner  of  Mockynge,  Sewall  le  Charettere  of 
Mockynge,  William  Auneel,  John  de  Ncweton  of  Stanfonl,  Adam  Brig, 
Henry  Salle,  Simon  Salle,  Walter  Bright,  Henry  Bcreward,  William 
Kylward,  Tliomas  Eylwanl,  John  Aunool,  William  Lete,  Benedict  Wyld, 
«]ohn  de  Fulmerc,  chaplain,  William  Arnold  of  Stanford,  Adam  Birlc, 
William  Pruz,  John  Child,  John  de  Assheby  the  younger,  William  Bcre- 
ward of  Staunford,  John  Bereward,  Salomon  do  Wythefeld  of  Vobbinge, 
John  Eiylwyne,  Thonnis  Elwyne,  John  Baker,  Robert  Rede,  John  Gerlaund, 
Richard  Hilke,  Thomas  Soraoner  of  Horndon,  Ivo  atte  Chirche  of  Chalde- 
well,  Ricliard  Prcst  of  Orseth,  Simon  Blake  of  Fybbynge  and  others 
besieged  him  in  his  manor  of  Turrok,  co.  Essex,  broke  his  doors  and 
windows,  carried  away  his  goods  and  assaulted  his  servants.  By  K. 

Afterwards,  on  16  Ma^  next,  John  de  Cantehrigge  teas  appointed  in  the 
said  commission  in  place  of  the  said  RicJuird  emplot/cd  elsewhere  in  the 
hinges  service. 

Dec.  8.  Commission  de  walliis  et  fossatis  to  Thomas  de  Metham,  Nicholas  de 

Westminster.  Portyngton,  Hugh  de  Bradeford  and  John  de  Bekyngham,  in  Houcden- 
shire  and  Spaldyngmore,  co.  York. 

Dec.  10.  The  like  to  Henry  le  Scrope,  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  John  de  Ley  burn,  John  de 
Westminster.  Ryther  and  William  Basset  on  complaint  by  John  de  Moubray  that  Hugh 
Chastelion,  Roger  de  Clotherum,  John  de  Stokesley,  Simon  de  Lillyng,  Martin 
Foune,  Marmadukc  Dautry  of  Essheton,  Nicholsis  de  Schirewode,  Hugh  eon 
of  Ivo,  Thomas  Scot  of  Rypon,  Peter  Crouder,  William  de  Sancto  Johanne  of 
Ripon,  William  Seel,  William  de  Swynton,  Robert  Gaiolorman,  William 
Hunter,  John  de  Staneleye,  Richard  Scot  of  Rypon,  Morgan  Hughesman  de 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II.  59 

1330.  Membrane  2Sd—cont. 

Chastellion,  John  the  Wykeresson  of  Kyrkehj,  Robert  Paytfyn  of  Rypon, 
John  Smalbayn,  Hugh  de  Thoresby,  Peter  de  Thoresby,  Ranulph  Pygot, 
Roger  Pygot,  Richard  Scot,  Richard  de  Bi-aythwayt,  Robert  his  brother,  Rofi^er 
Silketypet,  John  Mos,  Robert  de  Leyston,  Henry  Poles,  Adam  his  brother, 
Alan  le  Hunter  of  Boulton,  Thomas  N^o^jjht,  William  Pcroun,  Ranulph  le 
Forester  of  Massham,  Richard  atte  Beck,  Williain  Snelle,  Matthew  Mawe- 
son,  Robert  Jonesmau  do  Clothcroum,  John  do  Clotheroum,  Hugh  Madawe, 
Adam  atte  Yate,  Adam  Kede,  Robert  Dibble,  William  atto  Brigge,  John 
Stodehird,  Alan  Kede,  Thomas  del  Spens,  William  Pacok,  Henry  *  the 
Wright,'  William  Rayner,  Geoffrey  son  of  Henry  de  Walden,  Simon  del 
Howe,  John  Wade,  William  Hanneson,  Hugh  Taillour  of  Scorthes,  Robert, 
del  Wode  of  Denton,  William  son  of  Henry  de  Eyvill,  William  Tymble, 
Hugh  de  Revegill,  Richard  his  brother,  John  de  Bent,  Hugh  do  Holm, 
Walter  Stothird,  Henry  del  Honerhend,  Alexander  Brasehued,  Adam  son 
of  John  le  Rede,  Robert  de  Hamerton,  Adam  his  brother,  Richard  son  of 
Roger  de  Sedbergh,  William  Pilkes,  Thomas  Kinge,  Adam  Bokel,  William 
son  of  William  son  of  Walter  de  Yarlabcrgh,  John  Jonesman  de  Dent, 
Thomas  de  Thornton,  Henry  de  Croft,  knight,  John  de  Ovorend,  William 
del  Knott,  Thomas  de  Dent,  clerk,  Hugh  de  Revegill,  John  de  Holm, 
Gregory  de  Holm,  William  Peck,  Richard  Maweson,  William  Peroun  and 
others  drove  away  40  horses  and  300  sheep  of  his  worth  100/.  at  Ingelton, 
CO.  York,  entered  his  free  chaces  and  warrens  at  Kyrkeby  Mallassart, 
Burton  in  Lonnesdale,  Hovyngham  and  Thresk,  hunted  there  without 
licence,  carried  away  deer  from  the  chaces  and  hares,  rabbits  and 
pheasants  from  the  warrens,  and  assaulted  his  servants. 

Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time.  By  K. 

Dec.  2.  The  like  to  John  Travers,  Ranulph  de  Dacre  and  Robert  de  Barton  on  com- 

WefltmluBter.  plaint  by  Henry  de  Malton  and  .Margaret  his  wife  that — whereas  the  late 
king  granted  to  Duugall  Makdowcll  and   the  said  Margaret  then  his  wife 
the  custody  of  the  lands  in  the  county  of  Cumberland  late  of  Henry  do 
Malton,  tenant  in  chief,  during  minority  ol  the  heir,  which  grant  was  after 
tho  death  of  the  said  Duugall,  renewed  by  the  present  king  to  Margaret, 
and  whereas,  by  suit  of  the  said  Margaret  it  appeared,  that  on  tho  death  of 
Duugall,  Robert  de  Mulcastre  entered  upon  10 acres  of  land  in  Bleaerhayscjt 
which  had  been   taken  into   the  late  king's  hands  as  part  of  the  lands  in 
question,  the  king  after  inquisition  made  directed  John  de  Bolyngbrok, 
escheator  beyond  Trent,  to  take  the  said  40  acres  into  nis  hands  and  make 
livery  thereof  to  Margaret — the  said  Robert  de  Mulcastre  and  others  have 
moved  and  carried  away  the  corn  of  the  said  Henry  and  Margaret  growing 
on  the  said  land  and  prevent  them  from  making  their  profit  of  the  land. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Mbmbranb  27d. 

Nov.  26.  Commission  to  Adam  de  Brom,  Hugh  de  Burgh  and  William  de  Leycestre, 
Westminster,  on  frequent  complaints  that  on  account  of  past  negligence  of  the  keepers  of  tho 
hermitage  of  Cruplegate  in  London,  which  is  of  the  king's  patronage,  there 
are  very  many  defects  as  well  in  the  chapel  and  the  ornaments  thereof  as  in 
the  houses  and  other  things  belonging  to  the  hermitage,  to  survey  the 
same,  to  make  inquisition  what  keeper  or  keepers  are  in  fault,  and  how 
the  defects  may  be  made  good,  and  to  return  such  inquisition  without 

Sept.  18.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  Level,  Henry  le  Guldene, 

Nottingham.   J.   Treiagu   and  John  de  Fosse  on   complaint  by  Hugh   de   Langelonde, 

knight,  that  Simon  de  Bradeneye,  John  son  of  Joan  de   Sentlou,  Thomas 

le  Large  of  Bruggewater  and  others  assaulted   him   at  Bruggewater,  co. 

Somerset.  By  pji. 


1330.  Membrane  27d—€OfU. 

Dec.  7.  CoinmissioD   of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wjlughby,  Thomas 

Westminster,  du  Longevillers  nnd  John  de  Bolyngebroke  on  complaint  by  lliomas  de 

Saiindeby  that  certain  persons  carried  away  his  goods  at  Saundeby,  co. 

Nottingham.  By  fine  of  1  mark  and  pet.  of  C. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below, 

Mbmbraxb  26d. 

Nov.  28.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  H.  de  Hamburi  and  Robert  Burdet 

Westminster,   touching  the  death  of  John  le  Manzoun  of  Swanyngton  at  Swanyngton,  co. 

Leicester.  By  C. 

Dec.  3.  The  like  to  Hugh  de  Curtency,  Richard  Lovel,  Richard  de  Wylughby, 

Westminster.   John  de  Chidiok  an<l  John  de  Brideport  on  complaint  by  Adam,  abbot  of 

Glastonbury  that  Philip  de  Clumbttriis,  William  Vely,  Matthew  le  Gode, 

Henry  de  Puiye  and  others  drove  away  a  bull,  25  cows,  35  bullocks  and  12 

heifers  of  his,  worth  lOO/.,  at  Shapewyk,  co.  Somerset.  By  K. 

Dec.  7.  Tlie  like  to  William  de  Ros,  John  Travers  and   Roger  de  Birthorp  on 

Westminster,  complaint  by  William  de  Chastel  of  Queryngton  and  Brian  son  of  Brian  de 

Herdeby  that  John,  prior  of  Senipynghani,  Alan  de  Baston  and  John  del 

Ikighend,  ennons  of  that  priory,  William  de  Walden,  prior  of  Haverholm 

John  de  Malton  and  William  Glover,  canons  of  that  priory,  Henry  son  of 

William  de  Kymo  of  Ohl  Lafford.  John   his  brother,  William  de  Baston, 

Simon   son   of    John   de     Bilyngburgh,    Henry   de  Stanford,   *  taillour/ 

William  de  Yenleburgh,   Richard  Pays  and  others  broke  their  dose   at 

Eveden,  co.  Lincoln,  cut  down  their  trees  there,  cut  into  small  pieces  their 

timber  procured    for   a   water   mill,  carried    away  the  trees  and    timber 

and  depastured  and  consumed  their  corn  with  plough  cattle. 

By  i>et.  of  C.  and  fine  of  20s. 

Mem B RAX B  2od. 

Dec.  17.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Master  John 

Westminster,  de  Shordich  and  Thomas  de  Lincoln  on  complaint  by  Elizabeth  late  the  wife 
of  Roger  de  Kyrkcby  that  Thomas  de  Blount  of  London,  Hugh  le  Cat  of 
Grynchesle,  John  ^lundy,  Richard  de  Betelescombe,  Walter  West  of  Grene- 
^trete  and  others  assaulted  her  at  Horton  by  Dertford,  co.  Kent,  took  her 
ff  om  that  place  to  Kestane,  imprisoned  her  there,  stole  a  silver  seal  worth 
10*.,  which  she  had  with  her,  carried  away  her  goods  at  Horton  and  with 
the  said  seal  sealed  divers  writings  obligatory  made  in  her  name. 

By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  1  mark.     Kent. 

Mem  BRAS E  2-k/. 

Dec.  14.  Commission  of  oyer  and   terminer  to  Henry  de  Hambury,  Henry  de 

Westminster.  Birmyngeham  and  Richard  de  Haukeslowe  on  complaint  by  Joan  late  the 
wife  of  Thomas  Butetourt,  R<iger  de  Aylesbury  and  Roger  Hillary  that 
John  de  Cherleton,  John  de  Hynkeleye,  Adam  de  Shareshull  and  others 
broke  their  parks  at  Seggesleye,  co.  Staffonl,  hunted  therein,  carried  away 
deer,  depastured  and  consumed  the  grass  thereof  with  cattle,  cut  down 
the  trees  there,  fished  in  the  stews,  carried  away  the  fish  and  trees  with 
other  goods  found  there  and  at  Duddeleyc  and  assaulted  and  imprisoned  their 
servants.  By  K.  &  C. 

Afterwards  an  20  «/w/y,  5  Edward  III.,  Robert  de  Aston  is  associated 
in  the  above  commission. 

Membrane  2Sd, 

Dec.  7.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Thomas  de 

Westminster.  Longevillers  and  John  de  Bolyngbroke  on  complaint  by  Thomas  de  Saundeby 
that  certain  persons  cariied  away  his  goods  at  Saundeby  co.  Nottingham. 

By  fine  of  1  mark  and  pet.  of  C. 

4  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  II.  61 

1330.  Membrane  23d— ^onf. 

Dec.  10.  Commission  de  walliis  et  fossatis  to  Thomas  de  Multon  of  Fraunkton, 

Westminiter.  John  de  Kyrketon,  Eudo  de  Byllesby  and  Roger  Petygard,  along  the  coast 
between  Saltenaye  and  Skyrebek  gote,  co.  Lincoln. 

Dec.  16.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  de  Hambury,  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Shirebourn,  and  John  de  Lancastre  on  complaint  by  Simon  de  Ruggeleye, 
the  king's  chamberlain  of  Chester,  that  Richard  son  of  John  de  Wenlok  of 
Stafford,  Richard  son  of  Richard  de  Burton,  William  his  brother  and  others 
assaulted  him  at  Statford  while  he  was  on  his  way  to  deliver  at  the  Ex- 
chequer at  Westminster  the  moneys  received  for  the  king  in  the  Exchequer 
at  Chester,  and  carried  away  40/.  of  the  said  money.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Dec.  15.  The  like  to  John  de  Wysham,  William  de  Ercalu,  Nicholas  de  Acton, 
Westminster.  Roger  de  Pulesdon  and  Madok  ap  Thlewelyn  touching  a  petition  from  the 
men  of  the  commonalty  of  the  land  of  North  Wales  to  the  king  and 
council  complaining  of  oppressions  by  William  de  Shaldeford  under  colour 
of  his  office  during  the  time  when  he  was  deputy  for  Roger  de  Mortuo 
Mari,  then  justice  of  Wales.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Membrane  20d. 

Dec.  12.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  John  Travers, 
Westminster.  Peter  de  Middelton  and  Thomas  Dayvill  on  (!omplaint  by  Richard  de 
Otryngham,  prebendary  of  St.  Stephen  in  the  church  of  St.  John,  Beverley 
that  Walter  Frost,  Thomas  de  Rise,  William  Coppondale,  John  Coppendale 
of  Thornton,  Robert  de  Seton  and  others  besieged  him  in  his  dwelling 
house  at  Beverley,  co.  York,  until  he  made  a  fine  of  253  marks  for  the 
raising  of  the  siege,  and  assaulted  his  servants. 

By  K.  on  the  information  of  Geoffrey  le  Scrope. 

Dec.  18.         Commission  of  oyer   and  terminer   to  Nigel  de  Waure,   chancellor  of 

Westminster.  Oxford  University,  Adam   do  Brom  and  William  de  Burcestro  touching 

alleged  defalcations  by  the  persons   appointed  to  collect  the  murage  and 

pontage  granted  by  the  late  king  and  the  present  king  to  the  burgesses  of 


Membrane  i9d, 

Dec.  18.  Appointment  of  Roger  de  Wendesleye  the  younger  to  arrest  John  de 

Westminster.  Bradeborn,  William  de  Bradeborn,  James  Coterel,  Nicholas  Coterel  and 
John  Coterel  wherever  found  and  to  bring  Ihem  to  Nottingham  Castle  to 
be  delivered  to  the  custody  of  the  constable  thereof.  By  K.  <fc  C. 

The  like  of  the  same  to  arrest  Stacius  de  Folevill,  Robert  de  Folevill, 
Richard  de  Folevill,  Laurence  de  Folevill  and  Walter  de  Folvill  in  like 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  de  Eland,  constable  of  Nottingham 


Dec.  26.  Commission  to  John  de  Trillowe,  William  de  Shareshull  and  Robert  de 

Guildford.  Aston  to  make  in(iuisition  and  certify  the  king  whether  it  will  be  to  the 
prejudice  of  him  or  others  if  he  assent  to  the  prayer  of  a  petition  to 
the  king  and  council  in  the  present  Parliament  from  the  burgesses  of 
Bristol  for  a  charter  expressly  granting  to  them  view  of  frankpledge,  which 
they  and  their  ancestors  from  time  immemorial  have  been  wont  to  have. 

By  K.  &  C. 


1331,  Membrane  ISd, 

Jan.  3.  Commission   of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William   de  Cljnton,  justice   of 

Guildford,     Chester,   touchinp;   alleged   defalcations  by  the   collectors  of  the   murage 
granted  by  the  late  king  and  the  king  to  the  citizens  of  Chester. 

Jan.  1.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  de  Hambury,  Henry  de 

Guildford.     Burmyngham  and  Richard  de  Hauekeslowe  touching  the  murder  of  Andrew 
le  Chamberlcyn  and  Christina  Bayard  at  Duddeleye,  co.  Worcester. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Membranb  I7d. 

Jan.  J).  Commission  of  oyer  and   terminer  to   Richard  do  Wylughby,  Robert  de 

Westminster.  Asshelc;  aiui  Robert  de  Kolseye  touching  the  murder  of  Ingolram  Russell 
and  Joan  late  the  wife  of  John  atte  Mersh  at  Thurrok  Grey,  co.  Kt^sex. 


Mbmbrase  \(Sd, 

Jan.  14.  Commission   of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Trussel,  John  Inge,  John 

Westminster.   Syfivwast  and  Robert  de  Asshele  touching  oppressions  by  John  le  Mares- 

chal  of  llovyndon,  late  aheritf  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham, 

and  others  in  league  with  him,  under  colour  of  his  otfice.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  14rf. 

.Ian.  13.  Commission   of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard   de  Wylughby,  Simon  de 

Wcjstmiuster.  Hedersete  and  John  Claver  on  complaint  by  Anastasia  lat«  the  wife  of 
John  But  of  Wolberdeswyk  that  John  Payne  of  Dunwich,  Constantine  de 
Paston  of  Dunwich,  Augustine  le  Fitz  William  Austyn  of  Dunwich,  Augos* 
tine  Ille  of  Dunwich  and  others  took  away  a  ship  of  hers  on  the  coast  by 
Suthwold,  CO.  Sulfolk,  with  the  goods  therein,  broke  up  and  sank  the  ship, 
and  assaulted  her  men  and  servants.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  l.T  The  like  to  the  same   touching   the  persons  who  entered  a  ship  of  the 

Westminster,  same   Anastasia,   by  Suthwold,   co.    Suffolk,  carried  away  her  goods   and 

murdered  sixteen  men  that  were  in  the  ship.  By  pet.  of  0. 

Membrane  13J. 

Jan.  18.  Mandate  to  the  sheriff,  bailiffs  and  others  of  the  county  of  Nortli umber- 

Westminster,  land  to  cause  public  proclamation  to  be  made  that  the  men  of  Tyndale  and 
neighbouring  parts  who  wish  to  attend  with  merchandise  at  the  market 
which  John  de  Claveryng  holds  at  his  manor  of  Corbrigge  every  Saturday 
and  the  yearly  fair  there  on  the  eve  and  feapt  of  St.  John  the  Baptist,  may 
do  so  without  any  fear  of  arrest  by  reason  of  trespasses  committed  by 
them  in  the  time  of  the  war  between  the  late  king  and  the  king  of 

Membrane  \2d, 

Jan.  10.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Robert  de  Ffford,  Robert  de  Aspale, 

Westminster.    William   de  Ponte  Roberti   and  Hugh  de  Hampslape   on   complaint  by 

4  EDWARD  III.— Part  II.  63 

1331.  Membrane  l2d-^ont. 

William  de  Horewodn  that  Robert  de  Popham,  knight,  with  others  entered 
his  free  wan*en  at  Preston  Candevre,  co.  Southampton,  hunted  therein 
and  carried  awaj  hares.  By  K. 

Membranb  \\d. 

39iJi,  12.  Commission  of  the  peace  to  William  Giffard,  Ralph  de  Bockyng  and 

WestmiiiBter.   John  de  Whelnetham  in  the  county  of  Suffolk,  pursuant  to  the  statute  of 

Winchester.  By  C. 

Jan.  21.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  same  touching  indictments  against 

WeBtminster.  certain  persons  charged  with  felonies  before  them  or  other  keepers  of  the 
peace  in  the  said  county  who  haTe  withdrawn  themselves  and  continue  to 
perpetrate  the  like  evil  deeds  sometimes  in  the  county  of  Suffolk  and  some- 
times in  neighbouring  counties.  By  C. 

Membrane  Id, 

3viS\.  23.  Association  of  S.  bishop  of  London,  Thomas,  earl  of  Norfolk  and  marshal 
Westmiiiiter,  of  England,  and  Thomas  Wake  of  Lidell,  baron,  with  Greoffrey  le  Scrope 
and  the  other  justices  of  the  King's  Bench  to  annul  a  fine  made  in  the  late 
reign  before  William  de  Bereford  and  other  justices  of  the  Bench  between 
Hugh  le  Despenser,  the  younger,  plaintiff,  and  John  de  Crumbewell  and 
Idonia  his  wife  deforciants  of  the  manor  of  Shaldeford  and  the  advowson  of 
the  church  of  that  manor,  and  another  fine  before  the  same  justices  between 
Robert  de  Baldok,  plaintiff,  and  the  said  John  and  Idonia  deforciants  of  the 
manor  of  Esenden,  pursuant  to  the  statute  annulling  all  fines  levied  by  force 
and  duress  after  the  exile  of  the  Despensers.  By  C. 

Jan.  23.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Hugh  de  Courteneye  the  younger, 

Westminster.  Hugh  de  Poinz,  Ingelram  de  Berenger  and  Peter  Colsweyn  on  complaint 
by  the  abbot  of  Bynedon  that,  whereas  the  king  lately  took  the  abbey  into 
his  protection  and  appointed  certain  persons  to  the  custody  thereof,  brother 
John  de  Monte  Acuto,  bearing  himself  as  a  monk  of  the  house,  Richard  de 
Novo  Burgo,  knight,  Thomas  de  Wynterboume,  John  Deverel,  John  de 
Leycestre,  John  de  Novo  Burgo,  Walter,  prior  of  Holme,  William  Ooste- 
coumbe,  William  de  Stoke  of  Weregrede  and  Richard  Calsale,  with  a  multitude 
of  others,  entered  the  abbey  by  night,  drove  away  100  oxen  and  7,000  sheep 
of  his  worth  700/.  carried  away  books,  chalices,  vestments  and  ornaments  of 
the  church  with  other  goods,  as  well  as  charters,  writings  obligatory  and 
muniments,  broke  open  a  coffer  containing  the  seal  of  the  abbey,  and  carried 
away  the  seal  with  which  they  have  sealed  divers  bonds  and  other  documents 
prejudicial  to  the  house.  By  C. 


Membrane  6d, 

Jan.  20.         Commission  de  tcailiis  etfossatis  to  John  de  Cobham,  Thomas  de  Lincoln 
Wettmiotter.  and  William  Moraunt  along  the  coast  in  Romenal  Marsh,  co.  Kent. 

Jan.  20.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  same  touching  the  persons 

WestmioBter.  through  whose  default  the  breaches  in  Romenhale  Marsh  have  been 


5  EDWARD  III.— PART  1. 


Jan.  25. 

Jan.  25. 


Jan.  26. 

Waltham  Iloly 


Jan.  28. 

Jan.  26. 

Waltham  Holy 


Jan.  28. 

Jan.  30. 

Jan.  28. 

Jan.  30. 

Jan.  26. 

Jan.  29. 

Jan.  31. 
St.  Albans. 

Membrane  40. 

Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  Henry  de  Eimham  to  a  way  leading  from  Merssh  to  Aithiwodegrone  for  the  enhirgcment  of 
his  dwellinj^  house  in  We?thorp  on  couflition  tliat  he  make  on  his  own  land 
a  liko  way  in  its  place.  By  fine  of  10*.     Norfolk  and  Suflblk. 

Confirmation  of  a  fjrant  to  Thomas  Ughtred,  dated  12  February, 
16  p]dward  II.,  of  the  custoily  of  the  manor  of  Heiitele,  co.  York,  during 
minority  of  the  heir  of  Puyn  Tibetot,  tenant  in  cbief. 

By  fine  of  20*.     York. 

Guetonittius  Oneste,  merchant  of  Lucca,  staying  in  England,  has  letters 
nominating  liicliard  son  of  Thomas  de  Florencia  his  attorney  in  Ireland  for 
one  year. 

Protection  with  clause  vohtmusy  for  one  year,  for  Gerard  de  Orum  staying 
beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  the  chancellor. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Whitsunday  for  Adam  de  Withiford  king's  clerk, 
chamberlain  of  North  Wales,  and  his  ministers,  purveying  corn  in  tbe 
county  of  Chester  for  the  king's  castles  in  North  Wales.  By  K.  &  C. 

Safe  conduct  during  pleasure  for  Peter  Byny  and  Tanus  Jacobi,  of  the 
king's  household,  going  beyond  seas  on  his  business. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  John  Bojter,  burgess  of 
Ross  in  Ireland,  merchant,  his  men  and  servants,  while  trading  in  different 
parts  of  the  realm. 

Grant  to  the  mayor,  bailifPs  and  good  men  of  Bristol  of  quayage  for  four 
years,  except  on  wares  liable  to  murage.  \iy  K.  &,  C. 

The  like  to  the  same  of  murage,  except  on  wares  liable  to  quayage. 


Kevocation  of  the  late  appointment  of  William  de  Langefeld  to  the 
bailiwick  of  the  chief  forestership  of  Blakeburnshire,  as  it  appears  that  the  said 
oliice  was  long  ago  granted  to  Richard  de  Merclesden,  for  life,  by  Thomas, 
late  earl  of  Lancaster  and  Leicester,  who  held  it  of  tlie  late  king  as  of  the 
honor  of  Lancaster,  and  that  such  grant  had  been  confirmed  by  letters 
patent  of  the  king  prior  to  this  appointment.  By  C. 

Protection  with  clause  rognmitsy  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Thomas  of  Aeon,  London,  and  their  attor- 
neys collecting  alms  in  churches  in  England  Wales  and  Ireland.  The  king's 
bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any  unauthoiised  person  collecting  in  their  name. 

Revocation  of  the  late  appointment  of  John  de  Carleton,  king's  clerk,  to 
the  bailiwick  in  Iloldernesse  which  Hugh  le  Lorimer  held,  the  latter 
haviiig  found  s**curity  for  the  due  discharge  of  the  office  of  coroner  and 
of  all  other  things  pertaining  to  the  said  bailiwick,  and  for  payment  of  a 
rent  of  20/.  to  the  king  for  the  same  until  Michaelmas.  By  C. 

Pardon,  at  the  request  of  Thomas  de  Bradeston,  to  William  de  la 
Gardorobe  of  his  imprisonment,  fine  and  whatever  else  pertains  to  the  king 
by  reason  of  a  trespass  against  William  le  Draper  of  Staundon,  whereof  he 
was  convicted  in  the  King's  Bench.  By  p.s. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 


1331.  Membrane  40 — co^it. 

Confirmation,  in  mortmain,  of  a  grant  by  John,  late  bishop  of  Bath  and 
Wells,  to  Nicholas  do  Wyllinghale  of  Leukenore,  as  rector  of  the  church 
of  St.  Mary,  Wanton,  of  a  grove  in  that  town  called  '  Holmengrove,'  part  of 
the  bishop's  demesne  land,  ynth  hedges,  hays  and  dykes  thereto  pertaining, 
quit  of  all  service,  exaction  and  demand,  in  exchange  for  half  an  acre  of 
wood  in  a  grove  called  '  Brochole '  belonging  to  the  said  church  granted 
by  the  said  Nicholas  with  the  consent  of  lligaud,  sometime  bishop  of 
Winchester,  his  diocesan.  Sy  fine  of  \  mark.     Oxtord. 

Jan.  2C. 

Jan.  2Q. 

Jan.  25, 

Jan.  26. 

Jan.  28. 

Jan.  29. 

Jan.  2(S. 

Jan.  30. 

Feb.  1. 

Jan.  28. 

Membrane  39. 

Pardon  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  Eustace  de  Swafham  of  her  waiver  in 
the  county  of  Kent,  as  well  as  of  her  imprisonment,  ransom  and  whatever 
else  is  due  to  the  king,  by  reason  of  her  non-appearance  to  satisfy  the 
ransom  due  to  him  for  not  prosecuting  a  plea  in  the  King's  Bench  against 
Walter  Cros  and  others  of  the  death  of  her  husband. 

Pardon  to  Alexander  de  Shireford  for  the  death  of  Richard  de  Balscote  of 
KyngeshuU,  at  Hull,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Eobert  de  Malberthorpe 
and  John  de  Cantebrigge,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Warwick  gaol,  that 
he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Clemencia  de  Yescy,  staying  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nonunating 
Eobert  Bradeye  and  Geoffrey  de  Aula  her  attorneys  in  England  for  three 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  Edmund  Bataille  of 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Master  John  de  Podio  Barsaco,  archdeacon  of  Winchester  and 
prebendary  of  Laghton  Busard  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln, 
for  two  years. 

Master  Poncius  de  Podio  Barsaco,  archdeacon  of  London  and  prebendary 
of  Bolum  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  York,  for  two  years. 

John  de  Arundell,  prebendary  of  Neubold  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter, 
York,  and  of  Long  Stowe  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  and 
parson  of  the  church  of  Arnclif  and  of  the  free  chapel  of  Tikhil. 

John  de  Cove,  knight,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago,  has  letters 
nominating  Stephen  de  Wittlesford  and  Peter  de  Bradefeld  his  attorneys 
in  England  until  All  Saints  day. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus,  for  one  year,  for  John  de  Crouchcston. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 

John  de  Arundell,  pai'son  of  the  church  of  Westburne. 
John  son  of  Balph  Jaule. 

John  de  Morton. 
Nicholas  de  Odecombe. 

Jan.  2i5,         Mandate  for  two  years  to  bailiffs  and  lieges  to  welcome  Alan  Unwyn, 

Waltham  Holy  proctor  for  the  leprous  and  poor  persons  in  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary  and 

Cross.        gt    Anthony,  Romsey,  authorised  by  John,  bishop  of  Winchester,  and 

other  prelates  to  collect  alms  for  the  relief  of  the  inmates  of  the  hospital 

now  in  extreme  poverty. 

Jan.  25.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Poncius  de  Podio  Barzaco,  king's 

Waltham  Holy  clerk,  as  archdeacon  of  London,  in  the  church  of  St.  Paul,  and  prebendary 

Cross.        of  Bolum  in  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  York.  By  C. 

U    65658.  B 



Jan.  26. 

Waltham  Holy 


Jan.  27. 

Waltham  Holy 


Jan.  26. 

Waltham  Holy 


Jan.  28. 

Jan.  28. 

Jan.  26. 

2331,  Membrane  39 — cant. 

The  like  of  Master  John  de  Poclio  Harzaco,  kin^^s  clerk,  as  archdeacon 
of  Winchester,  in  the  church  of  St.  Swithin,  Winchester,  and  prebendary 
of  Leghton  Bu.sard  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln.  By  C. 

John  Vyncent,  clerk,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king*8  service,  has 
letters  nominating  John  de  Lamburn  and  John  Fot  of  Waltham  his 
attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Peter,  abbot  of  Cluny,  staying  l>eyond  seas,  has  like  letters  nominating 
brother  John  de  Butterleye  and  John  de  Blacovesle  for  three  years. 

By  fine  of  40«.     Nottingham. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Langeton  to  the  church  of  St.  Peter  in  le 
Northstrete,  Chichester,  directed  to  the  dean  of  the  church  of  the  Holy 
Trinity,  Chichester. 

Licence  for  Master  Edmund  de  London,  king's  clerk,  to  bequeath  his 
houses  in  the  city  of  London  either  in  mortmain  or  otherwise,  according  to 
the  liberty  of  the  city. 

Pardon  with  the  assent  of  Parliament  to  Henry  Danet,  of  the  recogni- 
sance of  100/.  wherein  ho  became  bound  in  the  chancery,  by  order  of  the 
council,  on  submitting  himself  to  the  king's  will  after  the  late  rebellion  at 
Bedfoi-d.  By  pA 


Grant  to  William  de  Berwarsle,  for  service  to  the  late  king,  of  the  office 
of  rider  in  Kynfare  Forest,  under  the  steward  of  that  forest,  during  good 
behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Robert  de  Ufford,  in  the  place  of  John  Mautravers,  as 
a  justice  in  eyre  of  the  forest  in  the  county  of  Wilts  with  Robert  de 
Aspale  and  others  lately  appointed.  By  K. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  him  directed  to  all  in  the  county. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Robert  de  Aspale  and  the  other  justices. 

Laurence  Fastolf  and  Cicely  Fastolf,  executors  of  Nicholas  Fastolf, 
staying  in  England,  have  letters  nominating  Thomas  de  Mountpellers  and 
Richard  lo  Boteler  their  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  for  Simon  de  Drayton  going  beyond  seas 
on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

Licence  for  Henry  de  Walhop  to  grant  to  Robert  de  Poleynston,  for 
life,  with  remainder  to  John  son  of  the  said  Robert  and  Margaret  his 
wife,  in  fee  simple,  a  messuage  in  Dorcestre  said  to  be  held  in  chiei. 

By  p.s. 

Feb.  3.  Pardon  to  William  Hollegh  for  the  death  of  Alice,  daughter  of  Robert 

Langley.      Hogeman,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Robert  de  Barton  and  other 

justices  appointed  to  deliver  the  gaol  of  Carlisle  Castle  that  he  killed  her 

by  misadventure. 

Feb.  2.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Gilbert  de  Ebor',  king's  clerk,  as  parson  of 

Langley.      the  church  of  Ravenyngham  by  presentation  of  the  late  king,  confirmed  by 
Thomas  Roscelyn  who  has  the  advowson  of  that  church. 

Feb.  3.  Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  7  October,  15  Edward  II.,  which 

Langley.      have  been  accidentally  lost,  being  a  licence  for  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the 
church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells,  to  acquire  land  in  mortmain. 

Feb.  2.  Licence,  at  the  request  of  John  de  Claveryng,  for  the  master  and  brethren 

Langley.      of  the  hospital  of  St.  James  and  St.  John,  Aynho,  to  acquire  in  mortmain 
land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  5  marks. 

By  pet  of  C. 

Feb.  2. 


Feb.  3. 

Jan.  28. 

o  EDWARD  III.— Part.  I. 


1331.  Membrane  38. 

Jan.  29.  Licence  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Dore  to  appropriate  the  church 

Westnuoster.  of  Wygetoft,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  which  is  of  their  advowson.    By  K. 

Jan.  30. 

Jan.  30. 

Jan.  28. 

Pardon  to  "William  son  of  William  le  Deghere  of  Walyngford  of  his 
outlawry  in  the  county  of  Oxford  for  non-appearance  in  the  King's  Bench  to 
answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  John  de  Norton,  of  Oxford. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Thomas  Wake  of  Jidel,  the 
king's  kinsman,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  EEautemprise,  in  part  satisfac- 
tion of  the  20/.  of  land  and  rent  which  they  have  the  king's  licence  to 
acquire,  of  45  acres  of  land,  19  acres  of  meadow  and  25«.  6d,  in  rent,  in 
Hesil-upon-Humber ;  the  said  land  being  of  the  yearly  value  of  64«.,  as 
appears  by  the  inquisition. 

Tnspextmus  and  confirmation  to  the  present  prior  and  monks  of  St. 
Nicholas,  Pembroke,  of  a  writing  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pem- 
broke, dated  15  May,  1  Edward  II.,  and  witnessed  by  Thomas  de  Kupe, 
Richard  de  Stakepol,  John  de  Biparia  and  Bichard  Simond,  knights, 
Walter  de  Pedirton,  clerk,  John  Beneger,  John  Joce  and  others,  being  an  in" 
speximtfs  and  confirmation  to  John  called  '  Sauvage,'  prior  of  St.  Nicholas, 
Pembroke,  and  the  monks  there  of  the  following  : — 

(1.)  A  charter  of  Sir  Walter  Marescallus,  sometime  earl  of  Pembroke, 
being  a  grant  to  the  priory  and  monks  in  frank  almoin  of  a  crofl  and 
land  within   the    manor    of   Castle    Martin;    IMonasticon,  vol.  iv. 
p.  321.] 
(2.^  The  like  of  Sir  William  Mar[e8callu8],  sometime  earl  of  Pembroke, 
lor  the  good  of  his  soul  and  the  souls  of  Isabella  his  wife,  his  ancestors 
and  heirs,  of  the  tithes  of  his  mills  of  Pembroke,  Tynbeh  and  Castle 
Martin ;  [^Manasticany  ibid,'] 
(3.)  A  writing  of  Sir  William  de  Valencia,  sometime  earl  of  Pembroke, 
the  father  of  Aymer,  dated  London,  1 1  May,  1290,  being  a  grant  to 
John  called  '  Oysel,'  prior  of  Pembroke,  in  mortmain,  of  land  late  of 
'Maurice  Ailward  and  of  abovate  of  land  late  of  Benedict,  the  chaplain, 
which  were  of  the  fee  of  the  prior ; 
(4.)  A  writing  of  dame  Joan  de  Valencia  sometime  countess  of  Pem- 
broke, the  mother  of  Aymer,   dated   Goderich  Castle,  6   June,  29 
Edward  L,  being  a  licence,  granted  for  the  good  of  her  soul  and  the 
souls  of  her  husband,  Aymer  her  son,  her  predecessors  and  successors, 
for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Barry  to  the  prior  and 
monks  of  a  perch  of  land  in  Manerbir  and  the  advowson  of  the  church 
of  that  town ; 
(5.)  The  like,  dated  at  the  same  place  on  Monday  in  the  feast  of  SS. 
Peter  and  Paul,  1299,  being  a  release,  for  the  good  of  her  soul  and 
the  souls  of  her  husband,  progenitors  and  successors,  to  the  aforesaid 
John  called  *  Oysel '  and  the  monks  of  a  rent  of  1  mark  paid  by  them, 
and  a  grant  that  from  henceforth  they  be  not  bound  to  answer  in  the 
court  of  the  gate  of  Pembroke  Castle  for  any  exaction  plea  or  com- 
plaint, but  shall  answer  before  the  steward  of  herself  and  her  heirs 
in  the  county  court  of  Pembroke  in  the  presence  of  them  or  their  deputy 
specially  sent  for  all  things  which  the  priory  hath  before  been  wont  to 
render,  saving  always  cognizance  and  jurisdiction  of  fresh  force  accord- 
ing to  the  custom  of  those  parts ;  in  return  for  which  the  prior  and 
convent  were  to  keep  obits  for  her  husband  and  herself  and  to  distri- 
bute thereat  to  thirteen  poor  people  victuals  for  one  day.     Witnesses  : 
Sir  William  de  Caunvile,  knight.   Sir  Philip  Abbot,    Sir  Bichai*d 
Simund,  John  Scurlagh,  Henry  de  Castro,  Bichard  Beudyn,  Walter 
Bicard  and  others ;  and  also  a  further  grant  to  the  same  of  the  church  of 
St.  Michael,  Castle  Martin,  to  their  own  use  as  fully  as  they  have  ever 

K  2 


1331.  Membrane  38 — cont. 

held  the  same,  except  such  tithes  out  of  the  mills  contained  in  the 
aforesaid  charter  of  WiDiam  Marescallus  as  they  have  not  hitherto 
received.  By  fine  of  5  marks.     Wales. 

Feb.  2L  Grant,  at  the  request  of  queen  Philippa,  to  John  Irp  of  Ipswich  that  he 

Croydon.  shall  retain  during  good  behaviour  the  office  of  controller  of  customs  in  the 
port  of  Ipswich  lately  granted  to  him  by  the  king  during  pleasure.  By  p.8. 
Mandate  to  the  collectors  of  customs  in  the  said  port,  on  report  that  they 
do  not  observe  the  mandate  to  them  on  the  grant  of  the  office  to  the  afore> 
said  John  to  take  all  customs  in  his  presence,  except  in  the  case  of  the 
old  custom,  that  they  are  on  no  account  to  take  any  custom,  old  or  new, 
except  by  his  view  and  testimony.  By  p^. 

Feb.  3.  Pardon,  in  consideration  of  the  liberty  granted  by  the  king  to  the  citizens 

Langley.  of  London  to  bequeath  their  tenements  within  the  city,  either  in  mort- 
main or  otherwise,  to  Thomas  de  Swalclif,  parson  of  the  church  of  St. 
Magnus,  and  Robert  Swet,  Philip  Lucas,  John  Mokking  and  Ralph  de 
Lenne,  of  that  parish,  for  entering  upon  a  messuage,  two  shops  and  a  plot 
of  land  in  the  parishes  of  St.  Magnus  and  St.  Margaret,  Bregestrete, 
London,  under  the  will  of  Thomas  le  Bevere,  made  after  the  publication 
of  the  statute  of  mortmain,  wherein  he  bequeathed  the  same  to  Lucy  his 
wife,  with  remainders  in  the  event  of  her  re  marriage  to  Robert  his  son  in 
fee  tail,  and  if  he  should  die  without  heir,  (both  which  have  happened)  to 
the  parson  of  the  said  church  and  four  of  the  parishioners  to  find  a  chaplain 
to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  that  church  for  the  souls  of  the  said 
Thomas,  and  of  his  father  and  mother ;  and  licence  for  them  to  retain  the 
same  in  mortmain. 

Jan.  25.  Grant  to  Edmund  de  Herlethorp,  king's  clerk,  of  the  free  chapel  of  Hal- 

Westminatcr.  naked,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of 
John  de  Sancto  Johanne  of  Basyng,  tenant  in  chief. 

Feb.  4.  Appointment  of  Hugh  Lesturmy  to  the  bailiwick  ot  the  parker,  warrener 

Langley.      and  swineherd  of  Clebury  Mortimer,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.8. 

Feb.  8.  Walter  Waldeshef  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago  has  letters  nominating 

LaDgley.  Ralph  de  Monjoie  and  Roger  Jauel  his  attorneys  in  England  for  a  year. 

Feb.  6.  Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  the  said  Walter. 


Feb.  7.  Appointment  of  Elias  Pek  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  the  king's 

Langley.  park  of  Bilton,  during  good  behaviour.                                                    By  p.s. 

Membrane  37. 

Jan.  28.  Appointment  of    Thomas  de    Hemeby    to  the   office  of  controller  of 

Ilertford.      customs,  and  also  to  the  office  of  tronage  of  wools  in  the  port  of  Hertilpole, 
during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  collectors  of  customs  in  the  said  port.     \ Incomplete.'] 

Jan.  28.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  Fraunceys  the  younger 

Hertford.      of  a  messuage  and  toft  in  the  suburb  of  Bristol  to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate 

divine  service  daily  in  the  church  of  Temple  for  the  souls  of  the  said  John 

and  his  ancestors.  By  fine  of  30f.     Gloucester. 

Jan.  30.         Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Ledes  to  acquire  in  mortmain  land 

Hertford.      and  rent  not  held  in  chief  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/.     This  grant  is  made 

in  recompence  of  the  grant  to  them  by  the  late  king  of  the  advowson  of 

the  church  of  Elderomene  as  an  escheat  by  the  forfeiture  of  Bartholomew 

de  Baddelesmere  by  reason  of  the  quarrel  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Lancaster, 

which  has  since  become  void  under  the  statute  [1  Edward  IIL,  statute  1, 

cap.  3.]  annulling  such  forfeitures.  By  K.  and  pet.  of  C. 

Vacated  on  acquisition  by  the  prior  and  convent  of  lands  in  full  satis^ 

faction  of  the  grant  on  28  May,  15  Richard  II, 

o  EDWARD  IIL— Pi.RT  I. 



Feb.  2. 

Jan.  28. 

Membrane  37 — cant. 

Presentation  of  William  de  Wode  to  the  church  of  Haseleye,  in  the 
diocese  of  Worcester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of  John 
Mautravers,  a  rebel,  being  in  his  hands. 

Pardon  to  Thomas  Short  of  Chalflok,  Walter  Landian,  John  his  brother, 
and  Hamo  Hony  of  their  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Kent  for  non-appear- 
ance in  the  court  of  King's  Bench  to  answer  touching  u  plea  of  trespass 
of  Robert  son  of  Simon  do  Northwode. 

Jan.  27.  Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  Thomas  de  Baum  burgh,  king's  clerk,  in 

Westminster,  respect  of  the  rent  of  61.  9*.  \0d,  due  at  the  Exchequer  for  lands  in  la 
Neweland  and  Warndham,  co.  Northumberland,  which  escheated  to  the 
late  king  by  reason  of  the  adherence  of  John  de  Middleton  to  the  Scots 
when  at  war  with  him,  and  were  lately  granted  by  the  king  to  the  said 
Thomas  for  life,  the  said  rent  having  on  20  December  last  been  granted 
by  letters  patent  to  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  king's  kinsman,  with 
the  reversion  of  the  lands. 

Feb.  6. 

Feb.  3. 

Feb.  8. 

Feb.  13. 

Feb.  7. 


Feb.  3. 

Jan.  10. 

Feb.  7. 

Feb.  8. 

Feb.  8. 

Oto  de  Bodrigan,  knight,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  the  Holy  Land,  has 
letters  nominating  John  de  Aldestowe  and  John  de  Trelan  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  two  years. 

Simple  protection  for  one  year  for  Alina  late  the  wife  of  Edward  Burncl 
going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago. 

Appointment  of  William  son  of  Matthew  de  Odyham  to  the  custody  of 
the  king's  park  of  Odyham,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Presentation  of  David  de  Wolloure  to  the  church  of  Bradcle,  in  the 
diocese  of  Lincoln. 

Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Whelesbergh  for  the  rape  of  Joan  late  the  wife  of 
John  le  Hastang  and  the  robbery  of  her  goods ;  with  general  pardon. 

By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Robert  de  UfFord,  in  the  place  of  John  Mautravers, 
as  a  justice  in  eyre  of  the  forest  in  the  county  of  Southampton  with  Robert 
de  Aspale  and  others  lately  appointed.  By  K. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  him  in  the  county. 

Pardon  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto  and  other  lieges  who  by  the  king's 
order  arrested  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  in  Nottingham  Castle, 
for  the  death  of  Hugh  de  Turpliton,  knight,  and  Richard  de  Monemuth, 
killed  by  them  in  effecting  the  an*est.         [Fcedera,']     By  C.  in  Parliament. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  le  Beste,  Golda  la  Gros, 
Cicely  de  Amyas,  Hugh  Wynyord,  Thomas  de  Wilton,  John  del  Hay, 
John  do  Eton,  Richard  le  Pahnere,  Robert  de  Troye  and  Walter  le  Dig- 
here  to  the  prior  and  Friars  Preachers  at  Hereford  of  5  acres  of  land  in 
the  city  of  Hereford,  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling  house.       By  p.8. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  Bertrand  de  Muro  of  Bazas  and  Nicholas 
his  brother,  merchants,  coming  to  England  with  wine  and  other  mer- 
chandise. By  C. 

Grant  to  R(»beit  de  Ufford  of  the  manors  of  Causton  and  Fakenhamdam, 
CO.  Norfolk,  to  hold  until  he  obtain  the  manor  of  Costeleye,  in  the  same 
county,  the  reversion  of  which,  after  the  death  of  John  de  Claveryng,  the 
present  tenant,  is  included  in  the  late  grant  to  him  of  lands  to  the  value 
of  200/.  made  with  the  assent  of  Parliament  for  his  services  at  the  arrest  in 
Nottingham  Castle  of  certain  men  who  were  bringing  the  business  of  the 
realm  into  ruin  and  disgrace.  By  K.  <&  C. 



1331.  Membrane  36. 

Jan.  28.  Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Mary,  Kyrkestall,  that  they  shall 

Lwigley.  not  hereafter  be  called  upon  to  provide  puture  for  the  foresters  of  the  king's 
chace  of  Blakeburneshire  in  respect  of  the  manor  of  Bemolveswyke  which 
Henry  de  Lacey,  sometime  lord  of  Blakeburneshire,  when  founding  their 
house,  granted  to  Alexander,  the  first  abbot,  in  frank  almoin,  free  of  all 
customs  and  services.  On  the  petition  of  the  present  abbot  complaining 
that  Richard  de  Mcrclesden,  chief  forester  of  the  said  chace  while  it  was  in 
the  hands  of  queen  Isabella,  and  her  other  foresters  there  exacted  from  the 
abbey  puture  eveiy  Wednesday,  although  the  said  manor  was  without  the 
limits  of  the  chace,  the  king  directed  enquiry  to  be  made  by  John  Ctiffard, 
king's  clerk,  then  steward  of  queen  Isabella's  lands  beyond  Trent,  with  the 
result  that  it  has  been  found  that,  although  during  the  time  that  John  de 
Lacey,  sometime  earl  of  Lincoln,  Edmund  his  son,  Henry  son  of  Edmund, 
Thomas,  late  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  late  king,  queen  Isabella,  and  the  king 
have  been  lords  of  Blakeburneshire  such  custom  has  been  exacted  by  the 
foresters,  yet  the  abbey  is  not  actually  liable  for  the  same  inasmuch  as  the 
manor  is  without  the  chace.  By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  40f.    York. 

Jan.  30.         Grant  to  Richard  de  Grey  of  Codenore  of  pontage  for  three  years  on 

Hertford,      wares  passing  over  or  under  the  bridge  over  the  river  Medeweye  by  his 

manor  of  Eylesford,  for  repair  of  the  said  bridge.       By  pet.  of  Parliament. 

Feb.  3.  Signification  to  R.  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  of  the  ro3ral  assent 

LaDgley.  to  the  election  of  William  de  Clyfton,  a  canon  of  Derleye,  as  prior  of  that 
house.  By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  noiiitnusy  for  one  year,  for  William  Fycays,  of 
London,  *  commonger.* 
The  like  for  the  following  : — 
The  abbot  of  Shirburn. 
Alan  de  Chigwell. 

John  de  Luco  Bono,  parson  of  the  church  of  Bynteworth* 
Isolda,  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Belhous  going  on  pilgrimage  to  San- 
tiago, until  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Yincula. 
Christiana  de  Cassaulton. 
The  prioress  of  Clerkenewell,  for  two  years. 
The  prior  of  Worspryng. 

Feb.  3.  John  Colom,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating  Peter  de  Campo 

Langlcy.      Veteri  and  Brunus  Barlaretti  his  attorneys  for  two  years. 

Feb.  4.  Writ  de  intendendo  for  William  Loveryk,  appointed  by  Richard  de  la 

lAngley.      Pole  as  his  deputy  in  his  office  of  chief  butler  in  the  port  of  Sandwich, 

during  pleasure.  By  bill  of  the  buUer. 

Writ  of  aid  for  him  and  Nicholas  Chaumpeneys  appointed  by  the  same 
Richard  to  collect  for  the  king's  use  2$,  on  ^ch  tun  of  wine  imported  by 
merchant  strangers  in  the  same  port. 

Feb.  3.  Isolda  late  the  wife  of  John  do  Belhous  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago 

Langley.  has  letters  nominating  Edmund  de  Chevyngton  her  attorney  in  England  until 
the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula. 

Feb.  6.  Protection,  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year,  for  Master  Richard  de 

Langley.  Nonyngfon,  prebendary  of  Bertonesham,  in  Uie  church  of  St.  Ethelbert, 

Feb.  7.  Appointment  of  Adam  de  Billeburgh  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  king's  laund 

Langley.      of  Benyfeld,  in  Rok3nQgham  Forest,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  6.  Protection  until  Whitsunday,  for  John  Perot,  the  younger,  and  his  ser- 

Langley.      vants,  carrying  com  bought  by  him  in  the  county  of  Worcester  to  Wales 

and  other  pai'ts  of  the  kingdom.  By  K. 

o  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  4. 


Feb.  3. 


Feb.  10. 

Feb.  7. 


Feb.  6. 

Feb.  4. 

Jan.  23. 


Feb.  10. 

Feb.  6. 


Feb.  7. 

Membrane  36 — cont. 

Grant,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the 
king's  free  chapel  in  Hastyngcs  Castle  that  thej  niaj  enclose  the  castle  with 
a  wall  and  gates,  build  dwelling  houses  for  themselves  therein,  take  the 
herbage  belonging  to  the  castle  in  the  town  of  Hastings,  of  which  nothing 
has  been  answered  heretofore  to  the  king  and  his  progenitors,  toward  the 
cost  of  such  closure  and  have  the  custody  of  the  castle,  reserving  always  to 
the  king  the  custody  in  time  of  war. 

This  grant  is  made  on  the  prayer  of  the  dean  and  chapter  showing  that 
for  want  of  such  closure  the  chapel  which  lies  under  the  castle  is  for  the 
most  pait  destroyed  by  the  sea,  and  being  now  left  derelict  as  it  were  has 
been  robbed  night  and  day  of  relics,  ornaments  and  treasure,  while  the 
ministers  there  have  been  beaten  and  wounded.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Pardon  to  John  Hurel  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Surrey  for  non- 
appearance in  the  Song's  Bench  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of 
William  de  Bromleye  and  Alice  his  wife. 

Protection,  with  clause  nolumus,  for  two  years  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  Domus  Dei,  Dover. 

Appointment  of  Thomas  de  Odyham  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of 
the  park  of  Clefbury  Mortimer,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Henry  Flory  to  the  custody  of  the  park  of  Lantecles, 
CO.  Cornwall,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

William  de  Monte  Acuto,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service,  has 
letters  nominating  Master  Simon  de  Monte  Acuto  and  John  de  Ledred  his 
attorneys  in  England  until  Whitsunday. 

Appointment  of  Adam  de  Brabanzon  to  the  custody  of  the  dies  at  the 
Tower  of  London  and  Canterbury,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  on  the  Roll  of  the  fourth  year. 

Promise  to  repay  at  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula  to  Dinus  Porsetti, 
Peter  Beynery,  Bartholomew  de  Barde  and  the  other  merchants  of  the 
society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence  2,000/.  sterling  lately  paid  by  them  in 
Paris  by  the  king's  order  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto  to  enable  him  to 
discharge  some  important  business  for  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer,  and 
the  king's  chamberlains. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  Alice  Guldefort  of  Faldo. 

Grant  to  Hugh  de  Atforton  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Meleneth  Forest, 
during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  4. 

Feb.  3. 


Membrane  36. 

Protection  for  one  year  to  Roger  le  Walsh  of  Wythiford  and  his 
servants  trading  in  com  and  other  merchandise,  in  different  parts  of  the 
realm,  on  condition  that  they  do  not  export  the  same  contrary  to  the  procla- 

Protection  until  midsummer  for  men  sent  by  the  abbot  of  St.  Mary's, 
York,  to  bring  com  and  other  victual  from  Heselyngford,  co.  Cambridge. 

Licence  for  Humphrey  de  Bassyngbourne  to  enfeoff  Ricliard  de  Medboum 
of  the  manor  of  Abyngdon,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  re-grant  it  to  the 
said  Humphrey  and  Alice  his  wife  for  life,  with  successive  remainders, 
in  tail,  to  Giles  their  son  and  Alice  his  wife,  to  Hugh,  Giles's  brother,  to 
Humphrey,  Hugh's  brother,  and  to  the  right  heirs  of  Giles. 

By  fine  of  10  marks.     Northampton. 




Feb.  7. 


Jan.  27. 

Feb.  8. 

Feb.  9. 

Feb.  6. 


Feb.  8. 

Feb.  8. 

Feb.  13. 

Membrane  35 — cont. 

Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  24  May,  12  Edward  II.,  being  a 
grant  to  Ralph  de  Eppljnden  of  the  manor  of  Felljng,  in  the  bbhopric  of 
Durham,  late  of  Walter  de  Selebj,  a  rebel. 

Pardon  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Holmcoltram,  in  consideration  of 
their  losses  by  the  frequent  forays  of  the  Scots,  of  113/.  Gf.  8cf.,  out  of 
213/.  6a*.  %d,  due  by  them  for  victual  purchased  from  the  late  king  ;  and 
grant  that  they  may  pay  the  balance  by  half-yearly  payments  of  100».  from 
Easter  next.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  William  de  Cokerham  to  the 
abbot  and  convent  of  Fourneys  of  a  messuage,  40  acres  of  land,  3  acres  of 
meadow,  2  acres  of  wood  and  100  acres  of  turbary  in  Brogheton  and  Little 
Merton  to  find  a  lamp  to  burn  daily  at  high  mass  before  the  great  altar 
in  the  church  of  the  abbey.  By  fine  of  40ff.    Lancaster. 

Pardon  to  Ralph  Sefare  of  Waleton  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 
Essex  for  a  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  Giles  de  Staunton  that  he  render  an  account  for  the  time 
during  which  he  was  his  receiver. 

Licence  for  Patrick  de  Suthayk  to  enfeoff  John  de  Skelton  of  a  messuage 
and  16  acres  of  land  in  Skelton,  held  in  chief. 

By  fine  of  1  mark.     Westmoreland. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Travers,  Robert  de  Norton,  Richard  de  West- 
cote  and  Elias  de  Godcleyc  as  justices  in  eyre  for  common  pleas  in  the 
islands  of  Gernereye,  Jereseye,  Serk  and  Aureneye.  By  C. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  them  in  the  said  islands. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  keepers  of  the  said  islands. 
Vacated  by  surrender^  and  otherwise  below. 

Commission  to  John  de  Roches,  John  Travers,  Robert  de  Norton  and 
Elias  de  Godelye  to  enquire  in  the  islands  of  Gernereye,  Jereseye,  Serk 
and  Aureneye  touching  the  usurping  and  withdrawal,  by  divei*8  inhabit- 
ants, as  well  clerical  as  lay,  of  divers  lands  and  tenements,  with  homages, 
services,  advowsons,  escheats,  wrecks,  warrens,  chaces,  customs  of  makerel, 
dues  (esperkertis)  of  congers  and  other  liberties  belonging  to  the  king,  as 
well  in  the  late  reign  as  in  the  present,  when  Otto  de  Grandisono  was 
keeper  of  the  islands :  and  touching  other  withdrawals  and  purprestarQS 
there.  By  C. 

Mandate  to  the  said  commissioners  to  admit  before  them  Robert  de  Hoo, 
who  has  been  appointed  to  prosecute  and  defend  for  the  king  in  all  pleas 
and  matters  concerning  him.  By  C. 

Membrane  34. 

Feb.  8.  Inspeximus  of  the  concord  made  in  the  Parliament  at  Westminster,  the 

Langley.      Monday  after  the  feast  of  St.  Katherine,  4  Edward  XXL,  restoring  the 

possessions  and  blood  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  in  favour  of  Edmund, 

his  son,  and  granting  to  Margaret,  his  mother,  reasonable  dower.  By  K. 

^^Parliament  JRollSy  vol.  ii.  p.  55.] 

Feb.  7.  Grant,  confirming  letters  patent  to  Isabella  de  WytereshuUe,  the  prioress, 

Westminster,    and  the  convent  of  Wherewell,  granting  that  the  custody  of  the  abbey  and 
its  possessions  during  any  voidance  shall  be  in  the  prioress  and  convent. 


Feb.  10.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  John,  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Moubray, 

Langley.      of  a  charter  dated  Carlisle,  20  March,  35  Edward  I.,  being  a  grant  to  John 

de  Moubray,  the  father,  and  his  heirs  of  a  market  every  Monday  at  his 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  10. 

Feb.  4. 

Jan.  30. 

Feb.  14. 

Membrane  34 — cant. 

manor  of  Burton  in  Lonesdale,  co.  York,  and  fairs  there  yearly  on  Whit 
Sunday  and  the  two  following  days,  and  on  the  eve,  the  day  and  the 
moiTOw  of  St.  James  the  Apostle,  a  market  every  Monday  at  his  manor 
of  Kyrkeby  Malasart,  co.  York,  and  fairs  there  yearly  on  the  eve,  the 
day  and  the  morrow  of  the  Nativity  of  St.  Mary,  and  on  the  eve,  the 
day,  and  the  morrow  of  St.  Michael. 

Presentation  of  William  de  Ely,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Great  Styuecle, 
in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  a  moiety  of  the  church  of  Ingeworth,  in  the 
diocese  of   Norwich,  on  an    exchange  of  benefices  with  William  son  of 
Bartholomew  de  Staunford. 

Protection,  with  clause  volumus^  until  Whitsunday,  for  William  de 
Monte  Acuto,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  business.  By  K. 

The  like  for  Thomas  West,  going  in  his  company. 

By  testimony  of  William. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 
John  Molyns. 
John  de  Brokas. 

Protection,  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  Walter  de  Harewell, 
of  Oxford,  tavemer,  and  the  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Peter,  Suntyng- 
feld  by  Whitsand. 

Grant  that  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Edmund  earl  of  Kent  and  her 
co-executors,  notwithstanding  the  judgment  lately  passed  on  the  earl,  shall 
recover  all  the  goods  which  the  eail  had  on  14  March  last,  the  day  on 
which  they  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Feb.  7. 

Feb.  6. 

4  Feb. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  12. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  7. 

Membrane  33. 

Grant  to  the  burgesses  of  Grymesby  of  pavage  for  three  years. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  J.  bishop  of  Winchester,  on  his  petition,  that,  in  any  future 
voidance  of  the  see,  the  custody  of  the  parish  churches  of  Estmunes  and 
Hameldon,  in  his  diocese,  shall  be  held  by  the  prior  and  convent  of  the 
church  of  St.  Swythin,  Winchester,  as  belonging  to  the  spiritualities  of 
the  see ;  and  that  the  keepers  of  the  temporalities  shall  not  intermeddle 
with  the  same,  as  Bobert  de  Welle  and  his  fellows  did  during  the  voidance 
of  the  see  in  the  late  reign.  By  K.  &  G. 

Licence  for  the  prioress  and  nuns  of  Fosse  near  Torkeseye  to  acquire  in 
mortmain  lands  and  rents^  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  60s. 

By  K.,  &  pet.  returned  before  the  K. 

Gift  to  Almaricus  de  Trou  of  250/.  out  of  the  first  issues  of  the  county  of 
Ponthieu.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  to  the  seneschal  or  receiver  of  the  said  county  to  pay  the  above 
notwithstanding  any  prior  assignment  by  queen  Isabella. 

Grant  to  Robert  de  Ufford,  during  pleasure,  of  the  houses  called  le  Bas 
court  by  Crypelgate,  which  escheated  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion  of  John 
Mautravers.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  mayor  and  sherifis  of  London  for  livery  of  the  houses 
with  their  gardens  and  other  appurtenances. 

Grant  to  Richard  Oweyn,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Alvetheleye  in 
the  king's  free  chapel  of  St.  Mary  Magdalene,  Bruggenorth.  By  p.s. 

Protection  for  Master  Ralph  de  Querndon,  king's  clerk,  and  ratification 
of  his  estate  as  prebendary  of  Major  Pars  Altaris  and  subdean  in  Salisbury 
cathedral.  By  p.B. 




Feb.  12. 

Feb.  18. 


Feb.  8. 

Feb.  4. 


Feb.  16. 

Feb.  7. 

Membrane  33 — cont. 

Grant  during  pleasure  to  the  miners  and  workmen  in  the  king's  mine  in 
the  county  of  Devon,  that,  so  long  as  they  continue  such  they  shall  be  quit 
of  payment  of  tolls  and  other  customs  in  buying  necessary  food  and 
clothing  in  all  cities,  boroughs,  market-towns,  fairs,  markets  and  all  other 
places  in  that  and  the  neighbouring  counties,  and  that  they  shall  not  be 
compelled  to  plead  or  to  be  impleaded  in  the  courts  of  earls,  barons  or 
other  lords  against  their  will  but  only  before  the  keepers  of  the  mine  and 
the  sheriff  of  the  county. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  for  one  year  for  Richard  de  Par,  clerk, 
going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  with  clause  nolumus  for  WiUiam  Roper  and  Simon  Gamel, 
both  of  Spaldyng. 

Grant  to  Thomas  Priour,  king's  yeoman,  for  bringing  this  welcome  news 
of  the  birth  of  Edward,  the  king's  first-born  son,  of  a  yearly  pension  of  40 
marks  out  of  the  Exchequer,  until  he  be  provided  with  the  equivalent  in 
land  or  rent,  for  life.  By  K.  &  C. 

Grant  to  Ebulo  Le  Straunge  and  Alice  his  wife,  with  the  assent  of  Parlia- 
ment,  and  in  return  for  a  release  to  the  king  and  his  heirs  of  the  right  of  the 
said  Alice  in  the  castles,  towns,  manors  and  lands  which  before  her 
marriage  she  surrendered  to  the  late  king  and  the  Despensers,  and  which 
escheated  to  the  king  by  forfeiture  of  the  latter,  of  the  castle  and  cantred  of 
Buelt  in  Wales,  and  the  manor  of  Bustlesham,  co.  Berks,  to  hold  for  the 
life  of  the  aforesaid  Alic«,  with  all  knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches, 
forests,  chaces,  parks,  woods,  warrens  and  other  appurtenances. 

By  K.  &  the  whole  C.  in  Parliament. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  Gilbert  Talebot  who  has  the  custody  of  the 
said  castle  and  cantred  by  appointment  of  the  king,  and  to  the  sheriff  of 
Berks  for  the  manor. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  James  de  North  Creyk, 
chaplain,  and  William  Quarles  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Mair 
de  JPratisj  Creyk,  of  a  messuage  and  40  acres  of  land  in  South  Creyk 
and  Noi*th  Creyk  to  maintain  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily 
in  the  abbey  for  the  faithful  departed.  By  fine  of  40s,    Norfolk. 

Feb.  13. 


Feb.  12. 

Feb.  12. 


Membrane  32. 

Acquittance  to   Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  the  Pope's  collector  in 

England  of  a  four  yearly  tenth  from  the  clergy,  for  8,612/.  13*.  3^d.  paid  by 

him  to  the  merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Bajrdi  on  account  of  the  king's 

moiety  thereof.  By  testimony  of  the  said  merchants. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Pardon  to  Robert  de  Ufford  for  the  deaths  of  Hugh  de  Turpliton,  knight, 
and  Richard  de  Monemuth  killed  while  resisting  the  arrest  of  Roger  de 
Mortuo  Mari  at  Nottingham  Castle;  with  general  pardon.  By  KT&  C. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Bertram  de  Twytham  to  the 
prior  and  .convent  of  Christ  Church,  Canterbury,  of  a  messuage  in  the 
parish  of  St.  Alphege  in  that  city,  late  of  John  Ken,  held  of  the  said 
prior  and  of  the  yearly  value  of  20*.,  as  appears  by  the  inquisition ;  in 
part  satisfaction  of  a  licence  of  the  late  king  for  the  convent  to  acquire 
land  and  rent  of  their  own  fee  to  the  yearly  value  of  20/.  for  the  sustenance 
of  seven  chaplains  celebrating  divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of 
St  Thomas  the  Martyr  near  the  gate  of  the  priory  for  the  souls  of  the 
said  king  and  his  ancestors. 

6  EDWARD  III.— Pakt  1. 



Feb.  10. 

Feb.  10. 


Feb.  10. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  14. 

Feb.  18. 

Membrane  32 — cont. 

Licence  for  John  de  Handle  and  Matilda  his  wife  to  enfeoff  Eustace  de 
Eton,  chaplain,  and  Geoffrey  de  Skardeburgh,  chaplain,  of  the  manors  of 
Hamme  by  Kingeston,  co.  Surrey,  and  Great  Holande,  with  148  acres 
of  land,  6  acres  of  meadow,  1 1  acres  of  pasture,  and  24  acres  of  wood  in 
East  Ham  and  West  Ham,  co.  Essex,  held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  rc-grant 
the  same  to  the  said  John  and  Matilda  in  tail  male,  with  successive 
remainders  to  Joan,  Elizabeth  and  Margaret,  daughters  of  the  said  Matilda, 
for  life,  to  John  son  of  John  Level,  in  tail  male,  and  ultimately  to  the  right 
heirs  of  Matilda.  By  fine  of  20  marks.     Essex. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  William  de  Abyndon, 
The  like  for  :— 
Master  Balph  de  Quemdon,  canon  of  Salisburv. 
Elizabeth  late  the  wife  of  Boger  de  Kirkeby,  u>r  two  years. 
The  abbot  of  Battle. 
WilKam  de  Thame,  master  of  the  hospital  of  Harop  by  Egljngeham,  co. 

Florence  late  the  wife  of  Osbert  de  Aldham. 

Gnychardus  de  Jou,  prior  of  Montacute,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters 
nominating  William  de  Ferret  and  John  de  Alvyngton  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  John  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Moubray, 
of  letters  patent  dated  5  October,  6  Edward  II.,  defining  for  the  security 
of  John  the  father,  the  metes  and  bounds  of  the  chaces  of  Burton  in  Lonnes- 
dale  and  Niddresdale,  co.  York. 

Pardon  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Bartholomew, 
Smethefeld,  London,  for  acquiring  in  mortmain  from  Thomas  de  Baldok,  clerk, 
six  shops  and  a  forge  in  the  parish  of  St.  Sepulchre  without  the  bar  of 
West  Smethefeld,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence;  and  licence  for 
them  to  retain  the  same.  By  fine  of  20$,    London. 

Protection  until  Michaelmas  for  David  le  Palmer  and  Hugh  le  Mareys, 
merchants  of  Bruggewater,  and  their  servants,  trading  in  com  and  other 
victuals  within  the  kingdom,  on  condition  that  they  do  not  transport  the  same 
to  foreign  parts  contrary  to  the  late  proclamation. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  la  Haye  and  Joan  his 
wife  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard  Bedford,  of 
a  messuage  and  15  acres  of  land  in  Bedford  and  Bydenham  to  find  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  hospital  for  the  souls  of  the 
late  king,  and  of  the  said  John  and  Joan.  By  fine  of  208,    Bedford. 

Feb.  17. 


Feb.  16. 

Feb.  7. 

Feb.  14. 


Membrane  31. 

Presentation  of  Philip  de  Weston  to  the  church  of  Oveston,  in  the  diocese 
of  Lincoln.  By  p.s. 

Intpeximus  and  ratification  of  letters  patent,  dated  30  November,  20  Ed- 
ward ll.,  being  a  grant  to  Master  Eeginald  de  Chaumbemoun,  king^s  clerk, 
of  the  prebend  in  Exeter  church  which  the  late  dean  held. 

Grant  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs,  and  good  men  of  Cambridge  of  pavage  for 
two  years.  By  p.s. 

Protection  until  the  feast  of  the  Assumption  for  Henry  Neulond  and 
Thomas  Rvcol,  merchants  of  Cork  in  Ireland,  and  their  servants,  conveying 
corn  purchased  by  them  in  the  counties  of  Gloucester  and  Somerset  into 
Wales,  Ireland,  and  other  parts,  on  condition  that  they  do  not  transport 
the  same  to  foreign  parts  contrary  to  the  proclamation.  By  K. 




Feb.  24. 

Feb.  17. 


Feb.  13. 

Feb.  18. 

Feb.  16. 

Feb.  18. 

Feb.  20. 

Feb.  13. 

Feb.  18. 

March.  18. 

Feb.  28. 

Feb.  25, 

Feb.  25. 

Membrane  31 — cont» 

Presentation  of  Thomas  MtticI  of  Depham,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Stanstede  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich,  to  the  church  of  Rungeton  bj  Secfahich, 
in  the  same  diocese,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  hinds 
and  heir  of  Thomas  Bardoif,  tenant  in  chief ;  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 
with  Oliver  de  Wachesham. 

Protection  with  clause  noiumtis,  for  one  year,  for  Peter  de  Jocellis,  prior 
of  Lewes. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 
Robert  de  Bckyngham. 
Master  Hugh  de  Newenham,  parson   of  the  church   of  Weston  bj 

Florence  late  the  wife  of  Osbert  de  Aldham. 
Simon  de  Florencia,  the  leech  {medicos), 
William  de  Holyns. 

Ranulph  son  of  Ralph  going  to  the  Holy  Land  has  letters  nominating 
John  le  Long,  parson  of  the  church  of  Si)enythorn,  and  Thomas  de  Spenj- 
thom  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three  years. 

Protection  for  one  year  for  William,  son  of  Joshep'  atte  Wall  and  his 
Hervants  trading  in  corn  in  different  parts  of  the  realm,  after  security  given 
in  the  Chancery  by  Rooert,  parson  of  the  church  of  Newenham,  John  de 
Beryngton  and  John  de  Bekcote,  of  the  county  of  Berks,  thai  they  will 
not  export  the  same. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Whitewelle  for  the  death  of  John  son  of  John  de 
la  Rawe  of  Burgh,  at  Cambridge,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  John  de 
Cantebrigge  and  Simon  de  Brunne,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Cambridge 
gaol,  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Pardon  to  Hugh  de  Strumpishagh  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 
Surrey  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  Master  Thomas  de  Kyngham  that  he  render  an  account 
for  the  time  when  he  was  his  bailiii'  in  Bcdyngton. 

Grant,  at  the  instance  of  queen  Philippa,  that  Hasculph  de  Whitewell, 
who  has  been  appointed  as  her  attorney  in  all  courts  in  England  for  two 
years,  may  appoint  attorneys  in  his  stead,  at  will. 

Grant  to  Robert  de  Sapy  and  Richard  de  Wystaneswyk  of  pontage  for 
three  years  on  wares  passing  over  the  river  Time  between  Witchirch  and 
Neuport,  co.  Salop,  and  through  the  town  of  Blechele,  to  build  a  bridge 
over  the  said  river  between  the  two  first-named  towns  for  the  gpreater 
security  of  the  men  of  those  parts.  By  p.s« 

Protection  for  the  guradian  and  Friars  Minors  of  Ipswich  and  their 
household.  By  p.s. 

The  like  for  the  guardian  and  Friars  Minors  of  Chester. 

Grant  to  Richard  de  Holand  of  the  marriage  of  the  son  and  heir  of  Elias 
Martel,  tenant  in  chief.  By  fine  of  12  marks.    Lincoln. 

Mandate  to  John  Pynson  to  deliver  to  the  said  Richard  the  body  of  the 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  until  the  feast  of  St.  Peter  ad  Vincula 
for  Robert  do  Norton,  knight,  going  to  the  islands  of  Gt5mereye,  Gereseie, 
Serk  and  Aureneye  on  the  king's  service. 

Grant  to  Peter  de  Wetcwang,  king's  clerk,  of  the  office  of  chirographer 
of  the  Bench  in  Dublin,  and  of  the  custody  of  the  writs  and  rolls  in  the 
same  court,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  27. 

March  1. 

March  1. 

Feb.  17. 

Feb.  21. 

Membrane  31 — cont. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  justices  of  the  Bench. 
Tlie  like  to  John  de  la  Bataille  in  whose  custody  the  office  and  writs,  &c. 
at  present  are. 

Grant  to  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Castre 
in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  late 
Toidance  of  the  see.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln. 

Appointment  of  Stephen  Aleyn  of  London  to  the  bailiwick  within  Dover 
Castle  called  *  Bodere,'  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  William  de  Bordenne,  king's  clerk,  as  clerk  of  the  turbary  in 
the  county  of  Ponthieu,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  to  the  receiver  of  the  county  to  pay  the  usual  wages  and  fees  to 
the  said  William. 

Signification  to  W.  bishop  of  Norwich,  or  his  vicar  general  during  his 
absence  beyond  seas,  of  the  revocation  of  the  late  presentation  of  Master 
John  de  Hemesley,  king's  clerk,  to  the  church  of  Gyselham,  the  said  church 
being  at  the  time  of  such  presentation  already  filled  by  John  de  Notyngham. 

Presentation  of  Thomas  de  Cotyngham  to  the  church  of  Gyselham,  in 
the  diocese  of  Norwich. 

Feb.  10. 


Feb.  3. 

Feb.  20. 

Feb.  23. 

Membrane  30. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Wibcrt  de  Littelton,  king's  clerk,  in  the 
church  of  Chiriton  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  in  the  prebend  of  West 
I^kynton  in  the  church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells,  and  in  the  prebend al  portion 
of  Thethpe,  eo.  Cornwall,  in  the  diocese  of  Exeter.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  'the  prior  and  canons  of  Ivybridge,  on  petition  showing  that 
the  issues  of  the  manor  of  Clarindon  no  longer  suffice  for  payment  of  the 
alms  of  100«.  to  find  a  light  to  burn  always  in  their  house  for  which  the  late 
king  granted  the  same,  and  on  surrender  of  the  letter«i  patent  containing  the 
grant,  that  they  shall  receive  the  said  sum  out  of  the  rent  of  11.  \0s.  paid  at 
the  Exchequer  for  the  land  of  Cippenham  and  Roudon,  co.  Wilts,  in  the 
name  of  Nicholas  de  la  Huse.  This  grant  is  made  on  certificate  by  the 
treasurer  and  barons  that  this  is  the  most  convenient  manner  in  which 
the  king  can  make  the  payment.  By  p.s. 

Writ  de  intendendo  in  pursuance,  directed  to  Peter  de  la  Huse. 

Mandate  to  the  sherifi*  of  Devon  to  supply  the  keeper  of  the  king's  mines 
with  forty  miners  to  work  therein  at  the  king's  charges.  By  K.  &  C. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  Gerald  Elys  appointed  by  Arnold  Micol,  king's 
Serjeant,  to  act  as  his  deputy  during  pleasure  in  the  office  of  chief  butler  in 
the  port  of  Southampton. 

The  like  for  the  foUowimg  deputies : — 

William  Birkyn,  at  Kingston-upon-HiiU. 

Robert  de  Tughale,  at  Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

Robert  de  Draiton,  at  Great  Yarmouth. 

Henry  le  Palmere,  at  London. 

Robert  But,  at  Boston. 

John  Irpe,  at  Ipswich. 

Roger  de  Butlee,  at  Lynn  and  Blakeneye. 

Walter  Daulard,  at  Sandwich. 

William  Wrench  of  Kedwelly,  in  Wales. 

Robert  Gyeyne  of  Bristol,  at  Bristol. 

Robert  Batail  and  Stephen  de  Padyham,  at  Romeney,  Winchelse  and 
along  the  coast  as  far  as  Seford. 




March  20. 

March  21. 

March  25. 

Feb.  27. 

Feb.  14. 

Feb.  26. 


Feb.  24. 

Feb.  24. 

Feb.  25. 

Feb.  27. 


Feb.  24. 

Mar.  2. 


Membrane  30 — cant, 
William  son  of  Geofirey  de  Sutton,  at  Bo8ton. 

William  Bacoun  of  Dertemouth,  in  Cornwall. 

Ralph  Boles  and  William  Loverich  of  Sandwich,  at  Sandwich. 

The  like  for  Thomas  de  Scoteneye  appointed  bj  the  said  Aniold  to  sup- 
ply his  place  in  all  that  pertains  to  the  above  office  in  the  household  and 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rameseje  in 
respect  of  43/.  15«.  out  of  the  farm  of  50/.  payable  by  them  at  the  Exche- 
quer, which  the  king  has  assigned  inter  alia  to  Margaret  late  the  wife  of 
Edmund  earl  of  Kent,  in  recompence  of  her  dower  from  the  castle,  borough, 
and  honor  of  Arundel,  and  other  lands  forfeited  by  the  said  earL 

By  K.  A  C. 

The  like  to  tenants  of  the  town,  manor  and  hundred  of  Aulton,  in  reelect 
of  their  fealties  and  services 

The  like  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Andevere,  in  respect  of  their 
fealties  and  services. 

The  like  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Wich  (^cAto),  in  respect  of 
iheir  fealties  and  services. 

The  like  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Ramseye,  in  respect  of  6/.  5s.  out  of 
their  farm  of  50/.  for  the  market  of  St.  Ives. 

Richard  de  Par,  clerk,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service  has 
letters  nominating  Adam  de  Waulton  and  William  de  Par  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Walter  de  Lobdon,  king's  derk,  as  pre- 
pendary  of  Hegh worth  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury.  By  p.8. 

Grant  to  Adam  de  Ursewyk  that  he  shall  hold  the  bailiwick  of  the  chief 
forestership  of  Boghland  chace  during  good  behaviour,  in  enlargement  d 
his  late  appointment  to  the  same  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  queen  Philippa,  for  the  support  of  Edward,  earl  of  Chester,  the 
king's  son,  and  Eleanor,  the  king's  sister,  of  the  issues  of  the  county  of 
Chester  from  the  time  of  the  arrest  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of 
March,  by  the  hands  of  the  chamberlain  of  Chester  for  the  time  being, 
imtil  the  king  order  otherwise.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  the  justice  and  the  chamberlain  of 

Gift  to  Edward  de  Bohun,  the  king's  kinsman,  to  enable  him  the  better 
to  cultivate  and  the  sooner  to  make  profit  of  the  manors  of  Fasteme, 
Wotton,  Sende,  Brodeton,  Uphav^ne  and  Netherhavene,  co.  Wilts,  lately 
granted  him  by  the  king,  of  the  com  sown  therein  with  seed  for  the  lands 
and  allowances  until  Michaelmas  for  the  ploughmen,  carters  and  other 
necessary  servants  out  of  the  king's  com  in  the  said  manors  and  of  the 
ploughs,  carts  and  cattle  for  the  same  which  the  king  lately  ordered  to  be 
kept  there  for  his  own  use.  By  p.8. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  William  Clapitus  appointed  during  pleasure  by 
Arnold  Micol,  king's  serjeant,  to  supply  his  place  in  his  office  of  chief 
butler  in  all  ports. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Herle  as  chief  justice  of  the  Bench,  during 
pleasure.  By  BL 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Stonore,  late  chief  justice. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  7. 

Feb.  15. 


Feb.  13. 

Feb.  20. 

Feb.  22. 

Feb.  25. 


Feb.  24. 


Feb.  26. 

Feb.  26. 

Feb.  26. 

Mbmbranb  29. 

Katifi cation  of  the  estate  of  Master  Balph  de  Querndon,  king's  clerk,  as 
prebendary  of  Prima  Pars  Altaris  and  subdean,  in  Salisbury  Cathedral > 
and  also  in  the  church  of  Caundel  Haddon  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury. 

Bj  p.s. 

Pardon  to  Ralph  le  Espeek  for  acquiring  in  fee  simple,  by  fine  levied 
before  the  justices  of  the  Bench,  from  Robert  Beyssyn  and  Isabel  his  wife, 
kinswoman  and  heiress  of  Tholomeus  de  Otriton,  a  messuage  and  a  carucate 
of  land  in  the  manor  of  Otriton,  and  the  like  in  the  manor  of  Tertecombe, 
CO.  Devon,  to  hold  by  yearly  rents  of  24;.  for  the  messuage  and  land  in 
Otriton  and  of  48*.  for  those  in  Yertecome,  with  suit  of  court  four  times  a 
year  in  each  manor,  which  the  said  Tholomeus  held  in  fee  simple,  from 
Robert  abbot  of  Mont  St.  Michel  in  Normandy,  to  which  abbey  the  said 
manors  were  granted  by  W.  sometime  king  of  England,  and  entering 
thereon  without  licence;  and  restitution  to  him  of  the  same  now  in  the 
king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  trespass.  v  By  K. 

Licence  for  John  de  Waddeworth  to  grant  to  Thomas  de  Kyrkeby,  Isolda 
his  wife  and  John  his  son,  6  acres  of  land  in  Sutton,  held  in  chief,  to  hold 
to  them  and  the  heirs  of  the  said  John  for  ever. 

By  fine  of  \  mark.     Bedford. 

Pardon  to  Henry  de  Bekeneshou  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  York 
for  non-appearance  in  the  King's  Bench  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of 
trespass  against  him  and  others  of  Peter  de  Wotewank,  parson  of  the  church 
of  Broghton.  By  K. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Michaelmas  for  William  de  Comwaill,  appointed  a 
purveyor  for  the  household  of  queen  Philippa. 

By  bill  of  queen  Philippa's  steward. 

Appointment  of  John  ap  Griffyth  to  the  custody  of  the  forest  of  Chirk, 
during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  William  de  Burgo,  earl  of  Ulster,  to  the  custody  of  Athelon 
Castle  in  Ireland,  during  pleasure.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  William  Gleykyn  of  a  third  part  of  the  manors  of  Kemeston 
and  Totenham,  now  in  the  king's  hand  by  reason  of  the  minority  of 
Laurence,  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Hastjnges,  tenant  in  chief,  to  hold 
dui*ing  such  minority  in  lieu  of  the  yearly  sum  of  40/.  at  the  Exchequer 
lately  granted  him  by  the  king.  If  the  aforesaid  third  part  at  any  time 
exceed  the  yearly  value  of  40/.,  he  is  to  pay  the  surplus  into  the  Exchequer. 

By  p.8. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  J.  bishop  of  Winchester,  the 
chancellor,  to  the  chaplain,  the  keeper  of  the  chantry  appointed  by  him  in 
Holy  Trinity  Church,  Stratford,  of  his  manor  of  Inge  and  a  messuage  in 
Stratford  upon  Avon,  which  are  held  of  the  bishop  of  Worcester  by  knight's 
service  as  appears  from  an  inquisition  taken  thereof,  to  find  four  other 
chaplains  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  at  the  altar  of  St.  Thomas  the 
Martyr  in  the  chapel  built  by  the  grantor  to  the  south  of  the  said  church, 
for  the  soul  of  the  said  bishop,  and  for  the  souls  of  his  father,  mother  and 
ancestors.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Edward  de  Bohun,  for  his  better  maintenance  in  his  knightly 
rank,  that  he  shall  have  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Shaftebere,  co.  Devon, 
and  the  farms  paid  by  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Ramsey,  the  burgesses  of 
Grymesby,  the  bishop  of  Bath,  and  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Stratford, 
escheats  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  as  lately  granted  to  him  by  letters 
patent,  together  with  the  issues  of  the  said  manor  and  arrears  of  the  farms 
from  tlie  day  on  which  they  were  taken  into  the  king's  hands.  By  p.s. 




Feb.  25. 

Feb.  28. 

March  3. 

Membrane  29 — cont. 

Licence  for  the  burgesses  of  Haverford,  in  West  Wales,  to  buy  1,000 
quarters  of  corn  in  England  and  take  the  same  into  Wales  for  their  suste- 
nance, notwithstanding  anj  mandate  of  the  king  to  the  contrary. 

Ratification  of  a  grant  for  life  by  queen  Isabella,  while  countess  of 
Ponthieu,  confirmed  by  letters  patent  of  the  king  under  the  seal  used  before 
he  assumed  the  governance  of  the  realm,  to  Gawan  le  Corder  of  the  custody 
of  the  manor  of  Le  Gart  by  Rue,  co.  Ponthieu,  with  yearly  wages  of 
40  pounds  of  Paris.  By  p.p. 

Exemption,  for  life,  for  Robert  de  Elnestede,  king's  yeoman,  from  being 
put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor, 
sheriff,  coroner  or  other  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.8. 

Grant  to  John  de  Melton,  Andrew  de  Bodekesham,  Peter  de  Wycle  and 
Edmund  de  London,  the  king's  chaplains,  lately  celebrating  divine  service 
in  the  chapel  in  Wyndesore  park,  by  appointment  of  the  late  king,  who,  as 
the  king  wills,  are  to  stay  now  in  Wyndesore  Castle  there  to  be  attendant 
with  his  other  chaplains  on  the  divine  offices  for  his  good  estate  and  for  the 
souls  of  his  ancestors  and  successors,  of  a  yearly  allowance  of  10  marks 
each  for  their  sustenance.  By  K. 

March  4. 

Feb.  18. 

Fob.  22. 

March  3. 

March  4. 

Membrane  28. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus  for  one  year  for  David  ap  Grenou. 
The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Richard  de  Bukerst. 

Robert  de  Oxton. 

William,  prior  of  Pembroke  in  Wales. 

Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  parson  of  the  church  of  Elvele,  William 
de  Sutton,  Richard  Turner,  and  John  Bradene. 

Richard  Feyrandgode. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  for  three  years  for  Thomas  de  Burgh, 
clerk,  going  to  Ireland  on  the  king's  service. 

The  said  Thomas  has  letters  nominating  Hugh  de  Burgh,  clerk,  and 
Robert  Parnyng  his  attx)rneys  in  England  for  the  same  period. 

Edmund  de  Bohun,  going  on  pilgrimage  beyond  seas,  has  like  letters 
nominating  Roger  de  Rivers  and  Richard  de  Harsefeld,  for  one  year. 

Licence,  at  the  request  of  Anthony  de  Lucy,  justiciary  of  Ireland,  who 
reports  great  scarcity  of  corn  in  that  land,  for  William  le  Repere  of  Bristol, 
the  elder,  and  Walter  de  Bikenore  of  Dublin,  merchants,  to  transport 
thither  from  ports  in  the  county  of  Gloucester  600  quarters  of  any  kind  of 
corn  for  his  household,  for  the  king's  castles  and  for  the  support  of  the 
people ;  and  protection  for  them  and  their  f^ervants  while  so  engaged. 

Assignment  in  full  satisfaction  of  300/.  still  due  to  the  said  Anthony 
out  of  the  600/.  given  to  him  by  the  king  on  his  appointment  as  justiciaxy, 
of  120/.  out  of  the  issues  of  the  county  of  Cumberland  and  the  demesne 
lands  of  Carlisle  Castle ;  40/.  out  of  the  farm  paid  for  the  city  of  Carlisle  ; 
100/,  out  of  the  issues  of  the  lands  of  Blakeboumeshire  and  Cliderhou ; 
and  40/.  out  of  the  issues  of  the  manor  of  Soureby  in  the  same  county, 
which  manor  the  said  Anthony  holds  by  demise  of  the  king. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Cumberland,  William  de  Tatham, 
keeper  of  the  lands  of  Blakeboumeshire  and  Cliderhou,  the  keeper  of  the 
manor  of  Soureby,  and  the  mayor  and  bailiffs  of  Carlisle. 

Memorandum.  —  This  patent  was  surrendered  as  fully  satisfied^  as 
appears  on  the  Liberate  Roll  of  6  Edward  IJL,  and  is  on  the  files  for  that 
year  among  the  king's  wiits. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



March  5. 

Feb.  26. 

March  1. 

March  4. 

March  1. 

March  4. 

Membraiie  28 — cont. 

Confirmation  to  John  de  Bradeford,  parson  of  the  church  of  Bisshoppos- 
treue,  of  the  following : — 

1.  Grant  to   him  and   Thomas  do   Croume   by  Thomas   de  Wroxhale, 

sometime  prior  of  Farleye  and  the  convent  of  that  place,  of  all  the 
lands  which  they  held  in  fee  in  Lye  on  the  day  of  the  making  of 
the  writino;,  with  meadows,  feedings,  pastures  and  other  appurten- 
ances, to  hold  for  their  lives  at  the  yearly  rent  of  5^  marks,  with 
housebote  and  hey  bote  by  view  and  delivery  of  the  chaml^rlain 
or  steward  of  the  convent  for  the  time  being. 

2.  Gh*ant  to  him  by  the  same  of  the  reversion  of  lands  in  Bisshoppestrue 

called  Horspol,  then  held  by  John  Heose,  to  hold  for  his  life  at  the 
yearly  rent  of  40*. 

3.  Release  to  him  by  John,  late  prior  of  Farlegh  and  the  convent  of   that 

place  of  33*.  Ad.  out  of  the  rent  of  40*.  payable  for  the  said  land 
called  Horspol,  and  of  7*.  6e/.  rent  payable  for  other  lands  there 
which  he  holds  by  demise  of  Thomas  Croume. 

4.  The  like  of  5  marks  out  of  the  5^  marks  payable  for  the  aforesaid 

lands  in  Lye.  By  fine  of  \  mark.     Wilts. 

Grant  to  the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Brayneford  of  pontage  for  three 
years  on  wares  passing  over  the  bridge  of  their  town  for  repair  of  the 
said  bridge.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Richard  de  Bury,  king's  clerk^  for  his  better  maintenance  in 
the  king's  service,  of  the  manor  of  Ridlyngton,  co.  Roteland,  an  escheat  to 
tlie  king  by  the  rebellion  of  Simon  de  Bereford,  who  held  the  same  to  farm 
of  Matilda,  late  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Holand,  to  hold  for  such  time  as  the 
same  is  in  the  king's  hands  without  payment  of  any  rent.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  William  son  of  John  de  Handes  of  Abberbury  for  acquiring 
for  life  from  Edmund  de  Haggele  a  messuage,  8  acres  of  land,  and  two 
parts  of  an  acre  of  meadow  in  Abberbury  and  Middelton,  co.  Oxford,  held 
of  the  late  king  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and  licence 
for  him  to  retain  the  same.  By  fine  of  \  mark. 

Grant,  at  the  request  of  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury  and  of  the  dean  and 
chapter,  that  their  houses  within  the  close  or  precinct  of  the  church  of 
St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  shall  be  quit  of  right  of  stewards,  marshals  and  other 
ministers  of  the  household  to  take  livery  therein  for  anyone  except  the  king 
and  his  heirs,  his  queen  and  children,  and  that  no  earl,  baron  or  other  mag- 
nate of  the  realm,  or  stewards  or  ministers  of  the  king  or  others  shall  lodge 
therein  against  their  will.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Maidenstan,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Croydon,  for 
acquiring  in  mortmain  from  John  atte  Canto  of  Croydon  a  messuage  in  that 
town  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain 
the  same.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  27. 

Jan.  28.         Exemplification,  at  the  request  of   the  barons  of  the  town  of  Folkestan,  a 
Weitminster.  member  of  the  port  of  Dover,  of  a  charter  dated  26  July,  7  Edwaard  II. 
being  an  inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  the  liberties  granted  to  the  barons 
of  the  Cinque  Ports  by  the  following : — 

1.  Charter  dated  17  January,  6  Edward  I. ; 

2.  Letters  patent  dated  28  April,  26  Edward  I.  ; 

3.  Other  letters  patent  of  the  same  date. 

^Charter  Roll,  7  Edward IL,  No.  52.] 

U     65658.  F 




!March  6. 

March  10. 

March  6. 

Feb.  24. 

March  L 

Membrane  27 — coni. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamus,  during  pleasure,  for  Master  Walter  de 
Notingham,  lately  received  among  the  conversi  of  London  at  the  king's 
charges,  who  is  going  beyond  seas  on  private  business. 

Presentation  of  Henry  de  Haydok  to  the  church  of  Ribelcestre  within  the 
jurisdiction  of  Richmond.  The  letters  are  directed  to  Robert  de  Wodehous, 
archdeacon  of  Richmond. 

licence  for  William  Cosyn  to  enfeoff  Thomas  de  Apynion  of  the  manor 
of  Great  Sutton  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  thereof ,  which  are  held 
in  chief  as  of  Reylegh  Honor  as  has  been  found  by  inquisition,  and  for 
him  to  ro-grant  the  same  to  the  said  William  for  life  with  successive 
remainders  to  Peter  his  son,  for  life,  to  Emma  and  Juliana,  the  daughters 
of  Peter,  in  fee  tail,  and  with  ultimate  remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  the 
said  William. 

Pardon  to  Thomas  West  for  the  death  of  Hugh  de  Turpliton,  knight, 
and  Richard  de  Monemuth,  killed  in  resisting  the  arrest  in  Nottingham 
Castle  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March.  Bj  K. 

The  like  to  the  following  : — 
John  de  NeviU. 
William  de  Clynton.  [Fadera.'] 

Gift  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury,  and  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the 
church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  of  the  stones  of  the  old  cathedral  church  at 
Old  Sarum  and  of  the  houses  within  the  king's  castle  there  which  the 
bishop  ^and  canons  of  that  church  formerly  occupied,  for  the  repair  of  their 
church  and  for  the  closure  of  the  precinct  thereof.  By  p.s. 

Feb.  25. 

Feb.  26. 

Feb.  24. 

Feb.  26. 

Feb.  27. 


Feb.  27. 


Membrane  26. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Wjsford  to  the  custody  of  the  king's  wood  of 
Hopewalshay,  during  pleasiure.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Deen,  king's  scrjeant,  queen  Philippa's  usher,  to 
the  offices  of  controller  of  customs  with  the  custody  of  one  part  of  the 
cocket  seal,  and  of  the  tronage,  in  the  port  of  Southampton,  lately  taken 
into  the  king's  hands  on  account  of  certain  claims  charged  upon  the  offices 
in  question  by  the  said  John,  Roger  de  Liswy  and  Richard  de  Biflet,  to 
hold  during  pleasure  or  imtil  the  claims  are  settled.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Tikhull  as  chief  baron  of  the  Exchequer  of 
Dublin,  during  pleasure.  Bj  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  said 

Appointment  of  Adam  de  Lymberg,  king's  clerk,  to  the  office  of  the 
Chancery  of  L^land,  during  pleasure,  with  the  usual  fee  and  the  issues  of 
the  seal  of  the  said  office  as  other  chancellors  have  had.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  to  Richard  Outlawe,  prior  to  the  Hospital  of  St.  John  of 
Jerusalem  in  Ireland,  to  deliver  to  him  the  said  seal,  and  the  rolls,  memoranda 
and  other  things  belonging  to  the  office,  which  are  in  his  custody. 

Appointment  of  Simon  FitzRichard  as  second  justice  of  the  Bench  in 
Dublin,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  justices  of  the  said  Bench. 

Appointment  of  Roger  de  Preston  as  a  justice  of  the  Bench  in  Dublin, 
during  pleasure. 

The  like  of  Richard  Broun. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  justices  of  the  said  Bench. 

Appointment  of  Roger  de  Bauquell  as  chief  justice  of  the  Bench  in 
Dublin,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Anthony  de  Lucy,  the  justiciary. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  27. 

Feb.  27. 

Feb.  28. 

Feb.  27. 

Feb.  28. 

Feb.  27. 

Feb.  28. 

March  3. 

Feb.  24. 

March  3. 

Feb.  28. 

March  1. 

March  15. 

March  26. 

Membrane  26 — cont. 

Appointment  of  Anthony  de  Lucy  to  the  office  of  justiciary  of  Ireland 
and  to  keep  the  land  of  Ireland  with  the  castles  and  other  appurtenances, 
during  good  behaviour,  receiving  yearly  while  holding  the  office  600/.  at  the 
Exchequer  of  Dublin.  In  return  for  this  he  shall  keep  the  said  office  and 
land  and  shall  be  twentyman  of  men-at-arms  with  as  many  caparisoned 
horses.  By  K.  &  C. 

Writs  de  intendendo  for  him  in  Ireland. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  Darcj,  the  late  justiciary,  or  to  such  as 
supplies  his  place. 

Appointment  of  Adam  de  Bowes,  as  chief  justice  of  the  pleas  following 
the  justiciary  in  Ireland,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Anthony  Lucy,  the  justiciary. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Grauntsete  as  second  justice  of  the  said  pleas, 
during  pleasure.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  chief  justice  of  the  said  pleas. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Langeton,  king's  clerk,  as  chief  chamberlain  of 

the  Exchequer  of  Dublin,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  said  Exchequer. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Baliscote,  king's  clerk,  as  second  chamberlain 
of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  in 

Grant  to  Richard  de  Percenhale,  king's  clerk,  during  pleasure,  of  the 
office  of  the  king's  market  in  Ireland.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Hothum  to  deliver  to  him  the  king's 
standards  of  weights  and  measures  in  Ireland  and  other  things  belonging 
to  the  office. 

Power  for  Anthony  de  Lucy,  the  justiciary,  Adam  de  Lymbergh,  the 
chancellor,  and  Thomas  de  Burgh,  the  treasurer,  to  remove  such  sheriffs, 
constables  or  other  ministers  of  the  king  in  Ireland  as  they  shall  find  to  be 
incompetent  and  to  appoint  others  in  their  stead.  By  K.  and  C. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Burgh,  earl  of  Ubter,  as  the  king's  deputy 
in  Ireland.  By  K. 


Pardon  to  Richard  le  Keu  of  Lodbroke  for  the  death  of  Ralph  le 
Mouner,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Robert  de  Malberthorpe  and  John  de 
Cantebrigge,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Warwick  gaol,  that  he  killed  him 
in  self  defence. 

Mandate  to  John  de  Houton,  escheator  beyond  Trent,  for  restitution  of 
the  temporalities  of  Derley  Abbey  to  William  de  Clyston,  one  of  the  canons, 
elected  to  be  abbot  of  the  house,  his  election  having  been  confirmed  by  R. 
bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield  and  his  fealty  taken  by  the  king.    By  p.s. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  him  directed  to  tenants  of  the  abbey. 

Appointment  of  Alexander  de  Fetherstanhalgh  to  the  custody  of  Ly- 
merik  Castle  in  Ireland,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K,  and  C. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  for  three  years  for  Anthony  de  Lucy 
going  to  Ireland  on  the  king's  service. 

The  like  for  one  year  for  Hugh  de  Karliolo,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Boldoun  going  in  his  company.  By  K. 

Also  for  Alexander  de  Fetherstanhalgh. 

Presentation  of  Thomas  de  Cotyngham  to  the  church  of  Grendon,  in  the 
diocese  of  Lincoln. 

F  2 




March  12. 

March  26. 

Membrane  26 — cant. 

Grant  to  Robert  de  Newerk,  king's  clerk,  of  the  chantry  of  Risshcton 
Chapel  in  the  king's  gift  bj  reason  of  the  lands  of  John  Devcrojl  being  in 
his  hands. 

Mandate  to  William  Trussel,  escheator,  to  induct  him. 

Presentation  of  Gilbert  de  Chishuli  to  the  church  of  Great  Horkesle,  in 
the  diocese  of  London,  in  the  king's  gift  bj  reason  of  the  late  voidance  of 
the  priory  of  Prittelwell. 

Feb.  28. 

Feb.  18. 

March  2. 

March  3. 

March  10. 

March  9. 

Feb.  16. 

March  3. 

Feb.  26. 

Feb.  27. 

Membrane  25. 

Inspeximus  of  the  agreement  made  in  the  Parliament  summoned  on  the 
Monday  after  the  feast  of  St.  Katherine  last,  on  the  petition  of  Richard,  son 
of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Arundell,  for  restoration  of  the  blood  of  his  line 
and  recovery  of  his  lands.         French, 

[Parliament  Rolls ^  vol.  ii.  p.  556.] 

Pardon  to  William  de  Gleykyn  for  acquiring  for  life  from  John  of 
Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond,  a  third  part  of  the  manors  of  Cameston  and 
Totenham,  held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence  ;  and  licence 
for  him  to  retain  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Seleby  to  grant  the  advowson 
of  their  church  of  Elvele  to  Thomas  Wake  of  Lidel  in  fee  simple,  and  for 
him  to  assign  the  same,  in  mortmain,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Haltem- 
price.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  justiciary,  chancellor  and  treasurer  of  Ireland  to  observe 
certxdn  articles  prepared  in  the  last  Parliament  for  the  amendment  of  the 
estate  of  that  land,  which  ore  set  out  in  the  patent.  By  K.  &  C. 


Alice  late  the  wife  of  Edward  Burnel,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago, 
has  letters  nominating  Nicholas  de  Acton,  clerk,  and  Walter  de  Fileby  her 
attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Grant  to  John  de  Bradeleye,  king's  merchant,  to  whom  the  king  has 
given  a  sum  of  money  by  way  of  alms  for  him  to  trade  with,  that  he  shall 
be  quit  of  toll  throughout  the  realm  for  six  years.  By  p.s. 

Pardon,  at  the  request  of  Richard,  earl  of  Arundell,  to  William  de 
Hauterive  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Sussex  for  non-«ppearance 
before  John  Travers  and  other  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  answer  to  a 
plea  of  trespass  of  Henry  de  Percy.  By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamus  for  two  years  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary  Bethlehem  without  Bishopsgate  in  the 
suburb  of  London  and  their  attorneys,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches 
in  England,  Ireland,  and  Wales.  The  king's  bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any 
unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Grant,  at  the  request  of  queen  Phiiippa,  to  Agnes  wife  of  John  Mautra« 
vers  the  younger,  of  lands  and  rents  of  the  yearly  value  of  200  marks  out 
of  the  lands  in  the  counties  of  Hertford,  Cambridge,  Norfolk  and  Suffolk, 
which  she  held  in  dower  from  John  de  Nerford,  sometime  her  husband, 
or  jointly  with  him  and  which  have  escheated  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion 
of  the  said  John  Man  travers,  until  other  provision  be  made  for  herself  and 
her  children.  By  p.B. 

Grant  to  the  same,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  foregoing,  of  the  manors  of 
Great  Wilmundele,  extended  as  of  the  yearly  value  of  12/.  Is,  Sd.^  of  Little 
Wilmundele,  extended  as  of  the  yearly  value  of  7/.  13*.  7^^.,  and  of  lands  in 
Throckvng,  extended  as  of  the  yearly  value  of  6#.  2d.j  co.  Hertford,  and  of 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



March  10. 

Membrane  25 — cont, 

the  manor  of  Meleboum,  co.  Cambridge,  extended  as  of  the  yearly  value  of 
15/.  1  Is.  6d.y  all  which  were  assigned  to  her  as  dower  after  the  death  of 
John  de  Argentem,  sometime  her  husband,  as  appears  from  an  inspection 
of  the  Chancery  Rolls  of  the  late  king.  By  p.s. 

John  de  Malton  going  on  pilgrimage  to  the  Holy  Land  has  letters 
nominating  Adam  de  Middleton,  clerk,  and  William  Latymer  of  Tyveryng- 
ton,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

March  4. 

March  6. 

March  12. 

March  11. 

March  9. 

Mardi  13. 

March  13. 

March  12. 

March  1. 

March  20. 

Mardi  12. 

Membrane  24. 

Joan  late  the  wife  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Man,  earl  of  March,  staying  in 
England,  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Frisyngfeld  and  Reginald  de 
Staunton  her  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Grant  to  queen  Philippa  that  she  may  dispose  at  will  of  the  lands  assigned 
to  her  as  dower.         [Foedera.']  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  to  the  justiciary  of  Ireland  to  bestow  on  Thomas  de  Burgh, 
king's  clerk,  the  treasurer  of  Ireland,  the  first  void  benefice  in  that  country 
in  the  king's  gift  which  he  shall  be  willing  to  accept.  By  p.8. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Hugh  Elys,  king's  clerk,  as  dean  of 
the  king's  free  chapel  of  Wolverenhampton.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  de  la  Roche  that  he  shall  retain  the  office  of  the  bedelry  of 
the  hundreds  of  Rouborwe,  Suaneborwe  and  Stodefeld,  co.  Wilts,  for  seven 
years,  according  to  the  tenor  of  the  late  letters  patent  appointing  him 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  (1)  letters  patent,  dated  4  December  4 
Edward  II.,  being  an  appointment  of  Edmund  Hakelut  to  the  custody  of 
the  castle  of  Dynevor,  for  life ;  and  (2)  letters  patent  dated  9  April  4 
Edward  II.,  being  a  like  grant  to  him  of  the  town  and  cottages  of  Dynevor 
with  the  demesne  lands  of  the  castle  there.  By  K.  and  C. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bume- 
cestre,in  part  satisfaction  of  the  10/.  yearly  of  land  and  rent  which  they  have  the 
late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  by  Robert  Bouet  of  Somerton,  of  a  messuage  and 
land  in  Dadyngton  ;  by  Agnes  Turcop  of  Dadyngton,  of  a  messuage,  dove- 
cot and  land  there ;  by  William  Osmond  of  Dadyngton,  of  a  messuage 
there  ;  by  Richard  de  Brackele  of  Dadyngton,  of  land  there  ;  and  by  Henry 
de  la  Mare  of  Clifton,  of  land  and  pasture  for  two  oxen  in  Clifton ;  all 
which  are  held  of  the  priory  by  the  service  of  22*.  2d.  and  are  of  the 
clear  yearly  value  of  12*.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition. 

John  de  Neusom,  parson  of  the  church  of  Nayleston,  going  to  the  court 
of  Rome,  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Knyghton  his  attorney  until 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  St. 
Oswald's  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  20  marks  of  land  and  rent  which  they  have 
the  late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  by  John  de  Insula  of  eight  bovates  of  land 
in  Crofton  and  by  William  Gernouu  of  a  toft  and  16  acres  of  land  in 
Bramham,  held  of  the  priory  and  of  the  yearly  value  of  37*.  as  appears  by  the 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  Robert  Geyn,  burgess  and  merchant  of 
Bristol,  his  men  and  servants  trading  in  various  parts  of  the  realm  and  in 
the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine]. 

Appointment  of  Alexander  de  Fetberstanhalgh,  king*s  yeoman,  to  the 
office  of  constable  of  Dublin  Castle,  during  pleasure,  provided  that  it  be  not 
already  held  by  another  by  grant  from  the  crown.  By  p.s. 




March  22. 

March  22. 

March  23. 


March  22. 


March  20. 

March  20. 

March  2. 

March  4. 

March  1. 

March  5. 

March  12. 


March  13. 

March  14. 

Membrane  24<— oon/. 

Mandate  to  Henry  de  Cobham,  farmer  of  the  castle  and  town  of 
Rochester,  to  pay  out  of  his  farm  40/.  yearly  to  Otto  de  Ghrandissono  ;  on 
grant  thereof  to  the  latter  by  the  king's  letters  patent.   By  K.  and  pet.  of  C. 

Pardon,  with  the  assent  of  the  prelates,  earls,  barons  and  other  magnates 
in  Parliament,  to  Henry  de  Hilles  of  the  recognisance  in  100  marks 
wherein  he  became  boand,  by  order  of  the  cooncil,  on  submitting  himself 
to  the  king's  will  after  the  late  rebellion  at  Bedford.  By  p.s. 

Protection,  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year  for  William  de  Cippeham, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Werehom. 
The  like  for  the  following : — 
John  de  Ceppeham. 
Peter  Destivo  of  Penne  in  Agenois,  merchant. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Peyto  for  acquiring  in  fee  simple  firom  John  de 
Karlcl  120  acres  of  land  in  Wotton  and  Alvedele,  co.  Salop,  said  to  be 
held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and  restitution  of  the 
same.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  John  de  Brocas,  who  aided  the  king  in  the  late  rebellion,  for 
the  death  of  John  Rocelyn.  By  p.s. 

Acceptance  of  a  demise  by  Simon  de  Lagheman  to  Hugh  Treganon,  king's 
Serjeant  and  usher  of  the  chamber,  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  custody  of  the 
water  of  the  Fosse  at  York,  for  life,  granted  to  him  by  the  late  king.  By  p.s. 

Mary  late  the  wife  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  staying  in 
England,  has  letters  nominating  Laurence  Cod  and  John  Grauereyn  her 
attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Mbmbranb  23. 

Licence  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Seleby  to  acquire  in  mortmain  land 
and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  20/.  By  p.s. 

Revocation  of  the  late  grant  to  Simon  de  Dreyton  of  the  bailiwick  of 
the  forestership  of  Brixtok  and  Greytyngton  in  Rokyngham  Forest,  as  it 
has  been  found  by  inquisition  that  the  said  grant  would  be  prejudicial  to 
queen  Philippa  who  holds  the  castle  of  Rokyngham  with  the  forest,  as 
dower.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  the  late  licence  for  the  same  Simon  to  impark  certain  plots 
in  Rokyngham  Forest  called  Eldeshale,  Neusale,  Lappe  and  Wynnescros, 
as  that  would  be  to  the  manifest  destruction  of  the  foi'est.  By  p.s. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Nicholas  atte  Flode,  king's  clerk,  in  the 
church  of  Newechurch,  Isle  of  Wight,  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  not- 
withstanding any  right  of  the  king  therein  by  reason  of  any  voidance  of 
Lire  Abbey.  By  p,s. 

The  like  of  William  de  Leobury  of  Worcester,  king's  clerk,  in  the 
church  of  Wonsyngton  in  the  same  diocese,  on  the  collation  of  J.  bishop  of 
Winchester.  By  pai. 

Presentation  of  Robert  de  Newerk  to  the  chapel  of  Ryshton,  in  the 
diocese  of  Salisbury,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of  John 
Deveroil  being  in  his  hands. 

Grant  to  Humfrey  du  Chastel  of  the  office  of  porter  of  Gurryk  Castle  in 
Jersey,  for  life,  with  daily  wages  of  2d.  sterling.  By  p.s. 

Vidimus  and  ratification  of  a  grant  by  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  late  lord 
of  Wyggemor  and  Trym,  to  Master  Richard  de  Sancto  Leodegario  of  the 
custody  of  the  lands  in  Offeleye,  co.  Hertford,  which  were  late  of  John  de 
Sancto  Leodegario,  his  eldest  brother,  to  hold  during  the  minority  of 
Isabella,  daughter  and  heiress.  By  C. 

5  EDWARD  III^Part  I. 



March  16. 

March  11. 

March  12. 

March  3. 

March  10. 

March  16. 


Membrane  23 — cont. 

Safe  conduct  during  pleasure  for  Geofirej  de  Mortuo  Mari,  knight,  going 
beyond  seas.  By  K« 

Appointment  of  Walter  de  Bikenor  to  the  office  of  constable  of  Drogheda 
Castle,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  Anthony  de  Lucy,  the  justiciary,  and  to  the 
treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin  and  the  king's  chamberlains 

Licence,  at  the  request  of  Adam  de  Lymbergh,  king's  clerk,  for  the 
prioress  and  nuns  of  Hegham  by  Rochester  [Lillechurch]  to  acquire  in 
mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10  marks. 

By  p.s. 

Grant  for  life  to  William  Reymundi  de  Benqueto,  king's  clerk,  of  the 
chapel  of  Faxflet.  By  p.s. 

Gb'ant  to  Master  Thomas  de  Garton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the 
hospital  of  Boulton,  co.  Northumberland,  an  escheat  by  the  forfeiture  of 
Robert  de  Ros  of  Werk,  deceased,  in  the  time  of  Edward  I.  By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus  for  one  year  for  Adam  de  Lymbergh, 
chancellor  of  Ireland,  going  thither  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

The  said  Adam  has  letters  nominating  William  de  Broklesby,  parson  of 
the  church  of  Filyngham,  and  Richard  de  Somerby,  parson  of  the  church 
of  Berkeswell,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

The  like  protection  for  John  le  Long  going  to  Ireland  with  the  said 
Adam.  By  testimony  of  Adam  himself. 

The  like  for  the  following,  also  going  with  him  : — 
Herbert  de  Gresseby. 
Richard  de  Gresseby. 
John  de  Beaumes. 

William  de  Kelleseye,  parson  of  the  church  of  Botheby. 
William  de  Lymbergh,  parson  of  the  church  of  Hynton. 
Henry  Gillyng,  parson  of  the  church  of  Lamewyth. 
Thomas  le  Kou  of  Petham. 

William  de  Kelleseye,  parson  of  the  church  of  Botheby,  going  to  Ireland 
as  above  has  letters  nominating  Robert  de  Kelleseye,  clerk,  his  attorney  in 
England  for  one  year. 

John  le  Long,  also  going,  has  like  letters  nominating  Richard  de  Somerby, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Berkeswell,  and  John  Deveneys. 

Safe  conduct,  at  the  request  of  John,  duke  of  Brabant,  Lotheryng  and 
Lymbergh,  for  the  merchants  of  Louvain. 

[/flpcfera.]         By  C.  because  sealed  at  another  time. 

Mandate,  at  the  request  of  Adam  de  Lymbergh,  king's  clerk,  the  chancellor 
of  Ireland,  to  the  justiciary  to  promote  three  clerks  nominated  by  him  to 
the  first  three  benefices  not  above  20/.  in  value  in  the  king's  gift  in  Ireland, 
whether  with  or  without  cure,  which  shall  fall  void.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  William  Gilmyn  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Kent,  for 
non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of 
John  Walewayn,  the  younger,  and  Thomas  de  Burgh,  executors  of  John 
Wale  way  n,  the  elder,  that  ho  render  his  account  as  receiver  for  the  said 
John  the  elder. 

March  20.        Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  Peter  Lopice,  *  mangoun,' 
Westminster,  citizen  and  merchant  of  London,  going  to  the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine]  to 
transact  business  for  the  king  and  Arnold  de  Dure  Forti. 

April  22. 

March  22. 

March  21. 

March  12. 

Feb.  25. 



1331.  Membrane  23— cow*. 

Maixih  22.        Apiwiiitmcnt  of  Oeoffrey  son  of  David  de  Overton  to  the  bailiwick  of  the 
Westminster,  office  of  wooilwnrd  of  Iskeneye,  co.  Kaernarvan,  during  good  behaviour. 

By  p.8. 

March  22. 

March  20. 

March  25. 

April  2. 

Membrane  22. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Chrifltmas  for  John  de  Bury  appointed  a  purveyor  for 
the  queen's  household.  By  bill  of  the  queen's  treasurer. 

The  like  for  Thomas  de  Tettebury  another  purveyor. 

Also  for  the  following  purveyors : — 
John  la  Zousche. 

John  de  Melforde. 
Robert  Albyn. 
Richard  de  Wythynton. 
Henry  de  Botelaria. 
Walter  de  Wight. 
Henry  le  Coupere. 

March  28. 

March  22. 


March  23. 

March  23. 

March  20. 

March  20. 

Richard  de  Bovyndon. 

John  do  Kenyngton. 

Robert  de  Imworth. 

John  Flemyng. 

William  de  Cornewaille. 

Richard  de  Podenhale. 

Alexander  lo  Porter. 

William  de  Bachesford.  By  bill  of  the  queen's  steward. 

Nicholoa,  abbess  of  the  Holy  Trinity  at  Caen,  staying  beyond  seas,  has 
letters  nominating  Philip  Bonvallet  and  William  de  Yattemenstre  her 
attorneys  in  England  for  three  years.  By  fine  of  40*. 

She  also  has  like  letters  nominating  Peter  de  Garris  and  Philip  de 
Wyncheleys  in  the  islands  of  Gernereye,  Jereseye,  Serk  and  Aureneye. 

John  de  Haddon  lately  surrendered  to  Aymer  de  Valencia,  late  earl  of 
Pembroke,  then  lord  of  the  manor  of  Hampton,  which  is  part  of  the  ancient 
demesne  of  the  Crown,  a  messuage,  lands,  a  wood  called  Apse  and 
31f.  W^d,  in  rent  in  Little  Haddon,  in  the  parish  of  Bampton,  held  in  chief 
by  the  custom  of  the  said  manor ;  the  said  Aymer  re*granted  the  same  to 
him  with  the  homages  and  services  both  of  the  free  and  also  of  the  cus- 
tomary tenants,  villeins  and  other  appurtenances  to  hold, in  fee  simple  by 
the  yearly  service  of  29«.  The  said  John  afterwards  granted  the  premises  to 
John  Laurence  de  la  More  who  granted  them  to  his  son  Thomas  Laurence 
de  la  More,  Isabella  his  wife  and  the  heirs  of  Thomas,  without  licence 
having  been  obtained  for  any  of  these  transfers.  The  king  now  pardons 
these  trespasses  and  grants  licence  for  the  said  Thomas  and  Isabella  to 
retain  the  same.  By  fine  of  10*.     Oxford. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Confirmation  of  a  demise  for  life  by  the  prior  and  brethren  of  the 
Hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  to  William  de  Langeford,  clerk,  of  the 
rent  of  25/.  paid  to  the  grantors  by  William  de  Cusancia,  clerk,  for  the 
manor  of  Sutton,  and  of  the  reversion  of  the  manor  on  the  death  of  the 
said  William,  to  hold  by  the  rent  of  a  florin  of  Florence  at  midsummer. 

By  fine  of  1  mark.     Essex. 

Licence  for  Lewis,  bishop  of  Durham,  to  appropriate  the  church  of  Leek, 
said  to  be  of  his  advowson.  By  fine  of  20/.     York. 

Revocation  of  the  late  grant  to  Stephen  Aleyn  of  the  serjeanty  of  the 
bedel,  the  king  having  forgotten  at  the  time  of  making  the  same  that  he 
had  already  granted  the  office  to  Richard  de  Dovre.  By  p.8« 

Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Norton,  co.  Chester,  to  appropriate 
the  church  of  Donynton,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  said  to  be  of  their 
advowson.  By  p.s. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I.  89 

1331,  Membrane  22 — cant. 

The  like  for  them  to  acquire  in  mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  held  in 
chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s, 

March  26.        Writ  of  aid   until  Michaelmas  for  Richard  de  Sancto  Alhano,  king's 
Westminster,  serjeant,  appointed  a  purveyor  for  the  household.       By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

The  like  for  the  foUowing  purveyors  :-— 
March  23.  Henry  de  Chalfhunte. 


April  2.  Thomas  Bnlfote. 

Eltham.  John  de  la  Chaunderie. 

Hugh  Treganon. 

Gilbert  de  Tyndene. 

April  18.  Roger  de  Astelye.  1 

Kltham.  Roger  de  Acton,   j 

Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

April  27.  John  de  Brymesgrove. 

Dartford.  John  de  Putenhale. 

May  15.  John  de  Podenhale,  until  Christmas. 

Harering  atte  By  K.  on  the  information  of  Th.  Garton. 


March  20.  Grant  to  Joan,  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  de  Gournaye  and  sometime  the 
Westmmster.  wife  of  Thomas  Try  vet,  for  the  support  of  herself  and  her  children,  of  the 
manor  of  Cok',  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Oterhampton,  and  certain 
lands  in  Piryton,  co.  Somerset,  and  a  third  part  of  the  manor  of  Horton, 
CO.  Wilts,  with  the  corn  sown  there,  which  she  held  in  dower  from 
Thomas  Tryvet,  and  which  were  forfeited  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion  of 
Thomas  de  Gournaye.  By  C. 

March  22.        Notification    to   S.   archbishop   of  Canterbury  of  letters  patent,   dated 
Westminster.  28  April  2  Edward  I.,  being  a  presentation  of  William  de  Dovorr*,  king's 
clerk,  to  the  church  of  Crawhurst,  a  prebend  of  Hastynges. 

March  20.       Exemption,  for  life,  of  William  de  Novo  Castro,  king's  clerk,  from  being 

Westminster,   put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor, 

sheriff,  coroner  or  other  baiiiif  or  officer  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

March  14.       Licence  for  the  warden   and   Friars   Minors  of  the  city  of  Chester  to 
Otford.       make  two  hand-mills  within  their  dwelling  house,  and  to  grind  their  corn 
and  malt  in  the  same  hand-mills  or  other  mills  within  or  without  the  city. 

By  p.s. 

March  20.       Further  grant  to  Joan  wife  of  Thomas  de  Gourneye  the  elder  for  the 

Westminster,   support  of  herself  and  her  children,  of  the  manor  of  West  Harpetre,  co. 

Somerset,  forfeited  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion  of  the  said  Thomas.     By  C. 

March  23.        Ratification  of  the  estate  of  William  de  Hnrowedon,  as  parson  of  the 

Westminster,  church  of  Crondale  and  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Nicholas,  Portsmouth, 

by  the  collation  of  the  bishop  of  Winchester.  By  p.s. 

Membrane  21. 

March  24.        Pardon  to  John  Trillyng  of  Tackele  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 
Westminster.    Surrey  for  non  appearance  in  the  King's  Bench  to  answer  touching  a  plea 
of  trespass  of  Thomas  Gelyng  of  Ledred. 

March  22.        Appointment  of  William  de  Warenna  and  John  Fraunceys  to  arrest 
Westminster,  wherever  found  brother  John  de  Monte  Acuto,  an  apostate  monk  fugitive 
from  the  Cistercian  abbey  of  Bynedon. 

March  26.        Grant  to  Agnes,  wife  of  John  Mautravers  the  younger,  a  rebel,  in  full 

Eltham.       satisfaction  of  the  late  grant  to  her  of  lands  to  the  yearly  value  of  200  marks, 

of  the  manor  of  Wysete,  co.  Sufiblk,  extended  as  of  the  value  of  22/.  Km.  2<f., 




March  28. 

March  25. 

March  28. 

March  20. 

March  26. 

March  27. 

Feb.  15. 

March  26. 


March  25. 

March  31. 


Membrane  21^-cani. 

and  the  manors  of  Therston,  as  of  the  yalue  of  18/.  17«.  8M.,  and  of  Shotes- 
ham,  as  of  the  value  of  19/.  7*.  7^.,  co.  Norfolk,  whereof  she  was  formerly 
enfeoffed  jointly  with  John  de  Nerford  then  her  husband,  and  whidi 
escheated  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  John  Mautravers.  By  K.  &  C. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 

Presentation  of  Robert  de  Hemmjmgburgh  to  the  church  of  Tichemersh, 
in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the 
lands  and  heir  of  John  Level,  tenant  in  chief. 

Protection,  with  clause  volumuSf  for  one  year,  for  Thomas  de  Mounpelers 
going  to  Ireland  on  the  king's  service. 

William,  prior  of  Lanthony  by  Gloucester,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters 
nominating  Henry  de  Brokworth  and  Robert  Dabetot  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Thomas  de  Mounpelers  going  to  Ireland  on  the  king's  service  has  like 
letters  nominating  Robert  de  Mounpelers  and  Thomas  de  Gloucester. 

Licence  for  the  prior  and  Friars  Preachers  at  Hereford  to  acquire  in 
mortmain  5  acres  of  land  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling  house. 

By  p.s. 

Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  28  November,  7  Edward  II., 
made  for  the  security  of  the  men  of  Bomenhale  Marsh,  co.  Kent,  being  a 
confirmation  to  them  of  their  immemorial  right  to  have  all  distraints  for 
repairs  of  walls  and  watergangs  made  by  twenty -four  lawful  men  of  the 
marsh  duly  elected  and  sworn  and  of  other  rights. 

Grant  to  Master  William  de  Skelton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of 
Derset  in  Lichfield  church,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  voidance  of  the 
see  in  the  late  reign.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  B.  bishop  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield. 

Grant  to  Master  Thomas  Trussel>  king's  clerk,  of  the  archdeaconry  of 
Middlesex,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the  see  of  London 
in  the  late  reign.  By  p.s. 

Pardon,  for  service  to  the  late  king,  to  John  de  Grauntsete,  a  justice  of  the 
Bench  in  Dublin,  of  77/.  13;.  4d.  wherein  he  is  bound  at  the  Exchequer 
in  Dublin,  with  restitution  of  any  part  thereof  which  may  have  been  levied 
from  him.  Renewed  by  p.s.  because  sealed  at  another  time. 

Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  26  May,  1  Edward  III.,  being  a 
pardon  to  Richard  de  Wilie  of  Turveye  for  the  death  of  Walter  le  Holier 
of  Turveye. 

Pardon,  for  service  at  the  arrest  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of 
March,  to  William  son  of  William  de  Carleton  Fourehough  '  bastard,'  for 
the  death  of  Richard  de  Crombek  of  Bemham  ;  with  general  pardon. 

March  30. 


Mbmbranb  20. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  a  treaty,  dated  Paris,  9  March  1331, 
agreed  upon  by  Peter,  bishop  of  Autun,  Andri,  bishop  of  Arras,  John, 
bishop  elect  of  Tirwan,  Peter,  abbot  of  Cluny,  William  deSeinte  Maure,  the 
chancellor,  Guy  Baudet  and  Reymond  Saquet,  clerks.  Miles,  lord  of  Noiers, 
William  de  Flote,  lord  'of  Revel  and  Peter  de  Coigners,  knights,  coun- 
cillors of  Philip  king  of  France  specially  appointed  to  treat  of  peace,  and 
Adam  bishop  of  Worcester,  William  bishop  of  Norwich,  WilUam,  count 
of  Hainault,  Henry  de  Percy  and  Hugh  de  Audeley,  knights,  and  Master 

5  EDWARD  m.— -Part  I.  91 

1331^  Membrane  20 — cent. 

John  de  Shordich,  enyoys  and  proctors  of  the  king  of  England  and  duke  of 
Guienne,  as  follows : 

Et  primerement  supplioient  au  rot  de  France  li  messages  et  procurours 
du  roi  Dengleterre,  due  de  Gt/enne,  en  noun  du  dit  rot  et  due  et  pour  li^ 
qil  li  pleise  repeller  le  ban  de  unze  persones  qi  furent  jadis  bannis  du 
roiaume  de  France  par  un  acord  fait  entre  prince  de  bone  memoire^  M, 
Charles  J  roi  de  France  et  de  Navarre^  et  le  roi  Dengleterre  qi  ores  est, 
lequel  repel  le  dit  roi  Charles  promist  a  f cure  par  ses  lettres  ouvertes  qi 
sonten  la  garde  Varcevesque  de  Tholos\  quant  notre  seintpere  lePapeet  le 
dit  roi  Dengleterre  et  ma  dame,  sa  mere,  ou  deux  de  eux  lenprieroient.  Ft 
disoient  les  dits  messages  qe  le  dit  roi  Dengleterre  et  ma  dame,  sa  mere^ 
en  avoient  prie  et  requis  le  dit  roi  Charles,  quant  il  vivoit^  et  apres  son 
deces  li  roi  de  France  qi  ores  est.  Sur  ce  est  ainsi  acorde  que  li  roy  de 
France  durra  plein  repel  as  ditz  unze  bannis  selon  la  forme  des  dites  lettres 
et  gardee  la  tenour  dicelesj  et  qe  ia  soit  ce  qe  les  messages  et  procurours 
du  dit  roi  et  due  ne  monstrent  les  lettres  originates  fesants  mendon  du  dit 
repelf  car  elles  sont  par  devers  le  dit  arcevesque,  tote  voie  le  roi  de  France 
ad  la  copie  par  devers  li  et  de  grace  il  ajoustra  foi  a  la  dite  copie  et 
gardera  la  tenour  dicele. 

La  seconde  requeste  estoit  qe,  come  autrefoitz  eit  este  cmorde  entre  les 
gents  des  dits  rois  aiants  poeir  sur  ce,  cest  asavoir  JPieres,  arcevesque 
adunqs  de  Seinz,  Johan^  evesque  de  Beauvois,  Johan^  esleu  adunqs  Dav- 
rench    et  nous,  Andri   adunqs   esleu  Darraz,   Pierre^   abbe   de    Clung, 
Guilliam   de  Seinte  Maurcy  chauncellier,  Mile,  seigneur  de  Noiers  et 
Martin  de  Essartz,  conseilliers  du  roi  de  France,  pour  li  et  en  son  noun, 
dune  part,  et    nous,  Adam  de  Wircestre,  William  de  Norwyz,  evesques 
desusditSy  et  Johan  de  Shordich,  messages  et  procurours  du  roi  Dengleterre 
et  due  de  Gyenne,  pour  li  et  en  son  noun,  dautre  part,  par  certeine  forme 
contenue  en  dit  acord  qe  les  bannis  du  roialme  de  France  ne  feussent 
receptez  ne  retenuz  en  la  duchee  de  Gyenne  et  certeins  commissaires  du  roi 
de  France  eussentfait  commandementz^  requestes  et  inhibicions  au  dit  roi  et 
due  en  la  persone  de  son  seneschal  de  la  duchee  de  Gyenne,  et  au  dit 
seneschal  pour  le  dit  roi  et  due,  qe  eux  ne  receptassent  ne  retenissent  les 
ditz  unze  banniz  ne  autre  banniz  du  roi  almede  France  sur  peine  de  perdre 
le  fie  qe  le  dit  roi  et  due  tenoit  et  tient  du  roi  de  France^  et  sur  cele 
meisme  peine  leur  eussent  comande  et    requis,  centre  la  forme  du  dit 
acord  sicome  les  gentz  du  dit  roi  et  due  disoient,  qils  rendissent  as  gentz 
du  dit  roi  de  France  certeins  banniz  les  queux  Ian  disoit  estre  en  leur  poeir, 
la  quele  chose  les  gentz  du  dit  roi  et  due  ne  conussoient  mie,  supplieient  les 
dits  messages  qe  ce  qestfait  et  attempte  centre  le  dit  acord  soit  mis  en  estat 
deu  et  qe  li  ajomementz  qe  en  sontfaitz  en  Parlement  soient  ostez,     Les 
gents  du  roi  de  France  disantz  et  proposantz  encountre  qe  bien  et  deuement 
avoient  precede  li  dits  comissaires  et  qe  rien  navoient  fait  centre  le  dit 
acord,  et  qe  les  adjomementz  estoient  faitz  sur  ce  a  bone  cause  pour  ce  qe 
le  dit  roi  et  ducj  son  seneschal,  ne  ses  gentz,  navoient  pas  bien  gardez  le 
dit  acord  quant  as  ditz  banniz,  sicome  ils  disoient.    Sur  ce  est  ainsi  acorde 
aimablement  et  pour  bien  de  pais  et  de  acord  qe  le  dit  roi  et  due  et  ses 
successours  garderont  et  ferofit  garder  defait  et  ej^eetuelement  le  dit  acord 
fait  sur  les  banniz  selon  la  forme  diceli  ou  il  est  ainsi  contenu^  acorde  est  qe 
ceux  qe  sont  ja  banniz  ou  seront  pour  trespas  ou  mesfaitz  avenir  par  la 
court  le  roi  de  France  ou  par  son  parlement,  ou  par  les  seneschaux  ou 
autres  officiaux  du  dit  roi,  en  cas  qe  eux  faeent  bannir  asquns  de  leur 
souzmis  ou  autres  pour  trespas  ou  mesfaitz  faitz  en  leur  jurisdictions  desore 
ne  soient  receptez  ne  retenuz  en  la  duchee,  mes  nest  mie  lentencion  des 
messages  le  roi  Dengleterre  qe  par  ceste  acord  les  dits  seneschaux  eient 
poair  de  bannir  les  seneschaux  ne  autres  officiaux  ne  ministres  du  dit  roi 
Detigleterre  pour  nulle  desobeissance  mesjait  ou  trespas  faits  par  eux  en 


1331.  Membrane  20 — cow/. 

leur  offices^  ne  nul  autre  des  souzmis  du  dit  rot  Dengleterre  pur  mesfaii  ou 
trespasfait  en  la  duchee,  comhien  qe  le  roi  mi  sa  court  le  puUsent  faire  en 
cas  de  souvereinete.  Et  nest  pas  auxi  lentencion  des  tracteours  deputez  de 
par  le  roi  de  France  qe  par  cest  acord  prejudice  soit  fait  au  roi  de  France 
ne  a  ses  officiaux  sur  ces  chases  ou  autres  droits  si  ascuns  li  apertenoient^ 
tant  de  droit  come  de  custume,  avant  le  temps  de  cest  present  acord.  Et 
parmi  cest  acord  le  roi  de  France  de  sa  grace  ostera  la  dite  peifne^  le  dit 
ajomement  et  ce  qi  sen  est  ensui.  Et  est  acorde  qCy  sans  prejudice  de  lune 
partie  ne  de  lautre,  il  soit  ensi  quant  as  ditz  commandemenz,  requestes  et 
inhibicions,  imposicions  de  peine^  et  ajomementz^  et  ce  qi  sen  est  ensui^ 
come  si  unqs  ne  eussent  este  faitz. 

La  tierce  requeste  estoit  tiele  qe  come  le  roi  de  France  eustfait  ajomer  le 
dit  roi  et  due  sur  ce  qil  li  demande  seissante  mille  livres  parisiennes  dune 
part  et  cinquante  mille  marcs  des ter lings  dautre  pour  certeines  causes 
contenues  es  lettres  sur  cefaites  en  lacord  desusdit  fait  entre  les  gentz  des 
ditz  rois  soit  acorde  qCy  en  cas  qe  Ian  troveroit  par  anciens  pais  ou  autres 
obligacions  qe  li  rois  de  France  soit  tenuz  au  roi  Dengleterre  en  ascune  sume 
des  deners,  cele  sume  seroit  rebatupar  voie  de  compensacion  des  deners  deman' 
dez  par  le  dit  roi  de  France  au  dit  roi,  et  de  ce  qe  demeuroit,  dune  part  ou 
dautre,  seroit  fait  gre  en  deue  manere  ;  et  ils  eient,  sicome  ils  disent,  lettres 
et  autres  munimentz  convenables  par  lesqueles  ils  volent  monstrer  les  dettes 
par  lesqueles  la  dite  compensacion  doit  estre  faite  des  ditz  deners,  Reque^ 
roient  qe  bon  compte  soit  fait  entre  les  gentz  des  ditz  rois,  et  de  ce  qe 
demeura  soit  fait  gre,  dune  part  et  dautre,  selon  la  forme  du  dit  acord, 
Sur  ceste  requeste  est  ains'  acorde  qe  les  gentz  du  dit  roi  etduc  monstreront 
tantost  les  lettres  et  munimentz  par  lesqueux  ils  voelent  faire  la  dite 
compensacion ;  et  qe  dautre  part  monstreront  tantost  les  gentz  du  roi  de 
France  paiementz,  quitances  ou  autres  satisfaccons,  sils  les  ount,  et  sera 
fait  bon  compte  dune  part  et  dautre,  et  de  ce  qe  demeura  sera  fait  gre 
selon  le  dit  acord,  Et  parmi  cest  acord  ostera  le  roi  de  France  de  sa  grace 
lajomement  qe  estoit  fait  sur  ce  et  tut  ce  qi  sen  est  ensui. 

La  quarte  requeste  estoit  tiele  qe  come  le  roi  de  France  eust  fait  ajomer 
pardevant  li  le  dit  roi  et  due  stir  asaines  declaracions  tuchantes  la  manere 
et  forme  par  lesquelis  li  homage  qe  li  roi  Dengleterre  fait  et  doit  faire  au 
roi  de  France  doit  etre  fait,  requeroient  qe  li  roi  de  France  voulist  cesser 
du  dit  ajomement  et  oster  le  defaute  se  point  en  y  avoit,  et  tut  ce  qi  du 
dit  ajomement  estoit  ensui,  disantz  qe  le  dit  roi  et  due  estoit  apperillez  tant 
a  faire  sur  la  dite  declaracion  hors  de  jugement  qe  il  devroit  suffire  au  roi 
de  France.  Les  gentz  du  roi  de  France  proposantz  qe  le  dit  ajomement 
estoit  fait  par  bone  et  juste  cause,  car  quant  le  dit  roi  et  due  entra  en 
lomage  du  roi  de  France  a  Amiens  il  ne  veut  mie  lors  declarier  ne 
reconustre  expressement  qe  lomage  qe  ilfesoit  au  roi  de  France  fut  lige,  ne 
qil  tenist  les  terres  qil  tient  de  li  en  homage  lige,  et  ne  li  veut  lors 
promettrefoi  et  leaute  porter,  mais  tute  voie  il  entra  en  lomage  du  roi  de 
France  en  disant  qil  y  entroit  par  ainsi  come  il  et  sui  predecessours,  dues 
de  Gyenne,  estoient  entrez  en  lomage  des  rois  de  France  qi  avoient  este 
pour  le  temps.  Et  lors  fust  dit  au  dit  roi  et  due  qe  li  rois  de  France  pour- 
sueroit  par  voie  de  raison  cifin  qe  fust  declarie  et  coneu  le  dit  homage  estre, 
et  devoir  estre,  lige  et  qil  devoit  promettre  a  porter  foi  et  loiauteau  roi  de 
France,  et  qe  ainsi  le  devoient  conustre  et  declarier  li  rois  Dengleterre  et 
dues  de  Gyenne  tutes  les  foitz  qils  fesoient  homage  au  roi  de  France. 
Sur  ceste  requeste  est  ainsi  acorde,  sil  pleise  au  dit  roi  Dengleterre  et  due, 
qil  reconustra  par  ses  lettres  qe  lomage  qil  fist  a  Amiens  au  roi  de  France, 
combien  qil  le  fist  par  paroles  generates,  fut,  est  et  doit  estre  entenduz 
lige^  et  qil  li  doit  foi  et  loiaute  porter  come  due  Daquitaine  et  pier  de 
France,  et  li  promettra  es  dites  lettres  desore  en  avant  foi  et  loiaute  porter. 
Et  pour  ce  qe  en  temps  avenir  de  ce  ne  soit  jamais  cotitenz  ne  descordz  a 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I.  93 

133] .  Membrane  20 — cont. 

faire  les  dites  homages  il  promettra  es  dites  lettres  en  hone  foi  pur  li  et  ses 
successoursy  dues  de  Gyenne,  qi  seront  pour  le  temps,  qe  tutefoits  qe  li  dit  roi 
et  due  et  ses  successours,  dues  de  Gt/enne,  entrerotU  en  lomage  le  roi  de 
France  ou  ses  successours,  qi  seront  pour  le  temps,  lomage  seferapar  ceste 
manere  [see  next  entry].  Et  de  ce  bailleront  li  rois  Dengleterre,  dues  de 
Gyenne^  et  sui  successours,  fait  le  dit  homage,  lettres  paientes  seales  de 
leur  grant  seal  si  le  roi  de  France  le  requiert.  Ft  avecq  ce  promettra  le 
dit  roi  et  due  es  dites  lettres  en  bone  foi  tenir  et  garder  effectuelement  les 
pais  et  accordzfaitz  entre  les  rois  de  France  et  les  rois  Dengleterre,  dues 
de  Gyenne,  et  Uurs  predecessours.  Ft  auxi  li  roi  de  France  qi  ores  est^ 
tantost  qil  aura  les  dites  lettres,  baillera  ses  lettres  overtes  sealees  de  son 
grant  seal  au  dit  roi  et  due  es  queles  sera  contenu  qe  par  les  reconussances 
et  declaracion  desusdites  li  rois  Dengleterre^  dues  de  Ggenne,  et  sui 
successours,  sui  sugiz,  ne  leur  terres,  ne  soient  plus  obligiez  ne  chargez 
envers  li  roi  de  France^  ses  heirs  et  ses  successours,  qil  et  ses  predecessours^ 
dues  de  Gyenne,  qi  avoient  fait  homage  au  roi  de  France,  leur  sugiz  et 
leur  terres,  estoient,  poeient  et  devoient  estre  par  raison  obllyez  et  chargiez 
devant  les  dites  reconussances  et  declaracion.  Et  avecq  ce  promettra  li  roi 
de  France  es  dites  lettres  tetiir  et  garder  effectueletnent  les  pais  et  acordz 
faitz  entre  les  rois  de  France  et  les  rois  Dengleterre,  dues  de  Gyenne,  et 
leur  predecessours.  Et  en  ceste  meisme  matiere  sera  fait  et  seront  reno- 
vellees  les  dites  lettres,  dune  part  et  dautre,  tute  les  foitz  qe  les  rois 
Dengleterre,  dues  de  Gyentie^  entreront  en  lomage  du  roi  de  France,  qi 
seront  pour  le  temps,  Et  parmi  rest  acord  li  ajomemetitz  fait  sur  les- 
clarcissement  du  dit  homage,  et  defaut  se  point  en  y  a,  et  tut  ce  qi  sen  est 
ensui,  seroit  de  tut  ostez  auxi  come  se  ungs  ne  eussent  este  faitz.  Item  sur 
les  terres  et  biens  immobles  surpris  par  le  roi  Dengleterre^  ses  gentz,  ses 
sugiz  et  obeissantz,  sur  le  roi  de  France,  ses  gentz,  ses  sugiz  et  obeissantz, 
depuis  qilsjirent  obeissance  au  roi  de  France,  a  M.  Charles^  eomte  de  Valois 
(qi  Dieu  assoille)  ou  a  autre  en  noun  du  roi  de  France,  et  auxi  sur  les 
terres  et  biens  immoebles  surpris  par  le  roi  de  France,  ses  gentz,  ses  sugiz 
et  obeissantz,  sur  le  roi  Dengleterre^  due  de  Gyenne,  ses  getitz,  ses  sugiz  et 
obeissantz,  depuis  et  contre  les  trives  ou  suffrance  prises  jadis  devant  la 
Riole  entre  le  dit  M.  Charles,  eomte  de  Valois,  et  M.  Fmouy  eomte  de 
Kent,  jusques  au  temps  qe  la  pais  ensui  entre  le  roi  Charles  et  le  roi 
Dengleterre  et  due  de  Gyenne,  piere  de  cesci  qi  ores  est.  Est  ainsi  acorde  qe 
quatre  persones  seroit  prises  et  esleves,  deux  dune  partie  et  deux  dautre,  li 
queux  quatre,  ou  deux  de  eux,  tin  dune  partie  et  un  dautre,  senfourmeront 
summairetnent  et  de  plein,  /;ar  tutes  les  voies  qils  pouront,  appellez  les 
proeurours  des  ditz  rois  et  ceux  qi  les  dites  prises,  occupacions  ou  detenta- 
dons  touchent  et  eux  presentz,  sils  y  voelent  venir,  des  dites  terres  prises, 
occupees  et  detenues,  dune  partie  et  dautre,  sicome  dit  est,  et  qi  les  possidoit 
et  detenoit  au  temps  de  la  dite  obeissance,  et  au  temps  de  la  dite  trive  ou 
suffrance^  et  quant  eles  furent  prises,  occupees  et  detetiues,  et  par  qi,  et 
de  circumstances  du  fait,  Et  de  tut  ce  qils  troveront  qe  sera  occtipe 
sur  le  roi  de  France,  ses  hommes,  sugiz  ou  obeissantz,  nobles  et  autres, 
apres  la  dite  obeissance,  soit  devant  la  dite  trive  ou  suffrance  ou  apres, 
jusques  au  temps  qe  la  pais  fut  apres  faite  entre  le  roi  Charles  et  le  roi  et 
due,  piere  de  cesti  qi  ores  est,  les  dits  quatre  ou  li  dui,  mettront  les  fruitz 
et  les  issues  en  lour  mein,  pour  lune  partie  et  pour  lautre^  et  les  tendront 
en  leur  mein  commune,  ou  ils  les  bailleront  as  certeines  persones  a  tenir  pour 
les  dites  parties  ;  et  auxi  de  ce  qils  troveront  qe  sera  oceupe  sur  le  dit  roi 
et  due,  ses  hommes,  sugiz  ou  obeissantz,  nobles  et  autres,  apres  la  dite  trive 
ou  suffrance  et  contre  ycele,  jusques  au  temps  qe  la  pais  fut  apres  faite 
entre  le  roi  Charles  et  le  roi  et  due,  piere  de  cesti  qi  ores  est^  les  dits  quatre 
ou  li  dui  mettront  les  fruitz  et  les  issues  en  leur  mein,  pour  lune  partie  et 
pour  lautre,  et  les  tetidront  en  lour  mein  commune ,  ou  ils  les  bailleront 


1331.  Membrane  20 — cont, 

as  certeines  persanes  a  tenir  p%ir  les  dites  parties,    Et  iut  ce  qils  troveront 
qe  sera  a  rendre  et  restituer  au  roi  de  France  et  ses  hommes^  ils  leur  rendront 
et  restitueronty  et  remettront  en  leur  estat  qils  avoient  au  temps  de  la  dite 
oheissance^  si  juste  cause  nestoit  monstre   a  lencountre.    Mi  tut  ce  qils 
troveront  qe  sera  a  rendre  et  restituer  au  roi  Dengleterre^  et  ses  homines^ 
ils  leur  rendront  et  restitueronty  et  remettront  en  leur  estat  qils  avoietit  au 
temps  de  la  dite  trive  ou  suffrance^  si  juste  cause  nestoit  monstre  a  len" 
countre.     Et  si  ascune  doute  ou  descord  y  avoient  es  dites  choses,  ou 
cucune  diceles,  par  quelque  cause^  ils  reporteront  ou  rescriveront  et  envoie* 
ront  enclos  sous  leur  seauxj  aveq  tut  ce  qe  touchera  la  dite  doute  ou 
descord  J  au  roi  de  France  as  jours  de  la  duchee  de  Cayenne  du  prochein 
parlement  qe  sera  apres  la  dite  doute  ou  descord  et  ajomeront  les  parties 
sur  ce  es  ditz  jours  du  dit  parlement  tut  les  foiz  qe  doute  ou  descord  y 
seroient,    Et  nientmeins  ils  procederont  et  irrount  touz  jours  avant  ou 
surplus  sur  ce  qils  purront  deliverer  et  proceder  sicome  dit  est.     Et  le  roi 
de  FSrance  fera  droit  sur  les  dites  doutes  et  descordz  en  son  parlement ^  sa 
court  gamicy  au  meins  de  ses  piers,     Et  jurront  les  ditz  quatre  sur  seintz 
Ewangeles  tuches  qilsferont  les  choses  desous  dites  et  chescune  diceles  bien 
et  loiaument  sansfraude  et  sans  barat  pur  lune  partie  et  pur  lautre  et  le 
plus  tost  qils  purront,    Et  si  ascuns  des  ditz  quatre  ymurroient  ou  ils  estoient 
autrement  empeschez  par  juste  cause  devant  la  perfection  de  tute  ceste 
hesoigncy  autres  seront  mis  et  subrogez  en  lieu  de  celi  ou  de  ceux  qi  seront 
trespassez  ou  empeschez  par  celi  ou  ceux  qi  les  avoient  mis  devant,     Et 
nientmoins  li  dui  qi  dem^urronty  lun  dune  part  et  lautre  dautre,  irront 
toutzjours  avant  en  ce  qe  commence  avra  este  et  sur  tutes  les  autres  choses 
tuchantes  la  dite  besoigne,      Et  est  auxi  acorde  qe  par  cest  acord  nul 
prejudice  ne  soit  fait  au  dit  roi  et  due  en  droit  de  proprete  et  possession  ou 
quelque  autre  droit  qe  ce  soit  qil  dut  li  avoir  es  terres  qe  li  rois  de  FVance 
tient  en  Agen,  en  Gascoigne  et  en  la  duchee  de  Gyenne  et  a  yceles  et  qils 
ne  les  puisse  demander  selon  la  pais  ou  acord  fait  entre  le  roi  Charles 
dune  part  et  le  roi  Dengleterre,  due  de  Gyenne,  piere  de  cesti  qi  ores  est 
dautrCy  et  qe  tut  le  droit  qe  li  poet  apartenir  par  cause  de  la  dite  pais  et  du 
dit  acord  li  demoere  sauf    Et  auxi  >»«  soit  fait  prejudice  au  dit  roi  et  due, 
ses  gentz  et  ses  sugiz  qils  ne  puissent  conjunctemefU  ne  divisement  demander 
si  leur  plaist  les  terres  et  biens  qe  le  roi  de  France  ses  gentZy  ses  sugiz  et 
obeissantz  a  li  enporteront  par  cest  present  acord  tant  par  les  quatre  come 
par  les  deux  ou  par  la  court  du  roi  de  France  gamie  sicome  dit  est  quant 
il  leur  plerra.     Et  auxi  ne  face  prejudice  au  dit  roi  et  due  en  droit  de 
possession   de  proprete    ou    autre  quelqil  soit  qil  dit  li  avoir  es  fiezy 
homages  et  obeissances  des  arcevesqesy  evesqesy   prelatZy  comtesy    barons 
et  autres  nobles  et  nounnobles  de  la  duchee  de  Gyenne  qe  H  rot  de  France 
tient  en  la  dite  duchee,  en  A  gen  et  en  Gascoigne,     Et  auxi  est  acorde  qe 
nul  prejudice  soit  fait  par  cest  acord  au  roi  de   France  ses  sugiz  et 
obeissantz  quant  au  dit  acord  fait  entre  le  roi  Charles  et  le  roi  Deng leterre 
et  qis  ne  puissent  purposer  tutes  leur  defenses  et  leur  droit  quelqtl  soit  es 
COS  desusditz  et  en  chescun  de  eux  en  lieu  et  en  temps,      Derrichief  est 
acorde  qe  tutes  les  choses  qe  sont  a  parfaire  dune  part  et  dautre  de  ce  qe 
fut  acorde  par  les  gentz  des  dits  rois  desusnommez  contenuz  en  dit  acord 
soient  acompUes  et  especiamment  ce  qe  doit  estre  abatu  de  certeins  chastisuxy 
cest  a  savoiry  Seinte  CroiZy  Madilhany  Puypmes  et  du  Burdily  soit  abatu 
selon  la  forme  bailie  du  Mareschal  Bertran,     Item  est  cuiorde  qe  en  tut  ce 
qe  nest  pets  desus  determine  et  declarie  le  droit  de  chescune  partie  demoere 
sauf     Item  requeroient  les  ditz  messages  pour  le  dit  roi  et  due  qe  le  roi  de 
France  feist  lever  et  oster  le  siege  et  les  gentz  darmes  qe  sont  devant  le 
chastel  et  bourc  de  Xaintes,  en  disant  et  proposant  plusieurs  raisons  par 
lesquels  ils  entendoient  qe  le  roi  de  France  le  dust  f aire,    Les  gentz  du  roi 
de  France  purposantz  ploseurs  raisons  au  contraire.     Sur  ce  est  ainsi 

5  EDWARD  UI.— Part  I. 



Membrane  20 — cont. 

aeorde  qe  ceux  du  dit  chasiel  et  hourc  qe  les  gentz  dti  rot  de  France  qe  sont 
par  de  la  dirront  en  bonefoi  et  en  leur  loiaute  qils  croient  estre  coupables 
des  exces  et  mesfaitz  qe  Ian  dit  estre  commis  par  ceux  des  ditz  bourc  et 
chastel  en  la  terre  du  roi  de  France  et  cantre  ses  gentz  et  ses  sugiz  serant 
renduz  as  gentz  du  dit  roi  de  France^  rest  a  savoir  a  ceux  qe  le  roi  de 
France  deputera  par  ses  lettres,  et  il  en  fera  sa  volonte,  et  eux  issi  rendus 
les  autres  qe  demeuront  en  chastel  et  en  bourc  pourrotit  aler  et  venir  et 
demeurer  et  avoir  leur  vivres  au  jour  la  jomee  paisiblement  et  sans  peril 
sans  ce  qe  les  gentz  du  roi  Dengleterre  puissent  les  chastel  et  burc  gamir 
autrement  qe  il  est  a  present ;  et  a  ce  sera  purveu  par  le  seneschal  en  la 
manere  qil  lefesoit  devant  la  darrain  esmoeu^ment,  Et  quant  les  articles 
desusdit  et  especiamment  le  article  del  homage  et  les  autres  chases  desus 
acordees  seront  agrees,  approvees^et  confermees  par  le  roi  Dengleterre  et 
due,  et  de  ce  aura  envoie  ses  lettres  overtes  sous  son  grant  seal  au  roi  de 
France  tutes  tnaneres  de  defenses  et  forces  seront  ostees  du  dit  chastel  et 
bourc f  et  pourront  les  gentz  du  dit  roi  Dengleterre  et  due  f aire  leur  volonte 
franchement  des  ditz  chastel  et  bourc  sicome  ilfesoient  devant  la  defense  du 
dit  seneschal,  Et  quant  a  tutes  les  choses  desusdit es  ainsi  traictees  et 
cuiordees  par  nous,  cotisei liters,  tracteours,  messages  et  procurours  de  nos 
chers  seigneurs  les  rois  desusdits,  soient  tenues  gardees  etfermement  acorn" 
plies,  nous  conselliers  et  tracteours  deputes  de  par  le  roi  de  France  sur  les 
choses  desusdites  procureroms  en  botiefot  qe  delors  qe  les  desusditz  messages 
et  procurours  du  dit  roi  Dengleterre  et  due  reporteront  ou  renvoieront  cest 
present  traicte  et  acord  ratifie,  approve  et  conferm^  de  certeine  science  du  dit 
roi  par  ses  lettres  pendantz,  sealees  de  son  grant  seaU  contenantes  tutela 
tenour  de  ceste  aeorde,  le  roi  de  France  les  confermera  et  ratifiera  de  certeine 
science  par  ses  lettres  pendantz.  sealees  de  son  grant  seal,  contenantes  tute 
la  tenour  de  cest  acord.  Et  nous,  messages  et  procurours  de  notre 
seigneur  le  roi  Dengleterre  et  due  desusnommes,  procureroms  eti  bone  foi 
qe  le  dit  roi  ratifiera,  approvera  et  confermera  expressement  et  de  certeine 
science  cest  present  tractee  et  acord  especiamment  larticle  fesant  mencion  de 
lomage  en  quel  est  reserve  son  plaisir  par  ses  lettres  pendantz,  sealees  de 
son  grant  seal,  contenantes  tute  la  tenour  de  cest  aeorde  et  qe  yceles 
lettres  il  envoiera  au  desusdit  roi  de  France  a  la  feste  de  Lascension 
prochein  avenir. 

Then  follow  the  instruments  whereby  the  two  kings  appointed  their 
representatives  to  negociate  the  treaty. 

Membrane  19. 

March  30.       Form  of  the  homage  to  be  done  by  the  kings  of  England  to  the  king  of 
Eltham.       France. 

French.     [Fcedera.^ 

March  28. 

Membrane  18. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  a  charter,  dated  Friday  after  the  feast 
of  St.  Gregory  the  Pope,  1330,  and  witnessed  by  William  de  Seinmore, 
Peter  son  of  Warin,  William  de  Holcote  and  others,  whereby  Cono,  prior 
of  St.  Andrew's,  Northampton,  and  the  convent  of  that  place,  granted  to 
Henry  de  Edenestowe,  king's  clerk,  canon  of  Lincoln,  1 1  marks  6*.  4d,  of 
rent  in  Scaldeford,  co.  Leicester,  with  their  lands  and  tenements  there,  to 
hold  for  life  by  the  yearly  service  of  a  grain  of  cumin  for  six  years  and 
then  by  a  rent  of  1  mark  at  Christmas,  with  a  condition  that  in  the  event 
of  the  death  of  the  said  Henry  within  the  said  six  years  his  executors  and 
assigns  shall  retain  the  premises  until  the  end  of  such  term. 




March  29. 

March  28. 

March  25. 

April  1. 

April  2. 

April  1. 

April  1. 

March  31 


April  2. 

April  8. 

April  2. 

March  28. 

March  28. 

Membrane  18 — cont. 

Acknowledgement  of  the  king's  indebtedness  to  Dinos  Forsetti, 
Bartholomew  Barde,  Peter  Reyneri  and  the  other  merchants  of  the  society 
of  the  Bardi  of  Florence  in  the  sum  of  8,000/.  received  in  the  king's 
chamber  by  Richard  de  Bury,  his  clerk ;  with  promise  to  repay  the  same  at 
midsummer.  By  p.s. 

Assignment  to  the  same  merchants,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  king's 
debts  to  them,  of  2,000  marks  lately  sent  into  Gascony  for  the  king's 
business  by  Richard  de  Par,  his  clerk  ;  with  an  indemnity  in  case  the  same 
be  h^t  either  by  storm  at  sea  or  attack  of  robbers  while  being  brought  to 
England.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  below. 

Gift  to  the  same,  in  consideration  of  losses  by  reason  of  certain  loans  not 
having  been  repaid  within  the  appointed  time,  of  2,000/.,  also  payable  at 
midsummer.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  and 
the  king's  chamberlains. 

Confirmation  of  a  grant  made  at  the  king^s  request  by  Thomas,  earl  of 
Norfolk,  marshal  of  England,  his  uncle,  to  Walter  de  Manny,  king's  yeoman, 
of  35  marks  yearly  out  of  the  fee  which  the  earl  receives  from  the  county 
of  Norfolk.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  William  de  Rolleston  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Bucking- 
ham, for  non-appearance  before  the  late  king  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of 
trespass  of  John  le  Portereve  of  Messoworth. 

Appoinimeut  of  William,  bishop  of  Norwich,  to  the  office  of  the  treasury 
of  the  Exchequer,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pui-suance  to  the  archbishop  of  York,  the  late  treasurer. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  the  said  William  directed  to  the  barons  of  the 
Exchequer  and  the  king's  chamberlains. 

Appointment  of  Thomas  Bagod  as  second  baron  of  the  Exchequer  in 
DubliUi  during  pleasure.  Innovatur  per  rotulum.    By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Novo  Castro,  king's  clerk,  to  the  office  of 
second  ingrosser  in  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin  during  good  behaviour,  to  be 
removed  therefrom  only  by  special  mandate  of  the  king.  •     By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  G^ldyngham  to  the 
prior  and  convent  of  Dodenassh,  in  part  satisfaction  of  land  and  rent  to 
the  yearly  value  of  10/.,  which  they  have  the  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of 
a  messuage,  150  acres  of  land,  7  acres  of  meadow,  20  acres  of  pasture, 
10  acres  of  alder  wood,  120  acres  of  heath,  and  155.  in  rent  in  Benctleye, 
Capele,  Braham,  Bergholte  and  Tatyngeston,  the  said  messuage  and  lands 
being  of  the  yearly  value  of  100^.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  one  year  for  William  del  Clay  trading  in 
various  parts  of  the  realm.  Witness ;  J.  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  Margaret  late  the  wife  of  Edmund^  earl  of  Kent, 
directed  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Ramsey,  in  respect  of  the  yearly  farm 
of  50/.  due  from  them  at  the  Exchequer  for  the  fairs  of  St.  Ives  which  the 
king  has  assigned  to  her  from  15  December  last. 

Grant  for  life  to  Robert  de  Baumburgh,  watchman  (vigili),  for  service 
to  queen  Isabella  and  the  king,  of  the  custody  of  the  quayage  at  Skarde- 
burgh.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  chancellor  or  the  keeper  of  the  seal  for  the  time  being 
to  present  Robert  de  Eglesfeld,  king's  clerk,  to  the  first  void  benefice  in 
the  king's  gift  above  the  value  of  20  marks.  By  p.s. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  L 



March  23. 

Membrane  17. 

Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  22  April,  23  Edward  I.,  being  a 
^ant  to  William  son  of  William  le  Brun,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  in  the 
tree  chapel  of  Bridgenorth  lately  held  by  Hugh  de  la  Penne,  deceased. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Thomas  de  Litljnton,  king's  clerk,  as 
parson  of  the  church  of  Harwe,  in  the  diocese  of  London,  on  the  collation 
of  S.  archbishop  of  Canterbury.  By  K. 

Pardon  to  Roger  de  Frenge  for  aiding  Thomas  de  Thomham  to  escape 
from  Norwich  Castle  when  imprisoned  there  for  adherence  to  Henry  earl 
of  Lancaster  against  the  king.  By  K. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  20  July,  29  Edward  I., 
being  a  grant  that  the  prior  and  convent  of  the  abbey  of  St.  Albans  shall 
have  the  custody  of  the  abbey  whenever  void.  By  fine  of  20s. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  until  Michaelmas  for  Hugh  de  Lacy,  knight, 
who  is  coming  to  the  king  in  consequence  of  certain  charges  made  against 
him  in  Ireland  by  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari.  By  K. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  John  de  Gousil,  king's  clerk,  as  parson  by 
provision  of  the  Apostolic  See  of  the  church  of  Aylyngton,  in  the  diocese  of 
Lincoln,  which  is  of  the  advowson  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Ramsey. 

Licence  in  mortmain  for  Richard  de  Stapelton  to  found  on  any  part  of 
his  land  within  the  bishopric  of  Exeter  and  to  endow  with  land,  rent  and 
advowsons  of  churches,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  100  marks, 
a  house  of  the  Carthusian  Order,  wherein  divine  service  shall  be  celebrated 
and  other  works  of  piety  done  for  the  souls  of  Walter  de  Stapelton,  sometime 
bishop  of  Exeter,  of  Edward  II.  and  of  all  benefactors  of  the  said  Walter. 

By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Grauntsete,  late  a  justice  of  the  Bench  in  Dublin,  of 
the  fine  of  500  marks  made  by  him  for  his  release  from  prison,  when  com- 
mitted for  contempt  of  court  in  having  produced  letters  of  excommunication 
in  defence  of  a  plea  before  John  Darcy, '  le  cosyn,'  the  justiciary,  between 
William  de  Istelep  and  William  de  London  and  handed  the  same  to  John  de 
Duno,  a  notaiy  public,  to  make  an  instrument  thereof  for  the  purpose  of 
bringing  the  cause  into  the  Court  Christian,  and  restoration  of  him  to  his 
former  estate  and  to  all  the  offices  of  which  he  was  deprived  for  such  con- 
tempt. Renewed  by  p.s.  because  sealed  at  another  time. 

March  31.        Grant  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Swithin's,  Winchester,  who  at  the 

Eltham.       king's  request  have  granted  sustenance  for  life  from  their  house  to  Henry 

Whish,  his  yeoman,  that  this  shall  not  prejudice  their  house  as  a  precedent. 

By  p.s. 

March  23. 

March  23. 

Feb.  10. 


March  27. 

March  28. 

March  26. 

March  26. 

March  4. 

April  1. 

April  8. 

April  1. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  I  March,2  Edward  II., 
being  a  grant  of  certain  liberties  to  the  keepers,  workmen,  moneyers  and 
ministers  employed  in  the  king's  Exchanges  in  London  and  Canterbury. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Thomas  de  Luk',  king's  clerk,  as  pre- 
bendary of  Netherbury  and  Bemenstre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury, 
by  provision  of  the  Apostolic  See.  By  p.8. 

Thomas,  abbot  of  Oseney,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating 
William  de  Neweton,  one  of  the  canons,  and  Robert  de  Pirie  his  attorneys 
in  Ireland  for  three  years.         Witness ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Preston, '  orfevere,'  to  the  office  of  assayer  in 
the  king's  Exchange  in  London,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Wyndesor,  keeper  of  the  Exchange. 

U     65658. 





March  19. 

March  27. 

March  23. 


April  2. 

April  L 

March  4. 

April  1. 

April  4. 

March  28. 

Membrane  16. 

Power  for  Master  Richard  de  Bury,  canon  of  Lincobi,  king's  clerk  and 
secretary,  and  Anthony  de  Pesaigne,  knight,  to  borrow  50,000/.  in  the 
king's  name. 

Vctcated  by  surrender. 

Grant  to  Anthony  Pessaigne  of  Grenoa,  on  his  surrender  in  the  Chancery 
of  two  bills  amounting  to  8201/.  8«.  6</.  sealed  by  Roger  de  Northburgh,  as 
treasurer,  and  Robert  de  Wodehouse,  as  cofferer,  of  the  late  king's  ward- 
robe, of  which  debt  William  de  Monte  Acuto  has  by  the  king's  command 
satisfied  2,000/.,  that  he  shall  receive  the  balance  by  payments  of  1,000/.  out 
of  the  first  issues  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  and  of  600/.  yearly  out  of  the 
issues  of  the  coinage  of  tin  in  the  counties  of  Devon  and  Cornwall.    By  p.8. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  Ponthieu  and  the  keepers  of 
the  stannaries. 

Vctcated  by  surrender. 

Notification  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury  of  the  revocation  of  the  late  grant 
to  Parvulus  de  Monte  Florum,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Netherbury 
and  Bemenstre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  made  by  the  king 
in  the  belief  that  it  was  void  and  in  his  gift  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the 
see,  whereas  it  now  appears  that  such  was  not  the  case  but  the  prebend  was 
already  held  by  Master  Thomas  de  Luk'.  By  p.8. 

Appointment  of  John  son  of  Adam  le  Wodeward  to  the  bailiwick  of  one 
of  the  foresters  of  la  Shank  in  Ligelwood  Forest,  during  good  behaviour. 

By  p.8. 

Licence  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum  for  John  de  Melford  to  dose  a 
way  leading  from  Beresh  to  Hailyng  for  the  enlargement  of  his  dwelling- 
house  in  Hailyng  on  condition  that  he  make  on  his  own  land  a  like  way 
equally  convenient  for  use.  By  fine  of  \  mark.     Kent. 

Mandate  to  the  justiciary  and  chancellor  of  Ireland  for  the  time  being, 
reciting  one  from  the  late  king  to  Ekimnnd  le  Botiller,  then  justiciary,  to 
appoint  Richard  de  Ebor'  to  the  first  void  benefice  in  the  fpii  of  the  Crown 
of  the  value  of  40/.,  that  the  same  has  not  yet  been  acted  upon,  and  that 
by  the  testimony  of  magnates  of  Ireland  it  appears  that  the  said  Richard  for 
a  long  time  has  been  performing  duties  entailing  very  great  labour,  and 
directing  that  he  is  to  be  presented  to  the  first  void  benefice  whether  of  the 
said  value  or  less  which  he  is  willing  to  accept. 

Inspeximus  of  letters  patent  under  the  Irish  seal,  dated  8  November, 
4  Edward  II.  being  a  grant  to  Gcofirey  de  Mortone,  citizen  of  Dublin,  that 
he  might  build  two  crenellated  and  turreted  towers,  one  at  the  end  of  Dublin 
bridge,  and  the  other  at  the  comer  of  the  wall  stretching  westward  from 
the  bridge,  and  to  build  upon  the  wall  between  the  said  towers  houses  fur- 
nished with  windows  and  other  suitable  defences ;  and  grant  that  John  de 
Graunsete  and  Alice  his  wife,  daughter  and  heiress  of  the  said  Geoffrey,  may 
complete  such  part  of  the  work  as  is  still  unfinished  and  hold  the  towers 
and  houses  to  themselves  and  the  heirs  of  Alice.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall,  as  keeper  of  the  realm 
and  deputy  of  the  king  during  the  absence  of  the  latter  on  a  pilgrimage 
made  in  fulfilment  of  a  vow.  By  K.  &  C. 


Appointment  of  Roger  Rykeman,  king's  clerk,  to  the  office  of  changer  in 
the  king's  Exchange  in  the  Tower  of  London,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Wyndesore,  king's  clerk,  the  keeper 
of  the  Exchange,  and  John  de  Pontoise,  the  late  changer. 

5  EDWARD  in.— Part  I.  99 

1331.  Membrane  16 — cont, 

April  9.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Trippelow,  chaplain,  to 

Bennondiiey.   the  prioress  and  nuns  of  St.  Ehadegund's,  Cambridge,  of  eight  messuages  and 

8  acres  of  land  there  to  find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in 

their  church  for  the  souls  of  the  said  John  and  his  ancestors.    By  fine  of  40«. 

Witness ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

March  21.        Writ  de  intendendo  in  favour  of  Margaret,  countess  of  Kent,  lately 

Wettminster.   appointed  to  the  custody  of  the  lands  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  during 

the  minority  of  Edmund,  the  son  and  heir,  directed  to  the  abbot  of  Walthara 

Holy  Cross  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  50/.  which  he  used  to  pay  to  the  said  earl. 

The  like  directed  to  the  following  :— 

The  abbot  of  Stratford,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  11/.  \2d,  for  the  manors 

of  Sudbury  and  Hamme. 
The  abbot  of  Cirencestre,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  30/.  for  the  town  of 

The  mayor  and  good  men  of  Chichester,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  36/. 

for  their  town. 
The  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  54/.  for  the 

manors  of  Cheddeme  and  Congresbury. 
The  prior  and  convent  of  Bath,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  20/.  for  the 

barton  of  Bath. 
The  abbot  and  convent  of  Clyve,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  18/.  13«.  Ad, 

for  the  town  of  Brampton. 
The  good  men  of  Aylesbury,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  60/.  for  their  town. 
The  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Grymesby,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  50/. 

for  their  town. 
Roger  de  Ormesby,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  16/.  for  the  town  of  Ormesby. 
The  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Gloucester,  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  65/. 
for  their  town. 

Membrane  15. 

April  8. '        Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  John  bishop  of  Winches- 

Bermondsey.   ter  to  close  a  way  176  perches  long  and  2  perches  broad    leading  from 

Westford  to  Claybrigge,  for  the  enlargement  of  his  dweUing  house  at  Esher, 

on  condition  that  he  make  on  his  own  land  a  like  way  equally  convenient 

for  use. 

Witness ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall.    By  fine  of  \  mark.     Surrey. 

March  31.        Exemption,  for  life,  of  John  Whitacre  of  Ireland  from  being  put  on 
Sltham.       assizes,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from   appointment  as   mayor,  sheriff, 
coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  in  Ireland  against  his  will. 

By  p.s. 

The  like  of  Richard  Talebot  of  Feldrom. 

April  8.  Licence  for  Geoffrey  Power  of  Sutton  to  grant  to  Robert  son  of  Geoffrey 

Bermondsey.   Power,  William  Godewin  of  Sutton  and  the  heirs  of  William,  11   acres  of 
land  and  4  acres  of  meadow  in  Sutton,  held  in  chief. 
Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall.  By  fine  of  ^  mark.    Bedford. 

April  12.         Safe  conduct  until  Michaelmas  for  Peter  Reyner  and  Loticrus  Johan,  mer- 
Eltham.       chants  of  the  society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence,  and  Bancus  de  Lere  and 
Peter  Flemyng,  their  servants,  charged  by  the  king  and  council  to  bring 
from  Scotland  some  things  belonging  to  the  king. 

Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

April  11.         Exemplification   of  letters   patent,  dated   5   October,    1    Edward   III., 

Eltham.       appointing  John  de  Waldeshef  to  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Ufford  Cluny, 

CO.  Huntingdon.  Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  CornwalL 





April  1. 

April  12. 

April  14. 

April  5. 

April  15. 

April  12. 

April  13. 


March  21. 


April  12. 

April  21. 

Metnbrane  15 — cont. 

Excraption»  for  life,  of  Richard  de  Baldreston  from  being  put  on  assizes^ 
juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  coroner,  sheriff  or 
other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.8. 

John  de  Manso,  prebendary  of  Cadyngton,  in  St.  Paul's,  London,  staying 
beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating  Bernard  Pelegryni  and  Berard  de 
Mairanhaco  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three  years. 

Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall. 

John  son  of  Edmund  Everard  going  beyond  seas  has  like  letters  nomi- 
nating William  de  Shareshull  and  Richard  de  la  Bere  for  two  yearn. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  William  Ursel  of  Fershagh  to 
the  abbot  and  convent  of  Koynsham,  in  part  satisfaction  of  a  licence  from 
the  late  king  for  them  to  acquire  land  and  rent  to  the  yearly  value  of  10 
marks,  of  a  messuage,  a  virgate  of  land  and  2\d.  of  rent  in  Wynefeld, 
which  are  held  of  the  abbey  by  the  yearly  service  of  6^?.,  and  which 
(exclusive  of  the  rent)  are  of  the  yearly  value  of  10«.,  as  appears  by  the 
inquisition.  Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

Licence,  at  the  request  of  Richard  de  Bury,  king's  clerk,  for  the  aliena- 
tion in  mortmain  by  John  Stubbe,  citizen  of  Chichester,  and  Mabel  his 
wife  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Chichester  of  a  messuage  in  that  city  to  find 
a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  St.  Mary's  Chapel,  in  the 
cemetery  of  St.  Michael  in  the  suburb  of  the  city,  for  the  good  estate  of  the 
king  in  life,  for  his  soul  after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  his  progenitors,  of 
the  said  John  and  Mabel,  and  their  ancestors. 

Witness;  John  de  Eltham.     By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus^  for  one  year  for  John  de  Ponte,  prior  of 
Burwell.  Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

The  like  for  the  following  : 
John  prior  of  Borewell. 

John  de  Cracheston. 

John  de  Evesham. 

John  le  Clerk  of  Ely  the  elder. 

John  Wy th  of  Ely. 

Writ  de  intendendo  in  favour  of  Margaret,  countess  of  Kent,  who  has  the 
custody  of  her  late  husband's  lands  during  minority  of  the  heir,  directed  to 
the  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Basingstoke  m  respect  of  their  farms,  rents  and 
other  services.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  Nicholas  de  la  Beche  in  respect  of  a  farm  of  8/.  out  of  the 
manor  of  1  dene,  CO.  Sussex.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prior  and  convent  of 
S))aldyng,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  1 0/.  of  laud  and  rent  which  they  have 
the  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  the  following : 

by  Henry  de  Eynesham  Mach  and  Peter  de  Hatfeld,  the  reversion  of 
a  messuage  and  3  acres  of  land  in  Spaldyng  now  held  for  life  by 
Richard  son  of  Joceus  de  Sancto  Botulpho,  and  of  a  cottage  there 
held  for  life  by  Matilda  Diotes ;  and  two  messuages  and  13f .  6<f. 
of  rent  in  the  same  town ; 
by  Thomas  Thurger,  3  acres  of  land  and  \2d,  of  rent  in  the  same  town  ; 
by  Geoffrey  Fraunceys,  a  cottage  there ; 

by  John  son  ot  Thomas  de  Stepyng,  9 J  acres  of  land  in  Pyncebek. 
These  messuages,  cottages  and  lands  are  of  the  yearly  value  of  20«.  as 
appears  by  the  inquisition.  Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  John  de  Moubray,  kinsman  and  heir 
of  Roger  de  Moubray,  of  a  charter,  dated  24  February,  36  Henry  III.  being 

?: : 

••  • 

•  • 

.  •  :  .  . 

•  * 

5  EDWARD  IIL— Part  I. 


1331.  Membrane  16 — cont. 

a  grant  to  the  said  Roger,  in  fee,  of  a  weekly  market  on  Tuesday,  and  a 
yearly  fair  on  the  vigil,  the  feast  and  the  morrow  of  the  Assumption  in  his 
manor  Hovyngham.     [Charter  Roll^  36  Henry  III.  M.  19.] 

March  22. 

AprU  9. 

March  22. 

April  12. 

April  18. 

April  1. 

Membrane  14. 

Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum,  for  Elizaheth  de  Burgo  to 
grant  to  thfi  prior  and  convent  of  Ely  in  frank  almoin  the  manor  of  Lakyng- 
heth  and  a  messuage  and  24  acres  of  land  in  the  town  of  Lakyngheth,  held 
in  chief,  in  return  for  a  rent  of  20/.  payable  to  her  and  her  heirs  for  ever. 

By  p.8. 

Licence  for  John  Eveiard  and  Alice  his  wife  to  enfeoff  Hugh  de 
Courtenay,  the  elder,  of  the  manor  of  Erode  Wyndesore,  co.  Dorset,  held 
in  chief,  and  for  him  to  re-grant  the  same  to  them,  for  their  lives. 

Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham.     By  fine  of  5  marks. 

Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  Thomas  Larcher,  sometime  prior,  and  the 
brethren  of  the  Hospital  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  in  England  to  Edward 
de  Sancto  Johanne  of  the  manor  of  Brokesbourne,  saving  the  lordship  and 
royalty  of  their  tenants  there,  with  wards,  reliefs  and  obits,  to  hold  for  life 
at  the  rent  of  10  marks  for  five  years,  and  of  dve  marks  for  the  remainder 
of  the  term.  By  fine  of  40^.     Southampton. 

Writ  of  aid  for  Adam  de  I^ymbergh  and  Hugh  de  Calce  appointed  by 
Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  the  Pope's  nuncio  and  collector  of  a  four 
yearly  tenth  from  the  clergy  of  England,  Ireland  and  Wales,  and  of  his 
first  fruits,  to  make  the  collection  in  Ireland.       Witness;  John  do  Eltham. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  le  Akurman  of  Ronge- 
ton  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Briweton  [Bruton],  in  pait  satisfaction  of  the 
10/.  in  land  and  rent  which  they  have  the  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of 
4  acres  of  land  in  Rongeton  held  of  the  priory  by  the  rent  of  12c/.,  and 
of  the  clear  yearly  value  of  2s.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition. 

Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

Prohibition  to  all  ecclesiastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation 
of  the  king's  presentation  of  Master  Thomas  de  Upton,  his  clerk,  to  the 
archdeaconry  of  Wells,  made  after  he  had  recovered  the  right  to  present 
against  Ralph,  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  in  the  court  pf  the  Bench. 

Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

Confirmation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr  by 
Dublin,  in  mortmain  of  the  following : — 

Grant  by  Milo  de  Rupe  Forti  of  the  advowsons  of  the  churches  of  Rill, 
Baliling',  KiUlrouth  and  Tristildelan,  and  of  the  lands  with  their  liberties 
and  free  customs  which  they  had  of  Thomas  de  Hereford  his  ancestor. 

Quit  claim  by  Nicholas  Auberey,  knight,  of  60  acres  of  land  in  Shenrath, 
and  of  a  rent  of  1  mark  due  thereout. 

The  like  by  John  de  Magne,  son  and  heir  of  Thomas  de  Magne,  of  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  Trevet,  and  of  the  presentation  to  the  vicarage 
of  that  church,  with  the  land  of  the  church  and  the  dwelling  house  of  the 
\'icar,  and  grant  by  the  same  of  the  tithes  of  the  produce  of  his  lands  and 
fields  carried  to  his  haggard,  bat  not  of  corn  growing  and  meadows  not 

Quit  claim  by  the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  Dublin  of  all  donations  to 
the  abbey  withiu  and  without  the  city,  and  the  close  of  the  abbey,  so  that 
the  mayor  and  commonalty  shall  not  be  able  to  use  or  claim  any  juris- 
diction over  the  abbot,  canons,  or  their  tenants,  saving  landgable  where 
it  ought  to  be  taken.  By  fine  of  20*.     Ireland. 



April  20. 


AprU  21. 

April  20. 

1331.  Membrane  14 — cotU, 

April  15.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  bj  Masters  John  de  Abyndon, 
Eltham.  William  de  Harjngton  and  Simon  de  Yiftele  to  Master  Robert  de  Trenge, 
the  warden,  and  the  scholars  of  Merton,  Oxford,  of  two  messuages,  two 
tofts,  2  acres  of  meadow  and  a  moietj  of  a  mill  in  Oxford  and  the  suburb, 
of  the  yearly  value  of  ZOs.  6d,  as  appears  by  the  inquisition,  in  part 
satisfaction  of  the  10/.  in  land  and  rent  which  the  warden  and  scholars 
have  the  king's  licence  to  acquire. 

Robert  de  Napton,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  Robert 
de  Grek'  of  Napton  and  WUliam  de  Merton  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for 
two  years. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Michaelmas  for  John  de  Bedeford,  appointed  a  pur- 
veyor for  the  household.  By  K. 

The  abbot  of  St.  Andrew's,  Verceil,  staying  beyond  seas,  has  letters 
nominating  Giles  de  Vercellis  and  Andrew  de  Yercellis,  canons  of  the 
monastery,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three  years.        By  fine  of  2  marks, 

John  de  Tiverington  and  Roger  de  Aslakby,  monks  of  St.  Mary's,  York, 
bringing  news  of  the  death  of  Alan,  their  abbot,  have  letters  of  licence  to 
elect  for  the  prior  and  convent.  By  K. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumusy  for  one  year,  for  Robert  de  Napton, 
knight,  going  to  Ireland. 

The  like  for  John  de  Morton,  *  suter.' 

The  like,  without  the  clause,  until  Michaelmas,  for  Henry  de  GFrey,  going 
beyond  seas. 

The  said  Henry  has  letters  nominating  Robert  de  Tolthorp  and  Greoffirey 
de  Brokhole,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  the  same  time. 

Ralph  de  Frechevyll  going  with  the  said  Henry  has  like  letters  nomi- 
nating Robert  de  Glapwell  and  Richard  de  Capenhurst. 

James  de  Audeleye  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago,  has  letters  nomi- 
nating Hugh  de  Kynebelle  and  Richard  de  Bogb,  his  attorneys  in  England 
for  two  years. 

Notification  to  Robert  de  Wodehous,  archdeacon  of  Richmond,  of  the 
revocation  of  the  late  presentation  of  Henry  de  Haydok,  king's  clerk,  to  the 
church  of  Ribbelcestre ;  Robert  de  Brustwyk,  king's  clerk,  having  repre- 
sented in  the  Chancery  that  he  was  presented  to  the  same  by  the  late  king. 


Ratification  of  the  estate  of  the  said  Robert  in  the  same  church. 

April  21.         Grant  for  life  to  Walter  de  Wyggemore,  the  king's  cook,  of  the  custody 
Wingham.     of  the  park  and  warren  of  Childerlangele.  By  p.s. 

April  22. 

April  21. 

April  21. 

April  10. 

April  6. 

Membrane  13. 

Prohibition  to  all  ecclesiastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation  of 
the  king's  presentation  of  Master  Robert  de  Ayleston,  his  clerk,  to  the 
prebend  of  Castre  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Lincoln,  pending  the  decision 
of  a  plea  entered  before  the  justices  of  Bench  between  the  king  and  Henry 
bishop  of  Lincoln  touching  ^e  same.  Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

The  like  directed  to  Gilbert  de  Chishull,  parson  of  the  church  of  Great 
Horkesle  in  the  diocese  of  London. 

April  1.  Appointment  of  John  de  Stonore  as  second  justice  of  the  Bench,  during 

Eltham.       pleasure.  By  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  de  Herle  and  the  other  justices  of  the 

5  EDWARD  ni Pabt  I. 



April  12. 


April  1. 

April  12. 

April  13. 

April  10. 

April  22. 

April  16. 
Pont  Ste. 

April  25. 

Membrane  13 — cofU. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  Adam  de  Dene  appointed  by  Arnold  Micol, 
during  pleasure,  as  his  deputy  in  his  office  of  chief  butler  in  the  port  of 
Portsmouth.  Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

John  Wyn,  in  the  port  of  Chichester. 

William  Chapman,  in  the  ports  of  Se£R>rd  and  Shorham. 

John  de  Housum,  in  the  ports  of  Chester,  Kaemarvan,  Conewaj,  and 

other  ports  of  North  Wales. 
Henrv  Dode  of  Pole,  in  the  ports  of  Pole  and  Warham. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Michaelmas  for  Thomas  de  Pidyngton,  appointed  a 
purveyor  for  the  household  of  Edward,  earl  of  Chester,  the  king's  first  bont 
son.  By  the  steward  of  the  earl's  household. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Richard  Dout,  '  porter.' 

John  Darderne,  clerk. 

Hugh  de  Astley. 

Robert  Ballard. 

Andrew  de  Boxton. 

Richard  Damoisel. 

Writ  of  aid  for  John  de  Housum  appointed  by  Arnold  Micol,  chief  butler, 
as  his  deputy  in  the  ports  of  Chester,  Kaemarvan,  Coneway,  and  other  ports 
of  North  Wales,  to  levy  for  the  king's  use  2*.  on  every  tun  of  wine  imported 
by  foreign  merchants.  Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 
[^Names  omitted,'] 

Appointment  of  Richard  son  of  John  Miniword,  king's  clerk,  to  the  custody 
of  the  smaller  part  of  the  seal  used  in  the  city  of  Hereford  for  recogni- 
sances of  debts  under  the  statute  of  merchants.     Witness ;  John  de  Eltham. 

Inspeximtis  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dated  12  December, 
31  Henry  III.,  being  a  grant  to  Theobald  de  Engleschevill,  tenant  of  the 
manor  of  Teynewyck,  for  life,  of  licence  to  assess  the  burgages  of  the  manor 
and  demise  them  at  pleasure,  and  to  let  the  waste  land  thereof. 

Witness ;  John  de  Eltham.     By  fine  of  20«.  paid  in  the  Hanaper. 

Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain 
by  Henry  le  Vavasour  to  the  'keeper  and  vicars  of  the  church  of  St.  Peter, 
York,  of  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  Friston  on  the  water  by  Ponte- 
fract,  held  in  chief  of  queen  Philippa  as  of  the  castle  and  honour  of 
Pontefract,  to  find  three  chaplains  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily,  two  in 
the  said  church  and  one  in  the  chapel  of  Haselwood  or  in  the  church  of 
Friston,  as  the  said  Henry  shall  appoint,  for  the  good  estate  of  him  and 
Constance,  his  wife,  in  life,  for  their  souls  after  death  and  for  the  souls  of  his 
father,  mother,  ancestors,  and  heirs  ;  and  further  to  celebrate  anniversaries 
in  the  church  of  St.  Peter  for  William  le  Vavasour,  his  father,  and  Nicholaa, 
his  mother,  during  his  life,  and  for  him  and  Constance,  his  wife,  after  his 
death.  By  fine  of  20  marks. 

Mandate  at  the  request  of  the  lord  of  Noiers  to  the  chancellor  or  keeper 
of  the  Great  Seal  for  the  time  being  to  collate  John  Clerc  son  of  Guiot  de 
Norey  to  the  first  void  prebend  in  the  church  of  St.  Wulfram,  Abbeville,  in 
the  king's  gift.  By  p.s. 

Confirmation  of  a  demise  by  Brian  de  Pampesworth,  parson  of  the 
church  of  Hoghton,  co.  Northampton,  to  Master  Henry  de  Clif,  canon  of 
Salisbury,  king's  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the  lands  in  Selton,  co.  Dorset ; 
Fisherton,  co.  Wilts ;  Pampesworth,  co.  Cambridge ;  and  Kaynho,  co. 
Bedford,  late  of  William  Saffrey,  of  Pampesworth,  with  the  marriage  of 




April  21. 

April  26. 

April  25. 

Membrane  13 — cont. 

Brian,  the  son  and  heir,  made  in  the  terms  of  the  grant  thereof  to  him  the 
said  Brian  by  the  late  king.  By  K. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Robert  de  Hungerford  to  the 
abbot  and  convent  of  Stanleye  of  a  messuage  in  Salisbury  for  a  chantry  to 
be  celebrated  yearly  in  the  abbey  on  the  anniversary  of  his  deaih. 

By  fine  of  20«. 

Grant  to  John  de  Wodehous,  king's  clerk,  of  the  chapel  in  Cliderhou 
Castle.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  de  Tatham,  keeper  of  the  Castle. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct  for  Mastei*  John  de  Molendinis,  clerk  to 
Peter  de  Crodonio,  the  king's  kinsman,  engaged  on  his  master's  business  in 
divers  parts  of  the  realm  and  in  Ireland.  By  K. 

March  30. 

April  16. 

April  14. 

April  12, 

April  1. 

Membrane  12. 

Licence  for  Robert  de  Bilkemore  and  Anastasia,  his  wife,  to  enfeoff 
John  de  Ellerker,  parson  of  the  church  of  Tid',  and  Alan  de  Someresham, 
of  the  manor  of  Westcourt  in  Shaldebum,  three  messuages,  a  mill,  two 
virgates  of  land,  200  acres  of  assart  land  and  200  acres  of  waste  land  in 
Wyke,  Wotton,  Middleton,  and  Bonecly  ve,  and  of  the  west  bailiwick  of  the 
office  of  forester  in  Savemake  Forest,  held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  re-grant 
the  same  to  Robert,  for  life,  with  remainders  to  Anastasia,  for  her  life,  to 
John  de  Illebone,  her  son,  in  fee  tail,  and  to  her  right  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  Thomas  de  Useflet,  clerk,  to  enfeoff  Richard  de  la  Bere  of 
two  parts  of  the  manor  of  Munestok,  held  in  chief,  and  of  the  reversion 
of  the  remaining  part  on  the  death  of  Sibyl,  wife  of  Henry  de  Pembrigge 
who  holds  it  for  life  as  dower.     Witness  ;  John  de  Eltham.     By  fine  of  40*. 

Acceptance  of  a  grant  by  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Keynesham,  who 
lately  acquired  in  mortmain  from  William  de  la  Grene  and  John  de 
Baggeworth  certain  lands  in  la  Beche,  parcels  of  their  manor  of  Hanam, 
held  by  the  service  of  rendering  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bath  an  ounce 
of  gold  as  a  relief  on  every  change  of  heir  or  other  tenant  of  the  lauds,  as 
appears  by  the  inquisition  taken  at  the  time,  that  they  will  pay  to  the  prior 
and  convent  a  relief  of  13*.  4d.  on  every  change  or  new  creation  of  an 
abbot  in  lieu  of  the  aforesaid  service. 

Witness;  John  de  Eltham.     By  fine  of  ^  mark.     Somerset. 

Anthony  de  Lucy,  going  to  Ireland  on  the  king's  service,  ban  letters 
nominating  Robert  Parnyng  and  Thomas  de  Hardegill  the  elder,  his 
attorneys  in  England  for  Uiree  years.  Witness ;  John  de  Eltham . 

Protection  with  clause  volumus,  for  one  year,  for  Peter  Tilliol,  knight, 
going  with  the  aforesaid  Anthony.  By  testimony  of  Anthony. 

The  like  for  the  following  :-— 
Hugh  de  Louthre 

John  de  Derwentwatre 
Alexander  de  Wjmdesore 
Robert  de  Haverington 
Hugh  de  Moriceby 
John  de  Penyton 
Robert  de  Bampton 
Adam  de  Bastenthwayt. 
Robert  Bery. 
John  de  Bampton. 
Nigel  de  Gigelswyk. 
William  de  BoyviU. 


5  EDWARD  ni.— Part  I.  105 

1331.  Membrane  12 — eont, 

Robert  de  RothiDgtou. 

Robert  de  Louthre. 

Robert  de  Wolselay. 

Matthew  de  Redeman. 

Ralph  de  Lamplogh. 

John  dc  WalkiDgham,  knight. 

John  Daunav 

Thomas  son  of  Thomas  de  Fetherstanhalgh. 

Roger  de  Redemayne. 

June  8.  Thomas  son  of  Walter  dc  Stirkelaud. 


May  12.  Hugh  de  Louthre. 

Hayering  atte 

April  25.         Hugh  de  Louthre,  knight,  going  with  Anthony  de  Lucy  as  above,  has 
Wingham.     letters  nominating  Thomas   de  Louthre  and  John  de  Haveryngton  his 
attorneys  in  England  for  two  years. 

April  20.         Exemption,  for  life,  of  Walter  de  Botheby  from  being  put  on  assizes, 
Wingham.     juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner, 
escheator,  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.      By  p.s. 
The  like  of  William  Bruly  of  Lodynton. 

March  23.        Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  to 

Westmmster.   the  keeper  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary's,  Leicester,  of  the 

advowHon  of  the  church  of  Duffeld  in  the  diocese  of  Coventry  and  Lichfield, 

held  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

•  April  23.        Protection  witli  clause  volumus,  until  All  Saints  Day,  for  Maiy  late  the 
Wingham.     wife  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  going  beyond  seas  on  the 
king's  service^  By  K. 

The  like  for  G^eoffrey  de  Gurmecestre  going  with  her. 

By  testimony  of  Mary. 
The  like  for  the  following  also  going : — 

Richard  de  Hanyngfeld,  parson  of  the  church  of  Sutton  Valence. 

John  Parys. 

Robert  de  Tolthorp. 

Robert  Fox. 

John  de  Kyngeston. 

John  le  Keu  of  Waltham. 

Adam  de  Grotene. 

Richard  de  Pykeryng,  parson  of  the  church  of  Hormade. 

Roger  de  Houtoft. 

Isabella  de  la  Mote. 

Robert  Chival. 

John  de  Brokesbourn. 

Thomas  de  Godereston. 

Nicholas  Rande. 

John  Gacelyn. 

Richard  de  Monte  Caniso. 

Robert  de  Wyuneferthyng,  parson  of  tho  church  of  Stanhou. 

Richard  de  Raundes. 

John  Gybet. 

John  de  Castro  Martini. 

Herman  de  Brikendene. 

Alexander  de  Synton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Sty vekey. 

Richard  de  Monte  Caniso,  going  beyond  seas  as  above,  has  letters  nomi- 
nating John  de  Blounville  and  Geoffrey  de  Brokhole  his  attorneys  in 
England  until  All  Saints  Day. 




Feb.  12. 

April  26. 


April  23. 

March  27. 

April  27. 

April  28. 
Stratford  atte 

April  1. 

AprQ  24. 

May  1. 


Membrane  12 — coni. 

Grant  to  Robert  de  Ufford,  during  pleasure,  of  the  houses  with  the 
gardens  and  other  appurtenances,  called  '  la  Bas  Court '  by  Crypelgate, 
London,  escheats  by  reason  of  the  rebellion  of  John  Mautravers.        By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Carminou  to  the  custody  of  the  castles  of 
Tremeton  and  Restormel,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  de  Botereaux,  steward  and  keeper  of 
the  king's  castles  and  manors  in  Cornwall. 

Richard  de  Hanyngfeld,  parson  of  the  church  of  Sutton  Valence,  going 
beyond  seas  on  the  kin^s  service  with  Mary  late  the  wife  of  Aymer  de 
Valencia,  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Bampton  his  attorney  in  England 
until  All  Saints  Day. 

Grant,  at  the  request  of  queen  Philippa,  to  Agnes  wife  of  John  Mau- 
travers the  younger  of  the  lands  assigned  to  her  as  dower  on  the  death  of 
John  de  Argentein,  sometime  her  husband,  and  those  whereof  she  was 
enfeoffed  jointly  with  John  de  Nerford,  her  late  husband,  all  which  were 
forfeited  to  the  king  by  reason  of  the  rebellion  of  the  said  John  Mautravers. 

By  K.  &  C. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  bailifis  and  good  men  of  Rokyng- 
ham  in  favour  of  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall,  to  whom  the  king  has 
granted  the  said  town,  in  respect  of  the  rents  and  other  services  due  by 

The  like  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Bromholm,  in  respect  of  a  rent 
of  20/.  payable  by  them  for  the  manor  of  Baketon,  co.  Norfolk. 

Mary  late  the  wife  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  going 
beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service,  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Rades- 
well  and  John  de  Sancto  Paulo  her  attorneys  in  England  until  All  Saints 

Rati6cation  of  the  estate  of  John  de  Micheldevre  as  parson  of  the  church 
of  Stevenach,  in  the  diocese  of  London,  on  the  collation  of  the  abbot  and 
convent  of  Westminster.  By  p,s. 

John  Gascelyn,  knight,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service  with  Mary 
late  the  wife  of  Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke,  has  letters  nominating 
Thomas  de  Middelton  his  attorney  in  England  until  All  Saints  Day. 

Appointment  of  John  de  la  Bataille,  king's  clerk,  as  second  chamber- 
lain of  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K.  &  C. 

April  22. 

Membranb  11. 

Grant  to  A.  bishop  of  Worcester  for  658/.  4x.  6d.  due  to  him  for  wages 
and  expenses  in  going  beyond  seas  several  times  on  the  king's  service,  as 
appears  by  an  account  drawn  up  in  the  Exchequer,  and  for  213/.  10;.  8c/. 
which  he  will  pay  into  the  Exchequer,  of  the  custody  of  the  manors  of 
Inteberg,  co.  Worcester,  Compton  Valence,  co.  Dorset,  and  Hamptonet  and 
Wobeldyng,  co.  Sussex,  now  in  the  king's  hands  by  reason  of  the  minority 
of  Laurence,  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Hastings,  tenant  in  chief,  as  well  as 
of  the  manor  of  Neweton,  co.  Southampton,  and  lands  in  Spene,  co.  Berks, 
which  came  to  the  said  Laurence  as  kinsman  and  one  of  the  heirs  of  Aymer 
de  Valencia,  late  earl  of  Pembroke,  all  which  are  extended  at  100/.  4«.  \\d.y 
to  hold  from  Easter  last,  with  all  that  pertains  to  the  Tcustody  (except 
knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches,  wards  and  marriages)  during  the  minority 
of  the  said  heir  ;  with  promise  to  indemnify  the  bishop  in  case  the  heir  die 
under  age  leaving  heirs  of  full  age  or  the  custody  to  be  taken  from  him  for 
no  fault  of  his.  By  bill  of  the  Treasurer. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 


1331-  Membrane  11 — cont. 

April  28.         Protection  for  one  year   for  Master  William  Skynnard,  dean   of  the 

Stratford  atte    church  of  St.  Carantoc  (Sancti  Carentori),  in  the  diocese  of  Exeter,  sent 

Bow.         \yy  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  the  Pope's  nuncio  and  collector  of  moneys 

bequeathed  for  the  Holy  Land  and  of  all  dues  of  the  Church  of  Bome  in 

England,  to  collect  the  same  in  the  dioceses  of  Exeter  and  Bath  and  Wells. 

April  24.         Presentation  of  John  de  Graystok  to  the  church  of  Lammays  in  the 
Wingham.     diocese  of  Bangor. 

Vacated  by  surrender, 

April  28.         The  like  of  Balph  de   Fincham  to  the  church  of  North  Lynn  in  the 
Stn^ord  atte  diocese  of  Norwich,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  a  late  voidance  of  the 
^'^'         ahbey  of  St.  Edmunds. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  otherwise  on  the  Patent  Roll  of  Q  Edward  III, 

April  28. 

April  28. 

March  29. 

April  29. 
Stratford  atte 

May  1. 


April  28. 

May  2. 

May  2. 

May  3. 

Havering  atte 

May  1. 



Dec.  20. 


Licence  for  John  son  of  John  de  Vienna  to  grant  to  Boger  Lysewy  of 
Salisbury,  Joan  his  wife,  and  his  heirs,  the  reversion  of  a  messuage,  161  acres 
of  land,  25  acres  of  meadow,  60  acres  of  pasture,  18  acres  of  wood,  and 
WOs,  ^\d.  in  rent  in  Estdeenc,  Lokerle  and  Holebury,  held  in  chief,  now  in 
the  tenure  of  John  de  Wyshawe  and  Elena  his  wife,  for  the  life  of  Elena. 

By  fine  of  2  marks.     Southampton. 


Protection  with  clause  rogamus  for  one  year  for  the  master  and  brethren 
of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary  Bethlehem  without  Bisshopesgate  in  the 
suburb  of  London,  and  their  attorneys,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches 
in  England,  Ireland  and  Wales.  The  king's  bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any 
unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Grant  to  John  de  Stafford  that  he  shall  retain  the  bailiwick  of  the 
serjeanty  of  Meath  in  Ireland,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of  Matthew 
Broun  who  held  the  same  in  fee,  instead  of  during  pleasure  only  as  lately 
granted  to  him.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  de  Leycestre,  king's  clerk,  of  the  office  of  summoner  in 
the  Exchequer  in  Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Balscote  as  chief  chamberlain  of  the  Exchequer 
in  Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K.  &  C. 

Roger  Hotoft,  going   beyond   seas   on   the  king's  service   with  Mary 

late  the   wife  of  Aymer    de   Valencia,   earl  of    Pembroke,   has    letters 

nominating  Nicholas  Hotofl  his  attorney   in  England   until   All   Saints 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  John  of  Brittany,  earl 
of  Richmond,  staying  beyond  seas. 

Appointment  of  William  de  Burton,  king's  clerk,  as  second  remembrancer 
in  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K. 

Licence  for  Agnes  late  the  wife  of  John  de  ISTeubynggyng,  tenant  in 
chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  of  the  king's  allegiance. 

By  fine  of  30^.     Cumberland. 

Licence  for  John  son  of  Gilbert  de  Mikelham  to  enfeoff  John  son  of  Adam 
de  Apperderle  and  John  son  of  John  de  Mikelham  the  younger  of  a 
messuage  and  2s.  Sd.  in  rent  in  Mikelham,  with  the  advowson  of  the  church 
of  that  place,  held  in  chief.  By  fine  of  20*.     Surrey. 

Grant  to  William  le  FitzWaryn  *  le  frere '  of  30/.  out  of  the  farm  of 
the  castle  of  Montgomery  in  Wales,  which  he  holds  at  farm  of  the  king, 
to  be  received  during  pleasure  or  until  other  provision  be  made  for  him. 





Membrane  11 — corU. 

May  5.  Appointment  of  Simon  de  Knolle  to  the  bailiwick  of  Totenhale  near 

Havering  atte   Lichfield,  during  good  behaviour. 

May  4. 

May  7. 

Havering  atte 


May  2. 


Protection  for  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary 
Magdalene  at  Boulogne  while  collecting  arrears  of  a  rent  of  20/.  due  from 
the  manor  of  Bouton,  co.  Kent. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Kirksted  of  the 
following  messuages,  lands  and  rent  in  augmentation  of  the  sustenance  of 
two  of  the  monks  celebrating  divine  service  daily  in  their  church  for  the 
souls  of  the  faithful  departed  : 

by  Alan  de  Qrymmescroft,  two  messuages,  25  acres  of  land,  8  acres  of 

meadow  and  9^.  in  rent  in  Holtham  and  Rughton  by  Marton ; 
by  William  de  Horncastre  of  Foletby,  seven  messuages  and  24  acres  of 

land  in  Horncastre,  Thimelby  and  Langeton ; 
by  Luke  Harald,  6  acres  of  meadow  and  44  acres  of  marsh  in  Blaun- 
keneyefen.  By  fine  of  10C«.     Lincoln. 

Ratification  in  Parliament  of  letters  patent  dated  22  February, 
3  Edward  III.,  being  a  pardon  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto  of  his  debts  to 
the  Crown.  By  K.  &  C 

April  22. 

April  4. 


April  26. 

April  22. 

Maj  8. 

Havering  atte 


Apiil  28. 

April  22- 

Membrane  10. 

Thomas  de  Wyntryngham,  clerk,  going  to  Ireland  with  Adam  de 
Lymbergh,  king's  clerk,  the  chancellor  of  Ireland,  has  letters  nominating 
Simon  de  Wyntryogham  and  Stephen  de  Duddeleye  his  attorneys  in  England 
for  one  year. 

Herbert  de  Gresseby  also  going  has  like  letters  nominating  Richard  de 
Somerby,  parson  of  the  church  of  Berkeswell.  By  testimony  of  Adam. 

Protection  with  clause  volumtis,  until  midsummer,  for  Thomas  West 
going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  p.s. 

John  prior  of  Lanthony  Prima  in  Wales,  staying  in  that  country,  has 
letters  nominating  Robert  de  Rufibrd  and  John  Payn  his  attorneys  in 
Ireland  for  two  years. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus^  for  one  year,  for  the  prior  of  Bergeveny. 

The  like  for  the  abbot  of  Deulacres. 

The  like  for  two  years  for  the  following : — 

John  de  Quengou,  parson  of  the  church  of  Ledenham. 

Roger,  parson  of  the  church  of  St.  Edmund,  North  Lynn. 

The  prioress  of  Chesthonte. 

William  de  Leycestre,  parson  of  the  church  of  Chynnore. 

Thomas  de  Rasen,  parson  of  the  church  of  Malteby. 
The  like  for  one  year  for  the  following :— . 

John  Grobaud,  knight. 

John  de  Norton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Great  Bradeleye. 

Thomas  Robert  of  Shaldewell  of  Shaldford. 

John  le  Walssh,  parson  of  the  church  of  Shire. 

Presentation  of  Hugh  de  Eboraco  to  the  church  of  Roscrouther,  in  the 
diocese  of  St.  Davids,  in  the  kin^^'s  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the 
lands  and  heir  of  John  de  Hastynges,  tenant  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Revocation  of  the  late  grant  to  Richard  Oweyn  of  the  prebend  of 
Alvetheleye  in  the  free  chapel  of   St.  Mary  Magdalen,  Bruggenorth,  on 

5  EDWARD  III— Part  I. 


April  24. 

April  22. 

April  28. 

April  25. 

1331.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

evidence  produced  in  the  Chancery  by  Master  William  le  Brun,  king's 
clerk,  that  he  holds  the  same  by  collation  of  £dward  I.  made  thirty  years 
ago.  By  C. 

Exemption,  for  lifci  of  William  Osword  of  Thanet  from  being  put  on 
assizes,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  sheriff,  coroner  or 
other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  K. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Staunford,  king's  clerk,  rector  of  Little 
Greddyng  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln  to  the  church  of  Swannescombe  in  the 
diocese  of  Rochester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands 
and  heir  of  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  tenant  in  chief ;  on  an  exchange  of 
benefices  with  William  Cros. 

Grant  to  William  Danvers  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  rider  in  the  forest 
of  Dene,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Appointment  of  Peter  de  Sorviller  to  the  custody  of  the  castle  and  baili- 
wick of  Cressy  in  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Eatification  of  the  estate  of  Gilbert  de  Shepton,  king's  clerk,  as  parson 
of  the  church  of  Crych,  in  the  diocese  of  Bath  and  Wells,  on  the  collation 
of  the  prior  and  convent  of  Montacute.  By  K. 

Joan  daughter  of  William  de  Dublin,  staying  in  England,  has  letters 
nominating  William  de  Bydewalle  and  Robert  de  Rydewalle  her  attorneys 
in  Ireland  for  one  year. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  John  de  Eccleshale  as  parson  of  the  church 
of  Overton,  in  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  on  the  collation  of  John  bishop 
of  the  diocese.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Stonele  for  acquiring  in  mortmain, 
without  licence,  a  messuage  and  land  from  each  of  Ihe  following,  Robert 
Frankeleyn,  Henry  de  Walburlee,  Nicholas  Malyn,  Margaret  *  of  tlie  Lo 
Mulne'  and  John  Moys,  land  from  Richard  Godehody,  a  messuage  and 
land  from  William  de  la  Sale,  a  messuage  and  land  from  Simon  Roberti,  a 
messuage  from  William  de  Thomhale,  a  messuage  and  land  from  William 
Fosaunt,  a  messuage  from  William  Payne,  land  from  Robert  de  War- 
rewyk,  16cf.  in  rent  from  Richard  de  Alemannia,  a  messuage  and  land 
from  Stephen  de  Burchyngbury,  a  messuage  and  land  from  Thomas 
Osborn,  land  from  Thomas  de  Fynham,  from  Thomas  Hog,  from  Susanna 
Dalyan,  from  Margery  de  Balscote,  and  from  Robert* of  the  Hulle,'  a 
messuage  and  land  from  Alice  Underwode,  land  from  Richard  de  Daddele, 
from  Roger  Goupil,  and  from  John  de  la  Hulle,  a  messuage  and  land  from 
Alice  de  Bachus,  a  messuage  and  land  from  William  Persone  and  a  messuage 
and  land  from  Simon  Underwode,  all  in  Stonele,  a  messuage,  land  and  rent 
from  Michael  de  la  More,  in  Stonele  and  Cobynton  and  a  messuage  from 
John  Heryng  of  Lillynton,  another  from  Robert  Sachel,  land  from  Geoffrey 
1q  Tippere  and  from  Robert  Fautard,  in  Birycote  ;  and  licence  for  them  to 
retam  the  same,  which  (exclusive  of  the  rents)  are  of  the  yearly  value  of 
4/.  Is,  3d,,  as  appears  by  the  inquisition,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  land 
and  rent  to  the  yearly  value  of  30/.  which  they  had  licence  from  the  late 
king  to  acquire. 

Annexation  of  Chirk  in  Wales,  which  has  escheated  to  the  king  by  the 

Wertminstcr.  forfeiture  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  to  the  Crown  for 

ever.  By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  200  marks. 

{^Feeder  a,^ 

Apr.  81  {sic)       Appointment  of  William  de  Crokesle  to  the  oflSce  of  porter  and  parker  of 

Havering  atte  Tremeton,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 


April  23. 

April  4. 

April  22. 

March  24. 




M&j  3. 


AprU  22. 

April  12. 
Pont  Ste. 

May  5. 

Havering  atte 


Membrane  10 — cant. 

Grant  to  John  de  Stafford  of  the  office  of  usher  of  the  Exchequer  in 
Dublin,  during  good  behaviour.  By  K. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Staunford  to  the  church  of  Swannescombe  in 
the  diocese  of  Rochester  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the 
lands  and  heir  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  tenant  in  chief.  By  K. 

Mandates  to  the  escheators  on  this  side  and  beyond  Trent  for  restitu- 
tion of  the  temporalities  in  England  of  the  see  of  Rouen  to  Peter,  the  arch- 
bishop, who  has  done  fealty  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Presentation  of  Thomas  de  Staunton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Swell 
in  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  to  the  church  of  Banham  in  the  diocese  of 
Norwich,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  St.  Mary's 
Abbey,  York,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Robert  de  Cave.        By  p.s. 

April  26. 

April  28. 

Stratford  atte 


March  28. 

May  2. 


April  26. 

May  1. 

April  28. 

May  5. 

Havering  atte 


Membrane  9. 

Acceptance  of  a  demise  by  the  executors  of  Robert  de  Monte  Alto  to 
Hugh  son  and  heir  of  John  de  Sancto  Johanne  of  Basyng,  tenant  in  chief, 
of  the  custody,  during  his  minority,  of  the  lands  of  the  said  John  which 
Robert  held  by  grant  from  the  king  at  a  yearly  rent,  with  the  knight's 
fees,  advowsons  of  churches  and  other  appurtenances,  and  grant  that  the 
said  Hugh  shall  hold  the  same  without  rendering  any  rent.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Hugh  prior  of  Holy  Trinity,  York,  going  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nomi- 
nating John  de  Carleton,  clerk,  and  Richard  de  Bketon,  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Molyns,  king's  yeoman,  for  entering  Nottingham 
Castle  with  others  armed,  and  being  present  when  Roger  de  Mortuo  Marl, 
late  earl  of  March,  was  arrested,  and  for  adherence  to  the  Despensers ; 
with  general  pardon.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  Henry  de  Chaucombe  to  enfeoff  Richard  atte  Purye,  parson 
of  the  church  of  Bereford  St.  Martin,  and  Richard  de  FamhuU  of  a 
messuage,  100  acres  of  land,  and  4  acres  of  meadow  in  Bereford  St.  Martin, 
and  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  forester  of  Gravel e,  co.  Wilts,'  which 
are  held  in  chief,  and  for  them  to  regrant  the  same  to  him,  for  life,  with 
successive  remainders  to  William  Peverell,  and  Edith  his  wife,  for  their 
lives,  to  Henry  Peverell,  in  fee  tail,  to  John  Peverell,  in  fee  tail,  and  to  the 
right  heirs  of  the  aforesaid  William.  By  fine  of  2  marks.     Wilts. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  William  la  Zousche  of  Har- 
3rngworth  to  the  keeper  and  chaplains  of  St.  Peter's  chapel,  Elirkeby  on  the 
Wrethek,  of  the  advowson  of  two  parts  of  the  church  of  Clipston. 

By  fine  of  20s. 

The  like  by  Walter  de  Borughton,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Herdyngton,  of 
a  messuage,  mill,  an  acre  of  land  and  5  acres  of  meadow  in  Wikerisyndon, 
to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of  St.  Mary, 
Borughton,  for  the  souls  of  the  said  Walter  and  his  ancestors. 

By  fine  of  50s,     Gloucester. 

Ratification  of  an  assignment  by  Stephen,  archbishop  of  Armagh,  to 
Master  Simon  Gtjrnon,  for  life,  of  a  yearly  pension  of  100*.,  out  of  the 
church  of  Staghbanon,  the  same  having  been  made  with  the  consent  of  John 
de  Bermyngham,  the  patron,  and  Master  Reymond  de  Bermyngham,  the 
parson  of  the  church.  By  fine  of  1  mark.     Ireland. 

Licence  for  John  of  Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond,  to  grant  for  life  to  Mary 
de  Sancto  Paulo,  countess  of  Pembroke,  the  castles,  towns,  manors  and 
lands  which  he  holds  in  chief  in  England.  By  K. 

5  BDWAED  ni.— Part  L  111 

1331.  Membrane  9 — cont. 

May  4.  Protection   until   the   feast  of  St.   Peter  ad  Vincula  for  Greoffrey   de 

Havering  atte  Keteleston,  and  his  servants  in  carrying  out  a  licence  from  the  king  to 
Bower.        export  a  thousand  quarters  of  heans  beyond  seas  and  make  profit  thereof. 


March  6.         Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Tavistock  that  they  may  retain  in 

Croydon,      mortmain  the  church  of  Whitchurch,  the  advowson  whereof  was  granted 

to  them  by  Walter  Ijabbe,  with  the  licence  of  Ekiward  I.,  and  which  was 

then  appropriated  to  them  by  Thomas  sometime  bishop  of  Exeter  with  the 

consent  of  the  dean  and  chapter.  By  fine  of  10/. 

April  31.         Exemption   for  life   of  Richard  de  Clodeshale  of  Bermyngeham  from 

Havering  atte   being  put  on  assizes,  juries,  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as 

Bower.       mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  ndnister  of  the  king,  against  his 

will.  By  p.8. 

April  30.         Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent,  dkted  5  December,  22 

Havering  atte   Edward  I.,  being  a  grant  to  the  prior  and  canons  of  St.  Mary's,  Carlisle, 

Bower.        ^f  ^i^jj^g  i^^  Inglewood  Forest.  By  p.8. 

May  6.  Pardon,  at  the  request  of  the  lord  of  Sully,  to  John  de  Maeute  for 

Havermge  atte  breaking  out  of  prisons  in  England.  By  K. 


May  8.  Roger  de  Criketot,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  John  de 

Havering  atte  la  Mountayne,  his  attorney  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

May  10.         Exemplification  of  letters  patent,  dated  8  August,  13  Edward  II.,  being 
Havering  atte  a  grant  to  Bertrand  de  Asserio,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Bedewynd 
Bower.       j^  ^]jg  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury. 

May  6.  Exemption  for  life  of  John  de  Eland,  knight,  from  being  put  on  assizes, 

Havering  atte  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  escheator,  sheriff. 

Bower.       coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.         By  p.s. 

Mbmbranb  8. 

May  6.  Protection  with  clause  nolumus  until  Michaelmas  for  John  de  Crumbewell 

Havering  atte  going  on  pilgrimage  beyond  seas.  By  K. 


Feb.  7.  Appointment  of  William  le  Waferer  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  king's  laund  of 

Langley.      Benyfeld  in  Rockingham  Forest,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

May  2.  Pardon  to  the  burgesses  of  Drogheda  in  the  part  of  Meath  of  60  marks 

Dartford.      out  of  the  farm  of  their  town  for  repair  of  the  bridge  there,  to  be  allowed 

at  the  Exchequer  in  Dublin  by  instalments  of  20  marks  in  each  of  the  next 

three  years.  By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  the  burgesses  of  Drogheda  in  the  part  of  Uriel. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  otherwise  below, 

lA&Y  9.  Thomas  de  Ponynges  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating  John 

Havering  atte  Peverel  and  David  de  Baldock  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

^^«'-  By  p.B. 

April  30.  Notification  of  the  record  of  a  cause  between  Edward  I.  and  Adam,  then 
Havering  atte  prior,  and  the  convent  of  St.  Mai^,  Carlisle,  tried  at  Carlisle  before  William 
Bower.  ^q  Vescy,  Thomas  de  Norman vill,  and  Hichard  de  Creppinges,  justices  in 
eyre  of  the  forest,  on  Saturday  the  morrow  of  All  Souls,  13  Edward  I.,  on 
a  writ  of  qiw  warranto,  touching  the  following  liberties  in  Inglewood 
Forest,  common  of  pasture  in  right  of  their  church  for  the  defendants  and 
their  tenants  within  the  metes  of  the  forest,  tithes  of  venison  and  of  hay. 


1331.  Membrane  8 — cont 

pannage,  aftcr-pannage,  agistment  of  foals,  calves,  lambs,  swine,  ^oats  and 
other  animals  ;  also  of  fish  taken  in  the  lake  of  Temwathelan,  called  *  Lajke 
brnit,'  the  hides  of  all  beasts  found  dead  by  the  foresters,  the  right  to  hunt 
the  hare  and  fox  with  their  hounds  without  the  covert,  that  their  hounds  be 
quit  of  expeditation,  the  right  to  a  charcoal  burner  to  make  charcoal  for 
them  of  all  dead  wood  in  the  frrass,  and  to  such  oaks  thrown  down  by  the 
wind  as  they  and  their  servants  can  before  others  mark  by  an  axe  stroke  to 
the  core,  all  which  the  said  prior  and  convent  claimed  by  immemorial  usage 
producing  a  horn  which  they  said  was  given  with  the  liberties  by  Henry  [I.], 
the  founder  of  their  housp;  and  of  a  writ,  dated  7  February,  14  Edward  I., 
to  the  aforesaid  justices  of  the  forest,  directing  that  the  prior  and  convent 
were  to  be  permitted  to  have  the  said  liberties,  saving  only  oaks  thrown 
down  by  the  wind.  By  p.s. 

May  2.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Peter  de  Ludyngton,  king's 

Dartford.      clerk,  of  two  messuages,  a  toft  and  four  and  a  half  bovates  of  land  in  Roxby 

to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  Roxby  church  for  the  good 

estate  of  the  said  Peter  in  life,  for  his  soul  after  death,  and  for  the  souls 

of  his  father,  mother,  and  other  ancestors.  By  fine  of  20s.     Lincoln. 

May  8.  The  like,  after  inquisition  ctd  quod  damnum^  by  John  de  Cmmbewell 

Havenng  atte  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Newstead  in  Shirewod,  of  40  acres  of  arable 

Bower.       jj^jj^  jn  a  place  called  Bardeley  within  the  hay  of  Lyndeby,  with  68  acres 

of  waste  land  within  the  same,  the  whole  being  in  Shirewod  Forest  and 

held  at  a  rent  payable  at  the  Exchequer.  By  fine  of  20^.     Nottingham. 

May  12.         Thomas  de  Walpol,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  John 
Havering  atte  de  Fynegal  and  John  de  Munstreworth,  his  attorneys  in  Ireland,  for  two 
Bower.       years. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Master  Vincent  de  Tarenta, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Everle,  to  the  minister  and  friars  of  the  Order  of 
the  Holy  Trinity,  Eeiton,  of  an  acre  of  land  in  Tidecombe  Huse  with  the 
advnwson  of  the  church  of  that  town,  and  for  them  io  appropriate  the 
church.  By  fine  of  100*.     Wilts. 

May  8.  Ratification  of  a  grant   by  Thomas,  earl  of  Norfolk,  the   marshal,   to 

Havenng  atte  Richard  de  Grey  of  Codpnouere  of  the  manor  of  Segrave,  co.  Leicester, 
Bower.  p^^  of  the  lands  late  of  Stephen  de  Segrave,  tenant  in  chief,  granted  to  the 
earl  by  letters  patent,  dated  3  May,  1  Edward  III.,  to  hold  during  the 
minority  of  John,  the  son,  or  other  heir  of  the  said  Stephen  with  the 
reversion  of  the  dower  lands  of  Christiana  de  Segrave  within  the  said 
manor  when  they  shall  fall  in. 

May  10.  Licence  for  Robert  de  Heppale  to  enfeoff  Thomas  Stiward,  chaplain,  of 
Havering  atte  204  acres  of  land,  9  acres  of  meadow,  60  acre3  of  wood,  a  moiety  of  a  mill 
Bower.  ^nd  a^  eighth  part  of  another  mill  in  Great  Tossan  and  Nether  Tirwhite, 
of  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Heppale,  and  of  a  knight's  fee  in  Little  Tossan, 
Flote,  Wayton,  Warton,  and  Over  Tirwhite,  and  of  the  advowson  of  a 
moiety  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  Alribourn,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him 
to  regrant  the  same  to  the  said  Robert  for  life  with  remainders  to  Robert  de 
Oggle  and  Joan,  his  wife,  in  tail,  and  to  the  right  heirs  of  the  said  Robert 
de  Heppale.  By  fine  of  100*.     Northumberland. 

May  13.  Pardon  to  John  de  Grimestede  of  a  fine  10/.  wherein  he  was  amerced  for 

Havering  atte  causing  trees  of  that  value  to  felled  in  his  wood  of  Grimestede,  then  within 

Bower.        h^q  metes  of  Claryndon  Forest,  tx)wards  payment  of  his  ransom  of  100 

marks  when  taken  prisoner  by  the  Scots  at  Stnvelyn  in  the  late  king's 

reign.  By  p.s. 

May  10.         Protection  and  safe  conduct,  during  pleasure,  for  John  Taket  going  to 

Havenng  atte   the  duchy  [of  Aquitaine]  on  business. 

5  EDWARD  HI.— I»ABT  I. 



Membrane  8 — coni. 

May  8.  Pardon  to  Adam  do  Slicnton  for  the  death  of  Aflam  dc  Wytynjeton,  as  it 

H»^"ff  *tto  appears  by  the  n?conl  of  Kobeit  <lo  Thorpe  an<l  John  de  Boyvul,  justices 

Bower.  appointed  to  deliver  the  gaol  of  Northampton  Castle,  that  he  kUled  him  in 
self  defence. 

Ma^  13.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  atte  Water  to  the 

HftTenngatto  minister  and  Friars  Minors  of  two  messuages  and  6  acres  of  land   in 

lk>wer.  Maidonstane,  to  build  an  oratory  and  dwelling  place  there.                    By  p3. 


May  4.  Appointment  of  Henry,  bishop  of  St.  Davids  to  the  custody  of  the  manor 

Dartford.  and  land  of  La  Newehousc,  escheats  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of  Roger 
de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  which  are  held  of  the  hishop  by  a  yearly 
service  of  8  marks  and  are  of  the  yearly  value  of  7 1^.2^ J.,  as  appears  by 
inquisitions  and  extents  taken  first  by  Gilbert  Talbot,  justice  of  South 
Wales,  and  afterwards  by  John  GiflTord  his  deputy.  He  is  to  retain  the 
same  until  the  next  Parliament  rent  free  in  recompence  of  the  said  servioei 
unless  the  kinn:  order  otherwise  in  the  meantime. 

Feb.  16. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  tenants  of  the  manors  of  Halton, 
Horblyng,  Scarthow,  Saltfleteby  and  Le  Frith  and  of  the  castle  and  manor 
of  Bolyngbrok,  co.  Lincoln,  in  respect  of  their  homages,  fealties,  rents, 
and  services  due  to  Ebulo  Lestraunge  and  Alesia  his  wife,  the  king  having 
granted  the  premises  to  them  and  the  heirs  of  Ebulo  in  enlargement  of  a 
grant  thereof  to  them  by  the  late  king  for  the  life  of  Alesia. 

May  1.  Pardon  to  William  de  Brannfeld  of  London,  skinner,  of  his  outlawry  in 

Stratford  atte    the  county  of  Essex  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench 

^^*         to  answer  touching  a  plea  of     trespass    of    Richard  Charman    against 

Thomas  son  of  John  de  Claveryng  of  Alvethele,  John  his  brother  and  the 

said  William. 

April  30. 

April  22. 

May  2. 

May  3. 


May  5. 

Havering  atte 



Havering  atte 


Acceptance  of  a  grant.  Tor  life,  by  letters  patent,  dated  1  February, 
.3  Edward  HI.,  to  Ralph  Chyvaler,  king's  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the 
hospital  of  St.  Nicholas  without  Carlisle.  By  p.s. 

Licence,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  Robert  dc  Dittono  to 
close  a  way  leading  to  Waleton  and  Certeseye  for  the  enlargement  of  bis 
dwelling  house  in  Tamyse  Dittone  on  condition  that  be  make  on  his 
own  land  a  like  way  equally  convenient  for  public  use. 

By  fine  of  \  mark.    Surrey. 

Pardon  to  Walter  de  Glastenbury  for  the  death  of  John  Rande  *  hakenay- 
man '  of  Southampton,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  John  de  Bousser  and 
his  fellows,  justices  of  the  late  king  appointed  to  deliver  Neugato  gaol| 
that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

Pardon  to  Henry  de  Mortimer  for  acquiring  in  fee  from  John  de  Peyto 
100  acres  of  land  in  Wottone  in  Claverleye,  co.  Salop,  said  to  be  held  in 
chief)  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and  restitution  to  him  of  the 
same  which  had  been  taken  into  the  king's  hands  on  account  of  the  trespass. 


The  like  to  William  le  Chaumbrelein  and  Felicia  his  wife  for  a  like 
trespass  in  acquiring  from  John  de  Mohun  a  messuage  and  30  acres  of 
land  in  Karampton,  co.  Somerset.  By  pA 

Appointment  of  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  for  service  to  the  king  as  well 
beyond  seas  as  on  this  side,  to  the  custody,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of 
Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  tenant  in  chief,  of  the  manor  of  Camel  with 
the  i)ark,  the  manor  and  town  of  Somerton  with  the  hundred  of  Somerton, 
the  warren  and  pasture  of  Kyngesniorc,  the  mauor  of  Kyngesbury  with  the 

U    65658. 



1331.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

rent  of  assise  of  Melbourncport,  the  hundred  of  Horethorn  and  a  rent 
of  20/.  payable  by  (be  prior  and  convent  of  Bath  for  the  towns  of  Baa  and 
-Berton.  By  K.  &  C. 

May  4.  Grant  to  Edmund  Bacun  of  the  custody,  during  minority  of  the  heir 

JBtowep**^*  ^^  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  tenant  in  chief,  of  the  manor  of  Beseby  and  soke 

of  Waltham,  saving  knights'  fees,  advowsons  of  churches,  wards,  marriages 

and  escheats.  By  K.  &  C. 

May  6.  Grant,  for  a  fine  of  70  marks,  to  Joan  late  the  wife  of  John  de  Pabeham, 

Swer"*^   tenant  in  chief,  of  the  custody,  during  minority  of  John  the  heir,  of  two 

parts  of  her  late  husband's  lands,  extended  as  of  the  yearly  value  of  4/.  4d. 

and  two  parts   of  a  halfpenny,  with  the  marriage  of  the  said  heir,  but 

not  knights'  fees  and  other  royalties.  By  bill  of  the  Treasurer. 

May  8.  Licence,  at  the  request  of  Edward  de  Bonn,  the  king's  kinsman,  for 

^*^fjj°«f  »**«  Isabella  late  the  wife  of  George  Meriete,  tenant  in  chief,  to  marry  John  de 

Uower.       Kyrketon.  By  p.s. 

May  6.  Pardon  to  Walter  de  Bampton  *  lo  uncle '  for  the  abduction  of  Isabella 

Hayering  atte  late  the  wife  of  Walter  de  Plumknd.  By  p.8. 

Bo^er.  'pjjg  ijjjQ  ^  j^Yin  son  of  Robert  de  Bampton. 

May  7.  Appointment  of  Simon  Fitz  Richard  as  second  justice  of  the  Bench  in 

Havering  atte   Dublin,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  &  C, 

Bower.  »  o  r  j 

May  8.  Protection  with  clause  nolumtiSy  for  one  year,  for  Robert  de  Haldeuby*' 

Havering  atte 

May  2.  Grant  to  William  de  Monte  Acuto,  for  service  to  the  king  as  well  beyond 

Dartford.      seas  as  on  this  side  and  for  dangers  incurred  in  relief  of  the  king's  estate, 

and   with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  that  he  shall  retain,  for  life,  by  the 

rent  of  a  rose  at  Midsiunmer,  the  manor  of  Werk  upon  Tweed  as  granted 

to  him  by  letters  patent  on  15  April,  3  Edward  III. 

By  K.  &  C. 

May  5.  Licence  for  Robert  do  Pavely  to  enfeoff  Nicholas  Tryvet  and  Nicholas 

Havering  atte  de  Ledred  of  the  manor  of  BykenhuU,  co.  Somerset,  held  in  chief,  and  for 

Bower.        them  to  rc-grant  the  same  to  him  and  Alice  his  wife,  for  their  lives,  with 

remainders  to  John  son  of  William  de  Stapelton  and  Cicely  his  wife  in  fee 

tail  and  to  the  right  heirs  of  Robert.  By  fine  of  ^  mark. 

May  12.         Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  de  Billyngburgh  of  a 

Havering  atto  toft  and  84  acres  of  land  in  Croft  and  Thorp  by  Waynflet  to  two  chaplains 

Bower.        ^q  celebrate  divine  service  daily  at  the  altai*  of  St.  Elena  in  the  chapel  of 

St.  Elena,  Croft  by  Waynflet,  for  the  soul  of  the  said  Henry,  afler  death, 

and  for  the  souls  of  his  father,  mother  and  ancestors.  By  fine  of  10/. 

Membrane  6. 

May  7.  Licence  for  Thomas  Golafre  the  elder  to  enfeoflT  Thomas  Golafre  the 

Havering  atte  younger  of  the  manor  of  Cercedene,  co.  Oxford,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him 
Bower.       ^  re-grant  the  same  to  the  grantor,  Joan  his  wife  and  William  GolafrCi 
for  their  lives,  with  remainder  to  the  right  heirs  of  Thomas  the  elder. 

By  p.s. 

May  3.  Protection  with  clause  nolumuSj  for  one  year,  for  Robert  de  Newerk, 

Dartford.      clerk. 

The  like  for  the  following  :— 
William  Gk>uk  of  Athelyngfietc. 

Gilbert  de  Ebor',  parson  of  the  church  of  Ravenyngham,  for   two 

6  EDWARD  III.— Part  I.  116 

1331.  Membrane  6 — cont, 

Henry  do  Thorp,  parson  of  the  church  of  Brom,  for  two  years. 

The  abbot  of  Louth  Park. 

Hugh  de  Mareny,  parson  of  the  church  of  Northton  by  Bury  Sti 

Edmunds,  for  two  years. 
Jolin  de  Ellerker  the  younger. 
Thomas  de  Wylughby  of  Somercotea. 
Margaret  kte  the  wife  of  Robert  do  Wylughby. 
Alan  de  Sutton. 

Rouland  Troweunard  of  Bristol,  for  two  years. 
Master  Henry  de  Cantuaria,  for  two  years. 
John  de  Celer  of  Bristol. 
John  do  Hemyngburgh,    parson    of    a   moiety  of  the  churches  of 

Middelton  and  Colyntre. 
Adam  son  of  William  de  Wysebech. 
Thomas  do  Baumburgli,  keeper  of  the  hospital  of  Boulton,  who  is 

constantly  attendant  on  the  king's  busines.%  for  two  years. 

March  22.  Pardon  to  Thomas  Laurence  de  la  More  and  Isabella  his  wife  for  acquiring 
Wesiminjter.  for  themselves  and  the  heirs  of  Thomas  from  John  Laurence  do  la  More, 
his  father,  a  messuage,  two  canicates  of  land,  30  acres  of  meadow,  12  acres 
of  pasture,  a  grore  called  *  Hapse '  and  3U.  \\\(L  m  rent,  in  Little  Haddon, 
in  the  parish  of  Bampton,  with  the  homages  and  services  of  the  free  and 
customary  tenants,  the  villeins  and  their  issues  and  all  other  appurtenances, 
held  as  of  the  manor  of  Bampton,  part  of  the  ancient  demesne  of  the  Crown, 
which  had  previously  been  acquired  in  fee  simple  by  the  said  John  from 
John  de  Haddon,  to  whom  they  lia<l  been  re-granted,  after  surrender,  by 
Aymer  de  Valencia  late  earl  of  Pembroke,  to  hokl  in  fee  simple  by  certain 
services  contained  in  the  deed  of  grant,  without  the  licence  of  the  king's 
progenitors  or  of  the  king  having  been  obtained  for  any  of  the  aforesaid 
transfers;  and  licence  for  them  to  retain  the  premises.  By  fine  of  10*. 

Ma^  6.  Grant  to  the  good  men  of  Cosyngton  and  Rotlicle,   co.  Loii^estor,  of 

Have  nog  atte  pontage  for  four  years  on  wares  passing  over  the  bridge  across  the  Sore  in 
Bowor.        ^j^Q  king's  highway  between  their  towns,  for  repair  of  the  paid  bridge. 


May  8.  Gift  to  Thomas  de  Bradestan,  in  enlargement  of  a  lale  gnint  to  him  of 

llaveriiig  atte  the  custody  of  the  manoi*H   of  Lc^chelade,  Bardt»sle   and  hJudyngton,  co. 

Jiower.        Gloucester,  late  of  Edmund,  earl  of  Kent,  of  the  winter  corn  growing  in  the 

lands  of  those  manors.  By  p.s. 

May  6.  Liccnco  for  John  de  Sudle  to  enfeoff  John  de  Staunton  of  40  acrev  of 

HaveriDg  atte  meadow  in  Sudle,  held  in  chief.  By  fine  of  \  mark.     Gloucester. 


May  12.  William  de  Chorleton,  Katherine  his  wife  and  Margaret  wife  of  John  de 

Havering  atto  Ansey,  Eleanor,  Elena  and  Joan,  sisters  of  Katherine,  staying  in  England, 

Bower.        ji^ve  betters  nominating  the  said  John  their  attorney  in   Ireland  for  two 


May  10,         Pardon  to  the  burgessea  of  Drogheda  in  the  part  of  Meath,  in  cunsidera- 

Havering  otte  tion  of  their  costly  labours  in  the  servicp  of  the  king  and  of  his  progenitorsi 

Bower.        ^f  ^  fi^e  of  100  marks  made  to  the  king  for  lib(;rti(»s  granted  to  them,  as 

well  as  of  (50  marks  out  of  their  farm  to  be  applied   in  repriirinar  their 

bridge.     The  latter  sum  is  to  be  allowed  thrni  when  paying  their  farm  at 

the  Exchequer  in  Dublin  by  the  deduction  of  20  nrirks  iu  each  of  the  three 

next  years.  By  K.  &  C* 

The  like  to  the  burgesses  of  Drogheda  in  the  pirt  of  Uriel. 

May  8.  Appointment  of  Nicholas  de  Dernefonl,  for  sftrvice  to  the  late  king  and 

fiaveriiig  Atte  the  king,  as  master  of  the  works  in  the  king's  castles  in  South  Wales,  with 

^^^xmtt*       daily  wages  of  12rf.  to  be  paid  by  the  chamberlain  there,  during  good 

behaviour.  By  K« 



1331«  Membrane  6^-cont. 

May  14.         John  Preche,  knight,  going  beyond  scaft,  has  lelters  nominating  Thomas 

HaTering  attc  de  Brailles  and  Richard  <ie  Stonlegh  his  attorneys  in  Enghind,  until  Easter. 

May  13.  Protection    for   one    year  for  Brother   John  de  Warrewyk,  a  hermit 

JIaTeriiig  attc  dwelling  at  Bcntewod  by  Claryndon,  co.  Wilts,  collecting  alms. 

May  10.         Grunt  to  John  de  Ncvill  of  Ilomcby,  for  service  at  the  arrest  of  Roger 

IlaYeriog  atte  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  of  the  manors  of  Lodres,  Phelipstou  and 

liower.        Up  Wymlx)rn,  co.  Dorset,  and  of  Chelreic,  co.  Berks,  late  of  John  Mautravers,. 

and  of  Wynterbum  Ilouton,  co.  Dorset,  late  of  Hughle  Despenser  the  elder, 

until  he  receive  yearly  200  marks  in  land. 

[Fcedcra.']  By  K.  &  C.  on  information  of  the  Treasurer. 

Feb.  8.  Appointment  of  John  Travers,  Robert  de  Norton,  Richard  de  Westcote 

Laoglcy.      and  Elios  de  Godele  as  justices  of  assizes  and  of  all  other  pleas,  and  of  oyer 

and  terminer  in  the  islands  of  Gemercic,  Jereseie,  Serk  and  Aureneye,  for 

this  turn.  By  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  keepers  of  the  said  islands. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  all  in  the  islands  in  favour  of  the  said 


May  IG.         Signification  to  S.  archbishop  of  Canterbury  and  his  o£&cials  that  in  the 
llaYeriiig  atto  second  year  of  this  reign  William  de  Clif  recovered  in  the  Bench  against 
Bower.        William  son  of  John  Pycot  of  Heydon  the  right  to  present  to  the  church 
of  Ucydon. 

Membrane  5. 

Ma^  8.  Licence  for  John  de   Urtiaco,   knight,  to  grant  to  William  de  Monto 

IlaveriDg  aite  Acuto  that  the  manora  of  Cory  Ryvel,  Langport,  Hambrugge,  Bradewaye 
Jiowcr.  and  Krneshulle,  the  hundreds  of  Abedyk  and  Bolcston  and  the  advowsons 
of  the  churches  of  Cory  Uyvcl  and  ErneshuUe,  s*iid  to  be  held  in  chief, 
shall  on  the  d<?ath  of  Sibyl  late  the  wife  of  Henry  de  Urtiaco,  tenant  for 
life,  remain  to  him  in  foe  simple,  and  for  him  after  attornment  by  the  same 
Sibyl  to  grant  that  the  premises  shall  remain  to  the  said  John  for  life  if  he 
survive  her.  By  p.s. 

May  8.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  in  part  satisfaction   of  the  20 

Havering  atte  marks  yearly  in  land  and  rent  which  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Mary, 
Bower.  Worcester  have  the  late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  a  messuage  and  virgate 
of  land  in  Pechesleye  by  Adam  de  la  Wodhalle,  of  20  acres  of  land  there  by 
William  de  Gomstol  and  Jobn  de  Braunsford,  parson  of  the  church  of 
Hereforton,  and  of  the  reversion  of  a  messuage,  14  acres  of  land,  3  roods 
of  mea<low,  and  Id,  in  rent  in  Alvestone,  expectant  on  the  demise  of  Adam 
de  Styvynton  and  Juliana  liis  wife,  by  Philip,  vicar  of  Alvestone,  and 
William  iV^  Prees,  chaplain ;  the  said  messuages  and  lands  being  of  the 
yearly  value  of  29*.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition. 

May  1.  Prohibition   to  all    ecclesiastical  persons  in  Ireland  from   citmg  the 

Eltharn.  burgesses  of  Orogheda  on  cither  side  the  river  before  the  Court  Christian  to 
answer  touching  pleas  relating  to  chattels  and  debts,  not  of  testament  or  of 
morriagc,  and  tresiwisscs  against  the  king's  peace  as  well  as  fees  of  lay 
persons  ;  the  cognisance  whereof,  as  is  well  known,  belongs  only  to  the  king 
in  right  of  his  crown.  By  K.  &  C. 

May  8.  Mandate  to  sheriifs,  bailiffs  and  ministers  of  the  household  not  to  take 

Havering  atte  prises  of  the  go^ds  of  John  Stodeye  of  Lynn,  taverner,  citizen  of  London, 
lk)wcr.       contrary  to  the  chiuter  of  the  city. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  T.  117 

1331.  Membrane  5 — coiU, 

Maj  13.        Tho  like  for  Nicholas  Stcrre,  citizen, 

IlaTenng  atte 

Bower.  "" 

May  8.  The  like  for  John  de  Cherleton,  citizen. 

Hayering  atto 

May  11.         Presentation   of  Guasbcrt  de  Bovis  Villa  to  the  church  of  St.  Sanrin, 

HaTcriiig  atto  Grande  Castrum,  otherwise  Puchmirol,  in  the  diocese  of  Ap:en.         By  p.s. 
Bower.  <y  ^  ir 

May  14.         Richard  de  Burgh,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  Thomas 

Hairing  atte  Bagot  and  Henry  Bagot  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 


May  16.         Acquittance  to  Master  Itherius  de  Concoreto,  king's  clerk,  the  Pope's 

"O&^nng  atte  nuncio  and  collector  of  a  four-yearly  tenth  imposed  by  him  upon  the  clergy 

Bower.       ^f  England  and  granted  to  the  king  in  return  for  one  moiety  thereof,  for  the 

sum  or  527/.  Ss.  out  of  the  Pope's  moiety  received  by  the  hands  of  Anthony 

Bachci  king's  merchant;  with  promise  to  repay  the  same  to  Anthony  at 

midsummer.  By  p.s. 

May  17.         Pardon  to  John  atte  Hacche  for  the  death  of  John  son  of  Hamo  Lukeis 
RaifJ^n*  »*♦«  of  Harwe,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Richard  de  Wilughby  and  John  de 
Bower.        Grantham,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Neugate  prison,  that  he  killed  him 
in  self-defence. 

May  17*         Notification  to  S.  bishop  of  London  of  the  revocation  of  the  late  presen* 

Havering  atte  tation  of  Gilbert  de  Chishull,  king's  clerk,  to  the  church  of  Great  Horkeslc, 

Bower.        i\^q  g^j^j  church  being  at  the  time  of  such  presentation  already  held  by  John 

de  Coueleye,  king's  clerk.  By  p.s. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  the  said  John  therein. 

May  10.         Pardon  to  John  Inge  for  acquiring  from  Alice  late  the  wife  of  John  de 

Havering  atte  Moeles  a  mill  and  rent  of  36*.  in  Depeford  and  Alvyngton,  co.  Devon,  held 

Bower.        |,j  chief,  previously  acquired  by  her  with  Roger  sometime  her  husband 

from  John  de  Moeles  for  their  lives,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence 

of  the  king  having  been  obtained  for  either  transfer  ;  and  restitution  to  him 

of  the  same,  to  hold  for  the  life  of  Alice.  By  fine  of  1  mark. 

May  12.         Exemplification  of  a  charter,  dated  7  July,  21  Edward  L,  being  a  grant 

Havering  atte  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Melsa  of  land  m  Skipse  with  the  advowsons 

Bower.       ^f  ^y^q  churches  of   Skipse,  Esyngton    and  Cayngham,  co.  York,  lato  of 

Aveline  daughter  and  heiress  of  William  de  Fortibus,  sometime  earl  of 


March  28.  Assignment  to  the  king's  merchants  Dinus  Forcetti  and  the  other  mer- 
Eltham.  chants  of  the  society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence,  in  part  satisfaction  of  what  is 
due  to  them  from  the  king,  of  1,000/.  out  of  2,000  marks  lately  sent  to 
Gascony  for  the  king's  service  by  Richard  de  Par,  his  clerk,  and  now  there 
in  his  custody,  the  king  taking  all  risks  of  loss  of  tho  same  while  being 
brought  back  to  England.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Richard  de  Par. 

Assignment  to  the  same  merchants  of  the  balance  of  500  marks  out  of  the 
said  2,000  marks. 

May  20.         Licence    for  the   alienation  iu   mortmain   by   Elias  de  Cherleton  and 

Havering  atte  Benedicta,  his  wife,  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Tychefeld  of  the  manor  of 

Bower.        Crofton  by  Tychefeld,  to  find  one  of  tho  canons  as  chaplain  to  celebrate 

divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  of  St.  Edmund,  Crofton,  for  the  soul  of 

Edwardian.,  and  for  the  souls  of  tho  said  Elias   and  BenedictA,  aftei 


2^33 J  ^  Membrane  5 — cont. 

their  death,  and  for  the  abbot  and  convent  to  regrant  the  manor  to  them  for 

By  fino  of  10  marks,  and  because  the  abbot  had  a  licence  to  acquire 

\iM)s.  yearly  in  hind  and  rent  which  ho  has  surrendered  and  which 

has  been  cancelled. 

May  20.  Licence  for  John  son  of  Peter  dc  Hothum  to  enfeoff  Nicholas  de  Cante- 

Iluveriiifr  attc  brigj^e,  purwin  of  the  church  of  Fen  Ditton,  of  the  manor  of  Bondeby,  co. 

JSower.        Lincoln,  said  to  be  held  in  chief;  and  for  him  to  re-grant  the  same  to  tho 

£nid  Jolin  for  life  with  Kncc(?.s.sive  remainders  in  tail  to  John  and  Peter  his 

sons,  and  to  Alan  son  of  lialph  de  Crephill  and  with  ultimate  remainder  to 

the  right  heirs  of  John  son  of  Peter. 

By  fino  of  \  mark  at  the  instance  of  the  bbhop  of  Ely. 

May  12.  Signification   to   R.  bishop  of  Salisbury  of  the  revocation  of  the  late 

IlaveniiK  ntte  presentation   of  John    de    Badmynton,   king's    clerk,  to  the  church  of 

Bower.       Bryukworth.  By  K, 

Membrane  4. 

May  2.  Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Brewosa  for  acquiring  without  licence  the  manoi*8 

Dartford.      of  Wassyngton  (two  acres  excepted)  and  Fyndon,  co.  Sussex,  with  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  tho  latter  manor. 

Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time  by  fine  of  10/.  in  the  first  year 
of  tho  reign. 
[Patent  lioilf  1  Edward  I  11. ,  part  1,  m.  7.] 

May  10.         Grant  to  the  prior  of  Tikeford  that  he  may  retain  in  mortmain  the  advow- 

Ilnvoriiiff  Rtto  son  of  the  tithes  of  one  third  part  of  the  church  of  Aston  by  Birmingham, 

lk)wor.       jn  right  of  his  church  of  St.  Mary,  Tikeford,  as  lately  recovered  by  him  in 

the  Bench  against  the  prioress  of  Gatcsby.  By  fine  of  10  marks. 

May  12.  Licence  in  mortmain,  after  inquisition  ad  quod  damnum^  for  Master 

UaTcnng  atte  Anthony  Beck,  dean  of  Lincoln,  to  retain  as  a  park  the  wood  of  Eyton 
Bower.       which  Philip  de  Wilughby,  sometime  dean,  imparked  without  licence. 

By  fine  of  40«.    Lincoln. 

May  15.         Licence  for  the  alienation   in   mortmain  by  Thomas  le  Spenser  of  a 

IlBTenngttte  messuage,  10  acres  and  halfavirgate  of  land  and  8  acres  of  meadow  in 

liowor.       Wiko  for  the  support  of  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  tlie 

church  of  Wiko  in  honour  of  St.  Mary.      By  fino  of  2  marks.     Gloucester. 

May  16.  Licence,  for  a  fino  made  by  Nicholas  Husebonde,  for  John  Ros  and  John 
lUveriDfi:  atte  Wauncy,  chaplains  to  enfeoff  Laurence  Sely  and  Agnes  his  wife  of  a 
Bower.  messuage  in  tho  parish  of  St.  Nicholas  Shambles,  London,  held  in  chief  by 
the  tenure  usual  in  tho  city,  as  appears  by  an  inquisition  taken  by  John  de 
Pultoneye,  mayor  and  escheator,  with  successive  remainders  to  Alice  sister 
of  Agnes,  in  fee,  to  the  said  Nicholas,  for  life,  and  to  the  keepers  of  London 
Bridge  fur  the  time  being  for  tho  maintenance  of  tho  bridge  and  to  find  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  tho  said  church  of  St.  Nicholas 
for  tho  Eoul  of  Roger  Ilusobond.  By  fine  of  40*.    London. 

May  15.         Protection  with  clause  fiolumus,  for  one  year,  tor  John  de  Tiddeswell, 
Ilavcnng  atto  parson  of  the  church  of  ITermeston. 
Bower.  Ti^-,  ]i\^q  fQj.  jJjq  following : — 

William  de  Clif. 

Master  Robert  dc  Patrica,  prebendary  of  Parva  Gaia  in  the  church  of 

St.  Cedda,  Lichfield,  and  of  Stretton  iu  tho  free  chapel  of  Penkerich. 
John  Travers,  prebendary  of  Sandiacre,  in  the  church  of  St.  Cedda, 


5  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  I.  110 

1331.  Membrane  ^-^cofU. 

William  de  Caunvull,  knight. 

William  HerlyDg,  for  two  years. 

John  Moriz,  knight,  for  two  years. 

Adam  le  Squilcr,  *  chapeleyn.' 

June  2.  The  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  the  Holy  luROcents  without 

Bary  St.  Lincoln,  fur  two  years. 


May  31.         John  Moriz,  going  to  Ireland  with  William  de  Burgo,  earl  of  Ulster, 
Bury  St.      has  letters    nominating  Thomas  Moriz  and  Thomas  de   Stodeleye,  his 
Edmonds,     attorneys  in  England  for  two  years. 

May  28.        Protection  for  one  year  for  the  burgesses  of  Shrewsbury.  By  K. 

Buy  St. 

May  30.         Appointment  of  Henry  Byen  to  the  parkership  of  Makesfeld  Park,  co. 

Bury  St       Chester,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 


'    May  23.         Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Edmunds  that  their  liberties 

Hayeriug  atte  shall  not  be  prejudiced  by  the  appointment  of  John  de  Stonore  and  John 

Bower.       ^Q  Cantebrigge,  as  commissioners  of  oyer  and  terminer  in  the  counties  of 

Suffolk  and  Norfolk,  or  by  any  sessions  which  they  may  hold  as  such 

within  the  borough  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds.  By  K.  &  C. 

May  27.  Grant  to  John  de  Enefeld,  the  king's  serjeant  at  arms,  for  services  to 

Burjr  St.      the  king's  grandfather,  father  and  the  king,  of  20  marks  yearly  at  the 
Edmunds.     Exchequer,  for  life,  or  until  he  receive  the  equivalent  in  land  and  rent. 

By  p.8. 

The  like  to  Ranulph  de  Cliarom,  king's  serjeant  at  arms.  By  p.8. 

May  12.         Grant  to  John  Gateganpge  of  Gateshevedd  of  the  office  of  controller  of 
Havenngatte  customs  in  the  port  of  Ncweastle-upon-Tjrne  and  thence  along  the  coast 
Bower.       ^o  Berwick,  to  hold  during  pleasui-e  with  the  custody  of  the  cocket  seal. 

The  like  to  the  following  :-r- 
John  de  Spayne,  in  the  ports  of  Kyngeston-upon-Hull  and  Ravensc- 

John  de  Askham,  in  the  port  of  Boston  and  thence  along  the  coast  to 

Lynn  {Lenne  Episcopt). 
William  de  Paston,  in  the  port  of  Lynn  and  thence  along  the  coast 

to  Yarmouth. 
John  de  Ocle,  in  the  port  of  Yarmouth  and  thence  along  the  coast  to 

William  Ryngild,  in  the  port  of  Ipswich  and  thence  along  the  coast  to 

the  mouth  of  the  Thames. 
William  de  Arderne,  in  the  port  of  London,  and  thence  along  the  coaut 

to  Gravesend  on  either  side  of  the  river. 
William  Motoun,  in  the  poit  of  Sandwich  and  thence  along  the  coast 

to  Wynchelse  on  one  side  and  Rochester  on  the  other. 
Adam  de  Rokcsle,  in  the  port  of  Southampton  and  thence  along  the 

coast  to  Weymouth. 
Robert  de  Elnested,  in  the  port  of  Chichester  and  thence  along  the 

coast  to  Southampton  on  one  side  and  Seford  on  the  other. 
Martin  le  Keu,  in  the  port  of  Exeter. 

May  28.         Pardon  to  John  son  of  Madoc  de  Taseburgh  for  abjuring  the  realm  for 
Bury  S^     the  death  of  William  Douce  of  Taseburgh.  By  K. 


J  331 .  Membrane  4 — cont. 

May  30.  Pardon  to  John  de  Bulneye  tho  younger  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 

Bury  St.      Suffolk  for  non-appearance  before  John  de  Stonorc  and  other  justices  of 

Edmunds,     qjq^  qh^  terminer  to  answer  touching  trespasses  committed  at  St.  Edmund's 

Abbey.  By  p.s. 


May  20.         Richard  de  Fynchesle  and    Richard  de  Henghami   canons  of    Holy 

HaveziDg  atto  Trinity,  London,  bringing  news  of  the  cession  of  Roger  de  Poleye,  their  prior, 

Bower.       haLve  letters  of  licence  to  elect.  By  p.8. 

May  18.         Presentation  of  Edmund  de  London,  parson  of  the  church  of  Halton  in 
Harering  atte  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  to  the  church  of  Swannescoumpe  in  the  diocese  of 
:Bower.       Rochester  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir 
of  Edmund  earl  of  Kent,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  William  Cros. 

By  p.s. 

May  21.         Appointment  of  ^.dam  Mundy  of  Wodestok  to  the  custody  of  the  king's 
Havering  atte  park  of  Cornebury,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 


Ma^  20.         Protection,  during  pleasure,  for  Master  Robert  de   Stratford,  king's 

Havenng  atte  clerk,  in  his  possession  of  the  prebend  of  Bere  and  Chermenstre  in  the 

Bower.       church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  on  collation  of  the  king  ;  and  prohibition  to 

all  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation  of  the  king's  right  to  collate  to 

the  same. 

May  13.         Grant,  for  life,  to  William  do  Weston,  king's  yeoman,  for  service  to  the 

Havering  atte  king's  grandfather,  father  and  the  king,  and  for  the  remission  of  200/.  75«. 

Bower.       wherein  the  late  king  was  bound  to  him  by  letters  patent  which  he  has 

surrendered  in  the  wardrobe,  of  the  custody  of  Porchestor  Castle,  co. 

Southampton,  with  Sd,  daily  out  of  the  issues  of  the  county.  By  p.8. 

Mandate  to  John  Randolf  to  deliver  the  castle  with  the  arms,  victuals 

and  other  appurtenances. 

Feb.  27.         Grant  to  Agnes  wife  of  John  Mautravers  the  younger,  in  enlargement 

Croydon,      of  a  late  grant  to  her  of  lands  of  John  de  Argenton  and  John  de  Nerford, 

sometime  her  husbands,  which  had  escheated  to  the  king  by  the  rebellion 

of  John  Mautravers,  of  the  knight's  fees  and  advowsons  of  churches 

pertaining  to  the  lands  of  John  de  Nerford.  By  E.  &  C. 

May  15.         John  de  Haustede,  staying  in  Gascony  on  the  king's  service,  has  letters 
Havenng  atte  nominating  William  Kyuebelle  and  William  Gryk,  chaplain,  his  attorneys 
Bower.       -jj  England  for  one  year. 

May  20.         Protection  with  clause  volumus^  until  Michaelmas,  for  Richard  de  la 
Havering  atte  Bere  of.  Westcote,  going  to  the  islands  of  Gereseye  and  Gernereye  on  the 
Bower.       king's  service. 

Presentation  of  Robert  de  Hemmyngburgh  to  the  church  of  Wotton,  in 
the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the 
lands  and  heir  of  John  de  Hastynges,  tenant  in  chief. 

May  18.         Presentation  of  John  de  Etton  to  the  church  of  Brynkworth  in  the 
Havering  atte  diocese  of  Salisbury,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  late  voidance  of 
Bower.       Malmcsbury  Abbey. 

May  24.         Wnt  of  aid,  until  Michaelmas,  for  William  de  Saunfonl  appointed  by 
Burjr  St.      John,  bishop  of  Winchester,  the  chancellor,  a  purveyor  for  the  Chancery. 
Edmunds.         Xhe  like  for  the  following  :— 

Thomas  de  Famham. 

Robert  de  Cristchurch. 

John  le  Ferour. 

Henry  le  Bolter. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  I. 



May  23. 


Maj  26. 

Bury  St. 

May  28. 

Bary  St. 


May  28. 

Bary  St 

May  30. 

Bary  St. 


May  28. 

Bary  St. 


May  29. 

Bury  St. 

May  28. 

Bury  St. 


May  15. 

Ilayering  atte 


Membrane  3 — cont. 

May  30. 

Bury  St. 


May  80. 

Bury  St 

May  30. 
Bury  St. 

June  4. 

Signification  to  W.  archbishop  of  York  of  the  royal  assent  to  the  election 
of  Thomas  do  Multon,  a  monk  of  St.  Mary's,  York,  to  bo  abbot  of  that 
house.  By  p.8. 

The  like  to  S.  bishop  of  London  of  the  royal  assent  to  the  election  of 
Thomas  Heron,  a  canon  of  Holy  Trinity,  London,  to  be  prior  of  that 
house.  By  p.8. 

Adam  de  Sturmonstre  and  Kichard  Maury,  monks  of  Middelton  Abbey, 
bringing  news  of  the  death  of  Robert  their  abbot  have  letters  of  licence  to 

Robert  Power  going  to  Ireland  has  letters  nominating  William  Power 
and  John  de  Enefeld  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Writ  of  aid  and  safe  conduct  for  Giles  de  Ispannia,  king's  yeoman, 
sent  to  bring  to  the  king  Thomas  de  Gumey,  knight,  arrested  beyond 
seas  for  compassing  the  death  of  the  late  king.  [Fcedera.] 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Gilbert  de  la  Leghe  from  being  put  on  assizes, 
juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  escheator, 
coroner  or  otlier  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  Horsman  of  the  office  of  reaper  and  bedel  of  the  manor  of 
Wyredeabury,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Ralph  Cok  to  the  custody  of  the  warren  of  Eilnesse 
and  Esington  in  Holdernessc,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  moitmain  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  40 
marks  in  land  and  rent  which  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Katherine 
without  Lincoln  have  a  licence  from  the  late  king  to  acquire,  of  a  toft  and 
land  in  Canewyk,  by  Henry  Cotty ;  of  land  there,  by  Roger  Spirel ;  of  a 
toft  and  land  in  Navenby,  by  William  Tolet;  of  a  toft  there,  by  Robert 
Elyn;  of  the  like,  by  Robert  de  Daunhul;  of  land  in  Freskeneye,  by  Hugh 
Blese  and  Alan  Herre;  of  land  in  Boby,  by  William  son  of  Nicholas 
David  ;  of  marshland  in  Tymberlound,  by  Wiotus  son  of  William  de  Mar- 
ton  ;  of  land  in  Stapilford,  by  John  Stoil ;  and  of  10*.  in  rent  in  Lincoln  by 
Peter  de  Snellcslond,  vicar  of  All  Saints,  Hundegate,  Lincoln ;  the  said 
tofts  and  lands  being  of  the  yearly  value  of  20*.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition* 

Writ  cf  aid  and  safe  conduct  for  Ranulph  de  CHarrom  and  John  de 
Enefeld,  king's  sergeants- at-amis,  pent  to  conduct  to  the  Tower  of  London 
Robert  de  Benehnle,  John  de  Clopton,  William  de  Clopton  and  Richard 
de  Caldebek  lately  convicted  at  Bury  St.  Edmunds  before  John  de  Stonore 
and  John  de  Cantebrigge,  justices,  on  certain  charges.  By  K. 

Grant  to  Ralph  de  Gonthorp  of  the  office  of  bailiff  errant  in  the  county  of 
Norfolk,  during  goo^l  behaviour,  on  testimony  to  his  good  conduct  since  he 
was  appointed  to  the  office. 

By  testimony  of  Robert  de  Ufford  and  Oliver  de  Ingham 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  John  Brocas,  king's  yeoman,  from  being  put  on 
assizes,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff, 
coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Protection  witli  clause  nolumuSy  for  one  year  for  the  prior  of  Bromholm. 

Grant  to  the  sub-prior  and  convent  of  Holy  Trinity,  London,  of  the 
custody  of  that  house  void  by  the  cession  of  Roger  Poleye. 
Vacated  because  on  the  Fine  Roll, 




June  8. 

April  13. 
Pont  Ste. 

Membrane  3 — cont. 

Protection  ivith  clause  nolumuty  for  one  year,  for  Hugh  de  Lonnewade. 
The  like  for  the  following  :— 

Thomas  de  Millam. 

John  de  Driby,  parson  of  the  church  of  Hedersete. 

William  de  Culpho,  parson  of  the  church  of  Okie. 

Giles  late  the  wife  of  Eichard  de  Kadenhale. 

John  de  Hales,  parson  of  the  church  of  Byntre. 

Confiraiation  of  a  grant  for  life  by  queen  Isabella  to  Isabella  la  Converse, 
her  god-daughter,  of  a  daily  allowance  of  8  pence  of  Paris  out  of  the  issues 
of  Ponthieu,  payable  half-yearly.  By  p.s, 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  Ponthieu, 

Mbmbranb  2. 

May  20.         Protection  with  clause  nolumuSf  for  one  year,  for  Robert  de  Dounton 
Hayering  atte   going  to  Ireland. 

May  16. 

HaveriDg  atte 

May  22. 

Hayering  atto 


May  18. 

Hayering  atte 


John  Gkiify,  dean  of  Lichfield,  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating 
John  de  Assheby  and  Boger  de  Bodonham  his  attorneys  in  England  for 
two  years.  By  6ne  of  20s,    Stafford. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Michaelmas  for  Hugh  Burgleion  appointed  a  purveyor 
for  the  household.  By  bill  of  the  keeper  of  the  wardrobe. 

Appointment  of  Edmund  de  Kensyngton  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker 
of  the  park  of  Eltham,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

May  21.         Acknowledgement  of  the  king's  indebtedness  to  his  merchants  Dinus 

Hayering  atte   Forcetti  and  the  other  merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Bardi  of  Florence, 

Bower.       Jq  sums  of  45/.  16*.  Sd,  paid  at  his  request  to  Richard  de  Bury,  his  clerk, 

for  the  expenses  of  the  household  in  parts  beyond  seas,  and  of  221.  paid 

tQ  Thomos  West  for  two  cups  {cvpit)  bought  fiom  him  for  the  king ;  with 

promise  to  pay  the  same  at  midsummer.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  and 

the  king's  chamberlains. 

May  22.         Appointment  of  John  de  Stafford  to  the  office  of  the  marshal  of  the  next 

Havering  atte  eyre  of  the  justiciary  in  Ii*eland,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 


Mny  28. 

Grant  to  Ealph  Sefoul  of  the  custody  during  minority  of  John  the  son 
and  heir,  of  two  parts  of  a  moiety  of  the  manor  of  Combes  late  of  Ilobeit 
son  of  John  de  Thorpe,  tenant  in  chief,  free  from  payment  of  two  parts  of 
the  fee  farm  of  11/.  3^.  4Jcf.  and  a  rent  of  15$.  shown  in  the  extent  to  be 
due  therefor  at  the  Exchequer.  This  grant  is  made  in  recompence  of  one 
by  Thomas  Bardolf,  now  deceased,  of  a  sum  of  10/.,  a  coat  and  a  saddle 
yearly  from  his  manor  of  Bungeton,  co.  Norfolk,  held  in  chief,  which  John 
do  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey  who  now  holds  the  custody  of  the  said  manor 
refuses  to  pay.  By  bill  of  the  treasurer. 

May  30.         Batiflcation  of  the  estate  of  Master  Thomas  de  Astele,  king's  clerk,  as 

Bary        aichdeacon  of  Middlesex  by  provision  of  the  Apostolic  See.  By  p.s. 

St.  Edmunds. 

May  28.         Licence  for  Oliver  de  Ingham  to  enfeoflP  John  son  of  Oliver  de  Ingham 

Bury         and  Katherine  his  wife  of  the  manor  of  Est  Codford,  co.  Wilts,  with  the 

St.  Edmunds,  advowson  of  the  church  of  that  manor,  held  in  chief,  with  remainder  to  the 

right  heirs  of  the  grantor.  By  p.s. 

6  EDWABD  III--^Pabt  I. 


May  30. 

St.  Edmundii. 

May  30. 

IJury  St. 


June  4. 
Bury  St. 

June  4. 

Bury  St. 

June  8. 

Junn  8. 

June  11. 

June  11 

June  8. 

Membrane  2 — cont. 

Grant  to  Maurice  de  Berkcle,  in  enlargement  of  the  late  grant  to  him  of 
the  manors  of  Mawardyn  and  Wynforton,  co.  Hereford,  of  all  the  issues  of 
those  manors  from  tho  time  tliat  they  escheated  from  llotj^er  de  Mortuo 
Mari,  carl  of  March,  whereof  the  king  has  not  yet  been  satisfied,  and  of  any 
goods  of  tho  king  now  therein.  By  K. 

Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  St.  Edmunds  that  the  liWty  granted 
to  them  by  Edward  I.  of  holding  tlie  pleas  arising  within  eight  hundreds 
and  half  of  another  hundred  at  Ilonhowe,  near  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  sliall 
not  be  prejudiced  by  the  late  appointment  of  John  do  Stonore  and  John 
de  Cantebriggc  as  justic^ei  of  oyer  and  tennincr  in  the  counties  of  Suffolk 
and  Norfolk,  or  by  any  sessions  which  for  the  more  speedy  execution  of 
their  commission  they  by  tho  king's  command  held  at  Bemham  within  the 
said  hundreils.  By  K.  &  C. 

Appointment  of  Owan  Corder  to  the  custody  of  the  body  of  Ledes  Castle 
and  to  the  superior  custody  of  the  king's  park,  foreign  woods  and  stews 
there.  By  K. 

Protection  with  clause  twlumm,  for  one  year,  for  Mury  late  the  wife  of 
Aymer  de  Valencia,  earl  of  Pembroke. 
The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Roger  Pcrebroun,  parson  of  the  church  of  Brandon. 

Tho  master  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Giles,  Norwich. 

Kichard  de  Bergh,  parson  of  the  church  of  Ilerdewik. 

William  le  Clerk  of  South  Walsham. 

Walter  March  of  Stanhowe. 

William  de  Kedham,  Stephen  son  of  Margaret  de  Redham  and  Alice 
atte  Park  of  Redham. 

The  abbot  of  Rievall. 

Thomas,  parson  of  the  church  of  Colby. 

Peter,  parson  of  the  church  of  Taverham. 

The  prior  of  Buttele. 

Alina  late  the  wife  of  Edward  Burnel. 

William  Lucas,  chaplain. 

Katherino  late  the  wife  of  Simon  Bovet  of  Rhipedham. 

William  Barentyn  staying  in  England  has  letters  nominating  William 
le  Rous  and  John  Ilorman  his  attorneys  in  the  islands  of  Gemereye, 
Gerescye,  Serk  and  Aureneye  for  two  years. 

Appointment  of  John  de  la  Bataille  as  second  chamberlain  of  tha  Ex- 
chequer in  Dublin,  daring  good  behaviour.  By  K.  and  C. 

Mandate  to  the  escheator  on  thi«  side  Trent  for  restitution  of  the  tem- 
poralities of  the  house  of  the  Holy  Trinity,  Loudon,  to  Thomas  Ileroun,  one 
of  the  canons,  electee!  prior.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  the  sub-prior  and  convent. 

Writ  dc  intendendo  for  the  said  Thomas  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the 

Pardon  to  Williom  de  Northburgh  of  IMclton  of  his  outlawry  in  tho 
county  of  Huntingdon  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench 
in  the  late  king's  reign  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  John  de  Segrave  that 
he  render  account  for  the  time  when  he  was  bailiff  of  the  said  John  in 

Signification  to  R.  bishop  of  Salisbury,  of  the  royal  assent  to  the  election 
of  Richard  Maury,  one  of  tho  monks,  as  abbot  of  Middolton  Abbey. 

By  p.s. 




June  8. 

Jane  8. 

Membrane  2 — cont. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Rol>ert  Bully  of  Eton  Moisy  in  the  church  of 
Brynkworth,  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  by  proTision  of  the  Apostolic  See. 

By  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumtis,  for  one  year,  in  Wyghton  and  Styve- 
keye,  for  Ralph,  count  of  Ewe,  constable  of  France. 

Pardon  to  William  le  Blake  of  Erlham  for .  acquiring  in  fee  from  Gilbert 
de  Erlham  and  John  and  Geoffrey  his  sons  land  in  Erlham,  held  in  chief, 
and  entering  thereon  without  the  late  king's  licence,  and  restitution  to  him 
of  the  same,  By  fine  of  |  mark.    Norfolk. 

Mbmbranb  I. 

— — —  Ratification  of  the  declaration  and  ordinances  made  at  Norwich  3  June, 

5  Edward  III.,  by  John  bishop  of  Winchester,  the  chancellor,  John  de 
Stonore  and  John  de  Cantebrigge,  justices,  Robert  de  Ufford,  Oliver  de 
Ingham  and  Ralph  de  Nevill,  steward  of  the  household,  deputed  to  make 
an  end  of  the  disputes  between  the  burgesses  of  Great  Yarmouth  and  John 
of  Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond,  his  men  and  tenants  of  Little  Yarmouth  and 
Gorleston,  arising  out  of  liberties  granted  to  the  former  by  Henry  III.  and 
Edward  I.,  as  follows  : — 

That  the  port  of  Yarmouth  is  the  only  port  there  and  belongs  to  the  town 
of  Great  Yarmouth  for  ever.  That  ships  entering  the  port  or  river  of  Yar- 
mouth with  cargoes  whereon  customs  oughi  to  be  levied  by  the  king's 
customers  are  to  come  to  Great  Yarmouth  there  to  pay  such  customs  but 
ships  belonging  to  Little  Yarmouth  and  Gorleston  may  then  discharge  their 
cargoes  at  those  towns  and  shall  not  be  compelled  to  pay  any  dues  to  the 
burgesses  of  Great  Yarmouth,  against  their  will,  except  in  the  case  of  such 
of  their  ships  as  may  be  unloaded  at  Great  Yarmouth.  That  ships  entering 
the  port  or  river  laden  with  herrings  or  other  fish  or  cargoes  whereon  no 
customs  are  due  to  the  king  shall  be  discharged  at  Great  Yarmouth  only, 
unless  such  ships  belong  to  Little  Yarmouth  or  Gorleston,  in  which  case 
they  may  discharge  their  cargoes  where  they  will  without  let  by  the  bur- 
gesses of  Great  Yarmouth,  provided  that  ships  of  others  be  not  claimed  as 
belonging  to  Little  Yarmouth  or  Gorleston  on  pain  of  forfeiture  of  such 
with  their  cargoes  to  the  king.  And  that  neither  party  be  now  molested 
by  reason  of  any  cause  depending  in  luiy  of  the  king's  courts  touching  the 
aforesaid  disputes,  saving  always  any  right  of  the  citizens  of  London,  of 
Norwich,  the  barons  of  the  Cinque  Ports  or  others.  Any  infringement  of 
the  foregoing  ordinances  by  either  party  is  to  be  punishable  by  fine  of 

May  20.         Acknowledgment  that  the  treaty  between  St.  Louis  sometime  king  of 

HaTeriDg  atte  France  and  Henry  [II.]  has  been  fulfilled.    French,  [Fadera.] 


May  20.  Notification  that  the  king  will  send  proctors  to  France  by  Christmas  to 

Havering  atte  settle  the  payment  to  be  made  to  the  French  king  under  the  late  treaty. 
Bower.       French.  [Fadera.] 

May  5.  Licence  for  John  of  Brittany,  carl  of  Richmond,  to  grant,  for  life,  to 

IlaveriDp  ntte  Mary  de  Sancto  Paulo,  countess  of  Pembroke,  the  castle  and  manor  of 
Bower.  Fodrj'ngeye  with  the  hamlets  of  Nassyngton  and  Yarwell,  co.  Northampton  ; 
the  town  of  Torkeseye,  28*.  in  rent  in  Alkebarwe,  67s,  in  rent  in  Beltesfoixl, 
two  cai'ucates  of  land  in  Stamford  and  100/.  in  rent  in  Wadyngton,  co. 
Lincoln ;  the  manors  of  Bywell  and  Wodehorn,  co.  Northumberland ;  the 
manor  of  Driffeld  with  hamlets  and  other  appurtenances,  and  2  marks  in 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I.  125 

1331.  Membrane  1 — cont. 

rout  in  Hikeltou,  co.  York ;  land  in  Repyndcn,  co.  Derby  ;  9*.  in  rent  in 
Great  Styucle,  6*.  0;^r/.  in  rent  in  Baldewyubo,  2  marks  in  rent  in  Bramp- 
ton, 8*.  in  rent  in  Great  l*axton,  4^.  in  rent  from  the  view  of  frankpled<re 
in  Little  Paxton,  57^.  2d.  in  rent  in  Huntingdon,  co.  Ilantingdon,  with 
suit  to  the  court  of  that  town  by  the  tenants  of  Bissebrok,  4/.  in  rent  in 
Bissynden  and  \ijs.  in  rent  from  50  acres  of  land  lately  held  by  Master 
Robert  Luterel  in  Sondersoke,  co.  Rutland,  and  half  the  hundred  of  Lud- 
ynglond,  co.  Suffolk  ;  held  in,  chief,  which  were  formerly  held  by  John  de 
Balliolo  and  were  granted  to  the  earl  by  the  late  king.  By  K. 

Membrane  40d. 

Jan.  26.  Commission  to  Roger  Chaundos,  John  Inge,  Hugh  de  Langelond  and 
Waltham  Adam  Lucas,  on  petition  by  Gilbert  de  Turbervill,  to  cause  tlie  record  and 
Holy  Cross,  process  of  a  plea  by  the  said  Gilbert  against  Richard  do  Peshalo  and  Alina 
his  wife  in  their  court  of  Gower  to  recover  the  manor  of  Landimor  in 
Gouwer,  which  Morgan  Clian  gave,  after  the  custom  of  those  parts,  in  free 
marriage,  with  Matilda  his  daughter,  to  Gilbert  de  Turbelvill,  and  which, 
after  the  death  of  Gilbert,  Matilda,  Richard  their  son,  and  Payne  son  of 
the  last  named,  ought  to  have  come  to  the  petitioner  as  son  of  Payne  and 
kinsman  and  heir  of  the  first-named  Gilbert  and  Matilda  his  wife,  to  be 
recited  before  them  and  fully  to  examine  the  same.  Should  it  be  found 
that  justic(i  has  been  done  in  the  matter  by  Richard  and  Aline  they  are 
not  to  intermeddle  further  therein  ;  but,  if  not,  they  are  to  proceed  with  the 
plea  and  cause  full  justice  to  bo  done  after  the  laws  and  customs  of  those 
parts.  If  it  should  be  found  necessary  to  proceed  to  inquest  of  the  country, 
and  such  inquest  for  reasonable  cause  cannot  be  taken  by  men  of  the  said 
land  of  Gower,  it  may  be  taken  by  men  of  the  neighbouring  parts,  namely, 
the  county  of  Kaermerdyn,  the  stewardships  of  Cautermaure  and  Cardigan 
and  the  land  of  Gloniorgau.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Jan.  2G.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Robert  do  Malberthorpe,  Richard 

Waltham.     de  Wylughby,  Henry  de  Fenton  and  Robert  de  Gadesby  on  complaint  by 

Henry  de  Bello  Monte  tliat  Robert  Hamond  of  Baggeworth  and  others 

carried  away  his  goods  at  Whytyngton,  co.  Leicester.  By  K. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  Henry  that  John  de  Haukeston, 
Henry  de  Yocksale,  John  de  Swenmore,  Robert  de  Bertvill,  Richard  de 
Bertvill  the  younger,  Robert  Pegge,  Thomas  le  Mareschale,  Edmund  de 
Assheby  and  others  at  Lughteburgh  in  the  same  county  took  away  30  horses, 
20  marcB  and  30  colts  of  his,  worth  200  marks,  hunted  in  his  park,  cut 
down  his  trees  and  carried  them  away  with  his  deer. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  Eustace  de  Folevill,  Robert, 
Walter,  and  John  his  brothers,  and  others  at  La  Neweton,  in  the  same 
county,  took  away  10  horses,  6  oxen  and  40  sheep  of  his,  wortli  40  marks. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  William  de  Hoppeton  and  others 
carried  away  his  goods  at  Hokelescote  in  the  same  county. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  Uriel  do  Pi-ayers,  Richard 
Starke  and  others  at  Rokeby,  took  away  20  horses,  20  oxen  and  100  sheep 
of  his,  worth  60/. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  John  de  Leye,  knight,  Hugh 
de  Rycroft  and  others,  at  Bochardeston  in  the  same  county,  took  away 
12  oxen  and  40  sheep  of  his,  worth  20/. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  tlohn  Talbot,  knight,  William 
Motun,  knight,  Richard  Douees,  Thomas  Godewin,  John  Talbot  the  elder, 
and  others  at  Whitewyk  in  the  same  county,  broke  his  castle  and  the 
houses,  walls,  hedges  and  ditches  of  the  same,  took  away  40  horses, 
40  mares,  120  colts  and  40  cows  of  his^  worth  lOOO/.,  hunted  in  his  park. 




Membrane  40J — cont. 

fished  his  stews  and  carried  away  fish,  and  also  timber  from  the  castle 
and  houses. 

The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  Robert  ap  Griffin,  Thomas  de 
Haukeston,  Richard  Whyte,  and  others,  broke  his  chests  and  coffers  at 
Geraghdon  in  the  same  county,  and  carried  away  his  goods  with  charters, 
writings  and  other  muniments. 

Jan.  26. 

Jan.  26. 


Jan.  80. 

Jan.  18. 


Jan.  26. 

Feb.  8. 


Jan.  26. 

Mbmbranb  S9d. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  do  Wylughby,  Robert  de 
Malberthorpe,  and  Robert  de  Gadesby  touching  the  persons  who  murdered 
John  le  Parker  at  Wytewyk,  co.  Leicester.  By  pet.  of  C. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Malberthorpe,  Richard  de  Wylughby,  John  de 
Cantcbriggc  and  William  de  la  Laund  on  complaint  by  the  prior  of 
Sempyngham  that  Brian  do  Ilerdeby  the  younger,  William  du  Chastel  of 
Queryngton,  William  de  Seynna  of  Evedon,  Robert  .de  Broghton,  Henry 
Brianservaut  de  Herdeby  and  others  assaulted  Alan  de  Baston,  a  canon, 
and  Thomas  Catour,  a  lay  brother,  of  the  priory  at  Evedon  and  New 
Lafford,  co.  Lincoln,  carried  away  his  goods  at  Evedon,  consumed  his  crops 
and  grass  at  Burton  with  their  beasts,  hunted  in  his  free  warren  there 
and  carried  away  hares  and  partridges.  By  fine  of  20s. 

Appointment  of  Richard  de  Wylughby  in  the  place  of  Roger  de 
Birthorp  in  the  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  lately  issued  on  complaint 
by  William  de  Castel  of  Queryngton  and  Brian  son  of  Brian  de  Henieby, 
against  John,  prior  of  Sempyngham,  and  otiiers.  By  the  chancellor. 

Commission  de  walliis  eifossatis  to  John  de  Cantebrigge,  William  Lovel, 
Walter  de  Glemesford  and  John  de  Waltham  in  the  parts  of  Merskland, 
CO.  Norfolk.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  John  de 
Chetewynde  and  Robert  de  Aston  on  complaint  by  John  de  Cherleton  that 
Joan  do  Botetourte,  Geoffrey  de  Selleye,  William  le  Fisshere  of  Duddeleye, 
Richard  Frebody,  John  Frebody,  Robert  le  Ridere,  William  Corbyn  and 
others  besieged  his  castle  at  l)uddoleye,  co.  Stafford,  broke  the  walls, 
carried  away  his  goods  and  assaulted  his  servants.  By  fine  of  20s, 

Commission  to  Robert  Selyman,  Henry  de  Gulden  and  John  de  Meere, 
to  inquire  and  certify  the  king  touching  d  petition  of  Ingolram  Berenger 
complaining  that,  whereas  the  king  ordered  restitution  to  be  made  of  his 
lands  which  had  been  taken  into  his  hands  by  reason  of  his  adherence 
to  Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  some  persons  before  such  restitution  had  been 
made  took  away  his  horsea  in  the  manors  of  Eblesbournwake,  Alvedston^ 
Aldreston  and  Colemore,  co.  Wilts,  Shupton,  Snodynton  and  Swathelyng, 
CO.  Southampton,  cut  down  his  trees  there,  carried  them  away  with  his 
jewels,  victuals,  harness  and  other  goods,  and  still  detain  these  from  him. 

By  pet.  of  C, 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Travers,  William  de  Denum 
and  Nicholas  do  Sutton  on  complaint  by  Henry  de  Bello  Monte  that 
William  Darel,  knight,  Marmaduke  Darel,  Agnes  de  Maunby  of  York, 
Gregory  do  Thornton,  knight,  Geoffrey  de  Estod,  Robert  do  Malton,  John 
de  Kylvynton,  Ralph  de  Maunby,  and  William  de  Pynchebeck  carried  away 
bis  goods  at  Esyngwold,  co.  York.  By  K, 

6  EDWABD  III.— Part  I. 



Jan.  27. 


Jan.  26. 


Jan.  29. 

Jan.  20. 

Mbjibraxb  SSd, 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Robert  de  Malbertborpe,  Richard  de 
Wylughby,  Henry  de  Fenton  and  Robert  de  Oadesby  on  complaint  by  the 
said  Henry  that  John  son  of  Rc»bert  de  Wodethorpe,  Roger  de  Rondebind  of 
Wodehouses,  Edmund  de  Assheby  and  others  at  Beaumaner,  co.  Leicester, 
took  away  20  oxen,    16  cows,   and  200  blieep  of  liis,  worth   200/.,  and 

carried  away  his  goods. 


The  like,  on  complaint  by  the  same  that  John  do  Haukeston,  Henry  de 
Yeokesale,  John  de  Swynmore,  Edmund  de  Assheby  and  otliers,  at 
Lughtbur^h,  in  the  same  county,  took  away  30  horses,  20  mares,  and 
30  colts  or  his,  worth  200  marks,  and  carried  away  his  goods.  l^y  K. 

The  like  to  Thomas  de  Loathe,  John  de  Ticheburn  and  John  de 
Trevaignon,  touching  the  persons  who  murdered  John  do  Salesbury  at 
Borgate,  co.  Soutliampton.  By  pet.  of  C« 

The  like  to  Henry  de  Hambury  William  de  Sharcshull  and  Roger 
Ilillarl  on  complaint  by  Roger  de  Swynncrton,  the  younger,  that  some  per- 
sons carried  away  his  goods  at  Tylinton  by  Staiford,  and  assaulted  his 
servant  Roger  Pygyn.  By  p.s. 

Mbmbraxb  37 d. 

Jan.  26.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Robert  de  Malberthorpe,  Richard  de 
Waltham  Uoly  Wylughby,  John  de  Cantebriggo  and  William  de  la  Launde  on  complaint 
Crou.  \yj  the  prior  of  Haverholni  that  Brian  do  Herdeby  of  Evedon  the  younger, 
John  and  Robert  his  brothers,  Henry  Brianesservant  de  Herdeby,  Robert 
de  Broghton,  William  de  Seynna  of  Evedon,  Helmin  Uttyng  of  New 
Lafford,  Robert  de  Castello  of  Old  Lafford,  William  de  Honyngton  of 
Pons  Aslaei,  Walter  de  Basyngham,  William  de  Amwyk,  Nicholas  de 
Haceby,  carpenter,  Thomas  le  Waller  of  New  Lafford  of  London  and  others 
fished  his  several  fishery  at  Old  Lafford  and  Ilaverholm,  co.  Lincoln, 
carried  away  fish  therefrom,  and  his  goods  at  Haverholm,  broke  the  banks 
of  the  fishery  so  that  the  water  which  of  ancient  time  lias  been  wont  to 
flow  to  his  mill  flooded  300  acres  of  his  meadow  land  whereby  he  lost  !iis 
profit  of  mill  and  meadows,  assaulted  John  de  Wynthorp,  one  of  the  canons, 
and  John  de  Bloxham,  the  prior*s  servant,  nt  New  Lafford  and  Old 
Lafford  and  imprisoned  John  de  Wynthorp  until  ho  made  a  fine  of  10/.  for 

Commission  to  Adam  do  Herwynton,  William  de  Shareshulle  and  Ralph 
de  Perham  to  inquire  and  certify  the  king  touching  a  petition  of  those 
having  common  of  pasture  in  Kyngesnorton  Wode,co.Worcesterj  setting  forth 
that  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  late  earl  of  March,  caused  part  of  their  common 
land  to  be  enclosed  with  a  dyke,  which  they  being  thereby  deprived  of  their 
inheritance  filled  up  again  as  was  lawful ;  that  tlie  earl  obtained  a  plea  of 
trespass  against  them  whereon  they  were  convicted  by  jurord  dwelling  far 
from  the  said  land  who  hud  been  put  upon  the  panel  by  Richard  de 
Ilaukeslawc,  the  enrl's  steward,  then  sherifif  of  the  county,  they  themselves 
and  their  attorneys  not  daring  to  appear  at  the  inquisition  for  fear  of 
assault  and  even  death,  and  ciist  in  damages  of  300/. ;  and  praying  (mrdon 
of  this  sum  which  has  escheated  to  the  king. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  John  do 
Chetewynde  and  Robert  de  Aston  touching  the  persons  who  besieged  the  castle 
of  John  de  Chorleton  at  Dudley,  co.  Stiifford,  killed  Maddok  ap  Yarworth 
and  Thewelyn  ap  Eynon  and  carried  away  hii  goods,  and  those  who  became 
accessories  aflter  the  fact.  By  pet  of  C. 

Jan.  26. 


Jan.  25. 





Feb.  5. 

Feb.  5. 

Jan.  26. 

Feb.  7. 

Jan.  28. 

Jan.  29. 

Membrane  37d — cont. 

The  like  to  John  Trovers,  John  Dabernoun  and  John  de  Ifeld  on  com- 
plaint by  Thomas  Tregoz  that  Robert  de  Helpeston,  Philip  Davyntre, 
Henry  Oran,  John  Blays  of  Slyndon,  Andrew  Favarche  of  BcDstedc, 
Richard  le  Hunte  of  Slyndon,  John  Jonesservant  de  Avesford,  John  Stale- 
worthe,  Gregory  le  Walshe,  John  de  Aynncsham,  Robert  de  Ferryngg, 
Richard  de  Hangelton,  John  de  Preston,  Simon  Bonyng,  William  Cheyny, 
Henry  Avenel,  John  Penyfader,  William  Roumyn,  Robert  Cok  of  Horsham, 
William  Petit  of  Crawele,  John  de  Stanbourn,  Henry  Jonesservant  de 
Stanboume,  John  Huge,  William  Houd,  Walter  de  Perpond,  John  de 
Rameseye,  Bartholomew  Waryn,  Robert  Trouel,  John  de  Forde, 
Richard  Drewery,  Nicholas  Avenel,  Edmund  Crepyn,  John  Parmenter, 
William  Plays,  Roger  Randoulf,  John  Okeman,  John  Tyrel,  John  son  of 
Simon  de  Horton,  Richard  Coupeland,  Adam  Faukener,  John  atte  Sonde 
the  elder,  Peter  le  Rede,  Reginald  *  in  the  Hale  *  of  Bury  and  others  broke 
his  park  at  Goryngcs,  co.  Sussex,  hunted  there  and  carried  away  deer  with 
other  goods.  '  By  fine  of  40*. 

On  22  April,  John  de  Cantebrigge  is  appointed  in  the  above  commission 
in  the  place  of  John  Daubcrnoun,  who  is  sheriff  of  the  county. 

The  like,  ou  complaint  by  Henry  Tregoz  that  Walter  prior  of  Tortyng- 
ton,  Thomas  de  Benstede  and  Michael  do  Gate,  canons  of  the  priory,  John 
Fraunceys,  John  son  of  John  le  Reve  of  Forde,  John  Peuifader,  William 
Coldrei,  Roger  Fraunceys,  John  Tote,  Robert  atte  Lee,  John  his  son, 
Philip  Wodurove,  John  Lucy,  Roger  Callarde,  John  atte  More  of  Wy ken- 
holt,  John  le  Wilde  of  Wykenholt  and  others  broke  his  park  at  Wykenholt, 
CO.  Sussex,  hunted  there  and  carried  awny  deer  with  other  goods. 

By  fine  of  40*. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  de  Hambury,  William  de 
Shareshull  and  Rop:er  Hillary  touching  the  deaths  of  William  de  Gevyn- 
dale  at  Stone,  and  Richard  son  of  William  de  Clayton  at  Newcastle,  co. 
Stafford.  By  p.s. 

The  like  to  William  de  Herle,  Ralph  le  Fitz  Richard  and  Philip  de 
Hardeshulle  on  complaint  by  Ralph  de  Wedon  that  John  Cifrewas  of 
Chesham,  Roger  and  William  his  sons,  John  de  Seintlou,  John  Wodeborn, 
Roger  le  Medreve,  William  Heryng,  Ralph  atte  Dene,  John  his  son,  Henry 
Tokevil,  John  Scot  the  elder,  Richard  de  Broghton,  John  Scot  the  younger, 
Roger  le  Cok  of  Seybrok,  Richard  le  Taillour  of  Chesham  and  others  took 
away  40  horses,  60  oxen,  50  cows,  100  bullocks,  1000  sheep  and  200  swine 
of  his,  worth  1 000/.,  and  carried  away  his  goods,  at  Aumondesham  and 
Chesham,  co.  Buckingham.  By  p.s« 

Mbmbranb  36</. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Gilbert  Talbot,  Ralph  Bloyon, 
John  Inge  and  Richard  Penres  touching  aUeged  oppressions  by  Richard  de 
Peshale  and  Alina  his  wife,  daughter  and  heiress  of  William  de  Brewosa, 
late  lord  of  the  land  of  Gower,  contrary  to  liberties  granted  by  the  said 
William  to  the  inhabitants  of  that  land  ;  unless  Richard  and  Alina  have 
done  justice  herein  before  the  arrival  of  the  commissioners.  In  taking 
inquisitions  jurors  may  be  drawn  from  neighbouring  parts,  namely  the 
county  of  Kaermerdyn  and  the  stewardships  of  Cautermauro  and  Cardygan. 


The  like  to  Thomas  de  Louthe,  John  de  Ticheburn  and  John  de 
Trevaignon  on  complaint  by  the  abbot  of  Beaulieu  that  William  son  of 
Walter  de  Beauchamp,  Stephen  Twengc,  Henry  Niwelyn  of  Upburgate, 
Henry  Stynte  of  Forde,  William  Russel  of  Cranebume  the  elder,  William 
Wevel  of  Netherburgate,  Thomas  le  Brode  of  Bolrewode,  *  forester,'  John 

5  EDWAUD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  1. 

Feb.  7. 

Feb.  10. 

Membrufie  36</ — cont^ 

le  Smale,  *  flecchere/  John  Gymmynges  of  Honlcye,  Stcplion  Ic  Caj^pjere, 
William  Russel  of  Fordo  the  younger,  Stophoii  Enstaz  of  Godishull, 
William  Aleyn  of  Forde,  Nicholas  Crowe  of  Fordo,  Hi?nry  Crowe  of  Forde 
and  others,  at  Burgate,  co.  Southampton,  broke,  the  gute-*  of  his  dwelling 
house,  the  doors  of  his  houses,  his  eoffers  and  chests,  curried  away  hi» 
goods,  assaulted  his  servants  imprisoning  them  at  Lyndhurst,  hanging  some 
up  by  the  feet  and  keeping  others  without  meat  and  drink  until  they  were 
nearly  dead,  and  have  also  many  times  Uiken  his  oxen,  cows,  sheep  and 
other  animals  feeding  in  the  New  Forest  and  impounded  them  without 
cause  at  Ispeleye,  keeping  them  so  long  without  food  that  very  many  of 
them  died  of  hunger.  By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  30*. 

The  like  to  Bichard  de  Wylughby,  Henry  de  Hambury,  Robert  de 
Touk  and  Roger  de  Baukewell  on  complaint  by  the  abbot  of  Burton  on 
Trent,  lately  appointed  by  R.  bishop  of  Chester,  collector  of  a  four  yearly 
tenth  imposed  by  the  Pope  on  the  clergy  of  England,  to  be  sub-collector 
for  his  diocese,  that  Walter  de  Askeby,  Robert  de  Heyford,  Adam  le 
Alblaster,  William  le  Messager,  Ralph  le  Rider,  clerk,  Robert  de  Sapertou, 
John  de  Dich,  Hugh  de  Alreshaw,  Jolm  de  Rothewell,  Nicholas  Pollard, 
Richard  do  Saperton,  Philip  Fraunceys,  Robert  de  Bodecote  and  others  at 
Lichfield,  co.  Stafford,  assaulted  William  do  Bromlegh,  his  servant,  whom 
he  had  sent  thither  with  memoranda  relating  to  the  collection  and  100/. 
of  the  king's  moiety  thereof  and  carried  away  the  100/. 

By  p.B.  and  fine  of  I  mark. 

Commission  de  walliis  etfossatis  to  Rol>ert  de  Malberthorpe,  Geoffrey  do 
Edenham,  William  de  la  Launde  and  William  de  Povnton  in  the  marsh 
between  Kesfeven  and  Holand,  co.  Lincoln. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Grey,  Richard  do 
Wylughby,  John  de  Mounteny  and  John  Baret  on  complaint  by  Stephen  lo 
Eir,  parson  of  the  church  of  Wilford,  that  Thomas  son  of  Ralph  de  Wilford, 
Gervase,  John,  William,  Alvred  and  Roger,  his  brothers,  Thomas  de 
Multon  of  Kyrketon,  knight,  John  son  of  Nicholas  Aleyn  of  CHfton, 
Gervase  son  of  Gerard  de  Cliflon,  Germanus  le  Rede,  John  lo  Rede, 
Roger  son  of  Gervase  de  Wilford  and  others  broke  his  doors  and  houses  and 
carried  away  his  goo<ls  at  Wilfoi*d,  co.  Nottingham.  By  fine  of  10*. 

Vacated  by  surrender. 

Mbmbraxb  34d. 

Feb.  7.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Robert  de  Malberthorpe,  Ricliard  do 

liungley.  Wylughby  and  Henry  de  Fenton  on  complaint  by  Gilbert  de  Bukyngham, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Nayleston,  that  .Fohn  dc  Neusum,  chaplain,  John 
de  Wakefeld,  Robert  Raven  of  Anesty,  William  Emson  of  VVhytwyk, 
William  Prat,  Reginald  Bonere  of  Ibivstoke,  chaplain,  John  Jeryn  of 
Leicester,  John  Person  of  Normanton,  Robert  de  Caxton,  chaplain,  Robert 
Friday  and  others  broke  his  close  at  Nayleston,  co.  Leicester,  and  carried 
away  his  goods.  By  pet.  of  C. 

The  like  to  John  de  Ifeld,  Thomas  de  Faversham  and  Nicholas  G^ntil 
on  complaint  by  Roger  de  Bavent  that  Richard  de  Passale,  John  Croft, 
John  Erissh  the  younger.  Griffin  de  Grenstedo,  John  de  Humery  and 
others  carried  away  his  goods  at  Heen,  co.  Sussex,  By  fine  of  1  mark. 

The  like  to  John  Travers,  Thomas  de  Breous  and  William  de  Ponto 
Robert!  on  complaint  by  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  that  William 
Nywe,  chapman,  John  atte  Donne,  John  Dekene,  John  Deke,  Richard  atte 
Bernete,  Richard  Urry,  William  de  Bademcldo,  John  Marchaant,  James 

U    65658.  I 

Feb.  8. 

Jan.  27. 



133;^^  Membrane  34fl? — cont, 

do  Cralle,  William  atte  Botte,  John  Bollyng,  Henry  CruUyng,  William 
Burden,  Simon  le  Taverner,  Richard  le  Man,  Robert  atte  Doune,  Richard 
Swyn,  Adam  Hello  and  others  carried  away  his  goods  and  assaulted  his 
servants  at  Sefford,  co.  Sussex  By  p.s. 

Feb.  13.  The  like  to  John  Travers,  Peter  de  Middleton,  Peter  de  Saltmersh  and 

Windsor.  Simon  de  Baldreston  on  complaint  by  the  men  of  Merskland,  co.  York, 
that  some  persons  have  broken  a  cau:»eway  called  *  Foxholedike '  intended  to 
protect  their  lands  from  inundation  by  the  rivers  Done,  Dike,  Went  and 
Ayre  at  Rouclif  by  Ayremynne,  whereby  their  corn  whether  in  granaries  or 
in  fields  has  been  submerged  and  destroyed.  By  C. 

Feb.  II. 

Feb.  9. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  17. 


Membrane  33cf. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Hugh  de  Courtenay,  Richard  de 
Wylughby  John  de  Trevaignon,  EHas  de  Godeleye  and  Peter  de  Colsuayn 
on  complaint  by  Nicholas  de  Wedergrave  that  John  de  Fynes,  William  de 
Faacumberge,  Geoffrey  de    Stanewelle,   William  B.isset,  John  Daunneye, 
John  de  Launneye,  William  Hogeles,  Simon  de  Courlonde,  John  Russel, 
carpenter,  William  le  Hayward  of  Strcte,  Ralph  de  Fysours,  Roger  Torel, 
Henry  le  Parker  of  Stoweye,  Robert  Here  ward,  Thomas  de  More,  Thomas 
de  Maperton,  brother  William  de  Sancto  Albino,  William  de  Dereneford  and 
others  broke  his  houses  at    Templecombc,  Preston,  Lopene,  Templers, 
Compton  Durvill,  Walton,  Welles,  Hydon,  Lode,  Mertok,  Westcombelond, 
Selver,  Estheleworth  and  Glutton,  co.  Somerset,  took  away  2  horses,  6 
mareS)  4  colts,  54  oxen,  40  cows,  20  bullocks,  20  calves,  640  sheep,  a  boar, 
20  swine,  4  sows  and  23  little  pigs  of  his,  worth  50/.,  and  carried  away  two 
deeds,  six  bonds  and  other  muniments. 

Renewed  by  roll  because  sealed  at  another  time,  and  by  fine  of  20i. 

Commission  to  Roger  de  Somervill,  William  Basset,  John  de  Ellerker 
the  elder  and  Simon  de  Grymesby — on  petition  by  L.  bishop  of  Durham 
shewing  that  when  he  was  returning  to  his  diocese  from  the  last  Parliament  a 
ship  conveying  his  goods  on  the  river  Ouse  was  like  to  have  been  cast 
away,  although  as  the  men  therein  escaped  alive  his  goods  should  not 
have  been  considered  to  be  wreck  ;  but  tliat  notwithstanding  this  part  of  the 
same  which  had  been  cast  ashore  at  Usflet,  Blaktof  and  Flaxflet,  co.  York, 
was  carried  away  and  is  still  detained  from  him — ^to  discover  the  names  of 
those  who  carried  away  the  goods  and  to  recover  them  for  the  bishop.    By  C. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Cantebrigge,  Peter  de 
Saltmersh  and  Thomas  de  Stodley  on  complaint  by  David  de  Strabolgi,  earl 
of  Athol,  that  John  atte  Brigge,  William  de  Kyrkeby,  Thomas  de  la  Haye 
and  others  took  away  6  horses  of  his  worth  200/.,  carried  away  his  goods 
and  assaulted  his  servants  at  Eluestow,  co.  Bedford.  By  K. 

Commission  to  Robert  de  Norton  and  William  de  la  Rue  to  survey  the 
islands  of  Guernereye,  Jei*seye,  Serk  and  Aureneye,  to  certify  the  king  of 
the  value  of  them  as  delivered  by  John  de  Roches,  the  late  keeper,  to  Peter 
Bernard  de  Pynsole  and  Laurence  de  Gaillars,  and  of  the  amount  expended 
by  the  said  John  in  repair  of  the  castles,  mills  and  houses,  of  the  number 
of  men-at-arms  and  others  retained  by  him  in  the  castles  of  Cornet  and 
Gourouck,  for  how  long  they  were  retained,  at  what  wages,  and  whether 
such  were  necessary,  also  whether  Otto  de  Grandisono,  sometime  keeper  of 
the  islands,  who  should  have  kept  the  castles,  &c.  in  repair  at  his  own 
charges  left  any  goods  at  his  death  whereof  such  repairs  might  be  made.  If 
he  did,  they  are  to  return  inquisition  of  the  same.  By  C. 

Writ  de  intejidendo  for  them  in  the  islands. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I. 



Feb.  10. 

Membrane  33<Z — cont. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de   Wylughby,  Robert  do 

Malberthorpe  and  William  de  la  Laiinde  touching  the  death  of  Walter 

Cryspin  at  Staynton  Wadyngham,  co.  Lincohi.  By  K. 

Feb.  14. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  15. 

Feb.  16. 

Feb.  20. 

Membrane  32d. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Inpfc,  Thomas  de  Lontho, 
John  Treiagn  and  John  de  Stonford  on  complaint  by  John  de  Chuddclon;h 
that  John  de  ]3ello  Campo  of  Uyme,  Thomas  Gamboun,  Richard  PoLiyn,  flolin 
Fraunceys,  Bartholomew  de  Churchille,  Robert  le  Roo,  Jolm  Kylnoye, 
William  de  Colahaye  and  Adam  Roberdesservaunt  de  Bello  Campo  abducted 
Idonia  his  daughter  and  heiress  at  Axminstre,  co.  Devon,  and  still  detahi  her 
from  him,  and  that  they  carried  away  his  goods  both  there  and  at  Clifton. 

By  fine  of  20s. 

Commission  de  wailiis  et  fossalis  to  John  Travers,  Peter  de  Saltemersh, 
William  do  Rednesse,  and  Jolin  <le  Bekyngham  in  the  parts  of  Merskland, 
CO.  York,  between  Turnbrigg  by  Rouclirf  and  the  ancient  course  of  the 
river  Done,  and  along  the  banks  of  the  Ayrc,  Ouse  and  Dune  in  those 

Commission  to  John  de  la  llaye  and  John  Aygnel  to  make  inquisition 
in  the  county  of  Bedford  of  the  goods  which  "William  Bcaucbanip,  late  a 
warder  of  Hertford  gaol,  who  was  hanged  for  o  robbeiy  proved  by  Henry 
atte  Welle,  held  on  the  day  of  his  death,  namely ,  Saturday  after  the  feast 
of  St.  Alphege,  7  Edward  11. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  do  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey, 
John  de  Bello  Campo  of  Somersete,  Hugh  Poyntz,  Ingelram  Berengcr  and 
Peter  Colsweyn  on  complaint  by  the  abbot  of  Bynedon  that,  while  the 
abbey  was  in  the  custody  of  persons  appointed  by  the  king,  brother  John  de 
Monte  Acuto,  feigning  himself  to  be  abbot,  Robert  do  Novo  Burgo,  knight, 
Thomas  de  Wynterbourne,  John  Deverel,  John  de  Leycestre,  John  de  Novo 
Burgo,  Walter,  prior  of  Holue,  William  de  Corscoumbe,  William  do  Stoke 
of  Weregredo,  Richard  Caleshale,  William  de  Whytefeld,  knight,  John 
Belet,  William  Fitz  Payn  of  Dorcestre,  John  de  Pedeiton,  John  Uppeheye, 
Nicholas  Possegor  of  La  Pole,  John  Oygour  of  Wollo  and  many  others 
entered  it  by  night,  took  away  100  oxen  and  7,000  sheep,  Avortli  700/.,  at 
Bynedon,  Bromyate,  Chalvedon,  Bovynton,  Hethfelton,  and  Wodesterte,  co. 
Dorset,  carried  away  books,  chalices,  vestments  and  ornaments  from  the  abbiy 
church  with  other  goods,  broke  a  coffer  containing  the  common  soul  of  the 
abbey,  carried  away  the  seal  with  such  charters,  deeds  and  muniments  as 
were  in  the  cofler,  made  leases  of  manors  belonging  to  the  abbey  and 
appende<l  the  seal  thereto  and  to  other  decls  prejudicial  to  the  abbey,  im- 
prisoned Walter  de  Mulebourne,  John  de  Rishton  and  Henry  de  Shirebourne, 
monks,  took  them  to  Dorcestre,  and  there  detained  them  for  a  long  time. 


The  like  to  Richard  Lovcll,  John  Inge,  Henry  le  Guldene  and  John 
Treii^u  on  complaint  by  Hugh  de  Langelonde,  knight,  that  Simon  de  Brad(?n- 
eye,  John  son  of  Joan  do  Seintlou,  Thomas  le  Largo  of  Bruggewater  and 
others  assaulted  him  at  Bruggewater,  co.  Somerset. 

Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time  by  p.s. 

Feb.  18. 

Membrane  31c/. 

Commission  of  oyer  and    terminer  to  John  do  Wylughby,  Robert  de 
Malberihorpe,  and  William  de  la  Launde  on  complaint  by  Ebulo  Lestraunge 

I  2 



1331.  Membrane  Z\d — cont, 

tliat  Muster  Nicholas  ds  Hokeham,  parson  of  the  church  of  St  Mary,  Staynton 
Wadynrjham,  John  de  Mardcfeld,  chaplain,  Peter  and  Robert  sons  of  Peter 
do  JStaynton  Wadynghani,  llvv^\\  WVst  of  Welton,  William  son  of  Henry, 
Robert  Benet,  Richard  .Foye,  Robert  do  Norton,  Nicholas  son  ot  Adam, 
William  son  of  the  said  Nicholas,  Richard  son  of  Elena,  Nicholas  Palmer, 
Nicholas  Bateman,  William  son  of  Roger,  John  son  of  Geoffrey,  Henry  son 
of  Mabel,  William  son  of  Elena,  Roger  son  of  Alan,  John  son  of  Adam, 
William  Belle,  Nicholas  son  of  Roger,  John  Raper,  Thomas  Campion,  John 
son  of  Stephen,  John  *  the  Smyth,'  Simon  atte  Bek,  Richard  son  of  Thomas, 
John  Proud,  William  Souter,  Roger  atte  Grene,  Hugh  Elyot,  Roger  '  the 
Smyth,*  Henry  Rauf,  Hugh  Bacster,  John  Bacster,  John  Benet,  John  son 
of  Philip,  Ralph  de  Hodydon,  Alan  sou  of  Elena,  Alan  son  of  Elias,  John 
Non,  Benedict  le  Ken,  John  Horsherd,  John  Souter,  Roger  Carman,  Walter 
Benet,  John  atte  Grene  of  Staynton  Wadyngham,  Alan  the  priouresservaunt 
of  Thornholm,  John  de  Wadyngham,  Henry  son  of  Walter,  Alan  Dynne 
Robert  del  Spytell,  Nicholas  Carter,  John  son  of  Henry,  Simon  Bateman, 
Hugh  de  Wadyngham,  chaplain,  Robert  Dynne,  clerk,  Richard  his  brother, 
Peter  de  Roxby,  Richard  his  brother,  Roger  son  of  Agne«,  John  Barber, 
John  de  Langcton,  Philip  le  Keu,  Pet^r  del  Spitel,  John  son  of  Thomas, 
Alan  Dumpyng,  John  le  Shepherd  of  Staynton  Wadyngham  and  others 
carried  away  his  goods  and  assaulted  his  servants  at  Staynton  Wadyngham, 
CO.  Lincoln.  By  K. 

Feb.  18.  Appointment  of  A.  bishop  of  Worcester,  S.  bishop  of  London,  Henry,  earl 

Windsor,  of  Lancivster,  John  de  Warenna,  earl  of  Surrey,  and  John  de  Claveryng  and 
Richard  de  Grey,  barons,  pursuant  to  the  statute  [1  Edward  III.,  Statute  1, 
cap.  3],  to  annul  a  deed  whereby  John  de  Brumpton  in  the  time  of  the 
late  king  enfeoffed  Hugh  le  Daspenser  the  younger  of  a  messuage  and 
carucate  of  land  in  Shipton  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  there,  if  it 
should  be  found  that  the  same  was  procured  by  force  and  duress. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Feb.  16.  Appointment  of  Henry  do  Percy,  Roger  Heyron,  Gilbert  de  Boroudon 

Wiadsor.     and  Robert  de  Hornesclif,  as  justices  to  keep  the  peace  with  the  men  of 

Scotland  in  the  county  of  Northumberland.  By  K.  and  pet.  of  C. 

The  like   of  John  de  Haryngton,  Ranulph  de  Dacre  and  Richard  do 

Denton  in  the  county  of  Cumberland.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  other loise  below, 

Feb.  14.  Appointment  of  Thomas  de  Sybethorp  and  John  de  Trehampton  in  the 
Langley.  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  lately  directed  to  William  de  Ra**,  John 
Travcrs  and  Roger  de  Birthorp  on  complaint  by  William  du  Chastel  of 
Queryngton  and  Brian  son  of  Brian  de  Herdeby  that  John  prior  of 
Sempyngham  and  others  broke  their  close  at  Evedon,  co.  Lincoln,  in  the 
place  of  Richard  de  Wylughby  who  had  been  substituted  for  the  said 

Feb.  2.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Trussel,  Richard  de  Moun- 

Langley.  chenesy,  Robert  de  Asshole  and  Geoffrey  de  Brokhole  on  complaint  by 
James  Dan-ynton  that  Robert  Grimbald,  William  le  Wardour,  Hugh  le 
Clerk,  Walter  Mys,  Gilbert  Ardewell,  Walter  Dun,  John  atte  Water  and 
others,  broke  his  houses,  carried  away  his  goods  and  assaulted  his  servants 
at  Ware,  co.  Hertford.  ^y  C. 

Feb.  27.  The  like  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  and  Robert  de  Scorburgh  touching  jewels 

Croydon,      and  other  goods,  which  escheated  to  the  king  from  Hugh  le  Despenser  the 

younger,  lately  carried  away  from  a  ship  at  Kyngeston  upon  Hull,  co. 


5  EDWARD  111.— Part  I.  133 

1331.  Membrane  30d. 

Feb.  18.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Roger  Herounne,  Robert  de  Horn- 
Windsor,      clyf  and  William  de  Donum  touching  complaints  of  oppressions  by  ministers 
of  the  late  king  and  tlie  king  in  the  county  of  Korthumberlandy  and  of 
robberies,  felonies  and  homicides  by  the  same  ministers  and  others. 
The  like  to  the  following  : — 

Robert  de  Clifford.  | 

Richard  de  Hodeleston.  I  in  the  counties  of  Westmoreland,  Cum- 

John  de  Horneby  the  elder,  r      bcrland,  and  Lancaster. 

Robert  Parnyng.  J 

John  de  Lancastre  is  appointed  in  the  [)lace  of  John  de  Horneby  in 
this  commission  under  date  April  1,  Elrham. 

Thomas  Wak(i  of  Lidell. 

Geoffrey  1«  Scrope.  Lin  the  county  of  York. 

Kanulph  de  J)laumoustre.       f^  ^ 

Adam  de  Hoperton. 

William  de  II os. 

William  de  Kymo. 

Robert  de  Malherthorpc.        I  .     ,i  ^      i?  t  •       i 

J'cter  do  Screinhy.  J^'"  ♦''«  •'°""*y  ""^  ^'"'=*''"- 

William  de  la  Lauude. 

Simon  de  Grymesby. 

Richard  de  (Jr<»y.  1  •       ^i  ^-  r    xt  i*-     u  i 

Tk-  1.     I  1    n^r  I     1 1  I  in    the    (counties    of    Nottinirham    and 

Richard  de  Wylughby. 
Robert  Russcl. 

}in    the    (!OuntieH 
Derby.    . 

Nicholas  de  Cnntilupo  is  associated  in  this  commission,  under  date 

July  17,  Lincoln. 
Afterwards,  on  20  November,  Robert  de  Perepount  is  added. 

Henr}'  de  Feniriis. 
William  de  Ilerle. 


-r>  1     i.  T>     I  A  /-ii^  th<»  counties  of  Warwick,  Leicester 

Robert  Burdet.  \  \  wr         ^ 

1,  I,. I,  and  Worcester. 

Roger  Hillary.  J 

Ralph  Basset  of  Drayton.  ^ 

William    le    Rotiller    of      [in  the  counties  of  Salop,  Stafford,  Oloii- 

wemmc.  y     cester  and  Hereford. 

Henry  de  Hambury. 

Roger  Hillary. 

Hugh  de  Courteney. 

John  do  Stonore.  I  in   the   counties   of    Devon,    Cornwall, 

Robeit  Selyman.  f      Somerset  and  Dorset. 

John  de  Trevaignon.  J 

Henry  le  Gulden  is  associated  in  this  commission  under  date  May  2, 
John  de  Handle.  ^ 

John  de  Stonoi-e.  I  in  the  counties  of  Oxford,  Berks,  Bed- 

John  de  Hampton.  r      ford  and  Buckingham. 

Robert  do  Asshele.  J 

On  October  lo,  John  de  Chetyngton  is  appointed  in  place  of  John 

do  Hampton  who  is  too  busy  to  act. 
\In  the  Roily  this  entry  is  made  in  error  after  tJie  commission  for 

the  counties  of  Salop ^  etc,"] 

John  de  Cobliam.  1 

Roger  Bavent.  I  in  the  counties  of  Southampton,  Wilts, 

Elias  de  Godeley.  [      Surrey,  Sussex,  and  Kent. 

William  de  Ponte  Roberti.  J 




Membrane  SOd-^coni, 

Roger  de  Grey. 
John  de  Cantebrigge. 
Robert  de  Bousser. 
Simon  de  Brunne. 
Roger  de  Kordeston. 
Ralph  de  Bockyng. 
Jolm  Claver. 
John  de  Shardelowe. 
William  la  Zouche  of  Hai'-' 

John  de  Verdon, 
Robert  de  Thorp. 
Robert  de  Sadyngton. 

in  the  counties  of  Essex,  Hertford,  Cam< 
bridge  and  Huntingdon. 

in  the  counties  of  Suffolk  and  Norfolk, 

in  the  counties  of   Northampton    and 

Feb.  18. 

Feb.  27. 

March  2. 

Feb.  2G. 

Membrane  29d, 

Association  of  John  de  Trevaignon  in  the  late  commission  of  oyer  and 
terminer  to  John  do  Stonore  and  others  touching  breaches  of  the  peace 
and  trespasses  in  the  county  of  Cornwall. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  de  Ros  of  Haroelak,  Robert 
de  Malberthorpe,  Thomas  Deivill  and  Adam  de  Hoperton  touching  the 
persons  who  broke  the  park  of  William  de  Kyme  at  Paddokthorp  by  Tad- 
castre,  co.  York,  while  in  the  king's  protection,  hunted  there  and  carried 
away  deer. 

Mandate  to  the  seneschal  of  Ponthieu  to  certify  the  king  of  all  grants 
of  lands,  rents  and  pensions  made  by  queen  Isabella  while  countess  of  Pon- 
thieu- By  C. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  le  Botiller  of  Wemme 
Henry  de  Hambury,  Roger  Hillary  and  Roger  Carles  on  complaint  by 
Fulke  Fitz  Waryn  that  William  de  Hulle,  Waryn  de  Rugge,  Nicholas  do 
Chirk,  Richard  Madok,  Richard  de  Hanewode,  Howel  ap  Thomas  and 
others  at  Whytynton  in  the  march  of  Wales  took  away  5  horses,  100  mares, 
100  colts,  48  oxen,  40  bullocks,  40  cows,  40  heifers,  500  sheep  and  100 
swine  of  his,  worth  1000/.,  broke  his  park,  hunted  there,  carried  away  deer, 
cut  down  his  trees,  fished  his  stews  and  carried  away  the  fish  and  timber. 


Membrane  2%d, 

Feb.  IG.         Appointment  of  William,  archbishop  of  York,  William,  prior  of  Durham, 
Windsor.      Henry  de  Percy,  Roger  Heyron,  Gilbert  de  Boroudon,  Robert  de  Homclif, 
William  de  Denum,  Richard  de  Aldeburgh  and  Adam  de  Boghes  in  the 
county  of  Northumberland  to  keep  the  peace  with  the  men  of  S^tland. 

By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  John  de  Haryngton,  Ranulph  de  Dacre  and  Richard  de 

Denton  in  the  county  of  Cumberland.  [FoBdercu] 

Membrane  27d, 

March  29.        Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Radenhale,  Simon  de  He- 
Eltham.       dersete  and  John  Claver  on  complaint  by  Anastasia  late  the  wife  of  John 

5  EDWATID  III.— Paiit  I. 



Membrane  27d — cont. 

But  of  Wolberdpijwyk  that  John  Payn  of  Dunwicli,  Constantino  de  Paston 
of  Dunwich,  Augustine  le  Fitz  William  Ausiyn  of  Dunwich,  Augustine  Ille 
of  Dunwich  and  others  took  away  a  ship  and  cargo  of  hers  on  the  coast  by 
Suthwold,  CO.  Suffolk,  sank  the  ship  at  sea  and  assaulted  her  servants  that 
were  on  board.  Changed  bfK^uso  sealed  at  another  time. 

Feb.  15. 

Feb.  26. 


Feb.  24. 


Feb.  8. 

Membraxb  26d. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Tmsseli  Thomas  de  Aste- 
leye,  William  de  Shareshulle  and  Robert  de  Asshelo  touching  unlawful 
assemblies  and  breaches  of  the  peace  in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and 
Leicester.  By  C. 

The  like  to  John  de  Sfonore,  Robert  Achard,  Thomas  de  Louthc  and  J. 
de  Trillowe  on  complaint  by  Fulko  Fitz  Waryn  that  John  Wyard,  John  de 
Alcestre,  Rol>ert  do  Welles,  Thomas  de  Welles  of  Wanetynge,  Hugh  de 
Beaminstre,  Henry  de  Maundevyll,  Peter  Croke  of  Want<*ynge,  Philip  de 
la  I3cche  and  others  took  away  a  horse  of  his  worth  GO/,  at  Wanetynge,  co. 
Berks.  By  K. 

The  like  to  John  de  Ifeld,  William  de  Deen  and  Ralph  le  Savage  on 
complaint  by  John  de  Asceles  that  J3lEirtholomew  de  Burghershe  and  others 
abducted  Mutilda  his  wife  at  Bukton  Allulf,  co.  Kent,  and  still  detain  her 
from  him,  and  that  they  carried  away  his  goods  at  Stoutyng  and  Sitlaton. 

By  K.  and  C. 

The  like  to  the  same  on  complaint  by  the  said  John  that  the  same  persons 
carried  away  his  goods  at  Burghersh,  co.  Sussex. 

The  like  to  Edward  do  Sancto  Johanne,  Thomas  do  Louthe,  John  do 
Hampton  and  Robert  de  Ilungerford  on  complaint  by  John  de  Kenne  of 
Bronilegh  that  Richard  de  Lekford,  Henry  de  Merlond,  William  Nichol, 
Andrew  Thurstan,  Roger  Anketil,  I'homas  le  Mas,  William  Henry,  Robert 
Yve  and  others  at  Lekibrd,  co.  Southampton,  broke  his  clone,  assaulted  him, 
took  away  4  horses,  8  oxen,  G  cow^s,  100  sheep  and  20  swine  of  his,  worth 
ICO/.,  carried  away  100/.  in  money  and  a.ssaulted  his  servants. 

By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  20*. 

March  4. 

March  4. 


March  12. 

March  16. 

Mrmbrane  26(1, 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Anthony  de  Lucy,  justiciary,  Adam 
de  Lymbergh,  chnncollor,  and  Thomas  de  Burgh,  treasurer,  of  Ireland, 
touching  complaints  of  oppressions  by  the  king's  ministers  in  that  land. 

By  K.  and  C. 

Writ  of  aid  for  the  said  Anthony  while  selecting  eighty  bowmen  in  the 
counties  of  Westmoreland  and  Cumberland  to  take  with  him  to  Ireland. 

By  K.  and  C. 

Appointment  of  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  in  the  place  of  John  Travers  in  the 
late  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  in  the  counties  of  York  and  Lancaster 
to  the  said  John,  William  d(^  Tatham  and  John  de  Lancastre  touching 
complainis  by  tha  king's  tenants  of  Boweland  of  oppression  by  Richard 
de  Spaldyngton,  keeper  of  the  king's  free  chace  there. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  John  de  Stonore, 
John  de  Cantebrigge,  John  Inge  and  William  de  Shareshull  on  complaint 
by  John  le  Smale,  king's  clerk,  that  Nicholas  Colepeper,  Thomas  Blake- 
brok,  Geoffrey  de  Hadercsham,  Henry  do  Go<lestone,  Peter  de  Bunches- 
ham,  John  son  of  William  atte  Ilelde,  Amabilla  Hovelok,  Matilda  her 
daughter  and  others  took  away  3  horses,  a  mare,  9  oxen,  40  swine  and  224 
sheep  of  his,  worth  100/.,  at  Blechinlegh,  co.  Surrey, 




Feb.  16. 

Membrane  2Ad. 

CommisBion  of  the  peace  to  William  le  Botiller  of  Wemme,  William  de 
Ercalewe  and  Walter  de  Hugford  in  the  county  of  Salop,  pursuant  to  the 
statute  of  Winchester.  By  C. 

The  like  to  the  following : — 

Rob  ^rt  d    TT '      Tf  »  ^^  ^^®  county  of  Northumberland. 

John  do  Haveryngton. 
John  de  Orreton. 

>  in  the  county  of  Cumberland. 

S^r.,t  W"i."'"^-  }  -  ^-^  --^3^  ^f  We^t^oreland. 

\  in  the  county  of  Lancaster. 

>  in  the  north  riding  of  Yorkshire. 

>  in  the  east  riding  of  Yorkshire. 

>in  the  west  riding  of  Yorkshire, 
ill  Richemundshire. 

Thomas  de  Lathum. 

Richard  de  Hoghton. 

John  Faucomberge. 

Thomas  de  Ughrith. 

Roger  de  Sonierviil. 

Robert  de  Hilton. 

Ranulph  Blaumuster. 

John  de  Elaud. 

Ralph  do  Norman  vill. 

Thomas  de  Colevill, 

Thomai^  de  Lathum. 

John  de  Mounteny. 

Thomas  de  Longovillers. 

Hugh  de  Menill. 

Roger  Deyncourt. 

Thomas  de  Chaworth. 

John  1  lamely  n. 

William  do  Bcrnyngham. 

John  de  Bishoppeston. 

Ralph  de  Knoll. 

John  de  Verdoun. 

ThomasWakeof  Bliseworth.  ^in  the  county  of  Northampton. 

John  de  Waldegrave. 

William  la  Zouche  of  Har- 

William  do  Raundes. 
John  de  Wylughby. 
Peter  de  Scrivelby. 
William  Deyncourt. 
Geoffrey  Luterel. 
William  de  Huntyngfeld. 
Richai'd  de  Casteiton. 
Roger  de  Kerdeston.  "] 

Constantino  deMortuoMari.  >in  the  county  of  Norfolk. 
John  Claver.  J 

John  de  Whelnetham. 


in  the  county  of  Nottingham, 
in  the  county  of  Derby, 
in  the  county  of  Leicester. 

in  the  county  of  Warwick. 

I.  >ii 

the  county  of  Rutland. 

in  the  parts  of  Lyndesey,  co.  Lincoln, 
in  the  parts  of  Kesteven,  co.  Lincoln. 
\  in  the  parts  of  Holand,  co.  Lincoln. 

John  do  Teiidringg. 
Rojrer  de  Watevill. 
Philip  de  Stowe. 
Robert  de  Wassingle. 
John  de  Hynton. 
Richard  de  Monte  Caniso. 
Wi!liam  Baude. 

in  the  county  of  Suffolk, 
in  the  county  of  Cambridge, 
in  the  county  of  Huntingdon. 

in  the  county  of  Hertford. 

John  de  la  Haye. 

Afterwards,  on  June  8,  John  de  Blounvil  is  appointed  in  the  place 
of  John  de  la  Haye. 

5  EDWARD  Til.— Part  T. 



June  8. 

Nov.  2. 

John  Morteyn. 

John  dc  Blounvil. 

Simon  Croiser. 

John  (Ic  Handlo. 

James  Frisol. 

Adam  nttc  Glory. 

Richard  do  Aherburi. 

John  de  Whitcfeld. 

Robert  Achard. 

Philip  de  la  Bechc. 

John  de  Cobebam. 

John  de  Ifcld. 

John  do  Enefeld. 

Henry  Frowyk. 

Andrew  dc  Medestede. 

William  de  Weston. 

Roger  Raven  t. 

Nicholas  Gentil. 

John  de  Tychebiim. 

RolKirt  dc  Popham. 

Reginahl  Pavely. 

RolHjrt  Selyman. 

John    de    Ikdlo    CamiK)   of 

John  de  Erie. 

Membrane  24(1 — cont, 

>in  the  county  of  Bedford. 

>in  the  county  of  Buckingham. 

I  in  the  county  of  Oxford. 

in  the  county  of  Berks. 

in  the  county  of  Kent. 
7  in  the  county  of  Middlesex. 

in  the  county  of  Surrey, 
in  the  county  of  Sussex, 
in  the  county  of  Southampton, 
in  the  county  of  Wilts. 

in  the  county  of  Somerset. 

in  the  county  of  Worcester. 

John  attc  Fosse. 

John  Pevcrel.  1  .    .i  ^  i       r  t^        x 

,T  1/111  M"  th<^  county  of  Dorset. 

Henry  <Ie  (jruldcn.  J  •' 

Afterv/ards,  on  June  8,  Richard  Level  is  appointed  in  the  place  of 

John  Peverel. 

Hugh  de  Curtenay. 

John  de  Dynham. 

Henry  de  la  Pomeraye. 

John  de  Carmynoun. 

John  de  Treiagu. 

Willian-  Tnicy. 

JohnGiflfard  of  Lechampton.  ^in  the  county  of  GloucedtCT. 

Pobort  de  Aston. 

\Villiam  Corbet. 

ICichard  de  Haucjkesloue. 

Clement  de  Douclent. 

Peter  de  Grandissono. 

Robert  de  Harle. 

Thomas  de  la  Bare. 

John  de  Twyfonl. 

Philip  do  Somervill. 

Ralph  lo  Botiller. 

Afterwards,  on  September  4,  William  le  Blount  is  appointed  in  the 
place  of  the  above  Philip  who  is  engaged  on  other  business. 

John  de  Insula.  1  .^  ^^^  j^^^  ^f  ^^^^^ 

John  de  la  Hoese.  J  ° 

Ralph  de  Bockyng. 
John  de  Teudryng. 
John  de  Whelnetham. 

William  le  Blunt. 
Hugh  de  Mcignild. 

>in  the  county  of  Devon. 
I  in  the  county  of  Cornwall. 

I.  >iJ 



in  the  county  of  Hereford. 

in  the  county  of  Stafibrd. 

>in  the  county  of  Suffolk. 
\  in  the  county  of  Stafford. 




1331,  Membrane  23d, 

March  8.         Writ  of  aid  for  John  Pajn,  king's  serjeant  at  arms,  sent  to  prevent  the 

Otfbrd.       holding  of  a  tournament  at   Rojston  (ad  villam  de  Cruce  Roesed)y  co. 

Cambridge.  By  K, 

March  25.        Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  la  Zouche  of  Assheby, 
Westminster.  Ralph  Basset  of  Drayton,  Henry  de  Hambury  and  William  de  Shareshuil 
on  complaint  of  oppressions  by  the  ministers  of  the  late  king  and  the  king 
in  the  counties  of  Worcester,  Salop,  Stafford,  Gloucester  and  Hereford 

By  K.  &  C. 

April  22. 

Feb.  18. 

Feb.  15. 

May  2. 


March  25. 

HaTenng  atte 

The  like  to  the  following : — 
Anselm  le  Mareschal. 
Ralph  de  Bockyng. 
John  Claver. 
John  de  Shardelowe. 
Thomas  Wake  of  Lidell. 
Greoffrey  le  Scrope. 
Ranulph  de  Blaumoustre. 
Adam  de  Hoperton. 

Roger  de  Grey. 
John  de  Cantebrigge. 
Robert  de  Bousser. 
Simon  de  Brunne. 

William  de  Clynton. 
Roger  Bavent. 
John  de  Cobham. 
Robert  de  Asshele. 
Elias  de  Godeleye. 

William  Trussel. 
Thomas  de  Asteleye. 
William  de  Shareshuil. 
Hugh  de  Haverbergh. 

in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk. 

►in  the  county  of  York. 

in  the    counties    of  Essex,.  Hertford, 
Cambridge  and  Huntingdon. 




.in  the  counties  of  Kent,  Surrey,  Sussex, 
r    Wilts  and  Southampton. 

in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester. 

By  K.  and  C. 

Afterwards,  on  June  28,  Richard  de  Wylughby  is  appointed  in  the 
place  of  William  Trussel  who  is  too  much  occupied  in  other 
business  of  the  king  to  act. 

Thomas  Wake  of  Lydel. 
Geoffrey  le  Strope, 
Ranulph  de  Blamouster. 
Adam  de  Hopertoi 

in  the  county  of  York. 


William  la  Zousche  of  A8-"1 

Richard*  Talbot  \}^  *^®    counties  of  Worcester,  Salop, 

Henry  de  Hambury.  |      Stafford,  Gloucester  and  Hereford. 

William  de  Shareshuil.         J 

Afterwards,  on  October  10,  R.  de  Wylughby  and  R.  do  Bavent  are 
associated  in  this  commission. 

John  de  Verdon, 
John  Engayne. 
Robert  de  Thorp. 
William  Bretoun. 

in  the  counties   of  Northampton  and 

Afterwards,  on  June  28,  John  de  Claveryng,  Thomas  de  Radedyve, 
Robert  de  Sadyngton  and  Peter  le  Fitz  Waryn  are  appointed  in 
the  place  of  these  commissioners. 

5  EDWARD  ni.—PABT  I. 



April  23. 

Maj  26. 

Bury  St. 


July  18. 

Richard  de  Grej. 
Richard  de  Wylughby. 
Robert  RussoL 

Membrane  23d — cont, 

in    the    counties  of   Nottingham    and 

William  de  Clynton. 
John  do  Cobham. 
Robert  de  Walkefare. 
John  de  Shanlelowe. 
Thomas  do  Faversham. 

Aflerwards,  on  May  30,  Thomas  Trcgoz  is  associated  In  this  com- 

in  the  counties  of  Kent,  Surrey,  Sussex, 
Wilts  and  Southampton. 

Thomas  de  Astele. 
Richard  de  Wylughby. 
William  de  Shareshull. 
Robert  de  Gatesby. 

in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester. 


March  22. 

March  29. 

Mbmbrase  22d. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Annesleye,  John  de  Cliveden, 
Robert  de  Aston  and  John  atte  Fosse  on  complaint  by  Robert  Gyeno  of 
Bristol,  king's  merchant,  that  a  ship,  la  Mariote  of  Hook,  whereof  Henry 
Tollere  was  master,  freighted  at  Bonleaux  by  him  and  other  merchants 
with  wines  and  other  merchandise  for  Bristol,  was  stranded  at  Goldcliffe ; 
and  that  part  of  the  cargo  having  been  washed  ashore  there  and  at  Asshe, 
Elmedon,  Walton, Weston  and  Portesevcd  co.  Somerset,  was  thereupon  carried 
away  as  wreck  by  Philip,  prior  of  Goldcliffe,  Hiomas  do  Bek,  one  of  the  monks, 
Thomas  de  Haule,  Nicholas  do  la  More  of  Porterton,  John  de  Usk,  clerk, 
Richard  Seclf,  Joan  Robyn,  William  Stevene,  John  Godyn  of  La  Newport, 
Richard  Girel,  John  lluchoun,  Henry  Bnigeman,  John  Walker,  Walter 
Whitte,  Henry  Pollanl  of  Goldclive,  John  Shoreman,  William  Wilkok, 
Walter  Gormounde,  John  Masoy,  Roger  Mascy,  John  le  White,  vicar  of 
the  church  of  Asshe,  John  Martyn,  John  Adekyn,  Gregory  Meurik,  John 
Robyn,  William  Shereman,  Nicholas  Ketyng,  Adam  iTicheman,  William 
Runston,  John  Runston,  Thomas  Shulf,  John  Persoun,  Richard  le  LangOi 
John  Shulf,  John  Nicole,  Andrew  de  Brumpton,  John  Roges,  Katherine 
de  Seymor,  Nicholas,  parson  of  the  church  of  Porteseved,  John  de  Wyk 
of  Weston,  John  le  Capiere  of  Walton,  John  Porterose,  Lawrence  Mares- 
chal,  Robert  le  Ma^oun  of  Portesevcd,  William  his  brother  and  others, 
notwithstanding  that  those  on  board  the  ship  had  escaped  alive  and  that,  at 
the  time  of  carrying  away,  it  was  claimed  for  the  said  Robert.    By  K.  &  C. 

The  like  to  Simon  de  Hedei-sete  and  John  Claver  touching  the  murder 
of  sixteen  men  on  board  a  ship  of  Anastasia,  late  the  wife  of  John  But, 
of  Wolberdeswyk  on  the  coast  of  Suffolk,  near  Suthwold,  and  the  carrying 
away  of  the  cargo  of  the  said  ship. 

Changed  because  scaled  at  another  time. 

Membrane  2\d, 

April  1.  Writ  of  aid  for  Robert  de  Ardem,  Richard  de  Hastong  and  Walter  de 

Eltham.       Wouburn,  appointed   to    arrest  John  son  of  William  de   Mulverton  of 

Weston  and  Roger  Bonyng,  charged  with  sundry  felonies  in  the  county  of 


April  2.  Appointment  of  John  Sturmy,  William  Ic  Fitz  Waryn  and  Peter  de  Grete 

Kltham.       in  the  place  of  the  steward  of  the  household  in  the  late  commission  of 



233 1 ,  Meinhrane  2ld — cotU. 

oyer  and  terminer  to  the  latter  and  the  marshals  of  the  household  touching 
complaints  of  trespasses  committed  within  the  verge  of  the  household 
during  the  absence  of  the  king  beyond  seas  in  fulfilment  of  a  vow.      By  K. 

Membrane  ISd. 

July  12.  Commission    of    oyer  and  terminer  to  William  de  Shareshull,  Roger 

Barlings.  Hillary,  Robert  de  Aston  and  William  de  Brad  well  on  complaint  by  John 
le  Smale,  king's  clerk,  that  John  Strayt  the  elder,  John  his  elder  son, 
John  Guyge,  John  le  Spieer,  John  le  Deyere  of  Teukesbury  and  others 
imprisoned  him,  took  away  3  horses  of  his,  worth  100/.,  at  Teukesbury, 
CO.  Gloucester,  and  carried  away  his  goods. 

July  6.  The  like  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Robert  Russel,  William  Basset  and 

Lincoln.      William  Scot  on  complaint  by  William  son  of  William  de  Emmelaye  that 

some    persons  broke  his  park  at  Emmelay,  hunted  there,  carried  away 

dear,  chased   12  mares  of  his  which  were  therein  so  that  they  cast  their 

foals,  and  burned  the  paiker's  lodge.  By  fine  of  10*.     York. 

March  22. 

March  21. 


March  20. 

Membrane  17  d. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Insula,  John  de  Tychebum, 
John  de  Mere  and  Peter  Colsweyn  on  complaint  by  William  de  Monte 
Acuto  that  Thomas  de  Folkcrby,  parson  of  the  church  of  Caulburn, 
William  Alfred,  Walter  Forster,  Richard  atte  Strete,  William  Stigard  and 
others,  at  Sweyncston,  Isle  of  Wight,  felled  his  trees,  hunted  in  his  free 
wairen  and  carried  away  trees,  hares,  and  rabbits. 

The  like,  touching  the  like  trespasses  on  the  king's  property  at  the  same 

The  like  to  John  Inge,  John  de  Shardelowe,  Thomas  Bacoun  and  Robert 
de  Asshele  on  complaint  by  John  de  Molyns  that,  while  he  was  beyond 
seas  on  the  king's  service  with  William  de  Mont«  Acuto  and  his  lands 
were  in  the  king's  protection,  Richard  de  Waledene  and  Alice  his  wife, 
William  de  Kyrkeby,  John  de  Waledene,  Geoffrey  de  Waledene,  Greoffrey 
de  Boyvill,  William  de  Berkhamstede,  Henry  Joede,  John  son  of  John 
Adam  and  others  at  Stoke  Fogeys  and  Dunton,  co.  Buckingham,  broke 
his  houses,  took  away  16  horses,  24  oxen,  12  cows  and  100  swine  of  his, 
worth  60/.,  felled  his  trees,  fished  his  stews,  and  carried  away  trees  and 
fish.  By  p.8. 

June  24. 

Membrane  I6d. 

Commission  de  walliis  et  fossatis  to  William  de  Dunton,  knight, 
Master  John  de  Felmyngham,  Thomas  de  Byrston  and  Thomas  Shillyng 
on  the  coast  between  the  towns  of  Tilneye  and  Walpole  in  Mersland,  co. 

April  23. 

Membrane  \bd. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  le  Vavaceour,  Thomas 
Deyvill  and  Adam  de  Hoperton  touching  the  accounts  of  the  collectors  of 
the  pavage  granted  by  the  late  king  and  the  king  to  the  town  of  Ponte- 
fract,  CO.  York. 

5  EDWARD  111.— Paet  1. 



April  23. 

June  25. 

Mf-mbratu  IZd—conL 

Th«  likr:   to   R>h-rt  de  Perpoant,  Richard  de  Wjlaghbv  and   Robert 
Darcj  touching  the  mar-L-r  of  Rilyh  de  Blrion  at  Birion.  ex  Xottinjjhjm. 

By  K.  on  th-ir  information  of  G.  le  Scrope. 

The  like  to  R'ib.-rt  d-  As[fil-\  William  Tracv  a  a -I  Robert  de  Aston 
on  information  ih'At  p.-rson*  in  the  co'j:iti»-s  uf  Gloucester.  Sjmerset,  Dorset 
and  Wiltr  hai-e  carr.el  awav  the  eso":;».i:e'l  go-xl*  of  Hugh  le  Despen^erthe 
vounser  and  Msi-iter  R'jV»?r:  ile  winch  were  in  Bristol  C;i5tle  and 
the  bttrton  and  HU'^rty  of  Bristol,  and  still  detain  the^?  from  the  king; 
that  his  ministers  and  o: liens  have  oppressed  Lis  tenants  in  those  counties, 
extorting  from  them  <iuch  ransoms  that  they  are  not  able  to  satisfy  their 
wirioes  and  customs  due  to  him,  that  in  Ivyngeswoile  Chace  there  have 
been  trespasses  of  vert  and  venison,  the  pc*rpetrators  whereof  are  screened 
from  justice  by  others  and  that  the  king's  foresters  there  are  prevented  by 
threats  from  discharging  thoir  offices. 

April  22. 

July  18. 

April  25. 

March  12. 

May  3. 

Membraxe  \Ad. 

Appointment  of  John   Brounz  and  William  de  Latton  a<  conservators 
in  the  county  of  Berk^,  pursuant   to  the  statute  against  Liking  salmon  in 
any  river  of  the  rtjalm  from  the  Nativity  of  St.  Mary  to  Martilmas  and 
destroying  salmon  fry  by  nets  or  other  engines  in  mill  ponds  from  the 
middle  of  April  to  midsummer. 

Membraxe  13J. 

Commission  to  John  Beek,  William  Dysny,  John  de  Crosholm  the  elder, 
John  de  Nevill  of  Snartford  and  John  de  Crosholm  the  younger  to  survey 
and  remove  olMtructions  in  the  river  Ancolm  from  the  bridge  of  Bishoppbrigg 
to  the  town  of  Glanifordbrigges,  co.  Lincoln. 

MEMBR^iXE  I2d. 

Writ  of  aid  until  midsummer  for  Simon  de  Biletoft  and  John  de  Carloton 
appointed  to  arrest  and  bring  to  the  kin;;  John  son  and  heir  of  John  de 
Belawe,  whose  custo<ly  and  marriage  belong  to  him. 

CoramLHsion  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  Robert  de  Cliderhou,  William  de 
Tatham  and  John  de  Lancastre  to  en([uire  and  certify  the  king  touching  a 
petition  of  his  tenants  of  Bowel  and  showing  that  Richard  de  Spaldyngton, 
Ittte  keeper  of  his  free  cliuce  of  Boweland  in  the  counties  of  York  and 
Lancai*ter,  while  in  the  tenure  of  (jueen  Isabella,  felle<l  and  sold  2()0  oaks 
and  300  ashes  there  ;  took  the  stags,  hinds,  bucks  and  does  at  his  pleasure, 
to  the  total  destruction  thereof  ;  l(;vied  a  rent  of  12  marks  f'>r  the  herbsigo 
whereof  he  paid  but  4  to  the  queen  ;  that  he  never  acconnied  to  her  for  rents  of 
11*.  and  Gs.  Hd.  received  from  William  le  Tumour  and  Robert  h>  Tumour 
for  their  mc^ssuages  within  the  clutce  and  that  he  so  impoverished  the 
tenants  and  lK>ndmen  by  ransoms,  undue  prises  and  other  extortions  that 
some  have  relinquished  their  tenements  and  the  rest  are  for  the  most  part 
unable  to  perform  their  service  to  the  king. 

On  May  3  a  commission  was  directed  to  Peter  de  Middelton,  John 
Giffard,  Robert  de  Shirbourn  and  William  de  Dcuum  in  identi&d  tfrms. 

On  July  22,  Peter  do  Middelton,  William  de  Dcnum  and  Ilobcrt  de 
Shirebum  were  appointed  to  execute  the  same.  By  C. 

Commission  to  Constantino  dc  Mortuo  Mari  and  George  de  Thorp  to 
inquire  and  certify  the  king  touching  a  treasure  found  at  Est  Herlynge,  co. 
Norfolk.  By  K. 


]331.  Membrane  \2d — cont. 

Memorandum. — This  commission  was  delivered  to  Robert  de  Burgate 
and  William  de  Hoo  who  took  an  oath  in  the  Chancery  for  the  faithful 
execution  of  the  same. 

Membrane  lUl. 

May  18.  Commission  to  John  de  Wysham,  justice  of  North  Wales,  William  le 
Haveriag  atto  Botiller  of  Wemme,  Roger  de  Poulosdon  and  Roger  Carles  to  examine  the 
Bower.  inquisition  returned  into  the  Chancery  on  a  former  commission  to  the  sai'l 
William  and  others  touching  a  complaint  by  Griffin  de  la  Pole  that  John  de 
Cherleton  in  the  time  of  the  late  king  ejected  him  from  his  lands  in  Dendor 
and  Meghen  Iscoyt  in  the  land  of  Powys  in  North  Wales,  held  in  chief,  and 
burned  his  houses  and  buildings,  to  take  fi*esh  inquisitions  if  necessary  and 
to  do  full  and  speedy  justice  according  to  the  law  and  custom  of  those  parts. 

hy  K.  &  C. 
On  July  6,  Adam  de  Herewynton  and  Robert  de  Aston  are  associated  in 
this  commission. 

Membrane  \0d, 

April  27.  Appointment  of  William  de  Northo  in  the  place  of  John  Dabernoun,  now 

Bermondsey.  sheritf  of  the  county,  in  the  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  the  said  John, 
John  Travers  and  John  de  Ifeld  on  complaint  by  Henry  Tregoz  that  Walter, 
prior  of  Tortington,  and  others  broke  his  park  at  Wykenholt,  co.  Sussex. 


May  6.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Stonore,  Robert  Achard, 

Ilayering  atte  Thomas  de  Louthe  and  Robert  de  Hungerford  on  complaint  by  Fulke 

Bower.        Yitz  Waryn  that  John  Wyard.  John  de  Acestre,  Robert  de  Welles,  Thomas 

de  Welles   of  Wanetynge,  Hugh  de  Beuminstre^  Henry  de  Manndevill, 

Peter  Croke  of  Wanetyngg  and  others  took  away  a  horse  of  his,  worth  60/., 

at  Wanetynge,  co.  Berks.  By  K. 

Membrane  9d. 

April  29.         Writ  of  aid  for  William  Trussel  and  Richard  de  Kyngeston,  a  monk  of 

Stratford.      Bindon  Abbey,  taking  back  to  the  abbey  John  de  Monte  Acuto  and  John 

de  Welle,  apostate  monks,  arrested  by  the  king's  command  while  wandering 

about  the  country,  sometimes  in  secular  and  sometimes  in  regular  habit,  in 

contempt  of  their  profession. 

May  8.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Stonore  and  John  de 

HaTering  atte  Cantebrigge,  touching   many   felonies    and   robberies   in   the    county  of 

Bower.        Suffolk  by  persons  going  armed  by  day  and  night  contrary  to  the  statute 

of  Northampton  and  the  king's  proclamation.  By  C. 

Membrane  Sd.] 

March  29.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Geffrey  le  Scrope,  Robert  de 
Eltham.  Scorburgh  and  Adam  Hoperton  on  complaint  by  William,  archbishop 
of  York,  that  Robert  de  Nonewykthomes,  John  his  son,  WUliam  Stede, 
William  Peroun,  William  Hunter,  Robert  Page,  Martin  Fenne,  Richard 
de  Braythwayt  and  others  broke  his  park  at  Ripon,  co.  York,  hunted  there, 
carried  away  deer  and  assaulted  his  seryants.  By  the  chancellor. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  I.  143 

1331.  Membrane  Sd — cont, 

July  6.  The  like  to  Richard  de  Wylughby,  Robert  Darcy,  William  do  Denuin 

Lincoln.  and  SimoQ  de  Grymesby  ou  complaint  by  Robert  dc  Colevill  that  William 
Marmyon,  knight,  Robert  Lovet,  parson  of  the  church  of  Asshcwcll,  John 
his  brother,  Roger  de  Stowe,  chaplain,  John  de  Seynmark  of  Thornhaghy 
Edmund  Paynel,  parson  of  the  church  of  Berghton,  Grerard  de  Barkeston  of 
Castle  Bytham  and  others  broke  his  park  at  Cai»tle  Bytham,  co.  Lincoln, 
hunted  there,  and  carried  away  deer. 

Membraxs  Id, 

May  10.         Commission  to  William  dc  Shaldeford  and  to  John  Aleyn,  supplying  the 
Havering  attc   place  of  the  justice  of  North  Wales,  to   examine  into  some  petitions    by 
Bower.        Englishmen  dweUing  in  North  Wales  complaining  of  felonies  and  oppres- 
sions suffered  at  the  liands  of  Griffin  ap  Rees,  knight,  David  ab  Ada  and 
other  Welshmen  and  to  imprison  until  further  orders  those  they  shall  find 
to  be  guilty  in  the  matter.  By  K. 

Writ  de  intendendo  accordingly. 

May  10.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Geoffrey  le  Scrope,  Thomas  Deyvill 

Uavering  attc  and  Adam  Hoperton  on  complaint  by  Ralph  de  Bulmere  of  trespasses  in  his 
Bower.       parks  at  Wilton  in  Clyveland  and  Thornton  under  Risbergh,  co.  York. 

By  fine  of  20*. 
Vacated  because  othericise  below  tinder  date  of  August  20. 

May  18.  Commission  of  oyer  and   terminer   to  John   Inge,  Edward  de  Sancto 

Ilavennf^  atte  Johanne,  Robert  de  Chedeworth  and  William  de  Northo  touching  the 
Bower.  persons  who  carried  away  jewels,  treasure,  silver  vessels,  armour  and  other 
poods  and  took  away  horses,  oxen,  cows,  sheep  and  other  animals  which 
Edmund  late  earl  of  Arundel  held  ou  the  day  of  his  death  and  which  <he 
late  king  caused  to  be  taken  into  his  hands  as  escheats  at  Atham,  Rothing, 
Pritelwell,  Yengemergerete,  Wolfhampton,  Ovesham  and  Childene  Canefeld, 
CO.  Essex,  Chichester,  Arundell,  Bourne,  Stanstedc,  Scngleton,  Est  Dene, 
Wollavyton,  Stoke,  Leuominster,  Palingham  and  Sunburst,  co.  Sussex, 
Milham  and  Southwode,  co.  Norfolk,  Wenge  and  Blakewell,  co.  Buck- 
ingham; Upton  Leonard,  co.  Gloucester,  Cheping  Norton,  co.  Oxford, 
Kyvele,  co.  Wilts,  Eppeworth,  co.  Lincoln,  and  in  the  city  of  London. 

The  like  to  William  le  Botiller  of  Wemme,  John  Inge,  Roger  Corbet  of 
Haddele  and  Richard  de  Baskerville  touching  jewels  and  goods  similarly 
carried  away  at  Shrewsbury,  Chastel  Isabel!',  Ruton,  Conede,  Felton,  Acton 
Rounde,  Wroccestre,  Dodinton,  Ideshale,  Lideley,  Strattou  and  Upton,  co. 
Salop.  By  K. 

Membrane  6d. 

May  8.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Mountencye,  Richard  de 

UaveriDg  attc  Whatton  and  Jlenry  de  Musters  touching  the    accounts  of  the  collectors 
Bower.        of  the  pavage  granted  on  8  May,  2  Edward  III.,  at  the  town  of  Newark. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Membrane  4d. 

May  13.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  Inge,  Henry  do  Guldcno  and 

Havering  atte  John  atte  Fosse  on  complaint  by  William  do  Monte.  Acuto,  to  whom  the 

Bower.        j^jng  lately  granted  the  custody  of  the  stannary  in  til©  county  of  Devon, 

that  Thomas,   abbot   of  Bokloud,  John  de  Chalons,  "knight,  John    his 



1331.  Membrane  Ad — cont 

brother,  Richard  son  of  John  atte  Smyth',  Michael  Cole,  Thomas  Hassok, 
John  de  Orpeton,  William  Henry  of  Orpeton,  William  de  Orpetou  the 
younger,  William  Henri,  John  Hassok,  William  Alger  atte  Forde  and 
others  prevented  him  from  executing  his  office  and  assaulted  John  Cole  and 
Walter  le  Smyth,  his  bailiffs,  at  Chalunsleye,  so  that  he  has  lost  the  profits 
of  the  stannary  and  court  and  cannot  satisfy  the  king  of  the  fkrm  due  for 
the  same.  Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time.     By  K. 

June  8.  The  like  to  William  de  ShareshuU  and  Roger  Hillary  touching  the  per- 

Norwich.      sons  who  killed  Hugh  do  Ever  don,  Laurence  Godcfrey  of  Thobrugge  and 
Henry  de  Blaunford  at  St.  Albans,  co.  Hertford. 

May  18. 

Havering  atto 


May  30. 

St  Edmunds. 

Membrane  Sd, 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Simon  de  Hedersete,  Thomas  de 
Bavent,  and  John  Claver  on  complaint  by  Thomas  Roscelyn  that  John  de 
Ormesby,  knight,  William  le  Povere  of  Leringsete,  Thomas  le  Millers, 
John  le  Povere,  parson  of  the  church  of  Stodeye,  Margery  Tibbes,  Robert 
de  Begate  and  others  broke  his  houses  at  Eggefeld,  co.  Norfolk,  felled  his 
trees,  fished  his  stews  and  carried  away  trees  and  fish. 

Changed  by  the  keeper  of  the  seal  because  sealed  at  another  time. 

Commission  of  the  peace  to  Robert  de  Ufford,  Oliver  de  Ingham,  John 
de  Sancto  Philiberto  and  John  de  Cove  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and 
Suffolk,  where  many  felonies  and  oppressions  are  now  committed  by  persons 
going  and  riding  armed  by  day  and  night  contrary  to  the  statute  of 
Northampton  and  the  king's  proclamation.  By  K. 

The  like  commission  to  the  following  : — 
Robert  de  Ufford. 
Robert  de  Morleye. 
Oliver  de  Ingham. 
Constantino  de  Mortuo  Marl. 
Thomas  le  Latymer. 
Edmund  Bacoun. 

June  12.         Commission  de  walliis  etfossatis  to  Peter  de  Saltmersh,  Henry  do  Wal- 
Bamwell.      pole,   William  de  Dunton,  Simon  Costyn  and  William  Duraunt  in  Mersh- 
land,  CO.  Norfolk,  and  the  parts  adjacent. 

June  24. 

July  15. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Stonore,  John  Treiagu, 
Reginald  de  Botreaux  and  John  Brilloun,  on  information  that  Benedict 
Noght  of  Mushole,  John  le  Taverner  of  Mushole,  and  others  aided  John 
Mautravers  and  Thomas  Gurneyo,  rebels,  to  pass  beyond  seas  from  Corn- 
wall after  the  issue  of  the  king's  mandate  to  the  keepers  of  all  the  ports 
not  to  suffer  them  to  leave  the  realm,  that  they  afterwards  supplied  them 
with  corn,  armour,  and  jvictuals,  and  that  they  still  render  them  continual 

Membrane  2d. 

June  5.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Ralph  Basset  of  Weldon,  John  de 

Thetford.  Cantebriggo,  Almaricus  la  Zousch  and  Robert  de  Thorpe  on  information  that 
Simon  Sidrak,  William  and  Simon  bis  sons,  John  Hoke,  John  Burdoun, 
William  de  Clynton,  William  le  Shepherd,  Richard  Rand  and  others 
assembling  armed  at  Rokyngham,  co.  Northampton,  assaulted  John 
Waldegrave,  queen  Philippa's  serjeant  and  minister  of  Rokyngham  Forest, 
and  by  threats  prevented  the  other  ministers  of  the  said  forest  from  executing 
their  offices.  By  K. 

5  EDWARD  m.— Pabt  I. 



Jano  4. 

Bury  St. 


June  7. 

Metnhrane  2d — cont. 

Appointment  of  Roger  Hillary  and  Robert  de  Aston  in  the  place  of 
Ralph  Bloyon  and  Richard  Penres  in  the  late  commission  of  oyer  and 
terminer  touching  alleged  oppression  of  the  men  and  tenants  of  the  land 
of  Gower  by  Richard  de  Peshale  and  Aliua  his  wife.  By  C. 

Writ  of  aid  for  Robert  Jorz,  sheriff  of  Nottingham,  and  John  de  Denton 
appointed  to  arrest  and  bring  back  to  Nottingham  prison  Roger  de 
Wandesleye  and  Thomas  le  Rc^ged  who  hare  broken  from  that  prison 
when  detained  there  for  felonies  in  the  county  of  Derby. 


Jane  28. 

July  6. 

Commission  to  Robert  de  Norton  and  Peter  de  IToo  to  complete  the 
survey  of  the  islands  of  Gerncrcye,  Jercseie,  Scrk  and  Aureneye  com- 
menced by  the  said  Robert  and  William  de  la  Rue  under  a  commission 
which  has  since  been  superseded  by  the  king.  By  K. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Handelo,  John  do  Stonore, 
John  do  Hampton  and  Robert  do  Asshole  on  complaints  of  oppressions 
by  the  king's  ministers  in  the  counties  of  Oxford,  Berks,  Bedford  and 
Buckingham.  By  C. 

B  EDWARD  III.— Paht  2. 

2831,  Membrane  34. 

May  30.  Grant  to  Maurice  de  Berkele,  for  his  better   maintenance  in  the  king's 

Bury  St.      service,  of  the  manors  of  Mawardyn  and  Wynfcrton,  co.  Hereford,  late  of 

Bdmundi.     Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk,  which  have  escheate<l  to  the  king  by  the 

forfeiture  of  Itoger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  late  earl  of  March,  his  nephew,  to 

hold  for  life  as  the  land  of  the  yearly  value  of  100/.  lately  granted  to  Iiim 

by  the  king  under  a  certain  foi*m.  By  K.  Sb  C. 

May  12.  Ordinance,  made  because  of  the  great  losses  sustained  by  the  king  in  the 
Havering  atte  collection  of  his  customs  of  wools,  hides,  and  wool  fells  by  the  negligence 
Bower.  Qf  xh^  collectors,  and  by  the  controllers  having  discharged  their  office  by 
deputy  and  not  in  person,  that  in  every  port  of  collection  of  such  customs 
one  at  least  of  the  collectors  and  the  controller  shall  be  present  at  the 
weighing  of  the  wool  to  see  that  every  sack,/>oAe,  and  sarplcr  is  correctly 
weighed  for  the  king  and  for  the  merchsmts,  that  either  of  the  collectors 
shall  keep  a  roll  of  the  customs  paid  as  a  check  on  the  controller,  and  that 
they  shall  render  quarterly  at  the  Exchequer  a  view  of  account  verified  by 
one  of  the  three  rolls  under  the  seals  of  the  collectors  and  controller ;  and 
forasmuch  as  the  loss  which  has  occurred  has  ai'isen  by  fraud  and  negligence 
on  the  part  of  the  weighers  and  the  controllers  or  their  deputies,  that  these 
shall  be  put  out  of  their  offices  notwithstanding  any  commission  they  have 
of  the  same  and  other  controllers  appointed  in  their  place ;  and  that 
weighers  shall  be  chosen  in  the  ports  by  the  respective  commonalties. 
French.  By  K.  &  C. 

U    65666. 





May  30. 

Bury  St 

May  30. 

Bury  St. 


Jane  10. 

June  10. 

June  11. 

June  12. 

June  26. 

June  27. 

June  28. 

June  25. 

Membrane  M'^cont. 

'Jliis  ordinance  is  sent  to  the  following  ports: — 

Hartilpole.  London. 

Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  Sandwich. 

Kyngoston-upon-Hull.  Chichester. 

Boston.  Southampton. 

Lynn.  Exeter. 

Great  Yarmouth.  Melecombe. 

Confirmation  of  a  demise  by  John  de  lUeye,  parson  of  the  church  of  All 
Saints,  Ikelyngham,  and  John  Waryn,  parson  of  the  church  of  Savecamp, 
executors  of  Hervey  de  Stanton,  to  Robert  de  UflFord,  his  executors  and 
assigns,  of  the  custody,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Stotevilly 
tenant  in  chief,  of  the  manor  of  Dedham,  co.  Essex,  at  the  same  rent 
whereby  the  said  Hervey  held  it  by  grant  of  the  late  king.  By  K. 

Vacated  because  on  the  Fine  Roll. 

Grant  to  the  good  men  of  the  town  of  Suthbury  of  pontage  for  three 
years  on  wares  passing  over  their  bridge,  for  repair  of  the  said  bridge. 

By  p.s. 

Protection,  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of 
St.  Mary  nnd  St.  Nicholas,  Gorleston,  and  their  messengers,  collecting 
alms ;  they  liaving  no  sufficient  means  of  subsistence. 

Appointment  of  Robert  de  Scardeburgh  in  the  place  of  John  Travers 
lately  appointed  one  of  the  justices  in  eyre  for  the  islands  of  Gernereye, 
Jereseye,  Serk  and  Aureneye  ;  the  latter  not  having  leisure  to  act.     By  C. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  the  said  Robert  and  the  other  j  ustices. 

Man'lnte  to  the  snid  Robert  and  the  other  justices  already  appointed  to 
admit  before  them  Robert  de  Hoo  as  the  king's  attorney  for  this  eyre. 


Protection  with  clause  rogamus^  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  the  Holy  Ghost  at  Rome,  and  their  attorneys, 
collecting  alms  in  the  churches  in  England,  Ireland  and  Wales.  The  king's 
bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Cantebrigge  of  the  fine  of  100  marks  which  he  made 
with  the  king  for  the  marriage  of  Andrew,  kinsman  and  heir  of  Humphrey 
de  Waldcn,  tenant  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Protection,  with  clause  volumus^  for  one  year,  for  William  Trussel  going 
beyond  s&is  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

The  said  William  has  letters  nominating  William  de  Keythorpe  and 
Richard  de  Kyuelyngworth  his  attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Ratification  of  a  grant  by  Mariota  Molle.  late  the  wife  of  Thomas  Ware- 
wogyl,  to  the  Friars  Minors  of  Kaermerdyn  of  a  spring,  or  of  the  use  of 
the  water  thereof,  in  her  park  called  *  Walter  his  Wasewey,'  on  the  slope  of 
Mount  Berwyn,  to  make  an  aqueduct  for  their  nse,  and  of  liberty  to  dig 
and  search  for  the  veins  of  water  of  such  spring,  and  to  collect  and  conduct 
these  by  underground  passages  to  a  certain  place  on  her  land  where  they 
may  erect  a  little  house  of  stone,  either  round  or  square  as  tliey  shidl 
please,  ten  feel  long  and  as  many  broad.  By  K.  for  God. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Stonore,  in  consideration  of  his  labours  and  expenses 
in  the  service  of  the  late  king  and  the  king,  of  the  yearly  farm  of  45/. 
payable  for  the  custody,  during  minority  of  the  heir  of  John  de  Benstede, 
tenant  in  chief,  of  the  manor  of  Ermingtou,  co.  Devon,  granted  to  him  by 
the  late  king ;  nnd  of  all  arrears  due  in  respect  of  the  same.  By  K. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Pabt  II. 



June  29. 

June  23. 

Juno  23. 

Membrane  34 — cont, 

NotiGcation,  at  the  request  of  the  burgesses  of  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  that 
the  king  hy  charter  has  confirmed  the  charter  of  Henry  III.  exempting  the 
abbot,  convent  and  burpesFes  of  St.  Kdmunds  from  toll  and  customs  in 
all  markets  and  fairs,  witli  other  liberties  jL^runted  by  his  progenitor?*. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  l)y  John  de  Stretford,  bishop  of 
Winchester,  and  Master  Robert  de  Stretford,  his  brother,  to  Adam  bishop  of 
Worcester  of  a  pasture  containing  fourteen  selions  in  Old  Stretford,  in  a 
place  called  *  Le  Homme.'  By  K. 

Protection  with  clause  rof/amus,  for  three  years,  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Bartholomew  without  Lincoln  collecting  alms 
in  churches,  towns  and  markets. 

May  30. 

Bnry  St. 

May  28. 

Bury  St. 

May  30. 

Bury  St. 

June  8. 

June  8. 

Jane  24. 


June  23. 

Jane  26. 

Membranb  33. 

Protection  for  John  de  Hynkele,  who  lately  left  the  realm  for  certain 
reasons,  while  returning  to  the  same  and  staying  there,  on  condition  that  he 
answer  in  Court  touching  any  suit  the  king  or  any  other  may  wish  to  bring 
against  him.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  John  Dor  for  breaking  prison  from  Worcester  Castle,  on 
condition  that  he  answer  in  Court  touching  the  plea  for  which  he  was 
imprisoned,  if  required.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Henry  de  Chalfhunte,  in  enlargement  of  the  late  grant  to  him  of 
the  custody  of  the  possessions  of  John  (lerounde,  tenant  in  chief,  with  the 
man'iage  of  the  tliree  daughters  and  heiresses,  of  tlie  custody  of  the  lands 
which  Idonia,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  .Jolin,  now  deceased,  held  as  dower, 
to  hold  during  minority  of  the  said  heiresses  witli  all  knights'  fees  and 
advowsons  of  churches,  as  well  as  with  the  reversions  of  two  other 
dowers  if  they  fall  in  while  he  holds  the  custody.  By  p.s. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Robert  de  Wodehous  as  prebendary  of  Cole- 
wich  in  the  church  of  St.  Cedda,  Lichfield,  by  provision  of  the  Apostolic  See. 


Confirmation  in  mortmain  of  grants  by  Robert  son  of  Richard  son  of 
Thancard  de  Haverford  to  the  canons  of  St.  Mary  and  St.  Thomas  the 
Martyr,  Haverford,  of  the  clmrches  of  St.  Thomas,  Haverford,  St.  Marv, 
and  St.  Martin,  w^itli  all  titlies,  etc.,  pertaining  thereto ;  of  his  chapel  in 
tlie  Castle  for  them  to  provi<le  a  minitster  for  the  same  to  be  fed  at  his 
table  ;  of  his  tithes  of  wool  and  cheese  and  of  his  fishery,  with  liberty  of 
multure  in  his  mills,  namely,  that  they  be  *  scevinefreoch,'  and  '  tolfreoch ' ; 
of  his  tithes  of  the  mills  in  his  demesne  lands  pertaining  to  the  bai*ony  of 
Haverford  ;  and  of  certain  lands  defined  in  the  letters  patent. 

[MonasticoHj  vol.  vi.,  p.  444.]  By  fine  of  20«.     Wales. 

Mandate  to  the  escheator  beyond  Trent  for  restitution  of  the  temporali- 
ties of  the  abbc»y  of  St.  Mary,  York,  to  Thomas  de  Multon,  one  of  the 
monks,  whose  election  as  abbot  has  been  confirmed  by  W.  archbishop  of 
York,  and  who  has  done  feally  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Writ  fie  iritendcndo  for  the  said  Thomas  directed  to  tenants  of  the  abbcv. 

Tin?  like  mandate  to  the  prior  and  convent  who  were  appointed  to  the 
cu8to<ly  of  tlie  teniponilities  durin;^  the  voidance. 

Grant  to  William  de  Fyncal,  kii»g'??chai»hjin,  of  the  prebend  in  the  church 
of  St.  Wolfram,  Abbeville,  which  L^eter  de  Vernoun,  decojised,  held,  and 
which  is  in  tho  king's  gifl  in  right  <  f  his  connty  of  Ponthieu.  By  p.s. 

Manilate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  cha))ter  of  the  said  church. 

Writ  de  iutendcndo  to  the  bailiffs,  good  men  and  commonalty  of  Gloucester 
in  respect  of  their  farm  of  Go/.,  an  escheat  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  of 

K  2 




June  20. 

June  24. 

June  22. 

June  25. 

June  22. 

June  25. 

June  28. 

June  30. 

June  28. 


Edmund,  late  earl  of  Kent,  in  favour  of  Thomas  de  Bradestan  to  whom  the 
king  had  granted  the  same  bj  letters  patent  before  his  late  grant  to 
Margaret,  countess  of  Kent,  of  the  custody  of  her  said  husband's  lands. 

By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  William  son  of  Stephen  de  Goseford  for  the  death  of  Walter 
son  of  Hawisia  le  pestour,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  John  de  Thorpe 
and  John  Claver,  justices  appointed  by  the  late  king  to  deUver  the  gaol  of 
Great  Yarmouth,  that  he  killed  him  in  self-defence. 

Grant  to  Thomas  Stace  of  Great  Yarmouth  of  the  office  of  controller  of 
the  customs  of  wools,  hides  and  wool-fells,  of  2«.  on  every  tun  of  wine  im- 
ported, and  3^.  in  the  pound,  and  of  other  small  customs  and  payments  due 
to  the  king  in  the  port  of  Yarmouth,  and  thence  along  the  coast  as  far  as 
Ipswich,  during  pleasure,  with  the  custody  of  one  part  of  the  cocket  seal  so 
long  as  he  holds  the  office.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Ocle  in  whose  custody  the  office  at 
present  is  by  the  king's  appointment. 

Licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Buddenho,  chaplain^ 
keeper  of  Bedeford  bridge  and  the  chapel  thereon,  of  land  and  rent,  not 
held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10  marks. 

Safe  conduct  for  Giles  de  Ispannia,  king's  yeoman,  sent  to  bring  to  the 
king  Thomas  de  Gumey,  knight,  arrested  beyond  seas  for  sedition  gainst 
the  late  king  and  conspiring  his  death. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  of  letters  patent  dated  12  November,  14 
Edward  II.,  being  an  exemption  for  John  de  Hales,  merchant  of  Norwich, 
from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as 
coroner  or  other  minister  of  the  king. 

Grant  to^ Humphrey  de  Bohun,  for  life  or  until  he  be  provided  with 
the  equivalent  in  land  or  rent,  of  a  pension  of  52/.  at  the  Exchequer  in  lieu 
of  a  weekly  allowance  of  20s,  which  the  king  substituted  for  a  like  allow- 
ance of  135.  4<f.  from  the  late  king,  but  for  which  the  letters  patent  have 
not  yet  been  made  out.  By  p.s. 

Cancelled  because  the  said  Humphrey  has  been  satisfied  with  land  of 
the  specified  value.  By  C, 

Protection  with  clause  rogamuSy  for  two  years,  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  James,  Dunwich,  and  their  attorneys  collect- 
ing alms  in  the  churches.  The  king's  bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any  unauthorised 
person  collecting  in  their  name. 

Pardon  to  Warresius  son  of  Warresius  de  Vaioynes  and  Elena  his  wife  for 
the  death  of  Peter  Bernard,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  John  de  Ifeld 
and  his  fellows,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Maydestan  gaol,  that  he  killed 
him  in  self-defence. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the 
hospital  of  St.  Giles,  Norwich,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  10/.  yearly  of  land 
and  rent  which  they  had  the  late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  the  follow- 
ing lands  which  are  of  the  yearly  value  of  I7s,  4df.  as  appears  by  the 
inquisition : 

by  Walter  de  Fyleby  and  Stephen  parson  of  the  church  of  Lound,  a 
messuage,  16^  acres  of  land,  2  acres  of  meadow  and  44  acres  of 
rushes,  in  Norwich,  Hardele,  Sythyng,  Eeppes  in  Fleg,  Wilkenere, 
Cringelford,  Hethil,  Limpinhowe  and  Bedham ; 

by  Balph  de  Burghwode  and  the  said  Walter,  2^  acres  of  land  in  Sythyng ; 

by  the  said  Ealph,  2  acres  of  land  in  Norwich. 

5  EDWARD  IIL— Pabt  IL 



June  30. 

July  4. 

June  9. 

June  25. 

June  28. 

June  dO. 


July  6. 

June  8. 

June  13. 

Membrane  33 — cont. 

Licence  for  John  son  of  Roger  la  Warre  to  enfeoff  John  de  Claydon, 
parson  of  the  church  of  Manimccestrc,  of  the  manor  of  Wakerlegh,  co. 
!Northnmpton,  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  rc-graut  it  to  the  said  John, 
Joan  his  wife  and  his  hoirs.  By  fine  of  5  marks. 

Master  John  de  Hildesle,  parson  of  the  church  of  Thyngden,  going  to 
Gascony  on  the  king's  service,  has  letters  nominating  Adam  de  Wylughby 
of  Thyngdcn  and  Edmund  de  Hildesle  his  attorneys  in  England  until 

Protection  with  clause  volumusy  until  the  said  feast,  for  the  said  John. 


The  like  for  John  atte  Welle  the  younger  going  with  him.  By  K. 

I'he  like  for  the  following : 

John  de  Apeltre,  clerk.  By  K. 

Robert  de  Bai*ton,  clerk. 

Roger  son  of  Roger  Rogeroun  of  Estheneroth. 

By  testimony  of  John  himself. 

Membrans  32. 

Frnt-ection  with  clause  nolwmiSy  for  one  year,  for  Robert  Bully  of  Eton 
Moisy,  pursou  of  the  church  of  Brynkworth. 
The  like  for  the  following  : 

Geoffrey  de  Sallo,  citizen  of  Norwich. 

William  de  Thctford,  parson  of  the  church  of  Cernecotes* 

Roger  de  Dicleburgli. 

Master  Simon  de  Wali)ol,  parson  of  the  church  of  Shipedham. 

The  abbot  of  Colchester 

Hugh  de  Crull,  parson  of  the  church  of  Caldecotc. 

William  Deucrenges,  parson  of  the  church  of  Bramerton. 

John  le  Lord  of  Trillowe,  clerk. 
John  atte  Brigge  of  Northscarle,  clerk. 
The  prior  of  Shuldham. 
The  prior  of  Sporle. 

The  like,  for  two  years,  for  the  abbot  of  Mereval. 

The  like,  for  one  year,  for  the  following  : 
W.  bishop  of  Norwich. 

William  le  Clerk  of  Suthwell. 

The  prior  of  St.  Katherine's  without  Lincoln. 

The  abbot  of  Revesby. 

The  prior  of  Sixhill. 

John  de  Hiwissh. 

John  de  Welden. 

Master  Robert  de  Brldelyngton. 

The  prior  of  St.  Oswald's,  Nostell. 

John  de  Scalby,  prebendary  of  Dunham  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 

Lincoln,  and  parson  of  the  church  of  Mumby. 
Master  Henry  de  Clyf. 
Henry  Basset. 

Roger  <le  Bukyngham,  parson  of  the  church  of  Newenton  Longevill. 
Cicely  late  the  wife  of  Richard  Picot  of  South  Leverton. 

Protection  with  clause  volumus,  until  Christmas,  for  John  Vincent,  clerk, 
going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

The  same  Jolin  has  letters  nominating  John  Foot  and  John  de  Lamburn 
bis  attorneys  in  England  until  the  said  feast. 




June  8. 

June  25. 

Jane  22. 

Membrane  32 — cont. 

Exemption  for  life,  of  Richard  de  Merclesden  from  being  put  on  assises 
juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sherifF,  escheator. 
coroner  or  other  officer  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Gift  to  William  Trussel,  for  his  expenses  in  the  king's  service,  of  the 
100  marks  lately  advanced  to  him  at  the  Exchequer  when  the  king  com- 
manded him  to  attend  him  to  divers  parts.  By  K. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  for  Hugh  Reyner  of  Puddyng  Norton,  the 
present  tenant,  of  a  writing  of  queen  Eleanor,  dated  Havering,  1 7  April 
1274,  gianting  to  Roger  le  Bonde  of  Fakenham,  in  fee,  in  return  for  22 
marks  in  liand  paid,  the  messuage  and  land  sometime  held  by  Grervase,  her 
palfrey-man,  of  her  gift,  in  the  town  of  Northun  by  Fakenham,  to  hold  at 
a  yearly  rent  of  SOd.  for  all  services,  claims  and  secular  demands. 

By  fine  of  ^  mark. 

William  de  Caunvill,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  Laurence 
Hoaey  and  Jordan  Doroun  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Mandate  to  the  escheator  on  this  side  of  the  Trent  for  restitution  of 
temporalities  of  Middelton  Abbey  to  Richard  Maury  one  of  the  monks^ 
whose  election  as  abbot  has  been  confirmed  by  Simon  archbishop  of  Canter- 
bury in  the  exercise  of  his  i-ight  of  visitation  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury  and 
who  has  done  fealty  to  the  king.  By  K. 

The  like  to  the  prior  and  convent  who  held  the  custody  of  the  tempor- 
alities during  the  voidauce. 

Writ  de  intendendo  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the  abbey. 

June  27.        Acceptance  of  a  demise  by  John  Darcy  '  le  cosyn '  to  the  prior  and 

Waliingham.  convent  of  Holy  Trinity,  Norwich,  for  seven  years  from  the  feast  of  St. 

Aldhelm^  bishop,  last  past,  of  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Aldeby,  co.  Nor- 

folky  which  was  granted  to  the  said  John  by  letters  patent  dated  1  March, 

2  Edward  III. 

July  3. 

July  2. 

June  28. 

June  29. 

July  6. 

July  5. 

July  8. 

May  5. 

Havermg  atte 

Thomas  de  Furnivall  the  younger  and  Joan  his  wife,  staying  in  England, 
have  letters  nominating  Richard  Basset  and  John  Rauf  of  Dundalk  their 
attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  for  Thomas  de  Goldyngton,  now  master  of 
the  House  of  God,  Derby,  and  the  leprous  persons  therein,  of  letters  patent, 
dated  1 1  June,  2  Edward  I.,  confirming  liberties  gi-anted  to  the  house  by 
Henry  II.  and  Henry  III.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  Nicholas  son  of  William  Jordan  of  Childehagh  for  entering 
without  licence,  after  the  death  of  his  father,  upon  a  virgate  of  land  in 
Brodewindesore,  held  in  chief,  which  had  previously  been  acquired  by  his 
father  from  John  de  Alneto  also  without  licence,  and  restitution  to  him  of 
the  said  land.  By  fine  of  ^  mark.    Dorset. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Christmas  for  Robert  de  Imworth,  clerk,  appointed  a 
purveyor  for  the  queen's  household.  By  bill  of  the  queen's  steward. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

John  de  Kenyngton. 

Adam  Charles,  yeoman. 

Richard  de  Bovyndon,  serjeant. 

Grant  to  William  de  Ros  of  Hamelak  of  pontage  for  three  years  on  wares 
passing  over  or  under  the  bridge  of  the  town  of  Boston,  for  repair  of  his 
moiety  of  the  said  bridge.  By  K. 

Licence  for  John  of  Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond,  to  grant  for  life  to  Mary 
de  Sancto  Paulo,  countess  of  Pembroke,  the  king's  kinswoman,  the  castles 
of  Richmond  and  Bowes  and  all  other  manors,  towns  and  lands  pertaining 

6  EDWARD  III.— Part  II. 


1331.  Membrane  32^cont. 

to  his  earldom  in  Englaud  as  well  as  all  others  which  he  IjoUIs  there  in  chief, 
with  their  knights*  fees,  advowsons  and  liberties  and  for  her  to  re-grant  to 
the  earl,  for  life,  the  woods  (ncmora)  and  advowsous  belonging  to  the 
premises.  By  p.s. 

Memorandum.  The  privy  seal  for  this  grant  is  on  the  file  of  privy 
seals  of  7  Edward  III. 

June  24. 

June  29. 

July  6. 

July  6. 

July  4. 

July  6. 

Julv  12. 

July  6. 

Membrane  31. 

In  the  time  of  Edward  I.,  Amiciade  Eipariis,  countess  of  Devon,  acquired 
in  fee  from  William  de  lireousa  the  manors  of  Grenostede  and  Ecdelyngton, 
held  in  chief,  by  fine  levied  in  thecouit  of  the  king  before  Salomon  de  iroffa 
and  his  fellows,  justices  in  eyre,  at  Winchester.  She  re-granted  the  manors 
to  the  said  William,  for  life,  with  successive  remainders  in  fee  to  Kicliard 
and  Peter  his  sons  and  Margaret  his  daugliler  ;  and  both  the  countess  and 
the  said  William  entered  upon  the  premisses,  without  licence.  The  king, 
notwithstanding  that  the  fine  is  said  to  have  been  levied  without  licence  of 
his  grandfather,  has  pardoned  these  trespasses  and  has  granted  to  Thomas 
son  and  heir  of  the  said  Peter  de  Breonsa,  the  present  tenant,  licence  to 
retain  the  manor.  By  fine  of  10/.     Sussex. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Roger  son  of  William  de  Middelton  from  being 
put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor, 
sheriff,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will. 

By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  Travers,  king's  clerk,  constable  of  Bordeaux,  for  service 
to  the  late  king  and  the  king,  and  for  his  better  maintenance  in  the  service 
of  the  latter,  of  40/.  yearly  out  of  the  issues  of  his  oifice  while  he  holds  the 
same,  and  then  at  the  Exchequer  until  he  be  advanced  by  the  king  to  somo 
ecclesiastical  benefice,  of  the  yearly  value  of  100/.,  if  with  cure,  or  of  100 
marks,  if  without.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  frank  almoin  by  Thomns  Wake  of  Lidcll  to 
the  prior  and  convent  of  Haltemprico  of  a  toft  in  Bclton,  Ilaxholm  Island, 
and  the  advowson  of  the  churcli  tluu-e  ;  and  for  the  a])])ropriation  of  the 
church  by  the  priory.  By  K. 

Pardon  to  Alice  late  the  wife  of  Uillinm  son  of  William  de  Wanetyngo 
for  acquiring,  with  her  sjiid  hn>lmn(l,  from  Kh  late  the  wife  of  KichurJ  do 
Peuesy,  an  estate  in  fee  simple  in  a  toil  and  oOJ  acres  of  land  in  Estbury, 
Wyko  and  Bokhampton,  held  in  chi(>i',  wliich  Ela  and  her  husband  had 
previously  acquired  from  William  de  Wanetyng,  and  he,  with  William  his 
son,  had  acquired  from  Alice  Ilobbeshort,  and  entering  thereon  without 
licence  obtained  in  any  instance;  and  restitution  of  the  same  which  had 
been  seized  into  the  king's  hands  on  account  of  these  trespasses. 

By  fine  of  20s,    Berks. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamus^  for  three  years,  for  the  chapter  and 
canons  of  the  collegiate  church  of  St.  Mary,  Suwell,  th(*ir  proctors  and 
messengers,  collecting  alms  in  the  churcht^s.  The  king's  bailitls  are  to 
arrest  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Eleanor  de  Kaygnes  and  William  de  Ilarewell,  executors  of  the  will  of 
John  deSancto  Amando,  staying  in  Kngland,  have  letters  nominating  Johu 
Moriz  the  younger  and  Johu  de  Bristoll  their  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two 

Pardon  to  Hugh  de  Dally ng,  now  imprisoned  in  the  Marshalsea,  for  the 
deatli  of  liobert  le  Glover,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Geolfroy  le  Scrope, 
chief  justice  of  the  King's  Bench,  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 




July  8. 

July  12. 

July  13. 

July  8. 

July  14. 

Ma^  23. 

Havcnng  atte 

July  16. 

July  16. 

July  17. 


July  16. 

June  28. 

Membrane  31 — cont, 

Appoiutmcnt  of  Henry  de  Fcrrariis,  who  bos  married  Isabella  daughter 
and  one  of  the  heiresses  of  Theobald  de  Verdon,  tenant  in  chief  of  the  late 
king,  to  the  custody  of  the  manor  of  Balterdeleye,  and  of  lands  in  Boken- 
hale  and  Fanton,  co.  Stafford,  and  Lodelowe,  co.  Salop,  late  of  the  same 
Theobald,  during  pleasui'e.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  Trussel,  escheator. 

The  abbot  of  Beaubeck,  staying  in  Normandy,  has  letters  nominating 
Ralph  de  llcrmanvill,  one  of  the  monks,  and  Thomas  Malebranche  bis 
attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years.  By  fine  of  40*. 

Appointment  of  John  de  Eccleshale  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  offices  of 
rhingyl  of  Iscorneye  commote  and  woodward  of  Dynthlayn,  co.  Soiemarvan, 
during  pleasure.  By  K. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for   Master  Anthony  de 
Beek,  dean  of  Lincoln  and  parson  of  Leverton. 
The  like  lor  the  following : — 
John  bishop  of  Carlisle. 
Koger,  keeper  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  Teuelbymor ;  without  the 

John  son  of  William  de  Liverpull. 

Confirmation  of  a  demise  by  Richard,  the  abbot,  and  the  convent  of 
St.  Albans  to  Robert  Albyn  of  Hemelhampstud  of  the  manor  of  Sandrugge^ 
a  water  mill  with  a  fishery  thei'e,  and  a  moiety  of  the  amercements,  halmotes, 
heriots  and  reliefs,  to  hold  for  life,  rent  free  for  fourteen  years  from  the 
feast  of  St.  James,  2  Edward  III.,  and  then  by  the  rent  of  30  quarters  of 
wheat  and  30  quarters  of  oats.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  the  chancellor  and  keepers  of  the  Great  Seal  for  the  time 
being  to  present  Geoflrey  de  Cotes,  king's  clerk,  in  consideration  of  his 
service  to  the  late  king  and  the  king  and  of  his  having  at  the  request  of 
the  latter  given  up  the  church  of  Fisshelake,  in  the  diocese  of  York,  taxed 
at  40/.,  to  which  he  had  been  duly  instituted,  to  the  first  void  benefice  with 
cure,  not  of  greater  value,  in  the  king's  presentation  or  in  that  of  the 
chancellor  by  virtue  of  his  office,  which  he  shall  think  fit  to  accept.     By  K. 

Grant  to  John  Tysaunt,  for  life,  provided  he  execute  the  office  according 
to  the  form  of  the  statute  touching  the  same  lately  passed  at  Lincoln,  of 
the  office  of  the  bedelry  of  La  Hortherne,  co.  Somerset,  which  John  Gk>rdan 
lately  held  by  grant  of  Edward  I.,  and  which  he  has  surrendered  to  the 
king.  By  K. 

Grant  to  John  de  Bohun,  earl  of  Hereford  and  Essex,  that  he  shall  pay 
off  all  sums  due  from  him  at  the  Exchequer  for  debts  and  reliefs,  whether 
owing  by  himself  or  on  account  of  his  ancestors,  by  half-yearly  payments 
of  10/.,  commencing  at  Michaelmas.  *  By  K.  and  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamui^  for  one  year,  for  the  master  and  brethren 
of  the  hospital  of  St.  Gerald,  la  Sauve  Majeure  {SUve  Majoris)^  in  the  diocese 
of  Bordeaux,  and  their  attorneys,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches  of  England, 
Ireland  and  Wales.  The  king's  bailiffs  ore  to  arrest  any  unauthorised 
person  collecting  in  their  name. 

Revocation  of  the  late  ratification  of  the  estate  which  Robert  Bully  of 
Eton  Meysi  said  that  he  had  by  provision  of  the  Apostolic  See  in  the 
church  of  Bryngworth,  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  the  king  not  being  aware 
at  the  time  of  ratifying  the  same  that  he  had  recovered  the  presentation 
to  the  said  church  against  the  abbot  of  Malmesbury,  by  judgment  of  his 
court,  and  had  presented  thereto  John  de  Badmjnton,  his  derk.        By  p.8. 

5  EDWARD  m.— Pabt  H. 



Jaly  5. 

Julj  6. 

Julj  6, 

June  8. 

July  5. 

July  7. 

July  13. 

July  13. 

July  11. 

Mbmbranb  30. 

Pardon  to  Richard  de  Cave,  kind's  yeoman,  for  the  escape  from  his 
custody  of  A<lam  de  Kirkeby  of  Carlisle  and  William  de  Lewes,  when  im- 
prisoned in  Bcdoford  ^aol  for  certain  felonies  and  robberies  at  the  time  when 
he  was  sheriff  of  the  counties  of  Bedford  and  Buckingham  in  the  late  king's 
reign.  By  p.s. 

Protection,  with  clause  nolumuSf  for  one  year  for  Laurence  de  Chau- 
wortb,  knight. 

The  like  for  the  following  :— 

Geoffrey  Piers  of  Retford. 

Nicholas,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Dunston. 

Robert,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Kynyerdby. 

Master  Reginald  de  Stokes  of  Middel  Raaen,  clerk. 

John,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Middel  Rasen  Drax. 

William  de  Musters. 

Richard  Moniword  of  Hereford. 

Cono  prior  of  St.  Andrew's,  Northampton. 

John  de  Bristoll  of  London. 

Christiana  late  the  wife  of  John  son  of  Peter  de  Waddeworth. 

John  de  Rither. 

William  Jay  burgess  of  Lynn. 

Robert  de  Bradynghurst. 

William  de  Uokcrton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Wheteleye. 

William  de  Brokliurst. 

Ralph  de  Yareweil,  parson  of  the  church  of  Coton  by  Newerk. 

John  Keyser  of  Newerk. 

Walter  Power,  clerk. 

Benedict  do  Normanton,  clerk. 

Pardon  to  John  Scot  for  the  death  of  Robert  son  of  Walter  de  Kirkeby 
Malorre,  at  Kirkeby  Malorre,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Geoffrey  le 
ScroiH)  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  King's  Bench,  that  he  killed  him  in 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  John  de  Neusom  from  being  put  on  assizes, 
juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or 
other  bailiff  or  officer  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  John  de  Boselyngthorpe.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  Merlin  de  Benadez  Subyran,  king's  yeoman,  in  enlargement 
of  a  late  grant  to  him,  under  the  seal  used  by  the  king  for  contracts  in 
Bordeaux  before  he  assumed  the  governance  of  the  realm,  of  30  pounds 
of  Bordeaux  yearly  beyond  his  emoluments,  during  pleasure,  that  he  shall 
have  the  same  for  life.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  because  on  the  Gascon  Roll. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Fyncham  to  the  church  of  North  Lynn,  in  the 
diocese  of  Norwich,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  voidance  of  the 
abbey  of  St  Edmund  in  the  late  reign. 

Appointment  of  Richard  Wawayn  to  the  custody  of  the  smaller  part  of 
the  seal  used  for  recognisances  of  debts  in  the  city  of  Hereford  pursuant  to 
the  statute  of  Merchants,  during  good  behaviour. 

Grant  to  queen  Isabella,  during  pleasure,  of  the  castle  and  town  of 
Hertford,  with  the  honor,  members  and  other  appurtenances  thereof,  of  the 
value  of  100/.,  of  the  manor  of  Kyngesclyve,  co.  Northampton,  of  the  value 
of  62/.,  and  of  the  manor  of  Shene,  co.  Surrey,  of  the  value  of  30/.  a 
year,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  yearly  pension  of  3,000/.  for  which  she 
surrendei^d  her  dowry  lands  to  the  king  on  1  December  last.      By  K.  A  C. 




July  14. 

July  13. 

July  16. 

Sept.  3. 

Oct.  15. 


July  16. 

July  16. 

Membrane  30 — cont. 

Acceptance  of  a  demise  by  Thomas,  late  earl  of  Lancaster,  to  Simon  de 
Baldreston,  clerk,  of  a  messuage,  72  acres  of  land  and  16  acres  of  meadow 
in  Credelyng  and  Boghale,  of  the  pasture  in  Credelyng  park  and  of  as 
much  fuel  of  dead  wood  from  the  park  as  should  bo  required  for  the  moor 
of  the  said  Simon  there,  saving  always  to  the  earl  and  his  heirs  sufficient 
pasture  for  their  deer  in  the  park  as  well  as  the  other  issues  and  profits 
of  the  same,  to  hold  for  life  at  a  yearly  rent  of  6/.  5^ . 

By  fine  of  1  mark.    York, 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  Gary,  vicar  of  the 
church  of  Lockyng,  and  Robert  atte  Nye  to  the  prior  and  convent  of 
Worspryng  of  a  messuage,  29  acres  of  land,  3  acres  of  meadow,  6  acres  of 
pasture,  20  acres  of  wood,  and  rents  of  7d,  and  twelve  horse-nailtf,  in 
Sanford  by  Churchill,  and  of  the  reversion  of  the  following  in  the  same 
town  after  the  demise  of  the  present  tenants  ;  a  messuage  held  by  Henry  do 
Mountfort  and  Agnes  his  daughter;  a  toft  held  by  Walter  Mountfoit  and 
Marg(*ry  his  wife  ;  an  acre  of  land  held  by  Philip  Mountfort ;  the  like  held 
by  John  Noteson  and  the  like  held  by  Agnes  Mountfort. 

By  fine  of  60*.     Somerset. 

Protection  with  clause  voiumuSy  for  one  year,  for  Oliver  de  Ingham, 
seneschal  of  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine,  going  to  the  duchy  on  the  king's 

The  like  for  John  de  Weston,  knight,  going  with  him. 
The  like  for  the  following  also  going : 

William  Criketote.    ^ 

Thomas  Pecche.         I    i    .  ,  ^ 

Reginald  de  Biskele.  f        ^ 

Balph  Bloyon.  J 

Walter  le  Walsh  of  Bannebury. 

Bichard  Freysell. 

Master  Boger  de  Sugedon  keu. 

John  de  Chelleseye. 

William  de  Mattesdon. 

Peter  de  Scales.     Vacated  by  surrender, 

William  son  of  John  de  Tendryng. 

Ganselinus  Pagan. 

William  de  Badenore. 

Elias  de  Poleye. 

Thomas  de  Beaumont. 

By  testimony  of  Oliver  himself. 

Balph  de  Wedon,  knight. 

Philip  Leny  of  Bannebury,  chaplain. 

The  like  until  Easter  for  Thomas  de  Sadyngton  staying  in  Gascony  in 
the  company  of  the  said  Oliver.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  John  de  Hegham,  king's  derk,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of 
St.  Mai'garet  without  Huntingdon,  for  life.  By  K. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  him  directed  to  the  brethren  and  sisters  of  the 

Mandate  to  the  sheriff  of  Huntingdon  to  induct  him. 

Vacated  by  surrender^  the  king  not  having  the  right  to  grant  the 

Pardon  to  Bichard  Hotte  of  Boston  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of 
Lincoln  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 
touching  a  plea  of  William  son  of  Geoffrey  de  Sutton  of  Boston  that  he 
render  an  account  for  the  time  when  he  was  his  receiver. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  U. 



July  16. 

July  18. 

July  18. 

Membrane  30 — cont. 

Pardon  to  William  de  Thorpe,  son  and  heir  of  Kichard  de  Thorpe,  for 
service  to  the  late  king  in  the  war  with  Scotland,  of  46/.  3^.  d^d,  required  of 
him  by  summons  of  the  Exchequer  for  arrears  of  the  account  which  he 
rendered  for  his  father  of  the  time  when  the  latter  held  the  custody  of  tho 
lands  in  the  county  of  Nottingham,  sometime  of  the  Templars,  by  the  said 
king's  appointment,  and  also  of  61.  7«.  "kd.  similarly  required  of  him  on  the 
same  account.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Bevocation  of  the  late  grant  to  Master  Thomas  de  Garton,  king's  clerk, 
of  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of  Boulton,  co.  Northumberland,  made  in  the 
belief  that  it  was  void  and  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of 
Robert  de  Ros  of  Werk  having  come  into  the  hands  of  Edward  I.;  as  it 
appears  by  certain  charters  and  muniments  of  Robert  de  Ros  of  Hamelak, 
the  founder,  confirmed  by  the  king's  progenitors  and  the  king,  which  hare 
been  produced  before  the  king  and  council,  that  the  said  Robert  in  the  reign 
of  Henry  III.  granted  the  hospital  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Ryevall 
and  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Kirkham,  so  that  Robert  de  Ros  of  Werk 
never  had  any  title  to  collate  to  the  same.  By  p.s. 

The  like,  for  similar  reasons,  of  the  late  grant  to  Master  Thomas  de 
Goldyngton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  custody  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Thomas  the 
Martyr,  Boulton.  By  p.s. 

Exemption,  for  life,  at  the  request  of  Thomas  de  Evesham,  king's  clerk, 
of  John  de  Evesham  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recogoisances  and 
from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  escheator,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or 
minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  K. 

The  like,  omitting  the  words  *  at  the  request '  etc.,  of  Thomas  Pellican 
of  Woteryngbury.  By  K. 

July  4. 

June  28. 

July  6. 

June  28. 

Membrane  29. 

Licence  for  Robert  de  Bilkemore  and  Anastasia  his  wife  to  enfeoff  John 
de  Ellerker,  parson  of  the  church  of  Tid',  and  Alan  de  Someresham  of  the 
manor  of  Westcourt  in  Shaldeburn,  three  messuages,  a  mill,  two  virgates  of 
land,  200  acres  of  assart  and  200  acres  of  waste  lands,  in  Wike,  Wotton, 
Middelton  and  Bouecly  ve,  and  of  the  West  bailliwick  of  the  forestership  of 
Savernake,  said  to  be  held  in  chief ;  and  for  them  to  rc-graut  the  same  to 
Robert,  for  life,  with  remainder  to  Anastasia  and  John  del  Illebone,  her 
son,  in  fee  simple.  Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time  by  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  volumusy  for  one  year,  for  John  Travers,  constable 
of  Bordeaux,  going  to  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine  on  the  king's  service. 


The  like  with  clause  nolumus. 

The  like  with  clause  volumus  for  Gilbert  de  Sotheworth,  going  with 
him.  By  testimony  of  John  himself. 

The  like  for  the  following  also  going : — 
John  son  of  John  de  Barton. 
John  de  Par. 
Roger  Rauel,  chaplain. 
William  de  Redenesse. 
John  de  Gringelay. 
William  de  Dnllyng. 
William  de  Mosecrofl. 




Julj  6. 

Julj  8. 

July  15. 

July  15. 


July  16. 


July  16. 

July  6. 

July  16. 

July  18. 

July  17. 

July  16. 

Membrane  29 — cont. 

Protection  with  clause  rogamusy  for  three  years,  for  the  master  and 
brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Anthony,  in  the  diocese  of  Vienne,  their 
attorneys  and  proctors^  collecting  alms  in  the  churches  of  England,Wales  and 
Ireland.  The  king's  bailiffs  are  to  arrest  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting 
in  their  name. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Philip  Danet  to  the  master, 
brethren  and  sisters  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  Leicester,  of  five 
messuages  and  seven  and  a  half  virgates  of  land  in  Wheston,  Craft  and 
Friseby  by  Galby,  to  find  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in 
the  church  of  St.  Clement,  Leicester,  for  the  soul  of  the  said  Philip,  and  for 
the  souls  of  his  parents,  brothers,  and  sisters,  and  of  Robert  son  of  William 
Burdet  and  Petronilla  his  wife. 

Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time  by  fine  of  40^.,  which  is 
enrolled  in  the  second  year. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Ralph  de  Assheford  of  Lodelowe  from  being  put  on 
assizes,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff, 
escheator,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will. 


Presentation  of  Howel  son  of  Howel  ap  Wylyn  to  the  church  of  Pen- 
carrek,  in  the  diocese  of  St.  Davids,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the 
lands  late  of  Einon  Amhathon  and  Gervase  Abynon  being  in  his  hands. 

John  of  Brittany,  earl  of  Richmond,  staying  beyond  seas,  has  letters 
nominating  William  de  Skroton  and  Richard  de  Swafham  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  one  year. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Thomas  Lovelaunce  of  Scotton  from  being  put 
on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff, 
escheator,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will. 


Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prior  and  Carmelite  Friars 
at  York  by  John  de  Hathelsay  of  York  and  William  de  Thoutborp  of 
Flaxton,  respectively,  of  a  messuage  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling- 
place  in  that  city.  The  said  messuages  are  held  of  the  king  in  burgage  by 
the  yearly  service  of  2d.  as  appears  by  the  inquisition.  By  p.s. 

Confirmation  of  a  grant  in  mortmain  by  Richard  de  Gretford  of  Kyngeston 
upon  Hull,  by  virtue  of  a  licence  lately  obtained  from  the  king,  to 
Robert  de  Marten,  vicar  of  the  church  of  Hesell  and  of  Holy  Trinity  chapel, 
Kyngeston  upon  Hull,  of  a  messuage  and  rent  of  34«.  in  Hull,  to  find  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  said  chapel  for  the  souls  of 
the  said  Richard  and  his  ancestors.  By  fine  of  205.    York. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  llAaster  William  de  Quicham,  king's  clerk, 
as  parson  of  the  church  of  Stayndrop,  in  the  diocese  of  Durham,  on  the  pre- 
sentation of  JSicholas  Scriptor  of  Stayndrop  and  Isabella  his  wife;  notwith- 
standing any  right  the  king  might  have  therein  by  reason  of  any  voidance 
of  the  see  or  other  cause.  By  K. 

Pardon  to  Richard  de  Rughton  of  Boston  detained  in  Lincoln  gaol  for  the 
death  of  John  eon  of  John  Alisaundersone  de  Sancto  Botulpho,  killed  at 
Boston ;  as  it  appears,  by  the  record  of  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  and  his  fellows, 
justices  of  the  King's  Bench,  that  he  killed  him  in  self-defence. 

Licence  for  the  acquisition  in  mortmain  by  the  prior  and  convent  of 
EUerton  of  land  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10/. 

By  p.8. 

i  EDWARD  m.— Part  H. 



July  18. 


Julj  lo. 

July  24. 

July  18. 

Membrane  29 — cont. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Thomas  de  Baumhurghy  king's  clerk,  as 
keeper  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Thomas  the  Martyr,  Boulton,  co.  Northumber- 
land, on  the  collation  of  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Rjevall  and  the  prior 
and  convent  of  Kirkbam. 

Grant  to  William  de  la  Pole,  king's  yeoman  and  merchant,  who  has 
undertaken  before  the  king  and  council  to  pay  to  queen  Philippa,  before 
Michaelmas  according  to  her  pleasure,  840/.  for  the  expenses  of  her  house- 
hold, that  he  shall  receive  the  said  sum  out  of  the  customs  in  the  port  of 
Kyngeston  upon  Hull  as  soon  as  the  merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Bardi 
have  received  the  1000/.  assigned  to  them  thereout.  By  K.  &  C. 

Protection  for  one  year  for  the  abbot  of  Croyland  aud  his  men  engaged 
in  certain  business  relating  to  himself  and  his  abbey. 

Exemption,  for  life,  at  the  request  of  Thomas  de  Evesham,  king's  clerk, 
of  Robert  de  Evesham,  his  brother,  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries  and 
recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  escheator,  coroner, 
or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  K. 

July  16, 

July  14. 

July  15. 

July  15. 


July  17. 


July  16. 

July  IG. 

July  17. 


July  18. 

Mbmbranb  28. 

Protection  for  Cono  prior  of  St.  Andrew's,  Northampton,  appointed  by 
the  abbot  of  the  Cluniac  Order  his  attorney  or  proctor  to  visit  the  houses 
of  the  order  in  England. 

Grant  to  John  Irp  of  Ipswich  of  the  office  of  controller  of  customs  with 
the  custody  of  one  part  of  the  cocket  seal  in  the  port  of  Ipswich,  during 
pleasure  and  good  behaviour.  By  C. 

Greneral  pardon  to  Roger  de  Somervill  from  the  time  when  he  was 
sheriff  of  the  county  of  York  in  the  late  king's  reign. 

By  K.  &  C.  and  line  of  10/.     York. 

Appointment  of  John  Darcy  and  William  Trussel,  knights,  as  proctors 
and  special  envoys  to  treat  with  Philip  king  of  Franco  for  a  marriage 
between  Edward  the  king's  son  and  a  daughter  of  the  French  king. 

[Feeder  aJ] 

The  prior  of  Newnton  Longevillc  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominat- 
ing brother  William  do  Touolio  and  William  de  Berkhamstede  his  attorneys 
in  England  for  three  years.  By  fine  of  60*.     Buckingham. 

Pardon,  after  fine  made  by  John  Bigot,  tenant  of  the  manor  of  Seteryng- 
ton,  CO.  York,  for  trespasses  committed  fifty  years  ago  by  Roger  Bigot,  earl 
of  Norfolk,  and  by  his  ancestors  before  that  time,  in  making  grants  of  land 
within  the  manor  without  licence.  By  fine  of  5  marks. 

Vacated  by  surrender  and  otherwise  in  the  sixth  year. 

Protection,  with  clause  volumus,  for  one  year,  for  John  Darcy,  *le 
cosyn,'  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  ]3y  K. 

The  same  John  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Bolyngbroke  and  Master 
William  de  Fynchedene  his  attorneys  for  the  like  period. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  William  son  of  Theobald  de  Brigham  from  being 
put  on  assizes,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor, 
sheriff,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will. 

Bj  p.8. 

Pardon  to  Ralph  le  Leche  of  London  for  a  robbery  from  a  person  un- 
known between  the  towns  of  Kentford  and  Bury  St.  Edmunds,  co.  Suffolk, 
whereof  he  was  appealed  before  the  sheriffs  and  coroner  of  the  city  of 
London  by  Adam  Larchcr  of  Apperle,  an  approver  ;  the  said  approver  being 
now  dead.  By  p.8. 




July  6. 

July  18. 

July  6. 


July  22. 

July  18. 

July  23. 

July  22. 

Membrane  28 — cant. 

Inspeximus  and  confirmation  to  William  Roculf  of  Worcester,  the  present 
tenant,  and  his  heirs,  of  a  confirmation  by  Walter  sometime  bishop  of 
Worcester  on  I  October,  1310,  of  a  grant  by  William  his  predecessor,  dated 
Monday  after  St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul,  33  Edward  I.,  and  witnessed  by 
James  le  Poer,  John  atte  Hide,  Geoffrey  de  Apetot,  William  de  Abyndon, 
William  Gorulf,  Peter  Molendinarius,  John  Outrode  and  others,  to  John 
Rumphare,  Margaret  his  wife  and  their  heirs  and  assigns,  by  the  rent  of 
12s,  sterling,  of  a  messuage  and  half  a  virgate  of  lAnd,  with  a  ferthinglonda 
and  other  appurtenances  in  Colewyk  within  the  manor  of  Wyke  which  had 
escheated  to  the  bishop  from  Walter  de  Colewyk. 

By  fine  of  ^  mark.     Worcester. 

Pardon  to  Robert  Bertram  of  the  county  of  Northumberland,  who  has 
suffered  very  heavy  losses  by  the  war  of  Scotland,  of  12/.  due  to  the  king 
for  arrears  of  the  farm  for  his  lands  in  Lourbotil.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  Northumberland. 

Prohibition  to  all  ecclesiastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derogation  of 
the  king's  right  to  present  to  the  archdeaconry  of  Wells  by  reason  of  the 
voidance  of  the  see  in  the  time  of  the  late  king,  which  he  recovered  against 
Ralph,  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells  by  judgment  of  his  court,  and  of  his  pre- 
sentation of  Master  Thomas  de  Upton,  king's  clerk,  thereto. 

Pardon  to  Gilbert  de  Chelgrave  for  the  death  of  William  le  Cok,  as  it 
appears  by  the  record  of  William  Trussel  and  other  justices  appointed  to 
deliver  Warwick  gaol  that  he  killed  him  in  self-defence. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Walter  de  Newynton  from  being  put  on  assizes 
juries,  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or 
other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  the  following : — 

William  Wascelyn  of  Brunneby.  By  p.s. 

William  Moigne  of  Stalyngburgh. 

By  p.s. 

Presentation  of  Richard  de  Normanby,  king's  clerk,  parson  of  the  church 
of  Etton,  in  the  diocese  of  York,  to  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln  for  institution  to 
the  church  of  Scarthowe,  on  an  exchange  of  benefices  with  John  de  Etton, 
king's  clerk.  By  p.s. 

July  22. 

July  20. 

Membrane  27. 

Pardon  to  Adam  le  Barber  for  ^  grant  to  him,  for  life,  made  without 
licence  by  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  of  a  rent  of  10  marks  paid  by  Thomas 
de  Baumburgh,  king's  clerk,  for  lands  in  Warndham  and  Neulond,  co. 
Northumberland,  held  in  chief,  with  the  reversion  of  the  said  lands  after  the 
death  of  Thomas,  to  hold  by  the  said  rent.  By  K. 

Ratification  of  a  charter  whereby  the  king  lately  granted  to  John  Darcy 
*  le  cosyn,'  in  fee,  for  service  to  the  late  king  and  also  in  recompence  of  the 
manors  of  Egefeld  and  Walecote,  co.  Norfolk,  which  the  said  king  when  he 
appointed  him  justiciary  of  Ireland  assigned  for  his  banner  fee  {disposuit  ad 
vexillum)^  and  of  which  he  was  afterwanU  deprived,  the  manor  of  Wcrk  in 
Tyndale,  to  hold  with  all  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  parks,  chaces,  warrens, 
fisheries,  forfeitures,  fairs,  markets,  royalties,  lordships,  liberties,  reversions, 
and  other  appurtenances  as  John  de  Balliolo  held  it  of  Edward  I.        By  K. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Pari  II. 



July  22, 

July  21 

July  20. 

July  21. 

July  21. 

July  19. 

July  18. 

Aug.  4. 

Aug.  G. 

Aug.  6. 

Aug.  6. 

Aug.  4. 

Aug.  4. 

Membrane  27 — cont. 

Grant  to  the  master  and  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Leonard,  York, 
who  at  the  king's  request  have  granted  to  Robert  Polidod,  for  life,  mainten- 
ance out  of  their  house,  that  they  shall  not  be  called  upon  to  provide  the  like 
for  any  other  in  his  place  aft«r  the  death  of  the  said  Robert.  By  K. 

Pardon  to  John  son  of  Simon  do  Kirkandres  and  Elena  his  wife  for  acquir- 
ing for  tlieir  lives  from  Patrick  de  Suthayk  two  messuages  and  40  acres  of 
land  in  Kirkandres,  held  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and 
licence  for  them  to  retain  the  same.  By  fine  of  1  mark.     Cumberland. 

Licence  for  Greoffrey  le  Scrope  to  grant  to  the  prior  and  convent  of 
Haltempricc,  in  frank  almoin,  4  perches  of  moor  in  Houk  lying  in  the 
middle  of  Inkelmore,  which  are  held  in  chief.  By  p.s. 

Grant  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Lenton  that  they  may  pay  the  71/.  still 
duo  at  Exchequer  out  of  their  contini^ent  of  the  tenth  imposed  by  the  Pope 
upon  the  clergy  of  England,  by  half-yearly  instalments  of  10  marks  from 
Michaelmas  next.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

Grant  to  Gilbert  le  Messager,  for  service  to  queen  Philippa,  of  10  markg 
yearly  at  the  Exchequer  until  the  king  provide  him  with  the  equivalent  in 
land  or  rent,  for  life.  Bj  p.s. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Staunford  to  the  church  of  Kynge  Stanley,  in  the 
diocese  of  Worcester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  of  John 
Mautravers,  a  rebel,  being  in  his  hands. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  frank  almoin  by  Elizabeth  de  Burgo,  the 
king's  kinswoman,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Anglesey  of  a  rent  of  20/. 
reserved  to  her  out  of  the  manor  of  Lakyngheath  and  other  lands  in  that 
town  lately  granted  by  her  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  Ely.  By  K. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Richard  de  Ragenhull,  king's  clerk,  as  parson 
of  the  church  of  Burghclere  by  collation  of  John  bishop  of  Winchester. 


Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  the  abbot  of  Waverle 
going  to  a  general  chapter  of  his  order. 

Grant  to  William  de  Middelton,  king's  clerk,  of  the  chantry  of  RLssheton 
chapel,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  of  John  Deveroyl  being  in 
his  hands. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  Trussel,  escheator,  or  his  aub-escheator 
in  the  county  of  Dorset. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumusj  for  one  year,  for  the  same  William  de 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Benedict  de  Normanton«  for  his  service  and  costs 
in  discharging  the  office  of  clerk  of  the  Crown  in  the  Chancery,  as  well 
in  the  late  as  in  the  present  reign,  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries,  or 
recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner,  escheator, 
forester,  verderer,  or  other  minister  or  bailiff  of  the  king  against  his  will ; 
and  grant  that  the  marshalls  of  the  household  or  other  piinisters  of  the 
king  and  others  shall  not  make  livery  in  his  houses  in  Normanton,  Suthwell, 
Morton,  Famefeld  and  Lanum,  nor  lodge  therein.  By  K.  &  G. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  the  said  Benedict,  for  the 
.same  considerations,  of  a  messuage,  toft,  12  acres  of  land,  2  acres  of 
meadow,  and  6  mai'ks  in  rent,  in  Normanton,  Suthwell,  Holum,  Edyngle, 
Osmundthorp,  Farncsfeld,  Morton  and  Lanum,  not  held  in  chief,  to  a 
chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  a  chapel,  to  be  built  by 
Benedict  in  honour  of  St.  John  the  I^ptist,ou  his  land  at  Normanton,  for  the 
souh  of  hit)  fathei',  mother,  and  benefactors.  By  K.  &  C. 




Au^.  6. 


Membrane  27 — cont. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Edmund  Basset  and  Ro^er 
Samckyn  of  Hat  fold  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Stratford,  in  part  satis- 
faction of  the  oU/.  yearly  of  land  and  rent,  wliich  they  had  the  lati;  king's 
licence  to  ac(|uir(?,  of  a  nie.ssnag(*,  40  a<'n.'S  of  land,  2 1  acres  of  mciulow,  25 
acn»s  of  pasjtnre  and  40  acres  of  healh  in  Leyt^n,  co.  Essex,  of  the  clear 
yearly  value  of  3S*.  7c/. ;  a«»  appears  by  the  in([uisition. 

July  20. 

July  20. 

July  21, 

July  23. 


July  25. 

July  25. 

July  16. 

Membrane  26. 

Licence,  after  fine  made  by  the  dean  and  chapter  of  Lincoln,  for  the 
alienation  in  mortmain,  by  Master  William  de  Baiocis  of  Lincoln  and  John 
Gernoun  to  the  viears  choral  of  the  church  of  St.  !Mary,  Lincoln,  of  a 
messuage  and  125.  in  rent  in  Ref  ham,  and  the  suburb  of  Lincoln,  and  the 
advowson  of  the  church  of  Rci'liam  (the  said  church  to  be  appropriated  by  the 
grantees)  in  aid  of  their  sustenance  and  to  find  throe  chaplains  to  cele- 
brate divine  service  daily  in  the  chapel  sometime  of  the  Friars  of  the  Sac 
in  the  said  suburb  for  tlie  soul  of  Edward  I.  and  the  souls  of  John  de 
Blyton  and  Ennna  his  wife,  and  an  anniversary  for  the  souls  of  the  said 
John  and  Emma  in  the  said  church  of  St.  Mar  v. 

Renewed  by  the  cliaucrUor  because  they  made  fine  in  10/.  at  another 
time,  and  the  line  is  enrolled. 

Pardon  to  William  do  Houton  and  Elena  his  wife  for  acquiring  in  fee 
tail  from  William  son  of  John  son  of  Arnold  a  messuage  and  30  acres  of 
land  in  Bochardby,  lichl  in  chief,  and  entering  thereon  without  licence  ; 
and  licence  for  them  to  retain  the  same.  By  line  of  20s,    Cumberland. 

Grant,  for  life,  to  Richard  de  Clebuiy,  king's  serjeant  and  cook,  of  the 
bailiwick  of  the  forestership  of  Corndon  by  ^lontgomerie.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  le  Fitz  Warin,  constable  of  ^lontgomery 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Thomas  le  Archer,  parson  of 
the  church  of  Elmessoto  and  Richard  his  brother  to  the  j»nor  and  canons 
of  Bresete,  in  jmrt  satisfaction  of  the  10/.  yi.-arly  of  land  and  rent  which 
they  have  the  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  thr(»e  pnrts  of  the  manor  of 
Great  Bresete,  held  in  chief  as  of  the  honor  of  Peverell  by  the  sorvioe  of 
three  parts  of  a  knight's  fee,  suit  at  tlio  court  of  1 1  at  fold  Peverell  every 
three  weeks  and  rendering  yearly  at  the  hun(lre<l  of  Bosmere  20\d.  of 
a  custom  called  *  sokenefee,'  and  of  the  yearly  value  of  7/.,  as  a])pears  by  the 
imjuisition.  By  fine  of  5  marks.     Suffolk. 

Confirmation  of  a  releiiso  in  mortmain  by  Rohert  son  of  Walter  de 
Daventre  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  l)av(?ntre  antl  to  the  monastery  of 
St.  Augustine  in  that  town  of  all  the  right  ho  or  his  hoirs  would  have  in 
time  of  voidance  of  the  priory  to  any  things  or  eustotlies  jmd  to  horses  of 
the  priors  or  cc?llarers  of  the  monastery,  saving  the  right  to  liave  one  si^rvant  at 
the  principal  gate  of  the  monastery  to  help  the  porter  in  the  custody  thereof; 
and  a  grant  to  them  by  the  same  writing  of  the  right  to  elect  a  jirior  when- 
ever necessary  without  seeking  the  licence  of  the  said  Robert  and  his  heirs. 

By  K. 

Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Richard  Marein,  king's  clerk,  in  the 
church  of  Knoel  in  the  diocese  of  Salisbury,  notwithstanding  any  right  of 
the  king  therein  by  reason  of  any  voidance  of  the  see  of  Winchester. 


Confirmation  to  Edmund  llakelut  on  the  death  of  Morgan  son  of  jVIero- 
diik  of  his  right  in  the  lo/.  yearly  in  lands  in  iiodenham  and  Thlen,  which 
the  latter  held  for  life  by  grant  of  Kdward  I ,  tlie  reversion  of  which  the 
king  lately  granted  by  letters  patent  to  him  and  his  heirs.  By  K. 

5  EDWARD  111.— Pakt  II. 



Auff.  4. 

Mewhrtinc  26 — cont. 

July  20. 


Appointment  of  Tljonias  Bort»liuiit,  kind's  ^crieaIJt,  to  t:ikt»  vonii^ou  for 
}  king  in  the  present  soa.son,  namely,  sixty  bucks  in  Clarendon  park  ami 
laund  and  twenty  buekj?  in  the  parks  and  ehaee*  in  t)ie  Isle  of  Wight,  and 
to  deliver  the.  same  tt»  Walter  de  Wy<rfremore,  elerk  of  the  kitcJien,  by 
indentures  between  himself,  the  keepers  and  foresters  and  the  said  Walter, 
to  be  kept  for  the  king's  n:?c.  l>y  K. 

Grant  for  life  to  queen  Phi1ip])a  as  dower  of  the  castle  and  manor  of 
Odilian),  co  Southnnii)ton,  of  the  value  of  60/.,  the  hundred  of  Faluwrsle, 
CO.  Ndrthampton,  of  the  value  of  12/.,  the  hun(h*eds  of  liosmere  and  Clay- 
don,  CO.  Suih)lk,  (if  the  value  of  2o/.,  and  lo.v.  10//.  out  of  the  farm  of 
Ip»wich,  with  kni»;iiis'  fee**  and  ;/ther  jippurienances ;  in  re<*ompenee  of  a 
fishery  in  the  river  Ouse,  (;xtendc»<l  as  c>f  tiie  value  of  7/.  i>s,  Hd.,  the 
sialla<re  of  the  same  river,  of  the  viilue  of  10/.  and  the  freijjht  or  conduct 
of  ships  pjussiii;r  along  the  river,  (»f  tli*'  vahn*  of  2()/.,  part  of  the  castle  and 
honor  of  Knaresburgh,  and  a  bovate  of  land  in  Euston.  extended  as  of  the 
value  of  19.V.  2f/.,  part  of  the  castle  and  honor  of  l*(mt<*fraet,  which  ha^e 
been  recovered  from  her  by  jidvice  of  Parliament  aftrr  having  been 
as.signiul  to  her  as  dower,  and  (»f  the  herbage  of  the  parks  of  La  Ilaye, 
Haiwra,  liihon,  antl  the  litlli*  park  beneath  the*  cattle  held  by  her  as 
belonging  to  the  honor  of  Knaresburgh,  extended  as  of  the  value  of  50/.,  arid 
now  with  hercon.sent  taken  into  the  king's  hands  for  the  support  of  his  stud. 

l>y  K.  and  the  whole  C. 

Aug.  2. 

Aug.  6. 

July  23. 

Aug.  4. 

Aug.  6. 

Aug.  7. 


Aug.  13. 

Membrank  25. 

Grant  to  AVilliam  dc  Shelton  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  parker  of  Ledes 
park,  CO.  Kent,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

^fandate  in  pursuance  to  Owen  (/onler,  keeper  of  the  park. 

John  de  Flij'k  and  Anthony  «lc»  Flisk  >taying  beyond  seas,  hav(»  letters 
nominating  Veltrus  de  Cornazaiio  of  Parma  and  Gitlredus  son  of  (Servase 
Philipell  of  l^yryngton  their  attorneys  in  England  for  thre<»  y(?ars. 

Protection,  during  pleasure,  for  John  Kempe  of  PlanderB,  weaver  of 
woollen  cloths,  his  men,  servants  and  aj)pren!ices,  to  exercise  and  teach  his 
trade  in  this  country ;  with  proniist*  of  the  same  for  any  other  merchants  of 
that  mistery  who  choose  to  comic  here.     [Fwdara,] 

Appointment  of  Alexander  I'rtyn  of  Hover,  during  ])lcasurc,  to  that 
ofliee  in  Dover  castle  which  Master  llichard  de  Dovorr,  deceased,  held. 

By  p.s. 

Mandate  hi  pursuance  to  William  Cm  Clynton,  coiistablo  of  the  said 

Amiotus  Grymbaldi,  merchant  of  the  society  of  the  Grymbaldi,  going 
beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating  Bartholomew  Uichus,  merchant,  his 
attorney  in  England  for  two  years. 

Protection  for  the  priory  of  Holy  Trinity,  York,  a  house  largely  of  royal 
foundation,  now  grievously  burdened  with  debt  through  the  bad  rule  «»f  th«! 
present  prior,  an  alien,  and  other  ])ri(»rs  ;  and  appointment  of  John  (liffhrd, 
canon  of  York,  and  Thomas  de  Shirebourn,  a  numk  of  the  priory,  to  have 
the  custody  of  the  same,  during  pleasure,  to  receive  the  rents,  issues  and 
profits  thereof,  and  to  apply  the  s«une  for  relief  of  the  estate,  reserving 
reasonable  maintenance  for  the  prior  and  convent.  i^y  K.  &  C. 

Protection  with  clause  no/umtnf,  for  one  year,  for  the  following  : — 
The  abbot  of  Chertsey. 
Walter  de  Patteshull  of  Northampton. 
The  abb(»t  of  Vaudey. 

U    65658. 






Aug.  20, 

Aug.  20. 

Aug.  20. 

Aug.  13. 


Aug.  20. 

Aug.  2L 

July  2L 

Aug.  25. 
King  K  Cliffe. 

Aug.  26. 
King's  Cliffe. 

Aug.  21. 

Aug.  27. 
King's  Cliffe. 

Sept.  4. 

Memhrnne  25 — conL 

Tlic  abbot  of  Tychefonl. 
Master  Ilcury  de  Clif,  (?U»rk  ;  in  Sheporton. 

John  Ic  Smiile,  prebendary  of  Stodleyc  in  the  ehurcli  of  St.  Wilfrid, 

Mandate  to  the  doan  and  chapter  of  the  free  ehapel  of  Brugysnorth  to 
restore  Maurice  de  Pissyaco  to  tlie  prebend  of  Underdon  granted  to  him  by 
the  late  king  on  the  re.»*ignation  of  Master  TheobaUl  de  Trecys,  but  subse- 
quently granted  by  the  same  king  to  Ralph  lo  Blount,  kingV  ch»rk,  in  the 
belief  tliat  Maurice  was  dead,  whieli  it  now  appears  was  not  the  ease. 

I.*rescntation  of  Thomas  Cosyn  of  Gloucester  to  the  church  of  Pencarrik, 
in  the  diocese  of  St.  Davids. 

The  like  of  John  Goch  to  a  moiety  of  tlic  church  of  Landewy  Tresdeu- 
cheg,  in  tlie  same  dioe(»se,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  late  of 
"Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  being  in  his  hands. 

Pardon,  at  the  request  of  queen  Philippa,  to  Roger  Sturgeon  of  Gryngele 
of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Nottingham  for  non-appt»rance  before 
Richard  do  Wyhighby  and  his  follows,  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer,  to 
answer  touching  a  plcja  of  trespass  of  Thomas  de  Saundeby.  By  p.s. 

The  like,  mutatis  mutandis^  to  the  following : — 
Rog(T  son  of  Ralph. 
Roger  de  Mistcrfton  of  Gryngele. 

Robert,  abbot  of  St.  Taurin,  Evreux,  staying  beyond  seas,  has  letters 
nominating  Richard  Thistum  his  attorney  in  England  and  Wales  for  three 
years.  *         By  fine  of  40.?.     Gloucester. 

Renewal  under  the  new  seal  of  the  grant  by  letters  patent  under  the  old 
seal  to  Henry  de  Acuro,  cliafewax,  of  the  bailiwick  of  the  laundof  Plumpton 
in  Ingclwode  Forest.  [Pate/it  Roll,  1  lulwanl  JIf.y  part  1,  m.  24.] 

Licence  for  the  prior  and  convent  of  Lenton  to  appropriate  the  church 
of  Wykynston,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  said  to  be  ot  their  advowson. 

Hy  p.s. 

Appointment  of  Richard  de  Bakt(m,  king's  yeoman,  to  the  office  of  bailiff 
errant  in  the  county  of  Lincoln,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandati.'  in  ])ursunnco  to  the  sherift'of  Lincoln. 

Licences  in  mortmain  for  NichoL'is  de  Draysfeld  and  Emma  his  wife  to 
grant  to  the  abbess  and  convent  of  Romcseyc,  a  messuage  and  2o  acres  of 
meadow  in  llomcseye,  and  to  release  their  right  in  the  custody  of  tlie  gat^j 
of  the  abbev  and  in  a  rent  of  throe  hundred  and  sixty-live  cloths,  three 
hundred  and  sixty-livo  gallons  of  the  convent  ale,  three  hundred  and  sixty-hve 
cloths  for  servants,  15*.  2iL  f«ir  meals  from  th(^  kitchen,  o,v.  for  a  robe  and 
nineteen  quarters  of  bran  (furfuris)  due  from  the  abbey,  to  find  a  ehajdain  to 
celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the  convent  church  for  the  souls  of  the  said 
Nicholas  and  Emma.  By  fine  of  60.«. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  beloic. 

The  abbot  of  Waverle,  going  beyond  s(»as,  has  letters  nominating  John  do 
Farndon  his  attorney  in  England  until  Easter. 

Writ  dc  intcudcndo  directed  to  the  mayors,  bailiffs  and  good  men  of 
"Wynchelse  and  La  Bye  and  to  the  knights  and  free  tenants  of  the  manor  of 
Iham  in  favour  of  Richard  de  Grofhurst  who  has  been  ai)pointed  to  the 
custody  of  tlie  said  towns  and  manor. 

Licence  for  Thomas  dc  Canu  to  enfeoff  Master  William  de  C\arru  of  two 
parts  of  two  parts  of  the  manor  of  MoUisford  held  in  chief,  and  to  grant 

o  EDWARD  III.— rART  11. 


1331.  Mvmltranv  2o — con  I, 

that  ono  third  pnrt  ofl'io  ninnor  now  h<»l(l  for  lifo  as  dowt-r  hy  Joan  hitc  the 
wife  of  .John  <h»  *.\'ii'ru,  and  (uk*  third  part  of  two  paits  (»f  the  manor  htdd  in 
like  nianrHT  hv  Eleanor  lat*-  th<j  wife  of  Nichohis  d«*.  Carrn,  shall  remain  to 
the  said  William  and  his  h«*ir3.  Bv  fine  of  10(X     Dttrks. 

MFsMiiiuyE  2L 

All*?.  7. 

Aucr.  13. 

Aug.  12. 

Au^r.   10. 


Aug.  3. 

July  20. 

K\X^.  IG. 

Au<ij.  10. 

Aug.  14. 

Aug.  12. 

Aug.  14. 

Aug.  2G. 
King*A  Cliffe. 

A)>pointmeni  of  Richard  d.;  Hampton  and  Roger  Carh'.s  lo  the  enstodv 
of  the  abbey  of  Lilleshnll,  of  thi!  kin«;'s  advows«)n,  now  in  his  protretijn 
iK'caii.^e  irriovously  bnrdencMl  with  debts  ami  pr»verly  by  reason  of  a  <piarr(>l 
belwe'.'ii  the  present  abbot  and  John  do  (-iM-lcwymh',  the  lat<?  abl)nt.  who, 
after  secretly  withdrawing  tlu.rofroni,  j>roeured  a  ban<l  (»f  per.«ons  to  attack 
the  abb(»y  and  remove  the  goods  of  the  .«ame  to  dissipate  at  their  will, 
and  bv  mason  of  other  misfortunes.  Thev  are  io  receive*  the  i-ents, 
issues  and  profits  a!ul  apply  thom,  with  the  advice  of  the  abbot,  the  prior 
and  the  UDre  experienced  members  of  the  house,  so  as  bi'St  to  relieve  the* 
state  of  tin*  abbey.  Hy  K.  cV:  C 

Liceiict*  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prioi-  and  convcait  of 
Newark  by  (jiuldeford,  in  part  satisfaction  of  th(»  10  mark<  yearly  in  land 
and  rent  which  thev  have  the  kind's  licence  to  acquire,  of  the  followin*': 
by  William  Diry,  Simon  de  Langebrok  and  Richard  de  .Mou-Jtede,  a 
messuage  and  100  acres  of  land  in  Sende,  and  by  .John  I'rodhome  and 
Joan  his  wife,  a  toft,  SO  acre.s  of  land  and  20  acres  of  wood  in  (^)veliam  ; 
th(»  siune  being  of  the  clear  yearly  vjJne  of  50.v.  8^/.  as  appears  by  the 

.Fohn  do  Ilaustedo,  staying  in  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine  on  the  king'.s 
service,  has  lc?tt<*rs  nonnnating  Wdliam  son  of  .Ji»hn  de  llaustedc,  and 
Richard  le  Fitz  Lucas  his  attornevs  in  Ireland  f*)r  two  vcars. 

Ap[M)intment  of  Hugh  de  At  fort  on  to  the  custody  of  tho  gate  of 
Kaernierdyu  Castle,  during  good  behaviour.  Ry  p.s. 

IVLindat^  in  i)ursuance  to  tlie  justice  of  South  Wales. 

Grant  to  John  de  l>ristolI,  for  service,  to  .h)an,  ijuem  of  Scotland,  tho 
king's  si.stcr,  of  the  custody  of  the  king's  park  and  warren  of  Leskerd, 
CO.  Cornwall.  Ry  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pur.suanc(^  to  the  steward  of  the  county. 

(irant  to  the  burgesses  and  goo<l  men  of  the  town  of  (.Tloucesfrr  of 
juivage  for  four  years.  l>y  p.s. 

Protection  with  clause  i:o/umtts,  until  Christmas,  for  tlu*  abbot  of 
Lnngedon  going  beyond  seas  on  tin*  king's  service.  IW  K, 

The  like,  until  Easter,  for  Master  John  Wawayn  also  going.  Ry  K. 

The  like  for  .Fohn  atte  JTegge  of  Thorpe,  *taillour,'  going  wiih  the  said 
.lohn.  l^y  testimony  of  Jiichard  de  Rury. 

Presentation  of  William  dc  Xorthwell  to  the  church  of  Raynton  i.i  ihe 
diocese  of  York.  Ry  ji.s. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Kjister  for  Richard  de  Waleton  appointed  by  J. 
bishop  of  Winchester,  the  chancellor,  a  puneyor  for  the  marshal.^ea  of  tho 

Pardon  to  .lohn  son  of  JEenrv  de  Leneshotht*  of  lIorsemond»Mi<'  for 
breaking;  prison  from  the  Marshalsea,  Wy  K. 

Li(»ence  for  Katherine  late  the  wifo  of  William  de  Putton,  tenant  in 
chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  of  the  king\s  allegiance. 

l^y  line  of  lO.v.     Southampton. 




Au*]c.  2rt. 
KingV  Cliffe. 

Sept.  4. 

Au<r.  27. 
K\nfr\  Gliffo. 

July  13. 

Sept.  3. 


Membra ne  2  \ — conL 

IFciiry  do  Mortuo  M«ari,  stajinjy  in  En«:lancl,  lia.s  letters  nominating; 
Valentino  de  Mortuo  Mari  and  Reginalil  ile  Staunton  his  attorneys  in 
Ireland  for  two  years. 

Hugh  de  Mortimer,  kni(;ht,  stayint^  iu  Ent^land,  lias  letters  nominating 
John  de  Sutton,  parson  of  the  church  of  Taghmun,  and  Ilamo  de  Merbach 
his  attornevRj  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Presentation  of  Robert  de  Roderham  to  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  Old 
Saruni,  in  the  dioctisc  of  Salisbury. 
Vacated  by  surrender, 

Prot**<'tion  with  clause  nolnmus^  for  one  year,  for  John  le  Spicer  of 

Oliver  de  Iii/^hani,  >eiieschal  of  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine,  going  thither  on 
the  king's  .service,  has  letters  nominating  Robert  le  Roore  and  eTolui  son  of 
Robert  de  Ingham  his  attorneys  in  l!lngland  for  one  year. 

He  also  has  like  letters  ntuninating  Peter  tie  Thorneton  ami  Roger  de 

(ianseliiius  Pngaii,  iroing  with  him,  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Foxton, 
clerk,  citizen  of  London,  his  attorney  for  one  year. 

By  testimony  of  Oliver  himself. 

The  following  also  going  with  him  have  like  lettei*s: — 

Regip.aUi  do  Hisk<4ey«*,  knight,  nominating  William  dc  Nerford,  clerk, 

and  Roger  de  Walsham. 
Thomas  Peeche,  knight,  mmiinatiug  John  de  Wilton. 
William    Crik(»tote,   knight,   nominating  Robert   de   Gedeworth    and 

Robert  de  Batesford. 
John   de  Weston,   kniglit,   nominating   John    de    Forde   and    John 

William  <le  Mattesdon,  nominating  Thomas  de  Mattosdon. 

Aug.  6. 


Aug.  6. 


Aug.  13. 

July  2Q. 


Aug.  21. 


Membrane  23. 

Appointment  duriug  good  beliaviour  of  Robert  de  Mauley,  king's  yeoman, 
to  the  office  of  the  stewardship  of  Shirewode  Forest,  which  William  dc 
Dogmanfeld,  deceased,  lately  held  at  will.  By  p.8. 

]\Iandal(»  in  pursuaneo  to  Ralph  de  Neville,  keeper  of  the  forest  on  this 
side  Trent,  or  his  deputy  in  Shirewode  Forest. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  moi'tmain  by  John  Tobur  the  younger  and 
Richard  Storm  to  the*  prior  anil  Carmelite  Friars  at  Snyterlo  of  4  acres  of 
land  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling  house  there.  By  K. 

Pardon  to  John  <le  Caunteneye  of  his  outlawi*y  in  the  city  of  London  for 
non-appearance  befoi'C  Oliver  de  Ingham  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer  and 
terminer,  to  answer  touching  divers  trespasses  and  breaches  of  the  peace  in 
that  citv. 

Appointment  of  Thomas,  the  king's  porter  {janitor  tiosfer)^  to  the  office  of 
porter  and  macebeai'er  in  the  town  of  Kaernarvan,  during  good  behaviour, 
in  like  manner  as  Richard  de  Wycombe,  decease<l,  held  the  sam(^       By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  John  de  Wysham,  justice  of  North  Wales. 

Writ  dc  intendendo  directed  to  Emma  late  the  wife  of  Robert  de  Monte 
Alto  in  respect  of  the  fee  farm  of  (JO/,  due  for  the  town  of  Aylesbury,  which 
she  holds  for  life,  wiiich  is  to  bt?  paid  to  Margaret,  countess  of  Kent,  from  tho 
21  March  last,  the  day  on  which  the  countess  by  resolution  of  the  last  Par- 
liament was  appointed  to  the  custody  of  her  late  husband's  lands  aa  though 
judgement  had  not  been  passed  on  him.      It  appears  hy   inquisitions  post 


5  EDWART)  III.— Paiit  II.  105 

1331.  .Vrm/frfntr  23— m«r. 

viorfrw  which  havi?  Ikm-m  fnkcii  ihnt  the  curl  ln.-hl  the  hai<I  feo  farm  in  fee 
tnil  on  lh<*  chiy  of*  his  ih'aili. 


Aug.  20.  Appointnicnt  of  TJjomns  lU:   Vo\\v  to  take  sixtooii  ])iicks  for  tho  king's 

vonison  in  the  prr<('iit.  M-uson  in  NViinlx)!'  lM»ror«t  anil  j>arks,  and  to  deliver 
them  by  indi*n<.nro.  to  \VaIt«»r  de  Wyirireniore,  elerk  of  the  kitehen.        My  K. 

Mandate  in  j)ur<naner  t(»  tlic  said  Thomas.  Any  expens«»s  ineurred  in 
takin^i^  tlie  venison  will  he  aUowcd  at  the  Kxchef|n«'r. 

The  like  to  tin*  <aid  Walter. 

Aujy.  20.  The  like  appointment  of  John  S»xdes  to  take  six  hucks  in  Client  Forest. 

BtMlfonl.  IJy  K. 

The  lik(»  maiidates  in  pnr>uance. 

Aug.  20.  Appointment   of  Jolni   Darey  *  le  eo.^yn  '  to   the  eustc»dy  of  the  manor 

TSvdfonl.       of  Merston  Mi^y^y,  eo.  Wilts,  dnring  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursnancre  to  Williain  Trnsj^el,  <\scheatr)r,  f>r  his  subesiheator 
in  the  said  eonntv. 

Aug.  20.  Proti<*tion,  for  c)ne  vear,  for  the  master  and  hn.thren  of  the  hos])ital  of 

BiMlfonl.       St.  Thomas  the  M:irtyr,  (Juhlelonl,  their  messenger-^  or  pwetors,  eollet^ting 

Aug.  20.  Grant  to  th(^   prior  and  ecmvent  of  St.  Swithun's,  Winehester,  wlio  at  the 

IK'dfonl.      kinsr'.s    recpiest    have   jiranled   maintenance  for  life,  from   their  house  for 

Henry  Whish,  kin;:\s  yeoman,  that  this  shall  not  pn  judiee  their  house  as  a 

l>reee(h'nt  and  that  they  shall  not   l.»e  calle<l   upon   to  lind  the  like  afu.-r  his 

death,  By  p.s. 

Aug.  2f>.  I*ar«lon   to  Thomas  liorehnnt  f-.r  taking  a  stag  in  Wolmer  Forest,  in  the 

Kin^'ji  ClilTe.   late  king's  reigti,  and  carrying  the  same  away,  wlieriuil'he  was  indicted  Ixjfore 

Adam  (iurdonn,  then  keejier,  and  tin*  foresters,  verderers  and  regarders,  of 

the  said  for«'St.  By  K. 

Aug.  27.  IVoteetion  with  elanse  rtujamua  for  two  years  for  the  ahhot  and  <*onvent 

Kin/s*s  Cliltc.  of   B\tlesden,   in  the  ilioee.-^t'  of  TJneoln,  and   their  attorneys  or  proctors, 

collecting   alms   in  the  ej-urehes  of    Kngland,    Wales  and    Ireland.      Tin; 

king's  f»ai!in>  are  to  arrest  any  nnanlhorized  ji'frsons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Sept.  3.  Batifieation  of  thi!  estate  of  Masti'r   UolK*rt  de  Warenna,  king's  elerk,  in 

Tiilcswfli.      tln»  ehnndi  of  Stapel  Langlord,  in  the  diocesu  of  Salisbury,  said  t<i  be  of  the 
patronajfc   of  Oliver  ue    fnirham,  notwithstanding  any   right   of    the  king 
therein   by  reason  ol'  the  eiistodv  oi*  the   lantls  uf  the  said   ()li\er  or  of 
Laurence  son  and  heir  <»!*  Laurence  ile  Sancl(»   ^lartino  having  been  in  his 
hands  or  in  the  hantls  of  any  of  his  |>ro^«'P.itois.  By  K. 

Sept.  6.  Kxem|»tion,  f<»r  life,  of  Uobert  d«'  Morby  from  being  put  on  assizes  juries 

Castletuo.     or  recognisances,  and  from  appoiiitment  a-^  mayor,  sheritl*,  coroner  or  other 

Imililf  or  nunister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s, 

Sept.  8.  Writ  of  aid  for  William  de  Boyhston,  elerk,  sent  by  Arnold  Mieol,  king's 

CaKtleton.      Serjeant  and  chief  butler,  to  atidit  tin*  accounts  of  his  substitute's  in  divers 

Lieenei*  for  the  alic-nation  in  mortmain  by  .lohn  bishoj)  of  Winchester, 
the  ehaneellor,  of  the  a«lvowson  oi  the  ehureli  of  Bisho[>stoke  in  his  dioee&e, 
hehl  in  chief,  to  four  chaplains  celebrating  divine  service  daily  in  the  ehapul 
of  St.  Stephen  and  St.  Laurence,  within  the  manor  of  Merw<*ll,  inrecompenee 
of  the  sum  of  money  which  they  used  to  receive  as  alms  from  his  Exchequer 
at  Wolv(;sey.  By  K. 

Mkmbr.ine  22. 

Sept.  8.  Writ  fiv  intcndnulo  for  Biehard  le  Long  and  A«lam  le  Mercer  deputed  by 

Castleton.      Arnald  Micol,  king's  s«'rjejint  and  chief  butler,  to  discharge  his  oilice  in  the 
ports  of  fiynie  and  Seton,  during  pleasure. 




Oct.  16. 


Oct.  26. 

Nov.  16. 


Dec.  7. 


Dec.  9. 


Dec.  iO. 


Sept.  15. 

Sept.  8. 

Aug.  8. 

Sept.  17. 

Sept.  26. 

Membrane  '22 — cont. 

Also  for  the  following  deputies : — 

Heiiry  Chaunceller   and  Richurd  Play  in  the   ports  of  To])pesham, 

Tyngmutli,  Hardstaple,  Excester,  Dcrtemutli  and  Pirie. 
John  Colnun  and  Henry  Sampson  in  Pluinuth  port  and  Tambre  river. 
Henry  Dode  and  William  le  Keu  in  the  ports  of  Pole  and  Warham. 
Adam   le  (ilide  and  John  Escudcr  in  the   ports  of   Melcombe  and 

Wey  ninth. 
Stephen  attc  Mells  and  William  de  Herendon  in  the  port  of  Portes- 

Serlo  Queynte  and  Stephen  Willeire  in  the  ports  of  Loo,  Fowy,  Lost- 

wythiel,  Falemuth,  Mousole  and  Patristowe,  and  all  ports  in  Corn- 
Nicholas  Chaumpneys  and  William  Loveryk  in  the  port  of  Sandwich. 
Ah'xander  Dt?weyle  in  the  port  of  Yarniuth,  Isle  of  Wight. 
Robc-rt  <l«»  la  Harrc  and  Gerard  Elys  in  the  ports  of  Suthanipton, 

Lyniynton  and  Kyhavcne. 
John  Wyiie  and  AVilliam  Sliapman  in  the  ports  of  Cieestre,  Seford  and 

Shorham,  and  along  the  coa*<t  from  Cicestre  to  Shorham. 

llamo  de  Jiorton  in  the  ports  of  the  towns  of  Great  Yarmouth,  Kirke- 
leye  and  lilakencye. 

Robert  Rut  in  the  i)ort  of  Boston. 

Adam  de  Withiford  in  all  ports  in  South  and  West  Wales. 

Johnde  llousum  in  all  ports  of  Somerset,  Dorset,  Cornwall  and  Devon. 

John  th;  Notyngham  in  all  ports  in  South,  West  and  North  Wales  and 
the  county  of  Chester 

Edward  le  Taverner  of  Gloucester  in  the  port  of  Gloucester. 

Grant  to  Nicholas  de  Medestedc,  chaplain,  of  the  chantry  in  the  king's 
chapel  in  the  castle  of  Old  Sarum,  void  by  the  death  of  John  de  Ilulm, 
chaplain.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sheriff  of  the  county  of  Wilt«. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  bishop  of  Winchester, 
the  chancellor,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of  St.  Swithun,  Winche8tt>r,  the 
advowson  of  the  chnrch  of  Mapeldorham  with  the  chapel  of  Petresfeld  in 
his  diocese,  hehl  in  chief,  and  for  the  appropriation  cf  the  same  by  the 
latter,  subject  to  the  payment  by  them,  over  and  above  the  sum  which  they 
already  pay  to  the  hospital  of  St.  Mary  Magdalen  without  Winchester,  of 
th<^  yearly  sum  of  25/.  19*.  4r/.  for  support  of  the  sick  j)oor  there  which  the 
bishop  has  been  wont  to  pay  at  his  Exche«pier  at  Wolvesev  out  of  his  alms. 

By  K. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  John  de  Molyns,  king's  yeoman,  from  being  put 
on  ashi/.es,  juries,  inquisitions  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as 
mayor,  sheriff,  coroner,  escheator  or  other  bailiff  or  minist^T  of  the  king 
against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Licence  for  him  to  impark  his  woods  of  Siwardeshull  and  Wynard,  co. 
Buckingham,  and  300  acres  of  land  adjacent  thereto. 

Alice  Pirot  and  Joan  Morteyn,  nuns  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 
Elnestowe,  bringing  news  of  the  death  of  Elizabeth  their  abbess  Lave  letters 
of  licence  to  elect.  By  p.s. 

Presi-ntaiioi:  of  Thomas  de  Adlyngton  to  the  church  of  Fernham  in  the 
diocese  of  Salisbury,  void  by  the  resignatioii  of  Roger  Dobyn,  and  in  the 
king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  forfeiture  of  the  lauds  of  John  DevcrcU,  rebel. 

i  EDWAltJJ  HI.— Part  JI. 

1.331>  MnnfiraBF.  'i2 — eont, 

Sept.  28.         Frotcptioii  wiih  vXawaa  notuiiina,  fur  one  ycui,  for  John  d«  Bnige:?,  pareoii 
Wcstmrnstcr.    of  the  diurcii  of  Ucv-liui-.lrcs. 

Oi't.  4.  Till!  liki-  for  X\\v  ivlilwt  of  St.  Augustine's,  CnntiTlmry. 

WeitmiuitcT.       Tlic  like  for  two  jiiirs  lor  the  ibllowing : — 

Futlier  licrtiiuul,  canlinal  ilvncon  til'  St.  Mmy's  iu  Aquiro.  pariion   of 
tlic  diiireti<':>  iif  lii'imilium  atid  Wembi-liluu. 
Sept.  28.  AVilliiim  di-  Xojthoris  clirk. 

Spei'iiil  protection  fur  Jliiftter  l!iil|»li  ili*  Querjnuloii,  king's  clerk,  anil  all 
till'  iH'iiefin.-s  ivliieli  :it  llic  pivsi'iit  time  lie  i^  knun'ii  to  lioltl,  and  riitiiicutioii 
of  liis  f>t!ite  in  Ibo  i-riiiie  ;  niinitily,  the  prelM'iul  of  '  Major  I'uru  Aliaris '  and 
tlK-  :iirlul<-:ii-oni7  of  Will*  in  Salisbiirv  Callu'.lral.logelhfi-  with  the  c!iuii:li 
of  Myiily  aiinexuil  to  thi-  arelulonconry  fioui  of  old.  By  K. 

iExeniplioii,  for  life,  of  Ituboit  K' Cunei-tiible  of  Kluynlmrgli  from  l)i>ing 

-   put  on  iissi/.es,  jurie:i  or  i-eeognisamcs,  and  fivjm  uppointment  as  innior, 

falivrilf,  c^iolieator,  coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  kiug,  agaiiiNt 

l.i.s  will.  Uy  K. 

Writ  of   aid  until  Kiist<'r  ibr  John  de  lli^deibrd  appointed  lo  provide 
.    carriage  Ibr  ttic  olBee  of  llie  wui>iroIie.  By  K. 

Oct.  12. 
Wi'Eliui  lister. 

Oct.  17. 

Get.  21. 

The  liko  for  Hugh  de  ' 
foi-  till!  houscliold. 

The  like  forth.-  Ibilowii; 
Thomas  Bulfole. 

Hugh  Burgleon. 

Thunia^i  dc  Ahymloi 

i])oiuti>d  ft  pur\-eyor 
By  treasurer's  hiU, 

Tiiceiico,  nt  the  rciiu.'st  of  i[Liei]i  Philippa,  for 
Beruewel!  lo  amjuiiii  iu  mortiniLin  laml  ami  reLil_ 
yearly  vuluo  of  10/. 

Pardon  to  .lohn  son  of  liieliard  le  Wyse  of  Stoke  Dauhcnc  for  the  death 
of  John  le  Fcvr«  of  De.-ihurj;h  iit  Desljiirgh,  as  it  appetirs  by  the  reconi  of 
John  de  Vcrdon  and  his  felltiwa,  justices  of  oyer  unci  terminer  in  the  county 
of  Northampton,  that  he  killisi  liiin  in  solf-defenie. 

Kxcmpjiliealiou  of  lettci-x  patent,  dated  2R  Soptenihcr,  20  Kdwaril  II., 
■  heiuEt  a  lJardc)n  to  SilvestiT  de  Oldham  for  homicides  ami  felonies,  on  condition 
of  service  cgninsl  the  Sc'otw. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Ili'iiry  dc  Deen  from  lH'in<;  put  on  a.s»izes,  jaricH, 

.  or  rcci^ni sumps',  and  from  iipooiiitment  as  mayor,  slieril)',  coroner,  escheator 

or  oilier  liiiititl'or  minister  of  the  king,  agaim-t  his  will.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  Itiehard  de  Bykerton.  By  p.s. 

Pardon  to  John  le  Conpcr  for  the  death  of  I'Mmiind  Orymljclf  at  Great 
Vnrmoutli,  a.s  it  ap|H'ars  by  the  record  of  Simon  dc  Hedersete  and  John 
Claver,  justices  appointed  to  deliver  Yarmouth  gaol,  that  he  killed  him  in 

Lii-cnce,  at  tin-  rcipiCKt  of  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  for  the  minister  and 

.    brethren  of  the  house  of  (he  Holy  'i'rinily,  Oxford,  lo  actpiii-e  in  luortmaiu 

luud  and  rent,  not  held  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  lOO*.  By  p.s. 

1 08 



Sept.  3. 

Aug.  2S. 

►Sept.  3. 

Sept.  G. 

Sept.  8. 

Sept.  8. 

Sept.  2o. 

Sept.  20. 

Oct.  1. 


Sept.  7. 

Oct.  3. 


Oct.  3. 


MRymRANP.  21. 

Proliibition  to  all  ocele:>iastical  persons  from  proceedings  in  derojjatioii 
of  the  kinp\s  riglit  to  collate  to  the  iuvIkmhI  of  Castre  in  the  church  ol' 
St.  ]Mary,  Lincoln,  which  h(»  rw^overed  apiinst  Henry,  bishop  of  JJncoln, 
by  jmlgement  of  the  couit  of  King's  Bench,  or  of  his  collation  thereto  of 
Master  R<»bert  cle  Ayle.^ion,  kind's  clerk. 

Presentation  of  John  de  Cokerrnuth  to  the  church  of  St.  Peter,  Old 

Prohiiiition  to  all  ecclesia*4tieal  |»ersons  from  proceeding.**  in  derogation 
of  the  right  of  Master  Nicholas  de  Tyngewyk,  king's  clerk,  to  the  prebend 
of  Bedewynde  in  the  churcli  of  St.  Mary's,  Salisbury,  on  the  presentJitiou 
of  the  late  king,  conlirmed  by  the  present  king. 

Pardon  to  John  (Visteshull,  Bartholomew  at te  I'phalle,  JohndeBerkeleye, 
John  son  of  John  at  te  Uphalle,  William  Stanricli  and  Ralph  his  brother, 
John  le  Bokelcr  and  Henry  his  brother,  William  atti*  Grove,  John  atte 
Pirye  and  William  and  John  his  sons,  Ricliard  Alisaundre,  John  le  ("ouiiere, 
John  atte  rin)ve,  John  Netherwell,  Stephen  atte  Water  and  William 
Adami'sclork  do  Scanthurst  of  their  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Southampton 
for  non-appt»arance  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  Thimias  de 
Foxh'ye,  the  latter  having  acknowledged  in  the  Chancery  that  satisfaction 
had  been  matle  him  for  the  trespass. 

The  like  mutatis  mutandis  to  John  atte  Forde,  Robert  atte  Lee,  Robert 
le  Struch,  William  atte  Felde,  William  atte  Pley.ssiuimele,  John  his  brother, 
Williamson  of  Robert  Godingcs,  William  ^oi\  of  William  Godinges,  John 
le  AVIiite,  John  atte  Crouche,  William  son  of  Gilbert  atte  Pleysshamele, 
Williatn  atte  Crouehe  and  John  Rauvesservant  de  Westwode. 

Letters  of  licence  to  elect  for  the  subprior  and  convent  of  St.  Thonias 
the  IMartyr,  Haverford,  on  the  d(»ath  of  Richard  de  Honyburgh,  their 
l)rior.  By  p.s. 

Liecnce  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Master  Henry  le  Gayte  to 
the  abbess  and  convent  of  Wherewell  of  nine  messuag«.»s,  200  acres  of  land, 
10  a»ns  of  mea'iow,  and  36.v.  Sd.  in  rent  in  Wherewell  and  Bolyiulon, 
to  tind  a  chaplain  t<»  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  Wherewfll  church 
lor  the  sonls  of  Kogrr  le  Forester  and  Annora  his  wife,  their  fatii^rs, 
mothers,  ami  children  ;  and  al'^o  for  th<»  Niid  Jlenry  to  grant  that  3  acres 
of  meadow  in  Bolyndon  shall  remain  to  the  said  abbey  after  the  di'ath  of 
Pefer  de  Sutton,  the  present  tenant.        l>y  (in**  of  1)  marks.     Southampton. 

Pardtm  to  William  atte  Touneende  of  Heek  for  tho  death  of  Thomas 
RolMTd  of  Heek,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  Robert  de  Scorburgh  and 
Adam  do  HojH*rton,  justices  appointed  to  tleliver  Vork  Castle,  that  he  killed 
him  in  self-defenci*. 

Writ  of  aid  until  Easter  for  John  de  la  (Miaunderie  appointed  a  purveyor 
to  the  honschold. 

Protection  and  safe  conduct,  for  one  yi-ar,  for  John  Henry  of  Boston, 
merchant,  and  his  servants. 

Exemption,  for  life,  of  Walter  Waldeslu'f  froir.  being  put  on  }issiz(>s, 
juries  or  reeoj'uisaiues,  and  from  a))pointment  as  mayor,  sh«Titf,  coroner  or 
other  baililfor  minister  of  the  king  againM  his  will.    '  By  p.a. 

liict'nee  for  Richard  de  I\>terton  of  Boklond  to  enfeoft*  Ingelram  Rn>sel 
and  Margery  daughter  of  Richard  de  Poterton  of  a  messuage,  two  virgates 
of  htnd  ami  (>  acres  of  meadow  in  Rokland,  held  in  chief. 

By  fine  of  lO.v.     l>erks. 


Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  to  the  prior  and  convent  of 
Coventre,  in  part  sati>faction  of  the  20  marks  yearly  of  land  and  rent 
which  they  have  the  late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  the  following,  which 

5  EDWARD  Iir.— Part  II.  16J) 

]^331_  Membrane  21 — coat. 

arc  dl'  tliu  yciirly  vnliir  of  t/.  iU4  iipiM^nid  by  thi'  inquisiliAn;    by  John   dc 
KhultOD,  tlirc-e  iiieMsuagiw,  .tO*.  in  runt,  Imlf  a  virpita  ot  iMid  In  Sowo, 
Covimtrc,  OITt-cliurcli  iiini   Siithmn,  imil   hy    Willkin   ilu   I'ftwsrnlimii,  two 
iiicESurtgCK,  ii  toft  anil  iiiill  in  Coventrc. 
(>c1.  3.  T::x<ini|ilifir.-:uion,  at  Uu:   m|i:t>^t   <>t    U«<;er 

Wiwtniiiwtcr.  ilnti-d  12  Ktltruai-y,  1  Eilwanl  III.,  bi'in^'  a  j 
umbcrland  of  nionvy  due  ut  tlio  Kxcli<'ciiii>r. 
Oct.  4.  Felicia  wifi,'  of  littl|)}i  do  SprddyiiK,  stayinj;  in  Enirland,  luw  Ictlcrx  nomi- 

Wc'Miumiter.  iiatiiifi  hw  l)iiNl>:iiid  lusr  ittorney  iti  li-utand  for  two  years. 

Oct.  l.  Writ  of  aid,  nritil  Kjimit,  fur  Tlmnitis  dc  I'idytifjtun,  one  of  the  purveyors 

WKstraiuaHT.  for  the  lioiisnliold  of  Kdward,  carl  of  (Jltcstcr,  tlie  king's  moh. 

liy  hill  of  tlm  carl's  steward. 
TIk'  liko  for  Ujo  following  [iiirvcyors  for  the  same  : — 
Hicbinl  Detit. 
tToliD  do  Anlerti,  elcrk. 
Ilugli  d«  iVsleley. 
R-.bert  Ballard. 
Ainlrew  du  Hoxton. 
f)ct.  1.  Jim/tejrimiis  and  c\cTii|ililif;alion  under  tlio  new  scnl  of  IcIterH  patent 

Wi.«imiii«tBr.  under  the  oii!  wal,  duti-il    12  Miirch,  I    Kdward   111.,    being  a  piirdon  to 
Simon  Sfjoit. 

Mkhhrask  20. 
Sept.  \f>.  Kxcmidifiention.  at  the  ret|ueNt,  of  (lan^elinus  Taftdni,  of  a  writ  ilaleil  27 
Nurtliumpton.  Angurtt,  U  Kdward  II.,  to  the,  idierillk  <if  liondnn,  ivcilin;;  that,  hy  an  in- 
qniiiition  taken  liy  Uobert  de  K end iile,  constable  of  Dovftr  OaHtle  and  wanlen 
of  the  ('ini|ue  L'ort.-<.  il  hml  liivn  fouu<l  that  a  siii|>,  la  Miiriote  de  Cfon-fortl, 
wlicreof  Kicliard  I'ayniiweyn.  was  master,  wliieh  llio  «aid  (iniu«)'liuus  and 
Ilcynnmd,  liiii  brollicr,  luwl  lix-i;rliled  hL  llonleanx  with  wino  unit  (.■orn  for 
this  eo'jniry,  while  at  rnielior  in  ihi-  Downs  near  the  port  of  Sandwich, 
witliin  the  doniininti  of  the  kin<:,  was  foirihiy  hoarded  hy  men  of  Flanderx, 
with  the  as.itint  of  the  i^arl  and  eomimnialty  of  thai  rountry,  and  nguinst  tho 
will  of  the  nieifslnmts,  imister  and  mariners,  wn.H  taken  away  to  lo  Swyne  in 
the  du'ninion  of  the  connt  with  all  that  wid  on  1)oard,  where  the  caploiti  used 
at  their  will  the  eargii  nonKistin;;  nf  4o  tunx  and  h  jiijm  of  wine  of  the  same 
(tnnst.'liniw  and  Keymund,  62  tuns  of  winvof  Grimonnl  Cardon  nnd  corn  of 
Laurence  de  Molyn,  with  other  wine,  Hour  and  pwds  of  the  nnuiter  and 
miirinorx,  whereby  the  iiitrties  have  sufferiilahwsof  ll.'J/.  17*. ;  and  diiiKiting 
them  to  eHUMc  j^mkU  and  invix-handiF'e  of  any  men  of  Flanders  within  their 
iMiiliwiek  to  Im;  arresteil  to  the  value  of  1(H)/.,  until  sit t infliction  be  nmde 
to  the  Kaid  (iSrininard  of  thiit  iitnonut,  and  to  return  the  ivrit  with  nn 
iiceonnt  of  the  irooits  arntsled  nnil  their  vidne.  The  xheritt'ol'  the  county 
of  Lincoln  and  IiuiliHri  of  HavenKeroihb  had  lie''n  ilii'uclcd  in  like  manner 
to  iirresL  goods  of  the  men  of  FlunderH  in  sali^fuciion  of  the  losses  of  the 
other  merchant!*. 
Sept.  25.  licvucRtioii  of  the  hitc  frrant  of  |iaviJf:e  to  the  town  of  Pont cfract,  the  saute 
■  ImTing  l)ecn  ohtiiiuitl  hy  Hohi'i't  lie  la  ^Inre,  Adam  Scot,  Uohert  de  Lint-oln 
and  John  de  Wra^f^hy,  wiihont  the  a.-<Hcnl  or  wish  of  the  bailiffa  and  good 
men  of  the  town. 

Sept.  28.         tirant,  for  life,  to  .Fonlan  de  Saint  Ilarhc,  chajdnin,  of  the  euxtoly  of  the 

Wefiiminsttr.  hermitaffc  by  ('ri[)L'l{;ate,   London,  void  hy  the.  resignation  of  I'homas  de 

Leyi-catnt,  the  last  kec^icr  thereof.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  [inntuance  to  tho  Bherifls  of  London. 

Sept.  29.         Simon  ablnt  of  Aumale,  slaying  beyond  was,    ha.1  letters  Dominating 

U'cKtminAter.  Thoma*  do  Iturwell  and  Itoger  le  Mcsspjer  his  attorneys  in  Engluml  for  three 

ycB/s.  By  line  of  20f.  paid  iii  the  Ilanaper. 


1331.  Membrane  20 — cont, 

Sept.  2^.         Notification   to  W.  archbishop  of  York  of  tlie  n»vocation  of  the  late 

Westminster,  prescntjilion  of  Williain  deNorthwell,  king's  clerk,  to  the  church  of  Baynton, 

in  his  diocese.  ]Jy  p.s. 

Sept.  26.         Protection,  with  clause  nolumns,  for  one  year,  for  William  du  Chastel  of 
Loudon.      Blithe. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 

John  de  (lodelee,  dean  of  Wells. 

Henry  Geruet. 

IVIaster  Nicholas  de  Sandwico,  parson  of  the  church  of  Crupthorn. 

Master  Henry  de  Clif,  clerk ;  at  Blebury,  Aston  and  Upton. 

Kalph  Turneye,  chaplain. 

Aug.  20.         Pardon  to  John  de  Fnrneux  of  20/.  required  of  him  by  summons  of  the 

Bcdfonl.       Exchequer  on  account  of  a  recognisance  wherein  Le  was  bound  to  Hugh  lo 

Despenser,  the  younger,  which  escheated  to   the  king  by  the  rebellion  of 

the  latter.  By  p.s. 

Sept.  28.  Pardon    to   Simon  de  Stanes,  clerk,  of  the  inipri.'ionmeiit   and  ransom 

Westminster,  adjudged  agjiinst  him  by  Thomas  Wake  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer 
and  terminer  in  the  county  of  York,  after  his  conviction  before  them  on  u 
})lea  of  William  do  Kynie  that  he  broke  his  park  at  Paddocthorpe  by 
Tadcastre ;  on  the  testimony  of  Geoftrey  le  Scrope,  one  of  the  justices  of 
the  King's  Bench  that  he  has  satisfied  the  said  William  of  the  damages 
awarded  against  hiin  on  account  of  the 

Sept.  27.         Presentation  of  Robert  de  Hemyngburgh,  clerk,  to  the  church  of  Wotton, 
Westminster,  in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the 
landa  and  heir  of  John  do  Hastynges,  tenant  in  chief  of  the  late  king. 

Aug.  22.         Appointment  of  John  Snape  to  the  office  of  porter  of  Canterbury  Castle, 
llockinghom.   during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  3.  The  abl)ot  of  St.  Evroul,  staying  beyond  sens,  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.   John  de  Wedon  and  William  de  Howell  his  attorneys  in  England  for  four 

years.  By  fine  of  5  marks.     Northampton. 

Oct.  2.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  in  mortmain  by  John  bishop  of  Winchester  and 

Westmiuster.  Robert   de   Stretford,   parson    of    Strett'ord   church,  to  Adam   bishop  of 

Worcester  of  sixteen  selions  and  two  butts  of  pasture  {de  scadccim  selionibus 

et  duahus  buttis  pasture)  in  Ould^t  ret  ford.  By  K. 

Oct.  3.  Protection   with  clause    noltiiuus^  for  one  year,  for  Master  Hugh   de 

Westmiuster.  Ingolisma,  clerk. 

The  like  for  the  following  : — 

Master  William  Johan,  parson  of  the  churcli  of  Lanridian,  prebendary 

of  lloyl  in  the  church  of  St.  Maurice,  Abergwylly. 
John  de  llatelesden. 

John  (Ic  Bello  Campo  of  Somersete,  the  elder. 
Richard  de  Marny,  parson  of  the  church  of  Knouw^ll  Magna. 
Nicholas  de  Wortely. 
John  Ilippe,  bailiff  of  the  port  of  Hethe. 

Oct.  2.  Licence  for  John  le  Dekne  of  Boudon  to  enfeoff  Morgan  de  Duuston  and 

Westminster.  Eleanor  his  wife  of  a  rood  of  land  and  56«.  in  rent  in  Wappenham  and  Ast- 

well,  held  in  chief.  By  fine  of  4  marks.     Northampton. 

Oct.  4.  Grant  to  Roger  de  Bulkyly  and  Thomas  de  Davenport  of  pontage  for 

Westminster,   five  years  on  wares  passing  over  the  river  Davene  between  Macclesfeld  and 

Mencwys,  to  build  a  stone  bridge  at  Salteresford,  co.  Chester.  By  C. 

July  IG.  Ralph  abbot  of  St.  George's,  Baukerville,  Normandy,  staying  in  Nor- 

Lincoln.       mandy,   has   letters   nominating  John  Rufi,  clerk,  and  Denys  de  Quemino 

his  attorneys  in  England  for  two  years.  By  fine  of  20*.     Wilts. 

:>  EDWAKD  111.— Pakt  II. 


1331,  A/(tfthra/w  20—co,ie. 

Ort.  o.  Ratification  of  lli<»  cstutr  of  Master   Alan  do  A^^ljikcby  a?*  parson  of  tho 

Wc^tiiiiiiMer.  cluircli  of  Stanr<ir»l  ujjon  Av<*ne,  in  tin*  ilioiM'Mj  of  Lincoln,  of  the  patrona^^o 

of  the  abliot  an<l  convent  of  Si.*lby.  Hj  i).s. 

Pp-srMitation  (»f  iru'liard  de  Boseliani,  parson  nf  the  chnrcli  of  St.  Mary 
in  thi;  ^lai-sli,  Hoinncy,  in  tl.r  «lincosc  (.f  (  antoibury,  to  the  church  of 
Wt'sthanifeld,  in  the  diocese  of  Lomlon,  in  the  kin;r's  <rift  hy  reason  of  his* 
cn*«tudy  of  th«'  huids  and  in'ir  c»l  ,John  ih'  n:i>iin.i;«'s,  tenant  in  chief,  on  uu 
exchanuo  of  henclices  with  William  de  Cantnaria. 

Oct.  4. 


Mkmhrask  19. 

Oct.  2. 


Oct.  2. 

Ort.  4. 

West  111 in.»»ter. 

Oct.  4. 

Oct.  3. 


Oct.  '^. 


Oct.  4. 


Licenee  ft»r  William  de  Clynton  anil  tjfdiana  his  wife  to  enfcoir  Henry  de 
Leyhourn  of  the  manor  (  f  Klham,  c<».  Ke!«t,  held  in  chi«.*l',  and  for  him  to 
re-ijrant  the  sam«*  to  Wihiam,  Juliana  and  ln.*r  heirs.  Im*  p.s«. 

Kaiifieation  of  tin*  t'-tat»'  (»f  .John  il«*  Lanjreb.nrh,  king's  clerk,  as  pii'hen- 
dary  of  (Jra[nt]ham  Hnr(?ali>  in  Sal'^-lMirv  (jithcilral.  l>y  p..s, 

I/isjH'.n'wfis  and  ennfnniatidu  nf :;  lieen«-r  dati'd  TliMr-day  after  the  Kxalta- 
tiuu  oi  tluf  lh»ly  ('r«.s-,  in  the.  pn-vnt  \ear,  hy  A  lam  hishop  of  Wtireesrer 
to  Jiihn  hishop  of  WinrheMiM*  to  ;.^rant  hi  mortmain  a  me.'«snage  in  Strctford 
upon  Avene,  h.-M  in  <'hief,  lyin<;  in  0»rn  Street  hetween  a  tenement  late  of 
^Iar«jery  Ilcllf  and  a  lane  ealle«l  *  Tuikrre^lone,'  cxtendin;;  in  hMi<rtli  to  a 
tfiiement  in  the  said  lane  late  of  William  .VviTeye,  and  in  breadth  from  the 
hint'  to  a  tenement  late  of  .John  Slrceh,  to  a  chaplain,  known  as  the 
keeper  (»f  the  chantry  at  the  altar  of  St.  Tluanas  the  Martyr  newly  built  by 
the  bi.-^hop  <»f  Winchester  in  a  win;jf  on  the  south  side  of  Holy  Trinity 
(!hnrch,  Stretford,  to  lind  iive  other  chaphuns  to  celebrate  divine  s'*rviee 
ilaily  at  that  altar.  \\y  K. 

The  like  of  a  <jriint  by  the  same  Ailam,  oi'  even  date  with  the  above  ond 
witne<>ed  by  John  «le  lii.-^lMippe^don,  knight,  William  Hrnyly  of  Lodyng- 
ton,  Adam  <le  Styvynton,  William  d(*  Clynton,  William  de  Clarj'ndon,  John 
IJegelyn  and  other>,  to  Master  U(»brrt  de  Strctford,  his  heirs  and  assi;;ns, 
of  a  messuatr*'  and  half  a  virgati*  of  hind  in  ()l«l  Strctford  lately  liehl  of  tluj 
bi.shoprie  in  villenage  by  John  Bis'^hop,  and  u  cotta^je  in  the  same  town,  quit 
of  services  and  thjuiande,  in  exchange  for  a  plot  (»f  lainl  in  Ohle  Strctford, 
called  *  Le  llomme.'  liy  K. 

ApptiintnKfut  cf  the  ma<ter  of  the  hosj»ital  of  St.  Jt)hn,  IIuntin<j;don,  as 
keeper  of  the  brid«r<*  of  that  town  and  of  tht*  <*hai><d  sitmited  thereon,  durin;jf 
«;ood  iH'baviour,  to  receiv<*  any  jrood^  for  *»upport  thereof  which  have  here- 
tofore b<'en  luMpieathetl  or  hereafter  shall  be  he<pie:ith(Ml,  with  such  ahil.^  and 
other  otferiiiL's  as  \\r.  can  obtain,  to  apply  the  sann*  in  the  repair  and  main- 
tenance ol  the  brid«;e  antl  chapel,  and  to  tind  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine 
service  daily  in  the  chapel  out  of  thi*  alms  and  oblations  of  those  attending 
the  ssaid  chajMd  so  far  as  they  .-ulfiee  for  that  purpo.<e. 

Si«;nilication  to  11.  bi>bop  of  Liiuroln  of  the  royal  assent  to  the*  eh^ction  of 
Juliana  Jiasset,  the  prioress,  as  abbess  of  .St.  Mary's,  Klnestowe  by  Bedford. 

By  p.i<. 

Pardon  to  Nicholas  C<>lei>eper,  John  de  llolcdene,  Richard  Blod,  Roger 
Grig<;b)t,  tfohn  alle  Knolle,  J  (dm  Slonian,  John  Ilosmer,  Hugh  llosmer 
and  Thoma>  lirounyng,  of  their  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Kent  for  non- 
a])pcarance  betbre  Robert  de  Asshele  ami  his  felhiws,  justices  of  oyer  and 
terminer,  to  answer  touching  a  plea  <if  trespass  C)f  Klizabrth  de  Burgo  ;  on 
condition  that  they  at  onci*  surrender  at  Canterbury  i»ri.-on  to  satisfy  the 
king  of  what  |»ertain*»  in  him  for  th*i  said  trespass,  whereof  they  were  con- 
victed by  the  jury,  and  the  .saiii  Klizaiu'tb  of  her  danages. 


1331.  Membrane  \9—cont, 

Oct.  4.  Inspcximm  and  conHrmntion  for  Ralph  dc  Ne\'ille  of  the  following  : — 

AVestminstcr.  (i.)  Cliarter  of  Lewis  bishop  of  Durham,  dated  29  July  IS.'U,  being  a 

grant  to  him,  for  life,  of  the  manor  of  Evenwochi  as  fully  as  any 
lord  ever  held  the  Pame. 

(ii.)  Confirmation  of  the  above  by  the  prior  and  convent  of  Durham, 
under  date  of  August  4. 

(iii.)  Indenture  dated  7  March  1325  between  the  bishop  and  the  said 
Ridph  witnessing  that,  in  coustideration  of  his  having  rcleased  the 
bishop  from  a  yearly  payment  of  20/.  out  of  hi«*  Exchequer  at 
Durham,  the  latter  had  granted  that  he  and  his  assigns  should 
hold  the  manor  of  Wynlawghton,  for  his  life,  free  from  the  rent 
of  20/.  duo  for  the  same.     French, 

(iv.)  Confirmation  of  the  above  by  the  prior  and  convent  under  date  of 
1  April  132(5.  By  K. 

Oct.  6.  General  pardon  pursuant  to  the  statute  [1  Edward  III.  stat.  1.  cap.  1.] 

Westminster,  to  Hugh  de  Audelc,  who  came  to  the  aid  of  the  king  and  his  mother  to 
pursue  the  Despensers. 

The  like  to  Robert  de  Prestebury. 

Writ  of  aid  for  Richard  du  Stler  of  Exeter  and  John  de  Wotton  sent  by 
Arnold  Micol,  king*s  scrjeant  (ind  butler,  to  audit  the  accounts  of  his 
substitutes  in  the  ports  of  Somerset,  Dorset,  Devon  and  Cornwall. 

Membrane  18. 

Oct.  2.  Pardon,   with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to   Robert  dc  Walkefare  for 

Westminster,  the  death  of  Hugii  de  Turplyton  knight  and  Richard  de  Munemuth,  killed 
in  resisting  the  arrest  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  at  Notting- 
ham Castle,  with  geneml  pardon.  By  K. 

Oct.  4.  Inspexhnus  and  confirmation  of  a  deed  dated  25  June  1330,  by  the  prior 

Westminster,  and  cliapter  of  fc31y  C!'athedral,  being  an  inspeximiis  and  ratification  of  an  in- 
denture dated  22  Alay  in  the  same  year,  r-nd  witnesseii  by  John  de  Heselarton, 
Ralph  de  Crophull,  William  de  Calthorp,  knights,  John  de  Drayton,  John 
Waldeshef,  Robert  de  Holliek,  Klias  de  Thoresby  nnd  others,  whereby 
John  de  Hothum,  bishop  of  Ely,  granted  to  John  le  Warner  of  Mueii 
Hadham,  his  servant,  a  messuiige  and  half  a  virgate  of  land  in  Little 
Hadhani,  eo.  Hertford,  whieh  John  att«  More  while  he  lived  held  of 
him  in  villenage,  to  hold,  for  life,  at  the  rent  of  9*.  2J£/.,  payable  at  his 
Exchequer  at  Ely  at  the  usual  tei-ms,  with  remainder  to  the  right  heirs 
of  John  Ic  Warner,  to  hold  of  the  bishop  and  his  sueeessors  by  those 
customs  whereby  the  same  wen*  held  before  the  making  of  this  indenture 
as  contained  in  the  terrier  of  Hadham  manor.  By  fine  of  .  .  marks. 

July  21.  Grant  to  John  Goeh,  king's  clerk,  of  the  free  chapel  of  Casteldnrant  in 

Lincoln.       South  Wales,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  the  lands  of  Roger  de  Mortuo 
Mari,  late  earl  of  March,  having  been  forfeited  by  rebellion.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  H.  bishop  of  St.  Davids. 

Oct.  7.  Grant  to  Walter  de  London,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend  of  Underdon 

Westminster,   in  the  free  chapel  of  Bruggenorth,  lately  held  by  Maurice  de  Pissiaco. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  said  chapel. 

Oct.  7.  Grant  to  Maurice  de  Pissiaco,  king's  clerk,  of  the  canonry  and  prebentl 

Westminster,    in  the  church  of  St.  Wolfram,  Abbeville,  lately  held  by  Walter  do  London. 

By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  Baid  church. 

Oct.  7.  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Poter  de  Berkcle,  king's  clerk,  as  prebendary 

Westminster,   of  Horton  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury.  By  p.s. 

5  EDWARD  III.— Part  II. 


Oct.  H. 

Membrane  18 — cottt, 

'i'ho  likr>  uf  diles  dc  Cremona,  king's  clerk,  ns  prubciMlBry  of  Seloscye  in 

Holy  Triiiily  (:iiiin;li,  CUlcliestpr.  By  K. 

(.'oiirirmiitii>n  of  n  (icniiiu-  liy  Jtiliii  de  HItlmin,  eiirl  orCumwall,  to  John 

do  Mclloboum  uf  tlic  iminori)  of  Uoiiiloii  niiil  Iliivcrfaergh  to  hold  fur  life 

with  all  clittccs,  ffitiToiiH,  lishenc^ti,  iiuil  otlii'r  things  bcluiigin;;  to  them 

fxirept  kni<;litK'  fce^  niiil  ikIvowsoii^  at  tlio  yearly  rent  of  50/,  sterling, 

piiyitbli;  at  KaHtcr  ntid  Mii'liiiclitia!<.  By  p.K. 

F]xcin])tioii,  for  life,  of  dulin  do  Shin^burui;  fiimi   being  {iiit  on  assizes, 

juricii,  or  ro'o^^nisnnees,  und  from  niti>ointiuciit  as  sheriff,  coron<!r,  or  otiier 

bailiETor  niinii>ti?r  of  liie  king,  iigninst  his  wii].  By  K. 

Fresentnliou  of  William  do  Itak'Iiy,  parson  of  a  moiety  of  the  church  of 

Hoyford  at  the  Bridge,  in  the  dioiiese  uf  Linix>ln,  to  Iht^  church  of  Itutowell 

in   tli»;  (lioi-eHe  of  York,  on  an  exchniigu  of  lienellces  with  Bartholomew  do 

Briidtloii,  king'it  eh'rk.  By  K. 

(Jrant  tii  Adum  de  Hon-wyutoii,  king's  elerk,  in  consideration  of  the 

infinuity  of  liiii  body  thi'oti};h  »g<t  und  hiH  ceaseless  hibonrs  on  1>chalf  of 

the  king'H  father  and  mother,  that  from  this  time  forward  he  kIiuII  tnj  at 

liiierty  to  attend  to  his  own  EiHkirN,  and  shall  not  1>e  culli-d  ii|>on  to  undertake 

any  olliiv  or  ministry  uf  state,  iigainst  hin  will,  except  that  he  shall  rtftunin 

a  nieinlu-r  of  Parliament  and  of  the  king's  louni-il.  By  K, 

I'ardnn,  pursuant  to  the  statute  fl  Kdward  ill.  Ktat.  1.  cap.  1,],  to  John 

FolJBinbe  of  Berde,  who  cai^ic  to  the  aid  of  the  king  an<l  his  mother  to 

pursue  the  Despeiisers. 

The  like  fo  the  following  : — 
NieholiiH  Colepepcr. 
IJenry  Ewin. 
Oraiit  to  Eklward  riiaundos,  in  cou.ti duration  of  his  servJee  to  the  king  in 
•   his  youth  and  expenses  allurwanls  in  staying  eontinuidly  by  hie  side  without 
any  remunei'alion,  that  he  ^lutll  retain  fur  life,  rent  frott,  the  custody  of 
Ilorcston  Castle,  to  which  he  was  lately  appointed,  <ltiriiig  pleasure,  at  a 
rent  of  20/.  By  p.a. 

fjrunt  to  John  de  Bylemonium  that  lie  shall  retain  for  life  the  xcrjeanty 
-  of  the  bailiwick  of  Itue,  in  the  eouuty  of  Punlhtcu,  act'ording  to  the  tenor 
of  the  letters  pateut  whereby  <|ueen  Isalwlla  grunted  it  lo  him  while  the 
connly  was  in  her  hands.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  bj/  n a r rentier. 

lilxemiitton  fui*  life  of  John  Ue  Fulnetby  fi'oiu  being  put  on  assizes,  juries 
or  ret^nifnisnuces  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  e'lchealor,  coroner 
or  other  lutiliif  iir  minister  of  the  king  ujiainst  his  will.  By  p.a. 

Grant   to  Waller  de  Monte  (rumeri  of  his  goods  which  cschcatcil  to  the 
'-  kin*;  by  reason  of  his  withdi-awid  whiii  ijidiitted  fur  iho  death  of  Peter  de 
Leltyngtou  in  the  county  of  Derby,  with  ihe  i.-<snes  of  his  lauds  while  in  the 
kin<;'s  hands. 

rar-atetl  bvcHtt-tt  ot/iirwisn  on  l/te  J'tttent  /to/I  of  l  Edward  III. 
('cneral  pardon  to  William  de  Oosfdd  for  breaches  of  the  |M-acc  in  the 
'■  counties  uf  Cambridi^e,  Eshcx  ami  Kent,  from  the  time  of  Kdward  I,  to  tho 
present  tinie.  By  fine  of  100«.  made  before  the  C.    Cambridge. 

MuMBR-iys  17. 

Oct.  6.  Imjiciimut  and  confirmation  of  the  coidirmatiou  by  Stephen,  bishop  of 

IVi;>uuinBicr.  London,  on  19  July  last  uf  the  cliarter  of  foundation  of  the  hospital  of 
Elsyii^  SpituI  in  the  city  of  Loudon.  By  K.  for  bis  father's  suul. 

{^MoHuslkoH,  Vol.  vi.,  part  2,  pi>.  704-707.] 


1331,  Membrane  16. 

Oct.  7.  Simple  protection  for  three  years  for  John  de  Mortcyn,  knight,  going 

Westminster,   beyond  sejis.  By  K. 

Oct.  6.  Mandate  to  the  bailiffs  of  the  city  of  York  for  the  time  beiiig  to  jMiy 

Westminster,  to  William  de  Ros  of  JIamelak  yearly  out  of  the  farm  of  their  city  150 
marks,  according  to  the  tenoiir  of  the  letters  patent  to  the  said  William, 
dated  22  August,  16  Edward  II. 

The  like  to  the  bailiffs  of  the  citv  of  Lincoln. 


Oct.  8.  Presentation  of  Richard  de  Loveny,  king's  clerk,  parson  of  the  church  of 

Westminster.   Odescondie,  in  the  diocese  of  Bath  of  Wells,  to  the  church  of  Xenton  Valence 

in  the  diocese  of  Winchester,  in  the  king's  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of 

the  lands  and  heir  of  John  de  Ilastynges,  tenant  in  chief  of  the  late  king,  on 

an  exchange  of  benefices  with  Henry  de  Lyme,  king's  clerk.  By  i).s. 

Oct.  5.  Mandate  to  the  abbot  and  c/3nvent  Kyrkestall ;  on  complaint  by  Margaret, 

Wej«tmin8tor.  countess  of  Kent,  that  they  have  deferred  to  pay  her  the  farm  of  90/.  for  the 
manor  (»f  Colyngham,  co.  York,  as  required  by  the  king's  order  of  1.5  February 
last,  upon  the  ground  that  Edmund  son  and  heir  of  the  earl  has  since  died ; 
to  [)ay  all  arrears  of  the  same  from  the  date  in  question,  and  to  continue  to 
pay  the  same  until  some  heir  of  the  earl  attain  his  full  age. 

Oct.  8.  The  like  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Stratford  in  respect  of  the  farm  of 

Westminster.    29.v.  1 1  ^iL  for  the  manors  of  Sudbuiy  and  Htimme. 

Oct.  8.  Also  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  IJamesey  in  respect  of  a  yearly  i>ayment 

Westminster,  of  4.S/.  lo,«.  of  the  iarm  of  the  markets  in  St.  Ives,  co.  Huntingdon. 

Oct.  6.  Licence,  at  the  request  of  Henry  <le  Edcnestowe,  king's  clerk,  for  the 

Westminster,  abbot  and  convent  of  liufibrd  to  appropriate  a  moiety  of  the  church  of  Roder- 

ham,  which  is  of  their  advowson.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  8.  Licence  for  William  Trusseli  to  impark  his  wood  of  Nuihurst,  co.  War- 

Westminster,  wick.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  8.  Grant,  with  the  assent  of  Parliament,  to  Thomas  West  in  enlargement  of 

Westminster,  the  late  grant  to  him  for  life,  at  a  rent  of  4/.  14j.,  of  the  manor  of  Sutton 
Maundevilie,  co.  Wilts,  an  escheat  to  the  king  by  the  forfeiture  (»f  Hugh  le 
Despenser,  the  elder,  that  he  shall  hold  the  same  in  fee  simple  and  rent  free, 
together  w^ith  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  fairs,  chaces,  warrens,  parks,  wooils, 
liberties,  free-customs,  and  other  appurtenances,  by  the  services  whereby  it 
was  held  before  it  came  to  the  king. 

By  K.  and  the  whole  C.  in  Parliament. 


Oct.  6.  Exemption  for  life  of  Adam  Noel  of  Pultcneye  from  being  put  on  assizes, 

Westminster,  juries  or  recogni.sances  and  from  ap[)ointment  as  mayor,  shcaifF,  coroner 

eschejitor  or  other  bailitf  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.         By  p.s. 

Oct.  10.  Appointment  of  John  de  Stonore  to  the  custody  during  minority  of  the 

Westminster,  lieir  of  the  lands  late  of  Oto  de  Bodrigan,  tenant  in  chief,  with  the  marriage 

of  the  heir.  Bv  fine  of  200/. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  William  Trusseli  escheator  on  this  side  Trent. 

Memorandum.  It  is  ordered  by  the  council  that  if  on  return  of  the 
inquisition  post  mortem  it  is  found  that  the  custody  and  marriage  are  of 
greater  value  the  said  John  shall  pay  more.  If  they  are  of  less  value  then 
he  shall  pay  less. 

VcLcated  hecausc  below  under  the  same  date  for  a  reason  contained  in  a 
memorandum  enrolled  there. 

Oct.  8.  Confirmation  to  Richard  de  la  Chaumbre  son  and  heir  of  Adam  de  Bram- 

Westminster.  wyth  of  grants  by  Roger  Bygod,  sometime  earl  of  Norfolk  and  marshal  of 

England,  to  the  said  Adam,  in  tail,  of  a  messuage  and  two  virgates  of  land 

in  Funtyngton,  and  of  the  land  which  John  le  Saucer  held  of  him  in  the 

same  place.  By  fine  of  lOs.    Sussex. 

5  EDWARD  Hi.— Pabt  II. 

Membrane  IG — eont. 

I'resontation  of  Tlrtffer  son  of  Richard  dn  Whntton  to  rhe  church  of 
Goiinldcsloii,  in  the  iHocest?  of  York, 

The  tike  of  Uichnru  do  CUvillc  tii  two  ]mrts  of  the  church  of  Bisole,  in 
tlio  diocese  o(  Worci'Sler,  in  the  king's  gift  l>y  rcnson  of  tlie  lamb  Into  of 
Ho)^'r  lie  Mortno  Mnri,  carl  of  ^larcli,  rebel,  Ixiing  in  his  liuTid.4.       By  p.a. 

Licence  for  John  lo  (Jueynte  to  jrmnt  to  I'eler  1p  Taiinoi-e  and  Morgery 
his  n-ife,  for  life,  witli  rcinninder  to  Adiiin  dc!  Bukcsgikte,  Kugenin  his  wife, 
und  the  heii's  of  Adiun,  n  nicssinige,  40  fici'es  <'f  land  and  an  acre  of  meadow 
in  Okie  I>y  Motn^fcunt,  and  pasture  for  2  hearts  of  the  plough,  H  oxen,  5 
cowf>  with  their  cilves,  a  mm  and  100  ^lieep  in  Okie  meadow  from  Michfiel- 
mafl  to  Midlent  in  every  year  and  pannnj;e  for  30  swine  in  the  wood  called 
'  Lit  Bccholt6,'  all  held  in  chief  By  fine  of  20i.     Koutlmmptou. 

Tardon  lo  Henry  do  Ardcrno  of  the  imprisonment,  flnes,  ransoms,  and 
whatever  eli^-  |)erlnins  to  the  king  for  the  oppressiauH  and  other  trcHpasses 
in  the  vounty  of  Oxfoit]  whereof  he  was  convicted  l>efore  John  de  Hundelo 
and  his  fellows,  juKticcs  of  oyer  and  terminer.  Hy  K. 

Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  John  de  Daggewoi'th  to  Roger  de  Bettcfeld, 
for  life,  of  ,1  moiety  of  tlio  serjeaniy  of  the  office  of  usher  before  ihc  barons 
of  Ihc  great  l>>chcq nor  with  all  profits  and  other  appurtenances  of  tlic  same, 
and  with  power  to  apixiint  a  fit  per.-^n  lo  execute  Ihc  olfiuc  in  hiij  sioad. 

By  fine  of  one  mark.    Suffolk. 

Excmjrtion  for  life  of  Ajmer  Bordet  from  iK-ing  put  on  assizes,  juries  or 
recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheritf,  coroner,  e><chejttor  or 
other  hallifT  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

The  like  of  (ieofTrey  de  In  Morehalle,  By  p.a. 

The  like,  at  the  request  of  llenrv  de  Edencstowe,  khig's  clerk,  of  John 
do  IIoJarHl  of  Swynheved,  without  tlie  word  '  esehealor."  By  K. 

The  like  for  'l'honia'<  de  Limgcvillers,  knight.  By  K. 

The  like,  at  the  re<iue.'<t  of  Master  ll.nry  tie  C'lif,  king's  ulerk,  for  John 
lo  Wid.ssh.  By  K. 

The  like,  at  the  i-eiiucst  of  TliomiM  de  Kvcshan),  king'.s  clerk,  of  the 
following,  his  brothers : — 

Oct.  14, 


Oct.  12. 

ilenry  do  Evesham,  of  Pershore.  By  K. 

llielmrd  de  T']ves1iani,  without  the  word  '  cschcstor.'  By  K. 

Tlie  like  of  Thomas  Folcjaumbe.  By  pji. 

The  like  of  Ihc  following:— 
John  Hamelyii,  knight. 
John  de  Btsij]iope«Jon,  ki 


vithout  the  wonl '  e.^iehcator.'      By  K. 

Mrudranb  1.5. 

Oct.  7.  Prohibition  to  all  cci-lesiat'tical  persona  from  pi-oeecdingR  in  derogation  of 

WuHtuiinetcr.  (he  king's  right  to  pi^'^cnt  to  the  church  of  Brcnkewoi-lh  and  the  dioi^se  of 
Salisbury,  which  he  recovered  against  the  abbot  of  Malmesbury  by  judg- 
ment of  his  court,  or  of  his  presentation  of  Master  John  do  Badmynton, 
king's  <-Icrk,  to  the  same. 

Oct.  6.  Protection  with  clause  nclunnUf  for  one  ycoi*,  for  the  prior  of  Spaldyng. 

Westminder,  The  like  for  tlio  following : — 

Walter  Lucas. 
William  Bokcler. 


1331.  Membrane  15 — cont, 

Simon,  abbot  of  Torre. 

Joan  le  Fitz  Wauter. 

Master  Jobn  de  Colonia,  parson  of  the  church  of  Ilaliwell ;  without 

the  clause. 
Nicholas  Neweman  of  llalford. 
John  de  Wodehalle. 
John  de  Godelee,  prebendary  of  Styvelyngton  in  the  church  of  St. 

Peter,  York. 

Oct.  2.  Presentation   of    John   de    Staunford  to   the    church   of    St.    Martin, 

Westminster.  Fyncham,  in  tlic  dioce>se  of  Norwich,  in  the  kinpj's  «^ift  by  reason  of  his 
custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  Thomas  Burdolf,  tenout  in  chief. 

Oct.  7.  Thomas  de  Stanton,  clerk,  going  on  pilgrimage  to  Santiago,  has  letters 

Westminster,  nominating  Thomas  de  Hepi>eworth  and  John  de  Bruggewater,  clerk,  his 
attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

Oct.  8.  Hugh  de  Audelo,  knight,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.  Maneutus  Fniunceys  and  Guy  Fmunceys  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two 

Oct.  7.  "William  abbot  of  St.  Victor,  staying  beyond  seas,  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.  Richard  Macieii  and  John  le  Provost  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three 

years.  By  fine  of  20*.  at  the  instance  of  John  de  Feriby,  clerk. 

Oct.  8.  Grant  to  Alan  Oihacherne  of  Inch  (de  Jnsuiis),  king's  clerk,  of  the  office 

Westminster,  of  treasurer  in  the  church  of  St.  Patrick,  Cashel,  with  the  prebend  annexed 
thereto.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  J.  archbishop  elect  of  Cashel. 

Oct.  8.  Exemplification  of  a  charter,  dated  28  April,  o  Edward  L,  being  a  gi*ant  to 

Westminster,  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Newham,  co.  Devon,  of  the  advowson  of  the 
church  of  A xem inciter. 

Oct.  8.  Pardon  to  John  Turgys  for  taking  and  carrying  away  a  stag  in  the  forest 

Westminster,  of  Pambere,  co.   Southampton,  in  the  late   king's  reign,  whereof  he  was 

indicted    before  William  de  Claydon,  then  deputy  of  the    justice  of  the 

forest  on  this  side  Trent,  and  the  foresters,  vcrderers,  and  regarders  of  the 

said  fori\st.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  11.  Master  Theobald  de  Trccis,  parson  of  the  church  of  Cotyngham,  going 

Westminster,  beyond  seas  has  haters  nominating  Thomas  do  Cotyngham  and  Peter  de 
Poicy  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three  years. 

Oct.  8.  Protection  with  clause  rognmus^  for  three  years,  for  the  master  and 

Westminster,  brethren  of  the  hospital  of  St.  Anthony,  in  the  diocese  of  Vienne,  and  their 
attorneys  or  proctors,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches.  The  king's  bailiffs 
are  to  arrest  any  unauthorised  persons  collecting  in  their  name. 

Oct,  9.  Licence  for  John  de  Sane  to  Philberto  to  grant  to  John  son  of  John  de 

Westminster.  Sancto  Philberto  and  Joan  daughter  of  Robert  de  ITfford  and  the  heirs  of 
the  body  of  John  son  of  John  the  manor  of  Braye,  with  100^  acres  of  land 
in  Wynk(?ft'ld,  co.  Berks,  and  a  weir  in  the  Thames  called  *  Brayoke,'  said  to 
be  held  in  cliief.  If  the  siiid  John  son  of  Jobn  die  without  heir  of  his 
body,  the  premises  are  to  revert  to  the  grantor  and  his  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  8.  Protection  with  clause  volumus,  for  one  year,  for  John  de  Sancto  Phile- 

Westininster.   berto  going  to  Gascony  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

The  like  for  William  Cokerel  going  with  him. 

By  testimony  of  John  himself. 
And  for  the  following  also  going  : — 
Thomas  le  Ponyng,  *  le  unklc' 
Roger  Lynd(». 
William  de  Crakeford. 
William  Jurdan  of  Bray  the  younger. 


1331.  Membrane  15 — co»t, 

Tlionias  lo  Parker  of  Stirston. 
Willium  de  Borciityn. 
Thomtiii  ntte  Hold  UbII  of  Liltlo  Royne:). 
Kicbnrd  Havard. 
Peter  Benald  of  Pilketon. 
John  iIl'  BlakcDhaiii. 
Oct  13.  Licence  for  William  An  Ilos  of  ITaiuclak  lo  iinpnrk  his  wood  Id  Lynton, 

WvKtniiii»iur.  eo.  York,  if  it  be  not  within  the  metes  of  tlio  forest.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  9.  Licence   for  the   alienation  in  ntorlmain  by  John  dc  'Wnrcnnn,  earl  of 

WcKmiiiitcr.  Surrey,  to  tho  prior  aod  cunons  of  Tliefiird  of  thu  udvowson  of  the  church  of 
Gcrshaui,  hold  in  chief;  nnd  for  tho  apjiropriittion  of  the  churnh  by  the 
latter.  Jiy  K. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  the  alicnnlion  in  frank  nhnoin  by  Kirhurd,  carl  of  Arundel, 

VVcstiuJU'icr,  to  till!  abbot  and  convent  of  lla^^huioutl  nf  'A  iicrt-s  uf  wiist<^  land  in  the 
niiniur  of  Wro.wuslri',  inid  the  (ulvowton  of  the  iihurch  of  Hint  town,  snid  lo 
bo  held  in  chief ;  and  for  tJic  njipropriation  uf  the  churcli.  By  K. 

Licence  for  Hii;;li  Peverrl  to  enfeoff  Roger  dc  Swanlon,  parson  of  the 
cliurch  of  Little  Bunhiim,  of  the  mnnorti  of  Chykeneye,  co.  Essex,  and  of 
Braknc,  co.  Xorfolk,  with  the  ndvowsonx  of  their  ehin'chifs,  said  to  be  held 
in  chief  RH  of  the  honor  of  Puverel  which  i»  now  in  the  king's  hands; 
nnd  for  bim  to  re-grant  the  same  to  Hugh,  Matilda  hU  wife,  and  his  heirs. 


Oct.  6.  Condrmalion  of  a  grant  by  queen  Isabella  to  Isiibelln  late  the  wife  of 

vTcitmiDatcr.    Thnnias  <lo  ITnyton  of  the  cu.stody,  dnring  minority  of  Robert  son  and  heir, 

uf  the  landii  of  her  Into  hiiHhand,  with  the  ninrringo  of  the  hoir. 

Oct.  8.  Grant  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Hi,  Mary's,  York, — on  their  petition 

WcstmiDUcr,   ihntntthe  I'xpiratiun  of  tlii>  grant  for  fire  years  by  the  king's  tetters  patent  of 

the  veniHon  of  Spaunton  Forest  in  lieu  of  the  tithe  of  the  venison  of  Usltrts 

Forest,  they     uiiglit     agniii    hare  the    tithe  of  the    venison  of  UaltrcH 

Forest  or  else  tlie  venison  of  Simnnton  Forest  for  evei— that  at  the  end  of 

the  said  fivi;  years  Ihcy  shall  have  nil  the  venison  of  Spaunton  Forest  for 

another  like  term.  By  i>et,  of  C 

Oct.  7.  Pardon  to  Thomas  de  Thoruhoni,  kni|;hl,   in  contiderntion  of  sunicc  at 

AVotiniiiiier.  the  arrcfft  in  Nottingham  Cisileof  Roger dcMorlnoKlari,  late  carl  of  March, 

ami  to  enable  bim  lo  carry  out  litH  intention  of  entering  the  order  of  St. 

.Tobn   of  Jcrusidtm   in  England,  for  his  taking  part  with  Henry,  eurl  of 

Lanenistcr,  :igain$t  the  king,   for  breaking  prison  at  Norwich  Castle,  ami 

for  all  othiT  trespasses.  By  p.x. 

Oct.  20.  The  like  for  Thomas  Wyneman  of  Thornhnm,  knight.  By  p,r. 

Oct.  n.  Pai-don  to  the  prior  ami  convent  of  BrydelyiiKton  for  aniuiring  under 

...  ^  licence  for  the  acquisition  of  20/.  yearly  in  land  and  rent  granted  (o  thcin 

by  the  kinji,  a  nicssunge  and  two  bovates  of  land  in  West  Askatn  from 
Walter  Mnhlje,  two  lolls  in  Wylesthorp  from  Peter  ikl  Dike,  VM.  (W.  in 
rent  in  Fleniyng  Bnrtou  from  Robert  Spcde.  lU(f.  in  rent  in  Gicat  (Ronton 
from  John  1''yton,  a  moiety  of  a  mill  pond  in  Frcmvngton  fiom  Henry  son 
(if  Hugh,  a  loft,  two  l)ovtitc»i  and  7  acres  of  land  in  Bynynton  from  Poler  dc 
Rise,  (!0  iicri'S  of  pasture  in  Saxtnn  from  Mastci'  William  de  Burton,  chaplain, 
."knd  a  toft,  two  IxivntL's  nnd  24J  acres  of  land  in  8axlon  and  Bynyntoii 
from  John  do  Sarlrino,  chtiplnin,  and  entering  iherncn  before  the  iniiuisi- 
tions  ri'iinii'cd  in  the  licence  had  been  returned  Into  the  Chancery;  and 
licence  for  them  (o  retain  the  i-ume,  which  (exclusive  of  the  rents)  are  uf 
the  yearly  value  of  'i2f.  as  n[)pear  by  an  inrjuisilloD  since  taken. 


133J[,  Membrane  11 — cont. 

Oct.  8.  Restitution   {jq   the   burgesses  of  Bedford   of  the  mayoralty  and    other 

Westminster,  liberties  of  their  town  lately  taken  into  the  king's  Iiunds  by  RolKjrt  de 
Arderno  and  his  fellows,  justices  in  eyre  in  the  county  of  Bedford. 

By  fine  of  lO*. 

Oct.  12.  Pardon  to  Robert  da  Grendon  and  Margery  ,his  wife,  late  the  wife  of 

Westminster.  Alan  do  Grynncsdalo,  and  restitution  to  them  for  the  life  of  Margery  of  a 
me.ssuaj;e  and  21  acres  of  land  in  the  suburb  of  Carlisle,  held  in  chief,  which 
had  boon  seized  into  the  present  king's  hands,  because  that  in  the  time  of 
the  late  king  Simon  L(^get  hiul  acc[uiri?d  the  saray  from  the  said  Alan,  and 
afterwards  tlic  latter  had  acquired  it  again  for  him;?elf,  the  said  Margery 
and  the  heirs  of  their  bodies,  with  remainder  to  his  right  heirs,  without  the 
king's  licence  having  been  obtained  for  either  transfer.  J3y  fine  of  10*. 

Oct.  12,  Ratification  of  the  estate  of  Master  Alan  de  Hothum  (or  Athom),  king's 

Westminster,   clerk,  as  parson  of  the  church  of  Este  Derham,  of  the  patronage  of  the 

bishop  of  Ely,  and  as  prebendary  of  Sneting  in  tlic  church  of  St.   Paul, 

London,  and  of  Dindo  in  the  church  of  St.  Andrew,  Wells.  By  K. 

Oct.  12.  Protection  with  clause  iiolumiis,  for  one  year,  for  Hugh  do  Courtt^ncyo 

Westminster.    th(»  elder. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 
The  abbot  of  Bynedon. 
John  bishop  of  Exeter,  going  beyond  .seas. 

Peter  de  Clifford,  Geoffixjy  de  Ecton  and  John  de  Oisy,  parson  of  the 
church  of  St.  Just,  co.  Cprnwall,  going  with  the  bishop. 

Oct.  11.  Licenci*  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Master  Thomas  de  Chaundos, 

Westminster,  king's  ch»rk,  archdeacon  of  Hereford,  to  th(*  dean  and  chapter  of  the  church  of 
St.  Eth(?lbert,  Hereford,  of  a  messuage,  K)  acres  of  land,  6  acres  of  meadow  an<l 
lU,  in  rent,  in  the  suburb  of  Hereford ;  in  fulfilment  of  the  intention  of  William 
de  Mortuo  Mari  and  Hugh  de  Brewosa,  who  procured  a  like  licence  from 
Edward  I.,  but  dii^d  before  they  were  abh^  to  give  ('ifect  to  it ;  and  also  of 
an  acre  and  a  half  of  land  in  Homme  Lacy  and  Preston -upon -Wye. 

By  iine  of  1  mark.     Hereford. 

Oct.  12.  Pardon  to  John  de  Melbourn,  clerk,  for  the  alNluction  at  Cambridge  of 

Westminster.   Joan  the  wife  of  John  With  of  that  town.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  13.  Licence  for  tlu^  ac([uisition  in  mortmain  by  the  prioress  and  convent  of 

Westminster.  Carhowc  of  land  and  rent,  not  hehl  in  chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  10  marks. 

y (tea ted  as  satisfied  1(5  Richard  If.  By  p.s. 

^fE^tBRANE  1.3. 

Feb.  11.  Grant  to  ^largaret,  coimtess  of  Kent,  on  her  petition  io  the  king  and 

Lnnfjley.       council,  that  she  «j:d  Adam  dc  Lynibergh,  as  executors  of  the  will  of  Ednnuid 

earl  of  Kent,  shall  nrover  the  goods  and  lands   of  die  earPs  which  were 

seized  into  the  king's  luinds  on  14  March  hist;  the  judgment  passed  upon 

tiie  earl  having  bi^en  annuUcd  in  the  last  Parliament. 

Oct.  1(5.  Exemplification  under  the  new  seal  of  letters  patent  under  the  old  seal, 

Westminster,  dated  2  July,  1  Edward  111.,  being  a  grant  to  Bobcrt  de  Wanton  of  the 
custo<ly,  (hu-ing  minority  of  the  heir,  of  the  lands  late  of  Alan  de  Boxhill, 
tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  ITi.  Licence  for  the  alienation    in    mortmain  by  Robert  ile  Hungerford  to 

Westminster.  John  de  Pewel,  niini'^ter  of  the  chantry  of  the  altar  of  t lie  Holy  Trinity, 
Hungerford,  of  a  nicssnag*',  a  mill,  9  acres  of  land,  (5  acres  of  meadow  unci 
rents  of  lOf.  and  of  live  ipiartcra  of  wheat,  in  Hungerfor<I,  Blattcston, 
iSandon  and  ("Ihcricton  by  Hungerford,  for  support  of  a  chnphiin  to  ceh'brjilc 
divine  service  daily  before  sunrise  in  honour  of  the  Holy  Trinity  nt  the 
said  altiir.  By  fine  of  10U«.     Berks. 

5  EDWAllD  m.^-pAUT  II.  179 

1331.  Membrane  13 — cont. 

Oct.  13.  Accoptfiiicc  of  a  demise  by  Thomas  earl  of  Norfolk,  marshal  of  England, 

Wc-^tminstcr.   to  Walter  de  Manny  of  tlie  oflicc  of  the  serjeanty  of  the  king's  Marshalsea, 

to  hohl  for  life,  on  condition  that  he  keep  the  office  faithfully  and  duly 

answer  for  all  things  belonging  to  the  same,  by  the  rent  of  one  clove  of 

gillillower  at  Michaelmas.  hy  p.g. 

Oct.  17.  Inspeiimus  and  ratification,  witli  the  assent  of  Parliament,  of  letters 

Westminster,   patent  dated  24  March,  19  Edward  II.,  being  a  grant  to  Kees  ap  CJriiHth 

H])  Ilowel,  for  life,  of  the  manor  of  Nerberd  in  Wales,  late  of  Koser  de 

Mortuo  Mari  of  Chirk.  By  K.  &  C. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumuSf  for  one  year,  for  the  prior  of  Blithe. 
The  like  for  the  following : — 
Richard  Blaunkfrount. 
John  de  Mere. 
The  prioress  of  jNIerelawc. 

John  de  Percebrigg,  parson  of  the  churi-h  of  Swipmcdvve. 
Nicholas  do  (lysbnrn. 
Matilda  do  Cantebrigge. 
Mjuster  Alan  de  Connesbnrgh. 
Oct.  12.  Inspcjcimus   of  letters   patent  of    queen   Isabella   [in    French],   dated 

Westminster.  H  August,  13 lo,  appointing  Adam  de  Gaiton  as  .Kcrjeant  of  the  Downs, 
without  prejudice  to  the  riglit  therein  of  Nicholas  de  Gayton,  her  clerk,  to 
whom  she  had  granted  the  said  Downs,  to  him  for  life,  and  to  his  successors 
for  thre<;  years  after  his  death,  and  confirmation  of  the  same,  for  the  security 
of  the  said  Adam,  in  view  of  the  surrender  by  the  queen  of  the  lands  which 
.*»he  held  as  dower.  By  C. 

Oct.  10.  fnspexhnus  of  two  charters  of  Henry  III.  to  Theobald  de  Knglechcvile, 

WcHtmiuster.  tlien  tenant  of  the  manor  of  Tyngewyk  for  life,  being  (1)  a  grant  that  he 
nn'ght  assess  and  lease  the  burgjiges  and  demists  at  farm  the  waste  lands  of 
th(i  manor,  at  will,  and  (2)  a  grant  to  him,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  of  the  said 
manor  with  the  land  which  Luke  son  of  John  held  in  I)ip|)eford,  by  the 
n>nt  of  a  pair  of  gilt  spurs  at  Easter ;  and  grant  that  William  Busshell, 
kinsman  and  heir  of  the  said  Theobald,  the  jireifent  tenant,  and  his  heirs, 
shall  have  the  like  liberties  with  respect  to  the  burgages  and  waste  land. 

]iy  fine  of  40*.     Cornwall. 

Oct.  13.  Protection     with   clause   rof/amm,  for  one   year,  for   the   master  and 

Westminster,   brethren    of  the   hospital    of  St.  Mary  Bethlehem  without  Bishopsgate, 

London,  and  their  attorneys,  collecting  alms  in  the  churches  in  England, 

Ireland,  and  Wales.     The  king's  bailifTs  arc  to  arrest  any  unauthorised 

l)erson  eolhrting  in  their  name. 

Oct.  14.  Appointment  of  BoIk  rt  de  la  F(»rde  and  Biehard  Campion  to  search  for 

Westminster,   a  min'!  of  silver  and   lead  reported  to  exist  in  Minerdale  and  Silverbeck, 

CO.  Cumberland,  and   in  llarcla,  co.  Westmoreland,  by  view  of  Robert  de 

Barton,  whom  the  king  has  appointtxl  keeper  of  the  mine.  By  K.  «fc  C. 

Vacated  because  on  the  Fine  lioll, 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  John  j)arson  c»f  the  church  of  Stoke  Bruerc   to    enfeoff 

Westminster.  Thomas  Wake  of  Lydel  of  land  and  rent  of  the  yearly  value  of  20/.  in 

(rreataiul  Little  Ilarwedon,  f-aid  to  be  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  re-grant 

the  same  in  frank  almoin  to  a  house  of  religious  men  of  any  order  he  j)leases, 

to  he  founded  by  him  in  the  said  town  of  (ireat  liarwedon.  By  K. 

Oct.  17.  ( I  rant  to  Oliver  do  Bohun  of  the  county  of  Essex  of  the  marriage  of 

Westminster.   Edward  de  Wodcham,  brother  and  heir  of  William  de  Wodeham,  tenant  in 

chief.  By  line  of  20  marks.     Essex. 

Oct.  12.  John  of  Brittany,  earl  of  Uiehmund,  slaying  beyond  seas,  has  letters 

Westminster,  nominating  Uichard  de  Swafhani,  clerk,  and  William  Scrumetuue  bio 
attorneys  in  England  for  one  year. 

M  2 

180  calmndar  of  patent  rolls. 

1331.  Membrane  13 — cont. 

Oct.  8.  Mandate  to  tho  justiciary  of  Ireland  to  permit  the  men  of  the  town  of 

WcstniiDster.  Kaernarvan  to  come  to  Ireland  to  buy  such  corn  as  they  wjquiro  for  tlic  use 

of  their  town,  and  to  return  with  it  unmolested ;  on  condition  that  they  brini; 

with  them  letters  of  the  justice  of  North  Wales  certifying  that  they  are  men 

of  that  town  and  pay  all  customs  due. 

Mbmbranb  12. 

Pardon  to  Peter  dc  Malo  Laeu,  the  younger,  for  entering  without  licence 
tor  the  death  of  John  de  Malo  Lacu  into  the  manor  of  Kiliingwik,  co. 

Oct   10. 
Westminster,   afti 

York,  held  in  chief,  by  virtue  of  a  grant  of  the  reversion  thereof  previously 
made  to  him  by  Peter  de  Malo  Lacu,  the  elder,  and  licence  for  him  to 
retain  tht^  same,  in  fee  simple.  By  line  of  5  marks. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  Dodlyngton  jwirson  of 

Westminster,  the  church  of  St.  Mary  of  the  Marsh,  to  the  prior  and  convent  of   Holy 

Trinity,  Norwich,  of  three  messuages  in  Norwich.  By  fine  of  -IDs. 

Oct.  12.  Grant,  for  lite,  lo  Ilichard  Spigurnel,  king's  serjeant,  for  service  in  the 

Westminster.    C'hanccry  of  Kdward  I.,  Edward  II.,  and  the  king,  of  one  third  part  of  a 

third  jmrt  of  the  manor  of  Tottenham,  which  escheated  to  the  late  king  by 

the  forfeiture  of  Kobert  de  Bruys.  By  K. 

Oct.  14.  The  abbot  of  Seez  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating  Gervase 

Westminster.    Lescpiier,  his  fellow  monk,  and  John  Gobel  his  attorneys  in  England  for 

one  year.  By  fine  of  20*.     Sussex. 

»  » 

Oct.  8.  llolMTt,  prior  of  Bath,  staying  in  England  has  letters  nominating  Ilal})h 

Wesimiuster.   de  Sobbury  and  John  dc  Scvenhampton  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two 

Oct.  l.S.  Master  Michael  de  Northburgh  going  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating 

Westminster.   John  de  Burgh  and  Koger  de  Milton  his  attorneys  for  three  years. 

Simon  de  Clopton,  ])arson  of  the  church  of  Iddcshale,  for  the  like  reason 
has  letters  nominating  tho  same  tw^o  his  attorneys  in  England  for  three 

Robert  .de  Northburgh,  parson  of  the  church  of  Hoghton,  for  tlie  like 
reason  has  the  same. 

Oct.  15.  John    bishop    of  Exeter    for    the   like  roa*ion    has  letters   nominating 

Westminster.   ]Matthew  de  Crauthorn  and  William  de  Braybrokc  his  attorneys  in  Eng- 
land for  one  year. 


Oct.  12.  John  de  Sancto  Phileberto,  going  to  Gasoony  on  tho  king's  service,  has 

We>tmiuKtcr.    letters  nominating  William  de  Tcye  and  John  de  Illcye  his  attorneys  in 
EuEjland  for  one  year. 

llalph  de  Bloihon,  knight,  going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service  has 
letters  nominating  Peter  Kemyel  and  Guy  de  Sancto  Albino  his  attorneys 
in  England  for  one  year. 

Oct.  10.  Protection  with  clause  volumus,  for  one  year,  for  William  de  Bordon 

Westminster,    going  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service. 

Oct.  14.  Tiie  like  for  Thomas  son  of  Walter  de  Stirkeland  staying  in  Ireland  on 

Westniinhter.    the  king's  service  with  Anthony  dc  Lucy,  the  justiciary. ' 

By  tesliniony  of  Anthony. 

Oct.  IT).  Licence  for  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Westminster  to  approi)riate  the 

Westminister,    churches  uf  Sabricbesworth   and  Kelvcdon,  in  the  dioeeso  of  I-X)ndon,  and 
of  Langedon,  in  the  dioccs<*  of  Worcester,  said  to  be  of  their  advowson. 

By  p.s. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  at  the  request  of  Antoninus  Baehe,  king's  merchant,  for  Laj)inus 

^Ve^lnliIl^t^.■^.    Roger  and  Joan  hi:i  wife  to  enfeoff  Master  Richard  de  Tndestedc  of  the 

5  EDWAHI)  III.— Paut  71. 

Membrane  12— cont. 

mnnor  ofEstlinllG,  co.  Kent,  held  iu  cliicf.  and  for  him  to  rogrnnt  the  aimo 
to  llicin,  fur  life,  n-itU  ii'inititnlci-s  to  Jiiiiios  son  of  tlio  said  Lupiniis,  in 
ttiil.  and  to  the  right  hcii-s  of  Lapiiius.  Ky  |i.h. 

I'roti'itioii  wiih  claiisi'  rogiimtu,  for  throe  yi'ars,  for  the  master  and 
hn-thrCD  of  the  hostiitid  of  St.  Anthon}',  in  llii;!  of  A'iunuc,  their 
iittonicys  or  proctui-s,  ii>lhi-lin<;  iiliti-^  in  the  chiirehi-s  in  Engtand,  Walt!*, 
mill  In-liinil.  Tho  kiii<;'.H  liiiililTpi  are  to  nrrust  nay  iiimuthoriscd  jieraoii 
colluding  in  their  niiiin-. 

Licence  in  nioilintiin  for  Nicholas  do  llrny-'^rcld  iind  Euinui  \\U  wife 
to  ^rant  to  the  iilil)uss  iind  convent  of  ]*<iniusO}C  n  nicsAUugu  uiid  25  ocn-M 
of  liind  in  lloiiieseyo,  tinil  to  releiiM:  for  theinHcUas  and  tho  tiuim  of  Kiuma, 
all  i-ight  in  the  cit^tody  of  the  gate  of  the  ahlx-y  iind  in  a  rent  of  three 
liundii-d  jind  .vi\ty>ri\'i.-  cloths,  Ihn^e  hniiilrud  and  sixty-live  giillon.n  of  the 
convent  ulc,  thn^!  hnnth'cd  and  nixty-five  clulhs  for  !<ervants,  \oi.  2d. 
for  food  from  the  kitehcii,  !j*.  for  a  robe  and  nineti'cn  quartei'd  of  hnui 
{farfuris),  piiyiilile  by  the  abix-y,  to  find  a  eh»|iliiin  to  cclebniti^  divino 
.■^ervici-  daily  in  the  abbey  church  for  the  souls  of  the  «iiil  Nicholas  and 
Kni]ij:i.  Jty  fine  nf  Ws.     SoiLthiini|>lo[i. 

LiucnCi'  for  the  nlisnnlion  in  fiiinli  almoin  by  Willium  di-  C'lynlou  of 
20/.  yiiu-ly  in  hmdand  n-nt  in  Makestoke,  co.  Warwick,  with  tho  ndvow- 
son  of  till'  ehurch  lliere,  to  a  kct'jH'r  and  chB|)liiini4  to 'et.'h-brate  divine 
scrvic<!  daily  in  ikliikcslokc  chnrch  for  the  suul  of  the  king,  after  death, 
Iind  fur  the  souU  of  his  ancestors  and  of  the  said  William  nnd  Jnltaiia  liiif 
wife.  Hy  [I.e. 

Appoiiiluient  of  Edvvoi'd  de  Bohun  to  the  oOicc  of  justice  of  North 
Wulij,  duriiig  phasurc.  By  K.  &  V. 

Writ  tic  iiilciifltiKlo  iu  his  fitvour  directed  to  all  within  the  laud  of  North 

Miniiliitc  in  pursuance  to  John  do  Wysliam,  the  hilo  justice. 

Cli'unl  to  Maiitcr  ItolM'rt  de  Ayllcston.  king's  clcik  of  the  archdeaconry 
of  Hcrks  ill  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  in  thit  king's  gift  by  i-c:isoii 
of  IliQ  temjiorulitii^s  of  the  see  having  been  seized  into  ihe  hands  of  the 
late  king.  By  p.s. 

Mandnlf  in  imisuaufe  to  the  bishop  of  Salisbury. 

JMnndiite  to  Einma  late  the  wife  of  Bobort  de  Monte  Alto  to  pay  to 
Bobcrt  dc  t'ii'nlcs  all  arrears  due  on  nci'ount  of  ihi'  fnnii  of  00^,  which  lihe 
pays  for  the  town  of  Aylesbury,  from  2U  January,  4  IMward  Jll.,  the  day 
on  which  the  king  re-grnnled  the  same  to  him  by  IcttiTs  juilent,  and  to  pay 
the  ijinii  to  him  lieiiceforih.  By  0, 

3fEiniR.1XB  11. 

Oct.  8.  Ratiliciition  of  the  estule of  Master  Niiholas  di-  Lodelowe,  king's  clerk, 

Wisiiiiiiish-r.  Hs  lienn  of  the  king's  free  eha|H.-I  ot  SI.  Mary,  Sliri'Wslmry.  ]iy  K. 

Oct.  11.         Confirmation  i>f  iheappointment  by  letters  |uiti-iit  undiT  the  EenI  of  llio 

Wesiiuiiistcr.  }:xclii'i|ui'r  of  Chester  of  Blelhiu  ap  Jihel  to  the  cusiMJy  i.f  Kulowe  h'oresl, 

with  tho  [laslurtf  of  Boclc,  th<:  Gifi-cuuU  there  and  other  issues  and  jirolitH 

eseept  the  [lannugi-  of  the  forest,  to  hold  for  four  yetira  from  Mieluielmiis, 

.1  EdwaM  III.,  by  the  rent  of  12  mark^  payable  at  the  ^nid  Exchequer  at 

Mid:<uiuiiicT  nnd  Michaelmas. 

Oct,  10.         Lieecci-  for  Thomas  now  bishop  of  Ilereforil,  at  his  re(|iiest,  to  discharge 

W'l'siiiiiiiHiur.   fnim  his  custody  William  do  Ireby,  lately  a  monk  of  the  abbey  of  St.  I'eter, 

(iloueester,  ami    prior  of  Ilerefonl,   who  after  eoK\iction  liefoi-o  justiei's 

of  the  Lite  king  of  e<'rtain  crimes  was  by  \irtue  of  the  benefit  of  clergy 


1331.  Membrane  11 — cont. 

delivered  by  the  said  justices  to  Adam  then  bishop  of  the  see,  and  has 
remained  from  that  time  in  the  custody  of  the  bishop,  by  delivering  him 
into  the  charge  of  the  said  Adam,  now  bishop  of  Worcester.  By  K. 

Oct.  14.        Appointment  of  Rolxjrt  Power  as  chief  baron  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin, 
Westmiuster.   during  pleasure. 

Oct.  14.         Mandate  to  William  Trussel,  oscheator  on  this  side  Trent,  for  restitution 

WcMtmiuster.  of  the  temporalities  of  Elnestow  Acbbey   to  Juliana  Basset,   one  of  the 

nuns,  whose  election  as  abbess  has  been  confirmed  by  H.  bishop  of  Lincoln, 

and  who  has  done  fealty  to  the  king.  By  p.s. 

Writ  de  intendendo  for  the  said  Juliana  directed  to  the  tenants  of  the 


Oct.  12.         Gift  to  Thomas  de  Cari,  king's  yeoman,  lately  appointed  by  letters  patent 
Westminster,  to  the  custody  of  the  king's  manor  of  Cheldeworth,  co.  Wilts,  of  eight  oxen, 
two  mares,  five  quarters  and  two  bushel  of  beans,  two  bushels  of  peas,  three 
quarters  of  draget  and  six  and  a  half  quarters  of  oats  found  therein.     By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Gilbert  de  Berewyk  in  whose  custody  the  fore- 
going are  said  to  be. 

Oct.  12.        Pardon  to  John  Toddo  of  Ulgham  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  North- 

WcstmiDster.   umberland  for  non-appearance  before  the  justices  of  the  Bench  to  answer 

touching  a  plea  of  trespass  of  William  de  Herle,  he  having   now  made 

satL<;faction  for  the  trespass  as  the  said  William  has  acknowledged  ap|M'ar- 

ing  before  the  king  in  person. 

Oct.  12.         Licence  for  the  scholars  of  the  hall  of  the  University  of  Oxford  to  acquire 

Westminster,  in  mortmain  land  and  rent  not  held  in  chief,  or  advowsons  of  churches,  to 

the  yearly  value  of  10/.  By  K. 

Oct,  10.  Confirmation  of  a  grant  by  Hugh  de  Haunton,  the  elder,  Roger  do  Acton, 
W^estminster.  John  de  Haunton,  Philip  de  Neuton,  William  le  JShermon,  Henry  le  Tail- 
lour,  Ralph  de  Neuport,  William  le  Colior,  Philip  le  Carpenter,  Henry  le 
Parker,  John  de  Gaddesle,  John  de  Harleye,  William  le  Mercer,  Reginald 
de  Trentham,  William  Lagheles,  Henry  de  Wycombe,  Simon  de  Harleye, 
burgesses  of  Kaernarvan,  John  Godynogh  of  Conewey  and  Griffin  .ip  Bleth 
of  the  commote  of  Ughtorvey  to  John  de  Housum,  his  heirs  and  asssigns,  of 
all  lands  and  rents  within  and  without  the  town  of  Kaernarvan  which  they 
had  of  the  bequest  of  John  de  Maners.  North  Wales. 

By  line  of  30.v. 

Oct,  16.  Grant  to  Isabella  de  Bello  Monte,  lady  of  Vescy,  now  tenant  of  certain 
Westminster,  lands  in  North  Wales,  late  of  William  de  Bos  of  Igmanthorp  and  John 
Deyvill  of  Athelynttet  in  respect  of  which  she  has  been  grievously  harassed 
by  distraints  made  to  recover  debts  owing  to  the  late  king  and  the  king 
by  the  said  William  and  John,  that  such  debts  shall  not  bo  lovicnl  during  her 
lifetime,  but  that  all  process  shall  be  stayed  until  after  death.  By  K. 

Oct.  10.  Inspeximun  and  confirmation  of  a  release  by  Adam  bishop  of  Won.'cslcir 
Westmiuiiter.  to  John  bishop  of  Winchester  of  all  services  and  customs  due  to  him  or  his 
successors  out  of  the  manor  of  Inge,  co.  Warwick,  and  a  t<»nenu»nt  in 
Stratford  on  Avon,  lying  in  Corn  Street,  hot  ween  oni?  late  of  Margery  Hflh; 
and  a  lane  called  *  Tynkerslone,'  njiw'hingin  length  to  n  tenement  of  William 
Averye  in  the  lane,  which  are  held  of  the  king  in  right  of  iht^  church  <if 
Worcester,  in  return  for  a  plot  of  pasture  called '  La  Homme '  in  OldcMtratlonl.,  John  de  Bisshopesdon  and  Robert  du  Vaal,  knights,  .John  (1(> 
Peyto,  William  Briuly,  Adam  de  Stivinton,  Bobeit  Wylemyn,  and  others  at 
Stratford  on  Avon,  Saturday  the  feast  ofSt.  Biirtholomew,  5  Edward  III. 

By  K. 

Oct.  17.         Appointment  of  Master  Thomas  de  Garton  as  second  baron  of  the  Ex- 
Westminster,  chequer,  durnig  pleasure.  By  K. 

Mandate  in  pursuoncc  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

&  EDWARD  III.— Pa 

1331  ■  Membrane  il — eont. 

Oct.  H.  Pardon  to  Tliomns  ninunkfrount  fov  uci|uiriiig  for  life,  from  Roger  ile 

WMUniiistcr.    Mr.rtiio  Mari  of  ^V'J■^:K*■■n"0"^'  »  '■cut  of  20/.  id   UiymnioB^rave  i>n<l  Norton, 

mid  to  bo  licld  in    cliicf,  and.  entering  thcroun  williout   (he    lute    kiii^'a 

licenco;  mid  licence  for  liiin  to  retain  the  same.  B;  K. 

Oct.  li).  Grant  to  the  bnilitt's  and  good  men  of  the  town  of  Wich  of  pnvoge  fr>r 

Wctimluiter.    four  jears,  to  be  collected  by  John  Alcyii  and  Tlioinatt  Oassy,  By  K. 

Oct.  15.  Protection  and  cafe  conduct  UDlil  ■VVliitsimdny  for  Bouenald,  earl  of  Mar 

WciiniiiiatiT.    jn  Scotlund  immiiig  to  England  on  his  own  nffiiiVs  with  u  compiny  of  twuJvo 

men,  hoi-s<.'nicii  and  wcrviints.  lij-  K. 

Meubrase  10. 

Oct,  12.  Grant  to  the  biuliffs  and  good  men  of  the  town  of  Dniggcuorth  of  [)ontnge 

VrttmiiiBtcr.   for  four  years  on  wnrew  passing  over  tlic  bridge  of  their  town,  for  ropdr  of 

the  sail!  biidgi*.  By  jiet,  nf  C. 

Oct.  1 1 .         The  tike  to  J.  Bishop  of  Kly  for  tlirec  years  fnnn  26  April  ne.vt,  on  wares 

WittiniDaler.  brouglit  to  the  town  of  Wyaebecho  or  the  market  there,  for  repuir  of  the 

bridge  of  the  said  town.  J(y  K.  &  0. 

Oct.  4.  Purdon  to  Alexander  de  Walcote  for  acquiring  in  fee,  from  Joan  late  the 

Wettmbsicr.  wife  of  lloger  le  Keu,  without  licenco  of  the  present  king,  a  moiety  of  the 

mnnor  of  Ilcm^wtcde  unil  the  advowson  of  the  church  of  that  place,  held  in 

chief,  which  bnd  previously  been  aciiulrcd  by  the  i>aid  <)oan  and  Uoger  from 

John  Mnunsol  and  Isaljella  bis  wife,  and  by  the  hitter  in   the  time  of 

Edward  J.  from   Koger  lo  Keu  of  Thorpe  nnil  Joan  bin  wife,  also  without 

licence  obtained  for  the  transfer ;  and  licence  for  him  to  retain  the  same. 

By  lino  of  Q  marks. 

Oct.  14.  Pardon,  at  the  rc'iuest  ot  Robert  de  Ufford,  to  John  do  Norwyco,  knight, 

WvHtuiliiitiiT.   of  a  fine  of  12(i  murk!%  for  certain  trespasses  whereof  he  was  indicted  before 

John  de  Stonore  and  John  dc  Cantcbriggc,  late  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer 

in  the  county  of  Norfolk.  By  p.s. 

Vacated  becatttc.  othcrwixe  in  another  Patent  Rail  of  the  tame  year. 

Oct.  11.  Licence  for  John  son  of  John  de  Bliton  of  Lincoln  to  cufi^off  Thomas  de 

Woxtminmcr.    Sybethorpe,  clerk,  of  148  acres  of  land  and   12  acres  of  meadow  in  Cane- 

wykc  by  liineoln,  held  in  chief,  and  lor  him  to  re-grant  tlio  same  to  the 

NQid  John  and  Amicta  his  wife,  in  tail  male,  wilh  rcmaiuder  to  the  right 

heirs  of  John.  By  line  of  U0«.     Lincohi. 

Oct  12.  Lii-cnec  for  the  alienation  in  moitniain  to   the  abbot  and  eonvent  of 

Wesiuiiustfir.   Date,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  \iXis,  in  land  iind  rent  which  (hey  had  the 

late  king's  licence  to  acquire,  of  the  following  mei^suagcs  and  lands  which 

uie  of  the  yearly  value  of  C».  8*/.,  as  appears  by  the  inquisiiion  ;  by  Matthew 

dc  Chaddfcden,  thi'ce  messuages,  15  acres  of  land  and  half  an  acre  of 

nicndow  in  Stanlejo  and  Chaddnsdcn  ;  by  (Jeoffrey  son  of  Tliomns  Fonnente 

of  Okebroke,  a  mcFKiiage  and  Ihrw  bovulos  of  land  in  Okebroke ;    by 

AVilliam    IJyken'Mn   of   Alwa^-toii,   a  nK'S£ua<^e  and   u   hovute   of  land   in 


Oct.  15.  Appointment  of  Hugh  de  Atforton  to  the  custody  of  the  hays  of  Chaspol  and  Kureli'gh  in  Kinfui-o  forest,  during  pleasure.  By  a.p. 

Oi-t.  5.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  frank  almoin  by  Thcmas  de  Wcslou  to 

WtstniiiiKiiT.  William  Adum  of  'Wjvcnho,  ehaplnii;,  and  his  8uci0fsor¥,  ot  a  messuage,  "0 
acres  of  land,  40  acrcH  of  wood  and  As.  in  icnl,  in  Elmttcd,  eo.  Esrez,  said 
to  lie  held  in  chief,  for  a  daily  celcbralioii  of  diviuc  ^erviee  in  Etinsled 
church  for  the  soul  of  the  king,  after  death,  and  for  the  souls  of  his 
anecMtors,  the  said  Thomas,  Margaict  his  wife  and  their  riiccsIorB.    By  p.e. 


1331.  Membrane  10 — cont. 

Oct.  14.  Exemption,  for  life,  nt  the  request  of  Richard  de  Aldehurgh,  of  Roger 

Westiuiiistur.   de  Rurtoii  in   Kcndale  from  beinjic  put  on  Ji.ssizes,  juries  or  recognisances 

Jind  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheritf,  coroner,  escheator,  or  other  bailiff  or 

minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  If).  Appointment  of  John  de  Grauntsete  as  second  justice  of  the  pleas  foUow- 

Wfstiiiiuster.   hig  the  justiciary  in  Ireland,  during  pleasure.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  chief  justice  of  the  pleas  in  (luestion. 

Oct.  1(5.  Appointment  of  Master  Robert  de  Stratford,  king's  clerk,  to  the  office  of 

Wostiuiiister.   chancellor  of  the  Exchequer,  during  pleasure.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  Robert  de  Wculehous,  archdeacon  of  Richemund,  for  livery 
of  the  seal  and  other  things  pertaining  to  the  office  now  in  his  custody. 
Mandate  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  to  .admit  him. 

Oct.  10.  Exemption   for   life   of   Ralph   de   Shirle  from   being   put   on  assizes, 

Wcstuiiuster.   juries  or  n;cognisances  and  from  appointment  a.s  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner  or 

other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  V. 

C)ct.  16.  Pardon  to  John  de  Treuger,   impri.soned  in  Launcoston  gaol,  for   the 

WcstiniiKster.  death  of  John  Marchaunt  at  Kilciimpton ;  as  it  appeai-s  by  the  record  of 
John  de  Stonore  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer  in  the 
county  of  Cornwall,  that  he  killed  him  in  self  defence. 

May  1.  Grant,  for  life,  to  Robert  de  Ufford  of  the  ciistle  and  town  of  Orford,  co. 

^^\•stIlliu^te^.    Suffolk.  By  K.  ^  (J. 

Vacated  because  on  the  lioll  of  the  Fourth  Year. 

^lEMBRASS  9. 

'  Oct.  12.  Gmnt,  at  the  request  of  Thomas,  earl  of  Norfolk,  the  marshid,  to  Gassocus 

\V^;^tnlillstcr.  dc  la  Rucllo  that  he  shall  n.*tain  for  lif(?  the  lands  which  Margaret,  late  t[ueen 
of  Kngland,  gave  him  for  her  life,  namely,  lands  in  the  town  of  Osprrnge  whicli 
escheated  to  her  by  a  felony  of  Ralph  de  Ciiclcsen,  for  which  he  was  outhiwcd, 
and  in  the  Middelton  humlred,  which  escheated  to  her  on  tlie  death  of  John  tie 
Fogheloston,  together  with  the  reversion  of  lands  In-ld  for  lift'  by  Mar- 
garet, late  the  wife  of  tlie  said  John,  as  dower;  which gmnt  queen  Isabella 
afterwards  rcn<»wcd  to  the  said  Gassocus  for  her  life.     By  K.  and  pet.  of  C. 

Oct.  14.  Gift  to   John  de  Eltliam,  earl  of  Cornwidl,  in  enlargement  of  the  late 

WestmiusttT.  grant  to  him  of  the  manors  of  Byflet,  ChipiM'nham,  Berkhampstede,  Kirk«- 
ton,  Eye  and  Hanle,  the  hamlet  of  Thorndon  and  lands  in  Clopton,  of  all 
corn,  whether  sown  or  for  seed,  livery  of  servants,  plough  cattle  and  cart 
horses  and  all  other  goods  which  were  in  the  same  manors  at  the  time  of  their 
surrender  to  the  king  by  queen  Isabella.  By  K. 

Oct.  15.  Letters  at  the  instance  of  G(H)ffrey,  abbot  of  Bee,  dwelling  beyond  seas, 

Wostminster.  and  the  (convent  of  that  place  nominating  Richard  de  Bcauscnalle,  one  of 
the  monks,  their  proctor-gcncral  in  England,  as  their  attorney  in  England 
for  four  years. 

Oct.  10.  Licenc(»  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Ralph  son  of   Ranulph   de 

Westminster.   Nevill,  knight,  Henry  de  Bylyngburgh  and  William   de   Carletoii,  j)arsou 

of  the  chur(!h  of  Falilyngworth,  tA>  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Tupliolui,  of 

the   manor  of  Rancleby,  to  lind  a  chaplain  to  celebrate^  divine  .service  daily 

in  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Tupholmc,  for  the  souls  of  tha  faitliful  dei»artc<l. 

By  fine  of  100*.     Lincoln. 

Oct.  14.  Mandate  to  the  i)receiitor  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary,  Salisbury,  to  admit 

Wcstmiuster.  Richard  de  Stowa,  chaplain  to  the  chantry  in  tin*  manor  of  We.stbury,  in 
the  king*s  gift  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of  Thomas 
Maiiduyt,  tenant  in  chief. 

S  EDWABD  III.— Part  II.  185 

J331^  membrane  9 — com. 

'Oct.  13.         -John  do  Aslakliy,  paraon  of  tliD  ohurcli  of  CsBtre,  going  beyoml  whs  Iim 

Waatmiiiitnr.  leiujrs  nominating  John  de  Burgb  iinil  U'iger  de  Milton  Iiin  attorneys  in 

England  for  tliroe  jciirs. 

Oct.  14.  Liucnce  for  the  nliiuiation  in  moi-tinain  by  Potcr  Skydenior  of  a  mee- 

We«(miiuler.  siuagc,  -10  acres  of  land.  3  oores  of  meadow.  20^.  in  rent,  and  pasture  for  2 

horses,  4  oxeu,  UO  shcupand  H  Hwinu,  in  W<Titi<'nstr(f  and  U)iton  Skydenior, 

to  a  chii|ilain  to  ccliibrutc  divina  .service  daily  in  the  eliurt^li  of  St.  Mary, 

Upton  Skydcmor,  foi'  the  soul  of  the  said  Peter,  and  the  souls  of  hi*  nneos- 

tops  and  successora.  By  fine  of  lOOs.     Wilts. 

Oct.  lij.         Licence  for  Gilbert  PmcUo  to  enfeoff  William  de  Oretton,  ehaplain,  and 

WiittnuiUvr.  Thomas  lo  Grauiit  of  the  iiiaDor  of  Triilowo,  co.  SuETolk,  wdd  to  be  held  in 

chief,  and  for  thoni  to  re-t^rant  the  same  to  htm  iind  Sibyl  his  wife,  in  tail 

inalo,  with  remainder  to  his  right  heirs.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  II.  Li<'0UC0  for  the  alienation   in  inortmoitt  by  Uiehnrd,  vicar  of  the  ehnreh 

Wcitraiuntcr.  of  Melbourne,  of  a  nipssunge,  9  a4Te8  3J  roods  of  land,  3  roods  of  lueodow, 
and  a  rent  of  lid.  in  Melbourne,  eo.  Derby,  to  a  ch3|ilain  to  celebrate  divine 
service  four  days  in  each  week,  iu  the  church  of  St.  Miuhael,  Melbourne, 
to  the  honour  of  (iod,  St.  Mary,  St.  ^Miebocl  and  All  Saints,  for  the  good 
estate  of  the  same  Uichai-d,  in  life,  for  his  soul,  after  death,  and  for  the  tiouls 
of  ills  father,  mother,  ancestors  and  succc;ssors.  By  fine  of  20s. 

Oct.  G.  Confirmation  of  a  demise  by  John  de  Eltham,  earl  of  Cornwall,  to  iTobn  do 

WvatDiluttcr.  Carleford  of  the  manor  of  Clopton,    co.  SnfTolk,  with  chaces,  warrens, 

liaheries,  libortie.',  free  custom ■<,  and  othcratipurtenancesofthosame,  exceiit 

knights'  fees  and  advowsutis  of  churches,  to  bold  the  same,  for  life,  bj  the 

rent  of  20/.,  and  tim  accustomed  services.  By  \ 

Oct.  12.  Licence,  after  i[i({uisitian  ad  r/uoddnmnum,  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain 

WralmiuHiirr.  bv  John  do  Wragheby,  clerk,  to  Uiehard  de  Amcotes,  parson  of  the  ehurch 

o!  Sculleby  of  a  plot  of   land  100  feet  long  by  40  feet  broad,  for  the 

eiilargcniont  of  the  dwelling  house  of  the  rectory.  Lincoln. 

By  fine  of  )  mark. 

Oct.  la.         Grant  to  flugh  de  UliQonl  of  the  bailiwick  of  keeping  Comebury  jiark, 

W4»tiiiiiutcr.  durinj;  pleasure.  By  p.a. 

Oct.  Hi.         Appointment  of  Walter  Ic  I'uillour  to  the  bailiwick  of  the  parkcr  of 

Wcsimimti-r.   Musebury  pork,  during  good  behaviour.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  to  William  de  Tnlhnm,  king's  elerk,  keeper  of  the  Cliderhowo 

l^atle  and  the  lane  of  Itliikeburnshiru  to  admit  him  to  the  same  and  to  pay 

him  thu  usual  wiiges. 

Oct.  15.  Mnmlate  to  the  chune<dlor  or  keeper  nf  the  great  seal,  for  the  time  being, 

lili^worth.     to  collate  Joliu  de  Ormuund,  king's  i^lerk,  to  the  first  void  preben<l  in  the 

king's  gift,  in  the  church  of  St.  Wulfi-inn,  Abbeville.  By  K. 

Oct.  H.  Conflrmatton  of  letters  patent,  (hilc<I  .'>  March  last,  under  the  seal  of  the 

■  Exchc<iuer  of  Bublin,  being  a  grant  to  Tlioiuos  Smethe,  king's  clerk, of  the 

king's  mills  by  Dublin  Castle  for  ten  years  at  the  yearly  rent  lixeil  by  the 

lust  extent. 

Alandate  to  the  seneschal  of  I'unlhiuu  and  Monstrcuil,  for  the  time  being, 

.  to  |>ermit  William  de  la  Vcrchc,  lately  lianishcd  from   the  town  of  Ci'otoy 

for  non-apjiearancc  bcfnn;  the  mayor  anil  eic/iechuf  to  answer  for  the  dcaih  of 

Gilbert  Lorel,  of  whicli  he  was  suspected,  to  return  to  Crotoy  anil  dwell 

there,  at  will,  he  having  itinco  established  his  innocence  in  the  court  of  queen 

Isabella,  as  appears  by  letters  under  the  seals  of  William  Hcronvale,  then 

seneschal  of  Ponthicu,  and  twelve  iuilgCB  of  the  court,  and  having  obtained 

the  king's  licence  to  return  available  for  forty  years. 

The  like  wonl  for  word  to  the  mayor  and  etckevim  of  Crotoy. 


1331.  Membrane  9 — cont, 

Jan.  15.         Exemption^  for  life,  of  Simon  do  Gloucestre  from  being  put  on  assizes, 

WeRtmiDiter.  juries,  or  recognisances,  and  from  apiK)intmcnt  as  mayor,  sheriff,  e»cbeator, 

coroner  or  other  bailiff  or  minister  of  the  king,  against  his  will.        By  p.s. 

Mbmbraxe  8. 

Oct.  10.         Grant  that  P.  cardinal  priest  of  St.  Stephen's  on  the  CVlian  may  by  liis 

WeHtuiiiisttT.  proctors  prosecute  hit  claim  to  the  office  of  treasurer  in  the  church  of  St, 

Peter,  York,  notwithstanding  any  ivrits  of  prohibition  heretofore  issued  in 

favour  of  Walter  de  Bedewynde,  and  afterwards  of  William  do  la  Mare, 

parson  of  Feriby,  in  the  diocese  of  York,  in  res[)ect  of  the  office. 

[Fwdem.]  By  K.  &  C. 

Oct.  15.         Association  of  Robert  de  Bousser  with  Robert  do  Ufford,  Robert  dc  As- 
WfPtmiiistcr.  pale,  William  do  Ponte  Roberti  and  Hugh  de  Hampslape  as  a  justice  in 
eyre  of  the  forest  in  the  county  of  Southampton. 

Oct.  10.  Grant,  on  jMitition  of  the  masters  and  scholars  of  Oxford  University  that 

WctttmliiHter.    the  assize  of  wine  long  observed  in  Oxford  and  the  suburbs  shall  for  tlio 

future  be  observed  under  a  heavy  (lenalty,  namely,  that  the  prict*  of  wine 

shall  not  exceed  the  price  in  London  by  more  than  a  halfpenny  in  the  gallon. 

By  X.  &  C. 

Oct.  10.  Grant  that  the  chancellor   of  the  University  for  the  time  being  shall 

Weiitmiuvter.  have  cognisance,  daring  pleasure,  of  all  causes  whei*e  one  party  is  a  cleik 
arising  out  of  moneys  lent  or  received,  or  of  tho  assessment  aud  letting  of 
houses,  or  of  the  hiring  or  selling  of  horse:;,  or  of  any  contracts  of  move- 
ables, or  of  trespasses  within  the  town  and  suburbs.  No  cause  is  hence- 
forth to  be  stayed  by  prohibition  unless  such  prohibition  make  express 
mention  of  this  grant.  By  K.  i&  C 

Oct.  15.  Protection  with  clause  nolumus,  for  one  year,  for  Aucher  son  of  Henry 

Weitminster.    de  Pampesworth. 

The  like  for  the  following: — 
John  de  Brigge water,  parson  of  Clyflon  cha]Kd. 

Ralph   Chivaler,   master    of    the    hospital  of    St.   Nicholas   withuut 

Oct.  18.  David  de  Caunton  staying  in  England  has  letters  nominating  Henry  lo 

Westmiuster.  Fysshere  and  Hugh  Crall(^  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Oct.  10.  Grunt  to  W.  bishop  of  Norwich  of  the  year,  day  aud  waste  due  to  the 

Wustminster.   king  out  of  12  acre^  of  land,  an  acre  of  meadow,  and  a  rent  of  2s.  in 

Lamboum  which  Robert  Willcm,  an  outlaw,  held  of  the  bisho])  by  the  reiit 

of  Gs.  By  fine  of  8*.     Essex. 

Oct.  16.  Licence  for  John  dc  Cobham  to  enfeoff  Master  John  de  Fodringhey  of 

Westminster,  the  iFianor  of  Bekisl)Oume,  said  to  bo  held  in  chief,  and  for  him  to  n^-grant 

the  same  to  the  said  John  and  Joan  his  wife,  for  their  lives,  with  remainder 

to  the  right  heirs  of  John.  By  fine  of  iOOs.    Kent. 

Oct.  15.  Exemplification,  at  the  request  of  Adam  de  Staynegreve,  king's  clerk, 

Westminsiter.  of  letters  {mtent  dated  28  October,  4  Edward  II.,  being  a  pardon  to  Thomas 
Hardheved  of  Wyggeton  for  tho  death  of  Walter  de  Keldissik. 

Oct.  15.  Licence  for  Nicholas  de  Bousset,  burgess  of  Abbeville,  to  .sell  a  liberty  in 

WehtiuinMer.    the  county  of  Ponthieu  acquired  by  one  of  his  ancestors,  and  held  of  the 

king  by  a  service  of  55.  yearly,  on  condition  that  the  services  due  therefrom 

be  done  as  hitherto.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  of  the  seneschal  of  the  county  cfPothicu  and  to 

the  receiver  thereof. 

Mandate  to  the  receiver  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu  to  come  to  an  account 
yiith  William  de  Borden,  king's  clerk^  master  of  the  works  in  those  parts, 

5  EDWARD  III.— Paiit  II.  187 

1331,  Membrane  8— co»^ 

and  to  pay  at  oace  to  tlie  said  William,  out  of  the  issues  of  the  county, 
notwithstanding  any  previous  assignment  thereof,  such  sums  as  he  can 
prove  to  have  been  expended  upou  the  works. 

Oct.  15.  Grant  to  John  Lenfuunt ;  on  his  petition  for  remission  of  part  of  the 

Westminster,  purchase  money  for  twelve  and  a  half  journeys  {jonicas)  of  wood  in  Crossy 
Forest  bought  by  him  in  1329,  when  the  county  of  Ponthieu  was  in  the 
hands  of  (juecm  Isabella  for  a  sum  to  be  paid  by  instalments  in  the  eoinago 
then  current  in  France,  whereof  a  balance  of  2<'38  pounds  w^s  still  due  at 
the  time  of  the  surrender  of  the  county  to  the  king  by  the  said  queen,  on 
the  ground  that  since  the  time  of  the  purchase  the  coinage  had  become  so 
depreciated  as  to  be  worth  scarce  half  what  it  then  was ;  that  he  shall  bo 
quit  of  the  balance  on  payment  of  129  pounds  of  Paris  of  the  present 
currency.  By  pet.  of  V. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu. 

The  like  grant  to  Laurence  Mynotz  under  precisely  similar  circum- 
stances. By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  Bernard  Durant  in  respect  of  a  balance  of  272  pounds, 
9  shillings,  7  pence  due  for  twenty-six  and  a  half  journeys,  that  he  sliall 
be  quit  on  payment  of  136  pounds  6  shillings  of  Paris,  of  the  present 
currency.  '  By  pet.  of  (*. 

Grant  to  llichard  Gilby  and  lleyner  his  son  in  respect  of  a  balance  of 
3o5  pounds  16  shillings  due  for  furry-two  journeys,  that  they  sliall  be  ({uit 
on  payment  of  200  pounds  of  Paris.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  Matthew  de  Conroy  and  Simon  Morel  in  respect  of  a  balance 
of  181  pounds  13  shillings  due  for  fifty-four  journeys,  that  they  shall  be 
quit  on  payment  of  100  pounds  of  Paris,  By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  Thomas  le  Venour  and  Philip  de  Bathlauoyue  in  respect  of  a 
balance  of  184  pounds  14  pence  due  for  forty  journeys,  that  they  shall  be 
(juit  on  payment  of  92  pounds  7  pence  of  Paris.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Gmut  to  John  de  Amyas  and  Adam  de  la  Warenne  in  respect  of  a  balance 
of  302  pounds  due  for  sixty-three  journey 8|  that  they  shall  be  (piit  on 
payment  of  180  pounds  of  Paris.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  Ingelram  Kynepay  in  respect  of  a  balance  of  282  pounds  due 
for  forty  journeys,  that  he  shall  be  qu<t  on  payment  of  141  pounds  of  Paris. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Grant  to  Michael  Bouvel  surety  for  John  Brichet,  in  respect  of  a 
balance  of  390  pounds  10  shillings  due  for  eighty-eight  journeys  purchased 
by  the  latter,  that  he  shall  be  quit  on  payment  of  19o  pounds  5  shillings  of 
Paris.  By  {Hit.  of  C. 

Membrane  7. 

Oct.  21.  Grant  to  John  Launge,  knight,  and  Joan  his  wife;  for  the  release  by 

Windsor,  them  of  80/.  granted  to  the  said  John  by  letters  ])atent,  dated  16  December, 
6  Edward  II.,  for  bringing  to  the  late  king  news  of  the  birth  of  the  king, 
of  50/.  yearly  for  life,  out  of  tlu;  farm  of  the  city  of  London,  granted  to 
them  by  letters  patent,  dated  1  June,  7  Kdward  II.,  and  of  all  arri^irs  of 
the  same,  and  on  surrend<;r  of  the  said  letters  patent  in  the  Chancery  to  be 
cancelled  ;  of  .'J(X)/.  at  lh<!  Exche(|uer,  to  wit,  50/.  at  Christmas,  and  50/. 
at  Kaster  next,  and  10 J/,  at  Martilmas,  and  100/.  at  Whitsunday  then 
following.  By  K.  &  C. 

Oct.  15.  Licence  for  Henry  Maufc  and  Joan  his  wife  to  enft^off  Laurence  Maufc 

Westminster,  of  u  messuage,  80  acres  of  land,  4  acres  of  meadow,  8  acres  of  wood, 

100  acres  of  heath  and  4  marks  of  ren*^,  in  Ilellyngleye,  iield  in  chief,  ami 

for  him  to  re-grant  the  same  to  theni|  for  their  lives,  with  remainder  to 

the  right  heirs  of  Joan,  By  ^um  of  lOOf.     Sussex, 


1331^  Membrane  l^^cont. 

Oct.  20.         Power  to  J.  bishop  of  Wincheater,  the  chiineellor,  W.  bishop  of  Norwich, 

Windjwr.     the  treasurer,  and  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  unci  William  de  Ilerle,  kiii«^lUs,  to 

treat  for  a  marriage  betwen  the  coiuit  of  Gcrle  and  Eleanor,  the  king*H 

Bister.  [FtvderaJ] 

Oct.  15.  Pardon,  at  the  request  of  Robert  DufTord,  to  John  de  Loudhain,  late 

Westminster,  sheriff  of  Norfolk  and  Suffolk,  of  200/.  whereby  he  made  fine  before  John 
de  Stonore  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer  in  the  said  <*3untii'S 
for  divers  felonies  and  trespasses,  and  of  the  forfeiture  of  his  issues  and 
whatever  else  is  due  to  the  king  for  his  non-appearance  before  t)ie  said 
justices  to  answer  touching  the  same.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  24.         Presentation  of  Richard  Erneys  of  Candfjlesby  to  the  church  of  Candelesby, 
Wiudsor.     in  the  diocese  of  Lincoln,  in  the  king's  gift  by  x'eason  of  his  custody  of  thu 
lands  and  heir  of  John  de  Orrcby,  tenant  in  chief. 

Oct.  20.         Protection  with  clause  volumusy  until  Midsummer,  for  Master  Reymund 
Wimlsor.     Pelegrini  staying  beyond  seas  on  the  king's  service.  Hy  K. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Henry  bishop  of  St.  David's 
Westminster,  of  lands  and  rents  in  Wales  or  of  the  advowsons  of  churches,  not  hehl  in 
chief,  to  the  yearly  value  of  30/.,  for  support  of  six  chaplains  to  celebrate 
divine  service  daily  for  the  souls  of  the  progenitors  of  the  king  and  of  the 
bishop,  in  certain  churches  or  chapels  according  to  the  appointment  of  tho 
bishop,  and  for  the  support  of  certain  poor  persons  to  be  ministered  to  by 
the  said  chaplains.  By  line  of  10/.  and  pet.  of  C.     Wah>s. 

Oct.  16.         Licence  for  Henry  de  Percy,  the  king's  kinsman,  to  impark  his  wood  of 
Westminster.  Moskwyth,  co.  York.  By  p.s. 

Oct  12.  Grant  to  Henry  bishop  of  St.  Davids,  in  enlargement  of  his  appointment 

Westminster,  by  letters  patent,  dated  4  May  last,  to  the  custo<ly  of  the  manor  and  hind  of 

La  Newehous,  late  of  Roger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of  March,  that  ho  shall 

hold  the  same,  for  life,  without  payment  of  the  rent  reserved  in   the    suid 

letters  patent.  By  pot.  of  C. 

Oct.  24.  Appointment  of  Bartholomew  de  Biirghcrsh,  as  seneschal  and  keeper 

Windsor,      {qanicyn)  of  the  land  and  county  of  Ponthieu  and  Monstreiiil.     French, 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  Gerard  Orum,  the  late  seneschal  and  keeper. 

By  K. 

Oct.  25.  Protection  for  one  year  for  Hugh  Preissak  prosecuting  certain  business 

Odihani.      for  Peter  de  Mortuo  Mari,  cardinal  pnej-t  of  St.  Stephen's  on  the  Cu'liaii. 

\Fccdcra,']     By  p.g. 

Oct.  13.  Grant  to  John  de  Latour,  sheriff  of  Hue,  that  he  may  continue  to  pay  the 

Westminster,  farm  for  which   he  took  the  shrievalty  from  queen  Isal)ella  in  i:J28,  in 

pounds  of  Tours  instead  of  in  pounds  of  Paris,  according  to  the  permission 

granted  by  the  queen  before  she  surrendered  the  county  of  Ponthieu  to  the 

king.  1^'  pet.  of  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu. 

Oct.  15.  Grant  to  John  Kynepay,  in  consideration  of  the  depreciation  of  the 
Westminster,  currency  in  France,  that  he  shall  be  quit  of  the  instalment  of  70  pounds 
14  shillings  and  \^  halfpence  now  due  in  resjK^ct  of  sixty  journeys  of 
wood  in  Cressy  Forest  purchased  from  (jueen  Isabella  in  1329,  on  payment 
of  35  pounds  7  shillings  of  Paris,  and  that  the  balance  of  the  pureluise 
money  shall  bo  paid  in  the  coinage  of  Tours  instead  of  in  that  of  Paris. 

By  i)et.  of  C. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  Ponthieu. 

Grant  mutatis  mutandis  to  John  le  Venour  in  respect  of  a  i>ureha.«e  of 
thirty  journeys.  By  pet.  of  V. 

Mandiitc  in  purfeuance  to  the  receiver  of  Ponthieu. 

5  EDWARD  Hi.— Part  II.  l89 

1331.  Membrane  7 — cont. 

Oraiit  to  John  Qncyscl  and  John  Chaunlcy  that  tbcy  shall  pay  tlio  farm 
for  tlio  iiiill  of  Crossy,  Avhich  ihey  took  from  quccu  Isabella  in  1326,  in  the 
coinapfo  of  Tours  instead  of  in  that  of  Paris.  By  pet.  of  C 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  receiver  of  Ponthieu. 

Membrane  U. 

Oct.  1.5.  Mandate  to  bailiffs  and  others  not  to  make  distraints  on  land  held  by 

Westminster.  Thomas  Eyton,  king's  clerk,  as  dean  of  the  free  chapel  of  Bruggenortb, 
contrary  to  the  liberty  of  the  church. 

()(^t.  10.  Grant,  until  the  Purification,  to  the  mayor,  cschevins,  good  men  and 

Wi'KtmiDstor.  commonalty  of  Abbeville  of  the  right  to  levy  for  the  improvement  of  their 
town,  on  every  pottle  of  wine  for  sale,  one  penny  of  Paris ;  and  on  all 
otJKT  goods  such  duty  as  they  used  to  take  by  virtue  of  letters  patent 
granted  by  cjueen  Isabella  when  she  held  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  on  condi- 
tion that  at  the  end  of  the  term  they  render  account  of  the  amount  received 
and  of  the  applicratiou  thereof  before  the  seneschal  and  the  receiver  of 
Pontliieu.  By  pet.  of  C. 

The  like,  for  two  ycaru,  to  the  mayor  and  others  of  the  town  of  Waban, 
Berk  and  Verton.  By  pet.  of  C. 

The  like,  for  two  year.«,  to  the  mayor  and  others  of  the  town  of  Cressy. 

By  i)ct.  of  C. 
Tlie  like,  for  two  years,  to  the  mayor  and  others  of  the  town  of  Rue,  for 
the  improvement  of  the  town  and  repair  of  the  greater  church  there. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Oct.  12.  Grant  to  John  de  Milly  of  the  office  of  the  sorjeanty  of  the  bailiwick  of 

Wostiiiiustir.  Hue,  during  pleasure,  upon  the  terms  on  which  he  held  the  same  by  letters 
patent  of  queen  Isabella  made  while  she  held  the  county  of  Ponthieu. 

By  pet.  of  C. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  seneschal  of  Ponthieu. 
The  like  gi*ant  to  John  de  Bylemount  of  the  serjeanty  of  the  bailiwick  of 
Bue.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  seneschal  of  Ponthieu. 

Oct.  25.  Pardon  to  Edmund  de  Knoll,  a]>bot  of  St.  Augustine\s  by  Bristol,  and  John 

We*ftininster.    de  Shaftebr',  one  of  the  monks,  for  a  trespass  of  vert  and  venison  in  the 

park,  forest  and  chaces  of  Claryndon.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.  Licence  for  William  do  la  Verche,  lately  banished  from  Crotoy  by  the 

Wtvtiiiinsttr.  mayor  and  eschevins  for  non-appoaranc(;  before  them  to  answer  touching 
the  death  of  (4ilbcrt  Lore!  whereof  he  was  8uspecti.?d,  to  return  to  the  town 
and  dwell  there  at  his  pleasure  until  the  end  of  forty  years ;  he  having 
established  his  innocence  before  the  sene.<chal  of  Ponthieu  in  the  court  of 
queen  Isabella.  By  C. 

(hrt.  IG.  Appointment  during  j)leasurc,   of  Adam   de  Clareburgh,  king's  clerk, 

Wcstiiiiiistcr.  keeper  of  the  hi)sj)ital  of  the  Holy  Innocents  without  Lincoln,  to  the 
custody  of  a  tofl,  a  bovate  of  laud  and  8  acres  of  meadow  in  Bultham,  and 
22  acres  of  land  in  K.stlangholm  and  KstcroFt,  in  the  parish  of  Algarkirk, 
an<l  of  a  toft  in  llolni  by  Botlesford,  Lately  taken  into  the  king's  hands  for 
certain  reasons.  By  K. 

Oct.  12.  /nspfjtmus  and  ronfirnuition  of  a  writiujr  of  Lewis,  bishop  of  Durham, 

AV«"*riniiistcr.   datt'd  iMi(M(?lhani,  1  August  13ol.  in  the  fourteenth  year  of  his  episcopate, 

beiuj^  a  grant  for  lil'e  to  Robert  Stri*^  of  Lyndest<Mle,  one  of  his  househohl, 

of  the  eustody  of  tin;  whole  ]>ark  of  VVoLsingham,  with  the  btipends  which 

the  two  parkers  there  used  to  receive,  namely  4(1.  a  day. 

By  fine  of  20s.    Durham. 


1331.  Membrane  6 — conL 

Oct.  15.  Acknowledgment  of  the  receipt  by  the  king  from  Edmund  de  Remraes- 

Westnii lister,  bury,  his  clerk,  of  a  crystal  vessel  containing  small  bones,  a  vessel  contain- 
ing relics  of  the  Holy  Innocents,  a  silver-gilt  vessel  containing  relics  of 
St.  Silvester,  part  of  a  rib  of  St.  Laurence  enclosed  in  silver,  a  joint  of  a 
finger  of  John  the  Baptist  and  a  painting  on  four  folios ;  a  gift  from  the 
king  of  France.  Of  these,  the  king  has  given  some  to  his  mother  and 
some  to  others.  [Fcedera.]     By  p.s.  with  bill  enclosed. 

Oct.  IG.  Protection  with  clause  roiumuSi  for  one  year,  for  Thomai  "Wake,  of 

WcBtmiuster.  Lydel,  keeper  of  Gernereye,  Jereseye,  Serk,  Aureneye  and   the   adjacent 

islands,  who  is  going  there  on  the  king's  service.  By  K. 

John  dc  Fyenles  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating  John  de 
Say  and  Baldowyn  le  Clerk  his  attorneys  in  England  for  two  years. 

Exemption  for  life,  of  John  de  Heyling  from  being  put  on  assizes,  juries 
or  recognisances  and  from  appointment  as  mayor,  sheriff,  coroner,  eschcator 
or  other  bailift*  or  minister  of  the  king  against  his  will.  By  p.s. 

Grant,  at  the  request  of  Hugh  de  Audele,  to  the  burgesses  of  the  town 
of  Kylkenny  in  Ireland  of  murage  for  three  years.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.  Writ  de  intcfidendo  directed  to  the  mayor,  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  the* 

Wt'stniinster.  town  of  Kyngeston-upon-HuU,  in  respect  of  a  yearly  |)aynicnt  of  100/.  out 
of  the  extent  of  the  town  reserve<l  to  Robert  Hastangs,  for  life,  by  the  late 
king  when  he  granted  to  him  by  letters  patent  the  custody  of  the  town, 
inter  alia^  nnd  aft-erwards  conlirmcd  to  him  by  the  ])re6ent  king.  This 
writ  is  granted  by  way  of  indenmity  for  the  said  Robert  in  consequence 
of  the  king  having  by  charter,  dated  6  May  last,  granted  the  borough  of 
Kyngeston-upon-HuU  to  the  burgesses  at  fee  farm.  By  i>et.  of  C. 

Oct.  25.  Notification  to  W.  bishop  of  Norwich  of  the  revocation  of   the  late 

Westminster,  presentation  of  John  de  Staunford,  king's  clerk,  to  the  church  of  St. 
Martin,  Fynclmm.  The  presentation  was  made  in  the  belief  that  it 
peitained  to  the  king  by  reason  of  his  custody  of  the  lands  and  heir  of 
Thomas  Bardolf,  tenant  in  chief,  whereas  it  appears  by  insjMrtion  of 
the  Chancery  rolls  that  the  advowson  of  the  said  church  was  a'^signed  to 
Alice,  late  the  wife  of  the  said  Thomas,  as  dower. 

Membrane  5, 

Oct.  16.  Notification  that  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Boxle  having  been  summcneJ 

Westminster.  l>eforc  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  the  King's  Bench, 
to  answer  touching'  their  refusal  to  obev  a  mandate  to  them  to  admit  John 
Maunsel,  king's  yeoman,  to  a  corrody  in  their  house  such  as  Andrew 
Trayour,  deceased,  held,  have  produced  charters  of  the  king's  progenitors 
proving  that  they  hold  their  lands  in  frank  almoin  discharged  of  nil  kind 
of  demands  nnd  .*«eculnr  charges.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  12.  Grant   to  the   master  and    brethren  of    the    hospitnl  of   St.  Lconnrd, 

Westminster.   York,  who  at  the  king's  request  hnve  provided  out  of  their  house  sustenance 

for  Robert  Polidoit  and  for  Alina  de  Ilnstynges,  for  their  liv<'s,  thnt  this 

shall  not  prejudice  the  house  as  a  precedent.  By  K. 

Oct.  15.  Grant  to  Ycvan  ap  Madok  that  he  .^^hall  pay  80/.  remaining  due  on  his 

Westminster,    account  for  the  time  Avhen  he  held  the  bailiwick  of  the  office  of  reeve  of 

Mevencth,  in  Cnrdi^^anshire,  bv  half-vearlv  instalments  of  10(>*.  from  Easter. 

Bv  C. 

Oct.  16.  Pardon  to  Walter  le  Kyng  of  his  outlawry  in  the  county  of  Buckingham 

Wcstmiubier.  for  non-a|>iM'nnmee  Iwforc  the  late  king  to  answer  totiehing  a  plea  of  tre>pjif:s 
of  John  i^on  of  lialph  de  Murscle,  the  latter  having  aeknowIc(lge<l  in  the 
Chancery  that  the  said  Walter  has  mndc  satisfaction  for  the  trespass. 

5  EDWAUl)  III.— rAUT  11.  191 

1331.  Membrane  5 — cont, 

Oct.  20.  IFonry  dc  Fcrariis,  staying  in  England,  has  letters  nominating  Henry  dc 

Winilsor.      Liicy  and  Henry  Coiilok  his  attorneys  in  Ireland  for  two  years. 

Oct.  24.  Licence  for  Joan,  laic  tlie  wife  of  Henry  de  Cainpo  Arnulphi  tenant 

(Klilmm.       in  chief,  to  marry  whomsoever  she  will  of  the  king's  allegiance. 

By  fine  of  10  marks.     Cornwall. 

0<*f.  21.  Gift  to  Richard,  earl  of  Arundel),  of  all  goods  which  were  in  the  manors 

i  hlilmni.      and  lands  of  Edmund,  earl  of  ArundoU,  his  father,  in  the  marches  of  Wales, 

formerly  granted  along  with  all  debts  due  to  the  said  earl  in  those  parts 

to  l{oger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  on  the  day  when  these  were  forfeited  by  the 

latter,  and  of  debts  due  to  the  lalter,  to  the  value  of  300/.         By  pet.  of  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  ond  barons  of  the  Exchequer. 

0<*t.  I(>.  Licence,  after  inipiisition  ad  qnod  damnum,  for  the  alienation  in  mort- 

\\Vs(iniiift«r.  main  by  Josin  de  Caumpc  to  the  prior  and  Carmelite  Friars  of  Cambridge, 
of  a  messuage  in  Cambridge  for  the  enlargement  of  their  dwelling  place. 

By  p.s. 

Oc't.  1(5.  Pardon  to  Thomas  do  Dakenlmm  and  Alice  de  Hampton  of  their  out- 

\Vr'*tiuiii>tcr.  lawry  and  waiver   in  th(»  county  of  Kent  for  non-app(*aranco  before  the 

king  to  answer  touching  a  plea  of  Roger  de  Reyhamme  tliat  th<*y  alxlucted 

Mairgery  his  wife  at  Eastcherche  in  the  island  of  Sliei)i)eye,  and  carried 

away  his  goods.  By  K.  and  pet  of  C. 

Oct.  12.  Licence  for  Henry  bishop  of  St.  Davids  to  alienate  in  mortmain  lands 

WfsfiiiinstiT.  and  rents  in  Wales  to  the  yearly  value  of  30/.  t^)  six  ehaplain.-i. 

Vacated  became  above.  By  fine  of  10/.  an<l  ])ct.  of  V., 

Oct.  20.         Protection  with  chiuse  nolumus,  for  two  years,   for  John  de  Dyneham 
WiiMlscir.      going  on  pilgrimage  beyond  seas. 

Oct.  1(>.  Mandate  to  the  escheator  of  the  county  of  Chester  forthwith  to  remov(» 

Wrstiiiifistor.  the  king's  hands  from  2  U)  acres  of  the  waste  land  of  Rudeheth,  approved 
by  the  abl>ot  and  convent  of  Dieulacres  by  virtue  of  letters  ]>at(^nt  nmd*^  by 
Edward  I.,  while  ho  wa«  earl  of  Chester,  and  confirmed  by  the  present  king. 
The  said  lands  were  lat<'ly  sei/.ed  after  an  impiisition  taken  by  Thomas 
Darners,  then  escheator,  wherein  it  was  stated  that  the  approvement  had 
l)een  made  without  warnint  partly  from  the  king*s  waste  of  Rudelieath, 
and  imrtly  from  their  own  waste,  but  it  has  since  lH«en  found  by  a  fresh 
iuipiisition  taken  by  the  justice  of  C*hester  that  the  approvement  has  been 
nuide  entirclv  on  the  soil  of  the  al»bey  within  their  manor  of  Byneh?ve. 

By  fine  of  lO*.     Stafford. 

Oct.  15.  Pardon  \o  John  de  Rue,  on  his  petition  setting  forth  that  the  taking  of 

W«stiuiii5tcT.  eels  at  Thurel  near  Rue  is  so  deteriorated  by  the  obstruction  of  the  river 

there  that  it  does  not  now  sutlice  to  pay  the  yearly  rent  of  74  pounds  of 

I'aris  required  of  Iiim  for  the  eels,  of  one  moiety  of  iiis  rent  for  the  whole 

time  in  which  he  has  had  the  taking  of  them.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Mandates  in  pursuance  to  tin*  receiver  of  the  <*ounty  of  I'onthi<'U.  If  thi? 
same  John  find  security  for  future  payment,  Ih*  is  to  allow  him  to  retain 
the  taking  of  the  eels  at  a  comiHJteut  price ;  if  not,  he  is  to  n-move  him 
from  it. 

Oet.  2().  Mandate,  at  tla^  refpicM  of  William,  count  of  Holland  and  Seland,  to  the 

Oilihaiii.      chancellor  for  the  tim<*  bfing,  to  pi*eS4'!it  Pet^T  de  Colombers  to  the  first 

void  lH»nefiee  in  the   king's  gift,  with  or  without  ciu'c  of  souls,  not  cxceetliug 

the  value  of  10  nnu-ks.  By  Iv. 

Oet.  U).  J'ardon  to  the  prioress  and  nuns  of  Ermithwait,  co.  ('umlK'riand,  whose 

Wi'^tiuiiistiT.  hinds  ami  rents  ha\e  Ix^en  very  greatly  wast^'d  and  destroved  by  the  war  of 

Scotland,  of   10/.  due  to  the   king  for  victuals  bought  by  them  in  the   late 

king's  reign  at  Carlisle.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Mandati*  in  pursuance  to  tlu;  tretuiurer  and  barons  of  the  £xche(iucr. 


1331 .  Mbmbranr  4. 

Oct.  22.  Exoinplification,  nt  the  nKjuc'st  of  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  prewMit 

Windsor.       tenant,  of  the  followinj^  ehaiiers  which  have  accidentally  l)een  lost : — 

(1.)  Charter  dattnl  13  DeeenilMT,  42  Henry  III.,  Inking  a  grant  to  Simon 
<Ie  Monte  Forti,  earl  of  Leicest<»r,  and  his  heirs,  of  a  market  every 
Tuesday  anil  a  fair  yearly  on  the  eve  of  St.  Matthias'  day  and 
four  following  days  in  the  manor  of  Emeldon,  eo.  Northumber- 

{^Charter  RoU^  42  Henry  IIL,  membrane  5.] 

(2.)  Chart(T  dated  27  July,  43  Henry  III.,  being  a  grant  to  the  .*iaid  earl, 
Eh»anor  his  wife,  the  king's  sister,  and  their  heirs,  of  the  manor  of 
(Junthoip,  CO.  Nottingham,  with  the  soke,  by  the  rent  of  a  gos- 
hawk at  Miehaelnuis. 

[Charter  Roil,  43  Henry  III.,  membrane  3.] 

(3.)  Charter  dateil  23  August,  40  Henry  III.,  being  a  ratification  of  a 
grant  to  tlu»  said  earl,  his  heirs  and  assigns,  by  Edward  de  Marisi'o 
and  Rametta  his  wife,  of  the  barony  of  Emeledon,  co.  NorthinulMT- 
laud,  with  other  lands  which  the  said  Rametta  inherited  from 
John  le  Viscount,  her  father,  with  the  apjairtenances  thennif  in 
Emeh'don,  Dun^tan,  Staunford,  Burton,  l^unnburgh  and  elsi'- 
when*  in  the  said  county,  and  all  jnTanl.^i,  n4iefs  and  escheats. 

(4.)  Charter  dattMl  11  Deceniber,  30  Hi?nry  III.,  lM»ing  a  grant  to  William 
de  Ferariis,  earl  of  Derby,  and  his  heii*s,  of  fre<»  w^arn*n  in  his 
lands  [siMK!ifi(Ml  in  the  <»ntry]  in  the  counties  of  Lancaster,  Derby 
and  Stafford  with  markets  and  fairs  in  his  manors  of  Bowelton, 
CO.  Lancaster,  and  I'ttoki^hagh,  co.  Stafford;  and  a  grant  to  tla^ 
sm'd  earl  and  his  heirs  and  to  Roger,  bisho]>  of  Coventry  and 
Lichfield  and  his  successors  of  a  market  and  fair  within  the  manor 
of  Heiwod,  CO.  Stafford. 

[Charter  Roll,  36  Henry  III,,  membrane  24.] 

(5.)  Charter  (hiti^l  28  January,  41   Henry  IIL,  being  a  licence  for  the 
said  earl  of  Leicester  to  imjMjrk  Shi])legh  wood. 
[Charter  Roll,  41  Henry  HI.,  membrane  0.] 

(6.)  Charter  datinl  11  February, '11  IIenr>' III.,  being  a  ratification  as  in 
No.  3  ;  with  i\  fuilher  gi-ant  to  tht*  sjiid  earl,  his  IumVs  and  assigns, 
that  thev  shouhl  eniov  in  the  said  baronv  of  Emele<lon  an<l  other 
lantls  the  liberties  whieh  king  John  granted  by  charter  to  Robert 
s(mietime  carl  of  Lcic<*stcr  and  the  i)re.s«»nt  king  confinned  to  the 
said  Simon,  one  of  tlu*  two  heirs  of  Rol>ert. 
[Charter  Roll,  41  Henry  HI.,  membrane  8.] 

Oct.  30.  Protection  with  nolumus^  for  one  year  from  the  Pm*ification  next, 

Iluiigcrford.    f<»r  Robert  Fitz  Elys  to  whom  the  king  has  granted   spe<*ial  licence  to  pass 

bevond  sens  on  that  <latc.  Rv  p.s. 

rh(!  said   Robert  has  letters  nominating  John  d<'  Brnilly  and  John  de 

Brunei  his  attonu'vs  in  England  for  the  .simie  time. 

Sept.  21.  Mandate    to  the   burgesses  of  (irymmesby   to  pay  to  Edward  de  Rohuh, 

London.       during  the  minority  of  the  heir  of  Kdnnind  hitc  earl  of  Kent,  their  yenrly 

farm  of  50/.  whieh  latelv  escheated  to  the  kinj'  bv  the  carl's  forfeit un*  nn<l 

has  been  granted  to  the  said  Edward.  Ry  K.  &  C, 

Oct.  28.  Grant,  at    the   ?"etnn>t  of  tin*  merchants  of   the  soeietv  of   the   l^ardi  <»f 

lliinjicrfcrd.    Florence,  to  Nicholas  s«»n  <»f  Richard  de  lialygavcrcan  of  the  cn>todv  of  the, 
writs  jind  rolls  in  tla*  King's  Bench  of  Dublin,  during  gtKul  behaviour. 

By  p.s. 

Mandates  hi  i)ursuance  to  the  justices  of  the  said  Bench,  and  to  Peter  du 
Wclewang,  the  late  kceiM.T  of  the  writs  and  rolls. 

5  P:J)WAHI)  111.— J^aut  II. 


Oct.  27. 


1331,  ^fE^lBRAyB  3. 

C)<'t,  21.  Grant  to  Edinninl  do  Mortuo  ^lari,  in  cnlavufmcnt  of  Hio  late  restitution  to 

Windsor.  \\\xx\  of  tlio  on^tlc  and  manor  of  \Vvtr;rcMr.ore,  tlin  lan«l  of  Molnnyth  with  the 
caslli'.s  of  Ki*ntliK'S  and  r>vnl>aiul,  the  laud  ol"  lvLMU'\v\nk  witli  the  ca.stlo  of 
Dolvorovnantltlio  land  ot  (.'oniot(»y«!c'r  which  l\oii<  r  de  Mortuo  Mari,  hislalo 
fathoi,  held  lor  lit«\  willi  n'niainder  to  liini  in  tail,  and  whirh  liad  escheated 
to  tho.  kin;::  hy  \\\o  i'nrlVimn'  of  lioj^iM*,  of  lln;  oxen  ant!  entile  of  tin?  |»lou;^hs 
and  carts,  with  th*-  ariiuinr,  hra/i  a  j>ots,  has'»ns  (/>///•<>)  and  other  domestic 
ntensils,  as  w«'ll  ixi  the  tapestrii-s,  enrtairis  and  h*'ds  nnido  with  the  arms  of 
the  said  Kdniund,  which  weru  seized  into  the  kiii;;\s  hands  in  the  castles  and 
hinds.  I5y  K. 

Mandates  in  piu'suance  to  the  shcrill'  of  Ilireford  in  nspeet  of  the  castlo, 

manor  and  land  of  Wy^gemore ; 
The  sherilf  of  Salop ; 

Thomas  de  (Monne,  parson  of  the  ehnreh  of  Ilopcsaye,  in  respect  of  tho 
hnnls  and  castles  cd'  Ahdi-nyth,  Kcnthles,  Dynhand,  Ketlewynk,  l)oU 
voreyn,  and  Comottiydt-r ; 
Tin*  tri'usnrer  and  chamhi'ilains  in  respect  of  tho  fiirnitnre,  tajiestries, 
cnrtaiiis,  lu-ds,  nt«n*«il<  and  t»t!u'r  siiiall  thini;<  scIzimI  in  the  castle  and 
manor  of  Wvirafi-more  wliich  wrre  afterwards  hroiijrht  to  the  Tower  of 

riift  to  Dimis  For-J-etti,  liarthohiinew  IJarde,  Peter  Rj'vneri  and  tho  other 
nii'ndiants  of  the  society  of  the  IJardi  ol'  Klorciuv.  in  ccnsid. 'ration  of  mani- 
fold services  to  the  late  kin.i»  and  tlic  kia;;  a-  well  hcyond  M'as  as  on  this 
side,  and  of  h»s<is  sustitim-d  liv  some  lai^xc  loans  to  the  kiu^  not  having 
been  repaid  within  the  stipnlated  time,  of  l,OtK)/.  to  he  pai<l  at  Christmas. 

By  K. 

^Mandate  in  piirsnance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  and 
the  chamberlains. 

Oct.  18.  CIrant   to  John  de  K}ngho,  par>on  of  tin-  chundi  (»f  Lcdcnham,  in  tho 

Wcfetaiiasttr.  diocese  of  Lineohi,  of  tiic  pn  bend  in  the  church  of  St.  WoliVam,  Abbe- 
ville, lately  held  by  Pettr  de  V«'rnon,  <h<Ha^i*d:  on  an  exc'han^e  of  b(!nelicC"« 
with  William  Fciikal,  kin.:r'>  clt  rk,  parsuu  of  the  clnnch  of  Orewell,  in  the 
dioci'se  of  Ely,  and  hohUr  of  the  said  prebend.  By  p.s. 

Mandate  in  p'irsuance  to  tin*  dean  an«l  chapter  of  tin*  -^aid  church. 

Oct.  If).  Presentation  of  tho  said  •lohn  t(»  the  church  of  Orewell. 

Wc'stin luster.         Vftrdtvd  hvcffisv  atlu  nv}.s(  hrhnr, 

Oct.  22.  "Writ  of  aid  until  Michaelnu's  for  John  Ct>syn,  ;!pp)inted  a  purveyor  for 

the  househohl  of  (pa»en  Isab.  Ila.  \\y  K. 

The  like  f«»r  the  ftdlowing  purveyors  for  the  same: — 
Simon  Constant vn. 
William  de  Multon. 
IJalph  de  Wendovere. 
John  Russel. 
Thomas  de  yorhampton. 
Alexandi'r  de  Tyghle. 

Isjdiella,  lat*'  the  wile  of  (Jilluat  de  Clare,  staying  in  England,  has  hitters 
nominating  Waller  Curtey^  ai»d  William  Ilani  ber  attorneys  in  Ireland  for 
two  v(ars. 

Isabellii,  late  the  wile  of  .Ii.hii  'it*  ll;i>tyiiges,  stayin;i  in  Kngland,  has 
like  Irtti  i'<. 

(ir;!;  t  d.  Wiliiam  t!e  licli';?-  e:'  lln-  ^tai'!/  .:.!ii-  •.;  !*  »/.  piiM  by  tbe  aM>.')t 
Wvstiniiivt,  r.  ,,!  Kiiki.-lal  f.-i  tb«  n..i;i«i'  <r  (nlvn;:!!;:!!,  i  "V,-  \\\  the  kiiiii's  b;:iwls  bv 
I'easi.n  el'  Li**  i  ii.-i(ii!\  <».'  .1.  liii.  -u.i  .;i.d  ii*  !r  i-f  iiilnnj.  <l,  i:iie  tiirl  ni  Krii», 
in  p.'irt  >:!li-i;:riien  of  ii:e  \\\\'.  vrarlv  <■!'  I:  lui  !«».•  \\U-  r.n  u:i^«»i  him  bv 
the  king.  In  hold  duriiii.'  tin.  miimiity  "f  ihe  hi  ir  rr  un'il  «.thcr  provi^ion 
bo  made  for  him.  l>y  K.  and  bill  uf  the  Treasurer. 


Oct.  25. 

Oet.  1(J. 

bo  made  for  him. 
U    65658. 





Oct.  22. 


Mbmbranb  4. 

Exomplitication,  at  tlio  request  of  Henry,  earl  of  Lancaster,  the  pre.'^ent 
tenant,  of  tlie  following  charters  which  have  accidentally  been  lost : — 
(1.)  Charter  dateil  13  DecenilxT,  42  Henry  III.,  being  a  grant  to  Simon 
de,  Monte  Forti,  enrl  of  Leicester,  and  his  heirs,  of  a  market  every 
Tuestlay  and  a  fair  yt^arly  on  the  eve  of  St.  Matthias'  day  and 
four  following  days  in  the  manor  of  Emeldon,  co.  Northumber- 

[^Charter  RoH,  42  Henry  III.,  membrane  5.] 

(2.)  Charter  dated  27  July,  43  Henry  IIL,  lieing  a  grant  to  the  .»*aid  earl, 
Eleanor  his  wif<*,  tin*  king's  si.^ter,  and  tlieir  heir.»«,  of  the  manor  of 
(Junthorp,  co.  Nottingham,  with  the  soke,  by  the  rent  of  a  gos- 
hawk at  Michaelmas. 

[Charter  Roily  43  Henry  III.,  membrane  3.] 

(3.)  Charter  dated  23  August,  40  Henry  III.,  iH'ing  a  ratification  of  a 
grant  to  the  said  enrl,  his  heirs  antl  assigns,  by  Etlwanl  de  Marisco 
and  Rjimettji  his  wife,  of  the  barony  of  Emelcdon,  co.  NortlnnnlMT- 
land,  with  othrr  lanils  which  the  saiil  Rametta  inherited  from 
John  le  Vis<'(Mint,  her  father,  with  the  appurtenances  then»of  in 
Emeh'don,  I)uu>tan,  Staunford,  Burton,  Biunnburgh  and  else- 
where in  the  siiid  county,  amd  all  j(\'ards,  n4iefs  and  escheats. 

(4.)  Charter  dated  11  December,  30  Henry  IlI.,lKMng  a  gnmt  to  "Williiim 
de  Feniriis,  earl  of  Derby,  and  his  heii*s,  of  free*  warn*n  in  his 
hinds  [specified  in  the  entry]  in  the  counties  of  Lanea.ster,  I)(»rby 
and  Stafford  with  markets  and  fail's  in  his  nuinors  of  Bowelton, 
CO.  LancastiT,  nnd  Uttokeshagh,  co.  Staffonl;  and  a  grant  to  the 
sai<l  earl  and  his  heirs  and  to  Roger,  bishop  of  Coventry  and 
Lichfield  and  his  successors  of  a  market  and  fair  within  the  manor 
of  Hi'iwod,  CO.  Staffonl. 

[Charter  Roll,  3()  Hi'nry  IIL,  membrane  ^^Ve,'' to  three  chaplains  to 

(5.)  Charter  dated  28   January,  41   Ht^  church  for  the  souls  of  John  do 
siiid  earl  of  Leicester  t«>ji>*^"-'  brother,  and  their  ancestors. 

[  G^uwi-*--"^'''""" Ry  line  of  10/.     Oxon. 



Oct.  25. 

Nov.  6. 

Nov.  1. 

Dec.  8. 

,  by  Oliver  de  Esse  to  the  vicars  of  the  church  of  Holy  Cross, 
kliton,  of  50.?.  of  rent  in  Criditon,  for  a  daily  celebration  of  divine  service 

for  the  souls  of  himself  and  his  ancestors.  Bv  line  of  40*.     Cornwall. 

Thomas  West,  going  on  pilgi-image  to  Santiago,  has  letters  nominating 

Thomas  de  I'nton  his  attornev  in  England  until  AVbitsnndav. 
Protection  with  clause  noliumis  for  him  for  the  same  period. 

Protection  with  clause  volumns,  for  one  year,  for  Bartholomew  de  Burg- 
herssh,  seneschal  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  going  thither  ou  the  king's 
service.  By  l"^- 

The  same  Bartholomew  has  letters  nominating  William  de  Scothowc  and 
John  de  Sancto  Paulo,  clerks,  his  attorneys  in  England  for  the  like  period. 

Protection  with  clause  volunitts^  for  one  year,  for  Ralph  du  I^rok,  going 
with  the  saiil  Bartholomew.  By  testimony  of  Bartholomew. 

The  like  for  the  following : — 

Peter  de  Gildesburgh. 

Henry  de  Langetou. 

Stephen  de  Cosington.  By  testimony  of  Bartholomew. 

Membrane  2. 


5  EDWARD  111.— Part  II. 



Oct.  21. 


Oct.  27. 


Oct.  16. 


Oct.  12. 


MEiinHANE  3. 

Grnntto  Edinniul  doMortuo  Mari,  in  cnlarpfomoiit  of  the  late  restitution  to 
him  of  tlio  castio  mul  muiior  of  \Vyirj?cinore,  the.  land  of  Melcmyth  with  the 
casth'jj  of  Kenthles  and  Dvnbaud,  iho  land  of  Iveilewvnk  with  the  castle  of 
Dolvercyn  and  the  land  of  Comutoy»Ier  which  liogcr  de  ?d()rt!io  Mari,  his  late 
father,  held  for  life,  with  n-mainchT  to  him  in  tail,  and  which  had  e*<cheated 
to  the  kin*;  by  the  forfeiture  of  Rog(;r,  of  the  oxen  and  entile  of  the  ploughs 
and  carts,  with  the  arnumr,  brazen  pots,  basins  {pdws)  and  other  domestic 
utensils,  as  well  as  the  tapestries,  curlains  and  beds  made  with  the  arms  of 
the  said  E<lmnnd,  which  wer«  seized  into  the  king's  hands  in  the  castles  and 
hinds.  By  K. 

Mandates  in  ptirsuanco  to  the  shcrilF  of  Hereford  in  respect  of  the  casitle, 

manor  and  land  of  Wyggemore ; 
The  sherilf  of  Salop ; 

lliomas  de  Clonne,  i)arson  of  the  church  of  Ilopesaye,  in  respect  of  the 
lands  and  (.'astles  of  jNb'KMiyth,  Kcnthles,  Dvnbaud,  Kedewynk,  Dol- 
voreyn,  and  Comotoyder ; 
The  treasurer  and  chnmbi-rlains  in  respect  of  the  furniture,  tapestries, 
curtains,  bfds,  utensils  and  other  small  thinj^s  seized  in  the  castle  and 
manor  of  Wyggcmore  whieh  were  afierwanls  brought  to  the  Tower  of 

(Jift  to  Dinus  Porsetti,  Bartholomew  Barde,  Peter  Reyneri  an<l  the  other 
merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Hardi  of  Morenee,  in  ciuisid^ration  of  mani- 
fold services  to  the  hili;  kin»j:  and  the  kiu^  as  well  bevund  ^eas  as  on  this 
side,  and  of  h»s*;es  sustained  by  some  lar«;e  loans  to  the  king  not  having 
been  rcjuiid  whliin  the  stipulated  time,  (»f  1,000/.  to  be  paid  at  Christmas. 

By  K. 

jNIandate  in  pursuance  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  and 
the  chamberlains. 

in  th«  cou  ^"  'I^'hn  de  Kjngho,  parson  of  the  church  of  Ledenham,  in  the 
of  Lvndeviy'and  tu.V  ^'^  ^^**'  P»*«'1'^'"<1  "i  the  chureh  of  St.  WoHVam,  Abbo- 
of  10/  paid  by  the  abbot'-  ^^*  Vernon,  deceased:  on  an  exchange  of  benefices 
Dcrlyngton  and  Ragenhi'iil  ai^ft'bt'lVrJ:"  >'^^*»^^  church  of  Orewcll,  in  the 
same   county  ;  the  manor  of   Witchurch,   co.  Oxi  ,     ^  ^*'^' 

43/.  C5.  W/.  of  the  city  of  Hereford  and  two  other  siiLiiii**!  church, 
yearly  farm  of  IG/.  10^.  of  the  town  of  Derby,  with  the  incremc**t 
a  yearly  farm  of  18/.  45.  8//.  of  the  town  of  Portsmouth,  another  o* 
6G/.  13.9.  id.  of  the  city  of  Winchester,  and  another  of  201/.  3«.  2d.  of  the 
townof  Southampton,  with  small  rents  and  appurtenances,  in  the  county  of 
Southampton  ;  and  a  yejirly  farm  of  31/.  paid  by  the  prior  of  Bctrnewell  for 
the  manor  of  Cesterton,  co.  Cambridge.  The  queen  is  to  hold  these, 
for  life,  from  Michaelmas  last,  with  all  knights'  fees,  advowsons,  wards, 
marriages  and  issues.  By  K.  &  C.  and  p.s. 

Pardon  to  John  de  Langeleye,  knight,  Henry  de  "Krdyngton  and  otherg 
of  the  county  of  Warwiek,  on  ])etition  of  the  conunonalty  of  the  same,  and 
for  the  salvation  of  the  soul  of  the  late  king,  of  SO/,  remaining  in  arrear  out 
of  a  iine  of  SOO  marks  made  by  them  for  Ralph  de  Sliirley  and  William  do 
Sutton,  chief  collectors  of  certain  subsidies  in  the  late  reign,  before  John  de 
Stonore  and  his  fellows  justices  of  tln^  late  king  of  oyer  and  terminer 
touching  alleged  ojipressicms  by  the  said  collectors  and  by  their  under 
collectors  as  well  as  by  sheriffs  on  the  people  of  the  county. 

By  K.  &  pet.  of  C. 

Licence  for  Henry  bisho])  of  Lincoln  to  enlarge  his  park  of  Lydyngton, 
CO.  Rutland,  within  Rokyngham  Forest,  by  (K)  acres  of  land,  and  to 
enclose  with  a  stone  wall  the  park,  which  is  at  present  surrounded  with  a 
fence  and  hedge,  and  the  laud  taken  into  the  same.  By  K. 

N  2 


1331.  Membrane  2 — cont, 

Oct.  10.  Appointmont  of  John  de  Stonoro  to  tho  custody  durin*?  minority  of  the 

Westminster,  lioir  of  (he  lands  of  Oto  do  Hodrif^an,  tenant  in  chief,  witli  the  niarri«jr«  of 
the  hi'ir.  15v  fine  of  100/. 

Mr  mora /I  flu  UK — On  f«i<;ht  of  the  infinisition«4  nftonvnrds  returned  into 
ChniitM'iv  it  i"<  ronn«!  that  the  land  whereof  the  i-aid  Jolin  has  the  custoilv 
th)es  nut  excei'd  the  yearly  value  of  27/.  14.«.  (J^r/.  and  that  the  heir  is 
upwards  of  twenty  years  of  a«re.  It  is  therefore  adjudgitd  by  tho  council 
that  he  shall  pay  100/.  for  the  custody  and  marriage  and  that  the  fine  of 
2(H)/.  which  he  made  at  another  time  Um'  the  same  shall  he  cancelled. 

Oct.  1(),  Pardon   to  William   Jollesone  of  Hilleshy,  kind's  aj^prover,  imprisoned 

Windsor,      i^    Lincoln  Castle,  who  appeah.-d  certain  accoin] dices  of  his  for  robberies, 

larcenies,  and  other  felonies  conmiitted  by  them  in  the  county  of  Lincoln, 

and  vainpii;>hed  tho-:e  among  them  who  accepted  the  trial  by  duel,  while  the 

rest  have  been  hanged  on  his  appeal.  By  K. 

Nov.  3.  Safe  conduct,  during    pleasure,  for  Guy  son  of  Simon   de   Florencia, 

Kewbnry.      kni«jht  (mififcm),  sentl)eyond  seas  on  the  king's  business. 

Tlie  like  for  Dimis  Forsctti  of  Florence,  of  the  king's  household. 

Oct.  5.  Panic m   to  the  nnister  and  brethren   of  the   ]iou>e  of  St.  Kafherine  by 

'\Ve>tminster.  Bristol  fur  aeciuiring  after  tlie  publication  of  the  statute  of  mortmain  from 
Alexander  de  Alneto  7t  acres  of  land  in  A.sshton,  co.  Somerset,  and 
entering  thereon  without  licence ;  and  licence  for  them  to  retain  the  sjime. 

llj  p.s.  and  line  of  20*. 

Membraxe  L 

Oct.  26.  Protection  with  clause   vohimvs^  for  one  year,  for  Jtdin  de  TTemcnhale 

Odiliam.       ffoini;  to  (ia^seonv  bv  the  kind's  order  to  stay  with  Oliver  de  Injrham,  the 

seneschal  of  the  duchy.  By  K.  on  the  testimony  of  Oliver, 

Oct.  17.  Appointment  of  llamo  de  Berton,  on   the  nomination  of  Arnold  Micol, 

"Westminster.  cJiirif  butlvr,  to  C(!lleet  during  the  said  Arnohrs  jileasun^  the  custom  of  -.«.  «)n 
every  tun  of  wines  importiul  by  merchant  stranjrers  in  the  ]»orls  of  Yar- 
mouth, IJlakeneye  and  Kyrkele  and  alonir  the  coast  to  Ipswich,  which  the 
king  has  granted  to  tin*  latter  until  Michaelmas  in  return  for  a  sum  to  be 
jjaid  by  bim  at  the  Exchequer.  By  K.  h  C. 

'J'he  like  of  the  following  : — 

John  de  (jreynte  and  William  de  Cestrefeld  in  the  port  of  London. 
Jrihn  Wyn  and  .Tnhn   de  l)oune  in  tin*  ports  of  Seford,  Shorham  and 

C.'ice^tre  and  thence  along  the  coast  to  Soutbauipton. 
Cierard  Kly  i\\n\  Hobert  de  la  IJarrc  in   the  port  of  Southampton  and 

tlu'iK-e  alou":  the  coast  to  Wevmuth. 
John  Irp  in  the  port  of  Jpswieh  and  thence  along  the  coast  to  Iho 

nicjuth  of  the  Thames. 
William    IJirkyn  in   the  ports  of  Kyngeston  upon  Hull,  Ravencscro 

and  Seanh'bnr«;h. 
Adam  (ilyde  and  John  le  Sender  in  the  ports  of  Pole,  Warham,  Wey- 
mnth  and  l\It  hvanbe  and  along  the  coast  from  tho  latter  port  to 
Ijvm  in  l>ors('t. 


Hi"li:ird   \i\   Sel«'r  and  Richard  Pley   in   the  ports  in  tho  county  of 

i  '••  vol  I. 
Ao.uji  "'«•  I'.  F!i    ill  ii:'.'  ]  f»rt  i:f  P'-rts'SiiMith. 
''«'^.  r  .!••  l.'njtcb  \v  in   thu  port    of  Lynn   and  thence  along  the  coast 

lo  Y.'  n-xpiitli. 
il'.niy  W^got  in  llio  ])ort  of  Sandwieh  and  then< e  along  the  coast  to 

Wvnchelse  in  one  direction  and  Rochester  in  the  other. 

5  KJ)WAi;i)  m.— i\\in-  u. 



Nov.  17. 


D«.c.  7. 


Dec.  9. 

Doc.  10. 


Oct.  21. 

Oct.  21). 

Oct.  23. 


Oct.  2(5. 

Oct.  27. 


Oct.  13. 


Surlo  Qnoynf**  an«l  Stt*|»li«*n  \Vi!l«rf  i'l  tli,.  (Viuiiiy  of  (.'uriiwall. 

coji^t  to  Urrwicl;  on  'I'v.t  iil  tin  (•:,«•  yi:!.-  ai-  •'  \\'!i\'fl)y  on  tli'.'  (iflnT. 
l{ol)i'rl  I>5it  in  111'*  |>*)!'l  nl"  i>«i.  i-.::  ;in  !  i!i  -.ii.-  •  .il  »n  -  iln;  cu.t^t  to  Lvnn. 
KoluTt  <li;  (Jiivci'e  i!j  ih.-  po- .  <»!'  ;)-:-1  ,!. 
llolh-rt    H.itaillf   ami  St<'j)iuii    i*a(lili:-iii    in    tliv-   jiorts   of   Wynclnflsc, 

IJoiiUMicvt*,  and  ri;\cn«'M-vr. 
Kicliolas  (hannnwu-y-:   in   llif   ijoit    «»i  :'ah'luir'i  mihI  tlicMuv  alt)nLr  the 

ei/a?:t  to  Winc^ln'Ui:  on  i»ni'  i-i^V)  ami  l!'»i'!i.-l*r  on  iluj  otlw.-r, 

Adam  dc  Wjthiford  in  Sonih  an  I  West  Wali-s. 

John  df  llousuni  in  lln*  couniies  of  SomuiSLif,  J^jivci,  Cornwall,  and 

Jt)hn  dc  Xolvnirhani  ni   South  Wak"^,  \\ki<  Wale.-.  North  Wales,  and 
tli<f  <"»untv  ol'  Cii'.stt'r. 


Edwaid  Ic  TavvTiJi'i'  orCfi'.>iicf."rU.r  in  ih«!  n.n'i  ol'  '.ilon'».'>trr. 

Li'M'no^?  for  .lohn  d«'  r«nHs  to  »',T'n»t  to  Prjcr  il.t  '•..'  slyn.'l,  in  ft-',  the 
reversion  of  tlu»  nia^ior  of --li'iliik,  ii-.-ll  in  cMi '",  :\[»  {."i  \\\  on  tin*  diMuisi; 
of  Ih-ncdicl  d<;  Fulshani,  aial  lor  lN;lii'  to  i'nl'.'.'Ji' fl.):ii  .:i;l  l-aliella  hi.-,  wilb 
of  the;  .-anif.  ' Jy  :'.ii"  i;L  liv)/.     Soiin'i>ft, 

Pardon  ti»  Adam  Wvjh'vill  now  inri.-Isi-iu-d  at  ?'  i!\l.  iisihtoii  alh.-r  liiMn;;^ 

»  i  ft  T^ 

onflaw.d  tor  non-a]>|K'a:'ain'«'  l»"i*oiv  ( i.'o;!V-.  y  W  ■•".•!•»{».;  anil  his  fellows, 
jiistic«.'.->  ill  cvpf,  (.»  answer  lo.ii'hin;^  tlir  lai«;:..:y  •.{'  a  h  «.>..',  on  his  ri'prc- 
scnlati«»n  that  he  is  uf  too  t<.nd«'r  aire  to  ri':'«.i\*'  ju  lL:!;t'iii. 

Licence  for  tin-  alieiatioii  in  niortniiin  Iv  Andrew  d"  Hares  to  ihc 
prior  and  (.'ruti-hed  Friars  of  Weitha!-!,  of  a  ••:  — i:!-.!',  J  >  a<.'re^  of  land, 
and  an  aere  oC  meadow  in  Ak.«aon,  eo.  S".:!'  '.I;.  ;i  .  '  in  cliiif  as  of  tho 
honor  of  I'evenll,  a-*  npp.'ar^  hy  tlic  isi  p;;  i?i.»:i,  a.:d  «;i'  a  nie.->UM.i:e  Jiiid 
()()  aen^s  of  la:i»l  in  Wai'linjrfel  1  ia  lii  •  sata.t  t  aiijiy,  w.A  held  in  <'!iiei',  to 
iind  two  chaplains  to  ceh-hrate  divine  -ervije  d-ily  in  the  ehmch  of  tho 
order  in  liondon  for  the  <oid  of  tin-  ;Lri'ant"r  :nid  lo.-  the  -roids  of  Itiihcrt  ilo 
IJurcs,  his  lather,  and  his  ancestors.  lly  p.s. 

Licence  for  the  ket'[»er  and  brethren  of  the  ho^piial  of  "^i.  Mary, 
Ahli'rinanbnry,  to  acquire  in  niortiu:ii:i  land  and  rent,  ii'.  t  held  in  chie*'.  to 
the  yearly  vahu?  of  10/.  J)y  [»et.  of  (\ 

Protection   with  cl.'iuse    vnlfuuis^  for   one  y«  ir.  i'o:'  \\  »*jirl   Power,  chief 
buron  of  the  lCxche«p.ier  ol*  DuMin,  ;^«>::i.JC  »«.  Ip'Ijm  1  «':i  :!-'  I;i.).r'-i -.•rv:c«'. 

'  {•■  the  eli:!ii«*e!l'M'. 
Tho  said    Po^ert    ha',   h'ti.r-    noini'iaii:;/  \\'I!!i -..i    P-.-.'-.-r  an. I   rjohn   de 
Thu'feld  his  attoriievs  in  Kni:I.:n  1  i'or  the.  -:  i:!"  :  ::•.••. 

Par<lon  to  the  connu'nKil  v  «'!    th-.*  e-'i.  :v  ••!*  .\  .':v.!-.!.    »;*   ■■:  /.  r  shaiiiiuir 

nnnaid  out    of   a   lin{!  of  ?'i()   ni'«i'u>    wl '»-'i    i!:   •,  i  » ..!     •.»ii!i  tie.*    Ia!e   kiuir 
i  ^  _  •  ~ 

hcftire  .'oh  n  dr- J-'to:  !..:•{•  a'ld  P-*!;-:!  «*.  •  !;:'•  .':•'•• 
incpiire  toJiehini;  an  into:  uia' Ion  lit!  ;i;  Is;  ;  j-i  •  a 
ol  a!i  e«'-ht.M'  a:i«l  lwi':iii«*'l!  in  lie-  ~::ii  «:-.':i}.-. 

1  •  •!.  •"  •  appoiiiti  I  to 
•:s  an  I  «  '11  '.':ors 
i  p'. :.  oi'  \.'. 


.    .'.'! 

Oct.  2L 

Oct.  28. 

',\  •  •:i:';i   o. 

I  ii  ^- 

(Ir.nit    to  the  hi'Iliiis  and  '.;••■. I  n'.-n  t»r  i:;  •  'o.v..:    . 
for  two  Years. 

Kxoiuptiiai    fi»r  life,  ol'   Ifi'ii;--  d.-    ]\  ..a  .•  »••.•  .'.  .   , 
juries,  or  ree«»^nisanee-,  ari'l    i- ».n  »:].•:•}'. i- .n  :•.'.    i-    im  • 
eschcator,  or  other  hailiif  or  mi  lisler  «».'  the  '<i:ij-,  a_r'it  Iii-  will.         i)v  !v. 


»'l     ;;'-::'.e>. 

<        •  .1" 




Oct.  26. 


Oct.  15. 


Nov.  3. 

Membrane  l^^ont. 

The  abbot  of  Whiteland  staying  beyond  seas  has  letters  nominating 
Nicholas  Foiiet  and  John  de  Luythe,  his  fellow  canons,  his  attorneys  in 
England  for  three  years.  By  fine  of  40*. 

Writ  de  iiite^idendo  directed  to  bailiffs  and  others  in  the  county  of 
Ponthieu  for  John  Vincent,  king's  clerk,  receiver  of  the  county,  to  whom 
the  king  has  given  power  to  demise  at  farm  or  otherwise,  as  he  will,  the 
shrievalties  and  bailiwicks  within  the  county. 

Mandate  to  the  seneschal  and  the  receiver  of  the  same  county  to  cause 
some  of  the  wild  boars  kept  for  the  king  in  Cressy  Forest  to  be  taken,  by 
view  and  testimony  of  the  controller  there,  and  sent  to  the  king.         By  K. 

Membraxb  34A 

June  8.  Commission  to  John  de  Ratlenhale,  John  de  Elmham  and  Thomas  de 

Norwich.     Beppes  to  make  inquisition  and  certify  the  king  touching  alleged  wastes 

within  the  manor  of  Eye,  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  Suflblk,  by 

Walter  Faucoun,  late  farmer  thereof. 

June  10, 

June  8. 

June  6. 

Membrane  33^. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  le  Fitz  Waryn,  John  Corbet, 
Thomas  de  Wynnesbury  and  William  Gunneys  touching  the  accounts  of  the 
collectors  of  the  murage  granted  to  the  town  of  Montgomery  by  the  late 
king  and  the  king.  By  C. 

Appointment  of  John  Inge,  to  act  in  place  of  Richard  do  Wylughby 
otherwise  engaged  in  the  king's  service,  in  the  commission  of  oyer  and 
terminer  lately  directed  to  the  latter  and  others  on  complaint  by  Richard  de 
Grey  of  Codenouere  against  John  Arnold  of  Estillebury  and  others. 

Mandate  to  the  abbot  of  St.  Edmunds,  on  infoimation  that  a  large  number 
of  persons  lately  put  in  exigent  for  non-appearance  before  John  de  Stonore 
and  John  de  Cantebrigge,  justices  of  oyer  and  terminer  in  the  county  of 
Suffolk,  to  answer  touching  divers  felonies  and  trespasses,  are  still  at  large 
within  the  borough  where  with  others  they  daily  commit  breaches  of  the 
peace,  to  arrest  all  such  Avithout  delay,  to  imprison  them  until  fuilher  orders 
and  to  certify  the  king  of  the  names  of  those  arrested.  By  C. 

Membrane  32ril 

July  6.  Commission  de  walliis  et  fossatis  to  William  de  Ponte  Robert!,  Robert 

Lincoln.       de  Shaiden  and  Thomas  de  Wyvyll  in  the  rape  of  Hastynges,  co.  Sussex. 

July  6.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Emericus  la  Zouscho,  William  Fitz 

Lincoln.      Waryn  and  Robert  de  Westleye  touching  complaints  of  illegal  prises  taken 

by  purveyors  for  the  household,  for  queen   Philippa's  household  and  for 

other  magnates  of  the  realm,  and  by  persons  feigning  to  bo  purvey or^,  in 

the  counties  of  Lincoln  and  Nottingham.  By  C. 

July  6.  The  like  to  Hugh  de  Courtenay,  Richard  de  Chaumbernon  and  John  de 

Lincoln.       Trevaignon  touching  the  persons  who  broke  the  houses  of  Rose  de  Lange- 

don  at  Listen,  co.  Devon,  carried  away  charters  and  muniments,  spoiled 

her  goods  and  killed  Walter  de  Langedon  and  Uouoroa  one  of  her  servants. 


.  KDWARU  rir.— 1'akt  II. 

^fE}fllRAXE  sill. 

ApiH.iittmcnt  of  Itidmnl  .Ic  Mnvk-s.I.iii,  Uk'hnra  sw  of  Williiiin  do. 
Kndwlm-,  GccfFri-y  (Jul  Holt  niiil  Uol.cii  de  Honicliviao  arr.-Ht  iiixl  im- 
prisi)n  nr  Click-rliiAvc  iiiilil  riirtlit'r  onli'is  tlio  |i(>rsiiiis  wlio  ihily  fiiIit  tho 
kii>g*s  cliac'o  within  tlio  forest  uf  Blukuliiinii.'Nliii'u  iind  his  imika  Ihii-u  ami 
carry  awiiy  hia  doci-.  By  ]v. 

Cotiiiiii.--^ioii  of  oyer  nnil  tcrminir  to  Willifim  do  Ilcrlc,  Kichaiil  ile  Eg^e- 
iHUtun  ami  IIii<!;h  de  i{;irohi.'i-c;h  on  co:iiiilaiiit  by  Adam  Jtlakuwyiie  of 
Cmliuliy  llmt  Thomas  iMantel  of  Evyuloii,  Itoliwt  Mantel,  Tlu.iiin«  lo 
Fisslii^r,  John  Sinyll,  John  'in  thu  Liinu'  iinil  otiiers  hrokc  his  houses  at 
(.'ulhvby,  00.  Lcicoslur,  by  night,  iisMiuIted  him,  toi-o  out  his  \eh  eye  niid 
carried  away  hia  goods.  By  fine  of  I  mark. 

Meubraxs  30d. 

Jidy  20.  Commission  of  oyer  and  tcriniiier  to  OiIl>ert  Talbot,  justice  of  South 

Lincoln.       Wales,  John  <Titllti>],  William  do  Ilii[ic,  Jolin  do  Stuufonl  nod  William 

Cusric  on  cumplatiit  by  Diivid  do  Biin-y  that  certiiin  jwrsons  ljcsio;^il  Ids 

eaxtlc  at  Maynertiir,  co.  I'embi'oke,  liroko  tho  doors  and  walla,  carriol  away 

his  gooils  tlmre  and  at  L'aiiindy  and  as.'jnultud  his  siTViints.  By  K. 

Tho  lik'!  to  the  .lauic  tuiicliin;r  (]iu  mnnliT  of  J-Mmuiid  Barry,  ibc  said 

David's  servant,  al  thu  time  of  thu  C()iniiiis.Tion  of  tlie  suiil  tres^ias^jL-s. 

■Tilly  1^.  The  like  to  Bobcrt  do  Ai-palc,  AIniaricus  la  Zuii^tho,  John  dc  Si^ynmoro 

I.iuciilii.       and  .Tohn  do  Ilfi^ham  tunehiiig  trcsjiassi's  by  Xivholas  Ic  I'aveby,  Jujin  and 

Ila!]<h  his  sons,  .loliu  Pouger,  Kalj>h  .son  of  Ital|)h  la  Pcrsuiic  of  f  iryi-,  John 

('anlM^ll,  William  Avcreyu  and  others   wltliin  qneun  I'liilipjni'a  forests  of 

Whitl.luwodc  and  Sausau,  iu  the  counties  of  ^'orthauiptun  ami  Buckiuirham. 

Jnly  ^0.  Commission  to  W.  bishop  of  Norwicli,  tho  (rcasui'Or,  and  Coiistnntine  de 

ClipBioiu-.  Mortuo  Mari  to  settle  all  diaiiutes  liet\rean  John  de  ULivcryng  who  claims 
to  bare  a  ri^^ht  to  a  port  or  hithe  {fijtam)  at  Walberdeiivvyk,  co.  Snflolk, 
and  to  receive  aiicori^e  and  other  dues  I'rum  ships  putting  in  thore,  and  the 
bui'gei<sc.s  of  Diinwiidi  who  assL-rt  that  such  ships  should  discbarge  at  tho 
port  of  tlicir  town  ;  and  to  certify  the  kinjj  in  l.'arlianieut  of  their  pro 
ceediiiga  herein.  By  C. 

MsitBRANB  29i/. 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  bialiop  of  Winchester,  tlio 
chancellor,  Geoffrey  le  ticr0|>e,  Italph  de  Nevill,  Itichanl  de  Wylugliby, 
IIui;h  do  Burgo,  and  John  Lesturmy  iouclijn;r  fre<iiient  complaints  that  the 
mayor,  bailills  atul  citizens  of  Lincoln  do  not  strictly  enforce  the  as^-isea 
of  brcuil  and  ale,  and  of  wei;;hts  and  measures,  atid  other  regulations  per- 
tatuiiig  to  the  olFice  uf  tho  clerk  of  llie  markt-ls  in  Lineuln,  wliieli  they  bold 
by  a  charter  of  tho  lide  kiDj;  conlirmed  by  the  present  kin<;,  and  that  many 
persona  are  using  false  wcignls  and  meamires  there  with  impunity. 

As.sitciatiou  ui'  John  du  U'lS  in  ii  ccimtnis^.ion  i/v  lonllia  ct  fosmtis  Iiiteir 
directed  to  ITenry  de  l<'cuton,  William  JJisuy,  U:dpli  <le  Saneto  J.audJ, 
Brian  de  llortb:!)/,  William  do  Liiude  <ind  William  de  Mcrslun  along  tlie 
river  Wylhom,  in  the  euuutios  of  Nottingliam  and  Lincoln,  bntwcen  Cluypul 
aud  the  city  of  Liucula. 






July  20. 

July  20. 

Aug.  20. 

A\\^.  20. 

Mvmhrane  29^7 — cont. 

Cuinini-^.-ioM  to  Willijini  ik*  Hi.s  of  Ilaniclak,  Kalpli  ili;  Xovill,  steward  of 
till-  ljnu-<Ii«lii,  (ici.ilVt  y  !<•  Srr(»pt'  and  Tln'iii:i<  tK*  rfMiiiiiliiirgli  to  examine 
;•:!  fli.'irh  r--,  wiiti'i^s,  nuininifsit-*  ami  ni-ii-r  cviik'U*".-  In'arin«r  iiprm  ii  dis- 
|)iiU*  Im'|\v.'i-:i  \V.  an-lil'i^liop  **\'  V«>rk,  \vln»  claim-  ili\i'!>  li*MTli«'>  in  the 
liv-r  M!i«l  |i'nt  of  the  l«)  dt'  I\yiiL(v">l<in-'.i|»o:i-IIiill  a-  jMM'tainiii;::?  l«>  hi**  see 
tinn'  «»ut  of  mill  1,  and  tin-  niavdi*,  hailills  :in«»  cNn.nioMaii  v  of  llir  >uid  town 
wlii»  a'M  It  iliat  Ik*  lias  UMirptl  lilKfiti»>  and  ri;;lds  licU.n,Lrin{;  to  the  crown. 
TIh'V  an?  to  draw  np  ;in  ai^n-i-mrnt  n[Mjn  .snch  artirlis  as  are  clrar,  and  to 
rolVr  such  points  as  aro  doubt  liil  or  su»h  as  tin  y  arv»  iinabk*  to  tdloct  an 
«;]5rcM'nu:nt  upon  to  the  king  in  the  next  Parliament  to  be  s?ettled  by  hhn  and 
the  CDimeil.  By  C. 

C'oninn>sion  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  I'honu's  d«*  Astcle,  Richard  dc 
Wylnj:hl»y,  William  de  Sharc-liull  and  Uub.'it  lie  Gaddt^bycm  complaint  by 
John  l><»x  of  Covenlre  that  Jlenry  son  ol"  Kiehard  del  Mnyre  of  Coveiitre, 
John  th;  JJfrmvn;relian:  of  LvelnrlVld,  Aicnes  late  lln»  wife  of  Giles  le 
VVardt)nr  of  Covenlre,  Ralph  de  Dersthill  of  Tomwiirth,  John  Py bode  of 
('oventn*,  Adam  «ie  Cov<MHer(\  Andrew  dc  Hratiiidiii;,  elerk,  Robert  de 
II(  rlendon  ol'Coventre,  *  de^^hc'^tere.*  and  other>  broke  hi>  Iioiise^at  Covontre, 
CO.  Warwick,  carried  away  iii>  goods  and  assaulted  iiis  servants.  By  K. 

Membrasr  2Sr/. 

Commission  of  oyer  an«l  ti?i-miner  to  Raljih  de  \evill,  GeoITrey  le  Seropc  and 
Roarer  (h*  Sonn.'rvuU  touching  lrespa*^cs  of  vert  and  veniM»n,waste  ami  excesses 
char;i«d  a^'ainsl  ihe  kind's  ministers  in  ihe  fiin-st  \A  Galtres,  co.  York, 
and  other  forest >  beson<l  Trent.  This  <'ommissiun  is  issued  in  accordance 
with  a  resobitjiiU  taken  by  the  <"Ouneil — up«m  return  of  an  incpiisition 
tombing  the  said  ehar;;»'s  wlaTcby  it  was  found  that  in  the  forest  of  (.ialtres 
divers  trespasses  anil  excesses  ha«l  been  committed  by  John  de  Crombwell, 
keeper  of  tlu;  said  forest,  AVilliam  Ayet,  steward,  Iliehnrd  de  Crombwell, 
Richard  Rrererdyk,  ibi  ester,  J«)bn  Mi>sen;^er,  for*  ster,  Williamson  of  Peter 
deAlne,  f(Utsli'r,  Thonia-"*  de  Ousiliorp,  Koljert  Tocbejiryke,  William  Abbot, 
IMiomas  i  I  ante,  Henry  Fo^si-t^raync,  f«^re>!cr,  John  de  P*»pellon  of  York, 
Huj^h  son  of  Johinle  lvK\nji;wald,  Thomas  do  Iterewyk  •,  Gervasc  de  Rouelif, 
ivganler,  John  son  of  Adam  de  Ovi-rton,  forester,  Richard  Paytefyn,  John 
son  «)f  ^Adam,  Philip  the  FoiT8«ter  of  Miresorp^h,  Heiuy  Yonge  and  Robert 
the  groom  of  the  vicar  of  Alno — that  the  otllce  of  justice  of  the  forest  beyond 
'I'ront  with  the  other  ollices  held  by  the  jvrsons  named  should  be  seized 
into  the  king's  hands  and  that  a  commission  as  above  in  the  counties  of 
York,  Nottingham,  Derby,  Lancaster,  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland 
sliould  follow.  '  By  K.  &  C. 

Membrane  21iL 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  GeoflTrey  le  Scrope,  Robert  de  Scor- 
biirgh,  llionias  Deyvill  and  Adam  de  Hoporton  on  complaint  by  Ralph  de 
Buhner  that  William  le  Forester  of  Eston  in  Clyveland,  Roger  son  of 
Thomas  son  of  Hugh  dc  Kst  Colu»n,  John  son  of  Roger  Gere,  'J'homas  sou 
of  Hugh  dc  Est  Ct>tum  and  others  broke  his  parks  at  Wylton  in  Clyveland 
and  'J'hornton  under  R}sbergh,  co.  York,  hunted  tbi're  and  carrie*!  away 
deer.  Bv  fine  of  20*. 

Counni>si<in  to  Ilildebrand  de  Lmalon  and  John  dc  Mire,  on  information 
that  the  >waiis  latelv  in  ilic  kind's  manor  an«l  forest  of  C!aremh)n  have  been 
.•-tolen  at  divt  rs  plaixs  along  the  bank  of  the  river  Avcne  in  the  CfjinUies  of 
Southampton  and  Wilts,  to  uiake  starch  for  the  same  and  to  cause  them 
when  iowmX  to  bt»  delivered  by  indenture  to  Giles  de  Bello  Campo,  the 
keejMM'  of  the  uunior  and  lorest,  who  is  responsible  to  the  king  for  them. 

5  EDWARD  111— Pakt  II. 



Au^r.  21. 


An«,^  20. 

Membrane  27 (f — coat. 

Commission  of  oyor  aiul  termiiiLM*  to  iVIasicr  Philip  Aiibyn,  John  do  la 
Leo  ami  Ho«rtT  dv  Hcidenbiiui,  in  llu;  ooniuii'S  of  Siallbnl  and  Warwick, 
toudiin;;  i\w  account^  of  the  rulk'flors  of  the  nnsrrsi'c  uniiited  by  the  late 
kin«;  iiiid  the  k\i\ix  to  tho  towns  of  Liehihld  and  'i'amwurth, 

Aj)pointin»nt  t)f  Kiehard  de  Wyhii;hhy  and  lJ.>h-»! t  »le  Catosby,  in  tho 
phicf  oi'  Willi.jni  Trn^^sid  and  llu^rh  <lv  llan-htr^ih  otherwise  enj;?;i«2;ud  in 
the  kinjr's  hnsinrss,  in  the  hile  eoinmisriitm  of  over  and  lor  iiiiier  to  the  latter 
with  Tliornas  de  Astele  and  AV'illiani  de  Shan'>!iuli  lonehin^  oppressions  by 
the  king's  ministers  in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicebter. 

Aiij^.  1. 

Auj^.  22. 

Membjuxe  2(jiL 

Ai)pointment  of  Iln*^h  do  C(»iirteneye  tho  yonn^j^er,  Iluirh  de  Langelondc, 
Edwaril  Corniuiles,  Henry  S<dyman,  liohert  ]{anU\  .John  Kaulyn  antl  Lau- 
rcnee  Kaulvn  to  rotake  and  eun<iuct  U)  Iivn<don  Abljoy  to  i)e  eha.stised 
accordin;^  to  tho  rule  of  his  <»rdor,  .Joiin  do  Monio  Aculo,  sometime  abbot  of 
that  house,  who  has  eseap<*d  from  the  custody  i»f  William  Trussel  to  whom 
he  had  been  delivered  by  the  j-horilVs  (»f  London  when  arro^!ted  by  the  king's 
mandates  as  an  apostate  from  his  order. 

Commisjiion  to  JoJin  Mautravers  tlie  older,  Iluifh  d;?  Langelonde  and 
John  ch;  Mere  to  arrest  wlurevor  I'onnil  and  brin^r  to  llie  king  John 
Devoroill,  a  traitor,  and  to  impiison  until  lurthor  orders  sueh  persons  in  the 
counties  of  8omors*'t  and  Dorset  as  they  shall  liiid  by  in(iui?itiou  to  have 
reeeived  and  maintained  him. 

Tho  like  to  the  baid  Juhn  and  John  and  Iliidebrand  de  London  in  the 
eonnty  of  Wilts. 

3IEMBRAXE  22d, 

Sept.  28.  Commission  of   oyer  and  t(!rmint»r  to  John    de   Twyf..rd,  William   de 

WcMiniustcr.  Gotham  and  Jcdin  de  Ilambury  touching  the  aceountft  of  the  colloetors  of 
pavajje  at  l^erby. 

Sept.  .'30.  The  like  to  lliehard  Lovel,  Jolin  de  Clivedon,  Will-am  de  ShareshuU  and 

We»tiuiiwtcr.  Henry  Power  on  complaint  by  the  ilean  and  ehaptfr  of'St.  Andn^w's,  Wolls, 
that  Guychardus,  prior  of  Montacute  and  othors  broke  an  ancient  wall  and 
dyke  on  their  soil  at  Xorlhcory,  oo.  Somerset,  built  to  protect  their  lands 
from  inundation  by  the  river  Tone,  and  carried  away  the  pales  and  timber 
ivhoreby  their  m*'adows  an<i  pastures  there  were  flooded  lo  the  great  destruc- 
tion of  their  crops. 

MEMBRAyE  2ld. 

Oct.  10.  Commission  of  oyer  and  torminiT  to  lliohard  Talbot,  Henry  de  Ilambury, 

Westminster.  Richard  de  Pombru;r;r<i  and  William  de  Shareslndl  touihing  an  assault  by 
Roger  do  Cammo,  abbot,  and  William  do  Dorset  and  lionry  do  Conmbc, 
monks,  of  Tyntern,  William  Ailam  and  (>ilu?rs  on  William  IJraee,  baililVof 
the  libertv  of  St.  liriavols,  and  his  men  when,  in  obctlioneo  to  the  kini;'» 
writ  directed  to  the  shorilT  of  the  county  after  return  ol  incpiisitions  taken 
by  Henry  de  Peml)rugge,  ^^»bert  do  Astnn  ami  A<lam  Luoas,  in  conse- 
quence of  complaints  by  Henry  oar!  of  Laiiea-hr  tn  losses  to  iiim  and  his 
town  of  Monmouth  by  obsiru -tinns  to  tia*  river  \Ve\.,  thov  wore  eii'^aired 
in  hiworiuij  the  wears  (if  l#\kol'*swire,  hhel  -wep*  i\\  A  Arshowore  bv  six 
foot,  and  (hose  of  Walwere,  Plumwore,  Stanwero,  liaiyngwiro  ami  Jiridvc- 
were  by  iive  ff'Ct,  to  bring  them  to  the  levi  1  from  whi;.h  they  had  Ijoen 
r.aised  by  the  said  abbot's  order,  and  prevented  thtm  from  executing  the 


1331,  Membrane  20d. 

Oct.  L  Association  of  Thomas  do  Bray  ton,  Simon  de  Balderston  and  William  de 

Westminster.  Kyngeston  in  the  commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Henry  Ic  Vavasour, 
Thomas  Deyvill  and  Adam  de  Hoperton  touching  the  accounts  of  the  col- 
lectors of  pavage  at  Pontefract,  cq.  York. 

Oct.  2.  Commission  to  Master  Robert  de  Stretford,  king's  clerk,  and  Richard  de 

Westmioster.  Chaddesleye,  king's  clerk,  to  make  a  visitation  of  the  hospital  of  St.  John 
without  the  oast  gate  of  Oxford,  which  is  reported  to  be  much  decayed  for 
want  of  good  inile,  and  to  redress  such  abuses  as  they  find  therein. 

Oct.  4.  Commission  de  waUiis  etfossatis  to  John  do  Bello  Canipo  of  Somersetc, 

Westminiter.  Richard  Pike,  John  de  Brideport  and  Peter  Colswayn  along  the  coast  be- 
tween Bristol  and  Taunton,  co.  Somerset. 

Membrane  lOJ. 

Oct.  2.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  de  Clynton,  Ralph  Sauvage 

Westminster,  and  Thomas  do  Faversham  touching  the  accounts  of  the  collectors  of  a 

certain  sum  levied  on  every  acre  in  Romenhale  marsh  for  repair  of  the  walls 

and  watergangs  there.  By  C. 

Membrane  18J. 

Oct.  11.         Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Geoffrey  lo  Scrope,  Robert  Conyers, 

Westminster.    Adam  de  Hoperton  and  Tliomas  Deyvill  on  complaint  by  John  Manny  on 

that  while  he  was  under  the  king's  protection,  certain  persons  broke  his  park 

at  Taufeld,  co.  York,  hunted  there  and  carried  away  his  deer.  By  K. 

Oct.  12.  Commission  de  waliiis  etfossatis  to  Thomas  de  Faversbam,  Richard  de 

Westminster.  Grofheret  and  Robert  Bataille  in  Laddesmersli.  Boilyhammesmersh,  Whit- 
fletesmersh  and  Gadcbcrghesmersh,  between  Wynchelso  and  La  Rye,  co. 
Essex  (sic)f  and  adjoining  marshes. 

Membrane  ITd. 

Oct.  10.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  de  Herle,  Ranulph  de  Dacre, 

Westminster.  Roger  de  Somervill  and  Thomas  Surtays  on  complaint  by  Gilbert  de  Hum- 
franvill,  earl  of  Anegos,  that  William  de  Fclton,  Robert  de  Oggle,  William 
de  la  Vale,  Thomas  son  of  Thomas  Grey,  knight  {militis)^  Robert  Bertram, 
Brian  de  Hephall,  Eustace  do  Loreugc  and  others  broke  his  park  at  Birtle, 
CO.  Northumberland,  hunted  there,  carried  away  deer  and  assaulted  John 
Galawe,  his  servant.  By  fine  of  1  mark. 

Membrane  I6d. 

Oct.  12.  Association  of  A.  bishop  of  Worcester,  Thomas  earl  of  Norfolk,  the 

Westminster,  marshal,  and  Thomas  de  Berkeleye,  baron,  with  Geoffrey  le  Scrope  and  his 
fellows,  justices  of  the  King's  Bench,  pursuant  to  the  statute  made  in  the 
first  year  of  the  reign,  to  annul  a  recognisance  in  100/.  wlierein  tlohn  de 
Wroxale  by  force  imd  duress  wjis  compelled  to  become  bound  to  Hugh  lo 
Despenser  the  elder  in  the  liiuo  of  the  late  king.  By  j)Ct.  of  C. 

[Oct.]  11.        Commission  de  waliiis  ct  fossatis  to  Robert  de  Roclieford,  William  de 
Westminster.   Staunford  and  Edmund  Bataille  in  the  hundreds  of  Danseye  and  Rocheford, 
CO.  Essex,  and  the  parts  adjacent. 

h  EDWAllD  TlI—lABT  II. 


Oct.  12. 

3IEMBRAXS  1J)(7. 

Oomnussion   of  oyer   nml   tei-minL-r  to  llngh  ilo  Coiirfftncy,  Henry  de 

tvdtaiiuster.  OiiMi'n  antl  Elia*  (!(■  (Joileli!  on  coin [)lni ill  bv  'iVilUain,  ahlmt  of  Byiintlon, 

tliiLt.  \^'illiNIll  lie  Slnku,  Tlioiiins  im.l  TIi(mi>i»,'hH  soii»,  Itobort  Ic  :AIuli*ward 

of  Gro!it   Ornivufonl,  nml  othi'i-s,  ns-^milk-il  nml  iiiiprisoucd  Lim  nt  (jranL 

t^oivfford,  CO.  IJorect,  nml  curried  away  liis  g<>od».  lly  K. 

Oct.  12.  Tin-  liko  t<i  Rn-pT  .k-  Snmcrvill,  IIoboH  do  Scorlmrpli  irnd  Aduin  de 

Wl»tIDiIl^le^.  nr>i)crt»)i  on  poni|i]aiiit  liy  tin?  jirior  of  Urididyngloii  diat  Thomas  <le  IlerU 
ford,  Uolierl  de  TlioriJC,  Jolm  <\<:  'I'luoiii-,  fvo  dn  Tli'ii-iM-,  John  K.m  of 
Jolin  son  of  William  dft  Aiiilinti,  Aliiii  Ic  FK-ecber  uf  Uiclicmuiid  and 
otlicra  cari-iud  away  liiH  goiids  at  Espby,  co,  York,  aiid  asHaultud  Goofi'rey 
de  lioltiin,  one  of  till!  ennons,  wlio  bjul  l>oun  (lejmted  liy  liim  to  prosccuto 
certain  matters  litl'orc  Thomas  Wake  and  his  fcUiiws,  justices  of  oyer  and 
terminer,  m  tUnt  liu  could  not  fulDl  liis  mission,  and  tlie  men  and  survouts 
of  the  [irior,  By  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  20s. 

Oct.  13.         The  like  to  tlic  same  on  compluint  by  Uobfrt,  prior  of  Bridclyngton,  tliat 

Wusiuiinitcr.   Henry  Fiiucombert;,  Tlioman  do   Hertford   and  others  assaulted   iiim   nt 

IJriddyiigtoti,  co.  York,  and  imprisoned   him  nntil  he  made  n  fine  of  20 

marks  for  his  release.  i!y  pet.  of  C,  nnd  fine  in  another  writ. 

Oct.  13.  The  like  to  the  same  on  complaint  by  ihc  !<nid  prior  that  Bogcr  son  of 

WustmiDtlcr.  Andrew  dc  Urymiitun,  knight,  Uiclinril,  Thomas  and  Jolin  liia  bratliers, 
Martin  dc  Grymstun,  i-lcrk,  TUomit!j  son  of  Roger  de  Grymston  and  others, 
in  the  time  of  Gerard  dc  Ilurton,  the  late  jirior,  broke  tlio  doors  of  the 
chupi-1,  Uonse,  and  church  of  the  priory  nt  Frayslborp,  co.  Y^ork,  and 
carriiMl  nwny  an  inm;^  of  the  Virgin  JIary  worlh  GO/.,  which  was  in  the 
chniHil.  liy  i>c(.  of  C,  and  line  in  another  writ. 

Meubsaxb  14t/. 

Conuiiis«ion  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  John  de  Dcnum,  Henry  do  Croft 
and  Uobcvt  de  Shirebouru  touching  the  oircounts  of  the  collectors  of  pontage 
at  Lanciister. 



Oct.  12.         Commission  of  oyer  nnd  terminer  to  John  de  Hampton,  Robert  do  Aston 

Weaimiuvter.  and  Robert  de  llnngurfonl  on  comjilaint  by  Henry,  earl  of  Lancn^jter,  tlie 

king's  kiiisnmu,  that  John  i)isshu[>  of  Wolynglmin,  Itcgo  Manduyl,  paraon 

of  llie  eliuveh  of  Dene,  Thomas  .son  of  Willinm  de  lloi-owode,  William  Ida 

brother,  and  others  broke  liis  jiark  at  Weston  Paterik,  cu.  SuutliamptOD, 

hunted  there  and  carried  away  his  deer.  By  K, 

Oct.  13.  Tlie  like  to  Henry  do  Ilanibury,  John  de  Frelond  nnd  John  de  Hnmbury 

Weftminstci.   OD  complaint  by  the  said  enrl  of  like  treiiutasca  in  Ids  free  cliace  of  Ncdwode, 

CO.  Sladord.  By  K. 

Oct.  15.  The  like  to  Richard  do  Wylnghhy,  Roger  Uhandos  nnd  Robert  do  Aston 

WL-stmiuistcr.  on  complaint  by  William  hi  Zousche  that  John  de  Grey,  knight,  Ualph  do 

Grey,  knight,  John  Munliik,  knight,  lliomas  Ic  Vordon,  Richard  Jones- 

cbaumbcrleyn  dc  Giry,  'William  Sperner,  Tlximns  S]iprin*r,  Richard  Jonca- 

mestagcr  do  dny,  .luhn    de  fiolilmli  of  Itiithei-esteM,  'parker,'  liobi-rt 

Jiini-rtifiU'n'yniau  di-  (ircy  nnd  olljcrs  at  lii'chclade,  co.  Gloucester,  took 

away  six  borMji  and  a  wa;,'fin  {i:arre<.tain  hiiyaui)  of  his  and  carried  away 

Ids  gooils.  By  C. 

Commission  lo  John  de  'I'iebi-bnrn  and  .lolm  Uaudolf  of  Ix^drod  to  make 

inipiisition    in    the    county  of  S'.uihamplon    touchin<r   the  persons    who 

carried  away  a  whale  Litily  nist  oii  shore  at  I'orcestru  atid  belonging  to  the 

king  as  wreck  in  ri^ht  of  Ids  lordship  there. 


1331.  MLMiiHAXi-:  iUL 

Oc\.  11.  (V)!!!!!!!---!!)!!  (-l'  ov*'!'  «T.i(l  itTmiiitT  to  Joliii  til'  'I:i'i:l\',  Thonins  do  Loiitlie 

Wi->(;!ii  lister,  on-l  IJii'litUHl  vm  AMh  rb:irv  n-A  i-./.T.Iniiit  l-v  ll\  'h'A'\\  !l*  PiJV.'n*  of 
('lifilflon-njj-Oticr.inr  \]\n\  'I'lio  :!!•-  k*  l\»v«n'  of  (.'ivmlon,  Williiim, 
liic!i;.r«l  :;:ii!  >!i«-l:o!as  his  l»rol!,«'!s,  .'nli:i  Ic  IJi;!.*  oi"  OtyjJilon,  \Vill::i!ii  le 
llcvward  cl'  (*tv..l»):K  Sii:i  >:i  li  Wliitf  a::  I  f'.iurs  broke  Ins  house  at 
Civ'i-h'Kni-ijpOltv-Miur,  fo.  Oxt'os-cl,  u-^-auilivl  him,  farrL-il  away  lib  g«)0«ls 
uutl  10/,  in  iiioin'y,  iiiul  n.-i.-aiilluil  his  sorvanis.  By  line  of  IOa*.  for  God. 

Oct.  10.  Tlifi  like  to  WilHuni  de  D.Muiin,  linher!    (k*  Si'orlmr^h  and   Kichard  dc 

Westiiiin'iter.  la  l*ole  on  coui|ilaiiit  by  Ai^ncs  kite?  th<.'  wifo  of  I'boinas  Ahil  tliat  William 

de   Staunton,  kni«;ht,   John   his  chh^r  .s«'n,  A«kuii  h*  ralirc-yman,  Elias  le 

Wodewai'd,  Ji.'lm   nm    of  Klias  di*  Siaunton    and  iichert  de  Aldewoiih 

caiTud  aw.n  liur  *^oods  at  TvkenhaU*,  vo,  Dvibv. 

Oct.  lo.  Conl^l:s:^i  >n  to  Ro^er  <!i»  K«M-.].vton.  I'alph  ih}  I»ockyn«r,  steward  of  the 

Wtstmiiistur.  libortv  of  St.  Jvhnun«ls  and  Robert  Dan-v,  inavor  of  Sudbury,  to  arrest 
ar.d  ki'i'p  in  .siT*?  ou.^  uiiiil  furtli:".'  ord-'iv  divers  poisons  indicted  of 
felonie-^  b^-foie  dolm  de  Ston«)re  a!id  .!i>hn  de  C.^ntJ-briL'" •_:•*.  justioos  of  over 
and  terminer  in  tliu  countiis  of  Norfolk  ;»r.d  Siiiodk,  who  arc  still  at  large 
within  the  Faid  lil-eity  eommitfljii^  funlivi*  lin^n  hes  of  tlie  peaee,  and 
whose  iiames  will  be  fur.;i:'hi.d  l»y  th-.*  shsiilT,  antl  t'>  "{-rtirv  the  kinir  from 
day  to  dav  of  th<'  niiiio:*  of  sueh  :is  v.iihinr.v  tV.M.i  tlie  said  ccunties  on 
this  aeeuinit,  ami  v.ill  not  ju:*tii'y  i!:eniselves  before  th.-in.  lly  C. 

Oct.  15.  Ct>nnni.''.Nion    of    over  and    to:*niiner  t-^  John  d(.'  (*!crire,   \Villiaai 

Westminster.  Owevn  and  iT'"!iv  Tvlly  on  eomplaint  bv  J.  bn  lr:iiii'ii*v  that  Alan  de 
Seytt  n.  Koi-er  IhaiJon,  Riehard  di'  Foxion.  e!!;:p!;nn,  IS.irtholo'.now  Kve- 
sard,  <.ie.»:iVi'y  tie  Hitlon,  chaphiin,  Vv'iiliani  de  Craub',  William  h^  liaillif 
of  Craunfi'ld.  Ro;:er  Cbartres,  Benedict  C'lnanhlvrley,  John  atle  Fen  and 
olher.s  jj^.-iaulted  him  at,  co.  lIi:nting«;on,  and  cut  off  his  ri«;ht 
h:;nd.  '  '  Bv  C. 

Oct.  13.  The  like  to  Kiehard  'J'albol,  John  le  Siranmre,  Fich.u'<l  th^  Wvlu^rhbv  and 

Wc.''tiiiin.stcr.  Robert  »'.»'  A^lon  on  conjplniiit  bv  Thomas,  an  A('am  that  Thomas  son  of 
Iln^h  de  Gnrmy  and  others  nlulncled  Margery  hi-  wile  at  15ever.stono,  co. 
(ilouecctcr,  carried  away  his  goods,  and  ttill  withhold  his  wife  from  him. 

By  p.s. 

MEMIik.iXE  10.7. 

Oct.  1 2.  Commissior.  dv  wo/Iiis if  fissfffis  to  .Tolin  dt; Ros,  Humphrey  dc Littelbury, 

Westmuistcr.    John  de]  t'.n  i.ndKtbiit    do   (ir:«>lre  ah  ::g  the  coast  of  the 
ccunly  of  Lincoln  I  el  ween  ll.c  bridges  of  Tid  and  Sur::et. 

C)ct.  20.  C'onnnissiop.  i.f  i.yer  and  terminer  io  Job.n  de  Stonoiw  William  dc  Shares- 

Wiiidj^or.  bull  and  AVilli.".!P  do  llerleston  on  e"»r.j»l;-.:;it  l>v  lii  bert  Achard,  knijiht, 
that  »l(bn  <!«•  i;oke1yr.«:ton  ol  i)\f'.»rtl,  Iii«  liaiirCary  of  Oxford,  Andrew 
de  Vriirnuidiali .  Thon^as  dt-  j-v^nrv,  '.\';i!:ar.i  de  .Vbvndon  of  Oxford. 
Tl.ouin.  til'  I-i'.L'l'to..  m|  Oxford.  IN'trr  de  Kwo,  .I':h}!  de  Cionewarbv,  llobfrt 
do  W.itlyi.iitf;  .  Sin!-.>n  tlr  ('ii;»uce*-tre  of  O\:or.i,  *  men-fr,'  Wdji  im  atto 
i'vrv.'.  Th-r-.-!  ,  .-n  I  I  i'  Il.iirv  de  L\  rn;e,  JSifl  d«'  I)'.','lio  of  Oxford, 
Nicholas  i"i'.-  "^'yrv.',  'l"Is  .i.r;  s  de  Woi  nl(■l.^  Jr,  '•:  ibjrt  li*  iranu^iiilesliam 
of  OxT'-rd,  *lH.ucher,'  'Mioii.r.^  de  Leiih"  of  v  V\ft)id,  M>akere,*  Rtdieri  tie 
Li'irl.e  «»f  Oxibnl.  *  bakiMc.*  #!..!-.M  tu*.  L«'«;"iie  a.  O.-^iord,  ■  bal<ere,'  William 
le  Wldte  of  Oxbird,  ^baktre/  lb  my  th'  Sttxlh-ye  «;f  Oxfuni,  William  le 
Merei-r,  Ge-'flrcy  de  Cha  1.  fb.Im  Rerkele  of  Oxibrd.  00  >i»ler,  and  others 
lied  away  hi^  jroods  at  Abyndon,  co.  Berks.  My  lipo  of  20ff, 



5  KDWAllI)  111.— I'ART  IT.  205 

1331,  AfEMBR.iXE  Of/. 

Oct.  12. 


-g  g—  ,  ,  —     — -  — 

Inini,  Williun  dr  15'*aili'l»uni,  Mjulni  .-.iii  tf  'I'h>»inus  Ic  rifuMirator,  Tliom.'is 
liis  liru(lu-r,  IL  iirv  clu  ^Inrki'ion,  Thniiri^  «!.•  Clii  iljnariloii,  IJoL'».*i'cle  AVcsioii, 

Adam  Jniiu'Fcrvnnt  Ct)ti'n?l,  AVilliam  «li'  Piiidcrno  of  H.  rkclnvc,  William  do 
Bras.^ingKni,  lio^t  rt  son  of  Uirhard  atte  Yato,  Kitdiaid  liis  l»n)ther  and 
othoi'a  a^^saultcjd  hv.n  at  liaukwell,  co.  Dirbv,  and  carried  awav  his  good:^. 

J>y  pet.  of  C. 

Oct.  10.  Tho  like  to  Ilonry  dc  ITamhnrv,  Jolni  do  Kreland  ami  John  de   llambury 

Westminster,  on  complaint  hy  lion ry,  carl  of  Lnnc:j>ter,  of  trosijas-scs   in   his   Ireo  chacc 

at  Tnttchury,   Marcliyn;^(on,    iritexkohatherc,  "♦Voxhah*  and  Barton,  co. 

Stafford.  By  K. 

Oct.  20.  CVnnnisslon   to  Tlncror  do  Kiu'dototi,  H-dph  dp  nockynor,  stoward  of  tho 

Windsor,  lil^-rtv  of  Si.  Kdmnnds  and  I\ol)crt  Darrv,  mriviir  of  SudhiuT  of  similai* 
purport  to  that  of  lo  ()<*to'ner  [see  numhraiui  Ur/I  r-xcopt  that  tho  names 
of  the  [lersons  to  b(»  arrcsti;d  are  to  be  furnished  by  John  de  Cantebrigi^e  ; 
with  a  further  mantlato  to  them  to  .<ee  that  tlie.  kingV  peace  is  kept  at 
St.  Edmunds.  By  C. 

l)(irkyn<j,  Kdward  I'onlti'r,  I*o;j;vr  de  in  Panel'. ie,  'rhoma«?  llarnme,  Sinmn 
Fraunkeles,  William  Jone.-;  ervunt  Lovi-kyn,  Biel-ard  i\v  .Bristol!,  Maillour,' 
John  Plumer.  John  Kempe.  IIt»bert  Fi^^slu-re,  lioherl  !e  Wi<lew^'sono,  (Jilbcrt 
Tyndale,  John  s«?n  of  iJicih.ird  le  Fi^-here,  John  l*irie,  BieliMrd  llamme, 
I'etcr  Ualdewine,  Kohort  Brosikero,  Wnh^r  Wysebeehe,  Kdward  Toly, 
Jcihn  AValk'dyn,  John  Lovckyn,  John  do  Kent.  d<»lin  rowel,  William  Mot, 
John  1'hurber,  I'hilip  atle  ll*.  the,  William  Slieiewyndt*,  '  fis.shcre,'  and 
others  impri;«oned  him  at  J\yn;^<\iton-on- ihanie-,  co.  Surrey,  carriet I  away 
his  t^GOils  mid  a.vsaulted  hi.s  serv.-mts.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mem  nil  Ayr.  s  '. 

Oct.  18.  Mandate  to  Iho  baililTi=i  of  ciue-'ii  Bhilipnn  at  Bontcfraet  and  the  good  men 

Westminster,  of  the  town  to  ehasii.-e  .such  as  *;<»  or  rid-.*  armed  wiiliin  the  town  c(mtrary 
to  tlie  statute  nf  Morthami>t«»ii.  Jind  thesis  who  al»«'l  tiiem,  .m)  that  they  mav 
be  an  (example  to  oth(-is. 

Oct.  24.  C'ojiuni --iiJii  «roy.r  .'.ml  tei-miner  t(;  Bn/er  de  i'v(".\  liichnnl  d(»  Wvlu^li- 

Wokinjrh.nm.    In-, ')'!.•••:.:- d:;    I*  «!(-.lvv  •    •••.•l  '('i..'!i  •  ;    !•      i     us-     «•»!  «-.''i.:j..l!inr  l»v  lialph 

!>:•-.•<  I  i .'•'•■•'•  •    •••    -'*•     '    *         .*      ='-'•■  •»     '■    -i".       !'«';i    his    li;-.»iii;-r, 

.J«.'in  i\"  i'Mi;..i  ..:'  I  \Ij  ..  .  ivi-  I  :.'.  1  «ii-  •./:  .•  «e.  r!  ;  i. ;  v!j'_'t«in,  Klia>  le 
VNujiewjiid  ,  \\  \\\  rn  *i*»!!5-  <..•  ( '..•■-.••.jeii  vr,  »'» t.i  ..  ••  m:  >«»,i  K\i  tin*  cjjureh  of 
Tvryn'iljJim,  William  lo  Swon.  duliri  IJole,  ii:e  elder  and  the  vuuns^er, 
William   Do«iynoi;h,   William   Bole,  Iluj^h  lierl  of  Fiigrave,   John  son  of 



1331.  Membrane  Sd — cont. 

Elias,  William  Walrand,  John  Baclielcr,  William  atte  HuUe,  William  Rauf, 
Robert  Rogorcscarter  de  Tyryngham,  John  Gargenoys  and  others  broke 
liis  close  at  Shyryngdon,  co.  Buckingham,  cut  down  his  trees  and  carried 
them  away.  By  C. 

Membrane  7(L 

Nov.  4.  Commission  of  oyer  and  tenniner  to  Thomas  de  Louth,  Robert  de  Prest- 

Marlborough.  bury,  Robert  do  Asshole  and  Robert  de  Scardebiirgli  on  complaint  by  Hugh 

de  Audcle  that  certain  persons  entered  bis  free  chace  at  Dertemore,  co. 

Devon,  bunted  there  and  carried  away  his  d<^er.  By  K. 

Ort.  28.  The  like  to   Constantino   do   Mortno   Muri  and    Simon  de   Iledersete 

Odibum.      on  complaint  by  William,  parson  of  the  church  of  Atlebnrgb,  that  Roger 

do  Iledersete,  parson  of  the  church  of  Billyngford,  and  others  assaulted  him 

at  Norwich,  co.  Norfolk. 

0(^t.  20. 


Oct.  20. 


Oct.  20. 


Oct.  25. 

MEMBRAyE  5d. 

Mandate  to  William  Trnsscl  to  execute  in  conjunction  with  Thomas  de 
Asteleye,  William  de  Shareshull  and  JIngh  de  Ilavcrhergh  the  commission 
of  oyer  and  terminer  formerly  directed  to  them  touching  complaints  of 
0])pressions  by  shorifts,  coroners,  snbescheators,  constables,  bailiffs  of 
liberties,  wapentakes  and  trithings,  and  their  clerks,  keepers  of  prisons  and 
other  bailiffs  and  ministers,  in  the  counties  of  Warwick  and  Leicester,  in 
the  time  of  the  late  king;  notwithstanding  that  the  king  afterwards  ap- 
pointed Richard  de  Wylughby  and  Ro]>ert  de  Gatcsby  in  the  place  of  him 
and  the  said  Hugh  therein  on  the  ground  that  the  former  was  about  to 
pa.^s  beyond  seas  on  his  business  and  the  latter  had  not  leisure  to  act. 

Commission  of  over  and  terminer  to  John  de  lievburn,  Roger  Carles  and 
Roger  de  Chcny  touching  a  petition  by  Joan  de  Middelton  praying  for 
justice  on  persons  guilty  of  certain  felonies  and  trespasses  in  the  parts  of 
Montgomery  in  Wales. 

The  like  to  Ralph  de  Bolmere,  John  GifTard,  Robert  de  Cliderhou,  Adam 
de  Ploperton,  'J'horaas  de  Kyvyll  and  John  de  R^di-clive,  touching  trespasses 
within  the  king's  free  chace  of  Bogheland,  co.  York.  By  pet.  of  C. 

The  like  to  Iiobert  de  Notyngham,  Robert  do  Sallowe  and  Adam  de  Ag- 
modesham  touching  the  accounts  of  the  collectors  of  pontage  at  Derby. 

Membrane  4rf. 

Nov.  1.  Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  William  Trussel,  Thomas  de  Asteleye, 

Marlborough.   William  de  Shareslinll  and   Hugh  de  HaverbiTgh  touching  complaints  of 

oppressions  by  ministers  in  the  counties  of  AVarwick  and  Ix'icester  in  the  time 

of  the  late  king.     [Scr  meinhranc  'yd,']  By  C. 

Nov.  2.  The  like  to  Roger  de  Somorviil,  Richard  de  Aldcburgh  and  William 

Marlboroiigb.  Russet — upon  a  certificate  returned  into  Chancery  by  the  said  Roger  and 
William  with  John  de  EUrrkcr  the  elder  and  Simon  de  Grymesby,  pursuant 
to  a  commission  directed  to  them  by  the  king  on  comjdaint  by  Lewis  bii^hop 
of  Durham,  whertiby  it  appears  that  when  the  said  bishop  was  returning  to 
his  diocese  from  the  late  I'arlijnnent  a  ship  freighted  by  him  to  convey  his 
goods  acTOSS  the  river  Ousi;  was  like  to  have  been  lost,  and  the  goods 
therein  were  east  on  shore  at  Useflet,  Blaktoft  and  Flaxflet,  co.  York,  and 
that,  notwithstanding  that  divers  in  the  ship  had  escnped  alive,  the  goods 
were  carried  away  by  cerUiin  persons,  and  have  n<»ver  been  recovered  for 
the  bishoij — touching  the  names  of  the  persons  who  committed  the  said  tres- 
pass and  the  trespass.  By  pet.  cf  C« 

o  KDVi  AIJD  III.— Vaut  If. 



Oct.  2S. 


Oct.  20. 


Oct.  23. 


Ort.  25. 

Membrane  2d, 

rominissiiin  to  Rjilph  do  TJ<)("kyii;r,  Simon  do  TI«*(lorsete  and  Eobert  do 
Jetlworth  to  tlelivcM'  tho.  jraol  (»i.'  St.  Kdiiiiinds  of  Richard  Frcysel,  detained 
tlicre  for  hirccnic»  antl  crimen,  who  is  j^oin^  to  Gascony  on  the  kin^^'s  ser- 
vice in  the  company  of  Oliver  de  In^rham ;  notwith.^tandin;^  that  he  is 
indicted  before  John  do  Stonoro  and  Jolin  de  Cantebrigge,  justices  of  oyer 
an<l  tcnniner  in  the  counties  of  Norfolk  and  SnU'olk.  J3y  K.  &  C. 

Connnission  (»f  oyer  and  terminer  to  GeoflTrey  le  Sor(»|)e,  Ralph  de  Blau- 
nin-ntcr,  Robert  de  Scardoburjrh  and  A  (km  de  JIo]H»rton  on  complaint  by 
Robert  de  Colevill  of  Ernetdif  that  certain  persons  broke  his  park  at  Ingilby 
under  Krneelif,  co.  York,  hunted  there,  currieil  away  his  deer,  cut  down 
and  carried  away  his  trees  and  assaulted  his  servants. 

\\y  pet.  of  C.  and  fine  of  10*. 

The  like  to  William  Trust-el,  Jolm  de  Trevaignon  and  John  de  Ilarnham 
touching  the  per.-ons  who  broke  the  close  of  the  church  of  St.  Mary, 
Salisbury,  carrie.<l  away  goods  of  Master  Ralph  de  Corendon  and  Thomasi 
de  Ford  there,  and  Inive  bound  themselves  bv  oath  to  maintain  and  defend 
each  other,  going  ntul  riding  .irmed  by  day  and  niglit  in  the  town  contrary 
to  the  statute  cif  Xorthamptou.  IJy  C. 

The  like  to  llobert  de  Senrdoburgh,  Jolm  de  Shirburne  an*!  Thomas  JJret 
touching  the  accounts  of  the  collectors  of  quayage  at  Scanleburgh. 

By  pet.  of  C. 

Oct.  27. 


Oct.  20. 


Nov.  3. 

Mem  BRAN  R   i(h 

Commission  of  oyer  and  terminer  to  Richard  de  Hiwyssh,  Roger  do 
Blaculvesle,  John  de  Trevaignon  and  John  Billioun  touching  an  indictment 
whereon  Richard  Vivien,  Viviiu!  l*oer,  Robert  de  Rosnacvon,  Alan  do 
Treuroenet,  Roixer  de  Penros,  Richard  de  Rosmodrcs,  William  son  of 
Vivian  l*«»er,  Richard  do  Trethewy,  Michael  de  Tendraenen,  Roger  do 
Tregguliion,  Richard  de  Tregr.s,  Alan  de  Ti-egoyzel,  David  do  Treuruf,  Guy 
iC  Cras,  Hcrvt'V  Pengjirsek,  Jlenry  de  Pengarsc^k,  Willi.'im  de  Pengarsek 
the  younger,  Ilcrvey  Tyrel  of  Tuomern,  llemy  de  Ilendre,  David  do 
Antroncm,  I):\vi«l  d<;  Prnryth  antl  Sibyl  lalo  the  wite  of  John  de  Rensy 
weixj  convicted  before  John  de  Stonore  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer  and 
terminer  in  tlu^  county  of  Cornwall,  of  carrying  away  certain  merchandise 
lately  brought  into  the  ports  of  Penwyih,  Polwnigh  and  Loghen  and 
atljialgul  to  be  wreck,  and  touching  imiictmcnts  to  be  laid  by  the  said 
persons  against  others  associated  with  them  in  the  trespass.  By  C. 

The  like  to  Roger  de  Jiavent,  John  Inge,  AVilliam  de  Ponte  Robert!  and 
Robert  do  Th<»rnconibe  on  cum]daint  by  William  de  Putle  of  Chichester 
that  John  le  Spicer  of  Chichesttjr  and  others  carried  away  goods  distrained 
by  him  for  cu>toms  and  services  due  to  him  in  right  of  his  fee  at  Chiche^ter, 
CO.  Sussex,  and  imprisoned  him.  IW  K, 

Commission  to  Master  Robert  de  Cantuaria  and  John  de  Wyndosore  to 
make  a  visitation  of  Ospryng  lIosi)ital,  which  is  re|>orte(l  to  be  greatly 
decayed  for  lack  of  good  rule,  and  to  remedy  any  abuses  which  they  find 


5  EDWARD  III.— PART  3. 

J331^  Membraxb  18. 

Oct.  27.  Panloii  to  ITcnry  Hillary,  in  consideration  of  his  release  of  350  marks 

Westminster,  diuj  from  iho  kiii«?  for  his  cliar<^os  at  the  time  of  tlio  coronation,  ami  of  his 
surreiuUr  bv  the  i^in^'s  connnand  of  tlm  niiinors  of  Kynfaiti  and  Stourton, 
with  the  custody  of  Kynfare  Fore>t  which  he  held  by  his  appointment, 
of  iVM.  \6s.  Ah(L,  to  wit,  lo/.  lOv.  1^^/.  arrears  of  the  farm  of  Stourton 
manor  aL<l  iho  bailiwick  of  tlie  oilice  of  forester  of  Kynfare,  20/.  19*.  6\d. 
duf  from  him  and  Joan  his  wife  as  money  due  from  Philip  Marmion  and 
the  sai<l  lEonry,  and  tl7i.  lOr/.  required  of  the  latter  by  summons  of  the 
KxcluMi'ier  as  the  price  of  goods  late  of  lloger  de  Mortuo  Mari,  earl  of 
March,  taken  by  him.  l^V  K. 

Oct.  20.  Siiriiilication  to   justices,  sheriffs,  baiiifPs,  ministers  and  others,  that  it 

Windsor,  appears  by  the  record  of  an  aj^pral  before  CieoiVn'y  le  Scrope  and  Ids  fellows, 
justices  of  the  KinjrV  Iknch,  by  Ilowel  ap  (rrilUth  against  William  de 
Shaldcford  of  seditions  ajrainst  the  late  kin*:-  and  the  present  king,  which 
the  king  ha?  caused  to  come  bclbre  him  in  the  Chancery,  that  on  18  April  last 
— the  day  given  to  the  saiil  Ilowel  "whereon  to  ]»rosecule  his  appeal — the  said 
llowel  (!ame  not  on  the  tirst  antl  the  second  day  id*  stmmions  to  prosecute 
where  according  to  law  and  custom  of  the  realm,  judgement  should  be 
given  on  the  pc»ints  that  he  had  not  prosecuted  whether  his  appeal  was  one 
tliat  C(»uM  be  received  by  law  and  custom  of  the  realm,  and  also  that  lie  . 
appeah'd  the  said  William  of  acts  done  within  the  principality  of  Wales  and 
of  acts  done  at  IJerkele  in  England,  which  appeal  is  not  one  tlmt  can  be 
brought  to  a  final  issue  in  the  court  of  King's  Bench,  and  that  judgement 
was  therefore  given  for  liie  defendant.  By  C. 

Oct.  27.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Robert  le  Hore  of  Ure<lstrete, 

Wl•^tnlin8te^.  *saltere.*  of  oi  marks  in  rent  in  London  to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine 

serviee  daily  in  the  church  ol  All  Hallows,  Bredstrete,  for  the  soul  of  flohn 

atte  Crouche.  Jiy  line  of  lOOs.    Loudon. 

Oct.  16.  Mandate  to  the  chancellor  or  the  keeper  of  the  seal  for  the  time  being 

Westminster,  to  C(»lhite  jSIaster  John  de  Ciistello,  king's  clerk,  to  the  first  void  prebend  in 

the  church  of  St.  "Wulfram  in  the  king's  gift.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  20.  Exemption  for  life  of  William  de  llatton  of  Stratford  from  being  put 

Windgor.  upon  assises,  juries  or  recognisances,  and  from  appointment  as  mayor, 
pheriff,  coroner,  or  other  baililT  or  minister  of  the  king  against  bis  will. 


Oct.  21.  Power  to  the  chancellor  of  the  L'niversity  of  Oxford  and  the  mayor  of 

Winilsor.  the  town  to  distrain  u]Km  all  persons  hohling  tenements  in  the  town  and 
suburbs  of  Oxford,  clerks  and  laymen  alike,  for  repair  of  the  pavement  in 
front  of  their  tenements.  If  the  mayor  will  not  act  with  the  chancellor, 
till'  latter  in  to  proceed  without  h:ui,  so  that  no  further  complaints  (m  the 
subjret  nny  reach  the  king.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Oct.  So.  ?'I;i:':'".';'  U)  tli  ■    h'i'il  o'M  )xr,,r  1  ;i|i  1  tin*  Ic-eyer  of  thi»  castle  there,  for  the 

Windsor.  i;;  ..  1.-  ii.  ;.  fUi  'u  1 -1  :««i:  ol'  :!.:  rl5::'..«N'll«»r  :;iid  >c!]ol:iri:  of  the  I'nivt'rsitv. 
:-«'t' :'.■.'.:  l.rih  \'.\.'<  i'.'A\:' '\y:\i  liv  r:::ir:!".>  i-f  thi'  kitig's  ]»rogi  nitors  it  is  ])ro- 
vi«I«  dthat  aiiv  hivman  doiiiii' \*  to  i\  eleik,  ur  el(?rii  to  a  lavman  or  other 
cKrk,  <hall  be  ihearc*T:it<  d  in  (Hibrd  C'astk*  until  he  make  satisfaction  at 
the  iiiscretion  of  tiie  chanceilur  and  University,  the  sheriffs  and  keepers  of 



5  EDWARD  II].— Part  III.  200 

1331.  Mtnnhrnne  \^ — anit. 

tlic  saiil  castle  have  refused  toa«linit  such  when  sent  tliero  for  incarceration, 
tlijit  iht-y  arc  to  rcceivi*  all  such  trans^^ressors  as  th(»  chancellor  of  the 
1lnivcr^iry  shall  send  lo  them  and  kt-cj)  them  in  safe  custody  until  the 
chancellor  shall  rcijiiire  them,  takin;^  care  that  a  multitude  of  scholars  or  lay- 
njiMi  do  not  enter  the  casth;  while  thev  are  there  to  visit  th(;ni  or  for  any 
other  cause.  Hy  pet.  of  C. 

An*;.  7.  Simon,  ahhot  of  Torre,  ^o\\\^  to  a  general  chapter  at   Premonstrc,  has 

(.'lipMime.      hftters  noniinatiuj;  Ralph  Si)ek  and  Jolin  atto  Welle,  clerk,  his  attorneys 
in  Kn<^Iand  for  one  year. 

Oi'i.  27.  (I'rant  to  .Folin  de   l?ua,  kin^^'s  clerk,  of  the  ])rebend  in  the  church  of 

Nfwimry.      St,  Wulfram,  Ahljeviih*,  now  void  l>y  the  rcsi^jnation  of  Robert  Guillore,  in 
the  kinjj's  ^ift  in  right  of  his  county  of  J'onthieu  ani  Monstreuil.      By  p.s. 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  dean  and  chapter  of  the  said  church. 

Oct.  I'l.  Promise  to  pay  to  Kli/.abeth  de  ]>ur«;o,  the  kin«;'s  kin.swonian,  sometime 

Westiuinster.  the  wife  of  Roger  Daniary,  l,o()()/.,  assignc.'d  to  her  as  (jxecutrix  of  her  said 

hnsbanirs  will  by  Anthony  IVssaigne,  knight,  out  of  S,lll/.  8*.  Gd.  due  to 

him  from  the  lat^^  king,  to  discharge  a  debt  wherein  the  saitl  Anthony  v/as 

bnuud  to  the  said  I'oger. 

VftvdtCil  It  If  aur  rentier. 

Oct.  1^.  Grant  to  the  said  Anthonv,  reciting  that  th<'  late  kinjj  was  bound  to  him 

\\  ehtnunst*'!'.  as  above,  namely,  in  ;'3,2S8/.  22f/.,  as  well  for  purveyance  of  corn  and  wine 
ma(h'  by  him  for  the  hoiisehdld  antl  the  army  in  thi'  war  of  Seotland,  in  the 
tenth  year  of  the  .siid  king,  as  for  clivers  .^nms  })aid  in  the  king's  name  in  the 
.<iinie  year,  and  2,S.j;>/.  ().v.  Hf/.,  pai<l  by  mandate  under  the  privy  .««'al  to 
AyuMM*  de  Valrnria,  carl  of  l*emhroke,  for  the  iixi'd  sura  which  ho 
received  for  his  stay  with  the  .s'lid  king,  and  to  Henry  di*  Cantuaria,  <derk, 
for  his  expenses  in  K'»ini;  to  (Jasconvon  the  kin'^'s  service,  in  thceleventh  year 
of  his  reign,  being  1  t/i6()/.  l.'iv.  -k/.,  re(!koned  at  five  coins  of  Tom's  to  one 
steHing.  as  apjuars  by  twn  lulls,  under  the  seal  of  R.  bi.^hop  of  (*oventry 
ami  liiehlield,  then  ki-eper  of  the  wardrolns  shown  by  the  said  Anthony  in 
the  (.'haneery  ami  afterwards  delivered  by  him  at  the  Exchequer;  that  of 
the  said  sum  of  8, Ml/.  Sv.  (vl.  he  lunl  lieen  satisfied  of  2,()0()/.,  [>aid  by  the 
merchants  of  the  society  of  the  Ijanli  of  Florence  by  the  hands  of  Wiliiam 
de  M<mte  Acuto ;  that  assigrmients  had  been  made  to  him  of  1,000/.  of  the 
issues  of  the  conntv  of  Ponthieu  and  of  the  like  sum  of  the  issues  of  the 
dnchv  of  Aciuitaine  to  be  received  bv  the  constable  of  Bordeaux  and 
delivered  to  the  said  merchants  for  him;  that  he  had  as.signed  1,;"300/.  to 
Klizabeth  de  Rurgo  as  above;  and  that  lie  is  to  receive  the  balance  of 
2,(»ll/.  8.V.  iul.  out  of  the  issues  of  the  c-ounty,  stewanlship  and  coinage 
of  Cornwall  by  the  hands  of  the  slujriir  and  steward  of  the  county,  by 
instalments  of  ODO  marks  ]>avable  at  Midsummer  and  All  Saints  in  each  year 
until  the  whole  is  satisfied.  By  K.  &  C. 

Mandate  to  the  treasurer  ami  barons  of  the  Kxcheijuer  to  pay  I  lie  sau.e 
out  of  the  county,  stewanLship  and  coinage  aforesaid,  notwithstanding  any 
assignment  thereon  nunle  or  lo  be  maile  by  the  king. 

I'urafttl  ht/  finrrentkr  mul  pmjmcut  made  tn  him  hy  the  mcrrhnnfs  of  the 
snciftt/  i)f  the  Itardi  who  hare  an  f/ssif/tnncitt  of  the  stnn  as  appears  on  the 
Patuit  Holl  (fG  Edieard  II L 

Oct.  29.  License  for  the  prior  anil  convent  of  Kenylworth  to  n]>propriate  the 

Ilun^crfonl.    diurch  of  Colvnton,  in  the  diocese  of  Coventry  and  liiehlield,  said  to  be  of 

their  advowson.  By  p.s. 

Oct.  15.  Promise  to  pay  to  Elizabeth   de   I?urgo,  sometime  the  wife  of  Roger 

Westminster.  Damary.  I,o0()/.  assigned  to  her  by  Anthony  <lc  Pessaigne,  knight,  is  above. 

Vftratrd  hif  surrender  and  payment  made  to  her  eiseicherc,  as  appears 
on  the  Fine  RoU. 

Uu    65658.  o 


1331,  Mcmhranc  XS^cont. 

Oct.  U7.  Pn)loofioii  wltli  claii-io  vohimvs,  until  Kastor,  for  M:iry  Ijito  tlie  wife  of 

(Miliain        AvnuT  «l(^  Vnloncia,  c.'irl  of  IVinbrokc,  stavin;'  bevoiid  ticas  ou  the  kinpr's 
B^'ivicc.  \\y  K. 

'J'hc  like  fur  Uicliar.l  dt-  Monte*  Caniso,  kni«;ht,  staying  in  her  company. 

By  K. 
The  like  for  th*-  following  also  in  her  company  : — 
Robert  Chival. 
Herman  ih<  Hrikendene. 
Rob<Tt  Fox. 
Rosier  (le  Hon  toft, 
Richard  do  Ranndes, 
John  lo  Ken  of  Waltliam. 

Richard  de  Pykuryngc,  parson  of  the  ehnrch  of  Hormade. 
Isabella  do  la  ^lot. 
*       Adam  de  (in  tone. 
John  d(!  Kvnijcston. 
Thomas  d«'  (iodercston. 
John  do  Ca-tro  Martini. 
John  dc  Brokesbourn. 
Rohcfrt    de    Wynucforthyng,    parson    of     the    ehnrch    of    Stnnhou 

John  Par  vs. 
John  Gascelyn,  knight. 
Nicholas  Ramie. 
John  Gvbct. 


R(d)ert  de  Tolthorp. 

Richard  dc  Hanyngfeld,  parson  of  llie  ehnrch  of  Sutton  Valence. 

Aju'il  28.         The  said  Mary  has  letters  nominating  John  de  Radeswcll  and  John  do 
Stmtford-lo-    Sancto  Paulo  her  attorneys  in  England  until  Kastcr. 


May  0.  The  said  Richard  do  Monte  has  like  lettsrs  nominating  Geoffrey 

Hav»Tin«r  utto  do  Rrokholc  ami  John  do  Asswell.  By  K. 

Nov.  f>.  Ratilication  of  the  c.'<tate  of  Tiiomas  de  Stowe,  king's  clerk,  as  prebendary 

Kfubury.      of  Jveton  in  the  ehurch  of  St.  Martin  le  (rrand,  Lon<lon,  and  par,^on  of 

AVcllh  iyngL;etc,  in  the  dioce.'?e  of  Norwich,  notwithstanding  any  right  of 

the  king  in  the  same  by  reason  of  any  voidancc  of  the  see  of  Ely  or  deanery 

of  Si.  Martin's  lo  (irand.  By  K. 

Nov.  ,S.  Exemption,  until  further  order,  of  the  seneschal,  the  receiver  and  the 

Marlbeiungh.  controller  of  the  county  of  Ponthieu,  and  the  dean  and  chaj)lcrof  the  church 

of  St.  Wolfram,  Abbeville,  from  payment  of  the  mallolte  lately  gi-anted  to 

the   mayor,  vchcvin.s   and   commonalty  of  Abbeville,  in  n'spect  of  things 

purchased  by  them  for  their  own  use. 

JIembrasb  17. 

Nov.  1.  Grant  to  tho  baililTs  and  good  men  of  Stratford-on-Avon,  at  the  request 

(Kliliam.       of  Master  Robert  do  Stratford,  king's  clerk,  of  pavage  for  four  years. 

I'f /<!'/(  ff  /jcraffsc  nfhcnrisc  hi  low.  By  K. 

Oct.  IT).  Grant  to  the  abbess  and  nuns  of  Canounlegh,  on  their  petition  to  the  king 

WcMniiiisttT,  and  council,  ihnt  iV(nn  I  June  last  they  shall  receive  yearly  a  moiety  of  the 
cu-^tom.-  v.i  tlu'  port  oi  Southampton  remaining  after* that  1,0()()/.  has  been 
bvitd  r,)r  the  kiiii^'s  le-e,  until  they  are  sitistied  of  iSTli.  5.v.  borrowed 
from  tlhir  licuise  1  v  Edward  I.  for  verv  i>ressinu  businr>s  bv  \iew  of  David 
dc  Loryiigton,  thv;  clerk  of  the  abbess.     JJy  letters  patent  under  the  seal  of 

r>  KDWAKl)  III— I'akt  TII  211 

the  Exclioqiicr  «liit<Ml  \(\  ScjitcMnlHU/Ji  KJ\v;ir(l  I.,  ji  jii'otnisCMv.'is  made  tliat 
tin*  si\\i\  sum  woiiM  bi*.  .st.tiKnl  on  (h!in:iii«l,  :iii«l  liy  leit«Ts  patent,  <1jiIi;i1  20 
AInrcli,  1  lvl\vai«l  !I.,  a  ;ir;«nt  was  nia«lii  100/.  <»f  land  or  nuit  sliouM  be 
di'liwrcd  lo  ihc  a!»lM;s^  and  cDnvcnt  <Mit  i»r  ciistddii'S  as  tlicv  1'<:11  in,  to  hold 
until  tlioy  had  li'vi«'d  lh«Mi'  ch-ht  in  i'lill  IVuni  the  tanu*,  but  hitlu.'ilo,  as  they 
assort,  they  have  hicn  nnabh;  to  r»btain  paynii.nt,  and  they  have  surrendennl 
the  said  KjIKts  patent  in  the  Chamrrry.  \\y  K. 

Nov.  3.  I'ardon  tj  I^anivne«*  le  Mounerc)!*  Dnkwra,  on  acknowlodgcment  hy  Jolin 

MarllHui)u^h.  dc  Orroton  htrfoii'  the  kinjr  tlmt  ho  ha-^  received  him  haek  into  the  kinjr's 

peaeo  pursuant  to  the  power  hitely  j^nmted  to  the  saitl  Jnhn  and  Ricdiard  de 

Denton  to  receive  such  men  of  Scotland  and  tlntir  adherents  a.s  would  return 

to  their  aUe<j;ianeo,  for  all  trespasses  committed  hy  him  during  the  time  of 

his  adiierenee  to  tlie  Scots.  Wy  pet.  of  C 

The  like  to  the  fidlowing  :— 

William  Tv^-ono. 


Adam  d«*  IJravthwavl. 

*  • 

Xov.  3.  (irant,  <lurin;r  pleasure,  to  William  dc  la  Dane,  of  the  oflice  of  the  scrjeanty 

Marlbniouj;h.  iu  ihe  forest  of  Crrs^v,  which  John  dc  IJaMiuu'  lately  held,  with  tlaily  wages 

of  ,'$f/.  >l«Tliiig  and  otiier  aeeuc'tomed  fee.  IJy  K.  &  C 

'J1ie  like  tn  the  following: — 

"William    dc    Xa-vnge,  of  the   scrjeanty    which    Simon    Ic    Capumer 


AVilliam  de  Mortone,  of  that  which  Roger  <lc  \ovoun  held. 

Walter  le  Parker,  of  that  which  John  d-  la  Hay  held. 

John  Page,  of  that  which  Juhn  du  Char  hebl. 
Thi*  like  to  (Icddrcy  le  Hrenynge  of  tlie  olliee  of  the  scrjeanty  and 
mastership  of  the  Imunds  {hrarom  rit )  in  the  said  forest,  which  .John  Marchc 
hitely  held,  with  daily  wages  of  0//.  and  other  ae<'Ustomefl  fee,  as  well  as  the 
a<'customed  allowance  for  six  running  hounds  and  one  boarhoun<l  (limurio), 
and  l().v.  yearly  for  hi<  robe.  lly  K.  \,  C. 

Oct.  .30.  Tiie  like  to  Uob<»rt  Sauvage,  for  service  to  the  late  king,  of  the  bailiwick 

Xi'wlmry.      of  the  park<'r.ship  of  Ilaywra  in  the  forest  of  Knaresburgh,  which  tJohn 

Jh'ounyng  hcM.  Ky  p.s. 

Oct.  2S.  The  like  in  William  dc  FaMcrlcye  of  the  bsiiliwick  of  one  of  the  king's 

Newbury,      purkers  of  JIaywra  in  the  forest  of  Knarc-^burgh.  By  p.s, 

Oct.  15.  Protection   with   elausu    chIuiuhs^   for  oin;  year,   for  J(din  Vyncent  of 

Wv'sitiniustcr.  Wallham  Jloly  Cross  of  Lon«lon,  clerk,  going  beyonti  seas  on  the  king's  sers 
vi<e,  JJy  C. 

The  like  for  William  de  IJordcn  yfoin;;  in  like  manui-r. 

Oct.  24.  I'rotection  with  holunnis^  for  one  year,  for  Thomas  ile  Uayrgrave, 

WiinLsor.      going  in  like  manntir. 

Sept.  20.         Grant,  for  life,  to  Simon  il^^  Xewenton,  king'.f  veoman,  of  the  bailiwick  of 

Shifii.        the  chief  fon^stcr  of  Wyndcj-ore  Forest.  I5y  p.s. 

Mandate  to  Thomas  tic  Foxle,  con.stablc  of  Wyn»li'sore  ('astb»  and  forest, 

for  livery  of  the  bailiwick,  whicli  Robert   de  Wodcham  lieM  by  grant  of 

.K<lward  1.  antl  which  the  king  lately  ordered  the  constJible  to  take  into  his 


Nov.  3.  Mandate  to  the  <cin'.sclial  and  to  the  rceeixi'r  of  the  <'ounty  of  Ponthicu 

Marlborough,  that,  wlierca'^  «.n  1  i)cecinber  last  <|Ucen  IsiImM.i  sun eudiTeil  into  the  kin«''s 
hands  all  <Msth-  and  land.-,  which  she  held  in  tin*  .^.-dd  <*ountvwith  her  iroods 
therein  and  bv  Kii  r^  i..iient.  dated  the  lOth  of  the  r-aid  month,  the  \i\\\<r 
granted  to  her  the  said  gootls  a^  well  a-  all  ;iiriMis  due  on  the  '.iceonnts  of 
liaililfN  ;iiid  farmers  and  all  other  (K.-bt-  owing  at  the  time  ot  tin-  surrender, 
sending  his  niandab-  to  the  sc^neschal  an*!  receiver  to  cause  all  such  to  be 
delivered  to  James  le  Scotiller  and  John  le  Seotiller,  the  attorneys  of  the 

o  2 


]j;j3]^^  Mvmhrit.iv  17 — r..///. 

jjuooii,  tluy  jirc  lo  pay  to  the  ;ittorfn\v.'4  (w»ly  >tn.'b  farms  tlel»ts  a<  worn 
owiuiX  oa  (ir  iH-tnic  th<*  dav  of  MnmuhT,  it  liot  lia\inir  \\vv\\  the  iiiteMtion  of 
tiio  kinjr  hv  hi>  former  maiuhit*'  to  <*a\iM*  anv  farms  lallinir  «liic  afti-r  the  said 
1  Dt'cemher  to  he  ])ai«I  t«»  hi-^  mothrr.  l>y  Iv.  A;  C\ 

Xov.  (>.  (Jrant  to  John  Totcl  of  Lineohi,  kind's  elerk,  of  the  en^^toily  of  tin*  smaller 

MarHKinuifrh.  pjocc  of  tin*  seal  used  for  r('co<jnisaiu*e»i  of  del)ts  in  tlie  city  of  Linct)ln  |)nr- 

sunnt  to  the  str.tut(^  of  merehaiits,  diirinj^  pleasiin*.  By  K.  ct  (\ 

Nov.  12.  Lieeneo  for  John  S(m  <sf  Ifrnrv  Wi^-hard  to  'jrant  to  Joh'.i  Wyschanl  and 

Windsor,  Ali<*e  liis  wife,  in  ft^e  tail,  two  nu'ssunircs  and  thnc  \ir;j:aM's  of  land  in 
Conpreston,  held  in  chiff.  In  the  iM-nt  nf  the  dvalh  of  tin*  jrrantecs  withont 
JN'^ne,  the  premises  are  to  nvert  to  tlu»  said  rl<»hn  ^m  of  Henry,  in  fi-e. 

15 V  iiiie  «»f  -  marks.     Leicester . 

Memhrask  1(». 

Xov.  2.  Orant  to  the  ahhot  and  eonvcni  of  St.  1-M!.iuntl>,  who  at  the  recpiest  of 

M;irn»«)r<Mij:h.   ipuM-n   Philippa  have  <rranted  to  C.'hristiina  dc   K-js  tliat  after  the  dt-ath  of 

Kicliard  de  Pi'shnll  she  shall  have  fnr  life  sneh  sn^tmanec  in  the  ahbcv  as  ho 

now  has,  that  thev  siiall  n(»t  he  ehar^til  with  this  f(»r  any  other  liian  the  said 

Christiana  in  the  place  of  the  said  Iiicharil. 

Xov.  3.  fJrant,  at  the  re<iiievt  of  Philip,  king  of  France,  the  kini^'s  kinsman,  to 

Marlborontrh.  Odinettus  Fvlemm  of  the  enstodv  of  the  warren  in  tho  lorcst  of  Crcssv. 
<lnrin«j:  pleasure.  This  urant  is  made  afier  revocation  nf  his  ap])ointment  to 
the  same  hy  letters  ])atent  of  the  kinu  of  France  and  o:i  condition  that  ho 
claim  nothin*;  in  the  custody  hy  virtue  of  such  appointment  and  that  the 
kin<;  and  others  deputed  hy  him  may  hunt  and  take  ileer,  hoars,  and  other 
animals  iu  the  foreM,  at  will.  l>v  K.  k  C 

Oct.  15.  (irant  to  thi'  kiu'/.s  clerks,  tfohn  Vvneent,  the  receiver,  and  AVilliam  de 

.  *  . 

Westminster.  Borden,  the  cjintrollcr,  of  the  coinuv  of  Ponthieu,  iu  rcconniencc  of  their 
heavy  ex])cnr;es  in  lod«;in;:;  tlu-ir  houM'holds,  and  for  rn!n.'s  and  othiT  thinjis, 
when  condnir  to  the  kinir  in  Fnjrland,  at  his  >ummons,  (»n  the  hu>i!M>s  of  the 
said  county  and  staying  there  a  l«»njLr  time,  witlnnit  remuneration,  of  the 
vi'sture  t»f  o  aeri's  of  wood  in  Vvvt^^y  Fore>t,  that  i>  21  acres  apiece,  to  he 
taken  once  oidy.  By  C. 

Mandate  iu  pursuance  to  the  ca>tellan  of  Cressy. 

Xov.  1.  Assiiznment  to  James  Nicholas,  Piter  Uevner,  Bartholomew   r>ard  and 

Ni'uhurv,  the  other  me:ehanl<  of  the  >nrifty  of  the  ]»ardi  (»f  Florenci',  in  part 
satisfaction  of  divrrs  loans  to  the  kiuir,  of  the  kinp's  nu»it»ty  of  the  third 
vear's  collection  of  the  four-vearlv  tenth  set  hv  the  Pope  upon  th'»  eierffv  of 
Kunland,  with  the  arrears  of  the  same  for  the  tir*.t  ami  second  vear,  to  he 
reci'ived  hy  the  IhunK  of  Master  jlherius  de  Coneortto,  king's  clerk,  the 
eollectoi".  l>v  K.  ct  C. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  the  sai<l  Master  lllua'ius. 

0<*t.  2,3.  Presentation  of  Nicholas  tie  Fou:itayne>  to  the  church  of  Grave-ihende,  in 

WiiuN«>r.      the  diocese  of  Uochester. 

Nov.  0. 
(Miham.        nn 

(Jrant  to  Florieia  wife  of  Henry  tie  Ih^iu'^e,  for  the  su|>port  of  herself 

id  her  chiMren,  of  the  gootls  forfeited  to  the  king  hy  the  llight  of  the  said 
IFcnrv  when  iiAlieted  for  ceitain  fclonii'S.  J5v  K. 

Mautlate  to  the  sherill  of  Ncu-folk  and  Sulfi>lk  for  livery  of  any  of  tho 
said  irooiis  now  in  his  <-ustodv  to  the  said  Flori«'ia  as  a  gift. 

The  like  to  .J<»hu  de  C'ast(ui  who  was  aj>i)ointed  to  the  custody  of  the 

Xov.  4.  (Jrant  to  John  de  Deen  of  the  oiTice  of  the  tronago  of  wools  in  the  port 

Marlboronjili.    of  Soutliamplon,  for  life,  on  condition  tliat  he  execute  the  oflice  in   |»ersou. 

This  graid  is  made  after  deli\ery  in  the  (Mianeery  to  he  cancelled  of  letters 

patent,  dated  20  February,  1-1  Edward  11.,  being  a  grant  to  Bicbard  do 

.VTEIAVAUI)  Til.— r-AKT  Til.  213 

J 331.  Mcmhranc  IG — vodt. 

Hyllt'l  ol'  the  ciisliuiy  of  tlio  ]M'>a'^i'.  in  llir  *.:iiil  port  at  tho  rout  of  lO^.,  ami 
letU.M's  pnttMit  ilaiiMl  3  April.  2  lvlwar<l  ill.,  Immhj;  ii  ^^raiit  to  tlio  siiil  «Juiiii, 
ii>lu'r  of  till*  clia!!!!)!'!'  of  ijiijmmi  l*liilij»|ia.  of  the  oHict*  df  controlhT  of  ll)u 
I'listoiiH  thnri'  witJi  tin*  ciHtody  of  ono  pari  of  tho  nirkct  s«m1,  ami  alN>  tlio 
ollice  of  llii.*  LroiiMJio  of  wo(»U.  Bv  (', 

Xov.  (5.  Mandate?  to  John  ^''yIl^(Mlt,  hin;^V  rlork,  rt'cciver  of  Poiithicu,  to  pay  to 

M  irli»n-.iM,^''i.   rji- )HVr.'  di*.  Br(Miyii,';o,  William  de  Morton,  floha  I *ji;r«\  William  de  la  Dam?, 
WaltcM'  le  Parker  and   William  dr  \.Ms\n;i,  n'sprcliv»*l\,  tla-ir  wages  for  the 
si'rji'antivi  in  Cre^^y  fon-st  lately  jrranted  to  them  by  the  king. 
}  Srt:  pi'trrdiiuj  Memh'auc] 

Xov.  J).  (irant  that  Nicholas  son  of  Hiehanl  dc  IJalv^averan  shall  have  aijain  the 

II  iM^j.-rfonl.     oflifM*  of  s  M'ond  ri'ini'inhranci-r  of  th«.'  Kvcli'MpuM"  of  Duhlin,  aeeording  to  the 

t  'nor  of  thi*  l"ltt'r>  pajj'nt  wli'-n-hy  tin'  kin;^  lati-ly  appointed  him  to  tin*  sjunr, 

notwithstanilin;^  a  >:!ih«i"<pi.«nt  :!ppointm  -nt  proeun'd  l»y  William  de  Hnrton 

hy  sM,irir''sti<in  that  tln"  (jllic"  was  void.  By  K. 

Mandat"  in  pnrsujiiuM'  to  the  trea^^nrtT  and  haronsrif  thi*  >aid  Kxc!n*f[ii'»r. 

^I.Miidat*  to  thf  saiil  William  not  to  inlirm-ddh' with  th«'  otrnN*. 

Oct.  2").  Kxcmplilieation,  ;;t   the   of  Walt'-r  IJjishon  of  Ireland,  <if  letters 

Wiii'lNor.  pnt'-nt  dale«I  20  .Jannary.  7  KdwartI  11,  which  ha\e  lieen  ae»'ident:dlv  lost, 
liein;^  a  pardon  to  him  tor  the  d  ath  of  Kiehard  (lernoun. 

Nov.  15.  tjian!  to  William  di*   Stokton  of  the,  d:iv  an<!  waste  ri-rtainintr  to  the 

Win.l-^or.  kiniront  of  a  m.-^.-ua;'e,  '){  !ier('s  of  laml,  4  acres  of  meadow  and  2  aen's  of 
jnstiu'e,  which,  ax  appe.irs  hy  an  impiisilion  made  by  the  Nherilf  of  Kssex, 
Uohcrt  William  held  in  Landmrne  o:i  the  day  when  he  was  outlawed  f<»r 
felony.  liy  fine  of  oj  marks. 

Mandate  to  vihcrllY-,  InilifV-,  nnnistor<  ::nd  others  to  pi-rmit  Joan  hite  the 
wife,  antl  I'Mmnnd  >!»n  of  Hop-r  de  Mortno  Mari,  earl  of  March,  to  take  the 
hodv  of  ihe  said  earl  from  the  i-hnreh  of  tin-  jinanlian  anil  Friars  Minors  of 
(.'o\ entry,  wh"re  it  no»v  li«'.-,  to  Wyggemor,  there  to  he  lairied  with  th'.;  rites 
of  the  idinndi.  By  p.s, 

Oct.  10.  Licence,  al'ier  inipusition //f/  t/tttKl  tlamittim,  inv  the  jdienation    in  inort- 

WiiuU'ir.  main  h\  Stephen  <le  llam«'rri»n  of  two  mevuiagis,  of»  aen*s  of  land  and  20 
acres  of  meadow  in  Shivthnin  and  Neiiton  in  Bonlond,  hehl  of  the  kin«j  as  of 
til*'  manor  of  Slavthnrn  hy  tla*  service  of  12f/.  yearly,  to  John  de  llamerton, 
chaplain,  to  cel(»l)iate  divine  s^'rvier  daily  in  tho  idiapel  of  St.  Mary  in 
Ilanierton  m.-inor  for  the  ^o\\\^  of  th"  >aid  Sti-jdien  his  father,  mother  and 
aneotor^.  By  p>.  and  line  of  0  marks.     York. 

Nov.  J).  lOxemplitii-ation,  at   the  re«pie.")t  of  William  I're.'-t   of  Blonorton,  of  lotterfl 

Wiadsor.  pati-nt,  dat«'d  i)  March,  1  I'Mward  III.,  which  have  be.'U  accidentally  lost,  beuig 
a  general  pardon  to  hiin. 

The  like  for  Kdnmnd  d'*  Sancto  Mauro. 

Nov.  10.  Pardon   to  IFngh  son  of  John    Bernanl  of  Keh:by   for  aetpiiring,  in    foe, 

WiniUor.       from  Matilda  JVrnak  of  liundierstayno  40.y.  tif  rent  in  Kelehy,  held  in  chief, 

and  entering  thereon  without  licence  ;  and  licence    for    him  to  retain  thu 

same.  JJv  Hue  of  20a*.     Lincoln. 

J/KMliRA.\E  lo. 

Oct.  27.  Iiifij)r.ri  urns  ami  conlirmation  of  a  writing  dateil  Slraifonl-on-Avon  Tu?^- 

U.lihani,  ij.iv  after  Si.  Lukt?  tin-  K\aniC''l»-:t,  o  LMward  ill.,  ami  witn(?sscd  bv  John  do 
Bis^hope-don  and  Uobcrt  du  Vaa!,  Uni'jrhls,  .John  de  Pcvto,  WilUam  IJruli, 
Adam  de  Stevvnton,  l!»bert  W\lmvu  ;ir.d  oilier.'^,  beimr  a  release  by  A«lani 
bishop  of  Worcester  to  John  bishop  of  Winchester  of  all  servie2s  due  to  him 
from  a  tenement  in  Sliotrethe  sometime  of  Nicholas  de  Karliolo.  By  Jv. 

Nov.  9.  The  like  of  a  ehurter,  dated  and«l  as  above,  being  ii  grant  by  the 

Windsor.       uume  to  Master  RolxTt  de  Strelford,  king's  clerk,  his  heirs  and  ussign^i 



i;}JJl.  Mimhrnin  lo — voiit. 

(jiiit  ol  nil  *iorvi(*(».s  ami  (Itinaruls,  of  a  nio*isua.L^c  in  Sliotloiotln*  sometime  of 
llu;ili  '  l)v  tLe  Urokc,'  Iviiijr  i»v  a  m«s-*ti;iLcc  soiiietimc  of  Xicbolas  «le 
Kailiulo.  By  K. 

Nov.  1.  (irant  to  'I'liomas  do  Kokoliv,  in  (.^»n  <lorati«»n  of  a  nlca*«c  made  lor  him- 

Jiea-KiiL'.       Foli'  and  liis  In-irs  of  100/.  of  lainl  Vfinlv   in   I'l-c?,  to  which  lie  is  I'ntitK'd 

jiC'-ordin^  to  the   kin«f's  pnn-himation  for  ha\inu  hrouiiht  him  within  ."^ight 

«»f  the  Scot.*  in  the  late  war,  ami  of  lOU/.  y«:irlv  at  tin*  ExehecjiUT  granletl 

him  until  In*  slionld  receiM-  lh«.'  .sime,  :;>  aj»jKars  hy  di\*M's  letters  patent,  of 

oQO  marks  at  the  Kxcho«|ner  in  one  sum,  ami  2o  marks  of  rent   in  Halton 

and    Kylyii^rholm,  eo.  Lincoln,  whieii  t-.^clicatrd  to  tlio  latt:  king  by  tlio 

rehi'llion  of  Akxander  le  Fuitz  (Jlai,  tohold  to  him  and  hi.s  heirs  by  the 

{?fr\ices  due  l>ef(»ie  the  samr  I'sohi'atfd.  IJv  K.  «&  C. 

MimnramJitm. — The  said  Thonias  has   maih*  tin*  release    by  a   writing 

whenof  an  ciirolmrnt  a|»p«*{irs  on  tli!-  dorst*  of  tin*  Clcsc  HoU  of  the  pre.'rnt  year. 

Vacated  /ncaifsv  ollnririsc  btfow, 

Nov.  5.  (nant  tn  (hiard  d:?  Onnn,  to  whom  th-*  late  kin*;  ^^ranted  tin*  reversion  of 

the  manniv  of  Ditton  (':!moy<,  »•«».  ('aml»rid;x(»,  aiid  Shi'md'.*,  eo.  Ifertfonl, 
expectant  on  lh"drmi5i' of  Otto  d«'  (Jr.indissono,  to  hol»l  for  his  lif»*  ir.  return 
for  jservicrs  ren<l«'re<l  to  Edwanl  I.  and  hiin.>«lf.  that,  inasmmh  as  the  eaid 
mant»rs  <litl  not  iome  to  him  until  thn-"  y«ars  aixo  vwA  lu*  has  rectMved  but 
frw  profits  th»r«l'rom,  liis  executors  shall  ntain  th«'  saiin*  for  two  years  from 
tin*  liay  of  his  d»'ath  and  receive  the  issue**  and  protiis  t«»  be  applied  in  the 
execution  of  his  will.  Hy  p.s. 

Oct.  18.  (Srant  to  William  Tru^s*'!,  in  fee  tail.  In-  his  Si-rviees  to  the  king's  pro- 

^Vl•^tuliaEte^.   geintors  and  foi-  hi»^  assi<luuu<anJ  costly  labours  in  the|»resent  king's affairi", 

of  the  whole  land   of  J5er^es  in  Fhunlers,  as   in   lordships,  demesne  lands, 

services,  homages,  rents,  w<»ods,  paMures,  turbaries,  li'^heries  and  nil  other 

appurtenances  by  whatever  name  called.  By  K.  &  C 

Oct.  2(>.  J*anlon  to  John  son  of  William  h;  Taillour  ot  Ilnngerford  of  hi.s  outlawry 

M;irIl)onmgh.  in  the  county  of  l>crks  for  non-appearnn<'e  before  John  Lovi'dai  and  Thoma.s 
de  Ihaylcs  ju.Mices  of  oyer  and  terndncr,  to  an>wer  touching  a  jileaof  tres- 
pass of  d  oh  n  bish(ij)  of  Winchc*<ter  ;  on  aeknowledgement  by  the  bishop  in 
Chancery  that  he  \\i\<  made  satisfaction  for  the  treS[Kiss. 

Nov.  12.  Katifieation  of  the  estate  of  John  de  I?al>eote  as  partem  of  the  church  of 

Windsor.      Dongarvan,  in  the  <lio<*esi'of  Li«^more.  By  K. 

Nov.  10. 
Wiudsor.       n?e: 


Nov.  3. 

ongarvan,  m  nie  tinwesroi  IJ«^more.  .i>y  iv. 

Licence  for  the  ali(  nation  in  mortmain  by  John  de  la  Mote,  knight,  of  a 

•essuage,  11  acres  of  land  and  a  |»lot  containing  2S  j)erches,  in  the  tov.n  of 

^a  Mote,  eo.  ronthieu,  to  a  ehaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service  daily  in  the 

chapel  within  his  manor  in  that  town  for  his  goo<l  <'>tate  in  life,  for  his  soul, 

after  death,  and  for  the  soul>  <.»f  his  ancestors,  heirs  anil  successors.     By  K, 

3.  Grant  to  Stepla-n  de  1  To  of  the  otlice  of  the  «erjeanty  in  C'ressy  Forest,  which 

rough.    Nichohis  de  Sancto  Kdwardo  hehl,  during  jileasure,  v;ith  daily  wages  of  ^il, 

sterlinj:^  and  other  accustomed  fee.  Bv  K.  &  C 

Nov.  17.         Balph,  count  of  Ku,  constable  of  France.  g<»ing  beyond  .seas,  has  lett(»rs 
WiniNor.       nomiiiating  I5artholomew<lc  Wighton  ancl  Kobcrt  du  Faveneourt  his  attorneys 
in  Kngland  for  time  years. 

The  saidBaljih,  staying  in  Kngland,  has  like  letters  in  Irelaml. 

Oet.  20.  Lieenee  fur  the  aliei^'itiou  in  mortmain  by  William  Faucumberge  to  the 

\Vliids«»>.       priorevs  and  con\ent  of  Kyll\  ng^of  4a<rt<  (»f  wotul  in  Begham  and  Ivillyngg 

toward**  the  sustenance  of  a  <diaj»lain  to  celebrate  divine  M*r\iec  daily  in  the 

convent  church  for  the  souls  of  Jlenry  de  Faucombcrge,  Kh'ua  his  wife*  and 

the  jrrantor.  Jiv  lin**  of  .\  mark.     York. 

Nov.  17.  (irant  to  Boger  Denys  of  thetsllicc  of  the  .^erjeanty  in  Oe^^sy  Forest  lately 

"\Vhi(l<or.       held  by  Stephen  le  Brewer,  during  pleasure,  with  daily  wages  of  3r/.  sterling 

and  other  accustonud  fe*'.  Bv  K.  k  C 


5  EDWAKI)  III.— Paut  III. 



Nc»v.  14. 


Xov.  17. 

Miiithnniv  \i) — nmf. 

Mamliitc  t'j  till*  rcci'hrr  ol'  tlu;  cjiuity  of  INjiitiiii'ii  I'nr  pjiyiiiiMit  (»f  tho 
sniil  \vji;;cs. 

(ininl  t<»  liicli.'inl  iIp  liitTodik.  Inr  ?irvic.-  tfi  lliu  l;it"  k'liir.  «'i  the  (Mistculv 
cil'  IIjiiiiicli'  li.'iv  in  \VliittIc\7odt'  Kdnvst,  ilmin"  ith.-un*. 

(irjiiit  to  Allies  wil\.'  of  John  Maiilrnvcr-,  in  •.  ill  ir^jtjnonl  uf  thf  h«to  j^rant 
to  her  nt  thf  rc(pi»'Ntof  cjiummi  I'hilippa  of  thi*  I;iii«is  whi«'h  --hi' h;nl  of  John  tie 
Ar«;;rntrn  ami  John  dp  Ncrfonl,  <onu'tinic  hcM'liii'-lj.'nul-.  wliii-li  lia<l  csrlicatcHl 
to  th(^  kin*;  l»y  tlic  rcjhellion  of  tliu  said  J-dm  Mauir.iviM--,  to  lioM  nntil  iIk? 
kinj;  shouM  ordiM*  olhiTwisc  for  her  i.'st;it»%  lh;it  Ai^-  sh;dl  liold  thi*  sani«'  for 
lif**.  By  |.ct.  ofC. 

July  16. 

Memhrasrh  14  and  l.'J. 

fnspt\rimu<i  and  confirniition  for  tho  prior  ss  and  nnn'?  of  Fos.m?  without 
Toikesi'v  of  a  charttT  dati.'d  7  ()i.'t'>h('r,  21  ll^-nrv  1 11.,  '•L-in'  a  irrant  to  tho 
nunnery  (jf  the  land  in  Torki-sev  \vh«Mron  thev  first  t-nlrn-cl  without  the 
as'cnt  of* the  kin^  ;  of  a  (diarter  ilatfil  LM  April,  21  Ilcnry  III.,  hcin;^  i\  con 
finnation  of  a  ^^rant  lo  thoin  in  frank  almoin,  tiati'd  II  .IniniMry,  2  John,  of 
the  2  marks  of  silvt-r  whicdi  ih.-y  n>ed  to  pay  al  the  Kxtdn-fpur  from  their 
lanfis  in  Torke^'y  ;  an«l  of  j^rants  in  morlmain  l»y  the  prior  and  canons  of 
St.  Leonard's,  'J\.»rkfsey,  and  a  vrry  lar;j:<'  nunib.r  ol  priv.'iti'  hmefaelors, 
wdiich  are  not  elated  or  sot  out  in  full.  IJy  p.s. 

[f'/l  Mon(fsfico}i,Mt\.  iv.  p.  2i)2. ! 

Nov.  11. 


Nov.  1(5.; 

Nov.  21. 

Nov.  16. 


.Vov.  6. 

iVov.  17. 


Nov.  16. 

Memjirank  12. 

Proteet ion  with  elaiise  nolumvs,  for  one  yenr.  for  .Inhn  di*  In.vula,  paison 
of  tiic  church  of  Ciicrwclton. 
The  like  for  the  followin*? ; 

Hugh  de  Langebru<rir  <>f  Bristol. 

John  de  Coupeland. 

Mandate  to  John  Vyneent  of  Waltham,  kind's  eh  rk,  receiver  of  INrnthieu, 
to  audit  the  account  of(iei-ard  k\o  Orom,  late  sencseh.d  td'  that  eouutv.  (d' 
iirn'nrs  due  to  him  for  wa^^es  .'is  seneschal  and  for  cxn.nscs  in  e(:min«if  to 
Kn<{land  at  the  king's  command  on  eertnin  matl«'rs  coneernini^  the  kintrnnd 
the  eounty,  and  t<»  pay  whatever  he  shall  Jind  by  sutdi  account  to  be  due  to 
the  .said  Gerard.  J5y  C 

Mandate  to  the  receiver  of  the  county  of  I'outhieu  for  paynient  to  rSeoffn^j 
<le  JJrenyn^ie,  William  de  Morton,  John  l*aire,  William  <le  Iji  Dime,  Walter 
le  Parker,  William  de  Nasyng  and  Stephen  «Ie  llo  (d'  the  n'spective  wa;;es 
.spe<!itied  in  the  letters  patent  whcre])y  the  kin^  lately  granted  to  them 
certain  olRces  in  Crossy  Forest. 

Licence  for  Joan  dauirhterof  (JervafC  ^\o  (ialpton  to  jirar.t  that  a  moiety  of 
ft  niessua^re  and  three  bovates  c-f  larnl  in  (Ilaptoi:.  h«hl  in  chief,  wh:(di  ni'wv 
tho  death  of  (iervase  detJlnpton  wouM  come?  to  her  and  her  heirs,  '-hall 
remain  to  Jcdni  son  cd'  (ier\  de  (il:iy)tiin.  .Niullt  <'a  his  wile,  and  the  heirs 
of  their  bodi<.'s  or  in  clefault  of  such  to  liis  right  heirs. 

IJy  tinv  of  ';  'iijirk.     Northam))ton. 

(irant  that  the  appointment  by  the  king  of  (iMillVey  h^  Serope,  William  de 
Ilerle,  John  ch»  Cantebrigge,  Jloger  Hillary  ami  IJobert  <l(i  Sadyngton  a.s 
ju.«tices  of  oyer  and  terminer  touching  trespa-si's  com-nitted  by  m«'n  of  th(i 
liberty  (Jjunliuat)  of  the  abbot  of  ltanisi*y  and  any  .--e.^isit^u  held  by  them 
within  the  liberty,  ithall  not  jirejudicj  j  the  rigiit^  of  the  abbot  within  such 
liberty  or  be  drawn  into  a  proccdent.  Uy  C\ 




Nov.  12. 


Oft.  l.*?. 

Oct.  28. 

Nov.  15. 

Nt.v.  1«. 

Nov.  19. 


Nov.  13. 


Nov.  14. 


Nov.  20. 

Nov   20. 


Mtmbrane  12 — coui. 

(*oiilirniati«)!i  to  thi*  brothers  and  .sisters  ol*  the  fraternity  of  the^ild  of  the 
Holy  ('r(»ss,  Stratfi»ril-on-Avon,  of  a  miinbor  of  pant.s  in  mortmain  of  .<inaill 
rcMits  in  Stratford  bv  private  benefactor'^,  whieli  are  not  (hited  or  .set  out  in 

Bv  line  of  i  mark  at  the  instaiiroof  MmMit  Robert  de  Stratford.  Warwick 

Licence  for  thi*  i)rion'>s  and  convent  of  Ilaliwell  to  acquire  in  mortmain 
hmd  and  rent,  not  ht-ld  in  cliief,  to  thi'  yearly  vahi  •  of  lU/.  liy  K. 

Pardon  to  .lolui  son  of  (Jilbcrl  ILereward  of  Liliebuni  of  his  outlawry  for 
non-a])[)earanco  befon*  the  justices  I.jsl  in  ivre  in  the  c*ninty  of  Xoriliamj)ton 
to  answer  touching  the  larceny  of  a'.  \^\'  pet.  of  (\ 

Presentation  of  Laurence  Sober,  pirson  of  tin.'  churcli  of  St.  riement, 
IInstin«xs,  to  tlie  church  of  Si.  (iih.'s,  Winclielse,  in  the  dioecse  of 
Chiehester,  on  an  excliange  of  beni'lic»s  with  Rijlx'rt  atle  Well. 

Inspcx'nnus  and  eonlirmation  of  a  «'hart«.'r,  dated  Tue.Mlay  after  St.  Luke 
tlio  Evauijelist  last  and  witnt!>f^e<l  bv  t'ohn  de  His^!ion.'^don,  kni^^ht,  William 
de  IJruilly  of  Loilyn^^tnn,  Adam  tie  Styvynton,  William  de  Clynlon,  William 
de  Charvndon,  John  He^'elvn  and  others,  beini;  a  ixrant  bv  John,  of 
Winchester,  and  Robert  do  StretCord,  j^arson  of  the  church  ofStretlbrd,  to 
Adam,  bishop  of  Worcester,  and  his  sueresbors  of  ten  selions  of  pasture  in 
Olde  Stretford,  lying  in  Le  Homme,  in  the  lower  furlon^r.  and  extending  to 
Bunshale  meadow  between  a  pasture  of  the  said  Adam  and  om^  of  the  grantors. 

Rv  K. 

Grant,  for  life,  to  (JeolTn'y  de  MildeidiaU',  king's  siMJennt  and  marshal  of 
the  hall,  for  long  and  lau«lable  service  to  Ldward  1.,  Edward  11.,  antl  the 
king,  of  daily  wages  of  \2tL  by  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  waidrobe, 
whether  at  Court  or  away  from  Conrt,  with  n)be'?  such  as  other  sen'ant.s 
of  the  household  receive,  ami  that  he  may  withdraw  from  the  liousehold, 
return  thitlicr  and  take  his  meals  there,  at  will,  as  if  he  were  one  of  the 
servants  of  the  same.  }\y  p.s. 

Licence  for  Nicholas  de  la  ncehe  to  jirant  to  James  Marchant  and  Isabella 
his  wife,  in  fee  tail,  at  a  fi.xed  rcrd.  "00  aei*es  of  nun\sh  ;»nd  lUO  acres  of 
<lemesne  lands,  within  tlie  uiimu"  of  Idenne.  wliieh  he  liehN  of  the  king  at  fee 
farm,  on  conditi«m  that  if  they  die  without  heir  of  tlieir  bodies  the  ]»remises 
revert  to  the  grantor  and  his  heirs.  Thi^^  licence  is  granteil  in  liin  of  one 
granted  0  Noveiuber,  2  Kdward  111.,  for  a  like  grant  of  ;»(H)  acres  of  the 
said  marsh  land  to  William  de  Pisenden  and  Juliana,  his  wife  which  they 
have  not  cared  to  take. 

Changed  because  sealed  at  another  time  by  line  of  20^. 

Licence,  at  the  request  of  AVilliam  Trnssel,  for  llie  abbot  ami  convent  of 
Dorchestre  to  ae(piire  in  mortmain  land  and  rent,  not  hehl  in  chief,  to  the 
y(*arly  value  of  10/.  By  p.s. 

Vacdtvil  !hc<iusv  surnudercd  tts  fulli/  satisfml  27  Ju*k.  16  liirhttnl  IL 

Robert,  abbot  of  Lire,  staying  beyond  seas,  ha.-^  Icitrr.-?  nominating  Peter 

le  Seneschal  and  Wiiliam  de  Vinea  his  attorneys  in  England  for  five  years. 

Byline  of  40*.  his  predecessor  in  4  Kdwanl    111.  made  tine  by 

40jp.  because  his  jiredeces-sor  at  another  time  made  fmc  by  5  marks  for 

.such  letters    for  live  years  wlu'reof  fonr  vears  were    tfien  to  come. 


Protection  with  clause  mtjamu^,  for  two  vears,  I'or  tin*  master  nnd  brethren 
of  the  hosi>ital  id*  the  IIolv  (Ihost,  in  tin*  dioeese  (»l'  Vi\ieis,  and  their 
attorncy.s,  e<»llecting  alms  in  the  ehnrehes. 

Nov.  6 


Mhmuranh  11. 

Panlon  to  Richard  de  UcNt-rleye  of  hisontlawry  for  non-appearance  before 
OliNcr  de  Ingham  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  oyer  and  tenuiuer  in  the  city  of 

Xov.  17. 


6  KDWARD  HI.— Part  III.  217 

J332^  Mvnihraiu  II — cont. 

Loniloii,  to  answer  touoliiii*^  tlio  n'li  iviii*^  of  two  Iior.-'Ci  ol  tlie  ahbot  of  St. 
Kdinmuls,  knowiiiir  tlioin  to  \v\\v  h<H'!i  stnleii.  ]>v  ju't.  of  C\ 

I'nnlon  to  .Juliii  «[•»  Bii*.t»):i,  kiiii^lil,  for  t.'iking  in  i\\f*  kind's  frt-.;  chicc  of 

Kyniroswocl '  six  bucks  jin«l  six  do/s,  ciitliirjj  down  iw«*ntvor  tiio  kinir's  o.'iks 

there  nnd  t*:irr\in;j:  awav  t!i  •  dc«'r  and  Iium'^,  wln!r«.'of  Im;  hii-^  Ix.Tn  indicfod 

•  •      • 

before    Robert    di*  A-;p;de,    William  Tr.iey   anil    HobiTt   d"    Aston,  jnsti<'es 

njipuinted  to  Lear  and  delcnnine  tn'<j)ass«'>  of  vert  an<i  venison  in   the  .s-iid 

chaee.  i^v  K. 

Nov.  17.  (irant  to  Wiliiani  do  15  dinn,  the  kini^'s  kinsman,  towards  hii  sustenain-e  in 

\Vi!jd.v)r.  the  kinir'.s  «;erviri',  of  lhet.)wn  of  !Jasvn'_r.-tok;%  eo.  8ontha!nptvDn,  and  20/.  of 
rent  payable  by  the  })nor  of  H;Uh  ont  of  tlie  li.irton  there,  late  of  Kdinnnd, 
earl  of  Kent,  tenant  in  ehit-l,  to  hold  during  th«'  minority  of  John  or  other  heir 
of  the  earl.  Uv  K.  e.nd  bill  ol'the  Treasurer. 

Writs  <l('  iaiiiuli lidn^  in  pursuance  directol  to  the  prior  of  Hath  and  the 
bail  ills  and  j^ood  men  of  JJasingstoke, 

Nov.  12.  Pardon,    witli  the  Jissent  of   Parliainen^,   to  llibert   (h?  Mortcvn    of  the 

Wiu'l-'M-.      reeoifnis'nu'c*  in  20/.  whcn.Mn  he  bi'caine  bDind  !».-  o.-di»r  of  th"  eouneil  on 

snbniittinj^  himself  to  the  kin;»\s  will  after  ihe  n*beHi'»n  at  Ri-dford.  I>y  p..^. 
Writ  to  the  treasurer  and  baron-  of  the  Kxcheipier  to  stay  jiroeeedings 

coninienee<i  by  thi^in  to  rt-eoviir  tla?  penalty  ot'tli«'<:ud  recoi^nisanee. 

John  d-.*  Tliorp",  clerk,  .lioinic  to  Ireland  on  th-  king's  s>Tvie»-,  ha-^  l«'tter& 
niinatin^r  William  d»'  15"ltoft  an<l   William  tl-  K-dleseye  his  attorneys  in 
En«rhunl  for  <inr  vear. 

Notification,  by  way  of  indi-mnity  for  the  merchants  of  the  Hoeiety  of  tlh* 
15ar«li  of  Florenee,  to  whom  the  late  kini;  and  tlie  king  have  at  divers  time.s 
i;rantetl  sums  of  monev  inconsid'Tation  of  losses  sustained  by  them  in  respect 
of  money  lentto  the  laleking,  and  also  of  ])ayments  madeat  the  recpieM  of  the. 
saifl  king  and  the  king  for  the  business  of  tin'  realm  at  the  eourt  of  Honn* 
and  elsewhere  beyond  the  s«'as  and  for  the*  wardrohe,  that  all  snelisunis  have, 
been  fn*e  gifts  to  the  said  ni'-rehants.  Jiy  K. 

I'ttvatid  hcnufst'  othcrwisr  Ik  low. 

(Jrant  lo  Master  Thomas  d.«  (J  irton,  king's  eh'rk,  ot  the  marriage  of  J(dm 
.von  and  heir  of  John  <le  Khoraen,  t-riant  in  rhi«-f  ofthe  bite  kinjr.  If  lie  di*; 
under  ajjre  an<l  unmarried,  the  i^rant  is  to  hold  iiood  from  hfir  to  ln*ir  until 
the  .said  Thomas  obtain  the  marriage  of  one  of  them. 

J5y  bill  of  the  'I'reasurer  and  fnie  of  lO  n;arks.     Cambridge. 

Grant  to  Simon  Fhnid).ard,  king's  clerk,  of  the  prebend   of  liacolvc>londe, 
the  church  of  St.  Paul,  Lonclon,  in  the  kingV  gift  l»y  reason  of  voidanee 
of  the  .see  in  the  time  rd'  Knward  1.  ]Jy  p.s. 

Mandate  in  pursuance  to  S.  bishop  of  London. 

Nov. (J.  (\mfirniation  (»f  grants  by  John  do  D.igireworth  to   lli^aer  de  Ik'defehl, 

Marlborough,    for  life,  i>f  a   fourth   part  of  tin;  serji-ardy  of  the  Cutumon  IJentdi,  with  its 

apj.e.irienanecs    and    profits,  of    anolher   fom'th  p:irt    thireof    which   John 

le  Wanhs  deoeasi'd,  hjM  of    the  grantor,  and   of  the  puw«-r  to  appoint   fit 

seijfant.s  to  serve  in  his  plai-e.  \\\  line  of  I  mark.     Kssex. 

Nov.  20.  Appointment  of  Margaret,  late  Ihe  wife  of  I'Mmund,  earl  of  Kent,  tenant 

(iiiililfonl.      in  chief,  to  tlu'  custody,  during  minority  of  the  heir,  of  the  luaises  hehl  l»y 

the  earl  al  his  drath  in  the  town  of  We-'tiiiin^ler,  fur  her  to  stay  therein  at 

her  will.  Wy  K.  A:  (\ 

Nov.  18.  Pardon  to  Uiehanl  <le  Langele,  king's  yiMunan,  for  Sv.'rviee   to  the   king 

Wavcrley.      from  his  infantry  anil  for  great  e.Kpjnses  incm'red  in  such  .service,  for  which 

he   has   not   received  wages  or  remuneration,  of  21/.   lUv.  7.W/.,  Jtic  for 

arrears  on   hi?  account  Jis  a   purv<;yor  for  i\\o.  hou.sehold   before  the  king 

u.s.sunietl  the  gov«'rnane<.'  of  tlie  realm.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  14. 
Winilsnr.       nonii 

Nov.  20. 

Nov.  18. 


Nov.  20. 

Alton.         in 


13*)1.  Mirnhrttne  11 — vont. 

Nov.  20.  Pjinlnii  to  Willinm  0«lo  of  his  (.uilhiwry  in  llio  ronnty  of  Soutbaniptoii  for 

Wliul-jor.  noii-aiijit'urfuicc  Ircfim*  tlic  kinir  t«»  answer  Inin-liinu,-  ji  plea  of  trespass  of 
Xiii'ola-  »li'  Iloirliti*!!  airainst  him,  Jolin  (lo.k'l'n-v.  John  «lc  Wutli'lmv'  nnd 
..It)lni  iwUi  (..'hiiifhi',  on  acronnt  of  which  oiithiwry  he  is  nf>w  imprisoned  in 
the  marslial^ca  <if  the  Kin«x'<  IJcncli  i\<  appi-ar*  hy  a  cerlilicalo  of  Cieolfroy 
k'  Si'ripe,  chill' justicr*. 

Nov.  20.  Grant    to  L<'onanl  do  Tyl-crti^,  prior  of  tin'   Hospital  of  St.  .lohn  of 

(;ui!ilt'(»nl.  ,Jirii*«ah'ni  in  Kni»land,  who  has  the  ov(.'rsiiiht  of  all  the  honscs  ami  bretlnvn 
of  the  order  as  well  in  S<'oilan<l  as  in  Wales  and  England  for  whieh 
reti>(»n  he  is  nnahle  to  ntt»n<l  in  person  to  niattcrr?  afteetin;;  the  Hospital  as 
wonld  hi'  fxpi'ditMit,  that  Simon  Fauconer,  one  of  the  brethren,  and 
Thomas  do  (.'olhmn  wh(»m  he  ha**  attorned  in  the  lvin«x's  ]iench  to  net  for 
him  ii'i  all  courts  in  I'-ngland  shall  have  power  to  appoint  for  the  prior  other 
at  torn  CVS  for  two  vear>. 

Nov.  2.*^.  Lieeneo  for  Kmn\'i  lule  the  wife  of  IJobert  de  ^[onto  Alto  at  her  will  to 

M<itti-font.     jirant  to  rjucen  Isabella  all  the  eastles,  towns,  manors,  and  lands  held  liy 

her,    for   lif",  ^vhioh,  bv   lines  h'vi'^d  with  the  kinix's  licence,  are   at  her 

death  tj  remani  to  tli'»  said  (pieen  f«>r  her  life.  liy  p.s. 

Nov.  2().  Xtilification,  bv  wav  ii.demnitv  for  the  m«'rchjint3  of  tin*  societv  of  the 

(juihlforil.  JrJardi  (»f  I'lorenee.  who  have  h»n;j:  freed v  .starved  th»?  late  kinij  and  the  kinj; 
snpplyin«r  them  with  money  l\)r  the  furtheranee  of  nrgent  aifairs  as  well  in 
France,  the  e<r.rt  of  Koine  ;ind  el.-ewh.*n'  lu'vontl  thest\-is  as  in  Fnj'Iand,  and 
d(diverin^  in  the  wardrobe  cloths  of  wool  ami  silk,  and  other  things,  and  to 
whom  the  said  kinir-=  have  'granted  divcr<  sums  of  nionev  in  con^iileration  of 
great  losses  su>iaine»l  by  tlu*  merchants  on  account  of  failure  to  repay  such 
money  at  th*-  appointc«lday  and  in  purveying  as  aforesaid,  that  these  sums  of 
monev  have  beon  gifts  ma<le  of  mere  liberalitv  and  that  the  said  merchants 
arc  <piil  in  rc<pj-ct  thereof.  By  K. 

N<jv.  I.  Licence  for   the  alienation  in  mortnmin  bv  (lilbert   (iv»  J>erc\vvk  of  a 

>hiilhor(mjili.  nie>suag«'  and  a  carucate  of  land   in  ^lonrken  Wynterburne  to  a  cha]>lain 

to  celeiuale  di\ine  s<»rviee  dail\  in  the   church  of  St.  Nicholas,  lierewvk 

IJajset,  for   the   >unls  (d'  the  king's  anccsletrs,  the  sai<I   (iilbert  and  his 

anci'slors.  By  p.s, 

Nov.  28.  Protection  with   cla.ise  Hn!u}nns,  for  one  year,  for  .lohn  le  Hayward  of 

Alton.        ITarewcll. 

Nov.  24.  Protection   with    clau-e    vahtmvfi^   until    Ea«ter,   for    Jcdm,    bishop    of 

Alton.         Winchester,  the  chancellor,  going  bevi>inl  sras  on  the  king's  service. 


Nov.  28.  The  said  bishop  has  letters  nominating  ]VLi«!er  Robert  de  Stratford  and 

Ahon.         Thoma'<  <le  Eve^haiii  his  attormys  in  England  until  the  >aid  fea.^t. 

Protection  with  clause  vnlumufi  a:s  above  IVn*  ^Master  John  de  Shordich 
going  with  the  said  bishop  on  the  king's  service. 

15y  testimony  of  the  bishop. 
The  lik(»  for  the  followitig  aNo  g(»ing : — 

Alexamhu"  »ie  Stratford, 

At  lam  Sa!i\ag«*. 

John  de  Fcrlcshide,  ]>ar>un  of  the  chun-h  of  C)verton. 

John  de  llonnrsworth. 

John  tie  Samlhirst. 

.lohn  Sanntere. 

Williatn  tlr  Uptt»n. 

Ma>tt*r  L'ithard  df  Chadi'e>le,  parM)n  ol  tlie  church  of  Kemcsoye 

(irollVt'V  lloLihles. 

John  Lacv. 

John  do  Ksebonrn. 

o  EDWARD  III.— VviiT  TIL  219 

1331.  Memiihase  U). 

Nov.  lo.  Inspcvimus  rmd   latidcition   oi    Idtirs    iijitcnt    \  in   Fnnc-li]    nf  Cu-ranl 

Windsor.  Di)riiiii,  smcschiil  <»{'  I^onthioii,  uiulcr  {\w.  simI  ol'  tin-  Cfoinitv  i>f'  IVuilliicu, 
rl}it(.Ml  lU  St'i)t«'nil>cr  lo.'Jl,  rccitin*^  (liMt  the  Imspiial  of  ('ri>»'.'  roiiudcMl  lor 
the  rrlicf  of  poor  sininT<  hy  the?  coiiiii  nC  iV»nliiiiMi  ami  \\U  ancestors  i^  at 
the  piT'si'Ut  tiiiii;  nnicli  dccaycMl  1»<(.';;n.-t.'  of  dclVrtive  ;i;uvcriinirnf,  ami 
apnointin;^  William  do  JJordriric  as  k'-cpj-r  and  :^o\criior  tluTcot*,  for  lit'i*. 

\\\  K. 
Nov.  \{).  (imiit,  at  the  nM|iicM  ol"  Master  K(»l.orl  dc  Stratloi'il,  kin;L;'s  oluvk,  to  the 

Guililford.      baililVs  and  good  men  ol'  Stratl'ord-on-Avon  of  pavairc  lor  four  }'ear.s. 

liy  K. 

Nov.  12.  ^landatc  to  the  steward   inid  marshals  of  the  lioii<ehold — on  pi^tition  to 

Windsor,  the  kiuir  and  conncil  of  the  men  of  tin-  tovrn  c>f  W«stniinstor  shewing  that 
whereas  in  tlio  time  ol'  former  kinirs  tlie  .servants  of  tlie  liousehold  in  taking 
livery  Irom  tlieir  (hvellini;'  lion?es  an<l  houses  wen?  wont  to  charge  the  same 
areordinjjj  to  the  as8<'psment  {iwhjaif'utm )  of  the  said  houses,  the  men  of 
tlie  present  kinjx's  hou^^dlold,  not  havini^  nsp^^rt  unto  the  premises,  charge 
sonn*  of  their  dwelling  hou?<;s  which  u.-ed  to  he  cIiar<i[od  N\ith  a  servant  of 
the  oiliee,  t\vo  «rrooms  an  I  two  h:»rses  oidv,  with  >ix  or  si'V(  n  Iiorsos  a^rainst 
th(»  will  of  the  owners,  and  make  liverv  in  taverns  where  sucli  lias  not 
hitheito  luM-n  wont  to  he  made,  andol'ten  expel  the  said  men  of  Westminster, 
their  families  and  their  tenants  trom  their  houses  :!nd  shiop<,  not  sufl't-ring 
them  to  lodge  in  their  own  houses,  break  (.pen  doois  and  windows  of 
such  hou.fes  and  olherv/ise  annov  tlieni — tliat  ihev  are  to  hav<'  con- 
sideration  to  the  number,  tpiantity  and  quality  ol*  tin-  hon<es  of  the  said 
petili(mers  and  to  the  liv«*ry  whi^-h  lias  ol'  old  been  made  in  them,  and  arc 
not  to  charge  tlurm  beyontl  the  rati*  of  their  estate  but  arc  to  sutler  the  men, 
their  families  and  tenants  to  have  their  easements  in  their  hons«s. 

liy  pet.  of  C. 

Nov.  15.  Grant  to  William  IJaeoun,  in  consideration  of  his  leuLrthv  service  to  tlio 

Wind^o^.  late  king,  and  in  enlargement  of  the  late  grant  to  him  by  letters  patent  of 
lands  in  the  towns  of  Nateby,  ()u(rt<»n,  Wynton,  Ivokeby,  ( 'rakenihorpe  and 
the  handet  «»r  Slegil,  eo.  \Vestm<treland,  with  a  lee  farm  and  lands  in  the 
hamlets  of  Carleton  and  'rhornheved,  co.  C'umlxrlantl,  escheats  to  the  hitc 
kinirby  the  rebellion  of  Andrew  d«'  Ilanla,  to  hold  Tor  life  bv  extents  made 
thereof,  le^s  (>().?.  to  bcalhiwetl  him  out  of  the  same  extents  at  tlie  Kxehecjuer, 
that  lie  shall  hold  X'uv.  premise.-:  rent  free.  Wy  pet.  of  C. 

Nov.  13.  Vardon  to  Thomas  de  Ksthalle,  in  (."onsiibMation  of  his  laudable  scrNiee  to 

Windsor.  the  late  king  as  chamberlain  of  N'orth  Wales,  ami  on  proof  that  the  letters, 
rolls,  tallies  and  other  nuinimi'i.ts  and  memor:mda  relating  to  his  accounts 
as  chamberlain  have  accidentally  bc;cn  burm-d.  and  also  of  the  fact  that  he 
is  now  and  has  long  luen  in  prison  by  occasion  of  the  said  accounts,  of  all 
the  accounts  due  from  him  as  aforesiid.  By  pet.  of  C. 

Nov.  20.  Appointment  of  Thomas  <le  Loutlu',  for  service   to  the  king   in  England 

Ciuildfonl.      and   in  Ireland,  to  the  cnsto<ly  of  tlu*   manor  of  KalK-h*,  co.  IJerks,  during 

the  minority  of  Thomas  son  and  heir  of  Kichard  de  JVdhampton,  tenant  in 

chief,  with  the  marriagt*  of  the  snid  heir,  \\y  K.  A:  C. 

Nov.  21.  (Jrant   to  Nicholas  ^laol,  for  seivice  to  the  lat«;  king  and  the  king,  of  the 

Chawton.      custo<lv  of  the  m<adows  in  Wod-stok  jiark,  during  pUa^ure. 

I5y  p.s.  [:>()2r>.] 
Mandate  in  pursuance  to  tlie  keeper  (»f  the  manor  and  park  of  Wodestok. 

Nov.  14.  Pardon  to  Thoma>  le  Hlount  for   the  ra|>c  of  Kli/abeth   late  th«'  wife  of 

Win<lsor.       l{og»r    de    Kirkeby,  where<»f  he    was    lately    inclicbul    before    William    de 

(Mynton  and  his  fellows,  justices  of  t»y«r  ami    terminer   in   tlie  county  of 

Kent  ;  grante<l  at  the  reipiest  of  Hugh  Daudele  ami  on  proof  that  the  said 

Elizabeth  hits  made  a  release  of  all  h««r  aeti<^n  against  him  for  the  same. 

By  p.s. 


1331.  Memhrunc  U)—cn/if, 

Xt)v.  24.  Arn(»l«l  il»*  Tillio,  p.irson  of  tli.'  cluiivh    ul'  Ekvn^lon,  going  boyoml  tlio 

Alton.  seas,  li:is  letter^  iioiniuatiii;^  KiclKinl  dr  Weston  h\<  attorney  in  Englaiui  for 
ono  vfiir. 

Xov.  l.'J/         Panlon  to  Alice  dc  Drovs,  out  ol'  coni|»as>ion  for  lnT  ^tate  now  broken 

WiiuU  >r.      by  a;;.',   for  bi'» 'akin ix  |)rison  at    Oxl'onl   in  llii*  linn' of  iho  late  kir»<r,  when 

(Iclainril  tluTO   at    tin-    suit   of  \ViIli:ii;i  de   JJorefonl,    and   of   any    Avaivor 

c'onsf'(juenl  tlicri'on.  IJy  p.s. 

Nov.  2.J.  Ivovoi-aiion  of  tln^  Into  ^^rant  to  I^obert  do  Ijaumburirh  of  tho  ollic  •  of  tla^ 

Alton.  (jUiiyni^ij  in  tlift  town  of  Si-ardcbur^li,  a?  it  appears  to  the  king  and  council 
that  the  tpiayaii;*'  shouM  Ikj  coll-.*ct»'d  by  iiiph  of  the  town  and  not  by 

Nov.  2S.  Kxeinplitlcation   of  h-ttcrs  pnlcnt,  dated  3   May,  8  Edward  II.,  which 

Wincliostor.    liavc  bet'n  accidrntallv  h)>*t,  b(?in«jr  a  trnint  to  Kobcrt  dc  Swvnebourn,  in  fee, 
of  the  manor  of  Knarrsdali'  within  '1  ymlide  lilwrty. 

Nov.  24.         Pr<»tection  and  safe  conduct,  during  plca.-^in-c,  for  Peter  Tleyncri,  one  of 
Alton.         the  king's?  houseliold,  sent  beyond  the  scan  to  further  his  alfair^. 

Nov.  20.         Licence  for  the  ahbot  and  convimt  of  Everfhani  to  grant  to  Master  Thomas 
Alton.        de  A.steleye,  king's  ch'rk.200  marks  of  n-nt  (mt  of  the  manor  of  Ombresleye, 
which  is  said  t(»  i)e  held  in  cliicf.  to  be  received  for  his  life  into  whose  soever 
hands  the  >aid  manor  mav  come. 

Nov.  10.         Notification  that  in  Hilary  Term, 4  Edward  III., the  king  by  judgment  of 

Alton.         the  court  of  King's  l>ench  recovered  asainst  AVilliam,  archbi>liop  of  York, 

tlie  presentation  to  the  prebend  of  Stransalc  in   the  ehurch  of  St.  Peter, 

York.  By  p.s. 

MlCMJlHAXK  1). 

Oct.  2o. 

Kxcnipliileation,  at  the  rctpiest  of  Waher  P>rusel)on,  of  letters  patent 
dated  0  June,  12  Ed.vard  11.  which  have  been  aeeidentalU'  lost,  bein«j  a 
pardon  to  him  for  bnsaking  prison  at  Drogheda  Castle  '.vhca  detained  there 
for  the  death  of  IJichard  (Jernoun. 

Nov.  5.  Appointment,  during   pleasure,   of  Anthony   de  Lucy,  the  justiciary  of 

liunji:iTfonl.    Ireland,  to   kccj)  the  peace  in  that  land  with  the  adviee  of  the  chancellor, 

the  treasurer,  and  others  of  ihe  council,  in  the  absence  of  William  de  Ihirgh, 

earl    of  Tlster,  lately  appointed   to   keei>  the   ."iame,  whom   the  king   has 

summoned  to  him  in  England.  By  K.  Si  L\ 

Writ  of  aid  for  him  in  Ireland. 

Power  to  the  .said  Anthony,  with  the  like  advice,  to  grant  in  the  king's 
name,  by  letters  patent  under  tin*  seal  of  Ireland,  custotlies  and  Avardshij)s  of 
the  yearly  value  of  20/.  and  un.Ier  to  such  as  do  goinl  service  for  the  king 
in  that  land.  By  K.  «fc  C  . 

Power  to  him  i<)  n^lain  a>  many  men-at-arms  as  liy  the  like  adviee  shall 
appear  to  be  n^cpiired  for  the  defence  of  the  land. 

Mamlati'  to  the  treasurer  and  ehamberlains  of  the  Exchequer  of  Dublin 
to  f)ay  the  wag»:s  nl"  tin  se  men-at-arms  as  directed  in  a  writ  enrolled  on  the  lioll  undi-r  the  fsanw*  date. 

Nov.  5.  Power   for  him  to  rcei'ivi>  int«j  the  king's  j>eace  all  j)ei.-ons,  English  and 

Ilungcri'ord.    Irish   alike,  n»)W  in  rehelliou  againsl    him,  and  to  grant  general  pardons  to 
them,  with  tin;  advice  of  the  chancellor  antl  the  treasurer  of  Irelaml. 

By  K.  ."t  C. 

Mandate  to  the  chancellor  of  Irelaml  to  make  out  grauti^  of  panlon 
on  the  siguilication  of  the  justiciary. 

o  KIAVAKI)  III— Paim   Iir.  221 

Nov.  7.  Marnlate  to  tlic  jiistirifiry  nml  tlio.  cliancellor  ol'  Inljiinl,  with  such  of  the 

Huiif.M'rfnnl.  council  there  as  they  shall  associatfi  with  thcin-^oK'.'s  for  tho  purpose,  to 
sui)er\is»»  iho  static  of  the  KxcheipKr  ninl  the  Trejisiiry  of  Dublin,  twico  iu 
rac.h  yonr,  namely,  after  tlie  ivnaiii  cif  Michaelmas  and  Kastor,  and  to  correct 
any  ih'fecls  which  thoy  may  iind  therein  ;  and  writ  tie  infiudviulo  for  them 
in  executin:^  tills  mandate,  directeil  to  the?  treasurer,  Ijarons  and  chamlMT- 
lains  of  the  said  Kxchenuer.  l>y  K.  <S:  C 

Nov.  24.         I'n»tcction  ami  safe  conduct,  until   Michaelmas,  lor  Leonard  de  Tihertis, 
Alton.        prior  of  tlie  Ifosjjital  of  St.  John  of  .Jerusalem  in  Kn^rland  and  deputy  cliief 
master  inScotlniuI  and  Ireland,  makini;  a  visitation  of  the  priories  and  phices 
of  tlu;  lloppital  in  Scoihmd,  and  his  housohoM. 

Nov.  2().  As-Ji^nment  to  ^fatilda  de  Pirve,  sometime  nurse  of  John  de  Kltham  and  Joan, 
Alton.  Iho  kind's  !)rother  nnd  sifter,  and  Joan  <le  Hoy.s  hit.(^  nurse  (»f  Eleanor,  hie  other 
sister,  with  the  consent  of  the  said  Matilda  ami  Joan,  juulin  place  of  tlie  30/. 
yearly  at  the*  Kxche<|uer  which  the  kin;j  had  j^rantod  to  ea<'h  of  them,  for  h'fe, 
of  tho  farm  of  *M\L  paid  yearly  hy  the  citizens  of  Chichester,  an  esclieat  by 
the  forfeiture  of  E(hnund,  earl  of  Kent,  to  hold  durini»  minority  of  doim  son 
and  heir  of  the  said  earl.  I5v  hill  of  the  Treasurer. 

Writ  dv  intouhndu  for  them,  dircctod  to  the  citizens  of  Chichester. 

Nov.  30.  Presentation  of  David  de  "Wollouro  to  the  church  of  Knaresdale,  in  tho 

(larotdcm.     diocese  of  Durlumi. 

Nov.  2S.  Grant  to  .Fohn  de  Jlurcs — in  satisfaction  of  a  balance  of  0.*>/.  Gs,  Hd. 

Alton.  rem:iinin<;  unpai<l  out  of  lOG/.  il\s.  id,,  Avlurein  th(;  late  kinj^  was  hound 
unto  him  to  make  ^"^ood  the  value  of  of  himself  and  liis  .squires, 
lost  in  the  said  kind's  service  at  Stryvelin,  idloweil  by  mandate  under  tho 
]>riv3'  seal  on  21  flune,  7  Edwnrd  II.,  as  iij»p<':M*rf  by  a  bill  under  the  scjd  of 
Jgclard  d(?  VVarle,  then  keeper  of  the  wardrobe,  surrendeii'd  in  the  Treasury, 
of  which  sum  the  kin^  has  caused  l.'J/.  (J.v.  Hd,  to  be  delivered  to  him  from 
the  Trca.-ury — of  the  yearly  faim  of  S/.  pnid  for  the  mfnior  of  Iden,  which 
is  of  the  iidieritancc*  of  John  .son  and  heir  of  Kdmund  earl  of  Kent,  tenant 
in  chief,  to  hold  durin;r  the  minority  of  J^uch  hi'ir  <r,  in  the  event  <»f  his 
dtrath  umlcr  a^c,  until  the  day  whereon  he  would  have  attained  his  majority. 

Bv  bill  of  the  Treasun^r. 
Wi-it  d(.'  iiifoidnidti  for  him,  directed  to  Nicholas  do  la  Heche,  who  holds 
the  fniin  at  fee  farm. 

Nov.  2(>.  Pardon   to  John  do  Oxonia  of  Lontlon,  *  vincter,'   for  ac(|uirin,«jj  in  fee 

Alton.         from  John   de  JFarh'ston  a   me»;sua^e   in  the  town   of  \Vestmin.«ter,  lurid  in 

chief,  and  entering  thereon  without   liceiiee  :  and  restitution  of  tin*  same  to 

him.  Hy  line  of  1  mark.     Middlesex. 

Nov.  28.  Licence  for  the  alienation   in   mortmain  by  iruirh  <le  "Redvn<^es   to  tho 

AVinehtstcr.  abbot  and  convent  of  liedynjres  of  three  mcst:ua^a*s,  210  acre's  of  land, 
10  acres  of  meadow,  .*'»  acres  of  pasture,  40  acres  cd*  wood,  and  l().v.  of  rent, 
in  Millcshop,  Leominstre,  TiUston,  Purtleton,  Stokton,  Stoke,  Ivynton 
and  La  Ilulle,  to  find  two  chaplains  to  ceh^brate  divine  service  daily  in 
their  eonvc  iit  churcli,  according  to  the  appointment  of  the  i^^nmtor. 

By  Hue  of  5  marks.     Hereford. 

Nov.  28.  Pardon   to  Holxfrt   Ic  Veel  of  Frosini^feld  for  the  death  of  J(dm  son  of 

AVinchcstcr.    Oliver  dc  Pethaijh,  as  it  appears  by  the  record  of  (h-olTrey  Ic  Scrope  and 

his  fellows,  justices  of  the  Kind's  Hench,  that  ho  killed  inm  in  self  defence. 

Nov.  20. 

Alton.         thf 

Pardon  to  Ifufrh  son  of  David  de  Ksshcby  in  Luytr»n  of  his  outlawry  in 
'  co'inty  of  N«M!hampton  for  non-aijpcarnnce  before.  (ieolTr<*v  le  Scrope 
and  his  fellows,  justicc^s  lately  in  eyre  in  that  county,  to  answer  touchinr^ 
the  larceny  of  four  oxen.  By  K. 


1331.  MKM/iR.tXF.    8. 

(h'\.  l<i.  Li<M'in'^'   i'f\    xhr  ali«"M:i!i<m   in   inorrinaiii   by  liolicrt   <lo  Wiilkotbiv  of  00 

■\y«*?in:;.^».r.  nM'i-;  *;!*  Imm'I  in  (Ir.-iit  llyliiii'iili,  co.  Noifulk.  to  a  (;Ii!i;)!ain  to  cc'lehrnte 
(li\iiio  sc!\ir<-  iniJi.;*!  l{\l)ui«^h  (rhun.'li  ;  ot' (jU  afro-;  in  In«;al>t1iOrpe  to  a 
.-•('(■njul  to  ci-hhniti'  ilix  irn*  !»(ivii.'i»  in  IiiLiJil^tlKH'jx*  rliiin-!i  Jind  of  (50  acres 
in  Nilliaiii.  t«;  a  third  to  (•.!«. brau*  «liviih'  mtvici-  in  Isillnim  church,  ilailv, 
for  thi-  -oiil  of  lilt'  kiiiif  alu-r  ilralh,  uiA  I'ur  ihcj  jfouls  of  Iiis  pro^^eniiors, 
\i\i\*f<  of  Kni^laiiil,  an«l  ol'thi.'  said  Uj)hrrt,  and  Margaret  hi.s  wife.       Hy  p.s. 

\ov.  20.  Panlon   to  Thomas  t\o.  INthalli*,  on   his  petition   showin;;  that   some;   of 

(J  ill«]i'.'nl.  (ho  acconnt-r  dii.*  from  liiin  for  tlic  tinn*  when  ho  was  cuaniherhun  of  tho 
hue  kinir  in  Xurih  Waits  have  not  yet  hinm  rt'nd:'n*(l  at  the  Exchequer, 
nn<l  that,  inasnnich  a*»  the  r.»lls.  tallies,  and  other  nieintn-anda  rehitin^:  to 
the  sann*  have  been  ac«-i(h»ntallv  burm-d  throniih  no  fanlt  of  his,  he  has  no 
voni'lii  IS  to  produce  to  ijiable  liini  to  pass  sni*h  account^,  and  in  considera- 
tion of  thr  In'.i'^  d<*lention  in  pri>on  which  he  lias  nrnlergone  because  of  the 
Tnissinif  a<*<-ounts,  of  his  depressed  rslate  and  of  his  long  service  to  the  lato 
kin;j:  prior  to  that  tinu*,  of  all  smrh  aeeonnts  as  he  onijht  to  render,  with  all 
arrears,  as  well  as  of  tlu^  inij)ri.sonnient  and  whatever  else  pertains  to  the 
kini^  by  rea^ion  of  the  >ame.  By  K.  and  pet.  of  V. 

Dee.  ',],  Notllieation  that,  by  tlu'  transcript  of  a  foot  of  a  line  levied  in  the  court 

(■lan-iK'ntii.  of  Cnmmoii  iJeiieb,  IS  lOlward  II.,  which  tlu»  kinjx  has  had  brought  before 
him  in  theChanetrv,  it  an|)cnrs  that  John  Tveot  ni"kn«»wle«liied  the.idvowson 
of  the  church  of  Ilcvdi-n  to  Ih?  the  riixht  of  William  do  Clvf. 

Dee.  .*».  Writ  <»f  aid  until  Ka«-tir,  for  llichanl  dr  I'odeidiale,  appointed  a  purveyor 

(laniulon.      (qi-  the  hoiiM'hold  of  cjUien  riillipiui.     Jiy  bill  of  the  treasurer  of  the  ipicen. 

The  like  for  the  fc»llowini(  purveyor.'? : — 
John  de  Mellord. 
William  de  Cornewaiile. 
Hemy  le  C'ouper. 
Thomas  de  Tetreburv. 
.bihii  de  Kenvnaton. 
Hol.H'rt  Aubvn. 

Nov.  30.  rJrant  to  Kdwanl  de  lii»hun,  the  kind's  kinsman,  of  farms  of  ol/.  paid  by 

(•JMrirKloii.  tin*  bivhoj)  of  IJath  for  the  manors  of  C^>n^rosbury,  Cheddre  and  Ax(!bri<jjre, 
eo.  Sonicrx't ;  oO/.  paid  by  the  burices^esi  of  (irynnncsby  ;  30/.  paid  by  the 
abbot  of  ('iren»H.-^tre  for  the  t(»wn  of  C.'irc*ne«'stre  and  seven  hundreds  theixs; 
IH/.  113*.  b/.  paid  by  the  abb{)t  of  ('ly\e  for  the  manor  of  J>rampton ;  1(5/. 
j»aid  by  Ko^cr  ch*  Oriuoby  for  the  man«ir  of  (^rnusby,  and  30/.  [myablo 
(Alt  (»f  tin?  i>.-ui\s  of  the  conntyof  Kent  ;  now  in  the  kini^'s  haiuls  by  reason 
of  the  minority  of  John  son  an<l  heir  of  Ivlmund,  carl  of  Kent,  tenant  in 
cliirf,  to  hold  toward.s  bis  .su.stennnee  durin<r  minority  of  the  heir,  unless  the 
kin.12:  shall  ill  the  mi-aiitime  provide  him  and  the  heirs  of  his  body  with  2(K) 
marks  of  land  and  rent.  By  K, 

Writ  tlv  iitti mh  ftil't  in  pursuance,  direetetl  to  K.  bishop  of  ijath. 

The  like  to  the  rollowinir: — 
The  burire.->es  j>f  (Irvmmesby. 
Tlu?  :d»bot  of  rin  neester. 
The  abbot  ()f  CI  we. 
IJoiier  de  Ormc-^Nby. 

Di'c   2.  Lie«MH'e  b-r  rlolpi  de  Wolverton  the  elder  ti>  irratit  to  .Fohn  de  "Wolverton  1 

(■!:iiv!nlnn.     tlu'  vonm:«M- ainl  -ba".  'lijr  wife,  in  tail  !«ial<\  the  manor  <jf  Wvke  llamund, 

lu'ld    in  eliii'l".      In  Jefaull   of  :iiv;li  i>sue,  tin*   manor  is   to  revert   to   tho  * 

i;rantor  an«l  his  iieirs.  ]>y  line  of  OO.v.     Northampton, 

Dee.  (>.  I'ariliiii  to   tlu    ni.-n  and   it  nant**  of  Ti'inrbot ill,  eo.  Northumberland,  on 

ClurciMlnn.      prtitiun  to  the  kiuir  anil  rouneil  .-hewinir  that  certain  lands  which  ihev  hold  ; 

ol'  tho  kin*:;  by  thu  lent  of  1</,  an  acre  have  been  laid  ciitirely  waste  by  forays 


r>  KDWAltP  HI,— I'Aitr  III. 

^fnlllmmr  ti~-ro„t. 

nr  iIk'  Si-oU sinii-  ilii'  tviir  l.t'^iiii,  «)'  i>ll iinxiirs of  tiiu  --:ti'1  rMit  <1iio frtiin  Ihcm 

t..  ll.r  kiuf:  i»-  !ii.^  |.n>K'-'i '""■''  ill  «-|"-''t  "'■  i'll  -''"■I'  '"".Is  iH  (lii-j-  li,.v.-  l-f[ 

iiiiciiltival.-.l  iiiii!    im-.ttii    <.n  iuvoiinr  ..1'  (!»■  «jir.  i.ii.l  ..I"  ll.i'  iviit  tin-  Jti 

r<-s|.i'.'t  111'  Mi.-I.  <.f  rli.u-  biu.l-  ii,-  ll.i  V  .-l.:ill  1.1,1  hr  to  m»v  f...-  r„ur  v.iim 

fromium-, -nu.  lli,vs;Hi>lvtl.rLii,-..r   ilir   [-.  ul    U.v  lm>i!s  wlii-iviif  llu- 

cuitiviUii.M  Ijiis  1I..1  i..-ii  ..!■  ,-liulI  t.i>l  !..■  inl.T!-iv.l  wiili.  Hj  ,„.i.  „[  C. 

MhiiiIiUi'  in  |iiirsii;iin'i'  In  lln.-  trfiisiiriT  :iii<1  Imums  of  llii'  K\<'lienuiT. 

Liwiioi!  fi.r  llj.i  iilk-iKilioii  in  laoituiiiiii  1-v  Ji.ln.  .I,,  lii  H.niriK',  <'lii>t>[»iii, 

.     of  t!ir,'o  nR->sii:!;:fs  iitiil    I:;  m'lvs  ul'  hiri.l   in    l.iclirfrM,  i<.  n  rhniAam  lo 

celdji-ati;  aivim?  si-rvicu  Uiiilv  in  liie  diuin.'!  of  Si.  M.irv,  I.icln'fulil. 

Hy  liiit;  of  ;ii,J»,     StalT(ir<I. 

I'nnlon  t.i  .loliii  tU-  rdliiim  nf  his  outlawry  in  tlio  n>\mty  of  Wiirwick  for 

r.    iion-n|)pk;ui'i>ii<:i'  in  tliv  conrt  ol'  Kiii;;'s   Hfndi  to  witisly  the  kinj;  ul'  tlm 

niiisoiii  iliii;  iVoiii  liim  in  ri'siii;ci  of  u  ]il(.'U  ul'  trf.-i[uisri  of  iliv  :il,lH.t  of  (.'ointie, 

whemiu  lu>  WiL"  iMiivirlt.l  in  rim  siiirl  roiirt  mi.l  j-ciitcru-fil  to  jmy  '2m  Tiiarlm 

('jiiiuiKL's  to  the  iilliol;  on  loiiililinn  ilml   In-  suiTi-iiili.-r  in  the  ninr.-hiilsca 

lirisiJii.  I'V  jiet.  ot'l*. 

I.i'i'ncv  for  till'   uliL'iKitloii    ill    niorliii.iiii    by  William    ilc    In  llnll.-,  of 

I.     Itni-oiiorlli.  of  nil  llmt  iiii-^uiis:u  in  Hinj;<i,orili.  Ivin;;  l.ftwi'cn  lliu  town 

coiiduit  iiiirl  :i  li-n.'iiii'iir  s..iM<'lilii.'  of  Klrliuol  llriiii.  ,'11)  .i.-r(s  of  Imitl  mid  (iOx. 

of  riTiit,  in  riin;.'i'n..iili,  tn  tliivc  .Imiiliiiiis,  in  cvli'luiitt;  .livini;  scrvieu  diiily 

ill  llif  clinrfh  of  Si.  Lconnr.l.  Uiu-ciiortli.  for  tlu:  wml  of  the  fjnmtor,  anil 

for  tlu^   ^onls  of  WilliiLiji.  his  fialiiT,  .Miir-!<'rv.  hi:<  niolhcr,  li-aliellH  iinJ 

MuIk.-!  his  wivr..-',  iin.l  hit  i-hiUlrcn.  liy  [,.». 

I,io.!i|.-c    for  th.'   :ili,n:uion    in.    l.v    Miiikrwuni,  of 

1.     Kynxfssiitton.t..tln- jiriiir  nml   rriiirs  oHhc  Holy  hv  the  Tower  of 

l»n<lon,  ill  |>:ti-l  smi^fai-tlon  of  ike  lIKVv.  of  liimi  nn<l  n'nt  wliii'h  they  liuvo 

th(!  km-''*  !ii'eiin>  to  ncriuiic,  of  a  nii'>snii;;u  iiikI  1;J  ii.-ri-s  of  land  in  Tolyn;^ 

(iraviiuye,  fi>.  Snrri'v,  of  the  clejir  ytiirly  v:iiiie  of -!0(/.,  as  tipi>car^  hy  tlio 


I'lvseiiUliuji  of  .lohu  di>  Kvn^'hii.  )inrson  of  tho  ehurdi  of<-nhnii],  ir 
«r.  thi-  dioeiM;  of  l,ijin,lii,  (o  Ihr  ■■hureli  of  Orott'.'ll,  iti  tllii  .liwese  of  Klv.  in 
the  kin^'-s  ;;ifl  hv  reiis.m  of  hi!-  of  ihr  hniilsiiml  heir  of  Hufrh  I'riily, 
tenunt  in  cliief  oY  tie-  hile  kin;:,  on  im  e\<liiin-;e  of  iH-n.'lic-es  with 
()c  l-Viikiil,  iwrsoii  (if  Orewill.  .Hid  j.rvUiidiiry  of  the  |)lviR>nd  in  the  chureh 
of  St,  W<jirniin,  A'''>i:ville,  which  I'elir  ile  Vernott,  d.tiiisei!,  held.     ]!y  i».!(. 

Mhmiiiusk  7. 

I.  Protection  wilhont  elaiise.  until  Mii-hiiclniii.'-',  for  l.i-on^ri)  de  Tibertis,  prior 

of  tlioiro,-:i.itiil  of  St,  .John  of  Jerii«il.-ni  in  l-jifcl-inil.  K"'!';;  l"  Scotland. 
).  I^iii'oii(;.Mk<l!iylhini,goin};heyoniIili,.s.':is,hii--leIl.-i>ti..iiiiu;itinK\Villiuni 

n.     de  la  Hue  iiiiil  John  d--  l:i  Hiuk  his  atturni-y,-  in  I'^n^Und  for  two  yeni-M. 
).  Pardon,   at,  the  Tei]ii.rt    of  Muster   ■riiomas  di!   .\si.hy<-.   lo   HoLii-t  de 

.11.  Sevenlniniptoii  the  yuniiKiT.  eiii/en  of  Won-e.,ier.  lor  Ih.-  rnpe  of  Aliw,  wife 
of  Walter  de  Lonf;eneyi-,  (relhinr  and  eltiKen  of  Worcester,  iiud  lakin;;  iiway 
of  goods  of  lhi>  >aid  W;ill-r.  Hy  K. 

:.  Api>nintni.-iil  of  John.  Idhlioji  of  WineheKtrr.  ilie  chancelli.r.  Ileiirv  de 

cr,  Brllo  ,\l„nl.'.  til.-  kinuV  kinM.oin.  Willi^im  di^  Mont.-  Aeni-.,  un.l  Anlhony  de 
Pessai-ne.  Ii,>ii;;lil  ^  r.nd  MiisKT  .lolin  d.-  Sh-nlieh.  picl, ■.-.,■•  of  (;ivil  I.^w,  :,» 
proi.-|o[-s  ;iii.l  si..ii,d  ni.-.seiii;.T>  ..f  ll..;  kin;:  ro  iivnt  wiili  I'hilip,  kin-  of 
Friiiicc,  or  his  d''piiiirs.  louehin^  a  journey  t"  ih,:  Holy  I.iuid  iiiifl  othrr 
uiaili-rs  rehiliii^  lo  thi.i  land. 

The  like,  lo  aiT!iii;;e  lor  a  imeling  lietn-<:<-ii  the  two  kings  in  Kraiiec  lu 
make  iilliaucc. 


1331.  Jfcifihranc  7 — cont. 

Tlie  liko,  to  treat  for  a  iiiarn.i*;!'  bi-twccn  Edwarrl,  carl  of  rhester,  tho 
kin;r*s  first  born  sou  and  Joan  daughter  of  the  king  of  France. 

^Ivmorandum, — All  thi'sc  letters  were  duj)lioated  word  for  word  without 
the  name  of  William  de  jMonte  Aento. 

All  these  were  vacated  hy  surrender, 

Oct.  10.  General  y)ardon,  at  the  request  of  jMaster  Richard  de  Bmy,  king's  clerk, 

Webtiniustcr.  to  Adjim  le  Jiarber  for  all  tresjiassi's  against  the  peace  in  tho  late  or  present 

reign.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  28.  Pardon  to  William  Cressy  of  Rysogate,  lately  outlawed  in  the  county  of 

Alton.  Linr'oln  for  non-appearance  before  William  de  Ros  and  his  fellows,  justices 
of  oyer  and  terminer,  to  answer  touching  an  indirtment  that  John  Sheyl  and 
Robert  RvtrewYn,  his  servants,  bv  his  order  had  stolen  an  ox  and  a  heifer, 
worth  15.V.,  of  Hugh  Frankys  of  Claipole  at  ClaijKile,  for  the  said  order  and 
of  his  outlawry.  By  K.  &  C. 

Vacated  because  otherwise  helow. 

Nor.  22.         Mandate  to  the  chancellor  or  the  kee])er  of  the  great  =^eal  to  collate  William 

Wiiidicster.    de  Bonlen.  king's  clerk,  to  the  first  void  prebend  in  thi'   king's  gift  in  tho 

church  of  St.  Wulfram,  Abbeville.  By  p.s. 

Nov.  4.  C4rant  to  Thomas  dc  Rokeby,  in  fee,  in  consideration  of  a  release  by  him 

Keiuling.  for  himself  and  liis  heirs  of  KX)/.  of  land  to  which  he  was  entitled  by  virtue 
of  the  king's  proclamation  for  having  brought  him  within  sight  of  the  Scots 
during  tho  late  war,  and  of  lOOl,  yearly  at  the  Exchequer  granted  to  him  by 
letters  patent  until  he  should  receive  the  said  land,  of  253/.  6s,  Sd,  at  the 
Exchfcijuer  in  one  sum  and  the  manor  of  Paulynescreye,  co.  Kent,  of  the 
yearly  value  of  7/.  3.t.  8^7.,  lands  in  Greidiamerton,  co.  York,whi(*hjpgcheRted 
to  the  late  kin*;  by  tho  forfeiture  of  Master  Michael  de  JIarcIa,  of  the  yearly 
value  of  (kv.  Sd.,  lands  in  Kahergh,  co.  Westmoreland,  whi(rh  escheated  to  the 
said  kiiiir  by  the  forfeiture  of  Andrew  dc  Harela,  of  the  vearlv  value  of  4s. 
and  of  the  reversion  of  all  the  lands  of  the  said  Andrew  in  the  towns  of 
Nateby,  (juerlon,  Wynton,  Kt)keby,  Craken  thorp  and  the  handet  ofSlegil,  co. 
Westmorelaml,  Avitli  his  fco  farm  and  lands  in  tho  hamlets  of  C'arleton 
and  Thornhevedo,  co.  Cumberland,  of  tho  yearly  value  of  G/.  lis.  lOJ^/.,  now 
in  the  tenure  of  William  Bacoun,  king's  yeoman,  by  grant  for  life  of  the  king. 

l^y  K.  &  C. 

Memorandum, — The  release  made  by  the  said  Thomas  as  above  appears 
in  an  enrolment  on  the  dor.-e  of  the  Close  Roll  of  the  present  year. 

Dec.  4.  Presentation  of  Edmund  de  Cheveley<;  to  the  church  of  Wynestone,  in  the 

Ciiristchuroh.  dioccse  of  Worcester.  By  p.s. 

l)«*c.  5.  Pardon  to  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Crokesden  for  acquiring  after  the 

Clarendon,  publication  of  the  statute  of  mortmain  from  the  abbot  and  convent  of  Hulton 
90  acres  of  land  in  Bradenhop,  which  are  hehl  of  the  latter  abbey  as  appears 
by  an  intpiisition  since  niade  by  the  king's  command,  and  entering  thereon 
without  licence;  of  the  king's  progenitors  or  of  the  king  ;  and  licence  for  them 
to  retain  the  same,  Jiy  fine  of  40*.     Stafford. 

Dec.  8.  Grant  for  life  to  John  de  Carleton,  king's  clerk,  for  manifold  services  to 

Wareham.  the  late  king  and  the  king  and  his  great  charges  therein,  of  l\d,  daily  as 
wages  by  the  hands  of  the  keeper  of  the  wardrobe,  whether  at  court  or  away 
from  it,  with  robes  of  the  suit  of  the  clerks  of  the  household  or  the  value 
thereof,  and  that  he  may  withdraw  from  the  household,  return  thither  again 
and  stay  thereat  board,  as  he  pleases.  By  p.s. 

Dec.  6.  Master  Richard  de  p]ryum  going  beyond  the  seas  has  letters  nominating 

Cluremlon.  Rirhard  de  Bretteby  and  John  de  Eryum  his  attorneys  in  i^ngland  for  one 

5  EinVAUn  lir.— Part  III. 



Dec.  12. 



Dec.  14. 


Dec.  11. 


Dec.  22. 


e    Oct.- 18. 

Mcmbranp  7 — cont. 

Acknowledgement  of  the  kin«^\s  indel)le«lne.s.s  tOfJohn  ile  Piiltenoyo,  citizen 
of  London,  in  471/.  jmid  for  liini  to  Arnold  dc  Duro  Forti,  on  account  of 
1,300/.  sterling  due  irom  the  time  when  the  said  Arnold  wsis  in  the  «ervie«' 
of  the  late  king  and  the  king  in  the  duchy  [of  Aciuilaine],  with  nien-at-urnis ; 
with  promise  to  pay  the  ssnne  by  Whitsunday.  \\y  p.s. 

Licen(?e  for  Eiehard  Larhlastier  of  Buketon  to  enfeoff  Ralph  Larhlaster 
of  a  messuage,  a  mill,  a  carucatc  of  land,  6  acn-s  of  meadow  and  2*.  of 
rent,  in  Buketon,  the  custody  of  Kxeter  gaol  and  the  advow8on  of  the 
church  of  Buketon,  held  in  ehief,  and  of  the  reversion  of  a  third  part  of 
Buketon  manor,  also  ludd  in  ehief,  expectant  on  the  demise  of  Joan  late  the 
wife  of  Geoffrey  K'  Arhlr-ster,  who  holds  the  same  in  dower,  and  for  him  to 
regrant  thewholi*  to  the  said  Biehanl,  for  life,  with  sueet»vsive  remaindiTs  to 
Joel  son  of  "William  de  Buketon  and  Xicrholan  his  wife,  in  fee  tail,  to  Boberta 
daughter  of  the  said  Uiehard,  in  fee  tail,  and  to  the  right  heirs  <»f  Bichard. 

By  tine  of  ()().v.     Devon. 

Licence;  for  Bartholotnew  do  Burgher ssh  and  Klizabeth  his  wife  to  enfeoff 
Henry,  bishop  of  Lincoln,  of  the  castle  of  Kvyas,  co.  Hereford,  the 
advowson  of  a  moiety  of  the  priory  of  Lanthony  Prima  in  Wales  and  the 
manor  of  Stoke  upon  Tycrne,  co.  Salo]),  with  the  advowson  of  the  church  of 
the  manor,  and  for  him  to  re-gnuit  the  same  to  them,  in  fee  tail,  with  remainder 
to  the  right  heirs  of  Elizabeth.  By  p.s. 

Writ  of  aid  and  safe  conduct  for  Thomas  de  Walepol,  goldsmith,  sent  by 
the  king  to  London  to  11  nd  certain  things  of  his  and  bring  them  to  him. 

Protection  with  clause  nolumusy  for  one  year,  for  Philip,  prior  of  Goldeclif. 
The  like,  for  two  years,  for  the  prior  of  Bomburgh. 

Dee.  1. 


DtH;.  C. 


Dec.  G. 


Xov.  20. 

MRMBR.iyK  0. 

Protection  with  clause  rohunHs,  for  one  year,  for  Richard  dc  Par  going 
to  the  duchy  of  Aquitaine  on  the  king's  service.  J^y  K. 

The  said  Hichanl  has  letters  nominating  Hugh  de  Athyrton  the  younger 
find  Rolx»rt  de  Par  his  attorneys  in  Kncrlautl  for  o\w  year. 

Protection,  <luring  pleasure,  in  Kngland,  In^land  and  the  duehy  of 
Acpiitaine,  for  Manettus  de  Broeas,  engaged  bv  the  king  as  his  merchant. 

B3^  K. 

Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  by  Peter  de  Shustoke  to  the  prior 
and  convent  of  Boutou,  in  part  satisfaction  of  the  l(K).v.  of  land  and  rent 
which  they  had  the  late  kingV  licence  to  ai-quire,  of  12  acres  of  land,  2 
acres  of  meadow  and  2  acres  of  wood,  in  Dulverni',  to  hohl  as  of  the  yi'arly 
value  of  6s. 

As.signment  to  cpieen  Isabella,  to  hohl  for  liiV  from  ^Michaelmas  last  in 
satisfacti<»n  of  the  balanci*  of  1,(HK)/.  still  due  (»f  the  :{,(KKJ/.  of  land  and  rent 
which  with  the  assent  of  the  last  Parliament  tln'  king  undertook  to  grant 
to  her  in  lieu  of  the  .'i.tHK)/.  yearly  at  the  Kxcheijuer  grant«'d  to  her  with  the 
like  assent  alter  her  voluntary  surrender  of  her  d(»wer  lands,  of  tlu*  manor 
of  Rosfeir  Dolpcnmayn  and  Pennehan  and  the  fonimoto  of  Money  in  North 
Wales,  the  cjistle  and  borough  of  Ilaverfoni,  with  islands,  mills,  rents  of  St. 
Isnnud  and  Pcurhos,  day-works,  meadows,  i)astin'(»s  and  other  appurtenances, 
in  South  'Wales;  ;U)/.  Gs.  lUi,  of  the  yearly  farm  of  Worcester  and 
two  other  small  farms  there,;  20/.  of  the  yearly  fju'm  paid  by  the  abbtJt 
and  convent  of  Malniesbury  for  the  town  of  Malmobury,  co.  Wilts ;  the 
hundred  of  (icrtre  and  12/.  lH.v.  'y^tL  (»f  the  yearly  farm  jwiid  by  the  heirs  of 
Roger  Belcr  for  the  hundiv<l  of  Framelond,  eo.  Leicester ;  07/.,  0.*.  It)^/.  of 
tru     S5C58.  i> 


1331.  Membrane  0 — cont, 

the  yearly  farm  of  Cambricige  "with  the  increase  and  of  five  other  small  fumis 
there  ;  3.">/.  of  the  yearly  farm  c»f  Colchepter,  eo.  Essex  ;  50/.  of  the  yearly 
farm  paid  h\  ITenry  de  C*ol>huni  for  the  castle  and  city  of  Rochester,  eo. 
Kent ;  1(K)/.  of  the  yearly  farm  of  Ncwcasth^-upon-Tyne,  co.  Northumber- 
land ;  32/.  of  the  yearly  farm  of  the  Iwroug^h  of  IJeilford,  beyond 
the  10/.  thereof  assigned  to  laily  Lcstraunge;  the  farm  of  200/.  paid 
yearly  by  Ralph  de  Nevill  for  the  manors  of  Penreth  and  Soiireby,  eo. 
Cnmbcrland,  whi».*h  he  holds  by  grant  of  the  king  for  ten  years  and  the  said 
manors,  when  the  term  is  expired,  as  of  the  value  of  200/. ;  80/.  of  the  yearly 
farm  of  Carlisle  and  of  the  mills  with  a  fishery  in  the  river  Eden,  co. 
(^miberland,  and  GO/,  of  the  yearly  farm  of  Ipswich  and  a  rent  there,  co. 
Suffolk.  Bv  K. 

Mandate  to  GiU)ert  Tall»ot,  justice  of  South  Wales,  for  lively  of  the  said 
castle  and  borough  of  Haverford,  with  the  appurtenances. 

The  like  to  Guy  Brian,  who  has  custody  of  tluj  siud  castle  and  liorough. 
Writ  dc  httendi'/ido  in  pursuance  directed  to  the  liailifTs  and  good  men  of 

Thij  like  to  the  following: — 

The  mayor,  iKiilitt's  and  good  men  of  Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 

The  mayor,  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Cambridge. 

The  mayor,  liailiil's  and  good  men  of  Carlisle. 

The  bai lift's  and  good  men  of  Worcester. 

The  bailiffs  and  good  men  of  Bedford. 

'J'he  IwiilifFs  and  gooil  men  of  Colchester. 

Ralph  de  Nevill. 

Henrv  de  Cobham. 

Alice  late  the  wife  of  Rog<T  Beler. 

The  abbot  and  convent  of  Malmesbury. 

Nov.  20.  Licence  for  the  alienation  in  mortmain  l»y  William   de  Appeltre  of  a 

Guildfonl.  mes.-^uage,  two  virgates  and  22  acres  of  lantl,  2  roods  of  meadow,  pasture  for 
two  animals,  2{)s.  of  rent  and  a  moiety  of  a  virgatc  and  acre  of  land,  in 
Evenle,  to  a  chaplain  to  celebrate  divine  service^  daily  in  the  church  of  St. 
George,  Kvenlo,  for  the  souls  of  Master  Nicholas  de  Appeltre,  Ste